The Signal, 1895-12-19, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODSRICH. ONT. THURSDAY DEC. 19. 1895. 04111111101.7. 1IOHOLOX L,D.L-DIPTAL Mem Wil,104 Om of ... cap e`..... E. RICHARDSON, I. D. S„ leseed i e.w de.det. Geo sad Mlalined air ler painless e=haeting of saam. e1w. t �o41► over t 11Y MT M. TURNBULL, D.D S.. LD.B.- edel Ssing tLately esseelaW with Medea hr. epees. efMIe.IwL Geld paen tis, artillelalMeth eea.4d w weld or alum - Mani � stpsp{alaiteatiee et .as o1 the natural teeth OSeto Ms's new block. 11316 if M. 1oaL DR. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN, SUR 11e�a, t0�M o. o.•- MoLean's Meek. Meat esi�1. rttR>•t ad e, from !s•ItW ssnks.ae ■sial tile (D�11. J. HAMILTON, VETERINARY m1ie s�Hos,��o.eena�� grad nate of Oman° Veterinary Oeliaaw rereste. Registered member of On Tarlo _ V oterlaary Medical Aweelatto.. Oahe //ssoomseptlll •needed at all hours. day or eight. nomlitus street Op 'sitolhoes• 12arrIase L1oen.M. VYLAN& WiUKR of MARRIAGE . L1se.es.. o.d rtob. uses IMO CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLI 1.1 Muir. ;Coo veyaaoer, to UAse-nor. HMaa mid tit. Aid/ow-out. elm to as ty EKNEST HEATON - BARRISTER, tts1eit.r, Notary Palate. Aca.oe•s B1•ok. West eteeet. 116w ly A.J. CAMPION-BARRISTER, SOLICI- ter. Ntrtary, .OM.e ewer MadlfW Hall, *mere. Ju. JOHNSTON, BARKINTER, 80- tidier. oemmiedetes, err.. Mose, to lora, (Mose : osr. Hamilton and M. An- drew's -Mu Osd.rleb.Otet. 111 1 OPTU8 E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, LA /Mtoitor. Coevgawoer. kc.. etc. Money to lop at Iowan mama Hertee's Meek. Op- enby Contents lgstel. OMarlal \. Oat. 111i41 EN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PRt.O- . tee la MaritH a O..rt. of pater,• OMo.--5.sth CsDar.a Gam. fli Ab0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- l. OH, ac. O.as North et., met deer atemet Mee. MMe.t& funds to Mad at lowest raw of later est. SW* !Y ARROW A PROCDIOOT, BAR. NA rimers. Attorne�ysa7.t oes. . tLc., Oode Mob. J. T. Darrow, civ.. Proadtoot. !`IAMERJN, HOLT & HoLME., Barrieters, t olieltore la Cbbeoory Lo. asd•elob. 111. C. C..erss. Q. ; P. labii ; Datilie Holmes. G. WARD, OONVEYANOER, J. Iia. and eumatieieser ter teklag and re - sieving reecltsinanoas of hall. .a4., 1e a &Millet -Wee d•puetttuoa or mama decima- l/ma la or oosoeratuargg say .disc, suit or pre. median in the High Court of Justice, the Oman of Appeal for t.M%arm, sr la any Comity sr (Aviation Court. All imam lime m.vsfulty .red promptly axeeuted. 14etds.'..ad P.0. address-1)ua.as.o. O.1. 1116-tt Itoaa i Ina i■wlranne. EOSIN TO LOAN. - 050,000.00 Mutes PHstft t• lead t►t l$ per cwt. an esrK,. 11. a. CIWZRON, Herman block. sissies 0sIbe.. Merea. Qod.rlek. Mir I PRIVATE FUNDS - PARTIES DE- ! drew of obtaining maw, es grtteless farm s.rity can do so us1 per cast o tidies e,. tiii Ua. A. McIIONautl Koos, 111 1f rs.- i.p. Ter.oato, armee' I SEAGEK, CONVEYANCING AND er !asuMlles. optwdt.:l brilea Hosol Ood %I ON KY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE J.11filtof tel Hmat. Notes discounted. C. rich.BRAOopposite Marna. Mo. Yoder 1,4` J. T. N AFTIL, FIRE, LIFE AND L aesideat I.raos agent ; Of levee. tateY ,- O0•s-Oar..orth-m. sod aquaria Yod- eeio► 1t- ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO w M OA1RON HOLT t HOLMES,vim e - MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R(1 alone Of Private rands tsr Iovs.meet &Slowest rates w lest-eh.e Yaryup.. Apply . HARROWS PROUDIO(YI' RRADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN - useless. Real Rotate ..d Mos.) Leming AtimiL Hely first -oboe eompeat,. re/repeated. Mosey to Leed o. .rNgbt Issas, et ' he lowest rate of Interestsy 1s r way to sea t►a oorrower. p. .ad leer frees B1..re. West atresl Q.d.. fasehaa1alle IldBafiiYit,. t 0DEILICH MH0HANIOS' INBTI ROOM, TIoc id MOR, AND IND Nas. .sir. a< east street and Oren tram 1 to M r.*. • sed from t M Meat. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Les4.ng JodPapersMsy,,aeWeekly ..ed IUidd rdi. utss etc. ow NUM BRIM HIP TICLrT, ONLY "Lek Matteis tree one of lltrsry .N- Roma 1AAbppB5.tlmirwreeve reeve noshed b .1. H, OOLSOMMJft. H. HAMILTON. I.luw.rls.. areeleb Utb WEL THOMAS GONDA?, AUUOOTTg1OhN, =ER esi Assets Lathes sts�...iime FYts ! �` Ind Oen Di..1.1 els' fan Oa Hems at. MMM ala say ears •t the corr. ply JOHN KNOX, GEISERAL ACC At paw W Laid Valuator. Q•d.le\. the setas vats Aad ee..lder. W ezewieeee r ane.setwaslia Stade \. ti Ie a peglllsa to asm\.rs. with t 1 esNmAdise sp eem wilele.e armor Is Wes. erisire 1.tt et 0.... Hotel. sr Gest *awl es adtrioN aj eemet Assailer tawal~ idefttH sv ,sane. a Meter Girt. His 'rioted' wee surprised to gad him get- ting bis dieser hen amid there •eosg tete restaerant., jests be used so de. "Wife out of Mete r T-- es ; not exactly, though It wo.Id its pretty hard is tell jest where .be ea - "What's the matt., .0 mast, for there was a HUM more thee 1ho suspietw of • sink it bis ter. "N.t►ty : Sethi.e at all " "Tr eegbl M late to your wheel arra 1?tereiss snore as the eye. air"- • Ceatehd the wirer 1 Me wife's oat se •y wheel now, eomswh..s Yea km"' 1 m.rrled • brayer girt. 1 aterted m/ wife es• th r hist Ws Sevely, ern w Y the rsesssW outdraw of Now • We la 011.ir.l Poch V she emits meraisol. wadi woe loamy happy evedmiBe • R'verse& Drive" eel Mw" - "Kew IM draereMM, yore know. 1 b'as't 1151• so . meeers oboes the ee05W7 Int Asv, ..d the asem es the wbe.L W. lava whe•l% and ease r is the step err 'f �• top she hes the Wave. Aad r. m•!� • arena ale fit my read►-ehmil•• I 11111 OD HEARTY AT 70 WHAT '• FATHER " 'MULL THINKS OF A POPULAR KKMEDI'. serration rtr0 vesture Yams Y11•00 alga* TauO 11Lmie-ai• uMMTOS Alli are 01ti/t7 DMar DEAD .T •MT 00001,-T.LLa now a0 OV1W *5e Tara Tao(*Lgl.. Them The Ingersoll Chronicle. That • suud mind iu a sound body 1 one of the bet end greatest trite of a kud Providence 00 one will dent Ma, klud au alleges hove sought to obtua the elaaer of tile, bate busted for some means of pro lo.gleg health, visor and vitality -ha.• to fact hoped Ulm they mtgnt find Some blithe wise Or bright tibia peerless they o'uld driik Aad w become immortal But while man tan hardly hope to attain t►ae coveted pose this side of the eters.! world, yet it is evident to .11 who gave the eghleot any doaetder•tten, that modern eo'eoee,.ktli and eiuoettno in the tteet.me'd of the Ills that flesh is heir to, have worked weeders to restoring :he human body to Oar ortgiwl "form divine," and in relieving mase suffeier. from untold misery, mento.$ them beak to he,.l'h and h.ppiuosa,.od (iv tog them • feel 0t that uta .• indeed worth hying. A c•..o s pipet as our own sows, \ovug reached the .ars of a repot-er of The C hrmtcle, tic' lie r be detern.0 ed to sated, hie cors.etty b, ceiling oa the party who hod b•1 inch • happy expense«. end min. - top', e air.upas for himself He called at the boot .ud "HgaNv al Work, shoe shop of John Toad, King street wes and on entering the building the repot found "F. her Total!," .s be is familiar bow a an town, busily at woe k on pair t, ter l y - of thus for one ..t his many customers, at the same tome humming over to himself the tone of a cneruhed byesn. for by the way, in ba Younger data Mr. Toull was coost.ter- ed a good local preacher autos* the ble'ho dime of thus section .ad fre.IneaUy filled the pulpits of some of our local churches to the pastor's sheen., and he stall loves to sine, preach or expos ulate on some scripture theme or favors:• hymn. The reporter wee cordtaily nosiest', and ou maims known his bu.uuess, the old mens c'wotebance brtghtesed and bop eyes sparkled with de- light. It was interesting to note the fer- vency with which be volunteered. as he mid for the make el humanity, to tell what he could of hop Dame, end we will let it be bold In his own words. He maid : ••Fur twenty veers I was subject to heart trouble clad could stet so relief, •Itho•gb I trued al - Most everything th.t kind trieods recom 'needed to me. My leanly physician would 1ome'm.em give me some medicine the,. wool I help m. for 1 short time, but without permanent tusu•it. He told me I might drop dead, on many occasions. 1 had he.t'd of Dr. k fills when they fret Meese o0' but I hod deed so many remedies that 1 just shout tet faith in everything of that kind. and had become resigned to my fats. However, I t•.me in contact with so many- that had used Pink felts, and who es *uteri me th.t they had been benefitted tY their u.e, that at Tut 1 decided to give them a trial also, and .ev- ersl veers ego 1 commenced taking them. I o>ntitfe.d their use until 1 had taken eight bores, and I am now happy to say that I have never had • symptom of the disease mince, and I am 0, n$ meed that by the blessing of filar Pink Pills cured me. I entail, also 'tete o ne last fa I I was attacked with rhramat ism. which became .o bad that I could soarc.Iy walk from my swot t0 the hone., and f..r • I..ng time I could not yet nut to church. 1 tried • number of thing - recommended to use, hut re ei•od 00 gale from their us•-, ... 1 •aid to myself one day, Pink P.II. d"1 me en much good for my heart troo'•le. 111 try them swam, eo I gave them .no'h,r f-. r trial, with the result that the rheum.' .em has •1 taste out of my boss and I have sot heels trnuhled a b., with it since. Every .ne, maid the old man, as he waxed warm over the thought of kis happy etp.nenc., who knows '.1'I Father Tenll, kens• • hat '.hat be tells is the troth." Ater ' banking Mr. Toull for his kiodnes and courtesy, the reporter left a h. shop with the same erosion as to the truth el his statements. and impressed with tic. belief Hist from ham roped, hearty appear- ance and cheerful disposition. the old gen- tleman W still gaud for now years of a beallhful, ensteeted life. Dr. WTh.m.' Pink Palle are the greatest Mood builder and nerve restorer known to medical friaries, and cure when 011 other medisin., fail. If not kept by your deal., Shot Will be sent poet paid os raoeipt of 50 'este • box or •i; hors for :R 50. by ad- dressing the Dr W Itieme Menaoies Co., et Brookville, Osit , or Schenectady, N.Y (let taw gwanne : ,mifat100s and substitutes are worthless -perhaps desgerosg. aw.w slim 0.uos tbs. He ate Lnsd.e Fr -.e Praia ' An amenity/ swot dent occurred Isat Ssndey .orniwg in • sits Mora recently t.kee charge of by • sew pastor. As the oeagrerauoa were disponi. N after theeervis, s Wading official of the a5nroh,whe a very f.verwhly know• for his polite •ttentIos to sir..agen and hi. .. (leavers to maks them w-Ien ., neth.d • strap lady among the divertlsg wee hrp- pse, sad with bop meal eewrl .y. after a m on o ist& ba.A.Mk' sod word or ewe el weleems, very ...swap, esgsired et he • Hew de yew like the sew prewsberr Wither/ any hs.it.Uee lbs sewer asses : -II every -nee likes hose ea well et I de I think all will be Seaga. - The hop et the intim, lee wad the .p'.ene el tics imply d.wood ea the onertee•' n0ei.l, and a ewer, laugh west reed, whom a few mem- ww lath, he had rho pleasure of aa 'etre- deaden to the IsAy is quoekrmi, .wd WNW - Weed ler tate Mut Mese that be ted bees I0.Nisg the .r*e iu se st the sew pres.'s was epee the waw padee. 6l.R.r, probe gasket.. soler., rear sop, s•.ebeye, pe.ebwv amid .6 wise are Mohr be sear -tea sod ferie•e foe v.Ml =serer m A,ys.'e Merry Pees.r.1. • ••Hy wrier era away robot A Wm* dose .f skip pr.peg.Yee bee r..treser mop Mks•/ WNW QUAINTEST OF QUEENS A .beee0 of S aM .►a 111-. *overdo* em Paris Figaro says : Madagascar 'a Queen was btuuvbi up in poverty, a as uu►we vulbge, by • oo.stry bestehen, her cool. who sok* IEA peeeaute third &vale meat Yet she was the aloe of the reiguseo (Juan' K...s.lu 11 Her suet detested bee an wosld do nothing for her. Tee only eery Me that she •ter rendered w. her was die, this bappen.d to 1383 The ouwetitutluo 01 the ouptfy Wank Liao only dr.... adopt.. of the louoder of tb 11••eg.esy ily...,ty w reuga. the young ger Glam..-.1 t11. thea. Venomous."( her betllsu 'tar., her 1' sane SI Mister 15.1 0.11.1 t. • t Ao..tui.eteruvo, the ...ptlsl of the k u'« don., atad given to her the fru eletnatt. o • wet 01 0 i U r.I Ian Whop the idoses died the. Prime Mitts er m.tr'ed the girl, iu suuordanoe with rue law. of the comets y. .blob elect that the Pnu.. Holster ,hall always o. tits (Jure''• %goosed. H•• has been married three tines In ancued,oue wttb this law. 11e has had no children by the tJwes It Rana vol . Ill ghee Id die wit hog obtldien her heir is to he ber niece, whose uelne mouse •' 1:uuddeughter et god " She is 13 t us of age, and unsrrw.00luasly a.k..'.t> let ',Loper before the (Jues.la the hall of the throat. Should the Prime Minister serylve hie wvkutKn-,o u o01y 70 years oId-he will starry the "randdandhter of god." '1 be Prime Holmdel. is opposed to the revision of 11." .0A•Nttatloh. 1 he (Jueeu of Madagascar te of medium be gibe, talo and Irene, sad uodul•tiog and suuple as • "make She is ea fragile s • bgurine ..1 eta Saxsey ware I bey• mets- uret bee waist ; u is not thicker than the nett centimeters of the finest waist, Her foot, which shooe have not deformed, Is I.mouely email, and the narrow palm sod tapering fiogete of her hand are at ease 10 No 5 gloves I►srker then t he great num tier ..f her anhj.ors, her complexion has the tupelo v of hent chocolate. Tne Prams We- imer Liss chocolate Her forehead Is band - some sod noble, her hair to Ions, thick and e'.ry. her eyes are shaped like Mooed* Her cheek bortes recall) the delimit* type of the Malay race The drawing of her ups is pretty, ..d smiles become her. Her chin is pointed, Her teeth, which might be smelt sr, have the healthy whiteness of ivory She takes great mar. of her hair. She braids at .n large *reams which she •hapee Into a egnere on her wick. When in mourning she lets her hair fall on her shoulders. Her dres,neker is one of the bow known mindless in fans She le the most "miat.le of the °out customers. ani the dressm.k.r rr u the model of grace' nines and gentleness. The orders are given by the .. ..,d •r rrt.ry to the Prime Mu.i.ter, and they na•e 00 100001 Peec filled ttma • cheque softie. for them. At lest al. Queen would only wear Prig - nee gown... hut. now eke ennoer.te that waist sed .ko • no imp..ratad. Her oolong are lit- any. high cut. The silk of brr clothing u heightened by • geld embroidery, disting- uished st..1 light, without Basel. The •.lure which she prefers, after red, are pink and pale greet). She worships gray seta cannot bear blue, Her clothes are gorf...a wits white heliotrope. '.aver, seg r. ■le Bay.-- ls e� a is . Ms ,cOTNNIt WODY r.gebsibra r .Meeatbest.s the aaerw•1 t..anemia a w 'aria" tib dist Wotan at .l...d'S wesk.s.sesal ddWlsyag bas.. 11 expels • tete nest umpteen td ber.dtt.ry humin le children sad maths that may owe their Men ✓ e West sesersesees. 71 marshes oat sad modesn the laden tree from dlsmaa.breeding germs t But the nights are reserved for the oats. Day and night wads of Clothing are on their wav to Parker's Dye Works. Toronto, to be cleaned and dyed, .ed why Because they are known to do the beet of work fn this has of tragic. Send your faded cloth• log to Parker's and they will be don. well •f does at Parker's. Agency at Mum.. Yate. Millinery Store. Waltham . (►s Sunday morning last, ons of the u1d resident. of Wingh•m, is the person of John Cargill, p.e..d over to the great lnsjorify, in hie blot year. The de- 1 neared had resided in Wtugham for up- wards of twenty years, and previous to that ha4 lived in Lucknow,Teswater and Ture- h.rry. He had been ill for upwards of s Year, suffering from some kidney disorder. He leaves • widow and nese children to mourn --tour eons and hive daughter -most of whom .re gtown up and away from home to mourn his decease. 01ee denote, who mode. a Duluth, arrived boue Moody, hut hoes et the other alvesot members of t.h. family reached home in time for the fun of •1 "THE KIND THAT CURES." Thee are not many forms of disease ape. wide\ 800tt's Har.aparWa does not a. favor. .My, became pare blood carries to the d1s..ed parte rseswing and building up properties nip medicine makes pare blood which Was up where d1.s..m h.. torn down, and ~rise away the Impurities upon which It feeds. HEREDITARY DISEASES SCOTT'S SKIN SOAP mare TO. ease sags FOR SALE SI I A. N 1 1-1' \ , 1 ...tench ALL MoTHEIts WHO HAVE USED pALMO TARSOAP Meow That 1T le -«c �aof/' %r Ira�sn ��aSOAP 11.0. wee ovoidal whimsies ea head sod lima I tried "yahoo -Tar heap' Ins very short time 0e, sere. Mumpeared. stir ks0a a smooth and whoa, lief des child get palet dy ably res lbg Cake Helmets. Ctean5. i$ -Mils aOODS. 1 he*.- raeel'. .4 a (reel. .upply of es/tabu- for the Holiday season eel It as ORANGES, LEMONS, alto NUTS and CANDIES. Au amortment rf Xmas Iressuts which 1 am "••:ant at a reduced rate. at 11. J. NORTON'S, The Cash Grocer. Tho- Vonore. D. CANTELON West street BAKER, STILL LEADS THE TRADE. His bread is made front pure Manitoba flour -made from the cream of the Manitoba wheat -anti therefore is the best in the world This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying; this bread at the sante as made from inferior flour at the price of 5 cents per loaf, delivered to any part of the town. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. gar Wedding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. D. CANTELON. If You Need Felt Slippers Felt Boots Rubbers Overshoes Overstock i ngs Overgaiters Heavy Rubbers and Sox Get Pollock's Prices and YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. A iprge assortment of X-mas Slippers nw Felt, Repp and Embroidered. Newest Style. Lowest price at H. B. POLLOCK's NKXT STURDY BROS OUR GRANDMOTHERS as far hack as. can be remem- bered, used I:. 13. Eddy's Matches. Like the pioneers they are identi4-ed with theearly history of Canada. r� �. thing always has imitatioe_beware of Ask your Drugglst for • A Wonderful Tonic and 11111 REND81101RemeCd yllflotr Weak and Impure Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles. we tw.sr w 1. M. Ma.LLOO. aa1*$. •NT. 0 H rasa., -0 FINE HONEY A good line of Syrups. A -spacial line in two gallon Pally X -MAS FRUITS w = FOR At the Large supply lit'.t quality XMAS CANDY One of the best assortments this side of the city. Anything in tine French China for Christmas pre- sents. Your wants are looked after Your trade appreciated. CASH GROCERY Hamilton Street. .). New Fall Millinery. MISS CAMERON, the Hamilton -Street Milliner, having visited the *holesale millinery centtes of Canada, she has been successful in procuring a complete stock of new shapes and trimmings for the fall trade, including all the new chenille effects, etc. In returning thanks for past patronage, she invites inspection of her stock. ' MISS CAMERON. CHEAP CHOPPING AT THE CHOLERIC$ WOCLEN MILL. I beg to say that I have opened a store corner of Colborne-st and Square, in Mr. Lewitt'. Knitting Factory, and have, made arrangements with Mr. Lewitt to attend to the selling of our popular Woolen goods. Yon will find our stock first class, and made of pure wool, well selected, consisting of TW EELS, FLAN ELS, BLAB\ KETS, YARNS, ETC. Now is the time to buy your woolen goods as wool in fast advancing in price. Buy before the goods go up. I have put a new Grain Chopper in the Woolen Mill, and will be prepared to do chopping every day. Grain ground tine or coarse, and have put the price down to ate. per hundred pounds, hoping by doing good work and fair dealing to receive • liberal share of your patronage. G. M. COLLINS. GRAND JEWEL. A RUN OK STOVES. WE ARE HAVING IT. The Grand Jewel Wood Cook Stove with Steel (Kim is the ONE. NOTE THE FOLLOWING POINTS -1. The Grand Jewel has • genuine .teal eves, which maks 11 bake with about half the fuel r.quteed by other large wood stoves. 2. Th. (trend Jewel oven plats are made of Steel. They cenpot crack. Hae a patent double flue in front of oven, which maks the oven bike evenly all over. A number of second hand Wood and Goal Stay.' cheap. �. SAPPER & LEE. - TAH1 Grocery and Crockery Business Formerly carried on by 11. E. SNELL & CO. R=01=5EN=1Zi With an entirely new stock. Urocery department now complete. All goods new and fresh from wholesale firms. Pur- chased for cash and well selected, and will be sold at the closest of close prices. We kindly solicit the same liberal patronage that we experienced in the pant from our future customers, and invite new ones to give us a trial. Crockery department will be opened in a few days, with handsome goods at low prices. H. K SNELL having gone out of the firm the business will be carried on by T. O. TIPLINO. All parties indebted to H. E. SNELL & Co, wfll pieces call and settle. H. E. SNELL it CO. AS CL EA R AS A BELL. IF A PUPIL OF TH• Forest City Win and Shortland College, London, Qat. 4.1141 ova rap OW111011WS seem mho a ▪ rewait hint fit. M e enl�elwamtemWmi k kp HIvt.H al h ewe it We �tlalersi It 1 we tah.w shod. f. Y assent yM Paper b a hew Ifr. R A.O•w hmie �tiegr. ea, war.. J. W. WESTJ�VSLT, Prlo14li est 5.8.4,4. beak h of w.wa.t beekf5.•or wit It S. n. SmMlh, Wass...