HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-9, Page 2TRE 'Rif3W
THE (Alton 1 -
Family Medicine of the Age.
Talon Internally, It Cores
Diarrham. Cramp, and Pain in the
Stomach. Bore Throat, Budden Cold;
Coughs, etc., etc.
Uaed Externally, It Curse
Cuts, ervi.es, Burn., &aid., 8prwn•ng�..
Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralylit,
Rhwwtati.rn, frosted Fast
Na.rtle% •r.r attYa.d 1/10•01 mk.Ya.d p•541•t.
ley -..+rw uta-.,..
Wotan a.ar latah. • ay a the •er y .f W Pai.-
[Dlw. W. ►a,. a.. los at.
41.1* 441, L 1,6sed tmo. It e• i 41, • . good ---t.Y•rw
tea a
41017.4wwwmand the rslaer
[tlp, whirl. la
adidispfliff•+a•;r ai.lh-u.... r w-Tr....r.
11.10101; •• • ammo .f ww.wl•( •al.. r
■. a.l a reason.* gall *0 Perry Ioft
• .r�jm�rrt n,..•.
•.; .at, (a• 5(.d5. " r•a ..
Davi' ar.e..7vv. tars. tooth. mgema.e.
a Lard onto a h*-e.e .
A 7:1 to...r'rteep..n•leut woo i•the foauw-
tag &bow• + metier .n. h h.e •ireeay bees
referred to to The Mea...:
Tso tollowtov lsc1Aest will so doubt
prove of tart rtd. 1'.. Fors v4 St, •ttord's cut
[ruse --per• Ice! •" y Ileums Nichol, B• unaon.
Willson.• re 1 Peetevo -who wets Mr. Hut
tes's ootupao..ts on the Pearl, Moth going
sed nturutn(t tr Kurupe last Summer,
n od sumo • f thtuu may p05•1Wy recall the
ctromentanoea wn•otc•ud with the forru
port of the itteideat related here. Last
Angst wh.le t'. n.•4 A I•iuc on We return
Mow • tun owlet he' .•t.yoleng tour in WA-
WA •od R..vur' , N. A Hui too. (•r*ncipsl
N Tither, put lie school and repreen! ativ..
of The Chairmen Rasuer, threw into the
0,111.111111 - A.ek .+..nt.loiug one of he business
cords. K• Ing • u. . 'pint of levity to
4141, his own w••n'v -he. wrote,. note o0 the
back of t 1.• hat k • , he nerd, to the elect
that 'h.' finder. • • re'uroiry lbs ..r,,, to
his t'hatham-•Idr,g., 0001.1 hr. .•utably re
warded '.rhe r,rcum•t•uc•' had •Imo.'
r..•.pe.1 hie memory *hen he recti,•' 1 the
▪ ideauo.l card from Nesteland ;n 191', .n
island off the c. set of (,ern..hy. Aocoe,
pa0veg •hs card wadi • let'er in te..rman
acript,mh•ck on 4..1.5 tread ite.1,wee found
to 0u0'ain • or,mplet• hte'ory of the omrd
S iwe bong f••en.• It .,en.. that on Oot
31, two month.* d••r it 41.4 teres thrown
overheard, m tad names Korl `tis. picked ,t
■ p on the 1 e•..h, the end being atmple.ely
covered with see mas.l,.1 Wenning.tedt, •
summer regent • few ?ellen earth of We.ter-
lsod, and heir, u..• -hie to tr•.•I.te Ro liab,
took It 'o ss F gh•h clan to Weaerland,
the sec,, •.ry .4 • hich club replied to ler.
Hotton • • ••.•1 Hearn the later he re•
centred a R -ratan n. ..paper oslp,aininv • fee
tumilie ..f hie o.r.I.nd note, • wap of the
island, '4,1., •n•) p.mpl•t descriptive of the
summ6• rernrt tt"en0in0ettalt. Further
tor,, Mr Heti n" h.• been raised to the
•taltrd w.il•••n 014 bnnnrary member of the
F.aglish I..o -t 1t'•oIattend.
The HygI.s. of *he Iller 141 d 1l/d4. sd
Penetration of wet. r into the ear during
washing, betl,n.g and douching often cares
trouble Irf.ot's heed..hnull be supported
well .h. ve 'he .,.'er of the hath, and the
author 4dv'•1• to me end fresh water bath
tug mid diems the in'rotuct'ou into the ear
of .'nttti, •l.,p;".4 in nd king -ewe to wind
e nd demi,, ..w •..tato? don nn •?act row,
chlldre•4. ` st a ocher. leaves hebl.g • feel
iso of 1.1.1. • -..n he ear, or pain. Children
with senel'ive ears or with pre existing
trouble ehoul 1 here them protected in hod
weather. 1* is boiler M. keep children
sway (roe. erp:o.n in, the shooting of Are
e ms. n'eet•iti, ,•••vet proximity to the
Amp whirl. c 4 1 -••motiVeal. I•,r 1101 only
!Way UN ohock ru,.tu.a the drum, but the
lehierirt4i.1• Aa P .t•Y he thrown tato ouch
violas. sibr,. soros . t,.t the terrain 1 filo
wte41ta of *lot •uditery nerve may be didi-
plaTAe s•.n'e to t r. * • / h• tint 'Le Pers pall -
the .SI.. ' I. r.•r : *he h•I•cs together, or
making my ' •o,, +'•and, as by • toy whistle
In close pr'••;mny •e the tar Much injury
is dean by .14 9,- •oe remrve wax from 'bo
oar when 1,al. -ars mit is Ohm *h. canal
It eh -n14 he r,me•...•re4 14'4, it ,. the t -n
dopey .,i .uch Ta tee to mock oat . .tb the
movement of • .P j' wa. and 'het efforta to I
restore tl•en. I y h- •nlrodoes.on of various
artieles Of, pool 'holm into the nor sed de
feat the nut r •-t, •.....y actbing of tho risk
of tsjtry wh*. h i• •m n.rei•
„m.,„,1 • 1 tor.,sm herbal from the
e ar shield slyer I.. left to th. phyioi•n,
sod it'.. a e*n r••- p,*i$rr •n .k'11.1 hands if
erode and on....•lirmflinty hey not pre
[ceded hod tts•C. Ntrmp•. to ,• leve
itchier nr fulness in the /ear by ecr.tching
with herd .1*'s ..'r....1leeches Of the In
ger nail. •re nen•" u'v►Ml, depeeosted.
Kr. Whig e1e
'1* tit. , 1•.. • 4 * 1116,'. hard to bear,"
said • 'o... pinee, n v. m. lately '-it's the
,rowing old, It • moire, the misery of Both.
iug op, o- 'hittk'nr .Io.n into elderliness
thaw •• so .*'••g•• I 1 •h• ••I •n't mind b.i.i
60, bn• 1 .ale •e • 49 " •
It is I 'r*, •oe., *4,. wa • orn.n try to de
refire osa►'-•e ! • 0.., g'•, heir is no sidle
M old 4111. ' -r.' n, r "'1'm sure I've had
gray haste riles i .s. 16 -• Another wails
whoa, It. 'pi • of hemmer. 4, hee to 1.1. f..
westing .1.ew•
"Olt, i' to 1.1a 1••••' .h ! I ..*reply reined
my eyeeteht h. '• a •'••t to 11.4 "
sot wore • pt- •'4 nen turns, the eyes
tell end rho , .4t r•I t•wlty and uerel,ahl.,
4i'. cgs
Of oonrse •t ' h• • • 6 •• n• green *hitless
he bout• ere •1 • .,.m•,.... ,.4'..u'h can he
Imps op • It no 1•N••'• 1141• mv.n MP ladies
wk. erre m..•••4 • 16 • A hat three eh.41.
Too woe. the, .•'r. 29 h... to .laad.m
the Ara eel. m 'F► p' • nee'./ m•rruil..hls
sans SSA A•r••h•• • 1 ht,. In.•.. would
he y.utbf.l .• • .• •e 1.41.• k done end
wrap ah. 6.•• ' o• '115' *hey ware 11011011
'. hard 4n hs arae tel
while ore. sat • 1
Most noel..• •,.c* 4 • neweapsr; it ii
evey '• it, 1 ,n.1 *h. great edm-
eater el tett w• r 1 .s •1•e ••4.•rtei urea's
alsa.1a K. • • y •t ., ah ..1 I t. k- ,te. good
rpw+wpw and ,•1 1* n•.t .h... .1. Koss
!k•w p s.n• booty 1 n. 'n ,mail., a newspa-
per. 1 k.•.. • s nom • k •r . 411 *..mm., w
M IIB sot ben. y th.. J.sss. I Males, awe
of the lest •nf•.rtn••'1 roe el ,ho R•.t, M
e bwh o• 'toed Thr• n • . hogs* to reed
two a,w•p•...•.. u. a new• k -.cot a W ',Hurl
and the , thent i r .., shoot 111• r,.ol
veil that he et .unh nen t... • .•,•d •. -Ither
.hew'h.t he 6444 ku . r :b stony toym.. l
that he • ould not t,.a. 4 n4•1 a of • moor
'0,4*. I'r►r •K cttL tr • h. A', ren Imo.. the
i•wattee un ' is asap Th.e to. h uvht •
lietionet v ea 1 • weal l • wits . s/ ` uao to
•041.1, wucru►1( e.•• y ward net o . I. A'
11re, It e'tj very slow work, l.41. as tones h •
ad the awl 1 a hie (ret Hie ' • nwws-
Mp.w. tt.te 1:.m • Lh.rat •deseti'tt New
• hew Namhwr. 4.111•ea Item
1 our Wawa. a. Iwprl«•a me41I.
YA LET, a.
on et the Capital
*Ii •Toho Kock, h,.!,I keeper, pew Hsi.
1•u'Lr, 0•.t.. "1 Levu be ea • IrMt .ul.....,
from rheuntitew. Trier last •tt.ek outs•
a).nu.d I..t October, and kept ins *n the
house 4. to. months. when two t 1*4.,
▪ .ut41 1men.r0 Rheumatic sure cr•myleuly
ural m.. Hod 1 secured the remedy wheo
I Ire•.'niracred rheum...Men .t would have
.+rf d rine n.nnthe of pros and null•riuge
It you suffer fro 'i rtautw.ttent r-
nsur.li,• do out delay. hu' '.v South
1...... . R* .wm•t+e Con now. I. will re
lave .. few house .aid con r.dtea'ly in •
.e. day• `told by J. R.),...
rrppmrrd web Adies4i•w•
'•I none's, my dear,- said Uncle Allen
Spathe, :o one of ►o. •ieoes, "that whoa
yea have • tattoo -he it's the wont you
ever had. The y..•tov ••lea wen was here
i5et night w.. the u.lwat fellsw vr'u ever
•w. According toy ,ser @totem..•
hole a. o II took von forever and • day to
14l0 now to how ,0 make ,, sp.•nga c.ke.
I'hr h. or• . volt my, .. full •d flies You
ba j .- .'.:fared that the foto., is as hot
as •a u. ea, you hate *ha drerdfulee• he.d-
•'he •, rv.' 1..1 la your life. and the I.oy
&of... the red it w•ktn. the Ire•dfulest
.. a f■•y .ver made. post you see. my
road, (hu sort of thin.. ung'* do' !Come
time in your 1 fe Yo•e will really hare an ori
port sew remount* the superlative &.gees o
deect* * it, and you wont 1•e •hle to con
t • y say odea of it. You will have used ap
all the a•Ijr:•tiv.. Th., is all \'-u cam
Qo to th•s,prag the prate •Quip. t'hiwvu
Half Pride.
1. is ver• difficult even for • dealer in
eLP.p clotht,v to get the better of Pat, u
the f. II •..int( story, told be • iondon lour
nsl we!! Illustrates
Pet wee 4 witty 1ri.bm.s who had just
srrtt•r•i rt I,'•n.lnn from the F.m.raid 1.1e
He w.. .Ind. -say wandering about the
town, when he peres.ved • suit of clothes
•.' . shop door inscribed ''This superior
• ., f 'r half pn.'. So I0 Pat walked and
*squired 'he price.
".hunt sixteen shtlli.gs, sir. replied the
. hnpman
''Ft Aorta, that's crape .southsaid
P.t "1'.1 take it.
When the partied was ti'd up he no. it
ser ',r lit, .,.n and 1•yir5 etvht •h•Iirnge
e. the ('ouster, was goisg out at the door,
wher the shopkeeper inl.roepted him, awl
•ieo,.nd.d another .,,ht shilltn5..
"I)I 1. t. you say, you sp.lp.en• that the
price of the runt was sixteen .hillin.•, and
sure h+vend I riven von the half of it '
And by this a0.1 h. that, 1 won't give rip
my is remit '
A dieuMe the ensued, end Pat was takes
ro the p..hc. court, where h. ple.dnl Lir
ew.e an .herr that the magistrate dismissed
the complaint, and ad. teed the tailor erne.
.tete ro ti-ket hie ,nods with "Half price"
-Harper. Roved Table.
T . 51uMern Camel.
('.m le .re net like horses. if • 11•''410
don noir wast to do anything we make hit 1.
If • • •o,• I does not want to do anything Ir.
Way.- • • undone. No amount of coaxing,..
• moon* of cruelty. will make him hods.
Mo 41 the determination of a iu:e com-
bos' '4t LA* 'nirvana. of as elephant. A
ran••1 *e ow. nl tbo.e •1gr•vatir: brutes
which will dnve • 41.•terestrid won to
dutra.tris, Nothing will p.raa'1s ale 1.
hetes to ►ew Re will oppose year will
wt h • coaly -.entrance that is •b.nlutelr
ulpcnog0T .t.1.
Ther Jy war to treat • cam•I :• to bum•
OT *f you n41n•ot bomber him They m- 'I
ohs. lie• down if you load them with the
prov.rhl.l last straw, and gnu sight host
thorn t.• death or offer as all the plosion,.
of Parodi.. before they would get ap They
.re p'q-headed beasts. $nmetimn "'hoes
they have quite a 1.011, Io.d ,h.r tura nasty
e nd throw themselves to the ground But,
although they are obstinate. they are not
este, end an Arab, by pretending to submit
Dia a.rally get the butter of the •'uh-
hnrn hwwts. T1p driven will r.t.ntett+te-
Ir remove three ar fear packages from the
Intl and the .nim•Lwith .n inward cha.'kh
n t e.tiefeet.ine, risen .t once without per
comae 'F.' the paro.Is hey, meanwhile
hes ••turned to their f..rwer place. Ae he
8.t'rre timeolf that he had shirked arm, ref
hie Auto he 'sups" •w•• with • light heart,
gratified beyond measure, like • spoilt child
or having hie own way
T.. ,'.imel i, an ndaoci.hl. brute. He i•
she, h*Mtually dull. ,t.,pt whelp he 4. .nit•
der rho malt air of the desert. When he
r M,•ding the .and., with tete barring outs
ea 1140 .*ek, and the hnnndiee• waste 1..10!1
Aim he feel. hrme•If .t home. The immense
hest m.41 him hat•41.o•er with ploseure.
sed A!1• h•e frame with • sublime intorno-
tine. 1' has 'teen .lend on the hest
eirtho it• that he cat yn nine dove without
tirater And if you had over seen • earw.l
4,!.k wh.e he does Qct • eh5nrr n} go,nch-
IsQ Mn think you world sot k. ourpn•ed •t
111.0. TM♦ kayo bees known no pit 4w11y
» eta gallons awl • half at . t„ne. Loader
titemees ton
tory la
nes 41
,Io. der In .1
the I:over.
of 276 vot...
✓ «411ta .o, el
Ins of Mont
41.o/coati. of
1214, ..A (•
majority w
leas into .1 •
settees tit. 1• •f
their death
adti••.• the l.gral
ibis that he d old
rh.n,,. that gh
01. •hnnkl po•rail
'WA nie.•.aa'+tt
Aar. will ht ori
1 wr.ld he.
*i nr- my let 1
t.. I.o.tsant-o e
in Montreal('
ttuvr. • ••.'1'101
.t.•••00, ehr.
t...on •h. 1
neuro of th••'t
• rre'i
TL• resole/ thf eleetinn in Cardwell an i
eh, -..nr, i a, Morito•hvit., /nr.•i.►.e.
I •h•lnd.n' p414 t the N.41•tnha So4nnl
• ;. Ivo r We seiner 4 ee ngrem'.un• to
. 11 n•h.r ,..a• / th. 1,itt••.1•. P••.•••••w•
and ('athalie•Gb turned in imrl•Iv and
•nnter'e.d 141"orMv'a men. whoa Mee saw
that to A. 04 rrwees ["1114 hat a..nl► as it
dib ;n Nin-th Itt•rio. in rhe •leetinn of the
(:nr.rntnen% •teit•d.'e As r.g.rd■ tho'r
A...4 r.r•lirr .A their .,..r•I ,•n•d.mn.t ion
el ..--...e• th-•reentit, the 1,°horal I/foto.*
.rdD'Alrn.MoCtrthv •re or "POord. la
'hi. r.,p.n• t.irrr•1••rmo aro .i..rw, i4,nti-
eel. the ruedrt al h•.th Ming to rid the
ronn'ry of .w of •he meet •rt►ayaramt •nA
.•'•►netcnm't,odiosoe of sown 'hot •r.r eti.-
,r4r.d 110.1" 1w.tFmo. The a emotion w.a
Irewly '',.:need tenon/ •h. 1.ihe al• of
C•rAwelt .. n M. r.rt.in roen*t of .a di,i.
lain n1 *he 1:n 4'rt.• who worn npa,pinr
tan ':nv.r"wnteand.d•te The conclusion
r••rh••t wee th.- orb** (`a►Aw.11 aces to
o hne, In thownp4d it. wnd..r.e•inn n4 IN.
(1•,e.pm.ne by the .4..'•i•n n4 its ~eq.
416t11, M. Li.vsia .nA M.'('...14•1t* sons*
snide •h.:r use, no the l•roader peine'nlee,
in vni.lpg tole g n.rsl and 111.1,.d Ion.
d.mn.•in• Atha Tor. C meet, bed
lin,. .ztraMImrn awl nnrr•intiow %net all
*hie h... tw..ep.'.i.•.d with Tory Comore -
afoot far the•.•d •it,.wn r..0.
It wag I.r4 fur •....acv o4 tho el•rt oda of
('0.4•..14 rn *np.vt M► Retire the literal
..ndidete. r• eh.n •4.., raw •het to .rand
by h;m o•'a' on, nn••ihl• r.•n'* in env
1 thin, nth,.th.n the •teetien of • Govern -
I meet .nnnot.e, they d.r•A.d to jnip h.•r.
with N"('•whv that the Government cin-
did.'e milk he A•feeted
I.,. not 'h. 4....n *h. I,In.P.l. I..rn.A
form th. ,00.1 6.t 0.1..,nt torn.. in Vorth
Ontario •he►•.'...'4 .t•,,.. ,.. ,.41. *41. •taad
• h.* ,1, 4 ie r.ea w.4+ 44.•1 ' 41. *torsion
hen h.l- '.'.►fj.." h... .h. (:nv.rn1.nt
Liarr.e .0.414••. 141
M• sweie. /t. TN -
.11 The ova •1
1 taep.n•411.
30. -Thie is elec
.at•.•., where, in 1801
.d.,. Fad • mai •rite
trout'.) • ro Drai.ct 11*
Am•pw«atinn ,.v.- rhe
,re, where is 1891 the
41' a 114.1 • •.11v .4
where in 1891 t4.-ir
Y three hundred, the
two 'hnu•.n4s .4 dol.
'Sr" 1.1 win •t •11 fur
M constituency mane
n fare of th. gree' odds
ndr iw*• it.P.m•impowo
1h. l:f t11.ev.r, 11100111i01•
wr lu'iomww, n/ rhe wi't'
.ver 'h. it
11.1 .Fo 1,0‘oral r•n.ti
. Rut. what • rioters'
see ww hay. wi►nesawd
n (1nr'4w.'I ar.d the nt.h.r
ro. Oar 5.4.nda 1.01.0
.0'n the No -'h (Toterm
epli*•ine en the raft. he
• and the Parrot. IF.
mon, ..ndid•te was in
n•n.1i4s•o owl*, in 101 prolvihility- 4..'-c
hem oetnrm..
IP. no 'nrwm In •i9. ,wend .i..*ien iw
M•w•-5411 (`>.•rw. The* 4..h. .out 414..
*h. (;acv-rw.egt 41.. •n•••;,..4 .len. 1878
()1 .11 reeretneseie• Sr •h. flowitotoo. *hw
v arc Lar* of menem,...nrin5 ',. n."...
tenr*real Cott* to *h.. no. w. wnnl I hove
•xp•0*e4 ...have tet..-n.d a .nnnnr'•r of
the (:+..ew..pt. \'*• nMwi•h.'.nding
1 the fent th. the hurtle err. enp•e.d 1•y-
0.1.. of the a•ye,-t wow •h. fleveremwnt
I*1.1.14 pat .win 6.1.1 end nntwi•4..*anding
,ilh. fiv • thief," weeks'!.. (invernm.nt has
! hoer. A•.nAler dh. ,neem'. ••v with the
.....„,,,,,,•;•40.....t''.00•0•141100 and ,wife•,
peel -11 the ls'rea' it woo e'..ihl• to
. g0•.ryo nor r •1.. nthie.• to •4.4« -win, the
else...• •he: -or .«nm..•'5 m•jnrj•v was re-
dn•e.t f.,j.p 214 •n • miwnedde of 336.
1. Ind 4.n a n.•404 *ha• Mr M•Qhee..
*h. T,-h.-.i..wdia..., er-old Laos drawn
41..'►.et•41.y.r the wwrk•ng t'r twee,.•mc
14,41 of •4.•,.irv. *hei tooth.. tart d the
sir., few hew nwnnr.e with the masses.
he whew ye leek •v.,•F. rm.nrn4 MP end
441. is. .r ; sow hn•;n.e. •nA tr•n0f41rettr
ewe r•wnt►N hat h. de..'+h t . a•row,th
*hat wow .nn -lair, *n ...even* The fere
ii th.* the..nN e4 the •I.r•.-n in Mentes.I
('.o.d.. run n'y 1.e reed t. a desire en the
ears of tt.e *1.141.•• mon aid MmmerM.I on
M►P.'. n' •he ad.. to P.M. lie. the present
4.••i.. ,,,A •rw. .lin A.v.lnted that
le th. ,Qn.tiogeoeti•0wn.ies the M.ni'nla
NPhnnl nw.. • oat •n I..,'..tn. 5. important •
fere.. iP *4..1...'4m. •. h.. leen 50*404p-
road Saea•e.fly. per Pont of the electors
•4 Wooer.• Notre. aro R -man f atholic..
vee •h- . r.• the* the flnv.rwmM/ hail
WeaA,.A .hewa.l. do "the a h4*1 rmotr.riw,
R•m•w CO nl,e Vrhnnl. 'a M.ni,nhe do...
met •r.rw,a ,n 4.41r. e.„►..0•d i*esH ..ry
fw.rihly nm *he •Ite•nre of that ,me uta
Th. even .1 the L'h•tal w•.4id.*. i.
Noe'r.41 (-..r- ia el eels, tomosd.re itn-
ine.wrw wwn w. •••••••; Aar the rules•. it
•wrk• T. 1►f.eitr•h. Q.ho.l one hes not
twe...1 •11.,,.,,.'•,,' r.r., ,1hat westerner* -
ede .-t I* .nee. .1, f1nv.rnso..1 l.tv. MM. Mari
ended ie. tie..ton huhu[ at•e.tino from
H•;r .., •;.A,.,i. /•r if
T' ..6644,..f$.i, to 1•e • mown etia..4 ret,
two, to. A. fool..•,v i/ the (:nv.rnmemt's
named ter hw M•' •;...•w VMr. wit to In
wtn•d nn • .- .new. •n.. 4f the
,....4. in •h Ma -;one. 1.414.4 ratio Rat the
tow.. •o e.•h...•., in A-iti,'.nl•h, and new
to moot --• ('.••«• •... *hot e• 4., ow 411041.
•,.n..4.. R ....w ('Nh.e. en41di*s.wei.e in,
th. N..:o t•. c.t,.,nl .tow 14 .,,I, ,-.0044.
1 .my ..•t 4 .h *441• mels +.•.w i., •• Shall Tarr
n --.-r•= .,. t. m, hoot 1a worm, at Ottawa,
w4••• ....J-4.v".•vt••w.. reWTSn•i•a,
wA ...1n•.,.i .A.n(w..*r.•Iacw of in, tlfalrs,
e.. e..••.. d.. vie.... Th• 4.8.45..1. in
R •' • -e" •+A Pn •eA •• ....eh as i4 wont
•••:-.• !h, e.,;e at ..,.w. e4 them to vM.a
4.e \e•(•.,►..•. ,.e44A•e. 'how did en 441
•►• 0.•e, *, 44.4 that *h. end *ORM the
Mier 5ld.r ef.rd. N the L.Mw.0 ah•eon
$41..41% the t'omm.a•y by g*0hh5.
The I.wh•non Rh•kere.whn for forty roan
hay* held the pmeit,o5 of the I.r,.et .M.
14.n..'.' ie tint oen.ty, oro dnurnin/ the
how o(!4wir chief elder.. nose named Daniel
0111. 1, who wee made eh'ef elder hat three
year• .,•, and • reaeg wtwt•n ..reed Matt-
el Frr.,1Im, why his bean in 'hs semmenity
het sir months in • sinter, bet. • Ito had
lived -tsar the ss't1.,nea' ter about three
year. Mees Trash be le shoat f:b tears old
sod toe .1,1w ohne, ,FF,, sad the latter has
M., • •h•k.r for the post thirty rear*
The women had been • honk keeper in a
mill to the vicinity preview •w Welty/ the
.M"I.w•.'.', ADA eras an export bieycl. r4A.r.
Tb • •ocrtwt.wt 0'.1'.,,«1 loot Pvid•y, and
Wharf i. -e tr.ce of the pair.
R'4 • 1)10401 eras supposed en M shore
rep,.'. --h R• was the 'hints Lght. !M
tlterrd.) .,r the yowag memher..4 the yne,/
.4 the noesmvotty. Klnpesnotte
bare onnerr04 hiders, but eel, the yosn,-r
e w4 1,....41 important folk hews hers guilty
of the •h
iTorin, Idiot Traaklia's shay is the ore_
lupi, v t M Makers defrayed the etrpwr..
he • skilful serried) operation es her.
An.a.oe.idewb4. esiretiea loot RweseSr
. he alms sp her biryela
Dolor to the hair.
sad also prevents
It Lillis, oat. IM,r..
S. W. Psawf/k, of
Digby, N. a.. saps:
•' A little more
than Lwu years ago
my hair
to turn
bled falln
out. Af-
ter the
use of
One bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my
hair was restored to its original
Color and ceased falling out. An
Occasional application has since kept
the hair in good condition."-MLrs.
H. F. 1''xx Wxclt, Digby. N. 8.
r' • •1 .- qac• .t„w. •w .11.1► VW, bet, h
..':••:w• •t. m •. .I.•• .Fur know what
;n.n.••t,l• ... I' sow.• h• wrotlel h•.. Iwo
•. ea•P. •I,. •,*.w wA ieete ad'v with
. h'.• •4..o hew- two. •h.rorwe the (ie'ierp,
w•.w' •-• ,.•w w.•• 1.••• •••••••4w, to ewnte
ohm • • ... .4 eh. 11•..Mw*amt elliddltdata m
• Ppwmtr.• 1.414.41.,.
!Joanne. Ont
('.h...'• lipteiret ie an inv.lo.hlerem-
.4y f.., unto, tales and in my own ease
I w•411d give 111110 • h' [ hr i1 if it ebsld
net he nrhy,ei.. 1164
Joao 1'1WWhctor1,
140 09414111110-1t
of Hair.
"Eight fie. JS ago, I had the varl'h•
)(lid,and lost my hair, which prey'.
ou.ly was quite abundant. I tried
a variety of preparations, but with-
out beneficial result, till I began to
fear I should rte permanently bald.
About six months ago, my husband
brought home a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor, and I began at once to
use it. In a short time, new hair
began to appear, and there is now
every prospect of as thick a growth
of hair as before my illness." -
�Irs A. We_nEn%, l'olymnia St., New
Orleans, La.
rtEPAR[D ar
Aver's Pella care mirk Headaeke.
t 01..501 ml,s•I, Tra5her.
A Hti41..•,, p.e.rr, •.r et • Selo 1 .• to
teach, II,...•Inr•i to ••f•• I -a•• hrslt•e will.
the tsar• ..f sam•Int vow, 0lnrtne, cru the •
wd q 'Node. 1„.,,1.1," a.Id ba, 'irk
ter pep-. 1. 1, out g.* w I't 4t. 8., ver .
weal uta • n, 1..100•1 ; Aur what% a round,
D,.a.iti, • ,! h••ut ern.. ' Vow mat hie. t.,,
•ger 411: h• u' m.k .g • lune n't, if 4 .tree.
t<II vnu h•••, th. glow 4' inye.•4 t. e p.p.r
mann oe p von. Y,•u .n. that hit fr. •e.
w.'. ronl•A, oprIt t.or (point Toe to • rem' -
breve ketene the two lino. of • letj, her
moves an.ly fnnn'h-• !;ne to this, whit.
ye beet tis •, yet r 6.' and gee a long
blast : if ane, w {n.' • 4.rz to hint ye mink'
tea o' h•,n, lead lb'4! snot+« ruga .. fa,l :
and if se Wash Lie how, hell: ran four orate
toiler' h.r the le Mw with the white fear :
but if .' P. ' I ..•kn..p h,. f.e., y-'11 bowl he
k. ee or tie hie log, he'll p p sight three
fest• r thao the *bur $.,•.d shop I chew d
you 6.• '. or. ...sneer you blew your
type., I1 n. I, ►wnh-miser toils -that the
,dome f."ewe lee's sire tied, thefes'er
they i run, ..d the swelter they're .0re to
d Alco "
• medicine flat est., t.,lrv. wl••.'•••I.n
kid.o1 Had at■4444.., •,I.em'. Is alt
H•mr. 5prv.• , l.., 111,41(4..
Th.»."sho puffer from Kt tn.', troubles
s.l.r sew'• ly tt herr ...air kindle at •1' k
n em tae he leen. with tont.. to, it is oo
easy wetter to empr<•o. [hie vl►•u. when one
is • cul -tor from k*dn•y 'r'.nLl • Hops
tray .m• V• a ^'rti•n'when • rretirtn• v ts-
itlg see that deet rs say will • vin t oily of -
foci. . 'our. 11 ..., . o continue at. 54'0*'
17.1*4* 000r,0 144 treat rt ••• when . mtd•oin.
Lite Smith An•.'w.n K,d. et ('orn is within
the reach of ,ver yen.. end • h .' t. .n tip.edY
.• well as certain n t'• • 0-'.. • Th s n.•
remedy hoe hems ih•.r u,hly te.'.I by
learned p*w••oi.os, an .'end. twiny •ha..1
of any medicine need for •h's puro r It
dose act proton,' to curs any h'no el e, h..'
it doe, cure kidney diene. S Id y J E
511.0110 nmmp1.. 4:ly.5 away fn rtabs
Chase'. K'dr«y 1..ver Pills are the
only kidney 4.111. kflown with 1•'.f44•'t,o*
corrin t•' yn.r.,.*-r .h« r -r. pr.rt•'h it•
Ing awn* hundred• .•f •Eoo••nde '.4
sample p.cks*n (rr. 1,k •-• lir drugg,.t
for • sample it y• ser to n• *■ or 4.-er it
Ask your Uruggit fl
Murray &
Per ilsadkrr•chlef. Toilet and Rets.
after obit
t'kri.tmas Holidays
Mornay. JAv. lil4,
w• hes sew evens will
be tweelv.d.
Apply ter eal..d r M
Klee Or'ter,
t.. d, Prtnsipad
wybohwm Wer Tensa..
areae• rtereasas. �P,••
The flavteh keeps, hes ha.. Int.. orei
*Lira to the lembee. of the ant stele •port.
Imam. A aortae frost the 'feu h w •• out o0
• moor is t►e West M,ghl.n•I• the. other
toy, and haying u*.u.cs.etul•t ftr,••1 tea too
at a covey set bird• host roe. I.., than d0
vard.alit ed, he ,x. + mei atett.,l!t •• I. •
e•r.•ts 11.1 0.1111 .•4 , t,,,n i.'1 1 to reef
trite that anus of ottani rout haw. to...
eruct. " •• 1 dine. deo',' re' tweed the
kww(.ar, wnh • ..'.•.,r,o grin. '• that !Mei,were struck+ •.' ,n.•.,m.et at glottal/ of
one east' " K«elm
FI3.rp 3r's Magazine.
IN 1496
ar/..s, w n••w nnrrl n. W,.lt.m 4*!..•,. .tit
ten with all tbe'.utnur'. won -knows chervil, of
,n.nner, ...I1 M. •n, w 0L.• 11..•041 .rr Xuuthor.
1stR..n•1 coatis.' .cot!' Ns, . 4 u.'• I..*el by
+au..ua u, N.tt waw. ••o:ttl.d 511. Hseeea..
w 11. 1.11 t.et,udu it ;h.. year. 1i *m met 100
it. h w .a) *45* no novel has ever been
sward .4.11 of •h gee•* ••cp.r••t•r1'.n a. the.
..w•ur to Tr flat. •M ey1's*Nl 41004100
t4.s00J... of tri w,t! cnatluue• .,A Willi
-wale tbs fetor. 0f 141• tritium. awl ntar,ir,
ole et the Meld of t rrte,4o'. Q+b••r in.,.or•.at
11•014410( the rear w„i est novo.,^.• by W tgs
11.111W. mattes tt.e ti le. fees showy -r. res.,.
err. • he•ltar•II. I L.n, ;err tale ratedIww
•45505.41. prows MiWdt.ey, by l.awto't
NLw,e.r�.e999.4r99,1trtM•1.1.:..o el 999.4r99,1N s (41
• Tit art t11T. Rices inn H,wtr•,. 1141\10.
least It. Withy.*, Jt'u•ii KeLp., N411t9041
WarTllsww Owes W.'n'u,. ted ether tersll-
'sew. writes,
Petr. •\'000suw W t Le•/A will ewt►Ibat• N.
tImtwrs, tio,w40'Y.a1lnpr.41 sod his firse,
with inuatratituis by 41.. t D Pn,.t P .1
y eT 4tptLnw''0 hie rev of Th. •IM•••s
11'04141L* /M 1Ltb041. 14.v:1411.
J•t Ind 117 K. '‘a
V ttotvn.u, .444 b onitaerwl ltrwsak ,M
sinew,. Two *Apart... att. t'I01.'. •'etw•t sod
Med tethers; 's)sr'•••iet wr, or Theist 05
K.rnst'• LT, with wraiths,' ill .matt,.ss will he
urtnt•I dart5•a1 the year.
\ wstenteethy 4' OI* of.tbe MAN.\%INK
demo, the year telt with be • war es of article
tt, •••erase W. Wu.rsit, dwrcr•biem his grin
•f lag inn.. on woos otters, and with des
.Mie:, train into Inc .s.ankwvd Moores
t•.uad. of Rr,ti.h 41..rrk ••41erka to pi4L
• .i' of wood bien•t asd war -oxen_ IR
Whitney's *erne veil have the rutted interest
-.f seine iillrntrated front photographs :astute
by h meet:.
the V0lu0tes of the N.•razine begin 41!91
rhe Numbers for Jun.. and Iteceinher of each
1%' heti Dot lino 1. to: .tort. evf,eau enp, tone
w ter b-.rrn wttb the Numner current at the
,tine of receipt ,f orr:rr.
I:r,nittanaew Mould be made by Poet,ornoe
14...,.7 Order or Dntt, to avoid chance of
Newspapers err wet 40 ropy Ih.a ndrrrt(ae'
au at without (Ar rrprraa order of Harper ft
Postage Feer to all .esOlor-ribe,. in the Vatted
`hates, ('un -,do and .ter rticu.
address: tut it,•h:rt a; I180THKR9,
O. Box or. N. Y. City,
$arper's Bazar.
IN 1896
Th. twenty Hiatt. )ear of H It PIER'S
HA7,AK, heartening in January, J091. Inds it
meiuta:uinv its deserved repu .lion h••rh as •
Vaehloo Journal and • weekly p. ri•,d.cal for
bonny reeding.
Every week the 'BAZAR pr..rnrs heeutifel
011,110/1111, various o.'1 abort. 14 SIM I, Hilt" be
and ('H Art. IN illustrate and engrave the •.w.
wt doerrns from the gent model• in Pare and
Herlia t44w l.r4 ,..ideae eptt•m,... fur
.mot etylee in 411. Von.. A formightty pet.
ternrhetet supplement with diagrams sad
directions "setae women lora .sd make
their own frown., 'ad i. o/ ,ryat r• ne 10 eke
profr.sional mediate a. w.t1 as to t be •m•teo
dressmaker. Childress +Clothow ' viaYee o5s-
. tea. •tta1tiea. 11'44111•91111 for Nen ere dee-
crib., in (ell detail by • m.n-.Mut 'own.
Nr rates te4*er, by KATHawI•t lit ✓•.Rs,r
to • sprightly weekly recital of fa.h,o•. Qo•dp
.ud social dnlegs to Pa,-... gives by • clever
W01040 iu.Dentertaining war.
Roth the serrate tor ISM .+e the work of
amens. won. ■. ■r.. 4ieraed. b) M*IIIA
141('1.5 Po*,i.. 'IS •r.riking.'wy of 41.. tug-
teed,ife. Naar F %'tt.•I+ensu J.resee. ■
Mer era. dl.ce..e• the •I*.ye inter/toting
pr•nr•mr of the rotation. be: ween labor .0d
capital Short aeries wilt he whine b; the
beet authors.
e peeist repon5se.,s. Rosie. The Outdoor
W Adams. Peropnals. What We Are It •ittg.
Women and Men. report mud Anomie. thews
nt.mm.Aoat e wt.r .t.
•sewers to t'orreap.ndents. (1uetloastry
eche the personal aitro'ton of th.- editor. and
aro answered at the earliest possible data .t.
ter their reoelpt.
The Volumes of the H\F.AR begin with the
first Number for January ofsack year. When
n o time is oenties••''. •un@eripitors will teats
with the Number • a -rent at the tone of receipt
of order.
RPM s,Mane' should be merle by Poet -office
Yonei • Order or Draft. to avoid chance of Iris.
.\re•.papero etre not to ropytlita r.drort(ae-
+v.t e'il4oat the express order of Hames t
Per leer t
He RPRIC.41 RA2-4 K [t op
H.ANPR/CS MA(lAilA't:. . . ... . <ea
HAli 'MR'S R'RKK1, )' ...400
Peeler PYP.' to WI snharrtbns fw the Ustaed
• tett d. (_'a: 'da. mut Mori -o.
P.O. Box NIL N T. City.
I Harper's Weekly.
I N 1896
HA PPM:8 W KKKLY I. &journal for the
whol•t .'nu•+try, it deal. with the eve. to N
the 'err d that are importaut to A rr..ri•.n•.
10 cam i g out t41h l.y• ie ,IR, Jrt.u•t
Nato' •Isl•ed Chins and Jap... and ,uro.y"
ed through, tit. Wtwt ; RH•.♦p1io FII*Nui.0
D•. r• loot a trip through the Cirrlb,0n NMI:
M. e.olat -one of the new Navy were derrtb.
@ d •w4 i1••ittr.ted by Rt•R's r 7wxintrtt•
Itettnetic Rtrt.oTn' presented studies of
Army and rronti.r Hie. Poet T'.v RIa51,w
attended the apemen of the Kiel (!enai.
In tlss Ilse attention will be given to .vary
B otabl• hsppenteg. The chief peeve In art,
Ilters' urs, and music ted the drama will be
artistically presented. W. 11. HOW 1111.1A. 1.
the ere department, We and ION*.ea, .lel
diocese is his interesting way books and the
roast uneaten •'f the time. K. is Mam+tw'a
sprightly go.'fp ..f the 110.7 Wend will be
cowhand. The prowess of the reamepeta-
14te l:ommidi.M" sro.•d the World will he
40410.d. and l' W. We rwry will eat -
grow 141. department of amesen• sport
Is les wW aoear • Presidential election•
la is editorials and through. Its politica( ear -
teens the WKKKLY will continuo tit by an la-
dantiod.Dt advocate of good govannsent sad
erred mosey.
lee ti4,. the WKEKLY w111 he tspeelally
It will publish the fluty novel a the
y publishuW. I). Hown.tw, sad • stirrlo4 serial
of $ aeoteb teed. M K *1. ''.nc.tmr. 1141.
short aorta selected on of .Utter!.ireille. n
•' f iste eat. In ever respect HARMER'S
IVKKKLY .411 mantels Its le,dlng parte I.
the Illustratedjov.allem of the world.
The 951411.' of the W t=.Ly brrg4n wt'h the
errs Number fee January of each year. Whoa
no time is Memtiom (i. subserlptM.s will bells
with the Number cornet at the the. of re-
ceipt mei t of order:• Ittawr.s should be made by Ptiaf Odes
Massy Oder or f).ft, to avoid Lases d
Nressraywrs eras net Woos thr serialise
eyed Willieeldt4 e:perwserder el/ Roast. f(
Per Tsar
NA "MINN W RKlrL r et w
HAP lura NAOpAZINR . 1 5.
NA/HPaR'l ad 4,11 _ .
Pooteeewar /°t'?JrMesiteshe Mara
Maar, .!
Addrer HARPOR a: 4ROrnitit ll
P. U. aa[ NW N. T. OIy,
The Signa
ante more .144.44)41M M Me
Jub l'runtuul tr•hMa.. 4/111041 w sass?
peened ouw.1• the cites fur the crest,
&1 1 proper eaecu!tw, of all v.••ee• of
pr.:1! 0114 .1 perue.l of t1'i .05.41•'1•'
[sent Way suggest soma* hind you w t
Ire t0 nisei at, rad 4u such o•M w. esll-
*tit your patronage, Nebel treaties•
that our .Olen to p4".." will most with
the.ppto.sl of our
'Kot*[ %%octavo
Tilt- useful site is kept is the full
range of tiul, the• mime, ea letter
tge to. tA(1.Y/
are not sogetn.•raily used, they
an important place iu curttiserria
correspondent*. Ste what we've
Kot moist the above hetet..
leetter �lettd►x
los thio liar wr have a v415} large
.tot's of tine writing papers reit
able for every claw of husiness
repretwntell in this locality, twin
prising 141 and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or uuruhed, .s .may be required.
If the " pay as -you -go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account p.per w"uld out be
d o great ; but there are some men
who get so marry dun/tern that
they wonder if the .tock will ever
run out. We don't attend it to,
and at present our stock is cols
plate in this line with four sizes.
Good p.per and neat ruling.
V ttAit Me tAs
Both single an,l double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill heals, and aro
the proper thing to .and after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch hum 'round -
ln%>1A.O 1 s
Now, it would be hard to gee
along without envelopes, and t0
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We have now about s
hundred thousand' in *tock, and
the prices will range from 75c. to
82.00 per M. We handle coin
mercial and legal sizes exclusively.
0,01Min.rtYC.%0X V iviVittxt1
has, already been partially enum
erated in some of the head'. above.
There i., however, a vast atuoun
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupier' by
this adv'[, but we do it all at T.
T \tt•ttolito\x41
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in seise
tion sometimes, but we make i1
an easy matter by keeping in
. nock the very latest and beet
samples to be had. Cell and se
V tOtyttu its
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with coni and pencil attached,
CAN CAXu .or s
We aim to excel in all the differ
ent kinds of work we tarn oat,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and hooey papers
imitable for all r equlrwn.enta.
C or i&s olnd. T'tekets
This heed (oven • large range of
work, from a brad or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a tarty
busine.s card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket_
• oster s
Our facilities for turning out this
clans of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great hulk of it is
done by us. This line also in
D 011g.trs
which our three faat.rt1\e11ung jos
praises are able to turn in
surprisingly short time.
o\e Bit\s
belong to the poster Aeoarta0eel
alio, and we make a specialty of
them -promptness being oar tie
in this respect, A notice of .ale
will appear in TiafHIQ8AL free of
charge when hills for name pre got
\ V.vmksoSWoak
in the typographical printing lies
can be done in thin establishment
in an exprvlitious and arti.tle
B anner and
Ow/ 'V% vets wit t be Sou.w11
eery rtosotnob\t.
We eitead oar thanks for past fav-
ors, and solicit a continuance of the
:Ammuntl6, moi•