HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-26, Page 88Now TH B !SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC. 16, 1898. Christmas Talk. Now is the time to do your Christmas shopping, before the great rush that will come the few days before Christmas. We have made arrangements to handle the crowd that will surely be on hand for our large line of Christmas Novelties But why not buy early and get the best attention and also the best prices, Porter's Colonial Book Store NI:AAS or 1'HE I►IS'I'I;IC•r. From our ownCorre.pondenta. Ta. rr 1. Information ,tern 1 nal 1 arise. be r..rd Aar where 1.1.e •ew• el the tweet. especial'. It..riled far Ire erase,. UUNGANNON. NW ir_ '1 Le local age.... r .0 1luoif.uuo• for Tum divas Am is at the Deice ot J. ti. Ward - J,1'., 0Oveyaaeer, ie-. who III receive or- ders for subscriptions. advertising and Job work. and is •uwonxcd to rive retripte tor emanate paid for theism/. Tr e�DA y. lee. 23 181-TnnI'ItiHkh 1'isrnu.. - On Thursday of last week, whilst A. M. Floss, esti was pasetng'through our village (he having bees attra.ling to some business. North tit here) oa hi. way homeward via (.00erich. to To- ronto, we had the p ensure of having • w.rm hand-shske and friendly greeting with him and were pleased to ere him look hearty and vigorous. He herr in former Wears when a rot - dent of this county. held the high peanuts' of maoa,ter of the Reek of l'ommeroe, treasurer of this oouury as ateo memlwr of the Local legislature and colonel et the volunteers, in all of which he served with great ability and satisfaction Vt.-1701k.. Mears Wnt. Mitchell, of Winghant, •o•l las. of the towesh:p, of Elms, Perth county, visited relatives here feet week Rt Ilil'.ty. in S Wool. ---As the school law hies the date for hr.t term ot l'nblto schools, on the 4rd day of Ja- wiry and m 000sequence of that date being ran Friday h •11.rt commence until the with which is toe Monday fallowing, Meal. U'Ai• N..w i.ATI0'.—Nominatl)O for municipal oouh.de, in tint. will take place en Monday, the 30th of Dec. at 12 o'clock, noon, it will be held in oumplisace with the statute in the usual places in the mumc:pahtI.s of A.hhrld and West %Vilna - nosh. if • poll to deman.se 1 the election will be ou the 6th day of Jen. '96. \KtTIONS YOK X MA, - (h&r mer• chants, grocers, ete., are stem,; with each other in mak ng their establishments look attractive and beautiful for l hustles' and New l eers,aad as a corseyuen a our village' bee an extra neat appear.noe tt e presume S anta Claus will attend to his old time duces In making the wee folk• Joyful and h aps. ('i.0.'r. til' 1'i- i i.' i' in'1_—Cls Friday last our public school was closed anti es the teachers, 1•. McKinnon and Mrs. M 11'11- .os, ate reliuyusluog their charge N such, the pupils of each departmeut, previous to to the .eparatioo, presented their respective teachers with • valuable present, and an ae)ctiag farewell wee made ('oytn.: ANI. Gun... --Moses MCRrien, formerly of this oewhhorhoal, and now of (.clench Township, was in our village last week . . Edward R.,I•inson, of ['untied, and formerly of A.htieI(1, staved last week to spend Christmas and New Year. at the homestead.. ...Hugh McMath left here oa hero on Enda, tut on an extended visit to relatives at Pontiac, %Ochs/fan We wilt the vein -table gentleman • pleasant visit during stay. Tuaw.—Ue'Fndayand Saturday of last week re had heavy rains whi. h caused the mow to disappear. We presume in o,rsse- quenca t.1 the thaw and rasn,that those who were scarce of water will now be well -sup- plied. AN•1%Festal - The anniversary under the auspice. of the Nahhath ',hoot in Dna *action with the Methodist church here. will he held in the church on New Years day. Airit.ltvT.-- Recently Mrs. Wm. Mal- Megh had the melortrrs to fall....taiaisg a essureipraie is one of her wrists, and for some 1.x011 It was eery painful. We are pleesad to De able to Nate that she is re oover..P. GAVE, /'n rat+Ta., -At toe time of writ ing it would appear that we ars to have • grew Christmas, consequently it will not be as l ely or pleasant. 1.,‘e your friesda a useful pre.wt sap one which is sure to be r le.ai g- . rice eat- gla•bottle of Ssei►'s perfumes. Bea Man at Chas. 1►. W d1I ams'. 2t 1000 lbs. Candy. We have them fresh Chocolate, Bon Bons Creams All Kinds this Season's NUTS The New COSGROVE COMPANY W►i11 appear in McLean's Opera House on Friday and Saturday DECEMBER 27 28 ernes tae Pres. Dar.. Mesaeal HwaM : Is was she beat .f the .mass.. Montreal Wit.ar TM C.r►eva ease pay Ire) proved shemsst.e• s• be in the Mist rack a psMie entertainer. ba, aa., ae- Ticket►, 25e. and 36c. 111Isers apes et 7:80; t.,.a...a.... M. set Same M P+.rtee'• sesMtme. CHAS. A. NAIRN. Groceries The undersigned beg to an nounce to the public that they have opened out a general store ot Groceries, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed on Hamilton Street, next door to S. 4loane•, Warehouse, where they will endeavor to sell at the very lowest price possible. Ternts Cash. C. Beck & Co. C.R.SHANE&CO Full Line of Seasonable Goods. FRIDAY\SATURDAY BARGAIN DdYB BI(}C}ER and BETTER Than Ever . . The success of one Bargain I)av is not a high enough mark for our next. 'ibis is our =last McLiaai2'1 =)a.-37- of )o yof the Beason and it will not be our fault if it is not the beet, if prices and quality count for anything. (Jur space here will not allow us to enumerate the list of Bargains for the great two days' sale. OUR MILLINERY must be cleaned out in this Sale, and to do so and will cut the price in two and yell our TRIMMED MILLINERY on Fr;flay and Saturday at Half Price. The same thing applies to our Ladies' Jackets —they must go. We will not carry a single garment over. On Friday and Saturday, Half Price. Come and see our display. No obligation 1.) buy a cent's worth unless you want to. AH goods marked in plain ti',ures. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. 0. 1. MASI II 00. yeses Os tie Ifeelli k Linn J. T. ACHESON. S ZT CH WATCIE= S our stock is now complete in all depaitusents especially in Watch«n. C .A. HUMBER & SON have eftia 11 past record. far behind, and this year show one of the greatest selections of SUITABLE GIFTS shown in town FOR THE X -MAS TRADE C ,tuHUMBER & SON. C A. 8 TTARE, G OIJ RICH_ HOLIDIW GOODS Santa Claus advised us some time ag3 to be ready for him. We have had a good many tussels with 1hr Old chap, and are ready for him agsin with a Iii;; at.. -k Books, Stationary, Papetries, Fine Leather Goods, Bibles, Hymn Books, X-mas Cards, Dress- ing Cases, Fancy Boxes Fine China Goods, Dolls, Toys, Novelties SLAUGHTER SALE OF Ladies' Coats in great variety. All goods marked low. I have Made x large purchase of New Holiday Goods at fit! oft SPECIAL BARGAINS IN THESE Come and .e.•. Extra inducements to earls Luvei. . A . I . WH; IP . Next door to JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Goods Store. The balance of our stock at the following pries. 1 Ooat worth $10.70, for $7.00 1 Cwt worth $ 7.75, for 15 ,75 2 Coate worth 6.00, for 4.50 2 Boats worth 8.50, far 6.00 3 Coats worth 4.85, for 3.50 1 Oast worth 11 00, for 6.00 2 Coats worth 6.00, for 3.90 ' 1 Ooat worth 7.50, for 34.75 1 Cwt worth 5.00, for 3.75 1 Coat worth 7.00, for 3.00 If you want • Ladies' (73at, be sure and see the above before yea purchase. 36 inch all wool Serge Dress Goats at 20 cents. 40 inch all Wool Dross Goals at 25 cents. A few pieces of Dress Goods at half price. A full assortment of Black sad Colored Mantle cloths at very low figures. All Mantle Cloths above $l cut and fitted free of charge. and Mantle making up stairs. Our Carpet as usual is the largest and best in the County. We can fit you out in anything from a ten cant Hemp to the best Brus- sels. We have introduced a new Axminster Carpet that is taking the lead where good Carpets aro wanted. Be sure and see it if you want a Carpet. Igoe Curtain* • specialty. Over 300 sets to select frau. Chenille goods, Rugs and Mats in great variety. Dress Colborne Bros. The Greatest Carpet and Lace Curtain Ware- house of the County. Special at Munro's. Honey Comb Shawls, Scotch Plaid Shoulder Shawls, Double and Single Long Shawls in Black and Colors. 0SIFEFLY Fine Cashmere Plain and Fancy Ribbed, from Infants to Ladies size. Boys and Girls Heavy makes, warm and durable. Ladies' and Children's Underwear in all the leading makes. Men's and Boys' Shirts and Drawers from 20 to 44 inches. .Just to hand, full lines of Men's Merino and Heavy Socks. New shades in Cheap Silks tor Fancy Work. Pure Siik Handkerchiefs from 5c. to $1.25. i� i \4 V stag V ter•/O. Draper and Haberdasher Cheap Winter Millinery We are selling our large stock of Millinery at greatly reduced prices, many lines at and below cost. MISSES YATES. P. S.—Store next door to let Holiday Fruits . e A fine assortment of new Frltits for the holiday season has just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of best brand. Family Groceries a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, .rMOWN' Tan R. rams a est. Ma. WIESTAT aes►airaas Subscribe for The Signal for 'N. Only $1 That Please Everyolle Those Winter ( Overcoats that Prid- t ham is turning out. . When you don • cont you want to have it. look right, to be correct in style, and also to fit you. When you doff it, you want the linings tit to be seen. Pridham is doing all this at the same price s. you are paying for sec- ond cla.a work. Why not have the Nati PRID T>z� TI►I 3R Wombs= i Ales. 111110m. le Iy d Mecham, bel who Ian been entdtug a Terris ler emus years, bee b..n presented. wad N Mw amiss, .4 a ipso *4 moss an Wm 0.T R.trtsk be.quirtAre at Matbemptea, wbos he , ewved lit Amity this wadi. You Must Decide Now where to purchase all you require for the (Holidays. THE FAIR is the place. .1 l