HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-2, Page 7TWA &SAL : GODIRICa• ONT., TRLTRiSD baby growth The baby's mission is growth. To that little bun- dle of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh ml ins added hap- piness and comfort! Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby, beauty. Scott's Emulsion, with hypop1iosllites, is tyle eas- iest fat -food baby can have, in the easiest form. It sup- plies just what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth. Resit i arms. Ilearalla O.L g•e-.•d ✓]t se TIPS FOR THE KITCHEN. Apples Stewed R'bole-Take six good stewing apples, core Aad peel : place is • pas with water enough to just half Dover ; stew rail only the so halt is sone, thou turn them over and ouuk the other side : re- move from pan. To one quart of .pole juice and water add ons uup art sugar . boil u.' I quite thick ; taro over apples Oat Fbka-Two t iroupfu. of Hakes to six teacups o1 cold wester, • tosepuuulul of salt ; allow to come to a boil slowly This ls the French maser of cooking oat flakes Hominy Griddle takes --To one pot of boiled hominy add ..oe pint et sour milk,aad oue plat of our Bat the two egos •tad stir roto the batter. • pinch of wilt ad soda mash to .neer point of spoon. Panned Sausage -Tike cold p ark chops lett from br,•kt,st. uhup boo ; then till a small baldig dish with al ornate levers 01 chopped meat and of bread crumbs sewsosed lightly with pepper and thyme Dover with gravy left from the fried pork ; bake tweety minutes; serve hut. Sooteh Broth - Two pounds of .craggy sok of mutton ; cut nest in small proem and put in 'imp pot with tun ,Iuarte of water, one turnip, two carrots, one dolor mad a et•Il of celery, all cut hoe : boomer two hours ; ouok oue tablespoonful art Hour so one of butter together until perfectly smooth stir io soup and add • teaspoonful of chopped parsley ; •saeon with alt and p.pp•r• l'rnoerry .fell. --One quart of craober ries, ons tont of u..td water. Roil until soft uoough .o press through sieve. hetero oraabernee to for tire, add pound of guru - tatted sugar ; let sine to a boil ; be sure Lite sugar is d'slveel lar not burl half • minute: turn into a mould (.bat has baso wet woo water : let stood over night and it will come out &mend cigar. Parsnips in Batter -Sit parsnips boiled Leader ; any loft over from a previous mal will du nicely mho. into posse halt a inch thick and two inches long : make • batter of one pint of Hoar, one egg, one level teaspoonful of raking powder, a little salt and milk .n..ugo to nuke better like ei'riddle cakes ; sur p•rsoope into batter and fry light Lown In led. Dash Pudding{ -Soak over night one tesaupful of tapioca in three pinto of cold water; add a pinch of salt. lo the morn- ing oouk until clear ; add • halt cupful of *near and half • pint of any syrup left from any coned fruit Strawberry, red ram - berm or piueapp'e judo, a delicious ued to this way. Turn into • mold to cool and eat with cream. lists Pudding ---One mpful sour in lk,00e cupful sugar or moll.ssss, one big •p000lul butter, • te•spoon,ui of soda, spices ti taste, and one pound of dates, stoned Stir quite stiff w1th graham Hour •ted steam two hours. Serve with sugar or create and sauce. Rio. CakesTwo cupful. of boded rice, two eggs, a girth of salt, one teaspoonful smear, one of butter, beat all well together. Add nos tesepoentul of baking powder, • cup of milk and 11 ur enough to thicken so that the cakes will tura easily Drop by sposful. into • frying pan half lull of hot lard ad fry light brown. Malars awl sense. Have a littler eons and wive mossy by barring your wearing apparel of all kinds .leaned and dyed at Porkers' I)ve Works. Toronto. Work Is donewell. If don. at Parker's --ea they •11 say. W• aro ready to give them our best attention. Agency at Mises Yater' milliary store, sews'. LOW Weed. "Roa.sibor, Noddy," said smmm• .e. day, "always to aosemmod.te every ear that yon ass. " •' Yes'es," answered Noddy, hsaruly, "1 will " Aad mamma felt sure that he would bears Noddy is soot the very 'bees keys W remwb.r amp you .yes saw, The asst day Mrs. Camp called to him se he was resist deers ib. street with his sew .led Syiag ttl..g beard him. "Noddy, Noddy ! war bee . minus, wealt you!" Noddy hoard her and stopped, though b. diart nuoh'wwt to. H. was going ewer as the Wtlsoa hail ooastiog, sand was in • great burry ; but he went up to the d. or where Mrs. Camp was standing, and pulled off his fur rap with a polite little bow, which pleased the lady very meet " Will you run low• to the .tors for me, dear!' .h. asked. '•I want • spool of twist, and 1 have no es tetrad." It didn't take losg, after all The .tore eta not • great w.y off, sod there was o0 otter customer ; and Noddy, in lees than lye minutes, was back again with the spool ot twist, "Thank you," said Mrs. Camp, emlltog al him. Thea she took ;a bright new dune from her puree. "Here is something for you to buy pasts with.. said .h. kindly. "And I'm very mesh obliged beetdes " Hut Noddy shook his head at the dime, though he lilted peanuts almost as well ae maple sags, which is saying • good deal. You re welcome es .an be, said be, "but 1 east take pay for going, Mrs Tamp 'cause, you know, mamma tells m. always to • bomtnate every one I aw '" ' Dids'e Mrs C.sip laugh. 1)f course, poor tittle Nedd y seat to use the word accom- modate. But the lady could not help laugh• tug though .he tried .o hard that she almost choked, and frightened Noddy, who oould sot think what the trouble was. - Youth'. ('01111.tnio0. hating u • necessity. To be healty, it i. • pleasure ; to the dyspeptic, • torture. By the use of Avers Sarsaparilla, tee weak- est and most disordered stomach is restored to natural condition, and food is more partaken of with youthful relish said satis- faction. • Great Faintly •ewapaper. No family is se poor that It cad go wituout • weakly paper. No family u se rich that it an afford to do without one. No family rich or poor can afford to forget that the best paper Is the cheapest and the one that brings big returns oo the invest meats. The ideal family paper makes it self indispensable to every member of the kousehold. It iotereeNf helps, amass and inetruite, makes itself invaluable and 000e taken as sever abandoned. There ts end such paper is C.aada -The Family Herald and Weakly Star, cf Montreal, which crres- Iata in every known part of the Dominion ; sod is everywhere ao.laimd as the greatest weakly published. Every subscriber to the Family Herald is ramrod for lye hundred dollars sisal railway accidents free of oat. Splendid as were eta qualities se a tardy jourtal before, it has reoeotly been enlarged from twelve to sixteen pages, and interest- ing new features and department* bore been added. Eech issue is • wonder, and is re- ceived by the roller with amazement that se great • paper can be published for the trio. 1f you don't know the Tomtly Herald you should and at once for a sample copy. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is only on. dollar • year We bear from those who have seen It tbat the Family Herald has • premium picture entitled " Littb Queenie,' this year far yearly sub- scribers- worth tier tunes the whole sub - sorption. This is verily an age of wonders. L..g Seeress.. More than two -third. of the disease and suffering which atelier humanity is all - made -the result of some violation of the lava of health. Even given an abundance of fresh air, half the people do not breathe it : for the habitual, involuntary breathing is removed sly a few steps from lung oter- ration. is the primary cause of many oases of phthisis, and the source of much of the sufferings caused by impurity of the blood. It is only by 000ecious breathing, exercis- ing the lungs by slow, deep and thorough movements, that we can give to the blond the amount of pore oxygen required to oar- ry off ita impurities; and every man, woman and child should, both eight and morning and at }miuent intervals during the day, g ive a five -minutes' attention to what aro 11 named "lose gy'moastice." The exer- cise should be taken ie the freshest air, - pure, unoontamioated, outdoor air, where possible; do not be afraid of its bring cold, for it is impeesibls to "take cold" while breathing deeply. Inhale slowly, always through the nostrils, prolonging the move- ment as much as possible, and filling the whole lunge, the lower as well as the upper parts; then give lass time for rethaling and every other exhalation be forcible and mpanied by abdominal movement se 11, which will aid in emptying the stagnant o.11e in the lower parts of the lungs. WO Thr IIMlem. let The great .phlox o1 (wide is an enormous soon master, between whose gigantic arms io we the old days nestled a little temple with steps leading to it. In this temple tables were found,whooh indicate that it was dedi- cated to,Hor-emakhu, meaning " the eon ea the hnn000." It measures 172 feet b Moire long and 100 feet from tree to top of bead. It is been out of a natural sirens is • solid rock, erne defter being filled to and tee lege added with masonry His Face was a mass of Blotches. i11it new his ekln is otos as a year Old babe's. •esti'• Sar'saparllla his Salvation. Noshing blights existence like the knowledge that our appearance is re- pellant to those with whom we come in teatact, a(w is there any relief like that of feeling that the disfiguring causes have been removed. Says Mr. William Alger : y face on one side was a mass of etches, some of which were constantly WI of matter. 1 run a bake shop doing sty own work, but my face got .n bad that tastomers drifted away. Then i hired a man Aad wont to a doctor. He said my blood was is a horrible condition. i tu't1d my business and moved to the city where Scott's Sarsaparilla was recommended to me. The first bottle did me nisch good, and after taking five bottles my skin lea* dearas possible, and not a sign nl m7 previous disfigurement 1 say Srott s Sarsaparilla hs the best blood medicine goring and am speaking from experience. Pimples, blotches, boils, ulcers end all NM Arian( from vital •abaetioa Mord are radically Aldred by . conce*trated co d t5e fins.. est met$cires gvW own. Your druggist h.. k at Pt. 1st Scott's. The k d that eves. CRISP AND CASUAL. The banter of all hard tasks is to be tolerant people. To know how to grow old is the master- ful piece of traits and one of the most dif8milt chapters in the great art of living. - Amiol. The late Marquis of Waterford was, os ae.osnt of his lameness, allowed to address the House of Lords .eared He was, never. tholes, quite • forcible and convincing speaker. ('cont Wilhelm von gtnllherg Wester - ode and hie Countess her• just o.lebratd their diamsd wedding The Count is 913 years old and the Countess ten years younger. Wb.m Kis Thohaw of Burmah was de- tbrowed the English left him aa estate 1. his owe oesstry for his moisten.... They as propose to setas ou the isomer from it order to pay hi. creditors. Th. Deka and Dunham of Fife with their aihlldren, who hay hese in London for • few day., after orating at Sandringham. WPM taken for the Winter the dam. hones at Brightest that they had last year. it is probable that Res Donesn (dillies, the Agent (leaeral in Reglad for Vioteris, rad . r Saul Samuel, dee Arra 0...ral a Reglad for New Rath Wales wil! rep- ' resort Australis is the Peale eater ester - ens iwigi Arditl, she has enednete.l Italia• epees for se ataxy year, •ad has kaws t•- tkwmtely all the great ginger for a lease• ties past, h.. written hie rsmitierseass Shish will be edited by the Rarest= oma ...dins The Impress Tredlerielt in erpooted Mt Mit Priem end Prisms' Hoary .t Preeda as Naples *beat the sed .1 Fehrery, sed the repel prtr will afterwards pressed W *these on a AIM le the Duke end Design I a orm 't. BROAD-MINDED DOCTOR RELATES SOME ENPIRIENCgt IN HIM OWN PRACTICE. aLLIIOV IN aww0W0' DINS •NT 111101.111 TWAT Ma 11,4•W. WILL .'1'aa We PATI- ▪ ls. tea wILWAr.' YIN 1'u -t., • user u1aa YlvltaT. • A104911, I!'a., April 94111, '96. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. (.a.,ra xwrs, While It is entirely 000 tr rye to the curium. 0t the medical proffers to endorse or recommend ray of the so called epraetery prep•ratiuoa, 1 shall, trev.rth.- roe, give you an 000ount of wase of may wuod.rful speciosa with sour •proper. us, Ili. Williams. Pink Nilo fur Pale People. The faut is well known that mod' oil prootitioos as a rule do not respire, much lees use preparations of this kin ,00h seeueutly the bo.ty of them have no debaite k.owled0e of 'hear value or lack of it, but soundly condemn them ell wrtnout • trate Such •-course u maoifwtly absurd and 00 just, and 1 for one, propose to give my Mitigate the best treatment known to me, for the part.cular chars with whlcb they are suffering, no matter what it u, where r how obtained. 1 J. /1. A,br.pkr, .11./►. was first brought to prescribe Dr. Williams. Pink Pills about two years ego, after hay ing seen some remarkable result• from their nee. Reuben Hoover, now of Reading, 1'•., was a prominent contractor and builder. While superintending the work of erecting • large budding during cold weather he contracts what was thought to be sciatica, be having first noticed it one morning in n ot being able to rice from hie bed. After the usual treatment for this cheese he failed to improve, but on the contrary grew rapidly worse, the epee developing into bemiphlegia, or partial paralysis of the en- tire right side or the body. Eleetncity, tonic." and massage, etc., were •11 given a trial, but nothing gave any ben.It and the paralysis continued. lo despair he was onmpelled to hear his physicians announce that his case was hopeless. About this time his wife noticed one of your dvertise- mente and concluded to try your Pink Palls. " He had given op hope and it required a great deal of hogging on the part of his wife to persuade him to take them regularly. " ■e, however. did as she desired. and if appeases. indicate health to this man, ons would think be was better than before his paralysis." "Why,' says Is, "I began to improve in two days, and in four week. 1 was sorely well and at work " "Having seen these results i ooncludee that such a remedvlis surely worth a trial at the hands of any physician, and coose- guentle when a short time I•tertl was called upon to treat a (rely suffer.sg with palpita- tion of the heart and great nervous prostra- tion, after the usual remedies failed to re. hero, I ordered Ir Williams Pink Pills. Th. result was simply astonishing. Her at- tacks became less frequent and also less in severity. until by their use for a period of only two -menthe, she was the picture of health, rosy-cheeked and bright eyed, se well as ever, and she has continued eo until to -day,, more than 00. year mooe she took any medicine. I have found these pills • arsine for chorea. or as more commonly known, St. Vitra' dance, as beneficial re- soles have is all cease marked their use. As a spring tonic any one who, from nvar- wnrk or nervous strain during a long winter hoe become pale and languid, the Pink Pi11s will de wooden is brightening the counten- ance and is buoying the spirits, bringing reed to the 'pallid lips and renewing the fountain of youth. Tours respectfully, .1 D AL•alone, M.D • TEMPERANCE. N y friend, there's heat two occasions when i talk. whisky. Usdi.m•yed by the hums ! and hake ! which easoed, he onn- tinned. ayes, i just ttk' whiskey when i have haggis for dinner and i t•k' whisky when i hae nsr, haggis. Hess Mann ; (:oyernmeot o•aoot ksook a hom.n passion or a depraved sad dies.sed appetite upon the had, but it can knock • barrel of whiskey or rum upon the head, and thus prevent the ,ratiloation of the passion or appetite, and after • tune the tinted appetite rt paeans will die oat Intemperance is ns lnnger looked upon as • pardoeahls sateen bot as a grove fault and Megrim It has ceased to be permiei• ble, se it ens was, for public men to be seen is a drookes condition. Society doe n ot extend its former indolgtnoe to pesos Tho fail to onntrol their appetite for strong dent. John Ruskin says : Drunkese.' is set sly the oases of sins. but it a cries. est if any eno.rorsae dismisses fee tbe mks of the profit derived from the Gale of drink, they are guilty d a form of metal Ieeeinat:ea ea wlmisal as any that hes been prsntioed by the braves of any .ountry Of of any age !4e when you bny whiskey- you depreit Your mno.y rand lose it Your ties and I .e it Your eth•raot.r---a.d loos it V on, 'sett -and lose it Your strwugth- aed lama it. Your manly independence - sad loser Yon, ..l( •netynl-Aad lose it. Your home comfort.- end Inse it. Your wife's happiness -and lees it. Your ohild- rea's happiness and lase it. Your nws e st -sad lose it Dv. R. W Rieeardenn ha. the lest ward to the idler'. 1.1.0 Symposium ea the mob. pet of anoeltimor It it is net, he •seaYme, e s Ind .e ilei king, het it Ie radially Irl. it disturbs the oireul•ein. ; it efts !m- padee digestion : it ta►nrl•r•s with the fine .diwtmmat• n' the ..waw, sed sesw.itses 1 impairs the Iwss of viola altetgNttmr. Mrwsov.r, it generates • wars for itself is the n.rvom organism, always oa «ail sign, add tedlrn.tly is Gans up, ow Wm - quantity, hereditary evil., like wader, whiee. sold lie laast i1 Idt .less Whoever seer fees le lass with 01f- 1.1 Mee h.e to wee and Walt, Weeded He -Thos every es. be married 111 M• Sbe-- There is east spoken ..f, Aad .tam He ('ertauly, m, Bed me go through sake, and 111 du it deem, sad 0Duch •11 get it, ay, even t►. ss., climb the Iofua the fuming ureters of do it. She It teat 111Yyl., said 1 mast ask you e .d to allow nee for p1. He-l'm--er bow now! for w,. Never eat • meal Either art down or 11. minutes to rest belorr been walking or doings a iagf mous. Half of 'h are due to servos debt teres times a der for will produce brlau(ssao. Never go to bed with .rotse before retinae u slumber and healthy do I:ttle before breakfast with sour cream Ao, they only give • false ap Do not •wallow haul, n ot use tee water at ail hurry. Avoid .quick d moderately every der .s healthy digestion will 4 e • a • k us of w • JAN. 2 1896. is ▪ lied, sad we 00 1 ws! e tblsg 1 hove trot Menne that 1 meet. .gel. R hat is It tial for your dear .k for the geldesi le in extrema 1'11 1 must .win, the e ke, .r arch in ty voln.nove, I11 a. RAM'S HOS* P141 • SOPHY. A . dear. Mamma moult 1 ou Intend• Uey. It are pin.. paper Ir•. e you are tired. on too or Mutes tang, if you base thing of an resit. - of dyspepsia hogs, if aro length of 111110, utter d i epepeur feet, Gentle ex IUJly, to sweat o Extreme • ever eat oatmeal stimulants, for is and no relief water. Setter Never at to • ripe. Eeercler he ors air and e away lyspep. It makes o" differea.w rely u, w long •e it rear. To lore his stoma is . service as • titration Paul was etrumg In n treogth t.1 Christ as h Th. Sen had to go to t-. cross, that the orl,t m;gbt es. what 0. 'u the Father's Bart. 1t is not so much who. . put oto our pockets, as what we tak. t that Drakes rich. the Jews knew that .le ah was a 1:d power, but they never mad that He si • (ad of love. w east( I:ud'a united. t as important reader 1'brt.t, ehtog, but the roost depend - The journey toward 1;0.; .0 comes to a etandstil, when we nu 1.' r hunger and thirst after righteousness. It was the "mixed multi a that mads all the trouble in the wile and it is the same thing that mal trouble in the church today. I bate above all thing, • crow ma What right has he to mora the sunshine ot • day • What right ba- to aswwta•te the joy .t life ' When y . go home you MIAMI, to go like a ray of 1 t, ear that it wall, evea in the night, t out of the doors eau windows alumni.. the darkness. Ir -la easy to chock t,od for ppinew and prosperity, but hard to thee Sou for Bor- row and reverses ; yr(. trues may be for us greater blessing. than p. t gifts If we had faith as big ase n...g d seed, we should be content with who e r Hu Prey', deuce sent us rod would a. • everljthmg meritorious by accepting it ooeformity with His will. OUT. of hearts plougutel 000tritiso epilog flowers furor than eve row oo the bard grouud of unbroken self-content. There bloom in then llympat. and Charity for other erring mortar : Patience under suffering, which u .c owled,ted to be mooted . and tarty. sweet t bloeom of •11, tender Gratitude for arthly and heavenly blessings felt to to red gifts et Divine Love,--Franuee I'owrr 'ebbe. In the whole art of ietero..a there is nn more fascisatag trait than t whereby man or women has the brut . giving or ap- pearing to give the whole at: coo to the other partner .n conversation How your heart goes out to one whose e t, kmdly gaze assures you that, for the moment, at levet, his thoughts are consent on your seers, and your pressor is e neat im- porat fact to his iutelligeere 0 'portunitaw approach cul 11,0.0 who use them Even thoughts bys-ad-bye to wad the idie and tee perv. Butsad- deo and unforeseen helps sad used en- couragement are vouchsafed t the devout worker. For God is every s, having Hu will, and He cannot be ha ed. Make His bursae yours, as dad H Soo. The man who work. with Htm_u tartly as- sured of achievement.-l;mereo We b•ve not wings, we coos soar : Bat we have feet to scab a climb, By slow degrees, by more an, more, The cloudy summit of ._r time, The heights 1.y great men reached and kept Were not attained by sodden flight, Rut they, while their oomp.nis.. slept, Rare toiling upward a the fright. - I-ahgfellew, WHAT HE WANTED. se abort topre•at. N Love Wdehl de for OW Girl "You keep ridge here, den t 'you! he Waal in a Woodward avenin jewelry store. "Certainly," replied the clerlt "Rona for yourself !' "No. I'm thinks°' of getts eosathia fur my girl. trot anythin for •hbut $2 •" "Yee, I coon give you a plain nee for that pro.. Hero Is something very neat." "I guess that would tit her all tight. Kin 1 base something engraved on it ?"- "01 morass What is It , "Wall, 1 want you to pot o• It: 'From Them•. .1. to Helen H., who m not only the best look'o but the smartest boil in the state of Michigan. My love will sever grow cold, and Soul,' deathovertake me my last thought would be of you. Be good and yon 11 he happy, •°d ;denim ac olpt this as a token of love.' That's what I went you to put s." "Geed gracious, but you cast get, all that en a ring," exclaimed the clerk. "R ' e oral way is to simply agrees 'T to with the date after it. "T trust way may be all right vita some 6.. la but it won't work witb min., What she waste ie est seat--hr.pe ot assee- tiosibet. 1e you neat got It on !' "Ceald.'t possibly do it Yon el want • aerfase as her as your hand to get that on. - "Ray exclaimed ed tbw yore' mer after • attender of reflection. "1 have it Ili bey her • silver telt knuekle instead • f • ring.' Clad 111 have than put es it all 1 said tied all to it : 'You are (sever shiest fress ay tbesgh.., Led a dais of yea dear teas rises o p bane [tae • tbo.eand times a lay. Se tree-- he tree 1 Virtue is ite ow° reward. tad your nether k live with us atter we tea married. No loge at present --good. by I"' - Detroit F Teacher • What M an a gioele I Aber • pause a hey answers. Heats. air ties wife el an apnea. Clerk- Yea, sir 1 ilat's eye of the beer .looks we have Is the Crew. it ,ns. ei*L 4.ye without wl.dieg. Saywd -M that se 1 How ioag do roe figure she'll de whoa yet de wied h.. ! KEEP YOUR HUSBAND HAPPY. By feediair him well. By errs meals an dile. By not boring bum with domestic history. By taktug on intell'gent interest in hie affairs. By jadiclou. Clattery and equally iudie,ou• blah. Ry beteg ea ornament to hu housebul,l sod • credit to his taste. By sot Ioolrag up the wase 01 s •west• heart is the chest with v••ur Iridal roil. HINTS FOR THE TABLE. Rapid eating is slow .uiclde. ('lenty of time should be takes, Flab sad oysters are eerily digested. Au hour or two of rest 'should be taken after the meal. Mere graulwttoo of the appetite is ver y likely to short.. life. Ihnaer should be of • lighter nature in Summer than in Walter. A quart of wheat contains more nutriment th..a a bushel of cucumbers. There is a happy medium between aril everithing and being squeamish. It ie not good to dune when io a state of moots! or physical weakness. Two pounds of potatoes contain as much nutriment as thirteen pounds of turnips Light soups, light deseeerte and light meats should have the prstereoce in warm weer her. Abu.. of the stomach at diener will be re- paid 'wiener or lair by that punishment that coma to the Flattop. tads JIM. rate-A..e, .e.Mle Pala., %e.ertate Pal... Pala I. tate rode. est. i•n.sply 11.4. -raw W (MA Y, The "D. & L." Menthol Plaster mise w yawn • I. 11.00.01 1•1•01m Iy*et w- , ia In ..M Mit an i wale., ....swellr ..Nev.J r • MIK ae,e a 43 noway .10 fart ,15 a.,s Wm �. .61..-A taaw•. ts, x.sw.at.wa erbt Pelee tee. .1-I : h LAWIIE%CIE CO, Leo. I • • lel r •. \t... rKa•L, 4,A.e. w .a GRATEFUL COAAIFORTIISG. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST -SUPPER. "Hy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a 'artful application of the fine properties of well -sleeted ('000a, i4r. Kris has provided for our breakfast Ann sup- per • delicately Iheoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the iudieioue use of such articles of diet that a con stitut on may be gradually built up until strong enough to rapist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape nany a fatal shah by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and • properly nourished frame. -- (Ord Nestor °astir. Made simply with bailing water or milk. Bold only in nacketa,by (lrocen, labelled thus JANES Errs a s'e. 544., asmw.patbie t'er'mtela. Leede.. sogiaad. L. CARD THE CLOTHIER 1IAMMILTON-ST., 4A)1)Ehll'H. one floor from the corner of the Square, and it will pay you to tin.( that door. I've made a purcha.'e of rpatiy made Clothing from -one of the largest manufacturers in Canada, at one third less than the regular price. This is the time of year clothing i4 wanted, and the prices that are nlarke(l on these golds will make theta fairly Cly out of the door. Here goes for a few prices, and I want you • to cut this advert'selnent out, bring it. with you and nee whether the 1;ooels are here anal the prices are right. MOTHERS' BRING YOUR BOYS i'v'e a nice assortment of depend- able Clothing, and quality Tris not been lost sight of for price Boy's 2 piece suite, start at 81 75, bet- ter .•nee at 52, 92.25, up to to 60. tiny s 3 pews suite, price start $3.25, better ems., 53 75 $4 and $5. 'nils is not trash. It's reliable, wearable clothing. X6.50 will bay an all wool Frieze Ulster with misled reams, storm Dolls, 54 inches long, warm lining. This cost ie a clinker. Hatter ones 58. Al 25 buys a good heavy Tweed Panto, with proper trimmings and sewing. $6 will buy an .11 wool doable -breast- ed man's suit made up in proper style, good trimmings, first clam workman- .hhip, and it would be good value at e7 Ss an all wool Tweed suit, made op double ireaaeted,iwtth extra heavy linings, neat pattern, The whole sale price of this suit was Si 50, ire as good as any 510 suit in (lodwnch. 9fi will buy you an imported Black Sorge emit, winter weight, fast dye, the !'oat is double breasted, full length, with extra neo. linings. Tela is • .mit that in the regular way should he sold for 412. Eight dollars is my prior All sites 36-42. $1 50 is the price ot n pair of extra heavy. all wool paste. $2 is what they are worth. Come in whether you are ready to buy or not. Look freely. Let's all get acquainted. Will be mutu- ally beneficial. L. CARD ATENTS! p�C{e MATS. TOW PMIS IN minimumOSsi spieledW sot DX1 4 711gAIAhs t Our 'Mee is et. tbe U. a. Potent ce. le., and w t so .dials Pause la Ism lams las there ism.** tram WASHINGTON. Send YODEL OR DRAWING. We d etas as te�atoa tablet ft.pp .c w we make 11O__ teNall UNLASH WS OS r(Wo retIN e t`� .leo vt . ttewm..ter ib. ms d. S mows e. aPer eirgeder, says Meme and metronome W sets•! stento 1. roam gee sew K Owesty, write be ID • wap.. oeeeales w Patens y W.ektase. D C. MIRE SPARKS :Y•ee a uu''1.'. (w.au. epee yea, draw b.e.l.Iy . 1, To be;; say day wuh.•ut uraier u M tete. yew 1f .aper.,( t.. 11.e ••soa...1 'be devil. 7'u pl • the hero lar au sn urgesoy ha assure I aau:'a.a'rot, n.au ou the dead loyal of very.', 111- l),. n Ihs jet ways to cure an old load is W y ' t talitng at.w1 It *WI t., you states. tag rt.en other. t• Ik. tt hes you tied yourself melee.1 to tbtak li • t vete v is,.t .lee, s.'u would do well M 'mitt. a do ,• surblt.0 1.41 of y sur ...KU mere( •rare PYNY PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS In a surprisingly Soil m n. i"s a air doth. certainty, mind ..awl a u...oatbitq sod heeling to an Alert., tt'.C.MC( oun.hRw, 111‘,111111,1 4.. r., ..n ,-, .. 1.101 tact rvw es row saw...^j. 11 t: ♦.. Alli. a 1.eea••..M...eY. - Ma. I. H. Hurry. t ' r.,:«. �a twee. lies. /utur.q WOW!- " L a row• W .•..a as., IOW w.•wwIyw. (4..11.• ,,,.:......t .-..a.....• r ..e s..e bus , w hooey alleles ea tan de. Muer .utast , o. tai . ►s l Ia.deea Ir Y w, .•ll.. rawer,. Mimi t. slam/ M 1:u s teas soh o- 1 .. Y es.��1, and 1 •.. siva,. Wrolo .y a as a e.. esZ (..1W. "... ih "'viwiGa Raseo Define. s tar DAVIS & 1 AN 111NCE CPQ t n. yule' Ptnt'.. •des Mow r. -.e. Driv g Nails alter 1.* and teit ire a going aro • good deal alike, one w.nt. to know where to lardks. IN SILVERWARE AND FINE CUTLERI Ftiu ('11HIi'I'JIAS TRADE We are giving great bargains. la CROSS -CCT SAWS, A x ES. I•'1I.E.M and GENERAL HARI,WARM. Our prise are away down. DAVISON & CO. Noted for go. •1 K•..aL. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. GODERJOH STEAK BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL., Sweneeeor(o ('bryeenl t Blac4,} smut•.t to -or of all kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pana, Sheet iron Works, etc., etc., And Dealer In - Engines, Machinery C'a1 t,S., te. All sizes of Pipes and Pipe, Fittitgp. Steam and Water Gaut'•. _ (:lobe Valves. Cheek Valves, i0epiratlrs, Fjeoters and 1.. cot ('oostaotly an Hand at Loweuk A special lis WAWA Water sad Hog Troughs for wee of farmers and others. Repairing promptly attended to A. S. CaaTSTAL. tits!-ly P. O. Roz 37, Ooderloh, Oat. Work. -O mite O. 1'. R. Maus. (lederie. The Sun. The first of American Newspapers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, forever. DAILY, by mail - - - $6 a year DAiLY & SUNDAY by mail $14 a year The Sunday Sun in the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Patch bca ropy. By mail. Its a year A401/0/11 tins 1101, Now 1ls&