The Signal, 1895-12-26, Page 7r
/ THE SIGN A 1, : GgODRRICR, ONT., THtTR I)AT DEC. 26 189x.
The diseases of thinness
pre scrofula in children,
consumption in grown
people, poverty of blood in
either. They thrive on
leanness. Fat is the best
means of ovcrcoining them.
Everybody k nows cod-liver
ail makes the healthiest fat.
In Scott's Emulsion of
cod-liver oI t` 1'a a is
hidden, the oil is digested,
it is ready to make fat.
Wine yea a:�gt„ts s..
are of the aasw AZ= ea k
West Met u... I yea feta
10 estis and MAI
goer a hems, Qiwal1e, •,vale, poet
Y!ung h.ussheepsr-Have res some aa.
Drover - )' es m.'sm
Young housekeeper 1s it fresh •
Housekeeper Your milk is as thin as
water today.
M'Ikunsm--Well, mom, it was very fsggy
this morning when we milked.
Little Marie -Mamma, whim 1 grow up
oao I many • Dutoh.t..
Mamma -Who • Dutchman, dear •
Lull. Yuri. --So 1 ora he • duchess,
The Development of Trade
with the Antipodal.
Mesa•htp. te.vsas Geed carters [lash
Was tee shdhed e1 advertising
la. a.Pa la taarq,e-4.111. a,.l.,s
taraat by aaYtas aegwte-
tram - Ua fkreed L.Ieay.
(ttawa, Ire. 17. -Thr Department of
Tie mad commerce to -day received
• report from Mr. J. S. Luke. Cana -
ditto ('ummisawprr, who had
turttad to » Just nr,
Sydney from New Zealand,
when the mail strainer sailed The out-
ward and Inward manifests of the
Hluwera inch
"What have you there"' asked Mr,.
Bowser, as Mr. Bowser pulled a small
book from his pocket and sat down
to his after-dinner cigar.
"Phis? 1t'• • book green lent n.e
over at the office. It's called: 'How to
Culthate Memory.' It says In the pre-
face. and It sale truly. that the peel
Years of moat people are a blank's/tail.
How far back can you remember, Mrs.
"To when I was four or five years of
age ..
a.te a very satlrfactury I "dive me some Incident that happen -
eon d/tken id trade between ('amide ed when You were slur years old,"
and .Auatralta. on the outward voy- I "1-I fell down stairs and broke my
age the freight consisted largely of 'arm
mitred salmon end Hrtt ah Columbia I ..)."flit well. How came You
but there was also a Large variety of down stairs•"
('artadeein manufactures, considerable
flour and a good quantity of oatmeal.
rolled oats and cotton. making up a
very extensive and general assortment
o1 canadtan products. The large ex -
Port of Canadian flour is accounted for
by the fact that the wheat crop of
Australia le considerabl
yt•ar Y short this
to fall
"I don't know."
"How many steps In those stairs?"
"I never counted them."
"Who picked you up at the bottom
of the stairs?"
"I think It was mother."
"How long before your arm was
well ?"
The cargo brought to Va Why' how' can 1 tell alt those things,
ver by the !powers eonalsts K Mr. Bows. rt
chuckled. I"Whn that's the erry Idea!" he
wool. but there were alae considerable to
n'n+hritos'nts of frult,suc.h as pineap- years ago• you were about four
Wes mad axoanuts I o tereg mp g trsgedy
hides and together with happened -.You w err romping in child-
•kine. The wool int- lath •port when you suddenly pitched
Porta were fur Vancouver, Grit, Phi- headlong down stale. You Drake your
delphla New York and Ruston. The i arm instead of your neck. A doctor
be noir of the Patron ►tumprrs. Aus
hrallaa was sant for -you were laid up for
maned mutton, dura mut dg- .long weeks -you suffered great pain -
re extenahely on the entrgu lilt. There and yet you practically remember no -
were' In foot,
mete of preserved thing about it! I suspected just such
eats Int otether, and thelia
ere conalgned to a dealer on the Pa a state "f affairs- And It was on your
fie coast I aarount more than my own that I Lor-
Lruring the past summer the Minister rowed this book."
the interior was su(•t•t•ssful in seen: -
the pis',Iicatkon, as an Imperial
ate paper. of a short sketch of the
Ireke ne provinces of Canada, The
(lfete was It-tuts/Mined to the Color.tai
by His Excellency. Since its
Abortion it has been distributer! In
urge numbers through the High Com-
e'loner's office. The plan of sccur-
g publieatron In this manner after
e do'uments have been laid on the
t. Ie of the ltrltlsh Howse of Com -
on,, having proved so successful in
rase. It is proposed to repeat In
other form
11 the I'mvineIal Goverment• have,
refore, been Invited to rend In an
proximate estimate of crops of twat
aeon, and these will le transmitted
England through the Governor -Gen -
I and In due flme published for
trlbutlom by the Home (,•overnment.
Is hoped to'tt' both to Hel-
m and Scandinavian countries a
rimier account of Canada similar
that already published in England
h a view to the Governments of
countries taking slmllar action. "MOW YAR aA('` CAN YOU aSriEltata,
the ih•partment of hallways and into. Igowooe?"
atm to -day in response to a call • "But why should i remember an ro-
oters fur the supply of steel rale
the I.C. Railway and Its bra.nchtle. ! tour that •occurred when I was only
ecording to information which has tour•yrara old?" she protested.
h'd the Government it appears .,Why should you? Suppose there
the alir Ruastan Anent-
c ,astg tse n,zedon was a tinge pose you lhadnwitnlerel es at stake. Sup_
are United States vessels manned "But there was nothhiin ao f the k "'
"What's ur bis wife
'tilted States seamen. Some of the "How do ? g he kind." th et'
are now hell prisoners by the member. Ryon know, You can't re vothing. That it just the trouble.
'fan authorheld hat you want to do is to She complains u{ a feeling of lassitude
Important circumstance In coir carefully peruse the pages of 'this and all that, and I must humor her or
on with the rapture of there yes- book for about two hours. I presume lose all the business of the family."
Is the fart that they are equally your childhood Is a perfect blank to "1 don't iust see"--
risible with Canadian sealers to you. Aye' I doubt It You can re- "Oh. of course you don't. --You've been
regulation upon Russian coasts,for member anything of moment between • doctor's wife for ten
w en the modus vivendi bet
to Rus- �ib8 ago of 1Y and 18 In other words yearn and you
Ma and England was so ht to be r(► half don't know anything bo
new•e �•
moon here' 'Oust arrived) -An there may t
Pny,l.s-Ob, there w • few apologies fort
Priscilla -Well, if an apology u offend w
net. 1 shall accept It
Set, W. Galbraith. s.a.e..' r (11
%Iiwt .rth.d,.. r rr•h. raasar N elm s t
4.Md w,urd to la .t ar. Agrewl; ;t'.1.,
rleal render. pis
The Keo. Wm. Galbraith, LI..8 , s sop! m
of the thoughtful preachers of th. day. The' fn
•otiv interest he has taken in the questions , th
asocial reform has gismo hie wide lafu to
OWN outside of his owe ohooch, where his m
Iasaseos n uodtsputed- His mind u of the on
kited that abiok. oat • problem, and thea he j n
he Mel. t.' !peek with force sod Iotelligssce the
R. u to be credited with examining ono ap
the monis of 11r. Agnaw'a Catarrhal Pow , 54
11 with the same boat of mind. And to
what does he .ar ' That i■ the mediate era
he has intrad •remedy this giver quick tea dls
lief for cold In the head, which i•.o ones.. It
tortabbe to everybody, and riving relief ' gin
there it helps, perhaps,more than any other to
remedy to 'terve off the ill offecte that to
from o•terrhal trouble. moms wit
O.e short whiff of the breath through the those
blower. supplied with each bottle of Dr, (it:
int (itarrhal Powder, diffuser this ('an
['oder over the surface of the nasal pass- for
area Painless and d.l:ghtfol to use, it re- tor
boon m too minutse,and permanently owes A
oaterrah, nay fever, ool.ks, headache, .oro aver
throat, toeetlitis, and deafness. Solt that
r .tet Sample bottle with blowers rent tie ago
re Wirt of 40, in stamps or Weer. S 1:. by I
ll•*hon, 44 "'hutch street, Toronto. Crew
Sold by J. E. Davis. Bus
grhgtl.h feyla r aa•rr$eaa leer. I necti
Those who see la a position to know s. y gels
that Ra lis► am.•
g eilbrnr have invested 191,- the
000,000 is Atelier 4mweries,•nd tint last
year they drew from this country se profit
net their iayestmenta 18,100.000. Think of cons
this immense aum drained in one year from on
this country ' Then, too, remember that were included
fan ell this sum the 000ntry reoie es in act al =er
value not Doe coat Or, the other hand, It Dona
door receive from it • vast array of drunk- VRued
snaees teehoieoey of capacity to labor, and call'
Iwai aunstruck int the harvest del
did. And they would not let
the body• fur fear It would slur
"How thoughtful of them -
Mrs. Bohner.
n.• ear
k me " I Truth was stranger theta action to An
aid Isaias.
A rids show attraotkw-no pretty profile.
hound Hlwsme.Nl liars -A rood many grave
about. stoma
sumo*. You
so as
"That's you to a aur" ■ he
as he rose up and ',roan to walk
"Hecause you are so cabbage -
that you can't see through lhla
You are making fun of me' All
however. If you want to go slam
around like an old horse IIt4nK
to -day, 1 •',most object. 1
carry a card around with you.
not to forget your own name!"
"Mr. Bowser?" said ]Its. Bo
■tier a moment's silence. " you
you can remember everything con
ted with the past?"
"I can."
week ago you brought• hooka tee put up In the kit
(,•r the cook. Where did you put
',twits se
•')there '.' Where? Why. 1 -1 -
ten or t n.•lv.' daYa ago,
r n:unto"1. " you hunted all over
house for the oil can to oil the nor
of a mouse trap. Where did you 1
the can?"
lie hooked at her without rept
' 1 -:;%•••or six days ago you gut
sow down to fix the back dour. W
did you leave that saw?"
Rill: no reply.
") ou have been up and (town th
stater thousands of times How en are there? When did you
coal last' You had Mr. Davis o
Isere one night within a month to pda
tarwith you. What night w■, 1
"Wo -w omen, are you talking
me!" demanded Mr. Bowler.
oro( course I am' You have read
alrnut George Washington. How he when he died"' ton what d
1'.1 you order your h. -t shirt,. W
nicht last mantels did We gu to
theatre? Toll fell oft n car a
hurt your leek awhile ago. Please g
me the exact dite? How old is o
leo? What is the date of our m
rials( ""
mfr Bowser had stood over her. wang
I"How to Cultivate Memory" In t
air and flushing red and white
turns. He was caught dead to .rich
aid r.•nllzed it, and there wait on
on.. thing for him to d.,. HP did It.
stet/tars-d up. waved the book mor
vigorously, and thundered out:
"Wo -tan. I go to the I:brary! 1? m
lawyer calls send him In and we aril
atr.•nge to see your lawyer early
the morning' A. we can Ifo.• togethe
n o longer we will separately quietly
and without aeandal. and you can re-
turn to your mother"'
Pa Y
Rossini marriesos
In what month du trustee talk least • la
Nene a mita is trpeoted to be the srchi
not or ht..o.-is law'. fortune.
Ebb',. --%%by de ynu oall one of your re
*live. aunt •od the other •oat • Slobb.
-Well, the other has money.
Elderly Lodger How did you sleet
Dight. l'rofe•onr • Professor Jerkins Lying
down, madame.
h•onu 3r. thorough is the ezcrl'eac. of Ayer',
chHair Vigor 'hat it can he used with benefit
(to by any person, no matter what may M the
coron of the bur, and, to every ease- itm
occasions satief.o•n Yd pleasure's •ddi
Moe to the benebt whir &amenably conies
Irmo Ire use.
v -r
The fru,;: •.r'. C.errtaloty
The• physician looked troubled.
"Do you know anything about the
itruwns?" he asked at last.
"What do you want to know?" In-
galred his wife. "I have met Mrs,
Brown a number of times and she
seems to be a very pleasant• well-bred
woman, who"--
"(ih, I don't car.• ani thing about
that." interrupted the physician qulck-
ly. "1 was thinking•abuut Mr. Itrown's
financial condition."
"1 think he pays his Nils very
"I know he does• " exeluimed the
t'hysiclan impatiently. "Rut Is he real-
ly a wealthy man, or is he only mod-
erately well off?"
"I don't see what business that ls of
yours." suggested his wife.
"I want to prescribe t
e matter with h ?'•
d last of our lite Is a sort of dream." rens Yet." nt; a ut the• Dud-
1'ear (Sreat arltaln oety ••But yours isn't' retorted Mrs. Bow -
anted to hee"me a party thereto "Rut what effect con his w•
condltlnn that aha t'nitrd States , .er with considerable pepper In her ("'n Your tialth Macy
nIn the srrsnged voice. ° prescriptions.
presumably, the
to establish 'the I "Certainly not. I "Why, the whole thing depends upon
Oder of their Inn can distinctly re_ that In a case like thio. If I have no
y long -continued ad- , glember things that. occurred when I idea how much he 1s worth• how am 1
of preservation of .eel life. sot was only a year old. For instance. I
d, the ('government at W'ashln ton Ito know whether to advise a trip to
IY consented. Accordingly 1'rnto n !swallowed a thimble on my first birth- E=urope ora little exercise?" --Chicago
subjects thus corning liable to 'wars. and I recall how alarmed mother Pet.
the penalties which attach to Iwas' W 41.- 13 mouths old they
Ino within 1e miles of the Rus- me with father's found
razor in my hand."
coast and 30 miles of the Russian "Had you shaved yourself?"
lMands. 'There fou
gni Eve, time I try to
s about decided that the Govern- pound some sense Into your head you
will set apart four townships in get mad about It. Why don't you take
rrltortea to enable Father La- this book and read up and benefit by
to carry out his long contem- r•
project of estahliehing 1 settle -
for half breeds. The proposed
re" "Became It's all nonsense!"
tion will Dew tlttfe east of the it is. eh' Or course, you'd say
,ettlerrnent of St. Paul, on the that. Let me tell you something. Yrs.
h Raakatehewwn. Father Lacombe , Bowser_ Before i got hold of this book to start with about 40 families I c.uldn't remember events of five
of the French half-breeds In years ago. Now 1 can recall the ml-
elr�rritorles wile circumstancesd to awdbc in n nutest details of my dally life back
e which Father Lacomb. has In to the first year. I can even rrmem-
a to instruct the half-hreeds to ber every time I stubbed my toe or
them«•Ives to farming under had a sore heel am a boy. It has just
Instructors and thus to enable come to me that on the day 1 was 1e
to earn a better living than in months old 1 was bitten on the thumb
le under their present precarious by a cat. It was a black cat. and
Para an boniest living, crime, cost of cnmia- Stat
•1 penesentioo, broken up homes, degrade.. all
ton and death. poach
attest Sp* 1. fan It t
nedd'e .►Idaey PIIIs moot
mad k t steed by Right neaea. the to
KIRAnt1.D (Special), ikc. 23 -Mr. Ihau• come
vets McKenzie, miller and lumberman of Plated
this pia*' bad returned from Kama lately ment
Bad failed in health, had lost fifty pound. Dena
int weight. Was given up by he pbyslcisa NA
r well ash • \ort
y specialists is Toronto, and by pro
hinted( and friends Now comes • ch.atie, many
-- He says in a letter to flnid•r Medinite the '1'
1.0 "Alter commescime with your i)odd's very
Kidner Panto! got help inetdeoi two weeks, wham
1 took 'mkt boles in eight weeks, •m ewe' view
pl•taly cured, not • symptam left, gew.ral adapt
krslth good. Have regained my old bsal'k Prhper
and Notelet Had been bothered with them
kart and liyer,both have -swished with the m,tho
diabetes. 1 ase walk briskly instead of met
crawling as afore. Am • brother o4 the ;
President of the Termite Street R.•ilw.,
iso sad well haws here." i)iabetes is set
bath as incurable -but ('odds. Kidney Pills
dry. Dmf..
Weak, Nervous Women.
One to whom a night's rest was
unkneven .
be moth and good health restored.
i was sablect is frequent attacks oI
tsrvoasnesa that seemed to sap all my
*silty and left me in a state of weak -
lass and misery. I could not relish food
Rid such a thing as a good night's rest
vas nnknowa. Incapable d any tatr-
le1t and with an ever present tired and
"so"tk ndent feeling. Medicines that 1
did sot do aserand ; it was a case
el gradually becoming weaker wad weak -
Hearing of Scotts Sarsaparilla and
ibw. success with similar cases to mina, 1
d"d it, and from the first few doses
lehibless to
get better, appetite ret.rget
and refresheesite1
L1,, in fact life seemed to be musss�.
in �
tr .T Labe Graham, 174 Geer.
t'4 any weakness of as nerves. Male
tttarow centplexlen, less of
Mead and aerie es-
>>tett'� Sareaparilla.Insist m
ala tact gee. 1
Ansl$.s Peatllire rwr..4
Brhrhton. Der. 17. -At 3 "'"lock this
rnnrning at Codrington. 10 miles north
of this place. fire totally destroyed
John A. Rnhlnpon's general store. The
pteotoains and Wade's telephone office
were In the same bulldlne Nothing
was savedinsurance nn stock, [see;
on building and contents, 8900 in the
British American. Cause of fire un-
known. This makes the third post-
oTre Maid,. of • year that has been
de,troyed by fire on th1' route betweeh
Brighton and Campbellford.
alaaav111. Poceetee a.hh.a
Kingsville• foes 17. -The poatron°,
here was entered by burglars last
night Entrance toss effected through
a ,"t•ond-rtnrey window into ('owe■
a quick's More. from which they man-
aged to get through the partition Into
toe postofflte. They cut open an ii►
land mall bag whkh had just arrl, ed
and ransacked letters In Peke bland
mall Mg. Other letters were not die-
MlrbaaL e,+ Safe.
London, :yet 17. --Further telegrams
from Constantinople say that Lt's.
Mlnieter Terrell is Is uninterrupted
telegraphic communication with every
missionary In Aida Minor. Th. Minis-
ter received a telegram yroterday aty-
Ing that the missionaries at E kers&
and Adana were abundantly eat..
Th. captains of the torelgn gtsar&
ahlp. et Conetantlnorde had • renter►
error yesterday for the purpere et ar-
IPranging a concert of medlar.' for pen.
us witty In ease at need
wens iM Vtrsset.
Ottawa, Ilea I7.-71. writ ter via
torlr will be kneed te-m.rro t U.,
mlaatlea trio tens thaw Uenenhar
■e\; velem it rl+a a w.s\ Waft
"Wo -midst!! Alta YOU TALK IMO TV) ,.p .
she wart bllnd In the left nye. Mother
found my thumb all bloody, but 1
didn't utter a single cry. On the day
I wan five years old 1 tell Into the oho
tarn. Ori my eleventh birthday i got
ahoked on a fish bone. everything
etude out as clear as print_"
**You weed born on the loth day et
Telma les," saM Mr. Roomer.
"I was."
"What tlartieular thhne happened en
as einem at Jeb, 111617 -
"'What peetle.lar dales. dive lite
f� • t>e- I_ Lst'e wet world's coming th t
IA\'L\a.. HEM
tassel to write It le!
"So, monsieur, you don't approve of
ling courtships?"
"No; women age rapidly."
Not to N1. Taste.
Mr. H. V the coroner in a thriving
town not a thousand miles from Wash-
ington. and he frequently runs In to
put In a day with his friends' at the
-appal. Saturday night he dropped in
et an up -town cafe, and In a private
'o"um found a couple of friends seated
it a small table.
"Join us In a glass of claret," said
•11P. .
"claret b not just the drink for m7
hualne.a," replied H.
"How's that?" asked his friend.
"No body In it," said H.
He got whlaky.--waahington Evening
Prat a Fight •r.
"How did your great unknown pan
out ." asked the •port.
"We had to drop him," replied the
Irak er.
"What'. the trouble?'
"At almost the last minute he he -
'a Me Incapacitated for work."
"How r•
"He lout his voloa."--Cbkcago Post.
Alarmed Wife (waking Mm} -_14.9, ..
get up' The ground's all In a tremble'
House, are rocking, chimneys aro fsil
ng.and everybody b out on the street'
It's either an earthquake, or the
o an end'
Irl wt 1 eery (M 1\. Dane R
ea t\. art•.mem eg stain --L« R oome, btane nA haven't
the ialtt 1 Ming --flea I u.,i a••M•
Most O
111111111p (ileo at wide risers
ehmara)--Clinsee Mann
Jena D. -p4Meftase'. rrkyersity Rad.w-
.1.. D. Roekdell.r has informed the
truteessfthe l'uivenitr of Chicago that
be has decided to contribute to the univer-
sity tor endowment,is ca•h or interest -bear
jag ~unties. payable Jae uary 1, 1896,111.-
896. 11.
000,000, and • further aunt of 12,000,000 for
endowment or otherwise, in •mounts equal
to the soatributioas of other. re rived by
the uhiv.nity op to .Lao, 1, 1900. Ioclud
tag this seaditional gift Mr. Rockfeller's
total soatrtboteas to the uaiv.rsity amount
to $7.425.000• distributed ea follows : [gay,
1889, *600,000: September, 1890, 111.000,
000: February, 1892, 11,000,000; Ilbrember,
1892, 11.000.000 , 1150,000;July,
18 4. 1500 000; 11)0I -01.114%,1893r, 1895, *175000 :
Oetober,1896, $3,000 000. Thee. liberal en-
dowments have permitted the 1 hicago Uui-
varsity- to make greet prances.
1 lioton : Mr laird, manager of Water-
loo House of Refuge, mode a visit to Clin-
ton on Tuesday, and ioapected the House
hero. He was exceedingly well pleased at
Mee eyuipmeat and furni•eines, and highly
ssasplimewt.d Mr. sad Mrs. French no hay.
fag so quickly and without preview expsri•
epee, mastered all detail. nwreasey to the
sere of the inmate,.
• fhave alar.•./ M.. .i rkrati lit.,.atan
•=asaaasejormesd asps
malt M. j.y osrrr/ yaao� • storssalamalsels art rheumatic leer.. sad
1 hue •sed IataeA riut.w r srnwi ems
• tan`stu'.puy'nannastaa. sad lad .l...s lrra.saaad Darras salad saraty id •
-1. s. *iso&s k.1,. w.tMae-sa DX.
It Cares ltdatfe.. LWalbsg t. Nen- •
• any 1asenlar � �k or side. or
• 111
Price I Davlap* Lawwrrassaa Co., Ltd, •
[tae. Sole Proprietors, Roaral5L.
SO • • • • •• • • • • ll�
"By • thorough knowledge of the uaturat
laws which . o' . rn the oprnitba.a of digestion
and nutrition. std b a • etre, ul appll,atino of
the floe Dr•opertlee of well -selected ('(w',.. lir,
i=pp•• Las prt.vidtd for our 1•reakfaot lei •sit .
per a delicately flavoured beverage. which moy
save w many heavy doctors' hill.. 1' is by the
jodicioue use of such articles of diet that aeon.
stltutit,n may be gradual', built up until strong
'sough to rew(st every trodeocy to disease.
Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating
around us readYYyylC to attack wherever tpphere is •
Raftw • fatal
pointk keepingourse elvesape well fortified with
pure tweed and a properly nourished frame,'_
C iei1 Service °casette
Made simply with billing water or milk.
Sold only In osokets,by Orator., 1•bdled thus:
JA W r, 9 errs a Co., Ltd., inousteetaathle
t'braIsle. L•adsa, Ragland.
one door from the corner of the
Square, and it will pay you to find
that door. I've made a purchase
of ready made Clothing from one
of the largest manufacturers in
Canada, at one third leas than the
regular price. This is the time of
year clothing- .r wanted, and the
prices that are marked on these
goods will make therm fairly Hy
out of the door. Here goes for a
few prices, and I want you to cut
this advertisement out, bring it
with you and see whether the
Roods are here and the prices are
I've a nice assortment of depend-
able Clothing, and quality has not
been lost sight of For price.
Boy's 2 pion mina start at n ?6, bet-
ter ow. at 12, 11226, op to $3 60.
hey's 3 piers •sits, price start 13 25,
batter erne, *3.75 *4 and 15.
This is not trash. It's reliable,
wearable clothin
$6.50 will boy an all wool Fri.,. l'bter
with raised roams, storm Dollar, 64
isobar leam warm liaiyt. This este
ie • Wishes Rower WNW
11.26 bays • good heavy wed 1r.*
with proper and
16 will bay as J1 wool donbl.-beroma-
ad tam's Mit amid* a p is proper style,
Reed tsiwteiags, Bret ones workmate -
ramp. tad it would ha geed vain at
87 kers as all wool Tweed wit, mads
op dembls hreassed,hritlh extra hooey
Beings, neat passers, Tho whole-
sale pries d the soot was *7.50, ire
as read as army 110 i. Oed,ks►.
111 will leiv you aa imported Berge salk elate, iNask
art Cow is amble fall hes fa0
• with extra me. ltd
`-'D ss • suis tart in rho rasa
z7 aMald M sold far S12 Nobs
*150 `o t . All p .turas 36 41
tea , � w ps. of w ew
•n pis what
Come in whether , to
buy or not. ,f
all flet` •e�aainted. Will be mato-
'Y °cla1•
a■pta In Ikea star
All (:od'. a.tteb !uuo.« to u. diagaised.
Sot... swd sIok.u•, poverty and astir.
.we after another lift their frewotnr masks;
And wn bsbuld the seraph's fate beneath.
A.I radiant with the .v and calm
Of baring 1•'nked up the taco of tiod
Break Up a Coid in Time
The Welt (:are for t,O*OHS.
('OLDS, OltON'P, IIR014-
CH1TlS. 9OAR*KNg1 1, ate.
MDs. Josses' Nora Ica,
of 6e Soraurea Ave., Toronto, arias:
.. t'rv�Peeynal bis Draw 'Pied to can
eaaitl_ .fater•'w4ra11t
r�a�r W ar"'Slit=
aka sa.srassl ..wk .a. M ray
1 pe r sr mar ..ra.starts
W a,ustr. rasw asap at' harsasr.r '
H. O. B*.wc.,
oil -Mks Rater, N.B., writesWe bra ng
"As a owe la rry recta.le
a b la= 1 Plar. , 4ai at'
Large Isovue, fa Cts.
Ptaprleers. Morracw.
and dt..mmg bargains •re • good deal
•like, one wan* to know where to strike.
We aro giving great bargains, la
Our prices aro as.., down.
Noted or geed gosh.
next A. B. COR \ELL'$
The undersigned rerpectfully an-
nouncer to the residents e(
(loderich and adjacent town-
ships, that he has opened out
as above with a new stock of
choice groceries, which for !ow -
nese of price and excellent
quality, cannot be excelled.
Call and see me.
Terms cash.
Bumesoorto Cary/tat & Ntreok,l
llaaufaotwrar of all kinds of
Hoke Stacks, Halt Pats, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc„
Aad healer 1a-
iI.nglnoe, Maohiaery Castings, kn.
All aims of Pipe. awl Pips Fit
Steam and Water (1a,tsee, (:lobe Valves.
Check Videos, inepiratnrs, Rjeoter, and l -
= Conste.tly ors Hard at Lowers
A has of Steel Water and Res
he art of farmers yd pry
Revolving sregelly &tis• ee tet.
A. Mil, P. O. rex 5�s=er.L.
Weeks --0 sets A• T. R. atones. gsoderieh.Mte•
IMM OM * thy
Our ulnae anewyew y se .t aniva'es �l!% !/ s
Sssad Iwo sea mels Neta 01
Weise to
MOD/M. OP bp/WINO. We ae
w hem -
ty, writse le yaw
.t..__ ---. 1.