HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-2, Page 88 THE'SIGN A T. : DERIC11, ONT.. TRTTRSDAY. JAN. 4 18 6. SLAUGHTER SALE of • Ladies' Coats The balance of our stock at the following price.. 1 Coat worth $10.70, for $7.00 1 Coat worth $ 7.75, for $5.75 2 (`oats worth 6.00, for 4.50 2 Boats worth 8.50, for 6.00 3 (;oats worth 4.85, for 3.50 1 Cost worth 11.00, for 6.00 2 Coats worth 6.00, for 3.90 I Coat worth 7.50, for 4.75 1 Coat worth 5.00. for 3.75 1 Coat worth 7.00, for 3.00 H you want a Ladies' Coat, be sure and see the above before you purchase 36 inch all wool Serge Drew Goods at 20 tents. 40 inch all Wool Dress Gaols at 25 Dents. A few pieces of Ureas Goods at half ;irk*. A full assortment of Black awl Colored Mantle cloths at very low tgurea. All Mantle Cloth. above $I cut and fitted free of charge. Diems and Mantle making up stairs. Our Carpet as usual i' the largest and best in the County. We can fit you out in anything from a ten cent Hemp to the beat Brus- sels. We have intruduwd a new Axminster Carpet that is taking the lead where good ('trpeta are wanted. Be sure and see it if you want a ('arpet Lair Curtain,. a specialty. ()ver 300 sets to select from. Chenille , oo'i,.,'tug,.:ai.l ."Cats in great variety. Colborne Bros. The Greatest Carpet and Lace Curtain Ware- house of the County. NEWSOF THE DISTRICTIillellaSb•w. Two rsadinr. b,•5. IS. W"• Basis. The .tripping of the tree oau.ef lou _ of merriment. Each of the 'oboists w.• made happy with a little bag filled with good thing.. The chairman regretted that our superintendent A C. McDonald was not present with his charge, he being sway Prem borne, but though absent hu heart would be with us la closing we might say that a warm vote of thanks from the oommunity is due vine Edith Horton and fella ('lark for getting up the programme among the scholars and preparing them tor :t POR MRS' HILL s.TI•tti..t, Doo. 28, Miss Mabel Newton ba. hada .even at - task ot intlammauoo of the lung.. John Young ha+ been 000fined to the hoses tor 'several weeks with blood poison lag in his arm. From our ownCorreds pondente. *►ere So Isrermaties Sere 'bat resod Any.. bee, Rise hew. .r'be Coasts Specially teperted roe Tae asses[. Cassel b. DUNLOP. Muyu.tr, Deo. 30. Mrs. Chas. Spesoe. of (.odenok township, spent the Ckrutmtar holidays with her daagbter, Mrs. Arthur Williams. Ur FOR CuRI,Trae -James L. Tobin, of the Five Press staff, Loudon. alloyed his Christmas dinner under the parental roof. Mrs. Thornton, ott'Seeft.rtb, and a num- ber of relatives from God«ab township, what Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. rtobbonrne. The anneal school meeting of the rate- payers of B.S. No. 9, was held oa the Loth of Deosmber. The attendance was larger tbao at former ressting. 1) Gummings was chosen chairman and S R. Williams secretary. James Tobin and Arthur Nil Items audited the accounts of the ..sties. S. B. Williams was elected auditor for the ratepayers and John H. e.rken, trustee, the latter by aoclamation. • LEEBUPN. M.Noar, Dec. 30. Mrs. (,avid t'tut ton, from near Surat/ord. was up for Christmas •ta►ting her parents, Mr and John Horton. ('nein it Nuri, -There :will be prayer meeting on Friday evening. At its oleos the managers are to have a meetenr. The C. K. S. also have a business meeting that evening. rartai, OiwAKt. -The death of Hoary Horten, eldest son of our respected towns- man, James Horton, took place ('hrt.tmas morning at the early age of 20 years. after an Illness of some time camped by a .old two- traoted when at the Sault nearly two years ago. Medical treatment and nursing failed to benefit him, and in the midday of life he parted away. 1)eowssd was possessed of a Menial disposition, and was a favorite vette all with whom he Dame in oontact. To our yogurt people his demise show, them, as oldie older persons, that the• must always be prepared for that summons. The deep. e est sympathy was shown to his father, brothers and eaten by the large turnout to the funeral on Friday last when he was buried in the ('olborae cemetery. The pall- bearers were Win. Fulford. Win. Cool. H. A. Horton, 1). Macleod, Jos. MacNevin and W. Glidden. Releasin to the Brethren, tae funeral was 000duoted by Mr. Maybes. of Brantford. The ('brutmas entertainment gotten up for the school w treated as last yew by • (all of rain which made the roads very bad for chose who did tarn out. The children put in a good attendance, but the parental element was slim. The opening selection ot the p'rogramme " Onward Christian Sol dier.was sung by the audience and the 'Cholera who took a part in • motto exercise marched into the church headed b', eight little aided. followed by (lye bonnie boys who gave in lettere " Den to do right with plays. The Rev. Mr. Hamilton ably filled the duties ot the ohair and gave an address on Santa I'lau. sad his duties and also soar a solo. Solos were given by a choir of the elder scholars at intervals. Recitation. were given by 1.. ■orlon and REMEMBER --- Fleischman's Cooking School ()PENS Clinton The wife of S ('asub slipped and broke her leg the other day If You Want The very Cheapest, Purest, Freshest and Best CHxIBTMAS Groceries Confectionery Cakes, etc., Call on D. !TODAttLRT Hamilton -St. Baker and Grocer, next to Win. Acheson s Harness Depot. P. S. -Horace -made Cakes iced at low rates. Groceries The undersigned beg to an pounce to the public that they have opened out • general store of Groceries, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed on Hamilton Street, next door to S. Sloane., Warehouse, where they will endeavor to sell at the very lowest price possible. Tema Cash. ppia1 Bargains 1 Before Stock Taking. rnerican Cotton Blankets 75c. A PAIR. 616. Union Blankets, PURE V ITE, WITH BLUE BORDERS, $1.75 A -extra Large White Blankets AT $2.00 A PAIR. 3 Do.:. Men's Undershirts t11+CULAR PRICE 50e., TO CLEAR AT 371c .PAIR 5 Do.:. Ladies' Hygeian Neste, WITH LO1'G SLEEVES AND HIGH NECK, WORTH 75c FOR 50c J. T. ACHESON. SITCx W�TCgES our stock is now complete in all departments rept-i Tally in Watches. C A. HUMBER & SON have eftla 11 past recor'I, far orhinit, and this year show one of the greatest oelet.tions of SUITABLE GIFTS shown in town FOR THE X -MAS TRADE I)on mis, it C. A. HUMBER & SON. SQUAR, GI(DID 1896 Wishing our Customers and the General Pudic A HAPPY 1V E W YEAR. We begin the year with a full supply of SC=3001r 3E100=KS $C=OOz Sv11515I=s The biggest value to be had for cash. 3EE OUR 200 AND 300 PAGE SCRX.:133.131E12ZS FOR 5 CENTS. Exercise Books, N ote Books FOR 5c. AND 10c. Leather School Bags Direct from makers. Extra, Rubber $nd Lead Pencils 4. C. Beck & Oo. C.R.SHANE&CO Full Line of JANUARY 6, 1896.,'Seasonable Goods. All are invited. Wishing you all a Happy New Year. CHAS. A. NAIRN FAMILY GROOM Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. 0.A. smuts a00. Amb tier q. revues mem 3 FOR 5 CENTS. Best 5c. bottle sold. W Tinted Note Papers, Stationery, Blank Books, Extra value to hand. See them. .Albums, Silverware, Dressing Cases at cost. Window Shades, cloth HURON'S GREATEST STORE 11.!. SMITH The Great Inventory or Stock -Taking Sale to be condensed this year into THREE GREAT Bargain Days_ Sam�dal, Monda Tnesdai, JAN. 4, a and 7, 'BB. 50c. TO $1.50. .A_ Z_ WEIR_ Next door to JA8. ROBINSON'S Dry Goods Store. Special at Munro's. t Hooey (iamb Shawls, S.otch Plaid Shoulder Shawls, Double and Long Shawls in Black and Odors. HOBI ERY Fiia Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infanta to Ladies size. Brays and Girls Heavy makes, warm and durable. L,1ss' and Children. Underwear in all the leading makes. Men's and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches. .1u4 to hard, full lines of Men's Merino and Heavy Soaks. New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pule Silk Handkerchiefs from 5c. to $1.25. AwZaratrINTMAD. Draper and Eaberdasb• The General Dry Goods, The Fancy Dry Goods, The Millinery, TO BE CLEARED AT A BOUND. Although the general trade has complained of hard tines and dull business, we have had a splendid season's trade. We now propose to declare a dividend to our Customers by dividing profits in the General I)ry Goods, while the margin on the Millinery and Fancy Goode will be swept clear out of sight. Our resident buyer, located in Toronto 10 months in the year, has been actively employed with Mist DONAnnH in arranging this greatest of all Millinery Sales. We are already planning for ad- ditional space. and the Stock must tumble out of the room we need for the Greatest Millinery Season in the hist ►ry of this busi- ness. The Tremendous Reductions in this department will eclipse all previous efforts, because the Velvets, Plashes, Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Jet Goods, kc., will be thrown on the tables pelt -Snell to add interest to the Great Sale of Trimmed and Untnmmed Millinery. Your choice of 125 fine all -wool Felt Hate, Ladies' and Misses' worth from 31.00 to 11.50, tale price 25c. each. Your choice of 47 Ladies' Trimmed Hats, worth from 11.21 to 12.00, sale price, 75c. 3 boxes Wings, all colors and black, worth from 50c. to 75c. each. Kale price, 15c. 5 boxes Birds of lovely plumage, all colors and black, worth from 75e. to 31.25, sale price, 25c. 9 shades Silk Velvet, wort." 85c. wholesale, for 40c. a yard. Jet Sprays, regular price from 25c. to 35c., your choice for 15c. each. 4 boxes fine colored Ostrich Tips, regular price 11.00 and 11.25 (for 31, sale price, 15c. each. Black Velveteen, regular 25c. quality, for Pic. A great deal in Black and Cream Laces, 25 pieces at # leas than whole- aah prices. GENERAL STOCK. 7 doz. Heavy Cotton Bags, worth 20c.. a pieces Mantle Cloth, worth 11.25, 10 " 60c. all -wool Dress Goods, 10 " Serge Dress Goods, 22c. and 25c., " 10 " all -wool Black Dress Goods, sale price, 15c. each " " 75c. yd " 45c. " .. 18c. " " 25c. " IMPORTANT TO DRESS -MAKERS Grass Cloth, Sc. yd.; Dress Steele, 8c. sett ; Canvas, 8e. yd.; Silk Twist, le. .pool ; Spool Cotton. 3 for 5c. ; Needles, 3 papers for 5e.; Drees Shiehfs, 8e. pair : Toilet Pins, lc. paper. For the convenience of buyers who desire to take advantage of this Sale, we have arranged a " Will Call " Parcel Desk, where all purchases. of 31.00 and upwards can be laid aside for 30 days, 10 per cent. to be collected at time of sale, and the balance when par- cel is delivered. WHEN THE CLOCK STRIKES 8 SATURDAY NIGHT 'Wry Cuatomer in the store at that time will be presented with • useful New Year's Gift, value !bc. R. B. SMITH O. W. AlIDB.ZWEI, Kantor.