HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-2, Page 66
Almost a
Hopeless Case.
A Terrible Gough. No Rest MIglt
aur Day. Given up by too,fois.
Several years ago, 1 caught a severe cold,
attended with a terrible cough that allowed
me no rest. either day or night. The dos
tors, alter working over me to the beet «
their ability, pronounced my case hopeless.
and said they could do no more for me.
A friend. learning of my trouble, sent me
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I
began to take, and very soon i was greatly
relieved. By the time I had used the whole
bottle, I was completely cured. 1 have never
bad much of a cough since that time. and I
L rmly believe that Ayer'' Cherry Pectoral
saved my life.”—W. H. Wean, t Quimby
♦ ver., Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
4v.+•r rills thr 6r.t Family
i)os't wrote Folly letters to u.ynn.. You
o.■ mei er tell who will ace. theirs
hsvr enc frtomds yo t mann. oak to
your home end in reduce to your tam..y.
Doo'1 to I Tom or Dick or env of you: b.•y
Ireods that you will meet hail data town
or et 11 a post ntti •e. If y u .re 'tong out
TIM b in, let him c..I lug you at your
Iloo't think lout I uvhiuK and trnk'ng on
the street, lb pubhr else••, or, n.dorl, say-
w'.ere, will cause people to motion you ; cel
tautly it w:11, but nut to a way that is fg•t-
ter:ng to you.
itsee fee New.peper t'atll.gs.
A useful little presto, ,s • caw for news•
paper cutnge. For thin you weal two
pit cos of p..teh.ard time inches lune by
four inches wide, had s Jo,.eu long white
ens elopes the site ot the p.tehwr.bu, three-
quarters of • yard of uerrow nhlon, came
Isa.iy silk or ...her covering material, and
. oma bits of embroidery 'Ilk.
t'over the pas•eboar.s neatly os hoth
• ,d*. wutbthe silk. overhaagmg the edges
and adorning the outside wrth •uy lorry
stitch yrutetnd
Write ecros. the and of each •nv.lope a
title isduuating the enerecter of toeeirraeee
which it is to ren ores.. .. RolurapbuOal."
" Historical,-- " LeoKr+yigcat, ' "1'.a.taetl,"
.. Humorous etc , hsvtmo as many envel-
opes as desired and vellum/ the *Mee as
nue chooser.
Now with a sharp knife cut • sot just the
width of your ribbon on three places tonally
d rtast from each other neer Ups lower edge
of each envelope. 'bride the ribbon in
three peas as son each piece tI•rou,;b the
mi envelopes.
Place the p le of envelopes between the
tw000vrrd pst:e;e..rde.sewuev the rtbLoas
to the bards eIose to the envelope., and
tie in neat 1,ttla be.wa Embroider the word
•• I &o.rpts,' 11 you chonee,diworelly &esus
the outside --
Lady aioerllna Fullerton.
TM lollowrpg affords e.. .otereei tag side
light on Lady G.•orgians Fulterto.,,the faro
ons novelist of the two remorst.on
Shortly alter her child'. death she o• k •
yew which may seem sineuor to may of
our rasters— • vow of poverty• watch,
though ebe survived for the. v year., and
toiled freely with mends and rel. ,,.'., and
eras. as was seen by all, • 111,...1 bel .see n'lr-
trees of s household, she rase' ,.rote the
emgaged to huy or p..ese anything
which was nor a).wlutrIt pease- .y iso the
way of her ordinary dunes. Cloves was the
Ant : "the hall crown for the poor, mast
by the sod of the var. the 1 payment
n eeded for the orphan child How often
were seen the kind, rueful hands lata for •
moment on that *omen', able black shawl ae
she stood midmost a group of other lathes at
some meeting for -the pont. Is her younger
days she mast inevitably have hews aeons
tamed to the 6neat draws aver made of
worn, living a..he dad in N.• boor of sn
arnM"sador of th • fir.' rank V.,e oow
sever wore any costume bet the back dram
trod shawl and plain osp. whinb might have
suggested •u•te,i•y Mut tt.r the bright, mer-
✓ y eyes which weer. also poesy. e. mit and
spiritual, full of minuted esuresetoss %Vho
that has reed the "Erect d'tt„e Smoot'. hues
remembers the *entente, of final r e gnat ton.
"lee pieties mon Albert gases nt' • 1 here
was this torch of gatety in Indy t;enret
&e•'s eves. infinitely Leech's./ to there who
know the es my that she het peeved
oke la ellib1.g stem,.. UNnsate .aole.
1 nett omr•,d by olds. e•eoPa.tee..
Follewing the example of Mrs. French
Rhelden, Mies Mery H. Klagslev, • wee*
of the late dame• Kingsley, i. seeking to
gain fame as an es pi wee in d&, k est Aeries.
eh. wont to Afrimi m, a pfea.sn tnp, but
W bosoms faieinsted with the oetintry and
its n.asereee myetetsee that she baa deteri
stiesd M aid whet she min to the world's
benwlsdgs of the vast onoteteet KM Ms
i�� lady o1 rata berth sod *halloo.rMemiug, bet when abs gas .vplerrnr she
Nese net think that .t is all all neomettary le
=herself with. 4/beware'. RM Maw r
pl.s.�sp to *limb ever the t'.mererme
I.w.Wsa wbieb have as elli..de el l&.375
feet, sell Mho preps•• se mate the j ■
maltsisded by a ttteg s white ts.s She will
depend enWr.ly epos mauve earners ad
galdst and septets to perform het dtf►oult
feet qutekly amid euosesefiHy.
'M nest &pelted to the Owasso author
Sites at Camerae,/ ter corners W .id her is
her uudertakiag, Out her reeeest was refus-
e) for taw very ozoellest twos 'bat .0 ver
stere could be procured who were will .ng te
wake the )nurse) Mem ILmesaiey was um
rf:eayed, however, ad the auricular at
v-islorta hes wooed to peoyide her with all
the tut she deems.. Sb. eaioyes the best
et health. hes plenty of stremetb. pluck amd
oomr,Re. and then seems Recd rasa to be-
lieve that .hs una) carry oat her &mbe:lout
blies Kingsley has Zoog Immo an ardent
. tud .t of botany and twloyry and u said to
be ezo,edi.gly well informed 000rwaiog
both subject.. In bas quest for farther
knowledge robe has often pswtnt.ed regions
hitherto u.,i.std b) Ruropaaa and speak'
very entrtataiogly of her numerous exert
advestures among strange people and
savage beasts. She has &Irsady spent about
two years to African ezploretloo, and her
b•,t►ntcel &od eoologwal oollecttuos &re road
to be of ouo.iderebl.• seteetitic value. Be
odes Laing • mew of the late Cala Klaus
ley, Mw Kingsley es • area of the well
known English novelist, Loose Melrt.
The Cakes,. srter.
"When I was attag Amorous') consul et
Am py, China,' said Ur. N. K. Vales, "one
of my employee fell slck'witb • severe et.
tack of rheumatism. He stood the pain
bravely ter three days, refusing .11 foreign
devil medicines. and on the (worth day sent
for a native phymetan. Tee letter duly er
need sod began preparations for treatment
of the malady, which he announced to be
due to the presence of • 'darting snake' in
the sufferers body., Hoopoes sticks were
lighted and plead just:outside the dor and
al -o in the room. A pack of fire oracken
were set otf sod • taJi.maste paper was
pasted to the wall. This was done drive to
e asy the evil 'pinta and attract good ones.
The doctor neat wrote • lot of characters on
• tb;ck piece of paper with a vermillion
pencil and set tiro to it. It burned into •
bi•tk rah, which was broken into • oup of
water sod drunk by the patient. A wrest
bowl of herb tee was made, of which • cup
an hoer was the allotted din. Tne sou of
I.aoulaptus nest bared the body of my ser -
sera and drove deep into It at nice potato •
lour needle moistened with peppermint
11s did at with such skill in avoiding loge
bleed vessels that the hemorrhage was ie
agotbo•ot, He then oovered each •oupun•
tture with • brownish paste. and this in
turn, wit hot piece of brown paper. He then
oollected hue fee. 50 Dent', and departed.
The sufferer fell auto • deep sleep, and the
neat day announced that hu pane bad die
parted. He remained an ht' bunk two more
days, Iaurhina, cbatting,emokieg cigarettes
and one or twice using the opium pipe, end
then reported as being well He lett the
paste and paper in pita uotil they fell off.
The skin was ,tooth and the scan hardly
psroipt.Ple. He took his reoovery as • mat-
ter of course. bis only comment being that
the darting snake was thoroughly deed. -
New York Recorder
het That tiled et ■ Redder.
Although a sailor nam "jockey • yard
ars gracefully. he i. &D) thing but impreas-
ive iu that tease on horseback. Yet one ot
the tint thugs that • man -o •war Jack
steers for when be gets on shore wttb liber-
iberty-ranee to his pocket, is • livery staple.
whore he can mount the hurricane deck of
en animal.
During the time that one of our vessels
was at •ochor oft Newport liberty was
given, and two of the seamen agreed to
spend their limited amount of moue) on
horse flesh. Use of them negtotiatetl with
the liserymen, std soon •pp.red at the
street perched in the saddle. When out of
sight of the st•ble-keeper,Jeck'e companion
hove alongside and mounted behind his
mate. It this fashion they sailed down
Mon street until the square was reached
where lbmntudere Perry's statue is
"I try, Rill," Dried the calor a the *ad -
dl., "put your helm &port. and let's go up
and have a look at the stela."
"All right, my boy,' &Dowered Rill. Theo
he reached bat of him, caught the horse•
tail, pulled it herd around on his left. and
awaited developments. After a minute be
sang out :
—Momethis,l s the matter with the steer-
ing gear, Jack; sus won't mind her helm
A few veers age a greet disoovery was
Unprincipled persons are tryinr to prey
upon amt dupe people who are lead to ask
for kidney trouble..
home ot the methods adopted by ioit•tors
u as follow" :
First - To imitate the sire,00lor and shape
o1 Dodd'. Kidney Pills sod all them by
second To put them up to appear very
nearly the same and to be offered •t the
same prow.
Third To hook on the word "kidney' in
naming eathertic pills ro as increase safes of
mere physic.
Four tb -- To give a name so near 10 Rodd's
that unwary people may be deceived and
think they aro getting Dodd s.
Look out tor such dodges % hen yon
want kidney medicine you went the beet.
Aod ought col to be the subject of any
So Beware.
�* c
Health sad aerosis
carry na tbroagh
d.ogers and make
u. safe in the pre. -
e nce of pent. Dra-
cut germ• do mo
berm is a healthy
L,•dy A germ is not
• big thing, and it is
tnly physical weak-
ness that makes it
dangerous. A per.
f e c t l y strong mai
with rich, pure
blood, has nothing
to fear from germ&
lir may breathe in
the bacilli of cou
. titaption with
punity Nature is
continually working
to throw off any ism
purities that may
come into the body,
but if there is a weak
pot where the germs
may find an entrance tt
the ti , then the
trouble begins. Disease
gums propagate pith
lightning- like rapidity.
Once in the blood. they
peickly 611 the whole
body. The only way to
It rid pf Shen, is to kilt
atm. 'fbls is what Pr.
rce s Golden Medical
ftscovery is for. It pu-
rifies the blood. That
*scans that it kills the
germs, but that is only
part of what it (ias. It aseiat in the di-
gestion of food add puce the digestive or-
gans in a perfect eoodltion. It stimulates
the secretion of .gestive fields, so pendent.
ing assimilation ad nutrition. It 611s the
blood full of b• cleby red corpuscles. it
purifies and ear la every drop of blood
in the whole body and seri supplies the
tissues with the red they need. It builds
up strong, bealtl.v flesh and puts the whole
body into • dise.<e-resisting state.
Nine - tenths . • all human ailments come
from the same cause — impurity in the
blood. Take almost any disease you please
and trace the c me of it —you will find it
In the blood 1'trify and enrich the blood
and you remove- •be cause, and so you cure
the disease ine'•tahly and infallibly. Ih.
Tierce's Golder Medical Discovery surer
all diseases dei • ading upon poor, impov-
erished, thin, ifcp.re blood.
1�Ias H
Coal: foal.
The undersigned begs to in-
form the Pu !rlic that he has gone
into the business of supplying;
Coal, and has opened out in
where he w 11 keep on hand the
sits-'. Qualities of
Lehigh Valley Coal !
Nuoe two kind' of nuts. Peanuts and
for get me-mata.
That remains to be sees, as the boy raid
when he &pilled the ink on the table -cloth.
What's dim a-goi■ to do when he leaves
oollege • Well. i1 he'. rot ddiost,nu enema
hell teach wheel, hut if he hadn't i reckon
hell edit a newspaper.
I.1i. said you•eest bother, de you say
woods u, or woods are' Woods ars, she
replied ; Wny • 'Canon Mr. Woods are
down in the parlor wattle to see you.
A minister is Arran is said to have made
the following sanes.oement from hie pal
pit . My Meads there wall be no Lord's day
here welt Sabbath ; it's Ib. sacrament over
at Kilmeay and i'll be there.
A gontsb woman retuning home from
ohurob a hif earlier thea veal was asked h7
her hasb•ad if the meaner• was all dose, and
she replied. May, Donald. it is all said, but
at M it. begun to he done
Pat, in a "frowsiest hat, ma a hot day, wee
touting at • wtsdl•e•. 'raid the eater to
thelriehmea Aren't you atrald the ism will
*ere your brain' Pat paused in his week
.td looked steadily at the gstKMser.
testes ' said he : a braise. M it . As' de
ye Mi.k that al i bad ass braise ('d be
resent' this windlass t
'Am Irishmsa's will 1 give sad bequeath
to me beloved wife, Widest, the whale of
w prwpert ad reserve : d M my
e spa, Petrie*, .se -hell .4 the remain-
der : sod to Demists, my yeuagest w. the
wt. if atythi g M Mit it may gs. a.e.th
er wish ti. .1d emit wttheat wheels, to N
Masers tad allestimate !stead, Teeww M.-
D.resy, w ewe* [relied.
which w: 1 be
delivered promptly,
at Lowe -t Market Prices.
We guarantees s Kidney 1'5111 to cure ant
tact of Kr gh• s Disease. Diabetes. i.umLigo,
l)rnpsrr Rhe. esteem. Heart Disease. Female
r,.u!les. Imo aR Bawd .or money refunded.
Sold by .11 de.l. n is 'medicine or by mail w
receipt of ten-, ptper boa. or Sia buses ease
DP 1-. A. SMiTH a CO.. Toronto.
G'14: LI O Uf N ESS.
r-' CY£PEPS IA; )
t!4suRES GOOD DietST1 )N.
PRI 3 .TaaPOW "� ;Q;t74°i
The Old Reliable
Still 01 Deck.
Fot l
the Cheapest Oaal ever meld ie We market
1111 Deal weighed is the Market Astlea,
se Mat were seri vas get mar weight
Orders lett at H A RPM A LEE'S
promptly .heeded to.
The Shoe
that's envied!
A good shoe is a good friend—to the man who
wears it—to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe
Is a' bad enemy to the dealer who can't get the
right ;to sell it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are
sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for
men:that we know of.
We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes
wholesale,s and with the knowledge and consent of the makers.
Other, shoemen want them so badly that they get their frieLds to
purchase from us, "on the quiet," a f. -.w individual pairs, at full re-
tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But
these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again—
they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy
ours wholesale from the manufacturers, so we can afford to sell
them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock, so that
we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to.
Ours : are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the
sale $3, $4, $5 per pair.
Now don't, you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's
envied like this ?
Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so
badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them
to you.
Cor. East st and Square, Goderich.
MI en
Haying bought the entire busigea of Mr..liill\ HiLLIER, Kingston-it,I:odericb,
we will be prepared on and after Saturday, Nov. 23rd. 1895, to give
A WINTER SUIT I Immense Bargains in
of First-class Make, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES.
Good Material and FLOUR and FEED. CROCKERY axil GLASSWA RE, ET(.. ETC
Latest Styles,
The West -sr. e7askle
Neat ea'.•.k of Newry
Buchailalis & Ryuas;
Dealer* to an kindle IN --`-'
owe leadees,meterisl of every ilessiietle.
School Furniture a Specialty.
r.. Cewastaw Paine NIILWAT Owe
Timearuare rue Mem establlished M h ebbe l
roossublito t thututme ad pi.
aes,.lit is ave
It fla snowed se Mtlsest seta/Milan sad le
�M..vea.� �et ovary pews whir
nos. I•. Vin/ t star=
Mmes. etsefta sad
iele an saes
Loth IoM Wemm
IN v11- seer. oMw1'6
We have also decided to adopt the t'ASH SYSTEM, believing it to t. to the ben
interests alike of buyer and asher.
We oordielly solicit the patronage of all tie old customers, and es many new ones as
posnbk, Come and ate the wbstsnttel reductions we make on our goods.
A large stock ot good dry oordwood,dehvered at any part of town for $i 2.5 per oord.
W. are able to me11 cheap, because we have bought Mr. Hillier's well -•sorted stock
at • good discount, and likewise by msneging the business on a csah basis.
floods delivered promptly and cerefolly.
Produce taken as cash. Remember the date, Satt.rd&v, Noe 23rd.
R_ I3_ C7-7'TT.
This new blend of tea for family
use is now on gale at our store. .
have also the finest in
and keep on hand full lines of best Family
Groceries, and the moat reliable in hairy
Produce. Selgonable Fruits and Vegetables,
The Grocer., ll. the rquars.
$1.25 PER BBL.
$4 PER 100.
R. W.