HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODBRICKONT., THURSDAY DEC. 26 1696. W. Acheson & Son. Great Unequalled Christmas Chances Goderich's Bargain Centre For High Clam and Pleasing Presents. Read our Suggestions for A HANDSOME AND SERVICEABLE PRESENT A Ladies' Silk Umbrella, Steel rel and handle of Gold Piate un Silver at 13.50 and $5. A Ladies' Greenland Seal Cape, 28 inch. full sweep Skirt, first qual- ity at 1Is. A Ladies' GMf Jersey, new and stylish in Black and Navy, at 11.75. Ladies' Real French Kid Gloves at 11 a pair. A Ladies' Silk Waistnew goods, 6 yd. piece for 14.25. The latest A Ladies Knitted Skirt, best' Fingering Wool and finely finished, special at 11.35 each I Wide Wool Plaids and Tartans at 25c. a yard, the regular 30c. and 40c , for Children's Dresses. This special price tor this week only. A Gent's Silk Umbrella, Steel Rod, natural Cherry Handle at 12 and 12.50. A Gent's or Boy's Pure Silk Tie, Silk Lined in a pretty Christ- mas Greeting" Box at 50c. very special value. Gentleman's Pure Linen. large Hem Stitch Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.15 to 11.75. Gentleman's Initial Hem Stitch Large Silk Handkerchiefs at 45c Largest and Richest Choice in Handsome Dress Goods in Town. W. LCHEBON & SON. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, G20DHIJR. IO , ONT- 'a ertaklrg Depertmeat In c of our Mr J. C daelgroye. erect' or Fueer•1 Director and Kmbalm er. Halls pr.mptb attended 1.. night er da,. wit awe 1 ZLWOOD- AtOub.w. N.W.T.. ea Dec. 3rd. Me wife of if. Ltsdsay Cawood. Barrister of • son. DIED. RDWARI►S-In Roderieb. on Dec. rich. Thee R. placards. aced 79 years. The funeral wi'1 tate place from his late re s .4 NNW. t' ictor.• at . o. Friday afternoon at w ti deck. to Nair land cermet.'" r THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the ReporteNO Notebook 11 Te.•,. • Mole 1a a' Ter (..l.. 1 reds is teat It t a t'hesi's Among Te Tahiti' %stew, at' tank Well t're'at rt. Sarns- ' nit is the Kind of weetber you want to 1 • • smug art comfortable suit of elm • -.. Pr.dham • trial. and hell et yea rt to your taste. geese Cbrietmas weather this slat ao mat- ter what tied of worker, R. R. Sallow, l/ "teetered to do anywise 1n hie nee from the .tnslleet sunbeam to salamis( photos. Artie its ability 1s a feature of Mallows' studio. .000D TYZ SIO HT' 1s. priceless treasure. Yon who have got It should take caro of It You who have sot got it should hove your Wes attended to at once. We mace the pre• tten•tioa of sight • speci0It7, and es• toot your eyes •oeur.tely and ecteetifcall,. W. T. WELSH. optician and Jeweller TRINITY UN,vca•ITv.-At tM Christmas exaninetious jou, onacludsd, several of oar young people took very oreditablepttatioas. Mies Elwood and Miss Sbep,wd mond arst-cissa honors in Madera Languages .Ltd Wes Merdeo troond glass honors is Ilia - In the Divinity clam C. A. Soarer, E A , passed with frst-clw honors. Tas New Costitovs CorP•NT. - The celebrated Cosgrove C ompaay. which &p. peered in lioderiob sones years ago. bevtng been strengthened and improved will appear i. MoLsea's Opera How os Friday and Saturday, Deo. 27 mid 28 Wherever they h..s appeared, the prem has spoken highly of the performaeos, as whams the following from The Qaeb.o Doily Tel•rraph . It we were to attempt to mestion more portion. lolly any taking pees, we would have to publish the whole program. Vt a can only say that snob • oompasy of artiste rarely visit. Quebec. Wear TIBET SAY OV Us IN SN4II.aN..- The Cu&dian Gazette : Ood.riob N • re - . head Ontario lakeside awn with shoed - eat faith is its ewe future. But faith with- out work. is a poor thug, se it has created • C'itizen's Commitee : sed It will M tree. from the isammnsiwtioa we pablieb this week from the president, Mr. Ann. MeD. Allan, that this Cemmtttos has ysry prac- tical notions of the &demotyss it sea offer t• British 'aphelia'. The Committee pluses its earresoaadesos and srvis.s gratuitously at the **reams of .11 whe seek information, and w. oat quit* believe that Mr. Allan has hit apes tern er5llest open• kgs for them who have medial sod • roc tio•1 knewedg• of the eider and soda 1 endive. They osrtainly merit inquiry by the eaterprinittg. Meretrww - Rices TH -Detroit Fres Prom' Oa Thursday eveni.g Rev. Herman ( 8ertpp&, Podia of Sera M. R. 'heron, tatted is warrisee Rookie A. M•Mwoe Lod Miro Mary I. Meatslb •t the bases et the 0.14.'e panels, ea Feerteser avesow. Ts. rear were Mere R0.Mil sad Cars- well The bad t.ae was flamed Mestidh, a tombs, of the krM•, sad this maid of Meer was Mw Sell ea0w.. twin .later et Lbs ro•e. At the appeisod deer the ashore ••nerltd the *idol party to the emit but wi.dmer, where a bower .f palms .sd ober• sesithe m..s had bass sera.ged. fbe b.d carr rel rill el borer were tensed by H• groom Her .mace lbs -tieing i6I1111eKa. Oreosdfine Oe OAds, wile wee 0mert&4 by 0.r hens,. !f. 1114 Osumi '•self lbs M. It &era eve (auirsd a largo aaabsr of guest, wire prenat Tb. bride's gown was brown, trimmed with dream lase. She carried • large bouquet of bridal rosea 1 he maid .1 honor was at tired in cream and white and carried pink roma. The presents were ■umeroas, awful laud ornamental. 1 Novl.t E.TKfTAI,wINT.-Tbe entertain - given for the Saber of the Sabbath Sabo Ichildren of Knox Church, wee a raw sue. osr and thoroughly enjoyed by • large number of people. "Standing room only, cord was out early ie the eveatog. The chair was erupted by Rev J. A Aodereon, the pester, who during the programme held communication with Santa Chun, by tele phone, one being affixed to the wall behind him. Telegraphic despatches arrived at latervb from Sent& Claus eu route from different points. The last one from the "village of Canton, ' was quickly aught on to by the small bey, who laughed at the bks. The programme was • Imgthv one. but was carried on without • hurt until the arrival of Sana Claus, who Dame by the proverbtsl catmoey, he arrival being green ed by shouts and cheers, the whole audience ettudtog. It was some time before the chairman could restore order. and Sants Claus presorted to dtetribute the bneks of wbtoh the chimney was oompoeed. Much credit u due Misty. Thomson &ol Vytggtas Ser their efforts in getting up such • fine Program, mad Mies Nairn and Mr Smith, for the *lever arreogement of the stage, which represented • room with ofleoheos piano. Ae , as aooessories. A real anew storm was i•rmiouahy arranged to greet Lista Clans oo hie arnval, Elswood Cam• paigaii took the role of Santa Claus, mad Paul Smith the pith e1 Fairy Bright Kyr very cleverly. genie difficulty was .xper- ienoed in the distribution of the bricks, •t there suddenly appeared upon the sore double the number of children that usually &trod the Sabbath School. but oranges were held is reserve and those who did sot receive • brisk, got two oranges instead. Tug Hrim% Paunyrtte.--The Prteby- t.ry of Huron, pursuant to &dioo-*meet, feet in Wills church, Chutes, on Tuesday, at 10 A Al., moderator Rev. A. D.lecilobald is the err. Minutes of last meeting ea relative to the bolding of this eeesten were reed, in wh.oh was contained • oell from Knox church, Guelph, to Rev..1. A. Auder sen, of Knox church, (;elerioh A very large and influential deleg•titn from Guelph Presbytery were present in support of the ooll. They were Dr. Torrence, Rev. J. C. Smith, Mensa. Mo('rae, Houma and Mil lar. A. commissioners they supported the various remorse adduced with &lility mad torce of argument why the Rev. J. A. Aa- dereou should :• translated to the eon- e regation of Knox church as pester. Afar the Presbytery bad heard them. tine moderator called epos the mamma - simmers from God/cite to gips reamers, if any. ag.iset this trausl&tioo. Rano seventeen representatives were pressed from (ioderioh, amongst them were Messrs. Booboos.. Strang. Tom, Mei). Allaa, M.C. ('&moron, C. A. Nairn .ad Hutehesea, sod with .l) the •lo.loen,s and force of argu• sent which they, as a people who loved their pastor, oould adder*, pleaded with Mr. Anderson .end the Presbytery to set sale the call sod allow to retain the close Mottos that new exists. The call was thee put i. the Male of Mr. A.dara.., who re- plied in very feria, terms that be had not gives the Guelph p.eple any eneo.rsetewse0t • proceeding with the Dell ; he wenlsl new ask the Presbytery to allow him to readies is (.oderioh. it wee then moved by Rey. P. Musgrave, s,osade.1 by Rev. A. Malabo. thee the tall be set aside. ('vrld. Pres- bytery then •djorreed. We may add to the that tie night before Presbytery met the petiole el Koos ekarb, Gedsrisb, de- oded u. add 8200 se Mr. Asha..'* Wary, but h• knew nethi.g whatever about it ea- r after hie driers. We are mare the people el Hares will loaf ple.id that Mr. A./erens is to remain is their IMAM -Me- son Now New OBITUARY. DAViS-A well-kerwa raider of Oede- rltb pard away is Wedwe la7 Dice. poor d ie 18. i. the pT. Darr. t* Ho am a n ative .t Lamb , Iwha& sad OM* le Atawim il 1.1160. lie rns sale/ la tat- ibla ebleMed y 1 . k • hed R a IL R •Ells wee ties to trouts of aemansessss to Gado - nee. aid after the eomprtles of the road made this tows his bra H. was a t'erwyh Irishmen aid penseesed that love d M. dl lead wb►oh in 'emotes to every sea of Ens, sad his deems, is regretted by a forgo *trots of friends. He loaves • wile tad daag►ter, who reside as 0.Jerteh, aid three suss. Jobs, Freak &ad Patriot. of Buri lin, N. Y., to moors his luta The turret, whish was imp -sly •tte.4.4 took place oo Friday Irma St Peter's church to Dm Culborso (R. C.) oeiietely, the pall- beat.re teisg B Maseermas, P. Feed, Id. R.e.ly, M. Cray, Julia Seaton. and A. WLI- Iw0iDe0. *be Memaraetve .r Sega. The tolbwtig u an extr.ot from • letter from A. Mi D.AII•. to the Leaden (;eta, which appeared in that Journal recently Another matter worthy of oouuder•um is the manufacture ot soar trete our salts here (Jur factories are mostly idle; as salt u De low is prom that it soaruely pays for toe pumping of the brine , Mit 1 believe • ouswder•ble trade could be done in soda menut&uiure 0 the proper parties with ritual could bs found to du uttu the met ter. Soda bee been made in Canada, and we cannot get anyone here who has the require" knowledge. What is wanted as Dom. 6a41ish or german m-.u(aot who thoroughly understood' the process. Tbe people to the United Sates .re alive to the matter, .ad already • strung English au- rora is working ea buildings and plaint for the purpuoo u Mtotigaa. Our brute is ✓ eorder sad purer than that of Michigan, and should oomm•nd the trade If capital •n4 brains ea& be worked together into it We tan easily find • sue, probably free of ch.rge, sad a well already druled for brute, showing 100 per. cent. of salt but the le • metier of detaiL Our wish sit properL u to reach the K.gll.b manufacturer, rid get some of thee, to come out and ut.setigate. 1f they do, wo feel satisfied the results will ell that but' pante Ota desire. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. New Era : Edwin Rule, Blueyafe, hos returned home from the Model sobool,(iode- rice. We are pletwd to learn that every model. We who a.tended the school here the past term, has pained. The headeou,tet line of Seeley's \ -tees perfumes ever seen in t;od.rtch will be at Chas. D. Williams'. 2t Clinton New Kra : Miss Lillie Moss. Bluevale, of Goderich Model school, Is for th. \ mos holidays. Our local nor has been considerably 'united ibis week owing to the examtnauoo results and other t.nport*ut matter. William Walker, of (;leeterrow, Huron County, has beet/ offered the position of prluap•1 of l'ortamoutb Public School. -Kincardine I;*porter : Mies Wutale f"ohneton, Amb.rley, is boose for her vaca- tiun• She bas been at the Collegiate heti- nate in Guderich Mee Mary Yubert Le Touzel, who has beep teaching at Crediton, is home for 1.515 X -teas holidays Mies Le Tourist bas been re -moored for 18116. Mts. N. R'. Nutt lett oar Monday by the 6 55 .5 W fret to r1e11 her mother and ether frsnd• .1 Port Nov,. Peterborough and other Estero points. Citron New Era : M. C. t &moron was not in town " oouferrng wllh hu friends on the political situation, on Tuesday ; he was one of the delegates to the Presbytery. Bruen.' Post - 1).n. Strut/tom, of Grey. arrived home from the (judicial model school last week- He has been engaged to teach is Tilbury, Kent county, for next year. Mr. Str.chao is • good etude( and will make • successful teacher. Morris : Lest Tuesday, Robt. Miller, el this township, and Mee 14.5gie l)eonu, of McKillop, were joined in matrimony at the Methodist parsonage, Walton, by Rev. W. M. Pomeroy. The happy were proceeded Micbte•n oo • wedding tnp to nut the bride's aster. Globe. Kingsto oar : Robert Newman, Page manager for the ••Jack Harkaway" Company, says he will be an Independent sandidete in West Huron. He is . promin- ent True Blue and has been (;rand Master for Ontario for some time. He will shortly start stumping the richer. There will oe tour eclipses next year, two of the sun and two of the moon. Au annual eclipse of the sun, Feb. 13th, in. visible in Canada : • partial eclipse of the moon. Feb. 28th, invisible in Canada: • total eclipse of the sun, August 8eb, in. visible so Canada ; • partial echoes of the mono. August 12th, visible in Canada. If Santa Claus has forgotten you, no need to weep or fool disappointed. We have con Deletion gifts for every one. Remember we carry nothing over. After \ mas elegant goods at your own price. ('oat once so Ogre in Use greet clearing sale. Copse and see for yourselves. smith's Bazaar next Sharman . shoe store. Brussel. A Mission Rand• in oeooection with the W. F. M. S., of Melville church, was organised hist t.tsrday, with a mem- tserehip of 41, which is likely to be mansard. The following are the officers : --Prosident, Mrs. McGowan ; vies -president, Mies Lizzie Rom : secretary, Rau Smith : tre•ewrr, May U.adm•n ; orga.let, Fanny Thomson ; assistant orgotist, Charles Richards. Th. Rud will meet mob alternate Saturday •fternooe .t 3 o'clock. beritai.g with next Saturday. The object ot the Baud i. to 00111.ate • min t0..ry spirit .moor the children. which Mrs McGowan and Mies Rosa will no doubt be very •ue.essful i. da IDg. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 0005.1(0 Ibe. 16 Coanoil slat pur.sant to adjournment Members all present. Minutes of lust meet' Mg read and passed. Moved by .1 se. ('ea sell, els. by (Aute. Williams that the td lewin, amounts he paid for gravel, R. 0100.. $12.25 ; Mn. J. H. EBieu, $ ;- Ea. Elliott. 114.08 ; R. Wee, 17.68 ; B. Reasons, 19 66 ; WHIM 8.11, 110 02 ; R . corns, $300 ; T. Tic'b..ra., 86e. ; A. Dryo1a1e, 119 56 ; John Porter. 16 26 : B. Walters, 18.06: A. Oe.rtie., 13.80; T, Battle.. 114 00 ; J. Weer, 92.40; J. Huh ref, 11 00 ; W. J. Elliott, 1216: W. B. Fester, peak. 12.69 ; A. Way. eoheal tax reloaded, 13 00 ; J. Butler, etatieiery, :t• 80 ; wheel say releoded frau No. 5 to Ne. 9, being error hs asem.ument rte the rare 1111.01.03 111.47; J. Watton, rotor gw Ober, refried titer bei•t par mar eeedtee tempi, 1200 p55 : elwow. 111; Dr. J. Whitely. health slogs, is ; eell.ster's tarry, 170.00: Mrs. M.Ase, Isdl,O.t, 116 00. Adhered to east per aese.M. Ntxew Beano,, rob. To the amid, wild ti.ir puss appsWw 1e+b1..hedriee wad 1m•.verya ted. IAbell rhe We raysgssre bryond prim .1 am. by tellitvrweep ere* err end lira. sew yew. B.. Ay.r'b Mawr he tb. WHEN YOU THINK of buying a Suit, Overcoat or Ulster, don't forget that we have the largest stock of new clothing to show, and that our profits are less than one half what regular clothing houses charge Remember too that we sell piles of Dry Goods. We couldn't sell clothing so cheap if we didn't. JAS. A. REID, 4th December, 1895. Jordan's Block, Ooderich. -- CHRISTMAS - - - u the time above ell others, for masonic for givia/ and reoeivIog gets Make your friends happy with something from the S -etas Stook at GO01)E'S DRUG STO R E SMOKERS' SETS, SHAVING O(UTFITS, pnI?'ITY Il,'ELLULOID GOODS, TOILET CASES, MANICURES, etc., BEAUTIFUL -CUT -GLASS PERFUMES, ITh. most beautiful at all gifts' And unsay other hoes. ?Styles never prettier or prtoes more reasonable. We will be pleased to have you call and ens them whether you buy or tet W. C. GOODE Use our Flavoring greater extra strong and pureTan 0:tr. ase CIGARS in a asst box Peach. Pineapple, Vanilla. et,.,.to. I specially put or fur gifts. Processional. LL-C. IITICIILs • =YU. lilt.rl1011, We% area. mum; srass, varvdlala Olga--C.r. 10..,ltsee and Newgate -al. CRISP AND CASUAL. Mrs. Langtev's jewels ars valued by ex- perts at over 1850.000. The Infante Erlal& hr arrived in Lon- don iron Paris, where she will remain three wsek. The vestals of the Russian i'acific fleet will pees the Winter in Klee Chau Ray. ea the Shantung i'eo•owls The Italian Government has ander consul oration a propo..l to increase by 50 centimes the duty oo imp*. ted wheat. There are only two male relatives of Rob- espierre laving, Maximilian de Robespierre, and his Boo, now 18 years old.. A despatch received from Havanna &a- nouoce. that ll.ximo Gomez, the insurgent leader, bas .roved at PI•cetaa The Princess of Wales has had printed for private distributed some songs which she hr composed tot the zither. Then is a report that the authorities of Westminiater Abbey will not allow a memorial to Professor Huxley to be placed there. As an illustration of the vitality of the old Welsh language It s shown that it is still spokes by 85 per cent. of the popula tion of Wales. The artist sod poet, 1Yilliam Morris. hra s very premiss' tura of mind. He has in- vented a printing prem which has turned out beautiful work. Six German del -gates, inoludtng Dr. Arn- dt, Karon von Mtrbaoh, and Herr von Kar- dorff,will attend the inurotional bi metallic oonfereoce is Paris. Tb. Hamburg- Agamiest' Stesmsblp Com- pany has decided to establish • regular steamer service between New York and Brazil, commencing in Janwrv. Five companies of Italian eoldier. in East Africa were surrounded by Aby,.inia0s and their ammunition being exhausted, they were nearly all killed. Glesoo, to Scotland, whore, according to local legends, when it is not raining it' hi mowing, the annual rainfall is 127 incbes,.r nearly as much as Silks, in Alaska. STUBBS ELECTED IN CARDWELL, Stubbs. the M.Csrebyite oandid.0 was elected me T.wday by 250 majority. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Sedates\ Priem 00.000100. Dee. MAUL Rall Wheat, flew) oredsrd... .. flour. 8isn11p. per owl. Flour. ran. Per Owl .. . Flour. rea 't%t owl e Shona, *too aoreentags • we - Now a.. NPeas.•b Oats'LFnae\ New Har. I tan Old Ray. • toe ... _- Potatoes, altbosti Dew WindRutterfresh upsets& Hides. 08te0Si 010000 105.410 ! to 4 10 lNbt ..-11 18 tett 00 l 18 tear 011 I 18toll 00 11to0l1 40100* 1 wM14 10 1 M told N 18te016 e 10x017 • 16 to 0 17 ?At"Set.Skies ...... DDeeemesdw. =1. tier 1b.. -- (A.saw or 10.......... TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mutt be left not later than Mon day noon. Oasual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each walk. The paster of Nortb•st Methodist churob expects to commence revival services •bout the second week in January. Re rare to see the elegant display of \ - air perfumes at Chs.. D. Williams'. 2t musts. MISS ANNA L SHAW, TEACHER of Mu.ic and Theory -experienced ('0105r Mein and Wellesley 7treets. Oode rieh 3m e Public Notloes. NOTICE - NOTICE 18 HEREBY given that application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. at the next seesbn thereof, for an act to authorise the Corporation of the County of Huron. by and through its Municipal Council to borrow th.. sum ot $lOf.tIt)n with iorerest, re payable in ce'f rn., for the poster of aiding to retire certain debentures of the said cor- poratinn *bout to mature for whir+. by mir take,en ioauelc'ent •inking fund w.0 wove' • ed. end to pay for the expenditure a ea • Hour of Refnee recently es4'bl'h(.1. and for power In selling and tr&nsfering the mort- gages upon reel estate now held by the said oorporatioa. representing the investment of the said sinking fund. to guarantee as.surety the principal and 'rated retired by the said mortgages. and fo such further and other powers ea mar be necessary to fully carry into effect the said purposes in the molt advan- tageous manner. Dated the 11th day of December 1806. ROW I t Sollicitiors for the County oof HHTuren. NOTICE -APPLICATION WiLL RE made by the baelp+ Junotion Re(Iwa, Company to the Parliament of Canada at tlo next Session for .n Act extending the time for the commencement and completion of the extension of Its reliwa> from Guelph to . point on Lake Huron at or near the 'rown of Goderi^h, or touch other mint *• dlrec'.ed in the Act t4.3I Vib. Cap. &grintled '• An Act re snectbsq the Oueleh Ju0ction nail w vy ('out pony " : and for other purposes. 41 !it NOTICE i8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT appllceuen will be made at the next sesafo• of the Parl(antett of ('arida fora& ant to ineorp.r.te the Huron sad Ontario Rall - way Company, with power to ooastruct • rail- way to be operated by electric -10 from. at nr sear fort Perry. In the Cour,' of Ontario. to. apt. .osr1 near Kincardine In the ('oust, of Bruce. et ne through the counties of Ontario. York Imro.- Carrier. 11, Grey an.( Rion. touching at or near N.wn,.eket . Bradford, Ireton. Shelburne. Prineville, Durham and Walker- ton with • breech fermi a or near, Pricey Itle. through Meeford and Owen House to South, arnpoe to this County of Bram ; thence through Inverhnroo and Kincardine to Gode- rich in the County of Huron • she • branch from between Walkerton and Kine*rdlne to Tees•wter end Goderleh, with all the powers oontained In the Railway Act. Dated at Termite. kb November, MM. ROA r. CCRRE O(7 NTH= a ORREN alt optiahmi far Applaud. Nobs. to ODIKEItares. N OTICE TO CREDITORS. !w fAe wafter of -Mews S. Marshall, of the forwsA(pp or Olorferteh, is Me rotary of !remit Yeoman. he -Odor. The •hove.amsed debtor has made an as Nl(Dtttr.nt to me. under the provi.Inns of • An Act resorting Aes(gemsnts for tee br•neet 01 00 a ! leCrediton ' beteg Chap. 124. 1(, t,0,. 0187. b 1 A mortise GI the Centrror's of the said I►ebt b o 10RoCourt nor,tl be held In 0, Town of Oodericb. at eleven. te i 71 i"; tl0 o'clock in the forenoon, w 10 te aft FRIDAY. the nth day of DE('KMRF.R, los* s le to 0 11 for the appointment of imparters sod the d et the estate. Evers parson claiming to be 5.1111 d to rank on the Metals terequlroi to runtish to ens par Oculars of claim, peeved by aladavit tea dee laratloal, red emelt vouch.rs se the case ad mite of. flow What You Chew 54 10 Plu lag of direction with reference to the disposal RORCRT OiBHONt, Sheriff of Hera., Mfr, ... 0..w4e0. Das. *1, 10>sAs•laq It NEW X - IFAS GOODP CELULLOiD and LEATHER ODOR C i1IL8T Ilia aHAVp CABMS. JC Y CASSIS COLLAR and C1411' If W1CL'RB8 Oar reek tef r UPM rest Ise 114wri figs .deli. Ills moo 7M Ins of It irs better yes Om It. wan OGG. R TUCSIUTT • ROM Oh. woo NYIa1LT010. ONT. is rarer. bugs tEIOcWII,l,1AM8 RI 11,17w k' .SI11 l oO»W0 ny Lbs eases sr e eaty.m err OUB sad M tawee ..deer Prier... =0N11 Oreh GA1 Dnig aim • X!As aim E si~ MOS »e i'bar- zto t'6N. iks lif U P, Oss011- 0 ill ieial SEELY'S x -MAS PERFUMES y lash=y pwtawe Very am CCaat liege bottles Are to be had or; at CIIAS. D. WILLIAMS' Geld Medalist, Mira sod Druggist, Gederiools OM. ARE YOU LOOKING NOR .. . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS? The. this is the shore t ••u should come 10 .. .. . This week we .re showing • otos line of JAPANENF: TR4VS LEATHER DRESSING CASKS MANICURE CASES SHAVING SETS, eta •les PERFUMES That will be the del.gtt of all the ladies. Also -- PIPES and SMOKERS' SUNDRIES, TOBACCO POUCHES, PURSES, CARD CASES. etc. Why not give your friend who wears GLASSES • nice rold•rimmed pair' J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Medical HAL UST TIMT HIND -- FOR THE HOLIDAYS We are again to the front. withdainty mem tions of art furniture most appropriate tsir X -mea presents. We aim to excell. and we ds excel'. Nowhere in the county can you hero such a selection of Faery ('hair. Rockers, Escritoires. Tea Seta, Centro Tanleu, Parlor :lulu. Couches, etc., all is beautiful woods and *overture. Ma- hogany. Walnut, Curly torch. Bird eye Maple sad Quarter Cut Oak. Ratti Chairs. Cobbler Seat ('hairs, Oak Easels, Screens, Music Cabinets, etc.. etc. in great variety. The best designed, best constructed, .ns. bet finished goods In the market. You coo make no mistake in buy(fsg thane goods for your \-ter presents. Th• prices .re remarkably low. Neese call and examine. SMITHS FURNITURE STGRi? F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -AND- SASH, DOUR AND BLIND FACTORY, I take this opportunity to Inform the publle that 1 am still In the bushier notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary, and am prepared to do every clean ot work in my Beetroot making • window frame to erecting • 3 story bulldles with mansard roof. istimutee furnished sad arm petition invited. The furnishing of building material, such as lath, shingles and lumoer • e eclalty. F. RMEBTH. Goderbb. Jay 4th 1101. Lan and ashnh 13oott)1ty. Ir IS NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT YOU SA VSI, MACES YOU RICH. THE HURON AND RRI'CE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 8ot,tctrons.-('ameroo, Bolt and Holmes. Dvsystes.- interest Compound every six menthe et foss per cent. per annumon num. from one dollar upwards. iepositors will and 51 to their advantage to come and see 05. lodes -May be secured as any time without delay on the security of approved desirable property. Exposer modems. At/PM:s (one reoeived by the Manager or solicitors. The Com y s offices are located on North Street and Court House Sonem-oppositeHann Stews1. Office, HORACE HORTON. .1. H. COLBOa Prettiest. For slaw or To Rsat. L Mart LR lately Egg1ge bs 0,. FUR - Awry te CAMERON, itMT & HOW ,4e tf L'IRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE OR lE TO RENT. -The submaritsr seem for sale se rent. he dares, Lot 97. f!o..1, Writ Wa- wanosb. ssa0slal.g 1110 stores. mars .r low of drat raw Sanwa. load. 170 .oras steered and In aeoffcult lvat los. well fenoed and Convenient to P.O.. churches scrolls geed marbet. Tertrs easy a for further pe rIenen, ppty to W. A. HAR- RISON. es the prismlew, or Westfield P.O. 41-11r BE•--81T11• RICK HOUSE FOR SAL aced es Er Street. t 5010 Par the Pre• ',terra Church. oostalnls sloe reser T0e above property le In a gerd po0lgap rod will root well. Require of s SHARMAN. UV FOR SALE. - CHEAP. OK EASY TERM: west ben of let 14 nearer 6. WaM Wawaaosb, 1b area. A wen Improved en... t.ar. A 0 and tan 10, •oltdl.lsion of Moak B. onlbsrse, shout a sere.. eaLIRTT--T ..hoo lately occupied by the heo A+(rps a 11.0. JOHNSTON.bmrryte.BSde Miracles O ds. MUM THUfi= RAILWAY, boom eel Nygren amu*. ...-