HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-2, Page 5( TSM SIG NA is QODWOH, OQT.' THURSDAY JAN. 2, 1896. W. Acheson & Son. Great Unequalled Christmas Chances Goderich's Bargain Centre For High Class and Pleasing Presents. Read our Sugget►tionts for A HANDSOME AND SERVICEABLE PRESENT A Ladies' Silk Umbrella, Steel rod and handle of (cold Plate on Silver at $.3.50 and $5. A Ladies' Greenland Seal Cape, !8 inch, full sweep Skirt, first qual- ity at $1S. A Ladies' (;olf Jersey. new and stylish in Black and Navy, at $1.75. Ladies' Real French Kid Gloves at $1 a pair. A Ladies' Silk Waist, new goods, 6 yd. piers for $4.25. The latest' A tallies Knitted Skirt, bestl Fingering Wool and finely finished, special at $1.35 each , Wide Wool Plaids and Tartans at 25c. a yard, the regular 30c. and 40c., for Children's Dresses. This special price for this week only. A Gent's Silk Umbrella, Steel Rod, ristural Cherry Handle at $2 and $2.50. , A Gent's or Boy's Pure Silk Tie, Silk Lined in a pretty •'Christ- man Greeting" Box at 50c. very special value. Gentleman's Pure Linen. large Hem Stitch Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.15 to $1.75. Gentleman's Initial Hem Stitch Large Silk Handkerchiefs at 45e Largest and Richest Choice in Handsome Dress Goods in Town. W. te►CHESON & BON. WILMER SMITH. UNDERTAKER, aO1:311312IOH, ONT. 'e ertnki-• t Department in c of one Mr J E. en.lgrove, prectl cal rnn.r•t Ihrecter and Embalm fir. Colt, promptly attended tS atg\t fir day. BORN. WALELR la Dederick. es Dec. !0th. the wife of 8 Walker. of a me MARRIE D. WiI.AON W A R R- ot the reddesoe o1 the brides perms., x Oxford serest, London Wret, en the IMA feet . by the Rev B. Clement. Biros 0. Wilson. o1 Dederick. to Mies Cora. second daughter o1 Henry Wan DAVIDSON SPROI'I.- At Dodoes*. ea the lSth of Dee.. be Rev. 11r. Cee. William Jobe Meioses. to Mus. Mary Sproat both 1 of Worn Wawaaosh. TACKAREHRY-AI1M'TRONO At the reel dente of the bride's mother. by Rev. e, c, Edmunds. h. A . Reojsmin Tackabe-ry to Mies Mary Armetrene. both of Ashfield. DIEM 8Al-NDRRi(-0. Dee. is at Snows, LW/1- tarot& of paralysis of tee Mods,'twessen J. Saunders, aged 43 yrs 3 items. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter. Notebook •1 Lee'.. a M.1. 1■ a Vo, ream. 1 rede f. test 1111 a Cbeel'a Am..g T. Takes' *ems. Y' barb Ewell ''real I1.' -.ores. The election fever is fast apt/row:hint the b•l1At. genii. but no matter how sultry it pts It will he no wee allot the gneaty of work tweed n,.eet rtA1.U)WS A. 41-110. Whether Rowell must gen or sot. Sallow. U hero to stay. TM past few days have hese anything but valid. but three f^line, wan wear clothing with F. J. PRIDH AWN trade mark se it hays est alts laugh on the Mase fellows who do sot bow Diet Y. J. make. the beet clothisa la town. 0000 CYR T- is pekelesetr.soel.t Ire who have got It should take oar. of It Tea who have not pot it should have year aro airepoee to Its ono.. We Inge tN 1 wham wbseribed 26 teats each a make up the aseessary $neem. The band drove out Wedaaeday and played for the termites. Ra .• Snooriee. --A reediest of town had • very unwelcome visitor in the shape of • ballet enter his house through the pit- ies' window end lodge is the opposite wall. H. knew that war had not vet bees de- ohred, so upon investigating found that • young men in the neighborhood had been aiming at • pigeon, but mused with above result. A pane of glow ie easily placed, but if • life bad been lost, it wee bane been • more serious matter. We tr that this will be . weenier to all who ban fire araC se recklessly. A FAMILY RiOxlow.-For the tint ti is access yenta. the entire family of M and Mrs. Jas. Wilkinson, FIgtn st.,'s»t gather to • family troubles. The follows members arrived daring the week : W. A. and R. 1'. Wilkis.00, of Minneapolis, J. P.. of Chicago, Mrs. Bray lei, of Toronto. On. of Toronto, tied Mn. MacK.edri.k, of l,.lt. Along with the remdeot members. the family lgroup was complete, and Mr. and Mra Wilkinson had the pleasure of mice more seeing the gamily united after mast' veers sesame of some of Its members. beat • Very settle local prea0k.r r ails M.s►edhet :4611110k . to • ems she en. dsevpan te keep shrew, of the tdm•,md dur. lag the.veehg entered tale a meet tater miaow dtsooseien w the lopes of the day. After speeding • very pleasent eveeteg, tee esmpesy, led by Mos Agee Waabiagtos, whew "Shall we gather at the River•.. alter wbiorb Rev. Jos. Edge offered prayer. The guests the took their depertsre, cats►*. Mr. end Mra Washington stagy happy ro- tates o1 the day. LOCAL NEWSIN BRIEF. --Renew your subscription to TR. SIGNAL for 1896, The rink has been flooded agate and if the promo' cold spell costumes, we may •i peat •oma good skating. The skating rtak building has been ooh otderably Improved in appearaao. by the ap plieatien of • omit of paint. All the sebools re open neat Monday, and eobelare who mean business will have to yet dewu to a for the home streteb. Watchnigbt services are bunts held this (Tuesday l evening to North .t aid 1-wtwt. et Methodist chamber ands St. George's_ The New Cosgrove Co. appeared in Vic- toria Opera House last Friday and Yater day evening, and gave • first o1..s enter taontet for the looney, 5. kat Swamies, eldest eon of Marinas Swansea, who has bees laid up with one. gestate of the lenge mime Christmas, es, we MS pieced to stele. on u.. mend Roll oall and coo.ecr•uoe meet lag at the North -.t E. L of C N, oa Fnday evening. An address by firs. Pollock use "How to upend the Sabbath ' will be given The recent wet spell her played havoc with oar dr•tae is meant plane*, and the tows laborers will be kept on the go for some tune repairing th. breakages. Brussels Post . The town bead tuned out en Christmas afternoon and dsoour..d for about an hour to the pleasure ot the Inge number of penmen enjoying the day. Itrumele Net • A baseball march •ad • brooch* race were unusual attractions for Christmas ooeadertng that December s not supposed t• be • month devoted to .umm•r •porta. It census returns were taken during the Christmas week (:odertoh would roll up • big population. Oar holiday visitors are very numerous sad come from all quarters of the 'lobe. 1t h.s hoe decided that visitorsday- that s,for the getters' public -at the Hume Hous of Refuge will be on Thursday after• obs noon of each week. Relatives ot inmates re. will be allowed to visit oo Sunday. id -Renew your subet. rrption to THE wit Sit'NAL for 1>`96, 41s The following, among other militia chance*, are announced form Ottawa : "Tbtrth third, ' Huron 'lactation of 10. Ise f.etrv. Surgeon William .1. R. Relines t• r. granted the rank et Surgeon -major, from to. the 9th of October, 1894. after twenty fig Sears service as armor. TN L Lof C'. F: of North -et. Methodist oburob. bad its election of officers on Friday evening, with the 1o11owitt, result Pres, Mw y. Robertson : Vice -Pres., 11. Guest: Trees , Mies Eva Smith ; Pitman, Mss M. Campbell : Choinar, ]flies Graham, Stntf,rd Reaoon . A. F. Pirie of the Uundas Banner is favorably spoken of for the representation of South Wentworth in the Leguseture. The Liber.I4 of that rid - tag should be proud of the nppt.rtunity of eleotaog such • man. W. trust the' the re• tort is well founded sod that when Mr. Pine next visite S'rwttord it v,{I be u the eapaoity of an M PI'. Free Press A very pretty though ware wedding was eoLsmoized the other evening at the home of Henry Ware. Ozford street, Londe West, wnen his second daughter, Mw Cor., was united to Byron Willson, of Gederiob. The number ot ceeful preemies testified a the esteem in which the voueg couple were held. Taking with them the best wishes of •11, Mr. rind Mrs. Wilma bit kr their home in Gedenote Dego tm CALtron. i• _.A1ez launder re Peeved iatellie.oe of the death of hie bro- ther Thomas J. launders, of paralysis of the brats, caused by • fall while engaged is rooting. He will be well remembered by mai./ to town,having learned his trade with his father, the late 1.s. Saunders, end worked hen for • number of years. He afterwards went into business in Emerges, Man , but left there when the boom broke, and went to Los Angeles ('al., where he was budding up • seco.ssful business when the accident happened which resulted in hie death slimmed above. His many (reeds wtl' regret to bear of hu untimely death. Mrttswgreee Sreur.k Roemer - Aix• ham Smith Sid D. F. Hamltnk have decid d to devote • portion of their dee property adjacent to Goderich and overlook hog Lake Herne to the purpose of • summer resort, sod with that object have laid off 60 acres es the lake front in settees lots of 50 by 100 IM 160 feet deep, with wide •vellum and ample grounds for lawn tonne and other boor games. They also prop... to build generous dinisg ha/1,73132 tees, similar to • Humber lase Club plan, with ten or we've bedroom. attached. A system of water supply, electric light and Ent-olaes usaiars arrangements is being awninged. Tins resort will be first ole in every partie- .lar,•ed it will,witbout donne, b. • healthy and attractive place for summer residents. t u p.opo••d to call it the Mesesetseg Summer Resort, afar the Indian same of the Maitland River, which .insigne the Reeling Waters," Paan McIntyre, of Toronto, h.. laid out the grounds in a way le sit the t•teral advantages of the place, and he has been appointed .ole .gest for the sale of Iota Mown. Smith and Baal- bek are to be congratulated oa bets, the first to stilts Gderiob's satanl admits. ages •s • health and Summer revert.. Gor.ogw W.Dnt,tu. --O. Tuesday even- ing. Des. 24, John Washington and his wife. Jesa.ta, celebrated the fiftieth mm vinery d tbsir wedding, at their residence, it.et-.t, Ood.ri.b. The aged wept* looked remarkably fresh, end are yet wigwam) and active. They bad invited all their surviv- ing ehildres to .peed the swim/ with them : titres of their ohildree baring died is inflamer, earl one is his Tomas mssbood, leaving four sone and two daughter, meals nag. all of whew were present erospt(ng & F. W..ki e., • lawyer is Hamilt.n, and Dr. W. 8. W.bingten, of Newark, U K. wine were detained by pressing protesp{essj duties. Ther. were also present • somber J their flatboat* (rimed*. After baying per. mhos of • e sopteme dines the oomps.y repaired to the drOwllag room, where their sea. Joseph, is well Meese wards, promot- e d the parents es behalf .4 the family, with • ample of b.Sellfal easy Mahe. Mr. Wash- hgt.s, is a very mat, vet esopreb.lasiv, dress, thalaked the ebildres tin their great Mds•oa Complimentary swooshes were mad. by Mr. Feer. w,Mr. iLses,Mra (Rev. ) me Taros ed Row. Joseph RIO number el eiselly p mmems were r'eseteed Mr. .d Mra Washington. b*nding • 5-.-.-- breast pis mid vi)os4Mgla3seine Stem the seem§ beg. Mr. Wirai.g.ea hoe earvatioa of ore" • eperWty. and own se tr rstel and wieatleosllm. ;W r wee • m y ELSH. mittens and Jeweller TH. Aartt AW FAV. -The spectacd.r !Sit eatert•iatneet keine. as " The Arch of t Fume will be given is North -M. Meth d- ietCharobon Monday, J... 20th, 1096. itI was produce,' in North Ray oo the 25th Dos. to • peeked home, and over • hundred had to be turned teal. It is • line aster- tainmest and should be well patronised. Assn PaaTwgaa -Mr. mid Mrs. James Straoban, formerly of 1.•ebmrn, and hew el 8•Itfard, on the 27th anniversary of their wedding. They are originally from Lanark• shire, Somber , aid ae bob and hearty for their years. Is lbw golly eider maple in in the Heron Treat ' A RISKY Jos -A paid crew of sea shoe, taptai.•d by Murdock Mo1l.eald, all d this tows, lett last week by trigs for Golden Valley, where they humid to oat .ht the &chooser Mary Starrett, IamF•w- iades, which was troz.s is there. It is • very risky oedert.king, but every atm • kegler, his bsshi.ss, and fie lean are eater - eared for their safety. 9r. Osnao.'s CaoaoN CHatirro a Tags. -The mesa) Christmas tree esterWsment in i-.. u i ha with Se. G..rge'. Chmrek will be held is the Greed Opera Hem's, en Fri - 4., , Jae. 3rd, when as mealiest prowess of pant.mimes, m•rebes and .osis will b. •preaenad. Lest year then wee • meet su- seeable gathering, and we sadereA•ed the intention this year is to surpass all previous Jerks. The public at hype ars medially invited. Admission adults lbs., ehfidr . 10•. Nome or Ramos Norm - - New Res The sadist perms is the Hesse is A. Gerd- es", of *mhos who arrived last week : he is 101 yew .44 Imo May, and is pretty se - woe ,m► On 8h*mrday Mrs. Red.rsan, •d wile el the tomboy se (4.isrt.h jsi11, sense k dewe sod gams the imesteo a gmerts,s treat is the shaped • ewe ths, el oars end piss psyosd by NrasU. tin C ristina@ day the lem•tss mi»yed • y..-.ia. (Rrhtwoo .st of lowboy. pion peddles. ho, provided by Ohs ettlews af Mr tows, • a- -1 _ J A by R. U. smith s mammoth stook classing is • Emma* soap for those who want to pay cash or tale the 30 days' time as per big ed. in today's teen. The manager says he ie hers to establish the fon that goods ern b• sold in Goderielt at city prises. An ezperi- freed resident buyer in Tomato gives the firm ot R. B Smith an advantage that tow horses in the dry goods business have, and the people are fast finding It out. 1 hedge A. Nuro, who h.s for so many years .old the Fleischman Yeast, desires to all the ladies of (;oderioh that the disap, pnintment in the date of the cooking ochool sAyertieed to opsa on the 18th, was twine to its popularity at Ysaforth. The ladies of Seslorth bolsi so thoroughly peered, in. doted tine lady in charge, Mies C. V. Mc Limonite .peen an eetra week, wh Soh made the dely. The echoed will positively open Me.day, .laou.ry bah, in the C. O.F. hall. A11 ladies are invited. COMING AND GOING- S. P. Hall, was is Clinton this week. 61 A Youo3blut, of Harlin, is yisitier in town Miss Aadereoe is visiting bee brother, Rev. J. Andersen. -Renew your subscription to Tn. tiItiNAL for 1896. Cameros Stewart, of Chicago, is spesdisg C'hristmaa ander the aerostat roof. R. P. Wiliiaaos, of Minneapolis, is re sewing old amivamtanoss in awn E. J. Leckie, of the Rank of (',omtta.res, Seaters*, was in tows over Saaday. Mie. HIM, of Chicago. III., it ?Seinen at the residesme of sere. R Riair, Vieterir-.t. Mr. and Mrs Warren Thames, of yes. forth, Spsa$ Christmas with relatives is awe. Mie* Jessie Robertson leaves thin week for De/Agreed, whore ake hes moored a 'shod for 1806. Hal. B. Donly, proprietor of the Sime.. Relmne,, and seem. el the C W. A., me in town Saturday. • Szpoeltor : Mr. and yrs, $. Smith, of (:odsri 4*, •ed formerly of this town, .peat Christmas with friends here, Me,. Howell end owe sere., el seer Irani - ford. were in tetra shio weak vWtisg .t the midmost of R W. Reimsi& Leedom Advertiser : Mrs. Toms and Min Sybil on spending their holidays .t 0.de- rich' and will return hers fin the Wane/ the seems. him Lirahe Driver hes returned tress Window, having bee attacked by mebret fever. end ordered by tier pbystoiw M ram to Ooderieb. Rev. J*.. Edge was oohed M Rimabditte Friday het on •eeeent of this dear of the *doss daughter of Row. J._. uv1.s10s.., Loiarelh, is tin lash year of bar age aero. new. J.M puuMLa obi. • lite* 18MA M~ ON yew .. Years' Wok., 11p1, aeon WHEN YOU THINK of buying a Suit, Overcoat or Ulster, don't forget that we have the largest stock of new clothing to show, and 'that our profits are less than one half what regular clothing houses charge Remember too that we sell piles of Dry Goods. We couldn't sell clothing so cheap if we didn't. 4th Uet•en►Iwr, 141 JAS. A. REID, Jordan's Block, (iodericb. --- - CHRISTMAS - - - is the time above ell others. for reio►ei.g, for giving and renewing gilts. Make your friends happy with somuthseg from the X -nem Stook at SMOKERS' SETS, SHAV INC OUTFITS, pitrrrY 'ELLt.'LOID GOODS, TOILET ('AS/18, MANICURES, etc., l;Ea1'TIFUL CUT-OLAB8 PERFL'MBS, ITN oases ►onaW.1 of all sum Aad sway other loses. ('00DE'S DRUG STORE Style. never prettier or prices more reasonable. \V. sill be planted G, have you cal and nee them whether you buy or pot . . . . . Ise onr F'Iavorine ttseennee -rides strong and pure Ten extra fine l'IOAR8 •in • neat box 1''e.ch. F'1•eapile. \'.nWa etc.. etc. Specially put up ter eine. W. C (;OODI•a 11.11 t•+t',.'. lir.- V . Though Rossetti had always urged him to become a dramatist, he had also encouraged him to writnovels, advis- ing him to become tht novelist of Maazland. "There le'' • career tbere," he used to say, "for nothing is known about this land." The two friends had discussed Hall Caine's-plot of -The Shadow of a Cringe," which Rossetti had found "immensely powerful but unsympathetic," and It was with thls novel that Hall Carate began his career as it writer of Action. He had married In the meanwhile. and with forty pounds (two hundred dollars) in the bank and an assured In.oane of a hun- dred (five hundred dollars) a year from The Liverpool Mercury. be went with his wife to live in a rrnall house In the Is1e of Wight, to write his book. "I labored over It fearfully," he says. "but not so much as 1 d• now over my books. At that time I only wanted to write a thrilling tale. Now what 1 want to my novels Is t aphrltua) in- tent, a problem of life.• "The Shadow of a Crime" appeared first in serial form in the Liverpool .Mercury, and was publi Shed fn book form by Chatto & Windus In 180$. For the book rights Hall Citron received seventy-five pounds (three hundred and seventy-five dollars), which with the one hundred pounds (five hundred dol- lars) from The Liverpool Mercury, 1s all that he has ever re• ehved from a book which is now in Its seventeenth edition. -R. H. Sherard, is McClure'0 Magazine for December. Th.. else of the one. Th. earth on which w ata.d.slays Sir Dile-et 13.111, a no do ibt a mighty EI,.t•••. measuring as It does 8000 miles in diameter: yet if the earth be repre- s.en:ed by a grain of mustard Seed, then on the same scale the Sun should b^ r. presented by a cocoanut. Perhaps, i.wever, a m• .- impressive oocceptlon of the dimensions to the great orb of the day may be obtaJned la this way. Think of the moon, the queen of the night. which choles tne;:thly around our heavens, pursuing a., she does, a lnaJestic track at a distance of 740,000 mile: from the earth. Yet th sun Is so vast that If It were a holl.,w ball, and if the earth were Ilaced at the centre of that ball, the Moon could revolve in the Orbit. wblob 11 now tonnes, and still be entirety eatdo..d within thr sun's' lateior. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. eedereeh Priem. Gooamst fine. 31. 1016. Fall Wheat, Isewt standard... .. 0 04 to n 0t Fall Wheat loldl- .. . 000 to 000 Flour. fairs/le. per cwt 2 00 to 2 10 Flour. rail. per cwt t 10 to ! 10 Flour, paten. per cwt Brae. 0 tto. aborts, P toe Screenings • tea.. New Otbash.. fbaB.. I!rtontt Pisa .......... 048 to 030 New Hay, • ten u 00 told 00 1400te1e00 01ete01L 1e.for ft II00all00 IS 00 telt 05 llfie aWI00 Old Hay. C ten Potatoes. ',beet new Rutter, Wood freat sse•u4Mna , • d ted Rides. Bw8kSkies................... b Uveaen oe• Dressed Hoes O 0 . Hca. pee Ib., . ...,.. (hese* mer Ib A aggro was burned to death by a mob sear Lebanon, Ky. Fill your mind and heart with choice presage* from the word of l;od, and there will be no room left for evil thourhts. Te keep hock the sharp word which you are tempted to speak may require more grace than to face • great danger or resist • terrific temptation. Whenever you are tempted to think of yourself more highly than you ot...-ht to think, look up tato the face of the infinite God, and get the true manare of y.ur own toilsome. TO ADVIRTIBERS. Notice of changes must be left at this ()thee not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not later than Mon day noon. Oaettal Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week, TrothISMIlleg Oatde. YRAMD ?RUNE RAILWAY. /MUM kfised . Weiland Hxprree Minn Mail and Exeter Mellen] Kxprews 101111.4114T. Mail and Ezpree*- •.• .•. .••......•••... 10.50 a, m. 1.18 D, W. 7.40 p.m ASI• p.m. °.55 aro. 1.30 p.m. 3 1f am Card of TRUMAN. (YARD OF TRANKR-TO THE RATE PAYRRAOr C0DF:RiCH- f.. ,,,n Amt, Orwtt.gtt,x, 1 take this. the first opportunity afforded mew thanking the ratepayers at large for the unanimous nomination to the m•vor- Jty that wee tendered me Monday eveniner i hope to merit the approval of the elector dnriet the year 440* and will endeavorto dis charge eery du•y of lee oath witoont tear, favor fir affection. and. aceording tom) Ilgbt, le the hest intereen of the town aa a whole. Wishing you all the compliments of this festive season, i remain your faithful) J. R. SHANNON. >lltioa Card.. FLECTION CARDS -TO THE ELF:c. 1 I tors of St. Patrick award, Having bona again requested to represent yon at the coun- cil hoard for 1401. 1 place myself at your ass vice and If elected shall devote what time I can to the tur,heretnco of the interests of the town and St. Patti, k e ward in particular Trusting you will tante me with vonr vote and intim-w.f. And wiehing rem all a happy New Year i rem.In yowls rr.pertfi II, ALRX. seUNDKRi(. Situations Vacant W&Miro -- ('ANVAS8E}t8, MALE: AND in Canada, 10 canvas foRr the very writable in e eweetatier In the world. Th olell ttt Herald nw.l Werkly Eine of Montreal. TAr roma //.road owl lr,rkly Star has beer relieved tootle hundred and twenty right eoh.me per week, equal to one hundred large returnee per annum. It le Improved In every department so ettesplesously as to he talked ,hoot allover the world A splendid premium picture with the Fbwtite /breed. A gond opportunity for eanv.eserrs to establish • yearly tuenme. V o expert -nee seeded. Only natural capacity Mr knowing • good thing at eight, Sample top eono%Dead ht os F'ontill, Address Pubis i7 Ing Co.. Subscription Department. Montreal. Cauda • le01, Mus>la. • r 0 lI -L! r w ill NW ANNA 1.. RRiAW, T LCHF'R Ma•I.- 11.1dTFy-.ss 0.lisyknoed M a ! 74 a and Wellesley MInteets. (Sod. 0• to 190 Sin el 11 to 01110 to e 7 10 to 0-11 Public Notions. Know What You Chew 5k ein3 Ib iMes hear the Warless .e1erbs. The mere yell use .f it the bow Fe. Mks id. fess 4100. t. Tt1 10ETT • ROM 00,. tem MAM.ILTO1e. DNI'. NOTICE- NOTICE IS HERE:Ri were that s5 Ilcotiea will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Proviso* of Octane, at the nett session thereof, for an act re authorise. the Corporatists of the County of Horan, by and thromgh its Meelclpal Comet/ to le new the sem of 1101,000 with ntereee, re paras. In !0 years, for the purpose of aids te retire eealn delsetnree of the *.M Cnr n take sperate inetuRiel.at nuut to kinf ffor undich was 6provved ed, awl to say for the expenditure u .en a Hones of Refag. rewewtly .establisher/ melt for power In 4t11ag and trassrM., the more gases apnn reel sant* new held by the said eerteeratloa representing the Isv^wtment of the sand tanking fond. to ►rearewtee as • Rent the /prvtscipal and l.15.en secured by the said m*rtariga* sad to• rich hrthor and ether poems es Mr be bueesaary Ile tally tarry late same the sonde moron be the mem ad vas tarbwDated t eeR day of Deosober IQs, ROW 17 71 ti t1clgrs for fake (bts 34 B tionPRODDFt, e q N aron. Nr(YPICIL--APPLJOATION WILL RR weds by the t ..lush J.a.ttes Railway (bmpany tours Paet4.ss•t of (Mode at is sett tasselse ter ea set a it.mdilag the thew tar the sssmasn us set and essitOss es of the sratessillee 1 es t ■.tannerat fro, thibesiD Tswe of the Ase no vs.. to • weMtitl the Oud Bej spwgg1 al :sod ter et for M 1 X -MA8 GIFTS mem • smell •ad ai•o) ►• the shape of hmdsssw het perfumes pet • is level be The portlierar iss Iwo as X tats a ee t w fregrest pp Ilse et at prism from 26 Ck1'fi(, Ui•, ) ten., tad NICELY'S X As PER Ft'MF. The llama produced Very Lovely Are to be had only et Cut glees bottle* CHAS. D. 1111.I,IAMS' 800 our Gold M.daleet, Window t hornet ted Drt tot, Graderteb, Ooh kilt: YOU LOOKIN(. POR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? Thee thus is the More t. u should come to . .. This west we are spewing a aloe Sats of JAPANESE: TRAYS LEATHER 11RE:.1.11 ; ('ASKS MANICURE CASES SHAVING YETI(, Mie. AND - PERFUMES 'o- nset will be the delight of all the Wiest Alec YI PES sad SMOKERS' SUNDRI B®, TOBACCO POUCHES, P('RSSS. CARD ('AYES, ate, Why not give your friend it ho wenn t;1.ArsES • owe Bold -rimmed pair ` J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Merfi(al Hall CST THs. rIlInN(; - - FOR THE HOLIi)AYS We are again to the front. with dainty crea- tions of art furniture most appropriate for Inas ['resents. Ile aim to exoell. tad ,'e do excel/. Nowhere in the county can you have such • selection of Fancy ('hairs. Rocker, Itscritolres, Ten 8.a, ('entre,Taoles. Parlor Suits. Conches, ego., all ,n beautiful woods tad 0overing,. Ma - hominy, Walnut. Cutty Htrch. ltird.eye Maple and V'iarter Cot Oak. Rattan ('hairs. Cobbler Seat chairs. Oak Kesel.. Screens. Music Cabinets, etc., etc. la great variety. The best designed. beet constructed, and hest finished good. In the market. Yo" can make no mistake in hay(sg these epode for your X sane presents. Tit. prices are remarkably low. i'lr•em call .ad examine. SMITH'S LIl_KNiT(:RE LTORN F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -AAO-- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 take this opportunity to Inform tis pent° Chet 1 am still In the business notwfthetandins all rumors to the contrary, and ant prepared to do evert clans of wort in my line from making • window frame to erecting • tstory buntline with mansard roof. Estimates furnish a i s competition invited. The furnishing of building material, loch se lath, shingles and lam Der a et:eotaity. F. YM E9TH. 0.4.1ek, John 8th IQs. Loan and 1111lvtass MO.1.11. IrWUAT y v 0A4. IIA <ES YOU RN$ , THE HURON AND BRUCE 11 AN AND re INVI STM4NT OOMPANY. 8ot.terners._C•nteron, flolt and Holmes. Dements.-lstereat Compound ere," Viz months et four per rent per ann,tm an sows from olio dollar upwards. Depositors weft and It to their advantage to come and see ua. Loren-- May be secured as any lime without deny on the security of approved desirable property. Expenses moderate. Ap diesi o.s received by the Manager or solicitor., The ('ompaas ollees ars located on North finestsail - Court Hosts• Ileum* oemelt* Hvuow Nwwet OSse. HORACI NORTON, J. H. COLRORNR, Ifaaa.er. Provident. For Salla or To Rent. TOLRARS.-THE HOUSE. FUR- aWsed.yy1y ooceppl1ed by D r . O sp Appy to CA MRRON, HOLT Jt AOL3N•tf BRICK HOUSE{ FOR SALE SITU - Wad on Raft Street, r lets pest oho Prete byterlas Church, oonalat sine rearm, no• vs properly Is in • ppe*esilio*, end w111 rent well. Enquire of , 8HARMAN. Mtf FOR MALE. _ ('HEAP, ON EA.yi' TERM 4 : Wen hall of let S, noe.esslon 1• West Wiwenonh, 100 acres. A well improved farm. Lots A.. and Dart 10. .ubdlvIsio, of Meek B, Colbnne .boat M6 acres. TO I.R't-TN shop lately occupied by the late Thee. d i.V Apply toJOHN; RT(iN.barrister. Gods - rich all t1 NEW X - MAS GOODS CELULiOID and LEATHER ODOR ('A8R8... - INUIT ('A8118 ABATINO CABRS JEWRI.RY CAAEN DOLLAR and CLIT CABIN and MANICURRA Our sleek e1 PRRFIT MES , 1'1 Re oostpiet. We have IrEe()p1'i & McWIL IAytr I LC A A TO<8001IN1t I.I.MtT'8 I Ire W Y OO It ors y the mare or Is cut Ones oaths ChM sod .e* thee* tatted. sad Priem J . W I LNON'FI Ossil ` `oseriYw■ Drag Stews