HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-2, Page 44 THE SIGNAL : OODERIOH. ONT., TH I1RSDA"n JAN. 2, 111*K. ight 10 etteldeININD I Y XRY THURSDAY MORNING air t. NYIWtWR . Mee et Publ/aalles -> aa/ 11. North areal. Hedonist'. O.larte. Terme et Nttarrlose e 1 newt h. la *dreao. urnstAa, ... , ,.. Dee year, .. ....... . Lissa at Veer Label. Taw label 1e a •taadiwa noolef of the date • which ynu ate petit up. See that n u net •IMwed to f.11 bete ervear. When • change of address N A.elred. both • he old and the new address should be g: ren, /serialise table and other mount advertisement,. 1110. pv no for first insertion, and I nears per lies !r each •uhae•iuent Inaertloa. Measured by eon ll wale 9wslos.. cards of six here and under.116 per rear, of Lam. Found. Strayed fithsilson Tenant. Sensations Wanted mid !laebiet+e Chances Wanted. not excea:ia,l e Ones noslwreil. e1 per month. Rm,ass On Mir and Fermi on Sale. not '0 ex•wd $ Ln». et r.•r deo nion•h, fee. p:•r sib •on, tient month, Larger .As to. la proenrtIon. Lay special nonce, the neer, of ewe', .810 promote the pecuniary bewail Of any udI- vlduul or corneae,. to be considered .n ad- vertisement and cheesed aocordin•rly. Lo -.l notices in nonpareil type One owl per word. no not hies len rhit. etc. Loo•1 notices in ordinary reading type two Oeste per word. No notice for less t - • Metio•s tor churches and other religiuw end b e.vdest Is.tltutass halt rata lit will be three-oo,Mred or quad- rsltRular. Up to tate it looks like • bit•nd esu. carpet. —A vigilance committee should be formed in every polling subdivision to attend to the Uoternment hood - len, Thia is no time for half tura- Atieal ••T The Mammal •• te11e«y. S.t eriher who fail to r,.elve Tun tensest rrettulnrly. either Ly carrier or hy cru' will confer • favor by acquainting ser of the foot at as early • d.te Y possible. Rgfeoted manuscripts cameo( be retar:,od. (orreepondence mast be wrlttenon one side of paper only. wealiebrr's •entre, J. C. le Touzel, of Ooderlcb, bee been ap pointed Loral Travelling Agent for the town. ships of Ooderiob. Colborne, Ashneld and Wa- e nnesh. Loral postmasters over the district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to THE BIONat_ All oommunlnat(oas must be eddrenee4 to D MoOILLIOUDDY. Tun 8tes.L Teteehear Call ie. Goderfeb., Oat GOMRN•H. THURSDAY. JAN. R illL WEST HURON ELECTION ! MR. CAMERON'S MEETINGS The following meetings will he held in the is tweet of Mr. Cameros at the times acid Meese mentioned: HOLMESV ILLE, Thursday, 2nd January, 7 p.m. SMITH'S HILL, Town Hall, Friday, 3rd January, at 7 pow. BENMILLER, Gledhill's Hall, Mon- day, 4th January, at 7 p.m. PORTER'S H ILiA McDougall'• Hall, Monday 6th January, at 7 p.m. PORT ALBERT, McPhail's Hall, Monday, January 6th, at 2 p.m KiNTAIL. Youug's Hall, Monday, January Lith, at 7 p.m. NOMINATION, Goserich Court House, Tuesday, Jan. 6th 1 p.m. BAYNE'S SCHOOL HOUSE, Tues- day, 7th January, at 2 p.m. FiNDLAY'S SCHOOL HOUSE, Tuesday, January Ttll,at 7 p.m. OLIVER'S SCHOOL HOUSE, Wed nesdsy the 8th, at 7 p.m. HOOVER'S SCHOOL HOL'SE,Tues- day the 9th, at 7 p.m. MANCIIESTElt, Friday, 10th, at 7 p.m. DUNGANI4ON, Agricultural Hali, Friday, 10th, at 2 p.m. GODERICH, Thursday, the 9th, at 7 p.m. One or more of the following gentle- men will address each meeting : DR. LANDERKiN, JAMES MCML'L LEN, M.P.,JNO. McMILLAN,M.P., JAMES F. LISTER, M.P., DR. McDONALi), M.P., JAMES T. GARROW, M.PP., M. C. CAM- ERON, and others. The Government Candidate is invited to attend these Meetings+ GOD SAVE THE QUEEN SNAP SHO1 S. —The Government is on the tobog gan slide. -- it is begining to look as if Bowsit most go. The war feeling is subsiding, but the election fever is in hill force in West Huron. —West Huron will soon be it a state of siege. Kir. and the queer will be on hand presently. MCti1LLIVHAY, Met'AttrIIy, and MoStisws have emu'. out %hetad, but MacitowsLL is having heavy sledding. The 01.1 Chief is in the fight in West Huron, and the Cameron men are getting together all Over the rid- ing. -A. F CAtlrnat.I, tate; " Little Oatling," as he .tyle, himself. is in the riding, and there are a number of other birds of pw...ge, of equally savory odor. The day of the election in Mont- real ontreal Centre was Sir MACE. BOwiLL's birthday. If they all turnout as *boy did in Montreal Oentre, we wish Mm lien, returns 01 tele day. —It isn't dead rare whether the etla —i is Wert Hume will be he- Was eflsias the two old parties or whether au r'es. Chamberlain, the election " plug- ger,"who was sentenced to three years iu the Manitoba penitentiary for per- i soo•tion at the Winnipeg election, has been released ahead of h's time by the Government. He will probably be in Wet Huron between now and the 14th inst. —The deficit for the year ending June 30th, 1895, was $4.153./475 The year before it was $1,210,332. Dur- ing the last fiscal year 16.891,879 w.@ added to the public debt.which new is over $253,000,000. The interest and charges on the debt amount to more than ten willionr of dollars annually. —In succession to Sir John Car- ling, a brewer, and Mr. Angers, a lawyer, the portfolio cf Minister of Agriculture it held by a doctor of medicine who makes his living at politics. Would it riot be a good idea to appoint a fernier to the position for x change! What Dr. Montague does not know about agricultural is a pretty large affair. ---Our Government contemporaries should remember, when they denounce the Liberals for desiring better trade relations with the United States, that Sir JOHN MAcnolaaL) went te the country in 1891 with the cry that the Government was seeking to arrange a treaty of reciprocity with the Wash- ington authorities. -One, of the ways in which the paternal Government at Ottawa helps the farmers is the subsidizing of a line of steamers which bring meat pro- ducts from Australia to compete with the products of our own land. True, there is a duty on such goods, but how much good it doe, the farmer is shown by the fact that canned meat from Australia can be bought as far East as Montreal. --It is beginning to look as if the Boodle Government at Ottawa WAS tottering to its fall. In four elections, North Ontario, Cardwell, Montreal Centre and Jacques ('artier- all of which were formerly held by the Gov- ernment—throe seat have been lost by large majorities, and the Got ern ment candidate elected for the fourth doesn't know whether he will support the Governmer t or not on the remed- ial policy. Sir MACE HOWELL is evi- dently the Grund Old Shatterer of hie party. THE FIGHT IN WEST HURON. THE polity al contest in West Huron is now on i, et for the next two weeks the pot will he boiling. The Government. chagrinned by the lona of three constituencies out of four which they formerly held will stand at nothing to retcin the constituency. and the opponents of the Government will strenuously endeavor to wrest it from them. Already the emissaries of the Gov- ernment are spreading over the riding, and their work of trying to corrupt the constituency is in progress. For a second time the biggest polit- ical tight of ('anada will take place in West Huron, and notwithstanding the efforts of the Government the indica- Doss are that another defeat stares them in the face. The Old Chief, Y. C. CAMERON, leads, and the people will follow. The restrictionist policy has no stronger opponent than M. C. CAMItRor, anti West Huron is a constituency where the National Policy ham made no man rich. The people of this riding are think err, and ksow how they have suffered and lost by the present mal-Adminu tration at Ottawa, and on the 14th of January, 1896, will wring the knell for the boodling Government at Otta- wa, and the hoot -fling gang that are flooding the riding, seeking to subvert honest opinion by bribery and corrup- tion SOME THIOAIOUT BOOMERS - Stratford Rowton Want Reran ewers Nat Thee we will have an .beth•.. 0041 of this old fashioned had is w►NIL ala Liberal candidate will bee* a sheer, it 1s mid the "bias* bells briswde" is •beady se vty isle the erne/ tram Oardwafl The Glebe ..ggeses the formation of • vigilantes ass mattes to rid the riding of the .now, eery .f whom am government seipley.ea it dnsld be aimed epee. • The Glebe : A v1gita.e. ensaseittes gimlet be foes ed lie deal itch the briber,. The enage.wte .b..ld indeed he token w pramisalty. The gang win sett laved• Wast Reres,e.lees the people .1 the ridi.g show a d.t«mis.Mies to rats* ia. esentelese 1 Agee. VlgIIssse oostmittw should kw barn✓ se that the sseeessesta of every Wes • eupeeted briber •hoodd be ehedeibed bleat the .asst he •reps sato w sutellesessy Many of the " •penton'' are tri leow., some of than beteg Oovertman' elle..` who should he makieg as henget attempt to ears the perriden of the people's taxes they ressive rather tion be - Jag eogei ed is the dirty besis.es el bribing oleate✓s and break/se the laws. Toronto Star It re very mesh feared is spite of .11 evideme el the error of the Gov ersment's ooan.. and Mr. Wlllou,bby's uu Einem fur public Ids, and demuostr.uone of the desperate em.er.oeless*•as of those who were ssa.ipuletiog the tio.ereatwt's part o f the se.1p.tgs, m which live of the Cabin It Minister. took • pen•na1 part, that psa- lm opinion has begone w torpid asd the el. actors so aooeaoomsd to the tmpropratw of • eentest and ins hopeless o1 mak tag their L41 Asses felt, Ib.$ Mr. Willoughby would maestro to be •stored. Cased• should theist' trod th.t this d.egreoe has not f•Iles on the llumtnto_i or 5ry session of it. Every in- dependent on ase of the 1)omtokou has reaeuo for tSankfulsesa We now kayo reason to believe that peripatetic purchasers of straw ataots and ohiokess at fababos prime have 1.e inbusooe L• politioal comm mete than was 'sootily supposed. N. hays mon reaeoo to believe that aot only in the body of I.uhl.o wottmeot wound, bat that It ono be tressed and the deuton in- duoed to act as their ooaooteoone dtot•te. To .11 thee. wh , soetribatod to the votary it must hove hese • merry Christmas, to thews who fought for she Government fn spite of all •✓.deco• that they were dotes✓ wrung, it must have been • day of humilia- tion and remora.. To all of Ussatt I hops that the Chno'rrlss Eve of 18% will be long memorable seams es that night there limbed over the wires an s000aot of the brit viotory in what will be a long sense of noble acblevetnwta in the Daaes of liberty awl decency : for God and sountry ' CONTEMPORARY OPINION. A clorpao Si o. Already in :Y young life the Farmer's Sun has devil• pad many of the wont yioes of the party organs, and is especially ad- dtoated to the rim of excusing is a friend the fault it .ondemus in an emeoy. Tate courts disqualified Mr. Tucker, of West Wellington bemuse the evidence in- dicted that 1).• had been eude•vouring to corruptly appeal to the thirst of the free and independent electors. Whet is the difference, except in degree, between Mr. /tinker and Mr. McShane for is.tanw • Mr. Mo4b•ne is condemned. be- o•ues he sort. r d tiv-dollar bi11e round every oowhtueecy to which he worked. reloads excuse his weakness by deolaring that he te lust se ready to •natter his mosey around among the poor sad needy whoa he is cot running ter anything. Mr. Tucker is charged with .o•ttering drinks around . The Sun, in iia excuses for aim, docs not pretend that he wee • 000vtvisl soul. And it it were eovecned by the standard wbtoh in establishes for the condemnation of the old parties. t' would order Mr. Tucker to the rear. THE rata 'Rn St.aT0D 1t'a1LWy4T. Premier (.r.rnway, intervypwed on the result of the Northern ()storm election said: "I de .ot think anyone expected say other result. The Petrone and the Liberals had indeuttonlly tee same platform which lett the way open for the return of the (:ever'. meat candiL'e. 1 do not think the •leo- triost will have much effect either osw way or the other on the Government's action regarding th• school g.estioo. It only foss to show what beoebtthe Patrons are to the country when It comes to an oleo tion. BOOKS AND PERIODICALI•s. THE 1)au'.aA'roa -The January number of The D.lioeator a 00.1.4 ilio Winter Holi day Number The faehiou articles for the month are timely and complete, ooesnng the entire fk,d of styles for ladles, moose and children, millinery, lingerie, dress goods and trimmings. The rich holiday dis- play lrplay in the shop is interestingly described Mr.. Reiter A. Pryor'n article on the Social ('ode relates to society balls and parties for obaldren. Tbe speoe devoted to Womaa's Work and Advauoemeat includes • thought- ful conv.reetien between felitb M. Thoma and It'. M. 1* Elliott on Woman in Busi- n ess, an interesting paper by Mien Margaret MoN.uthtou decanting Arehiteoture Y a Profession for Wnm1, • graphic de.orip- ties by Lucia M. Robins, of Wnslaa'e Work at the At1Yts Reposition, Harriet Rath Forbes' direction@ for Hurst Deooratioes ep- os Cardboard, and the oosti.oatioa of Nara Miller Kirby's Kiedergartoo Articles. The Bret of • brat series of papers o. the Ohre of the Teeth, by • well-known New York dentist, will he foand exoeptios lly vain• able. Mrs. A. D. Lregstreet desonbee the Carving et Mesta, sod m Seaaon•tle ('.oak cry, impromptu lusoheos meow receive at- tention. in Yrs. Withsnpeoa•e Tea -Table Gossip aro Doted .010. sew bogie wow home swede holiday gifts. The Review of Holi• day Publie•tis . includes mention' sf sassy p•rtloularly isteaded ler young reales. The novelties la knitting. tatting, u...10t- tag sad late ssnkieg are iliaotrated aid des- cribed. Sereertptioe pries of the Delineat- or, Ill 00 per year, or 15 .. per eagle espy. Address Th. Delineator P.Nishiltg Cent - easy, el lforosto, Limited, 33 Riahmwdat West, Tomos, Ost. l/aTsont+r MAGAztw' AMP Review tar J•ssery. 1006. With this member "Tb. Methodist llegssiee," sow Methodist Meg- • sine and R.vlow,s*1.rs apse it. forty-third volume mid nukes a great striae forward. It is ealaraed about one -Ebert►, and flukes a larger ramps then ever. ON special patrietie interest are the illustrated •rtieles os "The Reek Fes'tre s of Malta," and our "'h• Pe- elle Ocoee ea Rg+gl1 Lake," @h.wts' the predominates* .t Britain throughout the world. The.3ery •f"Re.s*t Arend• Rector- ate." le ales tall wish inesy graphic pN- attres. T►. wrier Marriage sad femoral (,Etase ct the Bast are felly illeetrstod. Dr. Dewmrt oestrikame • areas ante" es the Tire gnostic). of "Religion le the Peens ho Seet . it'. Sams writes as admirable stueasaer-a.-d(•� —et •'M1. Treece of Aeeiesi," ems of the noblest of the ass. Themes L they doewib.s Is persist laeg..g. "The Mystery el the Ss. The /rib atorsatea 1t'2 of esnegglers and WeehedW, with brogue ter Irtab hewer, gates well. sed will pros of Wrens lame•*, as will Mee be the .areeily-wrisew angry, "11. bier• Ms* "Mss Gerdes%'Osey 'Ogee • ." it . dear Ausdla• sbey by • saw w riter. A sew 4g.rtm..t— A tljev,.w et the World'. P, agree•, is glow. Artois@ se Armes., the it •' Cease, l enieuu.e. to Religion, The Collage asset tM Pape, and • "yews* ot nodose artlalos u hal. a some • Cg.diag rivtsws, ars siva Tweet.. W,I ham Briggs. Pries, 32 • year: p Ise si* .10.11).: merle amber 40 meets THE W. HURON BLEU noN. A Very 0o1;;; (1 -1-y Ezpodl•nIL Mew The $se,regir.t Ns* Meted 1. the west M.rea taeaNl rots Were *Irma Is epee the Wallas 1.111 the Left From The ('assda Y'ars .re tau. rl`H13 Government's manipulation of U m time ut Loldng the \t'ot Horne elec- tion t• of each a character that •vee the better clam of nese ,.f its eau par y .husld rtes tau .ad protest sruwst it Nest H. roe has law legally veru,• for n ore trues tall • year musths bef..re .wy of ILo whet us yaaaeies 1a the ('unionise That elect.o.e hate usher taken pia,w..t h... Leif, -rd. tad for, .,et 11 11.. I..0 ural• Ictal. y you eu, •,-, e brier.. the Inst anomie .f t1)- Huue►. 1•r .t W111, 10011 understood thea that Mr. Iia to. G oo, lie member, would 1.• .ppotslsd L+ru tensor Governer of Manitoba, nod he did sot pros• od to .•crepy h.• seat Jur ng the ammo at all, ex.Jrpt • Jeer MAID. 104• at the end. And ter the \Yost 11utw .' ...- not' is kept of until • 1 the rest ere neer, wet actually ■ntil the seoosd 'leek et use pend og •eseine. The returns may b- 'Pe. e n d. laved Ly rhe Tory re+ untie( • fh.rt that n• representative mat' n•.' be .1.1.. .0 tare hie sear nand wane of t be mewl import- ant tea vases of the 8«.81..0 have beet t.kes —votes that may decade tee late of the present tvuveroment. Praeucel y ,lie 1.1 Ing will be deprived of is for voice- v, the count 1. ut the (toiletry for shout oo•.thir.l of the enure peritoneal, tied all this by the 4.1 iterate manipulation o' the Dsmteioa Government. Of course all this Domes shout Norse J. of 'he fast that the Government teas, little espectati, a that 1115 free and iu 1'1.0,• dent elicitors of ►Vont Huron win endorse their course at the poll• Had ,hr ':ovsrn- meol teen confident in seeing a .upporter of tbe.r own elected there, the mo.:+wo woad have been ordered weeks age, sod the mem- ber -deet would have Mw in a poet •o. to t•k• hut seat et the oo.oisg of the session, But what a hum,l,ating and contemptible position at u for any Dominion l;overnnsot to occupy and thus ,tones its prerogative to deprive whole eul.titursoies of the right ot representation is Perltam•ot unless they choose to be repro voted by their own fol lower.. Huron County hY • political history et Tory man,palation t1)•, ..imply disgraoG- 1.1 toady political part• 1t lice been ow of the Liberal .rroovhold• in this p chew. Years ago it had a Liberal majority of n. er oo• thousand, •i.d all three runogs were le - presented hy w.II koowo Literals, ter, of whom were Mir Rtohard Cartwright and \1 C. C•meroo At the time of the lint vre.a Gerrymander, the former ndi.ge wine nom pletely de•troyd ar.d en Emulated Ir the osw arraogwiwnt that only throe's and frag- ments •f the previous division ren.a+aed in ant of the raw ndu.g•, All the Opp...twos majorities were hived in two ridings, to the extent of about 1,200, lseyreg one .00.1110 ency with a I:overomeot major Sir Richard was oomplet•ly Gerry r.....d•red out of the county, and out of the next Parlia- ment. Later on • seat was foot d for him in South Oxford. Matter■ are bat little batter in Huron County now. Taking the three ridings of the (musty se • whole, the (:overnmeut get GODERICH'S;c )3ARGAIN Y= CENTRE. AN OLP STYLE in vogue among the Indians, and not yet gone into disuse, is the habit of keeping warm. We have an elegant Zine of the FINEST BLANKETS which we are selling at A bargain. Also take a look at our Paper Blankets, For health aces. coinfort they excel. ames Robinson COR_ SQUARE ANP ViT.FroEirr ST_ Evory 0110 J.11. ¶ORSELL &CO, wish their many customers A Merry X -mas and A Happy New Year. The Fletecbmenn least Co., W New York who will en.duct • Free Cooking School daring the fleet week in .lanuary, in the A. O U. W. Hall, over 1 Ms stn+,1A1. oftioe, have secured one of Worrell & Uo'a famous ...Nal ranger, and the public .re tonne(' to cell asd see it working on the above oc- casi•,o. These Winter Overcoats that Prid- ham is turning out. When you don a coat you want to hive it look right, to lir correct in style, and also to tit you. When you doff it, you want the linings tit to tie seen. Pridhtm is doing all this at the same price as you are paying for sec- ond class work. Why not hate the best! PRIDBAM, TH>Et TAILOR. 4.908 votes at the last general , Iwctwn, mrd the Opposition 6.04.5, or a minority of 1 047 f oOall, and vet the (: rest 1)Y had neseHoliday Fruits ( the sesta, au long Y Mr. Paterson r. - main.d in the Hosie., and sine. that the county has only been .11uwed represeutstioa from two of the ridings. To show how the Tory t:.rrym.nder '• hived the Grits,' Y was openly in ..i.d of at the time, It is oily necessary r.• give here the IIgares of the oft7,41 statement cf the i majorities of the Iasi general 'teeters South Ruling ;Opposition I . 855 ; =wit Riding i Opposition I - 301 Went Riding (Governmesll. 16 grim that 1b t• ...lent y not .tpeeted .gain, and so any el -tot -ion at all a being d. leyed beyond all the bounds of fa in•ee. or deosoev. Surely any Gov-rom.oi boding ft neo5osary to ren .rr vis 'mon trick. •o mon,- rata itself mutt hove sunk to a eery low level indeed. V .r the cre lit of Canadian Politics wet •n --r' Iv hope that no other Gov.rnmeet will ever ho found to . cop to 1 di.graoslul prow inert In order to ooa'isae to existence. • ) • A line assortment of new Fr'tits for the holiday season has ,just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of best brand. Family Grocerz's a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, aec.c.eet is t• PRICE dt MSS, tet wt.T er ANIS MK•ME You Must Decide Now where to purchase all you require for the IHoliday8, t'1 THE FAIR is the place. al xe• A Al ALat Al A * �6 WAL Wil.+ lir IS 1'1 In DAVI is Ja of TACE de M este for J. THl Fro' The 1b1TMDLLwU .11 e tow:: ,e AOC Yee w Tea t rrnils tl Tim Mtorti Ann net A, ase p Ds*. had to "WAS' Aos Siegel Sulu.. weddtt .hire, their in the ' A R men, at of tai. Gold• nor t1 lads*, Top . itoewr te:a•d Sr. The is cos e. bel. dao , 01 paw Tr.ew jeyabl intend •ferns invite, 10s. AOt Taal oar, e t. 101 ftivo � wife does• is the 1in+t Is�e1 if lb