HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-26, Page 6a • THE 'SIGNAL: GODERICA, ONT., T E$DA Y. DEC. 26, 189x. 0 /. Wier, Result of a Neglected Cold 1 On a los at the door o: a dug -out Mt a man with his back ail humped up. his lips blue and his teeth chat- tering, and It was needless to ask If he had arae. Ma general appearance went to show that he bad been "en- J••ytng" chills and fever for many a long day. a I "tied a fumlly"" I asked, after pass- ing the time of day. "Yrs. gut it woman. but she's gone over to Johnson's" he answered. "You haven't dune much work on your claim. I see." "No, sir. Can't db no work with chills and fever hangln' about." "How long have you been afflicted?' "'knout two years." "But i should have thought you would hat .• cured yourself before • this." PREFERRED THE AGUE. The M...as .ecr'o Otyeette• to Werk Wer l.•c..tleaate. DISEASED LUNGS Mich Doctors Tailed to Help, CURED BY TAKINC AYL(I\'S " I contracted a severe eold, which settled on no, lungs, and 1 dot what Is often dons In such cases. neglected It, thinking 1t would go away as it came; but I found, after a Bulr while, that the alightest exertion palsied rue. I then Consulted a Doctor who found. on examining my lunrgst, that the upper part of the left (mss was hada affected. Ifs ga.e me some mrdleute stitch 1 took as dlrectM, but it did not seem to do any g.eod. Fortunately, 1 haprrn.-.1 to read In Ayer's A'manar• of the effect that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Md on "then, *n.t 1 determined to re it a trial. After Laking a few doses my rouble was relieved, and before 1 had In- haled the hottl. 1 was eore.l •••_A. l.g►Ira, watchmaker, ttrancevllle, Out. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Awards at World's Parr. Aster's Polls COM[. Indigestion. TIPS FOR E` KITCHEN. wastr 1■ the ►lirk's. In this land of •buadence, waste under lies • great deal of the poverty of families that must live on small salaries Thu te largely dee to want ut knowledge how to combine food. A roast of beef or a boded j ant requires only atm f ly prepared veretabiee •e •u ao- rompanuneut, such as Iotatow•, rice or to mstee., while a very •.mple dieser?, or none at all, will nut ren.ler the chimer uaeaj• t - able 1f the soup, and the meat from which it is made, furter the chief feature of the meal, then more elaborate %eget.►Ie diskee, such w potato cr. queues, potatoes • la creme, tomato laic..., baked or eu.t.oped tomatoes, stuffed egg plant, corn pudding, or • t•napttug vegetable pled should •c company the plain dish 01 meet, h ben the dinner .s light. the desert ni•y be more sub - 'tent ill. In many households, cold vegetables are thrown roto the slop tub, wbicn is a greet waste, as numerous dainty dish•- may be made from add put woes, tomatoes, [vans, corn, ad, noised, all vsttetablee. Freoch cooks stake their rn.at appetizing entree, from lett °vers, 600 combine a greet variety of each into delicious di■ha. All house- keepers rn.y learn to do the .ante, thus ase - tug yeadt an outlac of teeny dollars, and gnaws a pleasing variety be their tablas. 1 Ceiere. Very Nice Poniled or Steamed Celery. -- Cut up the stalks into Inch pieces, put In a sauoepen and add just enough water to cover Ike whole. Thr. w iu • little salt and let boil till soft, but nor enough so that it falls to pteoee. Drain off the water, put the vegetables Into • dish and, while hut, serve with butter. The green stalks and leaves, seually throw, •wat, ars eh earful (.ut the stalks into smell bite, mei use them for Mc/urine soup, broths, etc Put the leaves tato • pan or duh sod place in the even to dry. Vi etch them that they do Dot burs, and, when drv, crumble them and pilau, sway Ie a wide Mouthed bottle and keep closely covered. This will la found Prod for flavor - Ing soup when the celery .a out of the mar- ket- Celery seed is good to keep in the home for flavoring, and celery salt is, t. mane, • necessary condiment This plant is a great nervine, aed those suffering from any nervosa trouble are much L suehttied by the liberal use of it It is also recommended for rheumatism, some author hies ruing so far as to Env that, whet. freely eaten, it is • sure ogre for this painful die O 600. Ag.nhtRs Ty INetimg Pets. The most excreciatieg pain known is, perhaps caused by Angina Pe.etoru,whioh:a moot to be dreaded of any of the duea.ee of the heart. It distinguishes itself tepee ally by pain, and by pain which a hest de e mbed as egndtsmg. The pain Lt.rdly transfixes the patient, generaly radiating, trews the heart to the 1.11 shoulder and down the arm. The (ace shows the picture of ter ror, and is either deadly white or held Tn • person suffering from tine sproew .1 heart trouble or from palpitation or levering .4 the heart, •hnrtonue of breath, er smother spells spells, the eels. of I)r Ave a's Cure for the Heart cannot be estimated, •• u wail give relief in thirty minutee in eery case, ad if ludieiously used, •ffe..t • cure Ur Agnew s ('ors for the Heart a the greatest lifei•yiag remedy of tb• age bold by .1 E. Davie Pader.w.ha'a Naas. There was • heated dlsosesios over the pr0n0ecuuen of P•d.rswsk,, • lee nights age is • fenny tattle Spanieh res •ur.nt err. West Twenty eighth street. is., nlf Nereid way A geed set tired (:.omen as sate.. that it Mudd he prnse ginned 'Poorl..r....rk•,' with as a+e•et se the re,z' An ia.l.an believed that 'Pod.rew.ke,' wrh the •c Beat on the 'ka' was the enerect pr..nun.sa ties, An Amin -Wan who had r. se.l,«d in Rosin, 14,606 out wait 'Pndreaf,ki,' .secant eta the 'roof.' More was . Roerehman, • Cuban, seer s) Smaierds sad • few men with May*, he diallers Muth had • diffeeent way of lsrweeseetae the maw, and all teeMs..i ep e a apes, lag at enc.. An aid Insatiate. was *Wiest an es* nor ear He rsaiaisined edema Inc several mucin•, thee ice brlsM•d .p, •wd,.a • ..Ise stile\ meld be limed above .1. the others, h. atdglggj : "1 ba yea al. that it's pr,- 'P1MT a.Raflr."— Saw Twb "Stranger," he said, as he looked up at me In a doubting way, "do you carry a package of quinine about with you'!" "I do" "And the stuff will break up these chills inside of a week".` I "Perhaps not as sodn as that, but Inside of a fortnight at least." "Nu mistake about that'" "None whatescr." "And you are goln' to leave me enough to make a well man ut me"' "Certainly. I shall be very glad to do so." 'Thanks*, stranger, but I don't want it!" h.• said, as he rose up and sat down again. "It's a big piece of luck that the old woman happened to go away an hour ago." "Don't you want to be made a well man^" I sake.( In astonishment. "No sir—not if the court knows her- self. and you bet your life she do! If I'm cured of these chills I'll hev to work on this claim, and I'd ruther hev seven chills a week than work one day No quinine. stranger, and if you meet the 01.1 woman on the road and she says anything about me tell her it's a hard case and she needn't look fur me to git well under five y'ars!"—Detrnit Free Press. A Natural Mistake. Rs.ebwll In the Far West. Thr glass -armed toy soldiers of this town were fed to the pigs yesterday by the cadaverous Indian grave robbers from • 'maha. The flabby, one -lunged Reuteens who represent the Gem City In the reckless rush for the baseball pen- nant had their [shins toasted by the basilisk -eyed cattle drivers from the west. They ptosed around with gaping eyeballs like a hen on a hot naO, and suffered the grizzly yaps of Omaha t0 run the bases until their necks were long with thirst. Hlekey had more er- rors than ('nInes Financial School, and led the rheumatic procession to the morgue The (lutneey, were full of straw and scrap Iron. They, couldn't hit a briek eager) with a pickaxe. and ran hilt.--. Ilk, tut heaven at n funeral. If the. --base hits were growing on the back of every man's neck they o-. ,ildn't re•nch .in with a feather duster. It 1,.,h,•. is If the Amilglmst.'.l Union of south :1 to, lean Hoodoos 0a" In **melon for • ''t Ir the third - third ilogrer. The g.'.-u•rs et...•t about and wheeled 1•, le and wer' s. weak they (ouldn t lift a etas. of M•er If it had been all foam. P -.'rvthtng was yellow, rocky and whangbasted. like a idigto.- sel full of doggbgammnn The game was whiskered and fronll.itten. The tlenahorrs were tel .Hough. bait 'h•' Qttlney Hmwn Roe had their Ane s. wed up until they couldn't hold a (entry quilt unless It was tial around their Melia --Quincy (EI].) Jerald. Charnel •. Creed .r. The d w dee care • dreadful load o. his back. 1t new as if he were really mode up of two mea. One of theme ambi- tiou. brainy and eu- e r g clic, the other sick, listless, peevish and without forte. The weak man weighs tbe utber one down The dyspep tic may be able to do pretty good work one day, and the neat day because of some lit 11e indiscretion in eating, be may be able to do nothing at all. Be isn't cable of cue filatures and vigorous effort. lit, bodily dia- comlurt atecte his mind Sven when he knows juet what is the matter, be neglects the simplest precautions and the simple treatment that would cure him Moat of dyspepsia -sails with constipation. and cog. stlpauue can be cured Constipation i, .he ane u( nine - tenths of all human sick- ness. Some of its symptoms are sick and bilious headache. dizziness. sour stomach, low of appetite, foul breath, windy belch - Inge, heartburn, pain and distress after eat- ing. All these ate indicative of derange- ments of the liver, stomach and bowels, and all are caused by constipation 1)t. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the quickest, easiest and moot certain curt for this coed* flab. They are quick, but not violent in [kir action There is nothing about them that will give the system an shock They sot only relieve immediately, bat if takes according to directions. they will absolutely cure. You do not become a slave to their use." The are different and better than any other pill or preparation offered for the same purpose. Almost all druggists ender. stand this, and are conscientious enough to tell you so The druggist who trice to sell you a substitute is not a safe man from whom to buy medicine If you will send your address- we will send you a sample package, containing from 4 to 7 doses. and you can tee exactly what the " Pellets " will do for ynu if you will .end 31 one -cent stamps to cover cant of custom. and mailing wee we will send you rare tbe most useful medical book ever pr..euted to the public. Thi. is Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plait. few gunge. a took of ,Dail pagew prohtsely illus- trated the great expense of pprreeppaoring which has been covered by a sale of Mo.oso copies at the regular prierr, w per copy Aoldre.. worlds DI.pensary Medical £muciatios. Buffalo, N. Y. Coal. Coal e The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone Ito the beisiners of supplying Coal, and has opened nut in J. S. Pl'ITT'S WOOt.';AtD, where he will keep on hand the Best Qualities of LeIiigli Vailay Coal! which will be delivered promptly, at L u est Market Prices, D. C. STRACHAN. DON'T DESPAIR DODUS ,KI[yNEY= PILLS _= WILL CURE YOU We guarantee ilndd's Kidney stills to cure any 'ase of Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Lumbago, (Dropsy. Itheumatisni. Heart Disease. Fema) trouble.- Impure Blood a money refunded. Sold by all dealers in medicine, or by nail 00 receipt of ..rice. nuc. per hos. or Sia boxes Mae DP a.. A. SMITH • CO.- Toronto. rffn" a F0Ft EYY'bTY1 The Shoe that's envied! A good shoe is a good friend—to the man who wears it—to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe �— =-'-is a bad enemy to the dealer who can't get the right ,to sell it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the beat shoe for men; that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other; shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, "on the quiet," a few individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again— they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers,. so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock. so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $5 per pair. Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's envied like this ? Perhaps ou should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them to you. WM. FAFMAN Jr. Oor. East-st and Square, Goderich. A IAMOND 1 PINER GURE PI �S CONSTIPATION, `BILIOUSNESS, ti DYSPEPSIA,' SICK HEADACHE, RRECULATE THE UVER ONE PILAFTER CATINS INSURES ROOD DIGESTION. PRICE 25 CTS.T.tpODb h FIello! tee Old Reliable Still 01 Deft. THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL IF YOU WANT ■ A WINTER SUIT we mi of First-class Make, Good Material and Latest Styles, AI,I, CION HUGH DURLOP. The Mr ' st. t t. .1r Nest Ie Sank •f Smote PLA.NIM MILL. EATAILISNED 1161.. BllchailaIls & Rllas Ma1tf1.ACTO10116 SASS, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la ell Muds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad buildr's,matsr/al w *vary dseerf.gan School Furniture a Specialty. Patronise True Competition. Tem flan Pawn) Ran.way tlw s pailleaa s h inis, with taminathitiol ke W pacer. the.. brate.a i ._I ayar .nbd is Ws market zz m >Iaaa�tlse nedaiew prt.eipisa ler la Im* pa��s�rseeen. A II t , .. I .. tutted ns the Market Sahli,r thesav of every Wade wr ea. , h• v.,• r. our. vna got pear wslaba 1 AAstoe this aH..w haWr Order* left at H ARYI<A a 1.2111 maw ir VYltor--At what time do they alta promptly •t otid d to. snit . her.. little emit Th* E.ttatla O..' AR sassan sun Mina I W n Il. ma&Una fA V asasslok y 'CHANGE 'W BUSINESS. Hai tag bought the ..tire busman of Mr. JOHN HI LLIP R, Kingstowet, Gode rieb, we will be prepared on and after Saturday, Noe. 23rd, 1895, to pyx Immense Barge'ns in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. FLOUR .flee FEED, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, ET('.. ETe We have alto decided to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, believing it to be to the best interests alike of buyer lad seCer. We oordielly solicit the patronage of all tt.e old elastomers, and se may new name es possible, Come and mse the substantial redact -roes we make oa oar goads. A large stock o.t good dry oordwood,delivered at any part of fawn Inc $3 25 per cord. N'• are able to sell cheap, bemuse we hays bought Mr. Hillisr's well-eesorted stock at • good drecount, and likewise by managing the business oa a cash basis. Goods delivered promptly and carefully. }'rodsm taken as cash. Raw.mb.r the date, Saturday. Nov. 23rd POTMAHOFF TEA. We have This new blend of tea for family ore is now on sale at our store. . also the finest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE and keep on hand full lines of beet Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruit. and Vegetables STURDY BROS. The Orsss BFOS. TIIOROLJJ CEIIENT or IATER 1111 11'25 PER BBL. AN D SCOTR FSE IIRICK 14 PEA 100 R. W. KENZIE'S SAM Ri/ NNW *Toot OT Will 1TRs&p RARDWLRI