HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-9, Page 8R NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. TR �OWAL s QODERICE1, ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN. 9, 1896. eat as meal es Monday. The drift en Ye* dlesala's Hill was dog oat by G. H. Ilsekst and Richard Ohs A ys.rietts el Nstaitew W gusto a little dlfttoalty es Tussis .vs From oil r ownCorr•.pond.nta. nisi ottwshine through the drat. f smokers walked four miles throne\ obs rough weather tether than go wakes& tb, t Yet sanies N oeaeferte of tobacco. VI' tu,BDAV. Jan. Il Os Tuesday goosing last, • yawnsS dry goods aleck sad two young ladies of thso color tows, paid a visit. to !needs in et bora, All west well until the refers jot arty, when. by was m:ataki they toed themselves to the mow : the bores wet A)st from the cutter and tett IAMB. 1t was sought however and they weaeolled Yeats COUNTEAFEI rli. lbw* es leteraasl le. sere Poona any where LI.. \ew.el IN teensy i►persaity tepersed Ar flee .tenet. WESTFIELD. Itra•Pit. Deo L1 L t Nethery is on the uce last et wan met. Ar' Tusee_t took to the ball is Chorea last week. Tt:us Swells, of the N.le, is v.stt g A. C. Hoover. R 1. Lamont .pests any at J. H. Mc Clinton • .. i . yr► Bea gains with much .pest Saaday at Ate f..vorite roost m West tkl !. R .1.I, I! il.n hes taken ,..:outrwt of eat - ting wuod frown d:. A. Hen.ltrw.. M. alorn.h, of B..ou.Mir, hes been sterst.ed to for wows tut... et J. 11..4. I,i oil a Ulm Faber, o! h.rmi ler, wan '1e sumo el ear euterpreasg ret., J. Betty, as San - Mow Curry, of the N Ie. .o' Vit MIL Met.. et Co1Lw ne,are y tel tog at J. 11•.....4 et prewt. Mon Mary McClinton awl %Ii.. H S a•tk- howe ars busy .t pi -sow io+kirt two It wet - MN Emilie. Tlwescial hell in t1.. ertck $n,'r '•D New \ ear. soh, was a AectJed succus. Proceeds were 1113 Mom tarter left ..o Tuesday for M.:l ,m when he will follow his trs.(t as • barer. Sato will 1,e mimed l.y a hot of ft.eoa, aspectsl'y the torr Dos. (one ..t We•ttl 1t • lea•itog ynssg mot with a r.% ern. oral- iu'nnrn Sunday OTOS - kg, which Neer a pang to his heart, canine, bun ti m.., • a hoe- retries', and when loft soon he wan u.h.riu); ore,h wt *he rate nf-- well', ue.r.Iu1..lonuc, 11 • all right. • L` U NGANNON. born 11.- The aocai wenis I)uaeal.t.ea feel w rico `.. at the mace of J. 0. Ward- J.P.-uu:eyantxr. lo. who will receive or 4.-. for •'tatcctIntene, ed..r•••iue anti lob wut• ate.: u a,.rtorrd to give receipts :or •mounts paid for theism* Tri -1 A1. .ban. 7. i be ttllowias letter of or -indolence was sent to :he relatives of the late Mrs Maize, by the Branch of the Women a Missionary Society, 1n conxectioo with the Methodist Church 1)... s •.., Dec. 1 ', Us'•i. 1ii*it FR11,1., VY it, the members of the \\ uman s Miesro.ary `society, extend to yoe our deepest sympathy in your sad be movement. N' • are co.acioa that one it the dearest ties has bei severed. A loytnr mother has been called away to her sternal rest, and from our circle hos been taken a dear muter and • sympathetic friend. We shall miss her sadly from our meeting's, but believe although absent in body she is still with us in 'pint. Please •.wept this letter of condolence as a stall token of site love and sympathy. Signed on behalf of the Ituogannon Mt.. swear!. society. Mas. T. 1:. A. Piano. Mos. 1). r.. Ri. Kt, Mae. S. J. CRAwr..Ro. BLUEVALE. Wr.n.t.I•Ay, .I.n. R Ates Mary Scott has returned from her visit to I'etroli•.. Ed. Bailey left for kis school near New Hamburg Inst week. Mrs. Bailey is vert 111 at present of in- humation of the liver. The roods were completely blocked last week on account of the recent storm*. F. R 1)ulT left for hue echool In Wawa - nosh last week where he has been engaged for 1C`.•. The Messrs. Henderson, Miss Henderson and Miss Kew, of Whitechurch, were visit - mg at Thos. Coulter last weak. Yd. t'oultes late teacher of Whitechurch, was presented on lea -Ing there to attend the Normal at Toronto, with a beautiful oslleloid collar and Doff box. AUBURN. Mo..*t, Jan. Min Rode Yungblut tee vtauog friends in (:odericb. Miss Hattie Ferguson returned on Mon- day enday to Goderica to resume her studies at the 1 ollet►ate. Miss A Ferguson left on Monday to re. sumo her duties as teacher us a school near ITasmiller. Rob Brown, Fletcher Hough sod Miss R Wilson lave this week to attend the ('Its - ton ('olleg.ete Institute. LEEBUPN. , .ban. t.. Among visitors here for the New \ ear were Miss Frances Fotheraogham, of Auburn, •ino. McKo of (:oderich, sod Hilary Horton, of 1). K. Strachan a staff of the circular tows. SrSTT 7115 Neu \ LAR AT S50A71-0R1.. Among our residents who were at the classic city were Mr. and Mrs. .las. Chisholm ono w oo Hugh, visiting relatives. Also H. A. Horton, Mr. and airs. A. H. Clutton and children. The last day of 1896 was stormy and the int day of 1896 was mild, but not eO the n ooeedine days, being roueh and nearly stopping all ootnmanicot.oe with the out side world. Church geere showed a slim at tesdono., Rev. Mr Ham.lton ooming from (.nderch with a few di6oultiss with snow drifts Voting on Mo.dhy counted only ') voters turning out for the word, this beteg the lowest number on reoord here The weather is.talt cold and drifting on Monday night of this week. DUNLOP. Mo.n.y, Jan. 7. Leapt ear's rights of 1886 were not for gotten by two of our maidens, who turned out with • team the other evening, called on their beats and took theme for a drily. The lads say the cheats of duties wee real .ice to ealoy and they were at comfortable. For the p.at fiftee. years Atones Mullis has drives the stags route between i:ode rich and Lockoow. He has given it op aN the familiar ubadow and form, en often sem will be muds mie.asd. W. hon. to nes hit 000d.otor es one of the trams when the silos* reale n established. The wheel has napensd for 11616, the teacher mending Mn holidays with bet paresis sear `t•ntora'. A terga °Inch, Dear. 1 es big ea the town oleok f• the °molar Town, ehimee oat the boar to Vic mobasey tea& the hell toile the time to start to tis tlreises fres home. and get the dieser b. flirt, to the .ewer -beigm trek to .11 es 4 pr., that the embed ■ over for the dad, The .tease loss very 'beep, Mrd trails dearly gtiWtd. Thee won se sad Irma redBfak. baa en Senorasy A. Allaa diesel te Maw sed br.ught ie Does The Bir woe A few years you a great disoovery we made. l'oprtuapaled persons are trying to pew upon and dupe people who are led M ail for kidnet treatment. Some of the methods adopted by imitator. are as follows Font -To Imitate the site, oulor est .u. of Dodd's Kidney 111la and sell then by oesss Seeesd To put .hem op to oppose lord sserly the same end to oe offered aa tl same price Tntrd To hook on the word •kidasyr b Doming cathartic pills so as to taor.aos tit. salmi of men physic. Fourth To rive • name ai near to 1)add• that unwary p.op►e may ba de.etved''eat think they are getting I lodd s. Look out for ouch dodges. What yo want kidney medicine you want the beet and ought not to be the subject of 00 trick So beware ' l olboros As interesting and Aapp. event took place at the resideooe of Valla taw Fisher on Christmas day. when ►t daughter, Mir Matilda, was married I. W Grigg. About fifty guests were present the bride being assisted by her sister, Yu Nina, while Reuben t.rtgg acted as grease. etas. THE STAFF OF LIFE, Adulteration and substitution in food gr. ducts heir of late years become so grayp al evil. that tovernmeatseverywhere here ler obliged to cell in the serviced) of anyal 1 checa their spread and save toe lives of oft people. (tee of the must important articles .4 !lss un•.uestieaably is Btt6AL. For pure wholesome Bread, it most be Med from Mari and Hop Yeast . to- this real. is easily soluble .n the inlet.* of the etaB.el or. in other worts. fight of digestion. Hop and Malt Yeast ie pronounced `1J► hest analysts in ISetgland to he the pure as unan'elisroted yeast, and 1s used by the her hake, in the roundly. IN MY BAKERY ou ran get for one cent at snob Broad m.d• from Hop Yeast as you can for three wen from the preyed rests which are forces. theme ,e on Inc public. but which de and cannot wive the semisweet flavored leen M\ BF -WADI.; MADE FROM THE PUR MALT ANU HOP YEAtT AND NO. MANIHIRA PATENT FLVUR. Try it and prove for you•rlf. ft i. the N wholw.onte and awe newt bread that ran t Produced of anr.7e.11 on the market. k long erperrare in the Hakery bueinees Ir proved these to he facts. D. CANTELOB In.terestine, b isnot Spa1 Bargains Before Stock Taking. American Cotton Blankets 75c. A PAIR. 611. Unson Blankets, PURE WHITE, WITH BLUE BORDERS, $1.75 A PAIR Extra Large White Blankets AT $4.00 A PAIR. 3 Do-. Men's Undershirts REGULAR PRICE 50c., TO CLEAR AT 371c 5 Do-. Ladies' Hygeian Vests, VI'I'H LONG SLEEVES AND HIGH NECK, WORTH 75c FOR 5% J. T. ACHESON. SIT CPI W A TCT=1'E S Our stock is now complete in all departments especially in Watches. C .A. HUMBER & SON have eftla 11 past records far behind, and this year show one of the greatest selections of SUITABLE GIFTS shown in town FOR THE X -MAS TRADE Dot.t miss it C. A. HUMBER & SON. SQUARE, C30D _ RICH_ 1896 it _' Wishing our Customers and the General Public A HAPPY NEW YEAR. We begin the year with a full supply of Sci oeZ1 3Z3001 -CS EC-ee�ooz SVPPI. T S The biggest value to be had for cash. SEE OUR 200 AND 300 PAGE Walk* on the eubre 1 of scatter. whin serest. we are aced .o Nay Mat our Heli Trade was woad. We b.ye been mon t gratified with our sale of Vol.') (touda, trough Ono is usual.) the quit nine of year. we aro Bail) tilling orders for Plain and Fancy NEEDLEWORK We won .1 a4% l.. oar . n.tor..er. to ' all Orr Ih • nun) useful art it.,r. we, are mak touch es Ladies' and Children's .... APRONS ... . at prices to sur. the t,nu•.. THE FAII REMEMBER - Fleischman's Cooking School (11)1 -:N - JANUARY IFA -:\ JANUARY 6, 1891 All are invited. Wishing you all a Happy New Yea CHAS. A. NAIRN FAMILY GROOM SC 3:3=S FOR 5 CENTS. Exercise Books, N ote Books FOR 5c. AND 10c. Leather School Bags Direct from makers. Extra, Rubber End Lead Pencils 3 FOR 5 CENTS. INKS Best 5c. bottle sold. New Tinted Note Papers, Stationery, Blank Books, Extra value to hand. See them. Albums, Silverwai e, Dressing Ca&es at cost. Window Shades, cloth 50c. TO $1.50. A- L_ WEIR_ Next deer ts JA& ROBINSON'S Dry Goode Store. Special at Munro's. Nosey Comb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawls, Double sad Single Long Shawl. in Black and Colon. HOSIMRY Fine Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from infants to Ladies size. Boys and Girls Heavy makes. warm and Ladies' and Chi dren'e Underwear in all the leading makes. Ns and Boys' Shirts acrd Drawers from 20 to 44 inches. Jest to band, full lines of Men's Merino .ad Heavy Socks. New alai. in Olwap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pins Mit Handkerchiefs from lie. to $1.15. Draper and Haberdasher. STILL BARGAINS. A FEW LADIES CLOTH COATS LE88 THAN WHOLE- SALE PRICES. 1 Ladies' Greenland 8.al Cape, 1117.50 for $20.00 1 Ladies' Baltic Seal Uape, .... 15.00 for 11 00 4 Men's Wombat Fur Coats... 11.00 for 11.00 2 Yen's Wombat Fur Coats... 13.00 for 10.00 4 Sete Storm Collars and Mulls at oast price. 1 Man's Fur Cap $12.00 for 19 00 1 Ladies' Fur Cap 2.75 for :.00 The above goods are gnat bargains, and crust be cleared out this mouth. Our Carpet week is, as usual, tke largest in the County, ronsistiag of BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, 3 PLY ALL WOOL, 2 PLY ALL WOOL, UNIONS, HEMPS, and the new make of AXMINSTERB. It is scarcely necessary to say that our prices are rock bottom on these goods Our Lace Curtain stock is large for this Season of the year Between 200 and 300 sets to chose frotu, and:I:10 sets of new stock expected daily. CHENILLE CURTAINS. MATS, RUGS,'ART SQUARES RUG FRINGE and TABLE COVERS in great variety. COLBORNE BROS. Thu Great Carpet anti lace Hurtain V,'ar•liouse ..f the County. Holiday Fruits . A fire assortment of new Fr'lits for the holiday season has just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of best brand. Family Groceries a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, si c.- sea T. R. mart a Ms. ('tea;. w [•IT -ST AND WA= The Fleischmann Yeast Co.„ of New York who will oosduct • Free Cooking School , during the first week in January. is the A. U. U. W. Hall, over 1111 Sit:tcAL office, have secured one sit V.'orsell & Co's famous opal range.. aril the public are tuyited to cell and see st working on the above oo- meiee. �.a. ORSEI1L CO. wish their many customers A Merry . V -seas and A Haijy New Year. Cutting Prices If You Want The very Cheapest, Purest, Freshest and Best CHRISTMAS Groceries Confectionery Cakes, etc., Cali on D. STODDART Hamilton -St. Baker and Grocer, next to Wnl. Acheson Harness Depot. P. S. -Home -matte Cakes iced at low rates. Groceries The undersigned beg to an- nounce to the public that they hay. opened out a general ,tore of Groceries, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed on Hamilton Street. next door to S. Sloane',: Warehouse, where they will endeavor to sell at the very lowest price possible. Terms Cash. C. Beck & Oo. -not cutting our nose off to spite our face-nnw adays is what we are doing, to u.. we room for the large stock of hying Goods that will soon be to hard Although the prices in Snits and Overcoats will be shattered, the same high levels of Quality and Workmanship will! be maintained. A. usual at this season of the year, WA are offering our entire' stock of Trousers to order for. $3.50 and $4.00. PRIDHAM THE TAILOR. 'C.R.SHANE&CO Wageless : There diad es bis see's resi- dua*. M (w.wew Wile/haw au Ifeasiiey ayoeise. en old rettiient of ah. township of Terebeery, b the pence of Wen Mira I IC, batter knewn in the eomm..ity r e "Tory Bill ' Re wee is his meal health s.Mb Aa.Aoy. vibes he was noised with ilii sinews ia the head. and other amide. ebb & tttldis.ted the kteskieg h.4 lit. Dessawsd Is hie 77th and bed imperilment sa JULIAN'S BLOCK. Full Line Seasonable Goods. of Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. w b.ra.ktppee or p*ee... lite. .« ..I, is I 0. L 111141Z3 lk 00. area bus she is idle skier o.esesa 1 A/enb Ar am s'arassae Mess