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THE Si(:NAi.
Twin .IAN. 1, 11107.1
JAN. 9, UM.
Vote for M. C. Cameron and
Good Government.
Notice to Electors.
Mr. Cameron's centrtl commit-
tee rooms, in the store lately occu-
pied by P. O'Dea, next to Geo.
Porter's Book +tore, will be open
every afternoon and evening.
All interested in the success of
the Liberal cause cordially in-
Someone will be in attendance
from whom information can t>tr
Cutting Prices --F, J. Niftiest ,..
Interesting, isn't it f—Tate lair 8
Local F J. Pridbam. .. 5
Local -R R Sallow' 5
Cow Loot —Robt. Tbompt e 5
Pet vats Sale— ('h.a Shaw ... 5
The Si./ of Lift—D. Camden 8
THE most almorhing g.eation is the
remedial order, and we give below the
attitude of the two candidates on the
subject up to title .
A11RRON • y tans.
As to my views oe the School question,
they are very clear and decided, and 1 our•
pose, if 1 can thy • few words in the Tory
Township of t;oderioh, as well as iD the
Cash*lio section cf Ashfield, to take pre
timely the same groosde, namely : that I
▪ an advegat. of Provisctal right.: that
I the opposed to coercing Manttobm, and
11, if elected. vote against oo erotoa. At
the same time, if it can be shown, upon a
thorough tove.ttitat:oo, :hat any privileges
or rights that the Manitoba Cathol,co
had in Manitoba prior to 1890, have been en•
crowed °poo by the local acts of 1890. I am
in favor et having these privileges sod
n'hts rostered to them, but restored by the
Province of Manitoba l thuk the Liberal
party ehoeld use all reasonable efforts
to tedium the Steelton• l.ovrrement, In thea
ease, to make some rs..onable compromw
.atufastort' to the intelligent Catholics. I
am strongly oppo.ed to Federal ewrcioo,
sod i am so. not only in the interest of the
Protestant majority, but in the interest of
the (latbohe austerity. I believe that sea
• war, it persisted in, will ultimately result
in most disastrous 000eequenoes to the
minority. 1 therefore, as you will observe,
fever • reasonable oompromtss, but that he
the Province of Manitoba. It is • previa -
Mal matter, one that concerns the produ-
ced authorities, and one to tae end with
which they must deal. These are my pri-
vate views and 1 propose, if I am able to
give expression to them in public, to do so
w.tsttILL.kk'M vlgw..
i dw't know what to de.
Premier Bowltta. bas resigned,
and chaos rails at (Rfaw..
• Reser mewed madam It.et1 will Vali.
To the iEditor of Tow Krowsi.
A word ot warning both to the editors of
oar two newspapers and to our aldermen
will sot be amiss at the present time.
Oar ottimes have shows by their votes os
M..day last that they de sot wish politica
to interfere is town sifters, (:ria beim at
the bead of the poll in Tory wards and vice
Ws sow have an evenly balanced muscat
and sae which, if it pulls togrotb.r, are
based to keep up our present march of pro-
pe es in appotetmrsts each oosnoillor
Id dittoed peplos sad vote for the man
he would select if eketisg for hie own
Of lets two appointutenta have
bens 'Made clearly en Party wises—the by
Tories led owe by Grille --and both haye
bees mistakes.
jet each ooascillor make up hie maid to
1/r alter Mat part o1 the tows affairs with
WW1 hese entrssled jest asp[/ he were
&Mos It MO Mesal.
Vete alla Mat wee ler the ps*M'. of
Review sf pew, bat solely ror the
ieteeaet IMO Brat111 he is working for.
Bt. Marys will have • pahtic library.
Prises Alexander et Freesia, • (Isseral 1.
Proud/sot VIllested
1fM I11Nrweetatime 1n she Tows teener
e fly—Sew Nes al I. heard Ttr
Prassarl .r toe t'ea.ell
4s Impreved.
THE touuicipni rloctiot.t passed of
timetly io Ioderich Muadey last. to St.
David's ward the cousical ire bad been elect
ed b) eucl.matioo, and consequently no
grant stir prevailed then. The mayor and
deputy reeve having been elected by ac
clam.' ton also, that (sot oontnbuted to the
gatepost' of the onweioo. As • result a
hebt vote was polled ill over the tow..
The following is the result :
1 2 3 4 5 6;
R Mclean -- 67 45 50 44 42 54 40- 332
W. Preadfuot--31 46 57 46 58 08 36-340
Majority for Pruudfoot--8
er. rATat. awe WAa D.
3 4
A 1' Molnar ... .... . 57 43 100
( A Nero ....... 58 50-108
Alex Saunders 82 58--140
J.s Willem.... 89 71-160
Wilson, Saunders and Nairn *looted.
se. ••M,a,att w•.D,
E t amines . 60
Hugh Itunlop .. 78
M Nwcholes° 79
K 11 S.Ilows. 55
Nicboison, Dunlop and Nairn elected.
.T. A'DIRw'a WAID.
D Camelot'
John Cretgoe
Tho.. C Naft•I
Tho.. Swans. . .
Craig's, Carron and Smirk elected.
In St. David's ward C A. Humber with-
drew, loader Robt. Thompson, W. C.
Goods and Jas. Caldwell elected.
On the whole, the result of the election
will be in the interests of the town, and we
believe that the year 1896, will be one that
will be an improvement se past years,uo to
as municipal legislation is oon•eraed.
orTelaa NiOrrL.
Colboroe. --Reeve, Al.ok Young : depot v
reeve, A A. Young ; oouncillore, W. Hill,
N Johns and S. Potter.
\\ roxetee.-Ro.►e. T. K. Sanders.
Hoe/wk.—Reeve, A. Delmage : deputies..
A. (' Setberan fecal.) and Jahn Stewart ;
councillore.Aodrew [big and Wm. Findlay,
both by acclamation.
Ashbald.--Reeve, H. Girvin: deputies,
3. N McKenzie and W. Kickley : council-
lors, Morgan Dalton, I). Ferries.
Rayfield. —Reeve, Junes Baro..
Myth. -- Reeve, John Wtllford.
Brussels.- W. H. Kerr, (acct.)
(Tinton—Reeve, D. B. Kennedy : deputy
S. S. Cooper
Exeter. —Reeve, Wm. Bawdett : deputy,
T. K. Carlin,.
Goderich Tp. - Reeve, John Cox : deputy
Thos. Churchill.
Grey.—Reeve, Tho.. Streohan : deputies,
Arch Hislop and Jas. Turnbull.
May —Reeve, Gee. McEwen : deputies,
Rsbt. Turnbull and Moses Geiger.
Hallett. — Reeve, A. 1. Mcl)oaatd ;
deputy, John Rrutbaa.
Morrie.—Reeve. Y. Mooney.
Seatorth.—Reeve, K. B. Duna; deputy,
Jae. Watson.
Steely. --Reeve, Robt. Mellvese ; de
puts, Isaac Erratt.
Stephen. —Reeve, H. Eilber : let deputy,
John Sheritt.
Tuokeremith.—Reeve, Jeha Shepherd.
Wingh.ta --Reeve, R. C. Sperling : de-
puty, Wm. Holm-
West Wswasoeh -Reeve. Lo.khart,
majority 22 : Deputy Reeve, Medd, major-
ity 66;
6 7
86 38-124
84 44-128
72 28-100
82 40-121
will be hard to fill He W away stood
for the beet intents of the torn, both by
ibit writings anmirrord by mirror and he
has beam mflueortal is bringing about Iry
eras projeou which help to make \V'ogham
what she is today.
t.teter The ren year old loo of Wit
Isom ('bio,. l..ke Road, died on Tueedav
after a brief aloes,. The trounle was para
Tyre o1 the brats.
Startle)- The pupils of S.S N. 3, Stan-
ley, presented their teacher, Mir Annie
Maroh.11, with an •them, vale,. and sofa•
ror, the other day
Morro . Seta ('lame presented Robert
Currie with • bounolag b,) i.ahv a few days
befoee Christmas, viz. Doc. 20 h, the sewed
•aoiversary of their marriage.
Henema I l'. A. M' Donnoll, hardware
mer,haot, of this voltage, wee merrir.l to
Mies Mary Hutton, .hest daughter ot lir
Hutton, of the t two of F otos%
Clinton By the overturning and bunt
tog of a lithted lamp in oke hour of R
Holmes the ether erecting, the premiers hail
• borrow escape from destructiou
Hellen Mr Rundle Huok•sg her just
bnurht 50 acres o1 the ('uoniugham estate,
put of the north part of le 35, 13th con
He pod therefor the sum of $1100.
MoKillop : \Vm. Rae. who has taught its
8. 11. No. 9 for the past 2 years, ismer, on
Saturday for torooto, where he will attend
the Comment, for the ooming term.
Holmesvills - A very pretty we.l•itog oc
ourred at the residence of H K. Evans on
Christmas eve, when his .tepdsughrer,Mary
S., was owned to S. March. of Cora.
Serteeth Mies Maggie Mclutvre, of this
town, who haft held a poeittun M tel. -graph
operator et Comber for some time past, hos
taken a armlet- position at swat Sae Matte.
Clinton (.let week itt. et.fe of Kee W.
Smyth, Petrel's, formerly if floor, was
seriously i11, and her old fro -nils here will
be pleased to kr.w that she a row better.
Morrie (1. Chrutmaa da) over oue hurt
•rod gto.wts Iwitosed, oi the molders of
.lohs Searle, the merrier*- of his third
dao,hter, .`•1i.. Mary. to Henry Vouog, ot
Exeter Mrs. T. M. Wh:te, while spend-
ing the holidays in Exeter, received word
from the chief of police that their residence
in Windsor bad been broken into and but -
/lensed. She returned home, but toned
\%- ROX ETER : The old council for
the vtller s u re elected by aoctnlation for
'Myth : Isaac Brown, one et our logal
bachelors, has purchased • babdeome Bell
Seaforth •
parted for
I:ny : Henry
Barker farm for
Grey . The three Reeves are oboe mon
mated for acether year, heirs elected by
a tolomatioe
Morrie : Dol. M.K..ri• is home from the
Hamiltes Model Scheel when he.so.essfut
ly peeped the teachers' examinaties,
lgm..dvills : Mrs. Caraoeb•., ;d 11v-
,aoedville, fell on Tseeday of Imo week,
tweaking bar loft arm bear the wrist.
Alban : Theaters of Tim Clerk was mi-
tered on Thursday 'venial/ by Aimee and
a large quantity of valuable geode takes.
Wily/heat : Ray. Wm. Rowe, formerly of
Moore, bee arrived is tows said will be in-
stalled is his sew charism &today mint.
beaforth - A little see of George
i fed and reoeived a sever* treater the
left arm wee the wrist it.. day Inst week.
Exeter . Miss Pearl Relates, whileamend-
ing the .airs at their home the ether day,
tripped en her dress sad fell, epres.i lr hwr
Kra - Principal Dineen mid Miss Win
Me Maynard will dieser the de'N.se of
111x1 youth for the eessi.g year is ear palm -
Whgtrm • Rob. !IMMI, for the pest
s'�y►htt d year, salter red prepriMer el the
leave. W i.gk.ss far W sew home
Is tarissmll, where be ire purebred the
G1resiele 1. lam e....l °she,' Iles
hot .ted wttil.abh .1110s, whew piens M
Joseph Stony and hie bride de
their home in Buffalo, North
Bateman has leased to
a term of years from A.
Cameron and
The Third rorty tial • 8
fist ea ■■ Iarermality r
11e. are Is tee
e .seer.. s Lead
THE nomination for th-
ea.ssd by tbo re.oguattum of
Pettersua, wee held is
U.dmich, Tuesday atterwook.
largo atteud.nue and the
listened to throughout with
'through what was corider
o h h) K•.turn.og Dicer
date was willed to the elide.i
etioo of RMS. Newman, we
the a.touishmeot of the men.
eleyendewt part v, who were
limo, an to 1 ergs force.
i Cameros. of t : olerioh, and ).
of Hensel, as the o•adida
H urns.
Ohi mottos of J. C. Y
Holmes, of ('latest, wee else
and the speaking was made
oil auh.
M. C- Cameron was the tint
'tie appearance wee hailed a a
sulhnsIoim by the lager
audience. Mr. Cameron, wee
which greeted his appe.rmnce
✓ ated that many of those bet
known hint for forty yeah
shot les the reason why he s
apt o -rd on the present oboe.
Who was • etraitrer in the rill
been eogared to ten contests,
ja poiotn•n for twenty Dlns yea
two reason. Since he first ram ter
i. 1882, he bad been opp..eed
fed •e low. nigh had ever
prlp.►.him, and oo oue ever
hie friend Keck was ever go
mu.Ie. L.uvhtar. i $u furor
had been provided for at the es
Tu, Ieturwog of#..t thin
ATION M. Todd, of
`heats. Se `attmated that FROM OYER THE; BORDER.
• Mr. Wellston wee tot in sympathy with the
('onservattve o•odidate is this content. ■e
• knew that Mr. Wallace hod rot • mt+sage
smaller. to Victuru, 11,1' , edvtusg l'oorrvavee w News Notes !NUM Vlaatill•ipten
vote mound' a Goer natant cis odidate. After
oonfr.w'rng Mr. McLellan with some lodge t
ee Threw■ ' 11r. hwwmw resumed ►i, rat. The Seed of issue Trouble 1a (At Meows
Mr. Weemiller, up'w rung to speak,
Id Far preeeeded to dial with the pommel atter.
retorted to by Mr. Newman, and he read •
letter, which, be and, had hews written to
him by Hoe N. Clarke Wallace, out Dee 21
1896. Thai letter warmly eougratulatee Mr.
Wetsm.11or upon hisselectt.'n as the Censer "-*Hi3INUTON, U.C., Dec. 16.—
votive candidate, mod Mr. W•Ilaoe hopes he
(Mr. Weamiller) will oontloue in the prin That a majority of the State to opposed to
espies he maintained in 1894, being the year issuing bonds at all to times of pesos M
to which ne rap as • Meredith candidate. probable, se will be shown later, lout that
The hatter also warns hum that all sorts of so eyeswhelmtog tnalenty of senators or.
opposed to truine bonds through a private
deal with a syodtcat• of backers has
already been shown by the vote to take
up the rolution of :Sava
ter llkins, expressing the sear of the Ben
ate to be against any other dupoeUse of
bonds than by public advertisement, and to
the highest bidder. Ouly ria Senators voted
against oosuderation of that resolution
red M. C. wbich would have boos adopted but for the
a•mtller, rules of to Senate which ambled Senator
for West Hill by the way one et the most bitter
opponents of these very rules to throw It
over by an objection. True, its adoption
will not be legally binding upon President
Cleveland, but all the same he would much
interruptions or env thine else to offer whoa prefer that it would not be adopted. There
Mr. Pedley reed extrude from the remedial u a rumor that this vote hr es
Doused Prtd-
order and asked hint if he agreed with the set Cleveland to decide that the true of
Government in It The request to spe.k bonds be u nt
now ooemplattng ,hall be of -
woe make two or three times. but Mr feted to the highest bidder by publicadver.
Wei.milter was even anonymously dwis
umh tmeot. but thrumor does not tally
The trade policy of the Government was with the story generally believe about these
at it taken uu,and at each point the speaker bonds having been pledged to the Morgan
was applauded When dealing with the syntheses weeks weeks ago, unionsthe hoods aro
Australitrade, Robt. Mclean interrupt- to be so adverteed as to make 11 soman
.d, hot must no regret that he dud so. that the evndrsste will be the only bidder.
The farmers io the audience ev;dtly did What tit- Senate agoing to de with the
sot approve et the (.oveiomo
et a policy of tariff bill .stdu the bond bill yet problem -
shoal A report u exsected from the
anemic stemmata* this week, but a report
was also expected last week. Chowho
ought to be good authority say that thert
tang bill u w bu
likely e reported without
amendment sod that a su*stltute for the
band bill, providing for the tree coinage ofea
silver, will be reported and prated. Mn -
while, the announcement of •wither bond
issue by the admtaistration u d illy looked
tor, notwithstanding the semi official an
sounoemeut that Mr. Cleveland will wait a
reasonable time to lies it ('ingress will do
anythin.esroamer, oroamer, of 1a.. has of
feted • 101101111.1011 instructing the House
Judiciary Committee to ae.ta lerto"whether
under provision of any statute of the U.S.
there a any warrant for the refusal of en
executive officer to perform any `act nacos-
eery to the execution of any law of ('on
groon the ground that such law is, in the
*piston of such officer, unconstitutional ;
whether any power is lodged in any of cer
.r can be constitutionally lodged elsewhere
than in the Courts to annul any act or to
withhold any appropriation, and to report
whether much acuou ie not in contempt of
Mimes t;. and H. Polley are visiting the out city of Congressand in nulati
fnrods in Kihcardioe. d on
ibe n hts of the beneficiaries, and what
that nothing had bees takes, all valuable.en
having beremoved tato safe keeping be
fere they lett.
TDokeram: itk It u reported that the
eldest too of Hugh Alexander, formerly of
this township. died recently st Orwol.l,
Mwitobo. He was • young man about 19
years of the..
Sorth : Mrs. Abraham Horth, of Sea•
forth, who is visiting at the resideoce of
John Pibwmbe, St. Thomas. fell downstain. She removed • severe scalp wound
sod fractured two ribs.i
Serforth : Fd. Davie left for Mitchell
whebet will spend • few weeks recuperat-
ing at the parental home. Ho purposes go-
ing to Mistreat shortly, for seminal treat-
ment by • heart epesieilist.mu
Clinton : Worms Oalla.der, of Pke-s .
lairs. W. Va.. was last w.. k wiling ..n her
old friends here, and on Tuesday left for
home ao.lpanied by his witeaod children,
who have beam here for some timOsman
Me Osarmy, in dead
yr .
Qtlowa s' visited by a 'even earth-
quake shook Moseley sterling.
President Cleve
mland has signed the pre -
Skimmer,' okieg Utah • mato. mooted !. T.ekett were ootmd Mer
RalNw by ever 1.100 re•brity.r, r
Jobs I dwardn. we old mewee killed e Orme Truth Tata at [.order.
Mgr. NatelB wee formally immured with
the rook d Oardi.ai et Baltimore.
At Iamb Tallier marry, Pr, fear M
latheir IIw hoer est el a s.r he
t1. theft.
Blyth Miss Annie Ross was ,liven •
plethoravery plethora surprise by her pupils on
friday afternoon, the 20th alt., when th. y
presented her with a beautiful pair of .l A-
per holdensad • silver aired mirror.
Kipp= A ver) pretty wedding tn..k
piece beea Christmas day, the par in be-
ing Mass Mamie Cooper sad Thos. Forsyth.
oweeted by Miss Sadie Mjs.
Le, wain of
the green, sad W. Cooper, brother of the
McKillop Loose high embed hoard has
mimed Miss •aa
Hilton, dhter of Jame.
Ha , of MoKtllop, se assutaat modern
tee,aie tmoer. Ake has taught is the
Blowers and ('ellirigw.ed Collegiate [esti
!ester . The ether day • mew-yearaid
csa el Rieh•rd Webb, of Elmnvllla, fell tate
the reek teat now Utmost' ge
that villi,
moi would have been drowned but for a
maaeet el a maple of peers hyo whit
reseed the led.
o electi00
io. J. C.
bete was •
rare were
closet at.
o inform
in that no
he sonde
an out, to
of one io'
tt at the
The ere o.presno It Jostler
TO. Te.eaeeta 1Mssdary
*etle■ Meat.
alerts will be mule to have him take • cer-
tui stood. but she advice u w rennin firm
ter if "John A." had taken 'melt • °ours* u
North Unt•rt° he would have hod a very
wy ontest Moreover, if Mr. Willoughby
tikeshad tikes the proper muse, Mr, Stubbs
would have rewired• but Mr. W.Imugbbyr•
allowed himself to he deli%ed tato the
"heeds of the Philistines, Mr. Wein
miler was woo oommittal on the school
.lueetton, and. as he could not say •nvthiog
113 favor of the (,oternment, he concluded
bid address by • strong appeal to the
Fronk radio," was Me last speoker, and,
after paying hie respects to the shattered
Government at Ottawa. he took up the
soboel question, to be tnterrui .d by the
Conservative candidate, who had wither
n, Mayer
y proceed
ker, tied
he wildest
on of the
e applause
him had
to he op
by a man
He had
had been
except for
est Huron, giving to • line of steaeahips a subsidy of
pat up 5125,000 • year to bring products here to
Id, noise. undereill them. At this part of his •d
face the
opp •neo t s
se of the
Government -the Hon. J. C.
heviog been made Lieut. -lieu. of
and Mr. Fot ter having received t
meat ot postmaster at the
the wishes of the large
end perhaps that was the r
Mr Wet.mtller had bee in
run on the present occasion. 1
He briefly refsroed to the his
Ltoerol perry in the riding. sad
to deal with the rsoord oi the Go
•.kin. op the Mdireevy-Leag
soiraoy, the Ty CAMS, the Cur
sod other tr,..seotie.s, of which t
is I.gtnn 14. s.soluded his m
but panted, by a declaration of
ee the Maestoba wheel govetiee.
decimation is published to moil"
this issue. Mr. ('•meres e
with frequent applause during h
and ea he resumed hugest the
load and prolonged.
The sett speaker was Mr Ye
St C'athenees. The Co.eervauv
their meetings been sanonoeing
m.didatore o1 Mr. Newman was •
*piracy to draw away Tory votes,
.peak••r bed to etre,* hie tel..
the I r• that the fact el Mr Ks.
Mine a candidate was • .nnep.
charged thee Mr Newman had •1
Ca,n.rns'e resident's. Mr. MnLell
•I toe MaCartty,a.d ooeoladed
by • twitters' d Mr. Leerier, and
electors to *tend by the old party
R C. Ma osa.. ibe P. P A. r
Owe, wee the sett speaker. He
vetted the idor.ality i. his .
paper for he desired to be •
i ealleg with lite previous.penksr'
he denied esspboeieelly ever her
Mr Camsree's reindeers, tad Mt.
Mr deeded the charge. Mr. No
referred to atrr*rpwdsses 1st
Clarke Wll.ee sod Mr. Wesmil
Beet data A ,1er.y tees* *tau
hat the speaker was sees Mlle re
Ha said eneememe W been cwt by
mime is the riding te Termite
1*, Gals sake. to he.* Netnews ami
1 1. sold sot resell ail the elite.
dead Dr. Tamest, ef La.ks.w,1
Gei'rieh The scholars in the S S. Miss
et Miss Harsh lune..', at Cedes ebereh,
std by with a.els.
l.leid hikesahtef
Les • rhea of thew trieadsblp and love
far her. The proems was a.eenepenied by
a owl*bin Piker
ID eon
it nem
h, brietaset
d whin
part o
Ilan, o
have •
et t
hat th
d too
00 ea
7- H
tar M
tel/ t
dress • ooercenIst fora nut " Smoot' mat
too, end Mr. 1'd.. r. sr'ed " Well, if
that u so, then the government is worthy
of the greatest 000demnatlon. -,Least
cheers.) After dealing with o few of the
wends 1s. Mr. Pedis) concluded an able
speech ail over o. hours duration by a espi.
Lel erra:gameat of the Government totter-
isg to dewy and an appeal to the electors
to support Liberal principles and Hoe.
Wilfred Laurier. i Loud applause., The
m..tiog *limed with the usual cheers.
Lettere seem to pursue Government sup
porters everywhere. and Sir Adolphe Caron
and Dr Montague can sympathize with the
contest Mr Newman and Mr. Weiamiller
have near letters. 1e would appear that
the (.ovsromeet policy le summed up in the
words : ••Where u the man with letters
There were letters in Cardwell, there are
let ten at Ottawa, then are letters in West
be ni-
hats a1
The lovernment i. on the run.
C. Minor, of St. Thomas, spent New
years ID town at the home of A M. Pulley.
This week is the Week of Prayer to
North-st. Methodist church and Knee
chi rot..
'fbt many friends of Slime A. Dickson w,l.
be pleased to hear of her recovery from her
recent illness.
a are pleased no state that Mu. R S.
Williams is now convalescent and able to
drive out doily.
Word has reached town that Major
Joseph Mallough, of l)unganono, died cud•
dewily this morning.
Loos Helen Polley Tuned Stratford last
week and attended the bachelors ball in
that city New Veers cilli.
Tow. clerk Mitchell, we regret to learn,
M oos6d to hu house through illness. In
his obessoo Jas. Reid u the presiding spirit
is the clerk's office.
lean N.
of re-
• mew
e nd A.
We are sorry to learn that little Carl
Morton, formerly of God.rich, new of Or -
allot, has broken his era. W • .rant to hear
of speedy reoovery,as the little fellow was a
emend favorite here,
Aeolian gale at John Koox's emotion
rooms en Saturday the 11th day of January,
1896. 1 set of Bobsleighs, 1 medium sired
Straw ('utter, nearly new. 2 square box
Cotters, 1 fancy Portland Cutter and other
artioles. at one o'clock. ,iobn Koos, ans.
Rev. John Hollinr•ke, of Hamilton,
preached an able and impressive disooar•e
from the pulpit ot '.forth et. Methodist
church Sabbath moraines last The rev.
gentleman also noted as ch.trmon of the
onion prayer meeting held in the above
ch•roh Monday arming last.
The (.oderioh Leonine Co. (Ltd ), corn
posted of 1' A Norm, Donald C. Strachan,
Dr. .1. R Shrines, Jas- Clark, Den. Aoh
,ton, Alex. Munro, K Dow.io., Charles A
Humber, R. C Hays, Wm. Wallace, W'm.
Holland and Henry Horton, with • capital
of 420,000 w111 operate in tioderioh
In nut roaads we save teen shown some
ot the work whisk u mow being done .t Th.
Fair slots' the hoe of ladles' and ohilireno'
anemia, etc. Orders are taken for this class
of elate work at exceedingly ree«tnohls
prices. The fancy .eedlework to be eb
tamed 01 this store is attracting a great
deal of atteotien also
ectioo should be takes by the Hour to vis
dicato its authority. This resolution, it is
n eedless to lay, IS aimed at Comptroller
Bowler of the Treasury, who refused to op
prove the poyrnont of the money appre-
posted by Congress to pay sugar bounties.
Justice Rufus W. Peckham, the "baby"
member of the l-. 8. Supreme Court, took
his seat today. fie dido t appear to be •
bit nervous, but several mmee an elpr*mtoo
passed across his face whioh was interpre-
ted by • bright woman to mean "I'd like
to know whether my new silk gown tongs
all right...
Them who expected the dispute between
the U. b. and England over the Alaska
boundary would better pack those expee-
tattong to moth ball, and pigeon hole them.
There tot the slightest probability of their
ever being realized. When the report of
the commission headed by General Duffield,
Chief of the li S. ('com.t lied Geodetic Sur
wry, now in the hands of the secretary of
'tate is sent:to Cohgrw, am it will shortly
be, it will be officially seen that there ie
practically no difference het w, en the boun-
dary line run by the American engineers
and the one previously run by English en
glowers. The greatest difference between
the two lines at any given point is six hoot
and seven taches, or fifteen seconds of longi
The s enesnelan horDdery aemmtmioo
held ito first meeting and organired for
business by electing .I u.tuca Knower prom
dent That the oommwton enjoys the
onnfidenoe of the public and of Congreve u
plainly indicated wh the subject is
dtenuveed. It u to toe entirely unti•mmeld
in its proceeding, and will decide entirety
for itself not only what u the true !cottons
ot the bouodary between Veneru•la and
British Guiana, bat also what u the best
way to go about letting the deemed iefor•
metiers it has already been unofficially ea
n oance'd that Eastland is /ping is place her
side of the controversy unofficially, of
(mono. before to commission.
truth now bas a member of the Huse
who can vote. and **quick as her legislature
oar elect them she will have tame senators.
So much for the Presidents prockatatica
declaring Utah the forty fifth state of the
u nion.
" Uld, yet ever now, and simple Sad
beautiful ever,' singe the poet, is words
which might well aptly to Aster's liereappoarr•
t11• to mast eldiotest and .otseNI. AIWA
purifier ever offered to suffering humanity.
Nothinagg but superior merit keeps it so toy
at the freer.
Wiewhem Mr Lanai, of Portage La
Prairie, Manitoba. 'pent • few day. hen
with his reel•, lir. Ma.desald. It is
Sweaty -fear )ears si.m Mr. Ora.t went
with hie people foto what mint he trnrly I feA
trilled the " Wild West." M Do.wl•s says bay
The beet anodyne and expectorant for the
mire of colds, miters, and all lung. threat
brouhaha!or brouhaha! trembles, is .ednobtedly, Ayer •
Cherry Pester•l, the only speetfe for colds
lad ssugbe admitted oe exhibition at the
Chiang° World's Pair. owe .s d., last week, Rod Me
Rev, Jas. Shaw and Jas. Rurgese out and
split 2 nerds of 23 itself wood set of a maple
tree in 38 inmates. The two former did
the sawing and the latter handled the is
The week w410a of Mr Barger fern.
Grey :Jaes I'. ihsn'las,e/ the township
** th
of Dreg, wa «ee! meMets of James M
Shane, who was sleeted as tM liberal rep-
r...ntoUys for Montreal ('eats • day
—Resew our subscription to Tia l ►. y
he wee /he
i Jimmie" the...d he 1. the "p.s,N'e Jl.
Smug. for 1 Bim, I .N" sew.