The Signal, 1895-12-19, Page 7*'wugllls
, .11.0111MINIMMINIi
A Wide Range.
A preparation which
enriches and purifies the
blood and assists nature
in repairing wasted tissue
must have a wide range
of usefulness.
Such a preparation is
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-
liver Oil with Hypopphos-
phites of Lime and Soda.
The uses of Scott's Emul-
sion are not confined to
wasting diseases, like con-
sumption, scrofula or
anaemia. They embrace
nearly all those minor ail-
ments associated with
loss 0/flesh.
SOK kwea•
Love your enemy te death and he will
Bea.* gene! ineuJe
true hero is more often he who eudures
ilea he who dose.
It is not what potpie gala, but what limy
save. the', makes fire re ib
He who au have what a o.o.s..rt, and
'lees not went what is superfluous, is not
Th. wealth of • man is the •umber of
Winer which he laves •ad blew,, which he
p i.e mel en 1 hloeae.l ht
He who has but 11tH• wealth, but at the
suet tuna would to metalled with lase, is
rich eeoutrn to he h.ppy
What a young man ear•, is the daytime
gum ante his pocket : what he speeds at
sight goes into his character
IOL and SI.
The electric esl.igreph Mel l be a sub-
,utut• for tau face et • man, with his .mal
in it, .00.uteiong another mea to be brave
and ten&
The most positive mem are the most
credulou., slow they moat believe theta
Delve., send advise most with their Were
tistte•er Med wont coon,% -their own salt -
lo re.
No man can for apt- cenatderahle period
appear sue thio," Lo birarelt .gi another to
the multitude without becomes," bewildered
as to whish may be his true lett
Sympathy. love lad uosei6ehnees Rive
bapetuses It matters not what our phyd.
pal coedittoo, who our menet.' serrased-
iaga Wt k these .s our togredtosy we
sea:: extract the glorious elixir of life.
Soma teen b. I nag to a heoaure we Me
motors tenets ; n•hers because we are hum....
mien, we are mortal But most ire
caused by our h.iog unwise. it . these
last ou'y chat of or:mee t modem mon
`tome *lied, are Mks ogees of stalactite
and sill ygmite, rich in treasures of beauty,
tM exte• eo .a o1 which you may greyer .us
poor, li.oea-e you bring oo light yourself to
dispel aha der knees that 0000e.Is them.
11 we would only try to be pirated with
our present cireunistsime, how much nsoro
true happiness would flew groin such an
effete than from constantly grieving alter
changing coodit.00., with problematical re-
sults '
The Minh Petrie rd se Gs.
Aad they are gene now. The Bordeaux
Claret Co , kithdl the Icing primes for Plant.
Burgas itee sad ports It pots . good mass
upoo your tette at $3 and $4 s donee quarts.
Thu u •at.euoding it is without pree.d-
sot. Fir the greet thing was to keep up
the pries It was so gruele of faith that
v os could nor have • gond ohesp wise.
Piddle sucks ' R'.t : The R erd.aut Claret ;
, do tint neve • straw kw dignified labels j
They are sell ng a fine, supple, wholesome
wine for . little n.•er the tome of hoer, end
people .11 over the oomitry are ordering it.
1: is for general consumption. One can
creak a hotter of Melo, new with his dinner
sad feel that be has not swsllew.d ss es-
tate Gore wise ter the millers at anmin.l
priori Addrw-Bordeaux Claret Co.. 30
Himmel Street. Ilssarssl. th
A Weasels Steels•. i s"
Madams l'h.-Bier, doctor of mediate.' at s
AsiGermane, has beta charged by the Germane
of Ahrens with s mtesioo io 1.-Auw, • t 7.0
partmeo' of Cosstsnties. She will vile s , w
aimhor of vil!agee to stogy the comities sf R
the Arah and Kshyle women, and the dig- a
swim from which tbey suffer in consegnamsel th
• f the irnsnco of th• women who •tteed' too
them in their onntinemwota• as no male phy he
'e.t.a is allowed hy tM Mussulm•n law to
w ent them, eves le the gravest oases, she
tool try to overcome the prejudices of the
women, to teach them more soi,stiOe meth-
si., and instruct them is the mal. arnent
. 1 Moth weber and child, matters of wbiob
at present they are o..mplete.le ipers•t.
('sir ei Careele Cenrrh.
Speculation at the Capital Re
larding the Controller.
The Treader &ad getting thew t• te a-
at.■festa xsseraMeal Repseb Um -
corollas air Lbws. Tepper • /er-
lwa \bit-roaltlry 4Wag a
rr.ataMq Iada.sry
Vienna. Do l0. -It 1. announced
het.- on lent -,[Metal authority from
C. oat antuuul 1, that the Sultan signed
lc day firman l..- .he admission
tie•,ugh the trent:,.- ea of the ad-
dlth.nal guot',l.hips demanded by the
p Metre.
Is arrow M M Trey.
e'onstanilnople, Ik'c. 10 -The Sul-
tan has lseued au traria• prt'tnittine
the extra guisr4 5 ps demanded by the
1.1..•11 rs t,. honer 10 Constantinople, and
thus. atter many delays and much
dIl•iuinaoy, Die vexatious question Is.
rt es
retiree. finally settled.
It le mated that the iodises sustain-
er by the missionaries at Marash by
the destruction of their property dur-
Ing the. rioting th. re amount to 1e(s)
Turkish pounds.
Ite•p.e.rts continue to arrive showing
that the pillaging and burning of Ai --
Medan villages In Anatelle., esleelally
In the Vllay, t of Van. Is going on as
the ugh the Sultan had issued no
orders to the authorities. to stop It.
ant despite lir official dep•laratlons that
mrd. r has been 'Teemed everywhere
�• • piing In Zeltount
and �Iiwry ria In�eased ering terribly
hllter cold that Is now prevailing In
that part of the eount -y. Large num-
twrs of them are wandering without
fee, and with scanty clothing un the
reetiet,elns seeking, to .soap.. form the
lerrds. who hunt them as though they
were wild !tenets. -
•wslMr sides,, Swats.
London, Lee. 10 -The Dally News
will to -morrow print a despatch from
Vienna saying that advices received
there from Constantinople state that
a new Cabinet eelela has arisen.
The despatch adds that several of
the European Foreign Ministers. in-
cluding Count G.•luchow•skl. the Attat-
rlan Minister of Foreign Affairs, es-
py/lured their sympathy with Said
Puha through the Embassies In Con-
stantinople. The dr•xpatc•h further
says that Mali Pasha took with him
to the British Embassy Important pa-
bers enmpromlaing members of the
Staten's suite.
Mewls Threasesa the MIIaa.
Cr nstantlnople. Dec. 10.-M. Nelldoff,
Ruea:&n Ambassador to Turkey, has
rent a communication to the Sultan,
informing His Majesty that his diplo-
matic, colleagues had resolved to In-
sist Moon the admission of addlttonal
guardshlps through the Dardanelles.
Ha also appealed to the Sultan In the
name of the Czar to take the matter
Int. meg( serious consideration. He
ielleved. he said. that should the Sul-
tan refuse to 'rant the necessary
pare rs the additional ships would be
retried to enter the Hellespont with-
out them.
Hold ramie. ('.udlt$N.
Union. 1i.'c 10 -The correspondent
of the United lees, In Constantinople
ti legraphs, under the date of Dec. 1.
that a report is being circulates by
palace of ielals that Said Pasha Is
crazy. and It Is also asserted upon
the lame authority that his brother
died Insane.
IYly Will tarry en tis war la Uymta/a
Wltb tiger.
Rome. Dee 11. -The Government will
ask In the Chamber of Deputies to-
day for a vote of credit of :.,000,000
lire for the purees.- of carrying on the
war in Abyssinia. A draft of 1000
troops will embark for Abyssinia to-
day and 10.0000 more will be despatched
within a few days.
The Government is in receipt of fur-
or advices from General itaratlert,
mmanding the Italian forces In Aby-
Inl& giving additional d, tails of the
urrounding of Major Tosselll and his
mmand by a large body of Ahyseln-
ns. resulting In the loss of about
• of Tosselll'a men. The Abyssinians,
ho were directed in part by Chiefs
as Mangasrla. Mikael and Ra Ma-
onnen. fought with great vigor and
for six hours. It Is reported that
e entire forte of the enemy was
mmanded by a Russian major, The
mmed-In Italians fought with ex-
treme de.p•ratlon- Fortunately before
the tight was over General Aromnndl
arrived upon the field with hie com-
mand and drove the Abyssinian% hack,
enabling the :;w. beleaguered Italians
who remained alive, to make their es-
cape. Three Ahysslnlan chief" and
three thousand of their followers were
killed or wounded.
General Raratieri has arrived at Adl-
grat and assumed command of the
Italian force.. He reports that the re-
verses sustained by the Italians
through the disaster to Major Tome
command ha" not prrdneed any
evil effect upon the melee 'midterm In
the Italian army or the native. pre -
wittingly favorable to Italian cnionlal
authority. i'p to Sunday. the advices
say, the enemy had not advanced.
A Reoarkahle Cure. -J. W. Jenni-
e -I.. Gilford -Spent between $200 and
SEA iu &insulting Doctors; tried Dixon's
and all other treatments but got no herm-
it One hos of Chase's Catarrh Corm
dud ma. more rood than all other rereads.'
le fret 1 consider myself cured, and with
a :fi cent Mot at that.
Now s prominent farmer gunship
lifted It.
A mortgage has been described as as Ph:
i,ccar r- to .nuustry, a hes'., mortgage, are
as a sure sign of ruin. The last is partici- Fo
laxly true, for if a mortgage is allowed to th
nim It will at up the farm 1a this con- he
section Mr. Henry Fowler, 01 Huroe A.
Mem Aar alsl•a•.
London. Dec 10.-A despatch from
Roane says that Gen. Baratleri. Gover-
nor of Erythrea. and commander of
the Italian troops. tries re gibed this
ening that fully 70.10* Abyeinlan,
ve Invaded the Tlgr" evtuntry and
besleging the Mak*Ile and Anatol.
rty thousand of the enemy ars In
e vicinity a Adowa Consequently
has ordered the Italian fort,, at
owa to fall back to Adlgrat, where
has only 1000 men.
write t " From my boyhood scrofula had
Marked me for a rico= and it seemed as
iI it d a life mortgage on my blood. 1
suffered fearfully with sores, and know -
`g rayconditisa I have remained a single
man. Doctor after doctor prescribed for
re, and finally a Toronto specialist told
me bluntly that my complaint was •
deep seated, incarabk, blood disease
Sarsaparilla 1 knew was a good blood
medicine, and 1 sent for a bottle of the
beat. Mr. Todd the dregjmet nt umMatt'• Sarsaparilla, and 1 have snitch to
k It has lifted my mortgage, for to -day
4 am free from those horrible sores. my
eyesicht is not blurred, my tongue is net
is►ry, and 1 have no Irritation. 1 look
"es Scott's Sarsaparilla as a marvellous
ghe'6ek.1 when it will car a life Wag
gnaw utime."
o smolt • ri=- •
pimples. running ewes, rhea
am and all diseases generated b'y
imss be is Use bleed are ear J
rout's Sarsaparilla. The Had that 'asks
ewes. :Zas
Qtly a t'aweN =
bettle by yaw dredgill.
NIS lit ems is spessist. I ery
Upon receipt of the foregoing de-
spatch the Government ordered that
the preparation for 'ending relnfor'oi.
menta to (len. Reratleri he pushed
forward with the greatest possible tee
,peatch. Work in making ready the
sending of additional men to Attici
wilt be carded on night And day. It
bus been decided that hotel troop. and
two batteries Mall depart Immediate.
lye Every available transport at the
dockyards has been ordered to be put
In „eeriness to dv,nvey troop'. Routs
warships will Accompany the rein -
forcemeat. to Hasowah, the capital
of the Italian oniony.
Th. Government decided this after -
Tenn to poetpone until neat Saturday
its request that the Chamber or Dar
potion vote • credit of 11*4nai lire, to
be expended In carrying on war opera-
tions in Abyssinia.
rasters rawws's L111111.0eaT.
Femme sea. m- . heleilleas Sated
Op maser mar
parkDae. l-CSSmerning the rwts-
1s drealatus ee an al eg,d alai
1. OMNI aha rellesatles se Pse.
•*dent Faure. The Figaro discloses the
er.•rut with the publ5•Ity of which IA*
President has teem threatened by his
It appear. that President Faure'•
father -In-law. M !tenure left home
four months atter his marriage. having
dissipated all his fortune, Including his
wife's duwry, which made him guilty
of breach of trust. It Idurt's daughter,
iernfter his disappearance. was
brought up by an uncle, M. Gulgr/ot.
When M. Four.- wanted to marry the
daughter of liriluet, the lady's rela-
tives Intermed him of what had occur-
red, where upon H. Faure declared that
h. would not allow an Innocent per-
son et suffer what had recurred before
her birth and married her. The Fi-
garo save the story furnlales a fur-
ther motive kit respecting and Moving
the person who ha• been attacked.
im'NTL 1. SHMStt NisitsIS-
Ile Mrwseara•. Lerwaa) . t'eleaa/sl aro
rereseetise retiree..
11.•11111, Deo. 1e.- Herr Richter, Radi-
cal, made a violent attack upon the
Padget In tee Itichatag to -day and
ease repeerally severe in his erlticlsme
of the demands of the tkivernment
[ e culenlal purposes and tbr ire-
:, 'icy with which expeditions for
coi.•i.lal agate,: tlizement, costing
Isere. mints Of ll. y. sere oreunlse I.
He then tatted z..tentlon to the new elect:, be said, media ..-
tas) tail marks Increased burden to the
Gamlen nutloulir felt convinced
Hist the Government sugar measures
litre not directed against Amrrtca,
ami expressed hie approval of the
statement mune by Heron 5larechall
Vol, b-leberstetrl. Minister of Foreign
AK:urs, yeaterday concerning the Wel
sltLatlin betw'e'en Germany and the
1 nited States.
' taut." he said. "If Germany should
Increase the bounty on sugar Am-
erica may increase the surtax. There -
fele. ubollsh the bounty. avold the sue -
tat and give the nation rheap sugar,"
In regard to the insurance question.
h.- fleeter. 4 that German companies
uere beginning to complain of the
new ordinances.. It would be better.
In his Pidgin. nt, to make the adminls-
truien of Insurance analrs, an Int -
Ix rea! and not a Prussian concern,
and at the same time reform the 'sys-
Ile was not satisfied. he sald. fMet
the twenty-fifth anniversary naw the
eutr' r.
teeter and treater than It was
at its foundation. "It Is the empire."
4r! de -eared, "that is Improverlshing
the people."
rust Ltt'1•L e I r stet'k •sew,
TING Twe1Nk •massa' LabtbI$Na la Pro-
greso at bars•*
Guelph, Ont.. Dec. 10. -The twelfth
annual pmvine:MI fat stork show open-
ed here to -day. Three thousand dol-
lars Io cash is to be dlstilbtted In
prizes, resides various trophies. A new
feature this year is the poultry show.
The whole rink and the new aside
lien of ate,ut C.uou square t et are all
filled with fat sheep, swine, cattle, live
and dressed poultry.
Promin, nt cattle men from various
resents are couspleuous exhibitors
again this year, ..n.• exhibition coming
from as far east as Compton, Que.
In dairy cattle reit many are shown,
this bring the first attempt In this C
class, but some notate. cows air pre- 1
sent, the most prominent b. Ing Lady
Bright. which won distinction for 0
Canada in the shorthorn class at the i
World's Fair.
In the evening a masa meeting was t
held in the city hall. the. Ilon. Jon
Dryden being eh -it -man. An address p
of welcome was made by James In- a
nes, M P . which was responded to by t
Mr. Andrew Patello of Woodstock- ' i
Prof. James Robertson made a stir- u
ring speech. bis text being "The Brit -
fah Trade as it arects Canada."
A very Interesting part of the
gram was a demonstration of econo- t
mlcal cooking of meat, by Miss Liv- be
Ingeton, superintendent of the Ottawa
School of Cooking.
And the Pecullar Position He
is Planed In.
Th. t'.nir iia 4A eaddealy M IM
Mrs .• U•w.ay erases eke came
ales Leae/r.' Iad.N►y r.dtrf
saw.... a rreat.N, hraseb
Varesist OS/aw• tears.
Ottawa, Dec. 10.--ConsWcrable specu-
lation was indulged In to -da) relative
to Hon. Clarke Wallace's action now
that the decision of the Manitoba Gov-
ernment on the school question le an-
nounc, d. Mr Wallace left suddenly
tor the west tart night and 1s under-
stood to be at his home at Woodbridge
to -night. The Premier was asked this
evening if there had been any chang51
with reference to lir N'alla.e',, posi-
tion in the Government and said there
war nothing new.
The statement Is siren made
by newspapers. who know not
of what th.-y apes it, that Sir
Charles Tupper Is coming to Canada
for the purpose. of accepting the Pre-
miership. Several days ago your cor-
respondent intimated, on the highest
authority, that there was no political
algnittcance to b• attached to the IlIgh
Commissioner'. vlait. He Is a oming out
at Sir Mackensle Howell's r. -quest to
consult the Government In reference to
the I'aelflc catle and the flat Atlantic
mem le'.
When the I'rcmter was spoken to
this afternoon he simply confirmed his
prevlou, etatemt•nta
"1 have already told you," said Bir
Mackenzie. "why Sir Charles la com-
ing her,. and my reasons for asking
him �j{o come, and 1 have no Intention
of ssying anything further on the taat-
ter, or -correcting any idle new.paper
reports that be circulated In con-
nection with his visit."
The Mlnieter of Marine received a
telegram to -day from the Collector of
Customs at Charlottetown. aeking If
he might clear the steamer Colla for
Barbado,-e. The vessel had Secured a
certlficat•• J engineer. but no assistant
engineer was procurable at that port.
The vessel Is a British steamer and
does not Dome under the Canadian act,
consequently the department does not
assume any responsibility.
Aecurding to reports which have
been received at the Fisheries Depart-
ment no discoloration of lobsters has
been noticed In this year. pack. This
year many complaints were received
from England of the blackened ap-
pearance of Canadian lobsters. One
Of the fishery inspectors say's that the
packers and de•alerx attribute the int-
prnvemeat thla year to use of the very
beat class of tin for the cans. The
ornmlasloner of Fisheries, however,
nein,• tol the belle( that the dlscolo-
ratun Is largely due to packing of the
sh during the hatching season. Some
Smooths ago the department gave per-
mission to use gelatine In the cans for
be purpose of preventing this dis-
coloration. which is due to excessive
hosphorus. The experiment has been
total failure, the sanitary authori-
lee of London having condemned
obeters. treated in this way, as being
:flu for food and deleterious to health.
Late last evening a telegram was
received here from Messrs. Farle &
Prk,r,tbe members for Victoria, asking
or the Government steamer Quadra to
sent in search of the China steam-
er Strathnevin, which is drifting about
in the Pacific with 200 souls on board.
Mr. Costlgan promptly gave order for
e vessel to be sent out.
Judge Malhiot gave Judgment to -day
In appeal of Charles Sklpworth, secre-
tary of Tennison Lodge (Hull) of the
Sc.nof England, against a Ane by the
magistrate at the Instance of C.
Rooker, an Insurance detective, for
alleged transacting of insurance busi-
ness without a Ilcense contrary to
the Dominion law regarding insurance
. ectetles. Judge Malhlot sustained
Skrpsorth's appeal, holding that the
!n.urance operations of Sons of Eng-
land do not come under the Dominion
Meetings of the North Lenart Farm-
ers' Institute will be held In Almonte
and Packenham to -morrow and Fri-
The Central Experimental Perm will
be represented by A. J. Gilbert, who
will deliver ,addresses on poultry as a
rapidly developing and Important
branch of agriculture. Mr. Gilbert has
been Invited to address a series of
meetings In New Rruaswick and Nova
Scotia during January and February
nest. Farmer, in this section are giv-
ing much more attention to their poul-
try a revenue producer.
MI?b ruesPml1 NTNERIA.
Mer. Raekwell Ilt.eslaed a. sae the Asa
Talwr Yrratasrne
Chicago, Dec. 10. -The deaths 01 Dr.
t • stock -well Mist. Hubbard, 17 -year-old ;atient.t. thoH
Park. were rep..rted 'o the Health De-
partment. Mise Hubbard was" taken
111 with diphtheria on Noe. 23. Dr.
Rnekwell persletentF'- declined to ase
Soil -toxin,' treatme,jt reel she diel
the rim day. A nue... employed In
the Hubbard family also contracted
the dieea,, and died. and teas seen
followed by re.
rime we
A STAIR RI lima, th
we L t Sheppard lad Asmielet.. Said
('oatrsayl,M ala r.rrha.e.
Toronto. Dec. I1 -There is a
well out cent tested rumor that
The Evening Star, on.- of thet'rightest afternoon Journals of Cana-
da, will shortly pistolfrom the poem's -
Rion of The Star Printing and Publish-
ing Company, into the hands of a
newspaper syndicate, headed by lir.
Edmund E. Seppard, the brilliant edi-
tor of TorontoSaturday Night, one nt
the hest -known of Ontario's thought
moulder". It war not possible to veri-
fy the rumor last night, Mr. W. J.
Gage. the reported principal sharehol-
der of the compnny, being out of the
city, while other intere,ted parties
were not (Reposed to discuss the mat-
ter for publlentinn.
Mr. Edmund E. Sheppard was seen
at his residence last night by a World
reporter, but would neither deny nor
affirm the report that he would shortly
become the proprietor of The Star. He
said that he had not. so far. bought
The Star, nor was any deal of the
kind "off." As to what he contem-
plated dolgg he remarked that he
would buy or trade anything there was
money In. for that was hi. business,.
Further than that he would not go.
"lf you printed the report you speck
of to -morrow morning I would be as
much surprised as would your read-
ers," he continued. "if i had money
enough i might buy The World, but
there is as mueb truth In the one story
as the other,"
"Will you say that there le not the
slightest likelihood of such a deal be-
ing con.ummated
i cannot say, nor can f imagine
where you got the information,"
"Can you give a more definite de-
nial r'
R k 11
" Aceortling to the HealthDepart-
Notwithstanding the failure of Mr, merit not a errs, of diphtheria wAlc•
Sheppard to verify the rumor that he
b about to branch out as the leading
spirit of a dally new.paper• The World
feels reasonably a.sured that the tran,,.
ter of The Star Ie not only in contem-
plation, but will he complet. d In a very
short time.
Their Treat e.n One em the apnea
Amar sail Ileatswed.
Whitby. Dec_ 14 -Th. Pickering in-
surance case w111 not be triad at the
County Court now In session here, be-
cause the Crown witnesses are not
ready. Alger. Brown and Hortop re-
newed their ball to appear at the As-
sizes next spring.
wailr.ed said lifts 1.10.6211.11110
Topeka, Kea, Deo. le. --At 1 o'clock
this afternoon the prop. sty of the At -
'Moon, Topeka A Rant. Fee Railroad
Company was sold at auction by Judg,.
J. D. Johnson, speelal Master le Chan-
cery. The only bid was one of 11110,006,-
101, made by Edward King of New
York, representing the re-organlaed
company, mad the property wall declar-
ed sold to him. Th. sale Was after-
wards oonermed by Judge Caldwell
Mel-Msaa111w (
Parts, Des. le.- The 54-sieta111e eon-
fereno• opened hers to -dal. es -Trim,
MItM.r Loabet pewylag. This wen -
In a kaastet was gena W elfe eery-
rsgghhQ•yja the Ft•saM RI-Mot.ltle
w y tlr de= will
as received the anti- t<.xtne treat,
men within the first 1'/ *touts, has
been lost. and 9t rer tient of the pa-
tlente Inoeulate•,1 with it t'. hour• after
the attack have recv,vered.
w/wnlpea (vete %on.....n.o.
Winalpeg, Dee. 10 -- The elf le nn.•tl-
natlona took place to -day. It X./On, barrister, 1, W. Poo.,. TM •ehnnt,
and C. It. Wilke', 'mete insert, w. r.
nominated for Mayor. Alders, n h. --
body In Ward 1 and Aid Andre. • in
Ward 2 were ela'ettd by a Oa •nnrl.i
There w111 be contexts 1:1 the other
four wards.
Lieut. Col. Roswell of the Ninetieth
has resigned. It 1s. prolate e• that .L1;. '
Ruttan .111 suer ed him.
waw .a roomier ►►Lea.. wrsraa..e_
Victoria, R.C., Dee. 10 -The Mlnwetx
from Honolulu to -lay twinge advle.•.
that the Hawr,lian Government cele-
brated Thenkaglving by rebate q•
R. Rickard and Th 'man Walk• r and
Ave native*, leaving only eight polite
ell prisoners in Ja11 The releavd men
admitted comrhelty and prayed for
ekmency. M, have (ulliek howler and
Na!or Seward, but tnauce'essfully at
5.410,4 earl,►, shoes. Osteal./r
Niagara. (vert., Den. 11,-Rtt
Tiagh e
,�iann, aged S. retired farmer cd
means. who Awa hoarded at's Ro-
tel here for the past 16
=Itt.d "ertelde In the hot.i stable, t►b
afternoon by shooting kia•.NL
same ma be,aargre d,
MAIM • Ni**&* KUM.
die) to mu orime, are thorty rale ah,r...ot boilerabe�a is P. tris aid Isar bs.dred sad "wis-
er ey Iv, is the dept,at., ".e to .very
,a *abitas u.
l k wi.►stu,. ed N. w Melina haemoteeemoteet • law, p...lsrt..r.,g the P. 1•• tis
f t .tele co
fast a.
the /.atrial ItaUwar rsatraet.r Said le
Nave atrKk Il lea&
Montreal, Deo. 10. --Mr. Dan Mann,
*'ready well known as a leading rail-
way tuntisctor, Is drained to b•rumie
the John W Mackay of British Colum-
bia Mr. F P Armstrong. mulag.•r
o1 the' I ppwr Columbia Nevlgatios
Cori pen), who arrh rd In the lie in -
d y told your correspondent tont the
..‘,..1 in Slut rotor, whit it was purcleas-
. 1 by Mr. Marin not lung ag'- for 140.`
utak ha.a d.•teioped Into a regular bon -
..os.:, and that nearly 1..•tao terns of
err will be shrine .1 mea. a, .Seco. .for.
1. Arutatruua thou vuml•.alrd ala. North
Star to the great Glucan Star of W,..t
Kootenay, for which $1,.:a.00.1 hate
t.e,•n refused bccaurr the owner says
he w111 make no less than ieeerter per
morale as soon as all the works are
completed in January neat. He de-
ncrlbes Mr. Manna property thud :
"Thr vein in its cropping, is freer
le to 12 feet wide. of ,olid ore or car-
bonates. The drift now being worked
is 1. feet blgh by 12 feet wide and of
this not more than ten per cent. is of
too poor a quality for shipment."
Mr. Armstrong says that this la Net
as promising as the Slocan Star, al-
hthough it has not reached the train,
state of development.
Mrs. Isabel Garrison Smith of The
Chicago Tribune, hew undertaken A
big Job, and she has started out in
the city of Montreal. Some time ago
this clever lady journalist from the
Windy City was a member of the Slav -
brick Liberation Committee, but this
was a fallure,and Mrs. Garrison Smith
has turned her active mind in another
direction. She is determined that a
Isca.ument shall be erected In the city
of Quebec in honor of the IU -fated
General Montgomery, of the American
army. The matter was agitated not
Sonat ago and Canadians generally
thought the last had been heard of
the scheme, but the other day Mrs.
Isabel Garrison Smith arrived at the
Windsor with deterntluation stamped
in every feature. She has secured the
nervier* of a lady here who has the
entree of Rideau Hall, and will also
interview Sir Mackenzie Howell on the
suhtect dear to her heart. It Is said,
/n fact. that Mrs. Isabel Garrison
Smith will not quit Canadian soli until
Lord Aberdeen and the Prime Minister
have been conquered. and Mrs. Clarke
Murray of this city will accompany
the petitioner to the eapital
Sara -Arks. rare-A.M, Isla**,
Pala.. *eseralstr ralsa.
Pala la My a/dr. err.
P••rstiy arue...i ..a t'o..t by
The "D. & L."
Menthol Plaster
nanag ora year a. a L ) .nt...l Pleas
b., !revere lam Is tart bark .•1 Sur mala 1
.55551....&, err mree. Mow a. a .lar,
aura air ra r.•w,.•dy la het. tart' alt ukr
melte-1 e.rk.thtotwkw... out
Prato Mir.
P`upri.i or.. IU. •eTl.AL.
"By a thorough knowledge of (he auteral
laws which cm ern the of digestion
and nut Mien . •tet by a weer 'pidtestfoaof
the tine nrnpires. of well -reeved Comma Mr.
Kpne es. nem Wed for nn. h eakfast eon .i.•.
per s 4.•1•,:rtnly I* i our.,d u verage li b i••It m t)
este u. many heavy deer .,}}eeww'bills 1: isle tie
Jude -tom u.e of such a.tiaelee of diet that soon
steel on may he gradually built up u&til strong
enough to resist ever) tewteicy to disease.
Hundreds of eubole maladie, are nestles
around us read to attack a herever then is a
weak point W e may ,,mate, many a fatal
shah by keeping ourwetvee well fortified with
pure blood and a properly nourished frame. --
C ir.I Serer,, Gazette.
!lade simply with belling water or milk.
Sold only in oacketa,'by Bracers. labelled tbgs :
JAlaa EPPS It Co, Ltd., w•asw+pai►k
1 hrrlei.. Landes. tagtaed.
one door from the corner of the
Square, and it will pay you to find
that door. I've made a purchase
of really made Clothing from one
of the largest manufacturers in
Canada, at o71,' third levo than the
reaul..r price. This is the time of
year clothing is wanted, and the
pricey that are market* on these
goods will snake thein fairly fly
out of the door. Here goes for a
few prices, and I want you to cut
this advertisement out bring it
with you and see whether the
gods are here awl the prices are
I've a nice asasortment of depend-
able Clothing and quality has not
been lost sight of for price
Iloy's 2 poen.. sane, erect at h 73 bet
ter .saw, at T2. iCL 26, u p w j3 50.
*i. y • 3 pose, mai, a. price start S3 4S,
better ens-, $3.75 M sod $6.
This is not trash. It's reliable,
wearable clothing.
b 50 will hay an all wool Frieze *'later
with raised watts, storm collar, 54
inches loag, warm Bails. This coal
is • el.aksr Reuss seas fie
111.25 have a good heavy Tweed Pasta,
with proper trowimiare sod sewfag.
$6 will flay sa all wool doable breast -
.d maws spit mate up is proper sty 1.,
'not trimming., Ort Maas woo km••-
ship. sad it weak he good vale. at
$7 lay. as .11 wee* Tweed wit, made
e p dnwhle brewed oceith'mitre heavy,
liniegs, neat parse Th. whole-
sale prior .1 th.. swot who $7 30, its
as rand so say $10 wit i• (iod.r,ob,
Sb will bet yoga an imported Mark
Kerr* suit, wises, wsight, fa.t ely.,
the *)sat is d.ahla b, fall
"mirk, with extra mma. li,ioge.
TIM i. • wit that is .h. regular
way she.ld h. add for $14 R•eht
dollars n say prise AU .,ser M 42_
hp 60 1. the pries at a pair .t' entre
limey, all wool pasta Il: is what
they Hue w.rtk.
Oome in whether you are ready to
bay or not Look freely 's
all gN painted. Will be mutu-
ally dal.
Positively Cu. --s
In sure/tete •hurt -ir.r. 11 a .a v
ertllit caberee. ui.:.e elle... 1... *... . broad a isa •Secs.,
W. C. MCCualat a A
Your i•
seen !a a elegem !r.4 1'..-t• , M •..4 nM
1 6..'0 ..• clone. . a
W. i 46.41. WI" r...
1..•• .. 4 aw aw.1 . 0..14.1,41841•1' 44
a •.a w. N4 ylt,
}t. j. N. Itrrvv. .kes;q„
aril l o.r'. ,- -•-• rite ad. .
...a/1m,, 4,* :u ,r' .
h.«ear L . a. +it ww.h.. .... ..-:. :.
Ili oar .. tee. awillwis i r all . •: , '
paw* e•1.• 'w, ' '.y, r .IN •• n
.a w �s,,... • y ,
, 1 . . , .
, ,,,..,.
.w Iasi..
•.r. r.Q,,.i• elle •
air 1. • ... ,•:.'a. , -a. • ..... ...�
••.*W ...d'. 5s. s w
t:n'se r.•u ... Ci rlq•
DAVIS & ' - s(- a 0.
Driving Nails
l II
and driving bargains are • rood deal
•like, one waata to know where to striae.
We are giving great bargains. In
Our prices arc away down.
mosso ter a .d good..
next A. S. C(►R N ELL'S
The undersigned respectfully an-
nounces to the resi,lents of
Goderich an,l &dja.ent town-
ships, that he has opened out
its above with a new stock of
choice gr'ocer'ies, which for :ow-
ner of prsce and excellent
quality, cannot be excelled.
Call and ass me. Terns cash.
A. S. C H RY STA L,,
9eaeesserte Carpe rat ! gild,*
aa•eutactpror et all kinds of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pause, Sheet Iron
Work,, etc., etc„
And Dealer Is-
F.agiaea, Msobisery Casting', he.
All wises of Pipes and I'tpe Fittialps.
Steam sad Water Genres, Gleba Valvas,
Cheek Valves, iaapiraton, Eisetere and Ia-
Prio.. Csastsasiy os. Read at Lewes*
A Ilea of Steel Water and Hog
for use of farmers sad others.
Revelries promptly aiteiaded to.
A. S. 012i1TAL.
X17 P. 0. Ilea Si. ood.rled.Oat.
twill C. T. R. Mating Chassis&
f .
M ITS. Tull Seya�ls gllfl OPTIMISTS
�We'' » �"bnARll: flrl;4Ar"
Ise 4e i�•gaaa the U. Sis . pashat (J►
Neeseee et
N D L O* D ser/19. s
r w t I UJrLJyI � az
poirOsMNara the w11
p _1v a�I t•
t. t>eeaa� �r
=LLift M t v wrlbrl. 0f • yeva
misesus Uteri, t
0 Q.