HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-26, Page 3DSsIO11SP/e ceono_i___Laon LDAs-DIN?AL amss• .wi 1al& Ausum .f Maas. )yt, E. RICHARDSON, L. D.II.. 6eaalel Ras and vilisined Irk gar p.lalwN maamting of meth. • a Nltk (Moe -Over die tUyo; gasMt Wet �a�M. tet -Ir URNNDram*aB�UaLLL, D.11 S., L. D.R. ilstiated epr. putt&. o incl Wl, assocaad .rtlgdd teeth moent.d os LOM or alum low yoga .p.o1.1 attester,& siven to the •tion of the amoral teeth (►.ea an as new Mock. fiaai if Mus D". HUNTLK, PHYSICIAN. SUR kc. (Maas- McLan's hock. Most- I11akt aide hem Briton • rat". D- _ R. J. HAMILTON, VETERINARY dogma. gredletaot Ualark, Votaries') College. Toronto.Re.l.1.rod member of O. wag Veteruary Mediad Aeuoculten. (111. .e.,ptl attended .t W bouts, day or oq(ht �j4e, �amlltoa street Opposite Colborne Mahal. MR Marriage t$UUUMfM., - WLA L 11111U11111 OF MAR11AUB , Wawa. .Maty / - iiillrag. tI (.. CAM ERUN, i�3ARRt8TER, SOLI ' MM•l; . caor..oryaaerr. t°. (Mee -nor. Es.il:oe sad M. Asdrews.a. O. (*Monis End. X U KN Ls 1' H EATON - BARRISTER, *dieter. Pontic AAchoaae pow Wert Strei& lawly ✓ C.►MPION,Q.C., BARRISTU:K, SOL- E& Wiser. Notary. &c. ace over Meekest Ka square. Ued.ncb. - - MJOHNSTON, BARRISTER, So .V letter, cemmWNener, etc. bloom to ism Milne o t> stieriekUse. lea and rt As 1 OYT1JS 1IL DANCEY, BARRISTER, aldtoner. ().sysy.ao.r, ko. eta Muse) wise .t ism* rasa . Hmls tesup- pish, ee prr.Oalkar..Yat.1. asterisk. oaL itl-tr ✓ N. L=WIS. BARRISTER, PRoC. w la Illsrium. (bursa of Doane Mas --vests (blburee kot.t. 1313 C. BAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT It. to team Northh., 0.11 door Ment °Mos. prima* Panda to load at Some rates of intervert. !ARROW & PROCDPOOT, BAR - '1 rimes. Attorneys, &elicitors. Ito.. (lads 141L J T. (/arrow. (1C.. W. Protdfoot. ltAMEkJR, HILT A HULMKs, aa -.eters. eoliottors la Chapoery. t°. fdwicb. M. C. Camaro.. (l0. ; P. Bolt DetlevHobson. O. WARD, OONVEYANCEac.. and ooenseinewser tee Wass and rs K, Itis a sbtlona &Moonless a< solemn *cram lees is or soirosrallag way 0.110.. i ut ur pro semila t t• the High Ooart of Jumbo -a, the Owner Appeal ter Osten). or u •ay .:nasty rr iart.o• ('oath All trt.a•°t ass easeful* ant premppttl1yy &visnas. Remd•see gad P.U. Wrer►-Daassaaae OML tars -:f Law arltraisea. bimszy TO LOAN. - $50,000.00 Print* Puede to lord at 9$ per Desi- a. •►aM/..M. U. t'Aa£IW1►. Mortes'. Moot. ✓ aper4 (blbarne Hook. Yadml.t �-tr DRit'AlE FUNI►5i - PARTIES DE - 1 .imus of obtaining mosey on arRelem bra s,:unty cam do so at se per asst. by .► piing to J. A. Mclx)NAU Rom 110. fre- Wd Buildings. Tor.sto, wtsam e sKAGER. Of)1YIYA)CutO AND lalt.Iweeaasest a kit aNlw'.M aalrtfeleManl taler lOIEYppNutcouaTO LEND ON MORTGAGE 4.4EAU0ft.u.t gent. oes. dtad. i. * opposite Merti.'s Notts. s0. G J T. NAFTEL, FIRS, LIFE AND •'. widow kntrw.co agues • at lower •.. (Macs --per. Noeth•n. •.d Square, uod one. 74- 000 TO LOA). APPLY T( CAMERON HOLT k HOLMES. 9ede- ArONSY TO LEND. -A L A R(I ► . 1 •eo1at of Pelves, Feed. hr Inveslmeot stream rums on Motoloe. Mortgages. Apply I0311koW & Pi*Ol'DFUOT pRADCLIFFE, (GENERAL D- % wrs.ss,Real Imam sad Mese/ LaminaLassa Ody are1-s10 eompsaLs t igless& Meaty to Load ea straight haat et :roe bewail rata of interestso1a&. 1s ON es/ b eu11 IM eosrower.MI pales-- goo kb her ham eqsans. re rn. West stet. Oodr - Itnen Mesabi&' taMUlaree. 1'ODERIcH maoami IO/r MT" T,OTE LIBRARY AND `s,,• .trees sae Ijrsap um hew t at 4 r.M•, sad from Ile H e.X. ABOCT 9000 POLE IN LIBRARY. L..4,.9 Il•,ly, Wonky mei IU..i raw ao Papers, N dr. .w Pile. rot flMHERBHIP TICKET. UMLY `/.aa. Punta hoe use R Libman std shwa at re •Iall.uloee for membership received betmasts.. In room gee J. E c n.iso NL R. HAIIIL-1Of� ' 1 ,e/.is = igpb lent. 4sw&. W . ' a AINIIDOMISIMPUMI t4Ot44 TO tilt .a.11ma•gt UbeIllostatias raw•r of tine rr...a Inns& Ileseee Montreal, Dec. 17. --The donee thea Onening to the retiring General Man - Ogee of the (rend Trunk Itallwwy Mr. J. Saatersnt. was one of the mu.t *Want drrqunstrations of popular es - 'term ever held at the Windsor Hotel. The State was rrpreM•oted by Sir blacken:le Howell, Sir A. P Caron, Hon. John t'uatlgan• lion. W. B. eves, Hort. J A. (10113101. Hon. J. A chop - ham. Hon. A. V. Wood and most of the local party leader.. Hon. WIL'rk1 Laurier was unabl.• to attend. Some 33 guests were present, am- ongst them being Sir William Can }p"11•r. 1'I.-. -president Shaughnessy. Messrs. John E.•arls. Toronto. western district freikht agent, W. J. Spicer. De- troit• general manager ..f the t holier, and (rand Trunk. (...rge N. Heave, Chicago. traffic manager of the Chi- cago and (rand Trunk. John Bell, Belle%leer• t;rand Trunk solicitor; Messrs. W. E. Davis, U. ltrv,wn, A. It. Atwater, Chicago; H Roberts. J H. Mule. iDetroit. r. I Ifaigh. Buffalo ; Thomas I atlatttynr ex -Speaker of the onions Legislature. Stratford; James Goldin-, Guelph John no.ellews, Hamil- ton. K. Irow le. Buffalo. James Mo- Quern. Detroit, and others. Ur. Seargeant'a spre.ch In reply to the toast of "• tor eWest." wars a splen- did e-rturt. It. herring to his own rood. he said Speaking 1n roun.1 flcuren, the (rand Trunk In IMM, consisted ot. Hee miles. In 1.M6, with Its afalltllons. tee4=4"muss. Tbe co.upsay paid out In wages hat year ui'.•n Its main line 0.000.140. 1t ••tnpd`rya °Ma that part of the syst.-m mess n.rb--upon H. whole syatrm :u.- t.l men. "We expended In Canada during the last 12 months In purchase of Morn and materiels. nearly f2.(a0,- ine. The capital accounts of the com- porn. contl.riaed.In the (grand Tr.. - Ws' -It. r.' sys'.-tt. are equivalent In round *1. tt. 4277..tn.s '440. In BCI tau 1: goo, • .-r.>r.•r+ wrrr carried; in 101. : 1)' it millions. Or more than the l..,... - i:... tad ' In 1571 two million 1•-1' ..r 1 Ir;- Ictal. el ht mI;liun 1'.10 of • -i. n . - Th.• gr. wi rr,•efl.ts of he Its'•" ' '1 1111O. d.n the grand Trunk s)sten, for the )ever 1444 were $TI.JPM.- t,ou Ilya g In mind that the eapltal 144- ndlta�trar on railways in Can:ula to 1u7. the period of federation. wa„ ICA millb.ns, and that In 1001 k was 004 millions, a.4 the mileage In 1041. _..L' t„ and In UM .early 1to(►0 mlh•s. It W In- terreding, In considering the question w colnekleooe so note what has peen the remit. SO tar erg the railway sYa- tete Is a factor In the case. upon she atatlatiM of the (Dominion. The Ann- lAp railways In le42 we -r. 344.- 400: In 1414 nevrly 4:,b.0.ou.o000. The population in I*SI was about 1,01)0.4mo. in i411 nee:ly S.•.00,000. and now is preoun..abl) 1.. -term five million and Mx million. wheat was the population of Emden,/ In the time of Queen EIt• :&beth. and a population that oonitl- tutes a nasion. The populalon of 01.mt- trc•al In 1151 was &,000, and at pr. -tient pr.•hably ree.f&n:of Toronto at the sem. deter, 30.000 and probably 140.40. After alluding to several other mat- ters at length, Mr. Seargeant oors•lud- .d as follows :- I leave you gentlemen. with the knowledge that to your caro and loyalty. and courage• and patriot- ism. is eeunrnitted It, area Abaft than one-third of the ilritish emplre: that *kW favored country contains In it- self every element of national great- mera, that a more loyal country exists nowhere. that you have a perfected railway system. that further develop- ments In the carrying Industry may be la .tot•. for you. on land and on water• Hurt political developments are dlstict- ly pointing to events which w111 con- duce to your prosperity and greatness, and that events are now within the sphere of practical politics, which, not long e,. were regarded M chlmert- disreal: and that above all, that Cana- dians possess In happy combination throe qutlltles which have trade the great English and French -.peaking rationalities what they are -and which quallties arc destined to make Can- ada the brightest Jewel In the Itrltlsh d1•dem I;r,•at cheering. I leave you with minghd feelings I'M one hand : Breathe. there a man with .4.111 a dead. wine net. r to hlme.•If h.• said. Thi+ le nit own. my natl..- Ia roti. Whoa' heart ls'1, not within him horsed, As home h1- foot/tope he has turoed. From w a Wit' 11 ug on • for. or attend And. on the other hand. i must con- fess. and 1 do ao with the eertalney of the fact in the- presence of the ladies ty pee of all that 1:• moot (e-autlful and most charming in Canada --that a large stare of my heirs all iremain behind. With the -se sentiments. It M more appropriate. more consistent with the probabilities. and more congenial to my hopes :if i ark our distinguish- ed chairman's p.ermisslon to borrow two words of his beautiful language, and wish you all a cheery "au rrvn(r." rather than • mournful good-bye. (Tremendous cheering.) Sir 7.lacken:i• Howell and the other Mlnlater•e also made happy addresses, eulogizing the honored guest. i•X•Mr• MAX 'LOT*. Flour -There Is • dull trade. and prIees mesal at 1200 to rid WHO for straight len. Bran-1larket I. nn.hanged. Bran sold Ino 75 5. .t, and waited at 411.50 To- nto freights. }aborta. 1111 to 113. Wheat --The market 1• quiet. with the Hug ueaetrl.d. White is quoted o. Hata II.rthern •1 i 0.. and red stid at 64c. N.. Manitoba bard is quoted at 71r west, sl 73r grinding In traoaft. Peas --The market in ,easy. with buyers wag aloof. The quotatloo I. 50r oor•k sad west. eats-Tbe market is eurbaoged. with tit. demand. Whiteon •re• quoted at e lilted west d att�v err to 11't weal. sane) barley. Is moderate demand Mug with ordinary No. moot - It 47s• .o 2 nominal it :[sr to IOq 3 extra •1 39c. feet sold at tar. gysrawbest - Tbe market to quiet ad a steady. Sales were sed. to day •1 . ease. paUucei--Busluess quiet. with priers u.- • .. L' oo tn•-k. and small lets •1 `oro -Trade watb sales outside at quiet. gye-The muerte is firm. with quotation* angel •i e7c to Om outside. COW W.M.Ve prnee putter. aloha tub to 17.. Wier.', Har to lute; pound rolls, Ittc to tae• large rolls, tee to Iter; memory tub at lar to Inc; aid rolls •t per t• Me. gags an arm at 17r to N4 ■med�and 2lrs for ots122e forriew-laid i Go..'.. he • t,•-.- to a('{ TORONTO LIVE. !MOCK MARRRT. The r.?lifts In. tiny wore large. with of. rrl.g. of No r•rl.ads. and s..me I.tt over from 1,141) There wan • moderate •114 - ply of choice cattle and •eterai naffs arra skro for ellen •t Ari'* to ayfor (0.ae C Christ m•• est t ti. vlghing •h.ut l It►r jM some rattle west left nneold, be gd•Ilty b.la Inferior. Th. re Wen boyrn from Mostnd I and 2(s.e te cion. at•r•aer are 4e, sod bolls et 3r to 34ec per lh he owe., ?redline b,.t.her' ,little soli lid ter to 3•,,. sad I.feror et tr to NI ea tows on, banged ■t $211 to tab eet� ter .beet • chew Ahead.tturd earn eater" eternity. wits Ileo at 04 Mime in fair 4.p.•nd wits reeel►ti.1470 wad. MIN •t 2kr ro 4r per lb Iambs aria then bung aro• at 0 te $44r per lo and m05. wtaod Nate •r• ws+k.r. ",let ree•4t• w 01i4 • (ow ek.Ir+ wtdeb w se ons allt �t�o geld a ti • bet ethers tit Ra• r. ger tK sin I per to nes �n a.nd slerer 4S per (rfa.i war TBOMAB tiONDRY, AUCTiONEER rte setAl001, (Dederick. Ont. Ito went Leedom asaidd l ire Fpr. mu. Ow. at tee taw. hada Moral lee. Co. sale ant' ks4s41e la ear sort of tk. OouMty. 1M-17 I ter. et JOHN KNOT, GINIRAL AOC-.__Isseser sassy. l len 10 had awned... animas's la eesueesrl trots, M W la a pta111M M wltb aatesgsg M eft M ch tya,,a _r nmetfa ly mW to kla •ddrHN RZ `(.•watt Anodes's" Witt itiorded to. tlf� sac 10005: O. the 10th inst. • premien* rat harlot, re•p.nted widens of 8a�w heed away in the panne of SeptlesS erg c reit, at the age of 70 yeses and a &swiss 21 Norma was a leaches farmer. • shiest r•w.eo. .d.na.te, pe t liberal V u.venally •es.amsd DOCTORS AND FLY PLASTERS t FAIL. v•e Ms d loot& Amr/ Ilroees Raeomia r,r a &view. awe Mit • .veer wt (Hbses,Pehrebis well ka..o haekRMatt m ••1 esttr.et.d r►wmatlem It • �"'quiver* fens l• MX awl have s•fere•i trek Spring shies. i have re „ ""117`ay leIver• with his huh- , whom 1 . estelted lik.wi.. Ip ll bo nosiest. I was Imitated is tri Rawl' an• emias t...1 . Don... �Oare y.. v F gawr- • ZSt• ass Itasta.1 Mkt awl bis • b.aM 41' • ��AatimNr.It bis nerdy voted sTM arm. r tits l OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. Irs.r.s wuaterd'. ae.nd. Mw Frames Willard has scabbed the Baton W C.T.U., which passed • resets- iw• proteeYog against the promotions* groes an some public as ttsga to Houma Catholic eeolesiaMNos, trod geserallr stomas novas/tion in the work of Rows • (:t holm, who are described as ••eaemta of the ta- t o.." 1. Mss W illard's reply oho seed : It cat4olto or ?roomiest, Jew .r Oeuttle, will eons to in u fratw..l mesa•g• hearers or as work mg anies upon this sacit•i plat - terue, let w not oily clasp cher traeadly hands, bet go more than half way to eel noon them to the broad outlook .ad blessed fellowship of s union that ha. • home for Its watchword •ad h.ppuese of all for it• bares-apput/mod goal. The reply. wk.. rood at the Busses W.C. T. U ace. i ig res other day wan resolved u '•perk.et uleaos. . rayed Weak Boa& ler ss teat.. For two years 1 was dosed, polled abd plt.atered fors wrak back, oceidine urine and cunstipetrou without benefit 0.. box of Chaee'e Kidney -Liver Palle re- li•erd, throe boxes cured. R J Reath, 'I- rant•,, tam pall • dose, prices Y, cents. • Lara Promisee. ` ('l.retta Nora Avery u only 10 year old, yet she can preach with all the fervor sod out: mood of laoaua3e of one who has labor- ed marry tars for the waversio• of roan k,od. (be bee been u the work of •v.oge- Il:at.on for two year., She has never read sue ether book than the nil Ie. Yet to her tack and io her sermons, several of wh.ob have beet pouted or the South, eine ahem' a kiwi/lodge and an insight tato Lerman na- tare which mates to most only el tor years of observation sad study. let, tette. the child is nut speaking OD religions ounicon, eine u lake uoe of her own age. "1 awe," tike said, "you could see my doll.. l have 150 of taw. One of rheas u me las es me. 41 boo 1 got tt 1 toughed hke .bold. 1 have an lath me now. .ave 2.441414 to Sate e'er. &cmetamea men and wemeo feel this way. A wave of despwdenoy creeps up and up Pill it rseuh.e the heart. T..ey Lecome list lessand languid Ws aptte.n grey and dowlat . What such people wants metre - 1, • tones. 'l hey toxin( to De Lu.lt np. They want a .ramulus, whaob 0.111 sive them mar - (Die Di15 sturbance tur ance mer. W mire Maori dlstar0.... new Ilan over. I resent day modes et llvfag. lonely. OW tassel, worry, promote It. Tan wade hero bear, trouble, ba woo Fra ane keep team having It. Ila Palptlatios aha gw..wiaa of 1M Meat. _.*r tag spells as debt..waning at tine feat and sakes.. Monne= of brw•t4 paha la Use left ninon talotlsg open.. moan this She Matt W anus d004.aY ?"ELAY IS �L DANGEROUS 1Msa r. papers deny chronicling the domlm d sem. ens Ivy imbed ot tineas w•rataas- rasalL total Mars falters. Scott's Sars•p01IDe aamm Mars dl.turbsnos by equalising eke eta` ,chile&. centering nerve power. supplying pan Mood sad eaM.vtng the boort of its bntd.a OW SCOTPS SEWS soar 1. Year 1.d&. FUR SAIF: H1 .IAS WILSON. (;od.rish. PtDAN oVvrs Gtwttttat.Inn. PALMO TAIL SOAP UGCN.$NT IT=L[AN IS rhe iiOLA RUDE; TIE ORYNL$3 ANO 30 PWLMT$ we 11411, 4YC Ou H Zj IP Z -MAS GOODS. 1 hatereeer%ed a fresh .apply of Yrtitesuitabr (or the Holiday season ..::h as aye rad put sew i.upe is term. Such • ORANGES LEMONS. .t,mulu. is found lis Wilson's levsbda Port 14 toe. Thee is laceneraratoy the beat toot° also NUTS and CANDIES. Loom .t present offeree 1,, u e public. A rich, generous wine, with • grow, a body, • An assortment of Sero Drusen•s fruitiness which are calculated to tulle up which I am *riling •t a reduced "re. the outset system. A bottle of obs brac- ing wakes • poor dettatatcd creature • new at H. J. HORTO\ :.j, citizen Sold by all dealers at $7 50 per Tho ('ash Grocer. The dinars. come of 12 quart betties, half emoe $4 00, or 75 coots per bottle. Address --lbw Bar-- 1 da. Gleam tie., 30 H•epiel atrtet. Mao- D treat He Forward. D Wh.m difficulties are to be overcome, tee West street BAKER, . CANTELON, loaner you look at them the larger they grow When objeota are feared, tin- more you ponder the more your firer will increase ,Fut tenon you ro fsrwud at once In the right strength and inspired by the right moose, then jour fate will be dissipated, your terror wall subside, you will lied trot's strength made perfect In lour week - Deo, and your will be more than OODDOOro s LbrCOM h ham that loves you. Ail dsttee lis to the peeseot. The adjournment of what u dutiful tod.v tall tomorrow takes from strength for the duty, and adds to the dlf6- oulygad weight of that duty. -`Dr. cam. mdtg r sl•reb 4 sired for 23 dente. Neglect cold in the he -ad and you will . urelhave catarrh. Neglect nwlcat-I arrh Ana you will as surely induce pul, mooary daarames or catamb of the atom- ,, h with Its disgusting alteudatets, food 11 t•re'stb, hawking, spitting, blowing, etc. Stop It by nano/ Dr. Cb...'s Catarrh : Cure, 25 cents a but cures. A perfect blower enclosed with each 1.).1. STILL LEADS THE TRADE. His bread is made front pure Manitoba Hour -made from the cream of the Manitoba wheat -and !therefore is the boot In the world. This is a big thing to say but it is 'a fact and you have the privilege of buying this bread at the same as made from inferior Hour at the price of 5 cents per loaf, delivered to any part of the town. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. garWedding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. B. CANTELON. If You Need Felt Slippers Fc!t Boots Rubbers Overshoes Overstociings Overgaiters Heavy Rubbers and Sox Get Pollock's Prices and YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. A large assortment of X-mas Slippers IN Felt, Repp and Embroidered. Newest Style. ',mien price at H. B. POLLOCK'S NZXT STURDY BROS ■■■ J UR CRADMOTHERS as far back as can be remem- bered, used E: B. Eddy's Matches. Like the pone. they are identined with the early history of Canada A good thing always has imitations -Iowan t1 them. • Ask your Druggist for A • Wonderful Taskand 1111-�E ......st•w1s IN 4. "311111 Remedy far Weak and Impure Blood, Kidney and fiver Troubles. M. MaaLLOD. •o.aar•a. oar. O H 0 The Hamilton-Mt. f}rocer At the FOR (FINE HONEY A good line of Syrup&. A special line in two gallon Palk X -MAS FRUITS Large supply Best quality X -MAS CANDY One of the best aisortlnenta this Miele of the city. Anything in tine French China for ehri'itmas -,pre- sents. Your wants are looked after Your trade appreciated. CASH GROCERY Hamilton Street. New Fall Millinery. MISS CAMERON, the Hamilton -Street Milliner, having visited the wholesale millinery cent.es of ('ana.la, she has been successful in procuring a complete stock of new shapes and trimmings for the fall trade, including all the new chenille effect., etc. In returning thanks for past patronage, she invites inspection of her stock. MISS CAMERON. CHE AP CHOPPLV AT THF. GODERICII WOOLEN MILL. 1 beg to say that 1 have opened a store corner of C'•Ihorne-st &ted Square, in Mr. Lewitt's Knitting Factory, and have matte arrangements with Mr. Lewitt to attend to the selling of our popular Woolen goo..&. You will find our stock first class, and made of pure wool, well selected consisting of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ETC. Now is the time to buy your woolen goods so wool is fast advancing in prig. Buy before the goods go up. I have put a new (Grain Chopper in the Woolen Mill, and will be prepared to do chopping every day. Grain ground fine or coarse, and have put the price down to 4e. per hundred pounds, hoping by doing good work and fair dealing to receive a liberal share of your patronage. G. M. COLLINS. GRAND JEWEL. A RUN UN STOVES. WE ARB HAVING It The Grand Jewel Wood Cook Stove with Pkrrl (h -en is the ONE. NOTE THE 1'.u1.L4)tt INI. POINTS. --1. The (:r.... ,f .et n.. • genuine steel oven, which makes .t bake ooh shout half the fuel requ r. •• n'h large wood stove. 2. The (;rand .iewel oven pasted are made of stye. T• . y ..snot crack. Hee a patent double flue .o (root of oven, which makes the over. I.nk. • v. ult a'1 over. A number of second hand 1', rod sod ('o•l Stoves ob..p HARPER LEE. TFZ1� Grocery and Crockery Busin`ss Formerly carried on by H. E. SNELL & CO. REO1='7-;NE= With an entirely new stock. Grocery department now complete. All goods new and fresh from wholesale firms. Pur- chased for cash and well selected, and will bit sold at the closest of close prices. We kindly solicit the same liberal patronage that we experienced in the past from our future customers, and invite new ones to give us s trial. Crockery department will be opened in a few days. with handsome goo.ls at low prices. H. E. SNELL having gone out of the firm the business will be carried on by T. G TIPLINO. All parties indebted to H. B. SNELL k Co. will please call and settle. H. L. SNELL It CO. AS CL I'AR AS A BELL. 1R :1 PU'PiL OF THR to�sst Oity Business and Shorthand College, London, Out. dM Mt f spa ►•May. sr. lad au1 ►e ser. N. w. dr(11. ta �a A� `�r AelsMkst wee. wr nr..A is .� M b g(vttt a t �"is w, sp•ek ss..114141r...... .pWg a.A 'g t,. rtpar b • e•w A. beatsas paid *41 la suw�.1 aaa/Ma�i1 O•ra*sway *lib IR D. Im11k, W.