HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-26, Page 2t
THE (:kt:A I'
Family Medicine of the Age.
Taken Internally, It Cures
Diarrhea, Cramp, and Pain in tins
Stomach, Bon Throat, Sudden Colds,
Coughs, etc., eta
Used Externally, It Cures
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprain
Toothache, Pain in tis Face, Nsurulgrl
Rheumatism, Frosted Fest.
!lo .,udt eon eltWed to owl nwn.bd perk..
ly - tid.r
0. or bow 1rua.ry 1. urs •Mary et Sr parr.
1141 W. Mo. far n. waste .greet la Garbo [ W
worst t y�earm aM ka•w a 1.. M a ere rYda.-.`rete.
�0.Ily�.. M toss ed t►. t*W-g pan. 144,11 la
Sr ret erne .ae.47 reltose nae 1• ea-Trearee
°It ban oat ran : r a awe er nrwe.g pale. e•
..tiler W warrN a nout••"r equal I. .wry I..a'
era Cllr. -1 ...rpe.n Y.e•.
,less.. w 1te.l.at.e. Buy ..,y lb. /mute. -Parr
Oars.- ere err7wh.rr. I.rs• •e41I.. L...
TAR TROUBLE aat:AY w1TH A ear"11 %NICE
'egret -s,6 uV Tell LCmN.-- 41 ether le
PAINT'S.; 411111.10, AND AT LAST Fum'RD
TO ?Aka To Dap -11010011) KT en.
%l W.i.%II% etas YILIJi alias Au.L 0101*
v RI.i.'l‘a'I HAI. EAII.0D.
From L Impartial, Tlanisn. P.K.I.
Mr. lr,mii a k 1' Linea/mu. who Eves on
the Harper Rawl. •loom, two miles from the
towo of Tlgnaah. 1' E 1 , perso0ady took the
trouble to brlu.t borer• the not tae of the ed•
*tor of 1. 1mp.ru.i, the particulars of the
cure of his daegeter-ta-law. Mr.. A 1) Chi -
won, through tb. ase of 11r 1V111aauts'
Ptak 1'11le. Thrc..e 11 osrtatuI' remark.
aisle, red we cahoot do better than sive it
in ?Jr. ('hiseson s own aor.i• "My tri
wile," said he,"hos been sick for some eaves
years past, hot pr•e•nus to that time was a
strong healthy person. Jost shout seven
years ago oho (emelt a seven cold, which
&teasked her lunge, and from that' time up
to the b.gtnnieg of the past Summer her
health ha. been feeble. and at timer we de-
spaired of mving h"r life. Ir won not bur
dsporitioo to {(roe up wily, and ne some
occasions, while engaged to household work
she would he teazel with a tainting spell,
which would leave her so week that the
would be °untitle.i to her bed for several
days to a Demi one •i s ecru. este. More than
once we thought a.. was dying Then was
a continual fetliog numbness in her
''nn plow. Wolk to Church.
limbs, and almost constant severe pains in
her chest which were only eased by a stoop-
ing position. Aided to this she was troub-
led with a backing cough. sometimes so me-
rere %t night that she did not obtain more
than • few hours sleep. At the end 01 1894
we had Riven np .II hopes of her recovery
sad the neighbors were of the same opining.
She was reduced In almost r skeleton, and
could scarcely take any nourishment. She
bad grown so weak that she could net walk
anomie the bedroom floor without help We
►.d nften heard anti reset of the great tuns
.Footed by 11r 'V oli•m: Pink l'llla, and .t
this stare when .11 slim had failed. 1 greed
that they be given • trial, and procured •
ball doyen boaea. After using them for
about three weeks she found ohs could walk
.cross her bedroom floor without aid, and
from that time on she nontenned improving
in health from d.v to day. She continued
taking the Pink Pills for shoot four mnoths
with the retitle that she is new a healthy
woman, and et is now no trouble for her 1.
walk to Womb. • distance of over milee,arrd
the grateful praiser of herself and freewill
will *Heaps he given Hr. Williams' Pick
The experience of Years has proved that
then is absolutely no disease do. to • vi-
tated eo.dition of th blood or shattered
..ryes that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will
not promptly emre,and those who are suffer -
hag firma each troubles would avoid
•ash misery and save much money by
promptly rsaortinr to this treatment Gst
this googlies Pink Pill" every time sed de
got be persuaded to t•ke as imitation or
some other remedy whioh • dealer. tet the
Mke of the elates pent to himself. easy sly
le •'jnat es good." 1r. Williams' Pink Pills
errs when other remedies fall
• Joyful AttWtea
TM est and out Chrfetiaa is • joyful
Christie& The hall and half ('hristias is
the kind of Christian thot • 'groat many of
yea ars- little acnneinted with the joy of
M. lard. Why should 'relies half way .p
the hill, and swathed In mute, when we
might have as onelosd.d sky aid • visible
sue over our Moods, if we would elimh
high' a.d walk is Ow light .t His fade,"
♦ Leander fllsL si ea
Tbea.a.ds *sew at the AaIek aid (Pareae
Beller taw teases Nem Mase •ss.r*
ewe nId..y faro.
This media.. will w elms .11 1bs ills tis
geek is hair to, but it will ears kids."
freebie.( whatever bled --.o sea t.e ag•
wavaad. It will sere gasdil -ear. relief
it sin b.sis It is rob Is torah, powers.
sad whilst it guiably mem seas, where pais
.dst.d bogie, It alto rem streaglb te the
walk said derma_ ars... soakitsg 1M sere
erampleiRs rail lashing. 'lrMesBai whit buoy
what Hsu beeriest. Eldon, Oars hag 4s.
lite then will tell yes to
W by Jam. 1Jmtyba
TAN: S1(NA1. (:f'f►RR1(7A, I1'4T.. TAf RRDAY. DEC. 0195.
'1111'(► SKUNK FARMS.
sail) 10 8= w• -KING MJ1vEP.
Time. Serra. Aa. Lanese/ 1n the 11410s...1
1a..itirSt ay. I. et bier 114 41.44.•..
la.k ..t Capl.rtng lbs liar. t. re. -
Attar. and sweet tssenees cannot
be ri.R1 to Pt rt:• t;a• In.• air In that
p..rt of the t•r'. :. u( blexl •u Hear
al. t r) 1.411') . •l(u)rk far111 ]lexleu 1,.
► remote little te'aa te- near the New
11 ui,pshire One un the Audruseuggt.
I:n rl, nine or len miles from Rutin
ford Falls. 1t has a pulp null ahich
gn, a ainployment to a goodly number
uz the Inhabitants. While thuer not
. ng. 1:• ti In running the wood chewing
nt*t•htrree or aurting logs In the tvm-
p.n)''b b(lom. support theme. Ives by
terming. Henry Ladd is a fartuer, but
of bale be conceit -0d a solo -me of skunk
prolwgMtloU. which promises greed re-
The little animal is multiplying s"
rapidly In !/aloe as to become a sub-
ject of serious eonsideratl.'n. ' only A
month ago some of the residents -of
Bangor came out with n double -lead -
rel protest against this nocturnal
prowler. and thought the Legislature
should do something In the way of tit-
f.ring a bounty fur pelts. That he is a
raise rice all who travel by night on
the truing between Boston and Bangor
can bear testimony. Never since 1634.
wh(n Gabriel Regard, in his history of
C:rntila. first called the attention of
naturalists to skunks. have they been
rehire nurser nus. or the subject ,if sn
much speculation as noir. Sagard call-
ed therm the children of the devil. but
p•rarengers on the night Pullmans.
srouked from a sound sleep by the vil-
a:n•rlat protest of nn•- caught under the
t.1wls, have given them names much
mare opprobrious. itut there is money
In skunks.
Despised as their are, lie farmer has
no 1 • (ter friends In the way of insert
(Icstrnyerw. The ikunk devours vast
rh,nbers of beetles and graashopper...
t , say nothing of Innumerable field
mock. He is nocturnal in habits, and
t 111, on s pinch. negotiate a ben most.
Tido one falling puts blm on the black
lint with the farmer. and many Is th-
complaint lodged against him. Berne
time hack in the thirties a fur dealer
drpcgver.d that the skunk produced as
scot' "foreign sable" as over graced a
1i -titian's cloak. After that there was
44 call for the pelts, but just how to
handle the animals was an art not
vet att-alned, and skunk hunters were
few. There was a steady demand for
rood skin. ever since 184.4. until about
1' v• -•,r. ago, when the fur went
sat of 1aehkm. Good black pelts will
bring the killer In Maine 11 or more;
.n that It pays to hunt them.
311. Ladd began collecting for his
farm early i0 Tleptember. and haat now
aver toe) skunks. At a gond distanoe
Iron- his house,. In a rocky old pasture,
he cr.cio.ed • space 100 by 200 feet wtth
a fence of poultry netting. Before the
1 -nee was put up a trench two feet
deep was dug around the enclosure+
and filled with stones. The fence posts
are bet In this, so there Is no show for
the animals to --tunnel 1n under and
rncItpe. inside the wire fence haords
are tea, fixed as to prevent the animals
from cllmbing up and over. There are
a number of kennels In the enclosure,
hut the skunke seem to prefer to bur-
row. and several of them have already
taken up winter quarters In the
ground. -')ecn-skonally a fight (nxurw,
and Mr Ladd has seen several skunks
attack the weaker one In a tight and
kill him. This done the whole colony
Orme to, cannibal fashion, and eats uo
the slain. They are fed on bits of meat
and wattle ".h, table scraps. or any
kind of r. '•e food. They will eat
sweet appal. - pumpkins, milk. wood-
chucks. chicken.. ergs and honey.
A 1014 of Mr. Ladd helps in the en-
terprise. Be looks after the trapping
of the animals. Small steel traps, with
san..oth jaws, are used. the. spring
Ming strong enough to hold without
breaking the 1.-g. To each trap Is fas-
trn,d a pole about ten feet long. When
t skunk Is trapped it takes two .nen
to take the animal. One uses a net,
fashioned from a meal sack, with a
t•n-loot handle, while the other a-nrk.
the pole attached to the trap. The
skunk's deed line. or limit of range.
!s from ten to fourteen feet, but there
Is not much to be fevered from one in
:t trap, am It usually exhausts Itself
beferr the trapper appears. To release
one and .,•cur.• him. the man with the
net attracte the skunk'e attention,
while the other goes. up and lifts the
trap from the ground with the long
pal•• to which It Is fastened. Suwpc•nd-
ed in the air the skunk Is helpless.
fl'hne In this poeitl.'n he le released,
dropped Into the net or sack, and from
there deposited In a large (box. with se
trap-door arrangement, which skunk
hunters on a large scale take along
with them In a %ag•'n.
Ateout a mile west of Hallowell, on
on the Kennebec. le nnnther .Munk
farm. which two week. ago. hast fifty
oecupant,, The proprietor of thle Insti-
tution catches Me animal. In a unique
way He I. not wholly .opp'e'•d M trope.
tout he .ave there 1a no sport In trap-
ping 11e hunt. at night with a nneker
spaniel. who, although often overcome.
earth "Rieke vallantly to hl. work The
rt..-ker take. tip the .cent of the skunk
ait a hound does a fox air rabbit. and
!net yapr enough to let hls master
know that he has found one
After him grew the hunter with a
lantern. and when the skunk Is .Ight-
ed. the apanlel seta up a boietereus
barking fur• barite at long range- -•
judicious caution born of experience
- but he flare the attention of the
skunk while his macer flipe the game
oto a net It takes, an adroit turn of
both wrist. to do Chia, but the Hallo-
well man makes feu! mieakert.
•The skunk farts ha. for Its encl»wure
an old hay barn, The floor haw ►,ern
remr.ved. and boards driven stile fash-
ion, around the Inside to prevent tun-
r.e111ng When seen tww weeks ago the
a:tlmaIF nn thle farm were' leek and fat
The prot,rietor. whin lea something of •
tax hunter, te.Me•s, 611 not intend
k:lling any this year. Atter one breed-
ing he would login the slaughter
.t„nk hots from ell to nlne
young at a time. The little Maes aro
. ,,,t1.gt. ,. ,
•1•.e amt some of the up -country
•q le nntshty the Indians. .metier
th n.eat to 1.. .weeellent It L white
..' 1 enmpaet. Ilk• the breams of a par-
t. :dee 'Inc p.7ts of neater et tt. aaI.
Maki killed in dike Mab are (teat
Huston end New York, to help swell
the big tlargues of skunk skins gent
•to reed The all la vsltat ble for dress -
mg leather, and twinge a fair figure. a
god (at skunk yielding ab•.ut a quart
of oil.
Tae car•.., ml.orset.a.
A Berlin eorrr.p'•ndent write.• "The
official statirties of the cases of diph-
theria treated by the antitoxic arrant.
which hate Just been published. give
✓ 'mr Interesting details as to the suc-
cess of the new method. The intesU-
gatlon on this subject was set u14 foot
by the Mlnietry• of Medielnal Affairs,
w hitch addresee' Its enquo b -o to physl-
reanm. both itt public prltale prac-
tice. Answers to the number of 1.349
were returned. dealing with 6.626 cases,
of which 2.460 were treated In hospi-
tals. (rut of the total o.1 14.636 patients,
talk per cent. recovered and 12.5 per
cent. died. while the remainder were
still under treatment. of the hospital
patients. nal.:. per cent. recovered and
19.5 per tent tiled. The mortality was
highret 114 per rent 1 In the Govern-
ment district of Ll•gnitz and lowest 47
per cent.) In that of aluuich. In 4,571
cases the phy.iclanr expressed their
views, as to the velli, or the antitoxic
serum. In 55.1 per cent. of these cases
the remettel efforts of the serum. are
characterized as certain and brit per
cent. as pruba$le, while in 13.6 per cent.
the methud apparently produced no ef-
fect. The rerun was deecrlte•d as 'de-
cide.11y harmful' in only 611 cares. of
which 42 Arrcovere t and in died. and as
'Inoeuous' In 4,514 cases. In these 61'
raters the patients sufier.,1 from (u-
t:tneour eruptions. albuminurta, pains
in the nitrite. di.1urbance ..f the heart's
action, nephritis In three cases and
general debility. It is not. however. be-
lieted that the enquiry hap Armed
that such sy-mptotns are of n:lere (re-
euent ot'eurrrnee in , ,nseque11c.• of th.
antitoxic treatment. though cutaneous
ruptions and Laine in the Joints may.
It la thought. tet• lo..ked til"'n as likely
to accompany the method. The author-
ities have corse to the conclusion that
the treatment with the serum exercises
a favorable Influence on the course of
the- disea.C, and that a continued em-
ployment of it is justified."
11»tit ('.a•.•• •.n (.191 • • . ' eons..
He (HaU Caine) left school at the age
of fifteen and was apprenticed by his
father to John Murray, architect and
land surveyor. The lad had no special
(Acuities for architecture beyond pos-
sessing a fair knowledge of drawing.
When eptly thirteen he drew the map
of England which apiwared in the first
edition of "Gill's Geography."
John Murray was agent fur the Lan-
cashire retorts of W. E. Gladstone, and
it was In this way that Hall Caine
first became known to the rtatefanan,
who from the first has been amongst
his keenest admin rs. Cine of the first
occasion. on which he attracted Mr.
Glad,.tone', attention was one day
when he was superintending the sur-
veying of `eaforth, Gladstone's rotate.
Gladstone was surprised to ere BO small
a lad in charge ,.f the chainmen, and
began to talk with him. tie must
have been impress -if by the lad's con-
versation. for he patted his head and
told him he would be a fine man yet.
Mr. Gladstone has never iorgotten this
incident. borne time later. Jonn Mur-
ray- having failed in the meanwhile, an
offer was made to Hall Caine. from
the Gladstone*. of the stewardship of
the Seaforth estate at a salary of one
hundred and twenty pound. a Year.
"Although the thought of so much
wealth," he relates. "overwhelmed me
1 did not see In this offer the prospect
of any career -indeed this had been
pointed nut to me -and 1 determined
t.. continue In the architect's oilier. '
Hr accordingly attached himeeit 1s a
pupil or apprentice to Richard vane.
the architect. -R. H. )iherard, In Me -
('lure's Magazine for December.
gime...doe. rte.• o ••e.,
Suppose that all the coal wares which
underlie America erre made to yield
up their stores. Suppose that all the
coal fields of England and Scotland,
Australia, China and elsewhere were
compelled to contribute every combus-
tible {.article they contained. Suppose
in fact. what we cxuacted from this
earth every ton of coal it possesses.
In every Island and In every conti-
nent. Suppoie- that this vast store of
fuel, which la adequate to supply the
wants of this earth fir centuries,
were to be accumulated in one stupen-
dous pile. Suppose that an army of
stokers, arrayed in numbers which we
need not now pause to calculate, were
employed to throw this coal Into the
great solar furnace. How long. think
you, would so gigantic a mass of fuel
maintain the sun's expenditure at Its
present rate? 1 am but uttering a de-
liberate scientific fact w1en 1 say that
a conflagration which destroyed every
particle of coal contained In this earth
would not generate so much heat as
the sun lavishes abroad to ungrateful
space in the tenth part r.f every single
second. DuHng the few minutes that
the reader Mae been occupied over these
lines a quantity of heat Which Is many
thousands ef times as great as the
heat which could be produced by the
ignition of *II the coal In every coal
p11 In the globe hes been dispersed and
totally lost to the sun. 4�14Ir Hobert Ball
In McClure's Magazine for December.
1.11114.0111% and Ike 1'r... 41.. -al Stiller,
Governor Hoyt tells an excellent
e ery Illustrating Lincoln's interest In
muscle and his involuntary compalaoe
of himwelf with any man who showed
great strength. it was In 1.61, after
Lincoln had delivered a .lyeeeh at the
State Agricultural Fair of Wisconsin
at Milwaukee. The two men were
making the rounds of the exhibits and
went Into a tent to per a "strong man"
perform He went through the ordin-
ary exert -thee with huge Iron belletow-
ing them In the ale and catching therm,
and rolling them on hie arms and back;
and Mr. Lincoln, who evidently had
never before peen sue h a thing. watch-
ed him w•it1. Intense Inters st, ejaculat-
ing under hie breath every now and
then, "By George' icy George"' Whe
the performance. wits over Governor
Hoyt. seeing Mr. Lincoln's Interest.
teethed him to go up •nd be Introduced
to the athlete He dM so. and as he
stood hooking down musingly nn the
fellow, who wag very *Wirt. and evi-
dently wondering that • man so mue'h
shorter than he eould be so much
stronger. he suddenly broke tit with
o ne of hip quaint op .e1.t • Why," he
said. "why. 1 enuld 111 k salt off the top
ot your hat"--MaChsres Mamsdas
fee Dsepmber.
Jas, Mew Jareae.
Ayer's Pills
"I would like to add my testimony to
that of others who have Iced Ayer's
lilts. and to say that I have taken tem
foe many years. and always derived the
best results trout their use.
For Stomach
and liver troubles. and for the cure of
beadaehe causer( by these derangement.,
Ater's 11111 cannot be equaled. Wen
my friends ask me what Is the beat
remedy fru disorders of the stomach,
Liver, or Bowels,
my Invariable answer is Ayers Pills.
Taken in season they will break up a
cold, prevent la grippe. check fever, and
regulate the digestive organs. Tbey are
easy to take, and
Are the best
all-round family t�sede lne 1 have ever
known." -Mrs Mar JuExsos.Jw Rider
Ave., 18ew York City.
Highest Awned! at World's Fair.
Ager'. Bareaparilia/.r• t.e blond.
Mos Neem team Tees.
Rmbro ('surer Os Thursday morning
Ur. Chubb remarked to his faintly that he
feared something wet wrens wish his sol;
Alex., as he dreamed the night before that
ke saw him body stretched nut and yet was
so' allowed to leek at the face of the corpse.
Mr. Chubb repeated hue *trance dream to
the hands in the tailor .hop and could net
ret his mind of it. A few hours afterwards
hie heard ot h. sin • illness gad .ft.rwards
of kis death, which wee the first ist,metlon
be had thats his wen was sot in bur usual
health. Mr. Chubb feels that in the dream
be r.osiyed a presentiment of his son's
Teem. Insey easeamrrs.
We thank you moot heartily •nd sincere-
ly for the vast &mo,unt of patronwe w.
hays received daring the past year, and we
trust by strict anti wetol .ttee(ioo to hen -
awls to merit • cnmttnuamoe of the Mss.
Our motto. "A pleased cuvtomer will Hal)
regain." Parker's Dye Works will be pleas-
ed to retrieve your goods for dyeing. Agents
Misses Yates, Godericb.
Only a Pew Nespl g-s•Il.wable.
Young man, don't .we.. There is no 00-
ammios for it outside of • printing nffies,
where it is weal when the paper u beh,od
time. It alto comes in handy in proofread•
ins and it indirpel..hle when the ink works
bad and the press hoeing to book. It is
sometimes brought into nee whet tog' fore-
man is mei, and it has been known to en-
tirely remove that tired (iodise of the edit -
sr when he has looked over the paper after
it is printed. ()utopia • privatise tithes it is
• foolish habit.
Ask your Druggist fe
Murray &
Per Handkerchief. Toilet and Batk.
The Sun.
The first of American Newspapers,
The American Constitution,
the American Idea, the American
Spirit. Thews first, last, and all
the time, forever.
DAiLY, by mail - - - 16 a year
DAILY & SUNDAY by mail Sul a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper
M. ate lee4t•r. N,
Ila sall !obeys that Nerv111.e .11 our.
Merging alter, Iwai su Iv, 1' •out womb
so''. elms. 10 yuuroll wu h 0M• n fl.utlw the
paia Hate.. last Iersssr. 114,.'1 e.. Newt•
1•s , I. such• stop he para Kheumaime
1• d so A IL al ,11,•66. r.•.•, ..n r,Mest
6•.o old -I 4.11u$.41 Ushuaia a. • soetler et re.
•Ltert to 5,u: grail.. IS, .411. Neer IMO
to a nes dl.ewerry . tha• 111 ea -11 ought so
. ,4.... r ?beret-" ul:or 1.e it h., 01.1 ; saf-
e. pals: vo:d tela es, of Netrll.'r.,tb wee
pe orfal, wee attu1,•lab cellists pale
ed}' is the a u' ld
Harpv's Magazine.
IN 1826
•inert•, a now no. • 1 b. 4Y1l1'.1.1 Mack, well
too with all tbey}ut''or's w• II k..••wa charm a<
manner. will nowt.. In .h- IF,,..m'r' Yumher,
Ifltl.anA oa.'ieene u..'ll Mee A new sewed bur
0111110,0 ne ‘1•141. Mt. c....11.'d its Manama,
will .IM nems dreier .11e leer 1, er not too
n• u. h to may that as novel kern ever boss
await rd wt'h .•1.•h 0.44r • row tads.,t a. the
.uu_.ea- or to 4.11N. 'tie rer,e.al aereeltee-
tams el Jean of are w,ll oaetiuue, •.'d will
relate the Wort ,.f he f.ilure s,1.') Is..rt)r-
Aos. of'•e1d.M1 of'slew.,.. (h h- r I•senrt•.t
Oniony( the year .1.1 e • n"re.rttr by .11.141
I eat\. under tee title, Ise Oowy-r. Mallow
114r •htu.nrrm. tb......,rr •ale ('.34.66 If gr.
•.ewes Tress •addle',, by eatulery
Keays Mt 1.41 W: • n nor' .hurt.-. b, (A•
14%1 Tll INar. InaH eat. H 4011.. - u UAvid.
MAa1 a. N 11.11\+,.h-u*o 1t*144, Ha.al'aa
MArrrsww uw.:n W,orelt, tied other well -
kaolin' written.
lion. Watotaow tt II.wrrt .4.) efiatributs elx
P r rare on 'leerier rt'e•hln.rea .ed his tiler.,
wi'. 411o.'r+U•.t. M' II..w• D Iry La 1' t1 1.o-
N vv H1.;R1...a', his or. or Tete ♦magna
d eraygie I..r Liberty, Otos iced 1.! It; •'anon
Weeu.yeu.g. w.l' b uo,Istrei •hrourk the
'.o'er. Two ampere ea d . (Tait'• .'rte.' and
Mad ,Anthony a• n. '.t„tnr,. bt THIpot'lea
R.nwat' IT. with .Pwpro c ill ..tration...111 be
urinr141during the year.
A WN1O'wrwthy 1.•n on. of the M ttlA%IS*
duriotr the year Pei w ,:l he s set ee or ankles
by ('tars* W. w u TV..T. A•..•nbi. g hu Trip
of Mol miles no 'n"w .h'.e. a d with dog-
slciuh reran Insn th.. unexplored Herres
'Iround. of Rr11i-h North t"terlea Is pun
tui• of wood -Wee. r d meek aro. Ir.
Whi'ney'e seri. w. 1 neve the added Interest
of twins tllualrated from ehutueraphs taken
by h.onelf.
The Velums' of the Magazin. begin with
the Number. for Juur and Ileeentter of each
year. When norm• ts m- ntioned,.ub.crtptions
a II begin with the Number current at the
time of receipt ,f order.
Remittances should he made by lenunflloe
hoary Order or than, to avos.1 chance of
New 'papers err not ro ropy 14*. advertise-
ment without the express order of harper
H4RPR17Y M.40.0ZI,VN.. .Por Year .el go
HA RPKiCS H'RRKL Y. .. ... .... 4 a
HA RPP,RS B.4EAIt 4 a)
Postage Prrr to aR sa1srribere in tie United
Stales, ('aaada and Mexico.
Address: HAUNCH it HROTH*Ra,
P. O. Boa Mk N. T. City.
Harper's Bazar.
IN 1896
The twenty-nlath year of HART'*R'8
BAZAR. benianing ire January. Ire. abuts it
manta:liar Its deserved repo solus Asch as •
ra.hion Journal and a weekly te Medical for
home reading
*vary Werk the BAZAR presents beautiful
toilettes for various a -canons, v visor. HAVOC
aad ('HArt-*e illustrate and en.r•ve the new-
est designs from the ■s.., tn.,Ae1. is I'srls•nd
Berlin new Tett Vigil.• epitomises car -
rest style" is New York A fortnightly pat-
tern -sheet supplest -..t with diagrams sad
directions enabler *men to cut and make
their owe gownv. and is of gnat vane 40 the
proteoionel modrte.a well M to the amateur
dressmaker. ('hlldrem'. Clot bine receiver con-
sume attention. Feeble... for Mea ars des
ertbed in fall detail by • rean.a att-tows.
.r rads Letter. by K log IIx roamer
is a .pright iy weekly recites oe ••.Mon. gossip
and social doings in Paris. intim by • clever
woman in an entertaining err.
Both the serials for lino are tbe week of
Antenoan women Nr.. Gerald, by MARIA
Louisa Poen.. is • striking -tore of Sew Moir
lead life. MARX K W.utr,'tn germs,. a
Feer Man, Macrame* the always intervNleg
problems of the relations between labor aid
capital Short storied will be written by the
Mat authors.
•lreelel reparlasent.. Mori". Tbe Outdoor
Womack. Personals. What W. Are !Mise.
Women and Nes, report and discuss themes
e f immediate interest.
•sewers 1e 1'.rve.p.sdesla. (Josstioa re.
celve the personal atemet,00 of the editor. sod
aro *powered at (he earliest possible data at-
tar their receipt.
The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the
bet Number for January of each year. When
SO time u mentl.ne.t..ub.criptto.s well begin
with the Number current .t tbm them of receipt
sit order.
Remittances Mould be made by Poet -office
Money Order or Ihah. to avoid chance of loss.
Newspapers re not to ropy this adrerttar-
Mega fMexpress order of Wilton* t
Fer Tear e
HwRPRR'sror!vorgoPLB sea
Postage pr.e to all seem ethers M t8r United
Wetea. Canada. and Alexi -0.
Address : HAUNCH & awningRd.
P. 0. Box 404. 16. T.
Harper's Weekly.
IN 18116.
HARPRR'S WEEKLY le • teemed for the
whole country. it deals with the eve. a M
the world that ars important to Amerlcaas.
le tarrying out this whey, in 1Me. JULIAN
Rearm visited China and Japes. andoursey-
ed thmntqgrh the Wes ; tentweD HA*nttu
Hetes toot a trip through the Carrib.sn Baa;
the evolst10.s of the new Nary were desrnb-
sd and llluetrated 04 !turtle F. Zonnter-
rswtc Rgntr.ome presented undies of
Army and Frontl'r life: Poor.:, Rragaew
attended the opening of the Kiel ('anal.
is Utas 11se attentloe will De elven to every
marble happeaing The chief events In aK,
liteerature, and music awl the drama will be
artistically presented. W. D. HowELts, f•
the new department, We amid Loeser. will
discos" in his Interesting way hooks and the
pa.lU emotions of the this. R. R. Mww'a
sertgRhtly gossip of the a.•y World will ba
continued. The progrels of the Tram
tics ('ommir inn warned the World to
hollowed. and ('Aare' W. Wn,rwar will ear
deM the department of •maaear *poet,
in 1011 will wear • Pwldestlal .lection.
5 its editorials arid through its political ear -
Mow the witestY win continue l be an !.-
dependent advooste of used aovaramsat sad
monad mosey.
It Rectos the WIZKLY will be especially
areaeit will pobit& tM oaly novel of tM
rear by W. D. Rownast, sad • slimier serial
of • lie nteh fend. M 8, it. '`tmr*err, 1'1.
short stories esiaeted are of anoa.N esoallraee
aid interest. 1n every reseed A•RP*R'*
WEEK LY malatala Its toadies is
this illestrared js rsailam sf rim
The °olames .t lM W-avatty begls with the
OM Namh r fur las e•r► °e met year. Wtea
ae tinsels mentlesad. wksorlslams will bagla
with the Neebsr current at the Ue - et re
eelpt at seder.
R.mlttsaom sbodd be main by Mayo
MoaOrder or draft. te avoid ris .tse
N ort aml Paean this alwroa,
stow +Ora tae sere s order v Harrow &
Per Tow s
Livi. «N
in the world re10PLi...'.... i M
lbdrp M1 tr 1m.H 6s, er Aura!
Pane* flea copy. By mail, S! a year a��w'lA dead.•
••+cess TOM 050. UuW UUIh P.n. Iia OSP X.
T. tlar`
44p07,4,le't. gt,.
The Signa
teas seere calls rpasl•1 Washout te 11r
Job Printing t 'ilea 'Hush w arm
passed naia& this cities fur ch. prompt
sad Proper .z.oution of all elms••, of
pristine. A perusal of this MOer,uios
mosb. ►.t may used � is .soh owe ,e .l
oat your patronage, foriusg oondd.as
that our .Aorta 10 plias• win meet walk
the approval of our patrons
Flo\� ii (COAs
This twin: alae is kept in the hill
range of qua1tiee same pa leftist
heads- Whi qua„
are not so generally used, they
an Important place in ootrlsen;ts
oorrespundooee. Bee what we've
got under the above heads,
-Letter AL4M s
In this line we have • very large
stocn of fine writing paper. reit
able for every class of Weimer
represented in this lo(mlity, twin
prising laid and wove, hae..,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, as may he required,
13.%A. to t\tk
if the " pay-as-you-go" plan wee
the osier of the day the demah(j
for account paper would not he
so great ; but there are some man
who get so many dossers that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is cum
plot) in this line with four sin,
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after •
delinquent once • month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep • large ,tack on
hand. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range fru. 75c. lc
$2.00 per M. We handle cosi
mercial and legal sixes exclusively.
ommerCt.a\ 4tr.n‘t \g,
has already been partially ensue
orated in some of the heads above.
There is, however, • vast .moan
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it •11 at Tea
I rtvWat•ons
W an "At Home" or • wedding
require ooasi;(ierable taste in melee
don sometimes, but we make i1
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and wee
"V woo r ums
ef entertainment/1 and meeting
promptly turned out., from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
e.tVCA \ars
We aim to excel in all the differ
eat kinds of work we turn oat,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
Cards and► T'•lvkets
Thu head covers a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from .. or-
dinary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
V latus
Our facilities for turning out this
else of work are evidenoed by the
fact that the great balk of it le
done by us. Thu line else is
which our three faabreaaiaR jek
presses are able to tens est is
surprisingly short time.
%a\e BA\s
relong to the poster department
also, and we make a specialty d
them-promptneee being oar aim
la this respect. A notice of sale
will appear in Tse 8,01AL fres d
charge when bills for same lies got
#\\ V 5 tots os 'W ora
is the typographical printing lies
can be in this earabWhmeat
in as expedifioaa and •rtislia
meager and
Our %WI b k\t, bt Soutua
114..try rwSA'S\Ob\t.
We srMewl ear thanks ter pest law -
we, and solicit a eostinaanos d Ai
.•a& T %IL iSZ 0111#1...,
ammonia. usi•