HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-1-2, Page 1lei..... • rip =same THE SIGNAL. .... 1$ TEs MT. air -writ ,. he YOR HTH YEA R. -2550 IONIi 1X)LLAIt WILL PAY PON THD ZeB.&DIPTQ NEWBPA.PSR OP HZTRON Q J TY. y r• GOPERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, JAN. 2. 1896. � I. MoGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. Tho L!oi1 11001118 INOMINATIONS FOR 1896. mayor Notice to Elecllfors. Mr. Cameron's central commit- tee rooms, in the store lately occu- pied by P. O'Dea, next to Geo. Porter's Book store, will be open every afternoon and evening. All interested in the success of the Liberal cause cordially in- vited. Someone will be in attendance froin whom information can be obtained. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - JAN. 2 I Special Bargains -J. 'I. Acheson .. 8 Remember ---C. A. Nairn 8 J. Pressen 5 Lest -R R. Sallower 5 Legal -C. A. Nairn. Lost -R. B. Smith.... .... .... Ond-•. Sanders 5 C•.nvammes Warted --Montreal Fairly Herald 6 M•tchee-E B. Eddy 3 A Little K.ewksdge-F' C. B.0 3 A Broad•Mi.ded Uootor-G. T. heed ft Co . 9 Herm" Greatest store -R. 13, Smith 4 Mr C•mwea" Meetings .... . .. 4 Lard of Tbshk.-Dr. J. R. Shawn5 1 Wt:STF1ELD. l't minor. Dor 94. R. Irani has been on t be stele let. it. Carter r hems on his betide's. Look eat Bob. J Grasby was the guest of J Mabry ea Sudsy. Strew euutng Is the order of the day is Ors eeouos. Look out for • fashionable weddtog in the future. Mien C. McClinton has been vieiti.g at Mrs. J. Whitmes's. J Semler and T. H. Edwards drove to %res church on Wednesday to .earth of Orris. Win. MoDowell and R. G. Lamont at tended service .t the Boomiller church Sun day ev.aine. Rolf. Taylor, who has finished his tern with J. H. McClinton, will leave shorty ter parts adkaown. J. 0, Henry, who is studying for • voter - Mary .er{soa n Toronto, has retuned home to speed (;irestmer A 5.e *atona l:meat was riven by ib. school Mildest' of school seotioo No. 13, es Wednesday last, when an emelleat pro- gramme was deposed of. Wm. McDowell hes purchased the ensues trotting man lately owned by Mrs. Agnew, fee the headome sato e1 600 ora. Will says he intends hearse the roads broken es the 3rd this winter. • pleasant time was .pent at the real demos of K McDowell's es Friday eventn4, when • surprise party osmeieti•g of about fifty young people gathered there to spend the evening with H J. Morrish, who is •beat to take his departure for Ottawa where be will attend the Normal Soboel. Mr. Morrish will be greatly missed. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. USLsoua, The municipal season of Le Township of r;Nb.rwo loot in the Tows.6in ball, Men. here all present. The minable of last meet - hag read and missed. Trw following ohmage were iseard. vire : Deg tax refa.dsd to A. H. Cl"ttem, 51 ; Peter A Robert.om, 2 .bolt, kind by dog.. 13 35 ; Reissue' Mit- chell, 54 load. 0t gravel .t Tic, $2 70; X. Basebler, lumber for boundary, 56.03 William Morrish, lumber, $2 08 ; Jamie Jewel, repairing scraper mod two belts, 51.46 ; John Halliday, gravel. 48 Toads .t be $2.40 ; Reiman Mitchell, gravel, 360.; Jelin Walters, goods for Gears Little, ahrrite, 542.75; John Walters, reit for Geor1e Ltetle, dimity, 56 60 : 1 T. Gold Sharpe, lumber. $7 68 ; Mrs Mary MerriY, egg tax refaoded, 11 ; Henry Orem taxes r.S.rsed, $2 ; Cheers Stewart, 1 sheep killed, 53 30 ; Wm. McIntyre. 118 loads el gravel at 7o, $8.96 ; W. Rebsrt.o., bury' lar sheep, SOe ; tharls Lem. work os bsed•ry, $2 75 ; Angus MOK.. I.., rr.vel 70; A S. Gledhill. o&w hin/ for Jobe 53 96; W. Moore, shoes end edit pent for fauns Cow, 52.25 ; Colborne Uma . goods Ter Raw Crass. 13 76 ; Hoary Tong. 150 leads of Gravel at 6e. , $7.50; Seery Graben', work es boundary, $2 50 ; Jelin Cymbals, bevel. 57.61 : BaasaL dating, 110 04 ; Star. priming. $6.48 ; The/aes Bums, 900 loads gravel at 7e , $14 : Mre. Mary Stitt. taxes refunded, 5171; Alias R.sb..a, gravel, 51.96 ; John Made ravel, Si 16 : A.Bads. gravel, 1 26 : Petr Me8wes, lumber. $2 60 : Comelier, salaries, 5150; Clerk's Imlay. $100; Tree- sseor'ssalarv, 570; Remo, Cle.k and As .near, (jalural. $6; Clink, for sire .t 3.11, 56 ; •. Stalls, oorrisss se eseiseer. $Ili 26 Clerk ler elelleaery and peetegls. 58 ; Tuowrrr. fer ..tioaery rid sew ors . 52 Mewed fav Sweat Peeler 1he5 the .enei"a- M Man he held at Tewa.bip Rall. Carlow, es Msi.dsy the 70th day of Des, as 12 .desk sees. ad H • pill be dhm..dd, IMs dee tM.iwill be Mid. all the dlireat ,elntg ��iat.saeae 'as fellow : lis. 1. ile.eslller, T. AWbu1. D ILO ; Ise 5. Calthrd. • limes D R O.t Na 1, Carlene, Tsw.shis Rall, F. W. IfaMngh, D.110 t lie. 4, L...,.. Rah, w D.ILG. 11'. W. IicOsw•.u, Tews.hl, Cloth. Dr. J. R Shannon Is • peal fee the eee.e..lp Npet, Greve eau by •rrt.Mtle. • Vete ler ileo . t'e..rlllersblp wheel Timm* by •erl.o.tha. TH ERE was • large gathering of the electors .t the uouzioil chamber Moseley' evening. The pl•os was more than crowd ed trod the crowd slumped over auto the bell and stairway, but the gatherers, was • good mitered ooe throughout, and .ven the matin es, with ore or two •xcepUoom, were is better temper than at essay of the nom - Purim meetings In year. pant. la the abom . of the town olerk, eat led by tiloeo, James Reid, oolteetor, act.) t• retarding uf5uer, and the following dome& ties. were made . aayoa. Dr. Shannon By M. Hutchison and .tabs Aches -.o Jae. W'hlod--By Thos. tsundry and Jas. A McIntosh. Was. Pretulfoot-By Joe. William. and Tho. laundry. Robe. Moll••- By Wm. Campbell and Gse. Aboard pen n •aagys. P. Holt -By C. A. Nauru and J. S. Plat:. W. H. Muroey-- By Win. Lee and ('bas Well. COUNCILLORS. ST. ALCOR/Ms. Thus. C. N•trsl --By Geo. Sheppard and Thos. Jervis. Jobs Cramps -By 5.. Richards," and H. Robinson. Thea. Sw•rtt-Ry Gordon Coutte sod Wm. Campbell. David Castedeo-By Wm. ('•mpbeh and Gordon Cour.. ter. t•ATR1'"x .. F. J. Pridham -By •. Saunders and W . Acheeoo. Dudley Holmes --By F. J. Prtdham mod W. Acheson (1st. • Nam -By W. Preudfoot sad F. J. Protium. Jae. Wilson -By John Walker and J. Farr. S. C. Belcher -By .1. S. Platt rid M. C. Swanson. A, P. 3tolsa-By J. A. Roberton and Chas Wells • Sessdere--By D. Holmes end D. S. Cly. •T. I'A y l D $. Robe. Thompson By J. W. Smith and C. Wella Jas. C•Idwe:l-By J. W. Smith and Jobe Yule. W. C. Gosde-By Chas. Wells sad J. W. Ssarb. C. A. Humber -By John Hyslop and P. McCarthy. +r. uwar■'m M. Nicbotsos-By Oswald Sturdy and G. N. Davis. K. Campion -By Thos. Sturdy and F. J . Pnoh.m G. W. RI•ok--By Ben A11.. sad W. T. Muroey. H.gb iurinp - Hy J. H. Colboroe end A. Sauediers Jas. Yates -By E. Richardson and W. G. Smith. R. R. Sallow.-- By A. Saunders rid W. Proodta t. Si. David's -Robs. M c LOOM, by W Ache- son and J. B.tes. St. Patrick's -W m. Acheron, by .:toll Slo•oo end Jobe Hamllo. St. George's-- M. N ieboleoo, by 1 hw•Id Clardy sad Hugh Dunlop. St Andrews -H. W. Ball, by Geo. Shep- herd itod Hy Robinson. At the elves of the nominations the re- taraiog of5oer retired, and M. Hatebleas was unanimously armee oh•ir.io, • rea- rm which he 000upied with credit to kill - golf donne the meeting. James Wilron was the bat speaker milled upon, mol thanked the ratepayers for the bettor they had conferred upon him in d ominating him for the positioo of mayor, but retired in favor of Dr. J. R Mimeos. H. would, however, stand for onunoiller, sad would, in the future, if eleottd, work, es lee bad done, it the bent interests of the tow". Dr. Shuman mid he would be wearable te all feeling Aid he not cheek ter electors fee the unanimous embassies that had bees tattered host. He was not •g•orether wttbout experience at public boards and in deliberative bodies ; sev.rshelsm M would be Milts,/ to tette •dviee ea all public mat- ters ped would dwsb rgo the duties of the ales without fesr, fewer or partiality. As there were a numb.r :rt eesdidates to .d- arw the ratepayers he would not relict • loog satire« apes them, but would We by sepia thorium them for bin ua..imoas tree- like to the mayor's Bair. Robert McLean romerai.d beaks her leaving been sleeted reeve i. 1806, and tar bene o eenin•ted ter 1806 Loos year • good deal el mirk had been dope in the musty onus nil. H. wee • member of the meaty pre- y .otmmtttee rid had been i"atr"msstal io b•Oi"g improvements made N the wart- ' homes ad jail that bad put 5960 h 'trestle( ties he the town. This was mere than had been dem by her predeower is all the years that he had ooeapied the position of reeve. Ho (Meimmn) was is fever of improving the w•torw«w ryelsm and believed the• the supply sheaf' be &Haim/ fns the lake. A. ehslrsss of the market eoeseeittee w had hem ieetremonted is trettiag a mew pair ' of mall•, whist' ware sew giving goad sub fasins, mid the market Mildiag bad beam mash improved sad tidied se seder be wpervte(.r. He Jim thought the eters- how egaar* Wald be sieved of utemps, sad eyed eat with nem shake sed War seseesnries N . lrM-eltes park eimflsr te se thet. (`hangs, Terme" ad Wm Masa it wild net east • areal deal, and a Judi - dome erpendlttrs l • USW mew would ge • Iong way. W woad hive le bel, OM ..Iver sad her taitb a our tom, or we I hes tetras of Canada Mike Goderieb • maid net espwrt help from outside. Be masiufastunag town and • armee resort, Wes to favor of taeiudeeoeot lights, ad be sod rte seamen was moored Railways will hayed mosey was .quaodered when the some where there is trainees, .ad if Gode- rwh works up bet buau.es .he will eve• tually get railway. H. 'bathed the ileo tors, Lod hoped to reo•t.e th.., 0005deow, sod rammed he .eat after • sharp sad of, brave address William I'roodfuot ru.e to • question of privilege. Mr. C.mpwt,'. et.temeut with regard to the inability tet tb. town to earth lob • market was not true, .rid that urdi vtduel h.d only read • p,ruoa of the stat tee bearing of the gu,.tiea, rid bad sup Ls�•w•�� thereat. U.mpio., be wd,h•d s. vored to knife bis as be bad knifed the man at $mtrb's Hill. To prove that Cs pion was wrong the speaker read the retire and peeved his 000teott..t, amid applause from the auorace Mr Campion-l'bai d..es Dot appy. Mr Proudf• ot Vas, i' d..... Mr. McLean -How could you do it with • bad pair of .tel -• ti r. Proedta.t-The n11 bales were all right, and you rely rot ins place fixed up and pat the perm in to •e gb tour pigs on Mr. Mclwo --I:'e tent v h ; 1 heave wogb ed ate pigs terra Mr. Campion -I knifed • mw who dtda't dowry. et, and 111 torte eve, y mu who does deserve to be k.,ifed. 1 say .gain that statute dues not apply Mr Proudfoot - And 1 say again that what y..n say is untrue After a few mote sharp pare bet were Messrs. Proudfoot. Mclean and ("impacts, the meeti.g was breugbt to • close by • vete of thanks to the chairman drain w.a nude from the '4,000 to the 1,000 power fights. after arms shaking the ratepayers foo .00slnalial bum be roared from tt, t:l•tt,.ro.. 511. Prwdlnet was not in the same powi- er0. •e Mr. McLean, and oould not thank the retepsycre f..r sleeting him last year, bat he bad been endorsed by the electors ea more than one 0000•1011, and bad always es deavured to so hes duty. Mr MoLesr lead tad Unit be. il'ruudfoot), had done nothing te bwotfit the town ether he was • member of the Co -,ata comma 1• then be oppo.- mot was stray, for he head been taetrumeh td m reesoving the unsightly sheds from t .o ('o.rthouee,sd ampro•int the witsry oasdutioss, at • cost of $1.000; of m.ktng impro.emeote to the R. grtry olio. at • mast f $1.700 . of header the Courthouse at • coat of $2 100 ; and of getting o .ddi- tr.. to Ur. Mcl)ooeld'e office of $600, to• tether with tmprovemeot• to the pail - the to1.1 of which amounted to wale 16,000 -- n early all of which bad been spout an the tomo. Whore was the work dome by Mr. McLear last year to the town' $187, hied been spent in improving the market which he onou,lered was worse then thrown away, unless the town wee prepared to peen • by- law .ompclli.g the people to attend the mer►e: Mr. ('rmpbell -Tbe impression is that you ain't do it. Mr. Proudfoot --1'96 impression is sores sots. Continuing, he said be lad dose evsryth,ag .o his power to get the inoandea- omot system. and had voted io fetor of it every rtes, a0 18.t lir. McIren'. shaft armor him a that regard bad failed. He etas as deeply turreted u the welfare of :od_rich as was Mr. McLe.., although he did not own as muoh briok and . ortrr, but be was • young man tet, and perhaps rhea he area cid OS that gent tenor he would have as much. He then dealt a nth the financial ag•'re of the town and pointed out where, he believed, mistakes had been made by the ouancil of 1895. Every effort should be made to get the water from the lake, sail :.. eourr- the better. 1t could be dune at •o exp•..,lrture of about $10.000, and the V T. K• would pay 'sough *zonally to meet the inter...• and sieleng fund The water- works thou:4 yield . revenue Instead ot be- lay run at • loss. He thanked the electors a.d hoped fur • m•joriiy of their votes on Momdey, Jas 6 P Holt •tteuked the electors for what they had done for him in the past, and bop.d for it continuance of their good diose u the time to come. He like, the others who had.►oken, was in favor of the water •zing ohtaned irom the lake, but he did sot think she mosey spent in re-drilliar the water holes bad been me spent. Yu view MY that two or three come rest meso, In or oat of the council, should be sent to planes where water Se got from the lake--('obourg, Kiao•rdta• and elsewhere. 1'orooto, whish did not lack in good engias.rs, had sent all • e way to England to get the bent •d.ioe c. their water problem, and had paid $15, 000 and expenses tor it, but l:oderioh need n ot ''e quite so pretentious. The gmllty of ear presort water was .gaInst us for domes- tic purposes, and would soon eat our pipes away. Ile was .lo in t•vor of u limeades esnt light system, but unfort.wuIy the Nan had no funds. Ws had rot an ober of 5500 • year from • gentleman in Mitcbs:1 :or the eogimeroial service, but the emend had not ecoepted it. Another otter, at s'' ;motet w of 550 had sine( hem bad,but air to :he present time had not been acted opt •,. :averting to the w•terworks q.s- tlo.., he mid M was claimed by some that may Mimeo should he oemp.11ed to pay ter the tomo water. He did not believe that awn taken ought to he forod to pay for whet they dile t get, and he questioned it ter tows meld oompsl anyone to take the present miter. in the county 'mum he had dere be sear. toward get- ting all the expenditures mid. in Goderbh that h.4 been referred to by Messrs. Proud. foot and McLean, but had only worked to get than harms they were legitimate. He was in laver of tieing wood at the mem i..,uee. Ii wood at 53 • oord gave as geed satisfaction as Deep, for it would put • lot of money is oiresletiou around home which would otherwise fro to C1.vskeed. Be- fore Doming to the marine he had been told that he would not be opposed, and that statement bad been made arm he had been in the wasting, mut now he found be was N be spread by his old friend, W. H. Mar- ren. who had wt with him at the oounoil board and biro • good ssu.mller. Mr. Marcy or any other men, bad • right to rum for the deputy-resveship ; bat on this meagre if be ram he would have to fight for it If his Molt's) work had been satiafas Wry in the past he hoped to get the whole - smiled support of the r.tep•yer. ea Monday reit. W. H. Marney was surprised to Cad hinted( nominated for deputy reeve. He had tried to do hie duty as • souacitre, sad had mosy times reoeiv.d the oon8denoe of the ratepayers, and one ot these days might spire to the deputy reevosl.ip, but es the praaest do, maim would not be a candidata for the pass ties. Rdmued Campion h•dinot bem attacked ami weold 6.w little to say. The people Mould attend the ooaneil meetings, and thus Sad out who the ben men were. He would, if .looted, oppose .v thin. than was wrong. He had eppooea upsodi.R many an the mertK but when Mr. Proud - Mot said the somal mould esmpel • market lee he had mlr.preaent.d the face. The statute did mot admit of market fee., and be read frost the statute ri;favor of hie ma - belies. Mr. Prodteot bad made the statement either 'niftily or igneraaUy. Alex. Rauoders said be W wade me Mr• mai morass ea wariest destiena, and tbeked the Goatees for their sapper1 is the poet At the esemell heard he kid ea- 4s.vored to work in the bens ialereeM of the lewa but he bad set been pot es say e.mmititoe when work bad to he demo, sad whites be thesgbt ba might 8..e been d enrolee N • greater West Ws be had been. He levered the triaging of wsler tram the lake, sad ea i.eandeemet Baht beam, sad believed thee • revenge mould be bad MOM rem i1 the leather was peeper - 17 • ended N. He gave seems renew is laver of bNh sy.e.ing keine established and hoped tis every Wer would endes- wet M push shag the .54 tows. 1• the pees year 0.derleh bad bas awakened and wmesmalally was Whig Ms plass mei* tris BLUEVALE. Meo•aAY, Dec. 30. Mrs. Stowe is •*.itisg rtl•tives to Gods rich. Mien [mm• Mc('r.ek.n is visiting in Brussels. Mrs Annie Stott• has returned from Ooderiob. James aid Willt•m Rutherford have re- turned trout V a•itoba. Sam French and Mrs KIWI Mower spent Christmas in Wroxeter. W. A. Kihott, of Wiseman, spent Christmas at R. 1. Duffs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Maodooald,of Wingbam, spent Cnretm•s at Aide.. w Hoil•nd a. Mrs. M•.1Ilw•tn, of Wwtgham, u yea ID, her daughter, Mrs. Audi•% Holmes. Mrs. R N. Doff sod daughter, May, were visiting io W•wsnoeh 1st Saturday. Mien Marti Robertson and brother, Charles, of 1401611•V tun, Men., aro vuluor in Biuovais. WUltam L.ndwy, of Emerson. Man., was oalltsg on old friends m this vicinity Inst week. Hs is on his way to vier hie father and mother to Ireland, the here of ho boy bund. The Presbyterial (Sunday school enter- tainment which was held last Monday even tog, Dec. 2501, was • grand sumer 1 he progrsn, oos.oted of choruses, recitations. drill, etc., by the school (thildrso, the delle being particularly well executed. Much credit as due to Item Belt King sod Mw Ballantyne and Messrs. McEwen and Belle) for their 'Berta tn aiding the child- ren. AUBURN. Mn..aT, Dec 30. 'herbal Knox is visitng trisoda in God. rich. J. Kaox and wife visited frissde in town last week. PI air mod politics ars the chief topics in this port of the globe. Frank 1 tuner rimmed to Goderich last Friday, after • pleasant week's vont to old friend'. Our farmers will take advantage of the tilelgbt•r to get their Winter" wood de- livered. •ody 1 ounghlut, of Berlin, was home dor Cbnetma..oat a now visiting friends in Ooderecb. Mr. ad Mrs. J. P. Brow. attended • supper given by the Memos in Godench last week. Now that electric railway are becoming sommoo, why not run oDc from the village to the school • The roads hay. been very had for the last three or lour days, bum the mew has made good sleighing. Albert Knox has rturord Irma 5orl•nd• where be had beer with loosen. While in London he visited Philip Webb, who is in a lege grist null. Albert mime hos. through B.itimnre. 0ODERICH TOWNSHIP. Dec 21st. At this *lamination of sebool section No. 2, bald yesterday. cher. were • number of visitors present, and the scholars a quit- ted themselves very ored.t.bly 1D .11 their brsaobu, after :who'll then were radian. recitations, to.trumental mnawand gongs by the ehildren. But the principal item was the presentation of • handsome draining ease and a large bottle of perfume, by the pupils to their towhee. Mose Magee. who is I.aviug the school, atter teaching at for the last 6.e years. She hes hear • very ene- ossefnl teacher and has gives general antis faction to the board and the pereste deri.g Mr i.umbsosy. Mier Magee wed now oro to She Normal for • term. Following is tins badmen of the scholars to their teacher Gnomon Toweentr, Ileo 90. 1811. Dees Mob Maass --it i. with Wooers re vote w. .re fared to bad farewell to yogi as our tacker Raving taught our shoal for lye years. you 8.ve bsoont.. daared re as both as • te.oh.r mad • friend, and we feel that in your removal we are enstaining • lees that will be bard to fill. As • .mall takes of rswrmbr•eee from oath of your ..atlas, pis... ioo.pt this dresieg case. W. wish yes s Merry (bets.. and • H.opy New Year. amd our best wishes ge with you wherever year let may b. eat Meted en behalf .t the eehel•re of wheel tae.tie. No 2, lindens\ township. Linda D. R. Sweeny 1F• cry STvanv Litems B W nwow Aimee Jot.tttn'n+. &Transit, D.. M Clem Yeses bar gen. ,m • tern -weeks visit to Plink Mid. Re will .i.. visit De- troit b..m he rearm VER THE HURON TRACT. The °••let trom the Lased 96111 • Weehly gnaws e1 Comely mew. •erred up so Nat Breryb. p - r116 and r.iN 1 Ilpgrd nod Ceademed ream every series. ('hwlhur.t Jaaies Stork Lod Mao Beg tee Stwemsu were married of the lath last. Mo. rim ; Wm. Russell is home from 1)u lath. Dame rumor sate he will notgo back above. tiesforth Fred. Cluktos, principal of Prmoetoo Public .eboul. is vowing be per sate her... Chieelburet Robert Parsons, of Halle l:reen, and Mies L.bhi. R.ckmen were mtr rted on the 19th oast. 1s'ingh•m : John Heine will go to Tor onto ,n • couple of wake to have • cataract remove) glom his eye. Lead bury John Ewers bas cone to Mich (h:. • tf. and family for the Writer ; is the Ypru g be will probably muse to the Nia• gars chariot to t.k• therm• of • Tenet farm for elm. K. Py. Morris. Mies Mary Halliday. melte has uo . oe.efully taught m Como15 $ No. 3, Morrie end 5. W. wwuab moos last Spring. toted..• eompl.ting her studies at the Nor mal ewhoot, Toronto. Mw Hamiltod, of Blyth. wall be her aucoeasor Brwls li re 4. 6 Armstrong and nen, of Bufelu, Irk* settlement, Assn., arrived bets on Thursday of last weak It as over 6 years sloes firs. Armstrong left for the Wear. She meads spending the Winter in tiruseel mod 1.,cality Mrs. Armstro.gg is • daugnter of our townsman, Adam Rud. l'hutot.: The miry Invade of Ur. Thea. Agnew were pleased to ab.6r herds with him ID town 0o Smturday lea. ; his pre looge.t Olney* had pulled him down coa- @ aderably. but he o get use back to his for- mer salt, and resume. nue Loodeeboro erect tea in . few days. Tuoker.mith The home of t:eo. Nott was the erre of • happy eveut w Weduss- day afternoon, 1\ hen hr daughter tibias, wee ...r.awl to W. Tow000d, by Rev H. J. Feer. Newton ('rich sad Evelyn Nett performed the dour of groomsman and yo W vwt doe of he daughters, who e ! bndeemad respectively. seriously ill with typhoid fever. Brussels : The grocery stock of Jobe Brawl Joseph Flsoher, who rsowty a wain was old on Moadey to J. C. Took, went with • noires of horshorsesa the Old at 31 00 the dollar and afterward di.- ('ountry, reached his dsuu•uou. ps J to Allred i.uwry at • slight iace.rbn. e house and let was bought by Mrs. Joh t lepton . Mr. and Mrs. CarlottaCarlottaleave this (;rower at 16513. Mr. Lowry • present in - The Th week for New York, and from there they tension Is to run the stook off. g o W tete Bahains fthe 1\'mur. Clinton - One of the prettiest weddings HenmU John Shurepherd, verve of Tuck- witnessed is Clinton for oma time, took smith, shipped three oar loads tet rare from plea en Christmas day, at 2 o'clock, at the 3....11 stars, last week, for the old corn Hosed ('Ierea.too, the rstdeoos of the try bride'. parents, when E M Siel..., the Brussel Mrs. E. R. Grundy and sons, popelar science master in the ColIegi•te,add of Grind Rapid., t• vwtteg her mother, Miss Lida Miller were united in marriage, Mrs loo Hyoroft and other relatives a.d the Rev. W. F. Puke officiating. fneods Tuckeremlth N Bleak, of the 3rd, got Sire'sela Js. Moore, former proprietor bis baud severely crushed in • gram crusher o1 the Brawl Herald. will instruct the mer week ; be was oiling the gearing when Youth to • school in the vicinity of Berrie las hand caught in the Dog wheel mod held neat year. hum tut until the wheels were token ori Otey Revs. K. V. and W. A. Smith ere his nedioel attendants believe they oma hem• from Montreal Celiac. for their sere the band, but s the hones of the b•ek Christmas vaoeaen. They ars teas of True- of is •1 a .11 broken, the hand will likely ba mar Smith. eau(. Seaforth erten Punabard, dsughtar of Winvh•m : D M Gordon's rsadeow had Mr. H .1 Punckard of this town, has been • clues a'1 011 lf„oday •vedmg. Th• Bre eog•ged to teach in the Zurich public school origtsted to the pips and drum up•lei», for teest year setting fire to • clothes press and destroying Brava. 1. Moe cooper, who bas se nuc- • oone,derable ga•at.it v of cloths. The awfully tight the Primary Department h window curtain• end carpets were also bad- ly •torced Through the revues t ma TM Newsom t•f • •s.Mr al Christina aldsam1 11 is Turkey is reperW, to Bru..els for the past three years, left for 'Wf Dr o mind her home in Clmtos. of the family the tiro was gut under ooatrel Clinton The other day Isaac Dodd was before any more serious damage was dose, severely bitten io the leg by • dog, said to !reign!): Mite Tctler and doe Kirkman. belong to John Scrucoo ; the dog was de assisted av • few trirdtie, mot r box et strayed by Constable 1\'heately. books, toys, etc , for • Christmas tree en• I;re, Thos. gooey, ot Ingersoll, and tie -tamest, •t • Sabbath about at Agatha, Mir J. Gill, of they, were united in mar- Muskoka. They have made similar preeon- tar.we to the came school before, and they rings at the manse In Atwood, on W •does were .lwye gratefully acvepted. only for day, 18th tint., by lieu. Mr. Henderson this ooutributow the children to that die- Bl'rth At the snow' meeting of the trier would have little to mark the holiday board of trustees of the Methodist church ben os Thursday evening. [ 1) Chamber Seaforth : Alen. Brown, of this tewn,has Ito was •ppototed eeatuo at • salary of I invented an angeoioue machine ter nutting SM.' corn Iu ter .e asu simple to Clntoo : Will. Emerton.8. has been sorstrucu8wi,1d. end,Tbtiterm•hme teat, bas sesustinv hu irrother, peev,es to • few days proy.d to work satisfactorily. Mr Brown for Stratford Hospital, %here be u0sergoes chose that uoe man with • horse too cit as treatment for • ohrenma •Section of the k... joint, Wingh•m . David 1) R -id, • former stu- dent of Jobe Wilson, V v., has passed a lag oe.soo wry eunceenful final 51 the Ootarto Veer*. I Clinton : It dos not tell to the let of are College, Toronto, and is now • full ! many people to ohei rve their golden wed• fledged V.S. I ding anniversary, for 50 years cruelly eases Cos,tanee : The m•r»are of John A. Ise many shaoges that bat few people travel Mills, of Hallett, to Mass Anna McIntosh, of Codsuoce, wagoel.br.ted in 'he Meths..; tet ohm.- h by the Rev. H. J. Fair, on Tout day, Dec. 17th. mach corn with this m•chloe se ten men in the ord;nar, way. Ho will L'tely have some of the machin on the market for the coot lite's p.thwey together for this length of time. 1 et it was the prevelege and plea- sure of Mr mod Mrs. A. I:orrell, of town. to oelebreu this event lads Thursday evening, Lsadbury : Alen. Rees has ourcha.ed the with a few fneo& who had been invited to farm of Frank Rioeb•rr. The plea con alters their hospitality. The estimable tam. 25 ore.. Tbe laud is good, bot the temple have resided in the county for over buildtags sr* of little amount. The prioe 40 years, • Dumber of which have been paid was $1,100. spent 1e town ; they have raved . family of Brum/tele ; T Knechtel,of Lambtoo Nill, six soon and two daughters, end u u the is attending his Christmas in Brussel and wish of everyhntiy that mast years et taw- loc.Itty. Mr Knechul o re eng•red in the •Uoed .blies may yet be their earthly per - e we school for 1896 and report says he is 1105. -_ - doing exoelleut work. 118.1: Mi.. Stepheneoa left fie tome in Clinton lac week. She will attend Tor onto Normal school next year. Before doe ing school .he was promoted with • totter set and o address by the pupil.. /Ethel : W. J. Sharp bas lead the Small - dos farm for • term of years and is now in posesio.. Mr. Sharp has been employed by Wm( Miles for the past seem years, but will Dow try (.raise a h,. own wow. W reserve : Mies Charlotte Musgrove was married ma Tuesday to C. J. [eats, of ot Michigan The eersmosy was performed by Rev. %V. 1. Ken. Mr. /Lout/ and hie bride left the week in the Wolverine State. Helmsville Mr McKoberte, who has so faithfully filled the pomatiea as nobles school teacher for the past three years, will leave for home this week. He intends et - boding St. Marys' Collegiate after New Years. Morris . la Mu township during the past yew the expenditure was as font,w. Reeds sad bridges, $2,814 ; charity, $280 ; print- ing. 1125; salaries sad fin, 5704 ; schools. $26 50. The total receipts amounted to $13,175. Wtaghrm A.(iriin, son of (' N. Griffin, of town, who has been spending • term .t the Philadelphia Dental College, has fast passed a very eoaeeseful exeminatios, being at the head of his ores in many of its branches. Brussel W F:. •rmstroag, who bas Mee teaching • actual at Molatyre, Grey musty, is base for his t'hrstmas holidays. Next year he will wi.11 the pd•dog .'. ruler in Whitbread'. school, 12th sou , (:rely township. i..kerewoth Before leaving Turner's megbbesbood last weak, Mw Hattie Dodd was made the raspiest of • t eth...art trees the treeless of Tunnies ohorob, for �er ellalsrt ad generic.s serviette as ergo set thereof. Ballets : At Hesa•11 fat stook show lest week, Then Fear, Harlots, was the ouly es h iMter ; he made • very loo dieply, and serried away some 515 is prises and and .11 ► M why, en the upon, realising good prime ler it. Melba : Norway Callender labs of Aort- ae!. boo arriyd hwa, eel tread roma. via agues. The MallemayeellOblened One. Goaratr., Din. 28. To chain -dater of Tuc Swam.. Deer Sir- Kindly give .pace in your paper for the following few remarks The tste,.yse should my who should be night - watch for the town and whether the boys of the town have the right ot .tending on the street oeroer., or does the eight watoh have so du'y to perform in our tows New, Mr F litor, i believe, and ell utelh- gent ratepayers boalev. Obit every Miser tit ter tome who re paid by the people'' enseq should be elected ty the people of ter toles. And firth, r, Mr. Edrtov,i helm.. it 5. *8.5.- tor..t.. of the town of Goderioh at the aim- inattos for town officers for the year of 1.116 to boys oomtnatod a men from each ward in the town and let the people by ballot my who es to be the night•watohtno. The ratepayers mot the way of electing every oioer, a..1 °timers ',hood in tine way ars the oheice of the people and might be re- spected as they should be, whereas this is sot the cin when the iris to chosen by hoar o1Rp 0e or other. lis • Regale commensal Ira imp wipited to supply four of 18. forest 'hes anti ems - ionise is Loathe. with 6.000 hags, 1 be shipped dortng the year 1896. That es . queer moral promise by whish S ome mea pursueule thaoeelv.e that the meaner o1 others is • warrant and jasufio.- *4011 of their oven evil easel.et. Lord Dente. an .sled for Kntl•ad ea Saturday. He g,v. he .vtdenee in the on- yestigatios of the charges spinet the De. feeder, hot the case ie not yet finished. The Cahouet ha been onasederittlg Shu petitions o1 oleme.ov in the sae of 1.11. - ti.. 8knrtes, aider sesteso of death, bet ap to Setarday eight no dominos bad Men e aaeaseed A maritime* oosmseted with S. hank 1;lets' pettet, weeks at Potterburg. star Loader, was deetroye.t by fire said Mr. (;les' resides... was Ora. ge4. The 1rn was sheet 512,000, partly irennd. At She opinion et the Jarrow, Parkin - smut She lyer.r sasounod time aria had been raaaored to Ter..om. foreign ttsit- time were eariete.tery sad the imprwvelaisa d 11r .t.$ir.'s d./.ss w.rld ,wive mak• 1