The Signal, 1895-12-19, Page 6AYER'S Hair ViGOR beater.s natural color to Lite h.tr, and shoo prevent. It out. Kee. H. W Feawlck, al Dlfds. N. •, says: "A little more than two )ears o my hair began to turn gra and fall out. Af. ter the use of ono Mottle of .1yer's Hair Vigor m hair was restored to its original color and teased failing out. An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition."—Mrs. H. F. FartwICK. Digmy, :t, S. Growth of Hair. "Eightoias ago. 1 hail thevarin. Ioid, and lost my hair. which prey'. ously was quite abundant. 1 tried a variety ofrreparatteahs, but with. out beneficial result. till 1 began to fear 1 should be permanently halo. About silt months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor, and I began at once to use it. In a short time, new hair began to appear. and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth of h;ur as before my Illness." — Mr+..t. Wrath, I'olymnia bt., New Orleau3, I.a. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR to ay M. J.C. ATEA i CO., LONELL. MASS.. U.S. A. dyer's P111. cure Melt Headache. 01' I N''P:I►EsT To W81tt\. 'Irises I.. Pales. .\ grew' ertlety ..t ao.i.ctts. and Ines pensnr tat .s for sole at fairs can la easily f.sht••n.d cut of he..y astereolnr piper. ( slrun'ere nod blu;tr:a, m .Ic end p:r•ure folios, photograph erre• and pictute Ir•mes m well e. M tr paper and pt.tal :•end emote. ate •mueg tl.e chanty Mit! charmaig !hung* that • 11' tie taste •.aid and. unity con ChD trite. i f course, . It1.le .4 4I au the use of water rotors, eo that gr•ertul 11,wer sprays can tie punted, call. be a great a.•vant..ge; but much awn we..c.:r•n.pL►hid with a fres use of gilding end soireord ribbon. Beware of Wright reds,. avid tAues,.n.1 crude greens, the days ,.f thew hate goer b.. A ch.rm- tng blotter, woe fi. testae Ischii. has rough torn —leer, t.h.ch are dwply epi.th- ..1 ..revile with gild iu�, arid dinw sell, from lower Ielt head corner to upper right) hand is lett.•re.i atone suitable motto, as : "tl ritteo .bought+ are it. nog thing*. t'.. dernesth lb,. tse.eu line, or four *beet* of blotting paper, 1. rug silt together with a generous i.ow of old rose nbl on, tautened is our .•orner. lar' oretty uewes for ho•tery . hoes, glove. and b.hdkerchiete, are made of tit.« Innen or pongee, etched with ample de.igoa in blue and ♦hue, copied from old chine plater. SM'LED LOST HER TEETH. w♦re e., raid r.r sail hew the s)es11N &.i. l beni •seh. When Beardsley, the ueutwt, melt Mrs. Jsnkiss, of 'tr.tford, a ser of Isles teeth, she put them us, meed she would wear them a while, tad, if they needed no changes, would pay him That uses •ti.e years ago. Beardsley has moot her trr.yueet bills, but nothing hu ever of it. Today Beard - . Ir' met Mts..Ienkius face to face to the Main shopping .tre••t. "1 •ood morning, mead he. "When are you going to pay not for the teeth! 1 see you have them to. "1 it', very soon. mid Mrs .leukins, with an uneasy mmdr. ''Hut 1 resit» ought not to pat you, the% hurt me M. ' "V% hat te it'asked Mr Beardsley with interest. coming vert bear ag of to look, Mr. .Io„kin •.mllei .aid •hght,y opeosd her mouth. The dootor thrust his finger into it and jetkod the teeth out. Then he held them up and shook them Ila her loos. People in the street stopped and the hill. boys began to leer Besrdeky drooped the teeth into hie pocket, lifted his hat and walked ltw.y. Mrs •Ieokttie clapped her hesdk.rohief to her pluodered mouth and boarded • trolley. A BONNY BRIDE. •dlila ■eekerellea sat seestlrwl, Mt Coed. Naw Yenta, Nov. V. - Mts. Edith Rook *feller was married to Harold S. Mo4'or• mnok, in the latter'. apartment., in the ltuoktaghsm Hotel, at 22.30 o'clock y..Mer day. The spsrtme•ta were beautifully dwoorst ed with pink and whit* chrysanthemums, plaond against a b.ckgro.sd of pales. The bridal oo.ple stood watbu • wuhho.e of white Mlles mod orchids, beneath • wedding hell of the mute down. The guests were **Deposed oetty of the immediate bleeds of the head* and groom Mr. McCormick's mother, Mrs. C. H. M0;ersntck; bus brothers, C. H MoCor selell and Ntaal.y McCormick; Mrs. Em mw Moon, and h'• oee•one, the Mimes Mary and Henrietta Mo('oreitck, el Ce1- sege, were prosiest .t the ceremony, beside. MOO R.ekelell•r family. Mie. ALa Rook* Itsll.r, meter of the Arlie, wee maid of hoe er, amid the (oil .wing wars the bridesmaids, Mina Oared. Mel:orenick, Mita Geld well, Mir Seett, Mir Grant Nesta sad Mies Scott sad Mise Frances Adams *outlay Noon wee Ow beet my The following were 1M emblem : John 1). R.ok.lelier, jus•, T Har. rosy. V'aase McCermiek, Gerard Herrick, Seward (.lby, Jane Blau amid Joao, Otis The R.., W H 1) esus.., el nye Falk Anse* N.pt.t .harsh, tweeted by Rev Dr. Jobe Rall, of Una ri('th at.s.. Free- hysert.a °keret, Melamed the serew..y. ltsmedi.k.ly atter 1be av*m.wy. the beide est the asks and dt.trtb.tell It le hew wars 'I amoto trail.& wto rw.to.erl u the Sasbiie11M ..seise, 4 Watt r.fab l.nres where they were ra..tvsd by Mr. II mid is 1<enkduflsr,.s behalf e1 Me erect r.,^'. ansa .... .•- .:..: . ...:. __.... e ;. THE 'SIGNAL : GODERICH, ()NT., THTTRSDAY. DEC. 19, 1,994 1 and bride, tied where the wallas hematite* sea served t'he bride and groom remained at tine hotel. The osreu,uoy uses perlerm.d of Mr. Mo• Coronet • apartment. beean.e he had bees euaens« from • cold sad plettri.y, and the doctor would sot allow him to leave the hew.e. sow IT YAr►n!Ii1,. lomat( McCormick stet Mu. Rockefeller whipe eaudying at Yritwetuo. and .11 a lees with her largely because .t that trine oho was .*.dung 1,000 l limbless presesteto the poor. M bee be proposed to ►sr, Ro.ha leiter said be weelda't five the gut over 1,011'1,000, but McCormick sed he dtda t ogre if he gave ger notbwg. Tlla .. Harold McCormick is the 'son d a Dell mad. Deno. His father, (')rue, invested a patent reaper, sad wbim he:died in 1884, left 'Clue button. HM .ose have been oar • rywg on the bu.ts.r war Moos. Obs of liar. 1.1 • .caters m.rrted Kamloops Hiatus, w ho died eev.rsl years .go. Harold, u come le (100.000 • tear. He u 26 yeah of age TUE 551141L Mu. 1:41111 Rookefeller is the t ouDgest daughter of her lather, who is the head ot the Standard Oil Trust. Once he w... poor bookkeeper. Tods, be is worth something over $130,0(10,000, sod is .till molting money •1 . marvellous rate. Mw Rockefeller is twenty four year. of agc. She wuuld hardly be called handsome or even pretty. She u rather short of stature, not being much over tit• feet to height. She u • blonde, but Dot of • de- cided type. Fur • young woman with .o much money at her command as .hs bas, her Judas .re w oodertully yowl. For fa.b:ooable society .be does not care at all. Although she hae lived in • mansion near F.rth avenue fur several years .he Is elnloet unknow■ to New York, Before the announcement of her es gsgemeit, her name was rarely see to the n ewspaper,. M. 11 IN i.01,1. I'Kalw. � .ii. was not tmtroduced to sciety with • blare of trumpets. la fact, society never mar her- at a11. While ('oo.uetlo Vaeder• bill sod Anse l.ould were "brought out,' Edith Rockefeller was busying herself hunt - tog up poor tomato' and planning to be Dome • mi..toearc to foreign countries. The Rockefeller. motet well Ire to a ,n..uaion as big aid conspicuous as any of thew owned by the Anton and the Vanderb.lt.,but their home a not even on that avenue or l'rsoe- •us.e, The tour- .tory house which they lays In i. the Doe which ww built by C. 1'. Huntington. It as furnished an m.gni- ficiest, bur:not showy style. The routine of life an Lbe Rockefeller leinily fa extremely exacr. Mise Edith allows nothing to interfere with her hospital tour. She hos • regular route, and goes •bout distributing flower, nod del.c.clee to the sufferers, In.nv of whom never know who u ;the behef.ctreer. She spends thousanda in shopping, but a very .mall traction of her money goes for luxuries for herself. rill I:hu.a. •I•Tsio,. The Rockefeller girls are Dever seen in the opera trot. They go to the opera oc- casionally, for they both are tine commune, and saturant are lovers of music; but thes are coutented with a seat in the rt. -chasers mrclr,where they may hear and see without burg seen. they never stt.od any of ill.' such bell., reveptlooe, or any other tmhioo• able fuuouous. They do not dance, sod they here no tastes for fashion/0.1e crowd.. They are unknown )o the 400. Both ot the girls teach amen in the Sunday Schools. Mrs. Rockefeller and Mr. Itockeleller also Leash closers. Thew Sunday school tesch- ere are favored, Indeed. They are often eh tensioned in the Ro.lefeller m.nanon, and have merry times there. Mise Edith ear converse almost as well in French and Car man as she fro in English, sad she knees • good deal of Spanish and Itslien. She eve° learned the .lapaoe.e I•ogu.ge when she wee prepsrtw for the missionary work she intended to do. She understood. how to manses the aunt of • big house, and can read Horses in the origin•1. Her musical educsttoi'u very thorough, end she is • retnark.bly Ane perf..rmer us the violnoel- lo. H.•r leasing home to become • wife will brisk up the .omewhst famous home or - chests, which was a source of great pleas- ure to her father. John i). play. :he first violin. hu manned daughter, Mrs. Strong, P lays the .seed ',polio when she is at bon.e, Edith place the 'cello, and Mitt the piano a. senator', "rosier. Edith has not neglected her body while training her mtsd. She is an expert swim- mer. can ride • spirited horse, delights is • k.tice, and rides • bieyele a great deal. Altogether, .he is quite an stheletto young womso. Mr. Mc('ormick and his Ands will take a wedding trap of four moothe,sod F.gypt will be on• ot that oeootriso where they will spend the most Mme When they will return they will go to Council Bluff, I.. There they will make their holne,ud Mr. McCormick will become a partner with his brothers is the great business. of the McCormick Reaper Coes. pony, which was built up by his father. TEMPERANCE. Some English hotels ere beginning to hang up • ticket "Visitors sot takieg wise will be charged two shillings • day e xtra," whish warns pretty hard os the tee- totaler. Moven et tbe twenty -at saloons is K.- rokn, ind , baro d.ctded to ohne, as they ... Do pro.peet of making mosey, 011ie* to the stringency of the remedy enacted laws. la Londan there are no lees then thirty whiskey dealers who make nae of the royal arse. on their labels and trade masks They haw* been appointed "purveyors te the tfwes ,. The Temperance ('hrneicle says • "(Hing to M. increase of drunk's... in Jerusalem, Hie Church Missionary Society Ica dwu led to mart s special temp.raoos mtaiou is tae Holy City This Moline, 411 , Heard of Education has passed an order •uepwawl.g all pupils of the p.Mic snhnols found Dees tnfenere or mgu .tree, or hsnsg them in thou powwows' N the school property k tt•blld rend e/ tessera M (Snot's Steel mese. " My six -year-old daughter, Bell., was sle.ol'd with ,►soros for 24 month., the principal ..at of eruption being behind her wan 1 lned simnel every .rmwdy i mw .d..rtted, bnueht innumerable medi- cines and serape, and tarok the child to medtesl specialists to akin dieeesm, het w ithout result The doctor advised the see .A Chtaa'. 1 hutment, and Maes ening the sreptn.n ►.a all deepp..e.d, ttsi i rasa .°widest) Der my tdold i. owns. (Secs) MAEwau. Jou aei a r, 112 rise -Kt. '11ersMle. Freshet, the great promoter of the kin- dergarten isdergarten system of teaching children said: I,rt parents m4 live tier their children. but wart* then." The mother who understands thi% sentiment lives with, even her unborn child. She studies to be wise about herself and the little Mfe shell foaering She does all she can to give her child a fair start is life, by giving it a strong writ developed body. All through babyhood, childhood and youth abs lives with her sou or her daughter. Especially her daughter she will keep near her She will allow no false modesty to .rand in the way of that dau4h ter's knowledge of herself. of her poseibdi ties. of her perils. She will teach her that happy, healthful motherhood is an honor. • blessing. That sickness is a mistake. a breaking of nature's law. But there are times of unavoidable overdoing when the system becomes run down For over thirty yeas I)r. Pierce has used his "Favorite Prescription" as • strength eater. a purifier, a regulator It works directly upon the delicate, distinctly femi- nine organs, in a natural. soothing way. It searches out the weak spots, and build: them up. It is beneficial in any state of the system. A woman who would understand herself will find an able assistant by send ing ti cents to the World's Dispensary Medical Asorciation. Buffalo, K. V., for Irr Pierce's common Sense Medical Adviser. It is a book that has reached its Moth tbou- sand. It contains in its I..o( page% an im- mense •tore Of information in plain words that any person will readily undentasd. Mi. 0 G. Seems. n( seed Beak, Omer, (b., New Fork. testifies is thin wise "our first child was torn before my wife was sixteen rests old 1Afterward her heahh was very poor. she tried Dr I•irrre'. Favorite Prescription. she gained tesla and .trengeh by mean two bottles Daring the Iris few weeks of her inroad preg- usec. -he again used the' Prescription " Her a.afinemrat ens • rapid and mayors*. sod aka got op strong and well.•. Coal. Coal. The undertiimed begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLIITT'S WOODYARD, where he will keep on hand the Bent Qualities of Lehih Valley Co!I which will be deliverc.l promptly, at Lowest Mlaket Prices. D. C. STRACHAN. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We goarantee ikdd's Kidney Pills to' ..or an, ane 01 h+.ppht's Disease. Ihabetes, i.uu.t ago 1)fo,rsv Nht•umatism. Heart Disease. F•malr (roubles. Iri.p.re Blood or Money ire Ion fed, 'old by all deal rs in medlcme, ..t by it a,I oe receipt of :.eke. y«. per hos. or See besn gs.y DP O. A. SMITH • CO. Toronto. ,URE CONSTIPATION. i`BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA. --z ICK YSPEPSIA.- ICK HEADACHE. EGULATETHE UV ONE P1 LL AFTER CATINS INSURES 0000 DIGESTION. PRICE 2S CTS.TDtDODDS Co LI Hello! The Old Reliable Shill 01 Decl. TME BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL the (1ea•eet (dal ever sold is We market AM Onal weighed es the Market A..l.., M tksl wee're sore yes nes eater weight Orders left at HARPILR a Liars rooafr'Vy s4 sndsd bo • �M. LEE. BEST FOR �pY EY&YbA'Y The Shoe that's envied ! (>r A good shoe is a good friend—to the man who wears it—to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe is a bad enemy to the dealer who can't get the right ,to sell it, and cares not tell his customers so. We are sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for men", that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other, shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, "on the quiet," a few individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again— they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers, so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock. so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $5 per pair. Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's envied like this ? Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them to you. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Cor. East at and Square, Goderich, IF YOU WANT s* ata of First-class Make, e A WINTER SUIT i Good Material and Latest Styles, —('ALL l; HUGH DURLOP. line Wre-et. (WSW* ilext N Moak of res/oral PLANING MILL. (tT*ILI$NEO IIM Ellclillus & Rheas u•sraW 0yVnrm BASH, DOOR and BLIND 1)s.Nn t* all Mods et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builders I.a•teriel et every dmertpq.. School Furniture a Specialty. Patronise True Competition ksf r 54 » ar no • sahslssurvive wffh Mr awl les m.s.ttw st semRa In li lt lereewarrr belrm egrloelglee ad 1. .... re chess et Ness own wire le liege. asw 5Nh N Il�s era daeMs re legreekieI lis4 eNelark S sae er3Illa Ulleln wYse al Oe�istls end ttK (1* M IL ' S.•mus CHANGE "F BUSINESS. Hsvuig bought tMssttre bust°•' of kir. JOHN HILLIER, Kingston-,t,0edench, we Intl tie prepared on sad altos Saturday, Nov. 23rd. 1896, to give Imme n se Bargains in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. FLOUR and FEED, CROCKERY •n'I• GLASSWARE, ETC , ilT(' W. taus also decided to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, believtog it to be to the bast interests abke of buyer mod welter. We oordislly solicit the pmtros.ge of .11 tl.e old customers, and se many new oats as possible. Coen. and nee the eub.tantt.I reduet,oae we mink• oe nor goods. A huge stock ot good dry oordwood,dellvered at an part of tows for $3 Z� per cord N• .re.ble to sell ehe.p, twosome we h.y. bought Mr. Hillier'. well-•a.orted .neck •t. good dimmest, and likewise by n,usgtog the business es • owe bales. /rend. deli *red prompt Iy and cent ully. Produce taken .. c.ah. Remember the date, Seiterd.y. Nov 23rd. R. II_ 0 -Cr -XT. POTMAHOFF TEA We This new blend of tea for family use is now on sale at our store. have also the finest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE and keep on hand full linen of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruit* and Vegetable's. STURDY BROS The Grocers, on the Square. • TBOROLD CEMENT or WATER LIQ. AND $1.25 PER BBL. ZCOTII FIRE ERICK *4 PER 100• AT R. W. KENtiIE'S OHPA P lasanwAns tales 8U HD! NNW STOCK 01 GUM)_ssoll