HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-2, Page 31 • --VI/Warr". vrilrluillIF"w1 A THE SIGNAL : "'GODICRICH, ONT. THURSDAY JAN. 2. lets. :t ell's. 1IOHOLOOIILDT bpi ii.a• mew .., H. Pum Oise, wetlfiw e1Mma. t.All standard sad s �swed level -- ls mestbestes ea band kwpshtsss srwe tof tee& 111111-1, R. E, RICHARDBON, L. D. e„ Natl.& as..ad vltalfsed sir palates. eatesetisg .f beth. via to thep �s.eon mem Barber 11111-1y JIII. TURNBULL, Hint.. LD.fl.- • Dental Surgeon. ilmerigy, .s.00l.ted with Ili. W:os. o/ Yenti.rL Golf sad porta' Ws. ortlaolal tomb mumbled - gold or alum Mem hams. spiel& stimulate Rives to the wsw..rrvata tidies of the .uum". stY Orf .aural t• (a C1 is's sew block Madleal. .11./ HUNTER, PHYSICIAN, SUR- , tc. 0A%ue-Mcl.easi Meek. Maar W Night col •. trans British ixehssa. Rotel N•tbly DR- J. HAMILTON, VETERINARY tl�o grad tate of ahead* Veterinary to, s.��M istered r of On Cotte Ver Medio•1 A/eselMSM. talk aIle did at all hese. .p or might. ea street 1p„MeMgt adbSs.e mamas* talesisedi WLANK. lesuia OF MARRIAUK • lAseme e. tied.tleh. Ont. tNily LigraL �- feG. CAMERON. BARRISTER. f1OL1- • 0, .I.' eeveeeseer, Ate. 141100 -tor. :Mead tat. Attdrwwme.. epi, Coiborre II 17 KN'E.ST HEATON - BARRISTER, flallolt or. Notary Public. Acheson's illselY West Street. law -t1 ITC-Jtlt1'1l►N,l1.C., BARRISTER, SOL - tenor. Notary, Le. Otos ore, Medical Hall, t'q tare. Uodertch. M. O. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER, SO- Same commiesiener. eta.. Money to teas, (MIot. tor. Hamilton and at. An drew' -set. Ooderioh. Oats 501 IOFTC'S 11. DANCEY, BARRIliTEK, J Solsettor, Oonvle0eer. flta,. oto. Mosey to loan at lowest rate*. I{.Ass'�Block - pots'. t'olboroe DashQed*liSk• N. LBW BA 11.1.1T111.PR('o- Mee-Moo h tel bUsule„' et an 1) 0. HAYS, B A itRIBTER, SOLICIT 1 L. OR. to. 'Moe Nerdient.. neat door fie$. t trete. Pet rete mage to load at lowest Estee of later* _ G ARROW A PROUDVOOT, BAR- rloten. A/terns e, BgHCISWa Lo.. god. rich. J T. (;farrow. Q.C.. Brim IA11.111ltJN, HOLT & HOLMESS, V B.,_mt.rs. soltottun is Cheated 1a. Godsrtoh. M. C. Cem.rea. AIX.: P. Holt Dalley Holmes. G. WARD. CONVEYANCER, J . ac., and eowmleslosar for tablas &ad e es1vteg nceenummes of bail. alidavits os . famatlosa, depoPtioaa or solemn declara- tives fa or mo0er0105 any action, suit ur pro- •.sdt.t u tam High Court of Justice, the (Mart ot Appeal for onterio. or in any (aunty ▪ premien, or ill remien uexecuted. R.ddeso. aAll teeneactlase nd P.O. I) .ear...-.- uarrane. Ont. tr Lean. inn tnouranoel. MONSY TO LOAN. - 00,900.00 Meats rude to lewd at 14 per Dent. an - 11 M. O. L A•t TRON , Recto's block. ate Whereas Hated. Ooderich. tY tf NEWSPAPER STORIES. diesels. and sllierless Gsustu piety o•u aIwal • be duttagei.h ed from the spurious typo. It sever adver twee heel' It never .coke to make 'teen o.osptuuuu• It 'toyer tries to Merit the praise et toss, but make by secret Myer end pereoeal devotion to worship the Ctrs - tor sad Redeemer in aperst sed in truth. - sdepe.deet- mew Wemeim *sed. Little Betty was at her that evening en te,taiamwt, when everybody was- •among• re her She thaw huwesiuL, and with Te.i. 10 her eyes begged her hostess to seed her house. As she wee •tsrtlog,• smile shone through Ma were, and she said '•g.0.. fry, Mrs. Setif, mamma told me to be sure to tall you 1 but • WOO time. Philadelphia Times .sew Wb f ne(MMs. "Ain t • dollar pretty high for • meal lila. that ` asked the tourist. ••t don't mind ewotor up that it s," .tad tee landlord of the Cowboy's Kest. "but Omen meals poet .n• seventy-tiv. oast "But I happen to know that you sell a tsa.me.l tic ot vies! tor T5. "Yea, 1 know 1 do, but about half the tellers that buys them t:ckete gns killed before they exit tau meals., t'emssewebl Terrence.. N\ m (loldk•g, c.•n,wercisl traveller, 110 Esther -et, T •r.,uto, says :-For IID yeses 1 suffered uututd mlw tea from itching sometimes called pal worms Many and many weeks I had to lay ,11 the road from the ,tuublo 1 tried eight other pile uiut- weut• and w Called remedies without pernitneut relief to the intense itching and sttn,tui¢, which blue: and ulcerate Otte cox tot Chase's t)Ii,laient cured toe completely Tearbias • ''bled Gerusas. A youov child tau learn German only by hearing tt coaetautly spoken. Tesoh him • vocabulary as you teach him English, gay leg him the Berman names for the eblee e that.urronnd ham sed the articles to daily use. Then mid the verh., the names of actions, and rn on until he learns to express hu,eelf fluently 10 the language. Doles, . care u taken a child speaking two len• guages is apt to confound one with the other and use hybrid words ; this you must guard against. The same rule applies to other Iasguages. -December Ladle. Home Journal. 01•11190 tad After All. A pnating ofioe a neualo considered • tough place sod the newspaper worker as • mighty bad 0150. StaticWos:' however, do • ot bear out the idea. Ot 3,890 eoavict. in the Boit* peuitentiary of Trims then is sot • poster or • newspaper man, while Mere are muster*, dont*, if. bankers, bar- bers. photographers. bark..pan, pre•ohers, cools, and rimier* of ell professions tad ealu0ge. The printer meta • had mine be cease the nature of his elalltug teethe- him to desert shams and he hoses a by poorly.. Brook baron Canon. • FRIVATY FUND* - PARTIES OE-' lb.Mem of alms*. thous e1 obtaining memo on gen-clamI O.ly • row form ea.urity cm domed s1 per cent. by sip , It lay between the faded leaves •f an old to J .t McDUNAUH Roues tilt 'vig- ilantes. rea- ilante . Toren*. wledies Ct1EAGER, CONVEYANCING AND t /nOW e..0 Aloe eumestte.Martl&'S Hotel W.d.rti.t. MONF It, LEND ON MORTGAGE L'I et M per 0s.t. Notes discomfited. C. ▪ tit oleos oppemb Martla's HMaL Dodo d eb FJ. N A FTKL, FIRE, LITE AND . seo'4 5t Iamrsaoe sliest • at lowest flak. Mica -Car. Nortb-m. sad flemwre, Rod- orbit. Te- $,00C CO LOAN. APPLY TO O�Manto* HOLT. t HOLM$SivBod .- seek. MOM+ TO LEND. -A i A R O I .fironet of Private Funds fer tov.tmeet .▪ 0&RROW t PROUDFOOea ere -Warm kT�enee. Anil u RADCLITFE, GENERAL IN - 1 V. serene, Real agate and Money Leaning +w -.t Dale flret ol.ss e*s.Makr represented. Mona to Lend on straight 1...e at tee k gest rata et Interest going Is say way I.. emit tirod-- oorrower. Oates- Se sod day o - !rem Square. Wass threat. Oode- ,b ftCbtt Mailabaatl..r taansnsa. t t oi.. )U0H MgOHAA1CB' INSTI Vt TUTS LIBRARY AND RiADiNU- noose, ,e. et Toes serest sad $go•rS tap Opsu from ' to s e.e.. and from T to le roil. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading Lily, Weekly aid Illustrated Papers M , etc. , Des Ns. MTMAw1�t8H TICUT, O11LY B1 -M. glrestlag nee me of Library and itefidiest Room. Applications for membership reeelved 1, Llttr.rt..• In room J. H. COLBORNyyE. H, HAMILTON. Libraries Ood.rtobsroh.lfth tfgt- AueltlonMllall• rp[AS aO1OUNDKY. AUCTIOM�p�R� 1 and tsw9ttM r.nee egret. rldb. Ca Ag.st I.00n R'fi das mid l.noshlr.e. aA sad (lore Demist Mental Ins. Co. galr at to in •a1 part or the ootaty. 1111.11 JOHN KNOX, MINERAL LUO some.. sod Land Valuator. f dm'ild. L ida''Inc hod soudder5w sapert . d simi.rtagtrads,-Itedi sum g.rIsr iIs•1a pashise to Ie s left at OHN Olaf v carefully as's, .d to. 83 IMW>sa1. . C. sTEELE • E. CIVIL 5[101150*, sely.Telk .*A.Ot117SIKA1I, TALO ATO.. 011se-Car. ga.ttlee.ssdl%ergalMl.I�D.1 book. A ma.. beholding pt, looked down the dietaooe tad the dark, dreamtst ot the put years. The woman paused, and bending over It, pressed with ttu.v.rtng lips the crumb hag petals. Only • rose ' then, as the evening shadows gloomed over it, a room c•ied, •tartliug the silence "Momma, who's been in the parlor •-fool- in' with this heal 1'Y��[ v gone end lost the Aloe thee I was ♦meals' at wMr‘tla.71 $t. veer. Th. enormous amount of wood new used for making paper every year may be Judged from the fact that the Petit Journal, whevb hes • circulation' of over • Intik on copies • day, on woodpulp paper, oonsums ID a twolvemon.b 120,000 fir trees of an average height of (kat. This e. equivalent to the .a,.ua1 thiueing of 25,000 sores o[ forest. This enormous 00100111 of 11/004 as required to torni the raw material for • mangle paper' 10 Ifweden, Austria and 1.ermasy-the great 0eutres of the production of wood oolp-- he emotion of the destrmetton of forests e., says Field and Fnreude,beoomiog • serious one : se eerlons, indeed, teat u0 les. some use material tomos into use be fon long the printing prom will eat up the forests of E:arope. The er►lsk.n• aa.5teeog, Rey bud bon weight bow to meek. A few week, atter. while at grs.d.m s Ions, he saw tae Maim dri.ki.R. "0, Sae i1. .bfrkes* gargle Hdr *Magi r x•04 �tt�Il11 - First the bodelsom the Msswst. thee the perks* fanti There oro ..owl Moues el semi. .f the moat important 1,eMimme sees - prig tats *shoe pea sere ears sure-Yut- ms.'. Psalms 0..s Etttru.tor. The jufaes .1 photo neatly muss.e1Ned sod perked gats sod balsams lift barmsaissa sales. al es.hl.d glen tet stead result. Putman' lgtrsmbr makes ns sen spot. doss ase le • w up fon •;week, but Epee es VraW/t Mint fee week sate) • whilst sure ramps ]tews.0 el..id 5mMlllra� rootage ♦Vamps. Postage damp in the toren of stamped eiivelepes. Nye ••Ceyer'e Ststlo.er,.. were int issued by M. de Valeyor, who owned a private met 10 the any of Paris to the reign of Loma. XIV. Over • eentnry Inter, to 1758, M. do Chasnouast,'51.0 the proprie- tor of • post, issued panted postage slips to be attached M tetters. In Spain. in 17It, tad is Italy also, stamped ccvers for marl matters were tried, but it was not end 1840 thee stamps, se we know them sow, wets put is els. This was in England, the rovernmest adopting the system devised by Rowland Hill. Brazil was the grit country to take up the mew invention. Rmeom adopted the postage stamp next, in 1835 : then tlwtt.enead In 1346, and March 3, 1847, the esigaesa of the United State. authorized the egow of postage .tamps. The West he ♦'tall de. The Telegraph Age tolls how a telegraph editor is • Boston 'newspaper *Bee wrote • .oto of remouetrs0ee LID the typ.wriser a- twitter. p•t titter. bemuse the latter ia hie espy had entirely omitted the letters 'f' tial 'k'wbere iia .bosld have appeared. The operator repbsl to thin note as follows :"Mr. Edit or : Mrto4soe are liable to b.ppee to the beet es regulated philistine.. .md to type- writers as well it i., Mcleod. s ver7 as- phertsnste apheir, but the .pi 'nerd saw "say phial oat tad are lost. TMi..eraleg i called at She phiee OT tae gsutl.m.0 Orem wheel 1 net this estpbit,but phoned be paired him is : is pima the "abase cid" esys be will .et return pIS, pbosr sr play. day.. I do set lige the leer o. tai• artist ev.pall my.lph bat will gsa th.tipt;tth� eta. • I seveelph esu.Ner tale t.s poise. bat • Mitsui optaie. frtaitf1- pIsrti yew% J. foetal. maw dust ee yw east. 1'II htwk it el Hew white the SISi is It .oust be from the ries. 0.e *seer of yusr etuest•tle pieta doss .od tte other up. It looks toe fey fur.nytbtns. Wan ; I'll fin it. I'm tir.1 to dean, dear Kit up slew♦,» 1 c•n meet my bad en No, that won't do, 1 must preload to read • save!, tad 1 Louw; per hape you bad beater 50 tofu the smoking ear. All the old married men du Groom- Well, I'd go my darling, if you Wok best. Bride lies, you must go. Help me off with this gluve, dear. Vote must go and .tam reel lit.., two or fifteen miautee EA R '1'0 DEATHS DOOR. THIN WAS THE CONDITION OF THE YOUNG SON OF JOMIt IN(;LISH, OF LAKEFIELD, ONT. , \ TR/ UK' r " SUS ut't', DIIMUTATW,*gI1100- ;.iwawa/T. %ITALITI' u. VI1O14 Tag 111191g1IST ekU1iLL001l-L NAS CNam.g TO IIATTLS W IT11 Ino 1119400SR. Whatever may be the cameo. it s unfor- tunately nfortuoaely ono true that Targe numbers of childr.0 are etllioted with nervous troubles. Those in many cases assume aggra0ateJ conditions and develop often into what is really • feature of paralysis. A result •f Revere sickness some years ego, Robert B. English, the young sun of .lotto English, who cwduoie • large 000per ate boomers In l.ekeheld, Out., became the victim of what seemed oke chronic nervous o ese. The child was taken with severe twitchiogs .ccompe.nied by Ste that were doomed to speedily wreck the wholeay.tesi. Naturally the best medical *kill was brouttht 1010 nqut.ition but ou relief was ,.cured. `oath .'emenoan Nervine was need tad with the result that after lux bottles had been taken the boy was restored to par• feet health and u today one of the most robust and healthy children in hie...tio. tf w untry The case of Minnie Stereos, of London, tar., daughter of F. A. Stevens, of the !Pocono Manufacturing Co., ie • amine - what similar case. Twelve bottles of medi- cate cured • severe case of paralysis there. The great secret of Nervine u that et aures et the nerve oe11tres, sod for this rea- son Is • pa0acea sure, certain and lasting, 10 all caw, of nervous trouble.. general Lethal- ity. indigestion, sick headache, end like difficulties in old end young. It removes these troubles, and besides, builds up the • ystem, for it is toe of the greatest flesh- ',reducse. that the are bee seen For sale by J. E Davi.. "TMs. tots." .lust • simple little "thank you, but hone cheerful tad hgnt • duty may be made to appear or bow pleasant an act of kwdneea or chivalry will seem if only rewarded by • gracious "1 thank you." Politeness is never beyond the resale of anyone, and It u the truest sago ut good breed:ug. 1 t s not mon than right nod It should be expected of .vet yam- to Umiak people for hay kindness Them might show us, whether it may be their do,y or not, How much more willing we are to do for one when we know that our work will be appreciated by a grateful thank you ' If • fneud takes the trouble to send any hate token of love, no matter what, uummuu sense. if not decency, should dictate that en &chaos lodgment, either verbal or written, is expected Suppose, for instance, you would wish to '%maps •o.i but e,' de them il/o. .0 d your •'tA•.k you dear,,' ••d the .�/t t. map- , Ask ed. No doubt they ars willow etuutrb sew to do for you, but volumes. is ohe.p, had. like charity, ,t should 019901119e0eo 51 hoar*. Wonderful Tonic a SI 01*WO 41 1t u .ad to see bow tmpul.lety members of • family treat each ether One takes Item and the other ewer tie many ktudnesses without e ves a thought of thank• fie profuse la Imo thetas rather than eiot may enouvh,but be .hewn. •■ ArlsemeOral It1,re.err " Arlthm.ttu's queer seg, oak. little Bobble. •• if you put two twos ou top of each other like this 2, Moo, make four, but when you •49I 'era togeiha. out the segue line they sake Meatytwo. tie Leta! Cedes& ••R'ub I w.. • eodih,'• said ,lack. "Why de you ambo► that " asked his mother. "They don't have to tab* any sod h• er • There t orn with .11 they Deed already Meade of them.,' said Jack. As.■weteeese Lanier. Jack Frost came to t1.• wu.dow pane, And softly tapped with he. uncle cane. "Kleu.eois," 1 said, the I -ore me tight, And 1 rather you wuul,:..'1 come 10 u • .tgbt. Se ha ,or•t0boo his name .. ever the glass, And the heti!: sneezed .. she bread ham A middling good mam-is to better middling good egg. $-XA.S GOODS. I h5 -e toeeited • fresh supply of Fruits suitable for 13 - Holiday season such aa ORANGES. LEMONS, also NUTS eioI CANDIES. An assortment of Nota15 Which 1 am sellout at a re-duc. d rate. at H. J. HO)RTON'S, Th. (task Orec.•r. The Square. D. CANTELON, West street BAKER, STILL LEADS THE TRADE. His matte from pure Manitoba Hour -made from the cream of the Manitoba wheat -and bread is surprise • friend. 1'ou buy some exgatslte therefore is the beat in the world. ruse and smile 10 anticipation of the plea- This is a bigthingt0 saybut it is sore they will afford. You gave them 10 bar sad •xpallats 00 their beauty and trot- a fact and you have the privilege ranee and all that. What would be mon Of buying this bread at the Baine discouraging and portal than have her n• move made from inferior flour at the iye them with no thought ot thanks, or answer you with an uutntereetiog "Yes, price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered they are aloe," We are afraid It would w any part of the town. long before you would take her roses again. 1)o w* ever thiol of thanking those about us fur services they perform, for us' We be- come so accustomed to have this end that done for ue that we look for it se oar dao. We thilk of thanking the Itttle ons* Bar Wedding cakes and almond- who.e tiny test run so many ene.nds "0," icing a speciality. you ..y, •• they have nothing else to do." D. CANTELON. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. tri. MM... arses, , Srbde (Ie railway troial-Now, my dear, i you ,twee remember see to est . 11 ow • were just married, It wssM be perf..tly y I hsl31N M bate .11 tame straw p•'p(' kw N i sit 4• HMI' desert 1 yes* be 11 year a.ktla Ir. an evoked. Theref% If You Need Felt Slippers Felt Boots Rubbers Overshoes - - Overstockings Overgaiters Heavy Rubbers and Sox Get Pollock's Prices and YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. A large assortment of X-mas Slippers IN Felt, Repp and Embroidered. Newest Style. Lowest price at & B. FOLLOCK'S NEXT STI'RI)Y BROS ■i■ E. B EDDY'S LEADERSHIP MEANS SUFERIORITI Ia the Lod ET' 8INcI 1$61. MATCHES. w SE1101001 Remedy hr Weak and Impure Blood. Kidney and Liver Troubles. w•e••aseea.e w 4. IN. M•OLIOP. metosa•as1, oar. ri HaniiItou-.t. Grocer \t the FOtt i FINE HONEY A koo.l line of Syrup,. A Sltt'eial Zine in two gallon Pails X -MAS FRUITS 1-atr1(e supply Kest e1tiellly X'.MAS CANOY 1 hie .d' alt.• h .t s-..oruuento thin side of the cut%'. Anything in title French China for et('hrt-ttua. pre- w'nts. Your wants un• looked after Your tra'1e appreciated. CASH GROCERY Hamilton Street. New'.iT1 Millinery. ,11SS CAMERON, the Hamilton -Street Milliner, having visited the wholesale millinery centres of l:anad;t, she has been successful in procuring a complete shack 1.t tt. yy' .halx•rt and trimmings for the fall trade, including ;ill the new chenille effects, etc. In returning thanks for'past patronage. invites inspection of her stock:, • MISS 'CAMERON. CHEr4P CHOPPIN AT THE GODERICH WOOLEN MILL. I beg to say that I have opened a store corner of Colleirne-st and Square, in Mr. Lewitt'* Knitting Factory, and have wade arrange•tuenta with Mr. Lewitt to attettd to the selling of our popular Woolen goers- You will find our stock first class, and made of pure wool, well selected, consisting of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ETC. Now is the time to buy your woolen goods as wool is fast advancing in price. Buy before the goods go up. 1 have put a new Grain Chopper in the Woolen Mill, and will be prepared to do chopping every day. Grain ground tine or eonr'w', and have put the price down to 4e. per hundred pounds, hoping by doing good work and fair dealing to receive a liberal share of your patronage. G. M. COLLINS. GRAND JEWEL. A BOE Oii STOVES. WE IBE HIVING IT. The Grand Jewel Wood Cook - Sitove with Steel (lven is the ONE - NOTE THE: FULL(►WIN': INiiNTS.-1. The Grand Jewel has • genuine steel oyes. which makes it bake with about half the fuel required by other large wood stoves. 2. The ':rand Jewel teen plate• are made of Steel. They mono, cr+ck. Hog patent double flue in (spot n1 oveu, which make. the oveo bake evenly all over. A number of .*conal hand Wood and Coal Stoves cheap. HARPER LESS A Little Knowledge to the fact that the • is not a dangerous thing when it directs yrur attention Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont., is giving the most practical and business like course in Canada. Everything strictly high grade. Write for catalogue and College Journal School re- opens .fan. 2, 1896. J. NAT. NAT S M i V E L I, Principal. C heap_\Jinter1V1llineryi We are welling our large stock of Millinery at greatly reduced prices, many linen at and below cost. MISSES YATES. P. $.-Store next door tt. let