The Signal, 1895-12-19, Page 2TUB 81OIWA L : GODERIOH, ONT.. TArRRD •+ Y. DEC. 19 l Ras.
f1- • very remarkable esm•dy, MO ter 11111.
TWILL and EXTERNAL use. and was -
darts' la its quick action to relieve dioMose.
e • onon rein ler Sere
Threat. a albs.
uta. 4 rrf•wa, rs•eateey. tsmsm.
ra...e W ...a.l .'..eyeeteta
west. e1- sit a a•emns
PAIN -KILLER maIrraytun
m• aL It tela•• .roue 811. ►ta8Ali3T Stile►
te .M •w d,sten.. tutsk sashem severe
Ingres. elle.
u the imeold. •..44
a Mr
meebaak. I.1 --err:. ester. se
t. miler. mem
e at •ti .Ler wino v •
W .. always ea,WNag.
e. rare totems or ez.eb s
hewer. .f iodler.•.n woe lets m.
-Mar Dave.- am mismi ie. etc 1M
formed, a*verel of Miee Wall's Meese ed ' • norm le go wild the tatrelld 1111ii.eher, end '
normo• who et,' rens trots .d W Ye la
e Alueet onrum•,sn. w, I have •o .b,sbt het
wises dv,•e.t ..1 her helplessness sad ex
tree. p.ver'v U.. y Dealt 0..nw to her relief.
�M aaa du. in, , his ,nil 1 ...ether be re.
aimed. 'r .. .L• .1-,.,•* ant tattoo greet, will
n ut be too fa,..oing Y u as ill ut.denleod
;hat I wish to s• ga ret s. i...tne a it h her ken
.1 red bean, •t►.ra1 Hoping r„ hoar at
I.eot tortilla 0r••ttea•eeee, 1 am
Yea y y.opro.1e111y , •.nae..
Far levers' seconds after she loiter was
folded and re' weed to .1uh. False. % • pock
et not • were mem e Msk-n. Al length Mrs.
Iltrtly b4 so to o..mprehend the .ltus-
"Jells Felton." she exclaimed, "you have
in. ' I think you Moe sold very
eegestlemanly lu your owe house, tow.
to Impose uu a Itu0*1 • cootieeow Well,
▪ •e there was no para, nuthrsg of value
to be won, I think 1 am free to decline re-
oeivetving the burden you wish to shift from
your shoulders to ouoe
'lily dear, I thunk we ought We have
ample room -- began Mrs. Hardly's hos
•'huu think •'• interrupted Mrs. Hartly.
••I know it is simply impomihle What with
my duties as president of the L•.tie.' home
Amnon, vow president of the Benevolent
Society, and secretary of the Sewing ('ode,
every moment of my time ie taken up,ever%
dollar that 1 can span. John Fulton. take
Aunt El. x. yourself •
"If Kate wishes, 1 will certainly relieve
you,' beq•n.:J 'he.
"Oh, Indeed,I wnont. John,what
are you wilting shout Nino now -•-days
do not have the Last coDelderatloo for wo-
amen. How cm 1 have her ' 1 only keep
one servant and with .0 children, too. i
cannot stand any addition erre. Aod,John
if sou have any tonne, to span. I wish i
had known it before. lour children. every
one of them need epriog clothier I'll not
put golf g off shopping another day. T•k•
Aum, Elza' -when the best dress I hey
got to m, name is s seventy-five cent sl-
ums. Now, Mary Hartle, you ought to
stand to your word; you could if you
choose. But if you won't, Ellen Maynard.
you surely ono. Von have no •hsldren,
end your husband is dope s good bate
non. '
"Vas. Nellie. dear, do relieve these poor
people's .ninds We osa t.k• mire of Anat
-no. .he is your cousin, 1 believe. You
koow we can.
"1 know you want to kill me,H•rry May-
nard Trim ennuvh, mos have ooseiden-
tie enough for all women be: their wives.
Vivo know how feeble my health is, and
what the doctor said sbnut the impnrtanw
of my being kept from any unnecessary ex-
citement. As ter as the money queetioe is
concerned, 1 am willing to help her. Em
ma Worth, you take her : she i• nearer re-
lated to you ..
"1 wish 1 ooald. If it depended upon um
I eertainly should, brut Rohert would mems
coseent Sono nowadays have too much
cn"sideration to shit me They seem to con-
sider it ineumhent upon them to think and
set for their mothers Rohse will not here
any change in our demsatio arrantremen•e,
I believe. if i should have Aunt Elisa. he
would go. Rut as van say, Ellen, money i
can and will gladly give."
No one would hare her. A11 had spoken
exempt HMIs Lou Hayden.
t'nnr Lon, she wee an orphan. Her home
was in two rooms, in the forth story of a
lodging house, but the isndl+ey wait kind- sway.
hearted. and Lou was well satisfied, and •'From Will!" Aunt Eliza murmured, in
lately very harpy is the pomemion of thew -
lie Dawson • love.
Lou was • .alsewnman in White's, and
received team tollan • week. She lived
comfnrtshly ..n that • none.. and had
saved something for her weddiag clothes,
which folks said would he nailed soon.
Silently she listened until 1111 hal vpiken ;
then, with Wen in her soft troth eyes,
she asked :
"Cowin Emma. did not msmms live
with Gomm Elts• once, before her mar•
rias. '"
Yee, my dear•" snsweree Mrs. N (5th.
"And mamma loved her, 1 think Then,
if rte one else wets her, 1 en i will will-
ingly have her come" -she hesitated -"if
any one of yah will brief her to nn". I can
not leave my business sed esn hardly swore
the Dumpy it weenie tel,. to pay /air • one-
revsed.•," tient rid, looking timidity from
one to the other.
Exclamations of s=uprise cam" from all,
r•mnn•trsnoes from one et town, hut it ass
pretty generally agreed that fns should
take the aged relative
"She will he company for you." said
"And am meed up your (Anthem," said
"Asti keep honer while you
ohiene.d in a 'hire.
"1 will •t•od by
"i)o.'t hesitate to seed to rsiw whenever
Toe wish. Rut i will not wait for that. I
will attend to the extra .zpeeses," mid
Mn Worth.
And en ,t was. Os'. week trete that even -
nig poor Aunt ?Um. with .11 new woeldle
pntte•e•ites, tineveietinv of • feather hied,
holster and pillows, • half dors.. of petals.
work g.ille, • pair of well wore and darned
blankets. eomernne o14 Meese of eat -else
era • hien, reveaeate of hatter obey and
relics of 4ep•rfei friends. eight .,leer
.parte., nee partiealarly heavy to hold, sr-
rivol at i'nn's Mewl& home.
Aunt Elm 'grew very happy with the
dear, god oriel, sad for several msuths
proved mo burden Jobe melte. sad Mn.
Worth, true be their .enema, ate often.
and sever empty halde&
Len's wedobisv was Axed ter Jane. With
the tint •perms' et warm weather Asa.
Klim'e etsu.gth visibly failed, .id Lee's
sweet tam grew daily paler. All day ube
warted st the Owe : ist Might watehed end
wetted ne her peer .Id aawa. She Megan
Shim to fee bur seat Klima • bneel.., .h, rte,
she never twwgbt el her thug ; but a very
Pent dare
Nn Weed wee eat e1 totes, sad Joho
Pulten'e 1ltsitsd warms were toned .eve sly.
Wee. Jetties failing beaten mob • abeam el
elltmate ...wa-y. A w baby, roweirligi
WAS IT N mtTH Holm; ?
n1 r&A'I• ee 11501.41A' 11t41'a].
CA* 11-..k u1 •nm.yano. nn Ji.ha Fulton••
Wee yantehea quickly on estenog At* *de'.
oozy .ittu•g room, when he found that that
rooly looking lest eaterteiot•1 a half-dozen
or mete oI her relatives.
John rubbed his hands with evident satis-
faction, ex,•lalm.DR
"1 am tory glad to see you very glad.
lo fad t, 1 never was en glia Mtnre
And around from rine to the other he
went, sbsktng their hands, and really look-
ing just what he said.
"Whet an amount of trsvellieg around
you all hmc sowed me ht this opportune
visit." M continued. I want to make •
precast. 1 sbnuld I ke y ou all to share it,
but as I can sweat it nota, to one, to hold
and to keep. I am in rather s delicate pose
Ition. i don t want to show • preiereice,
not even in favor of my wife. Now, who
is to have it . It is something of value,
upon my weed.'
"1;ivs it to me
"No, to me
"1'm the of lett
"I need it more than the other
These were the cries all around John; and
Mrs. John. being too polite to urge her
chime in preference to her rants, only
looked what she thought that John was
mot • hit email for he would have kept
whatever it was, and said nothing about it
until the folks were •11 gone and then have
given it to her.
"Well, now. what am 1 to do ' Hen you
are, 01e•c.., nephews, cousins, first, .mooed,
and third. all speaking at once, and anti
ors to have what i have to rive ;-oo,there
is one silent en .ugh. Why little Lew doe•t
you chime in " 1 suppose you think you
will mend no chance, with all these matrons
sr are you so eooteot with what you here
now, you went nothing. more " Ah. those
telt.tslr hiushs. Well, 1 must be hennaing
up a wedding present : perhaps this might
not be sprawl'. Rut now to Manures.
There is one way to decide. this. Von must
terse Iota. Every one before drswing.will
hays to promise to be fully satisfied with
the result.-
" All right
.John went to the table, cat never•I slips
of piper. wrote on one, and rolling all alike,
placed them ism • waiter, and prmemt•tl
them tint to his buxom cousin, Mrs. Hart -
v, waving
•' Now. enasio,aw %ria (weepy en many Im-
portant position*. 1 .nppnee it is but proper
to give •on lint choice 1)o sot open yours
until all are drawn. Now, Kate, as you
are witting next. von shall draw nett.
Although i de not knew but etiquette
wowlel pot you lest draw now, Lou ; I
want yno to preemiee to let m. share with
you if von get it
Yes. indeed. Cousin John. Rot IA
rather not he the fortunate one. indeed if
1 do draw it i shall not keep it if anyone
else wants it," ion said in • decided twee.
., fu other words, if anyone .lea hen
tht.ka it worth hoarier, and won't take it,
you will ••• .lohn said.
" Yee' only them
" Well. there. is se soso0nting for taste.
MeyM it will be your lot to have the
Tile (north to drew was Mrs Worth, s
arid w, petiole and kind, and with an ample
amount o1 wordly 1rnn41.. A. she drew out
the Ilett roll, she said •
•' if 1 ohnule lee the (artisans nee, 1 will
'rive it H worth giving. the prize to dear
little 1.•wi "
Les 'miler, sweetly, in acknowldgemeet
of the kind intents o,
" Yew eau afford to be gssereus," mod
Jake's wife.
At length all were draws All wen ergs.
to keen their fate John give the word, and
couch', the .lips were .ernllwd.
' Prix•" a -ng out 1111 re Harily.
Rzelen•st,oes of d,esppointtnest seeped
tie lip. o1 .11, lave len. Werth and little
" What is it • IM show it, or tell tie
w hat at es .xota,ined Mrs. fleetly
Jake drew I, ton hie pocket • letter. spots
ft, he said •
"1 wont show it jest wow. cousin. Het
doe's he .••nasi: Intl shall not IMO what
you have fairly nine. la • few days, i hsps
to pet yos in possession of the prise. This
Wear will explain whet roe ars mitten to
Jost rpt T.,ta. Ron
lyras eta I em the medhal Meanie •ad
Mend el M r El x. Well Seem years age
I had the planters of nestles yea. Although
yon are n • tele- lye of the .becneaszed
lady, 1 have determtse•( 1e lake she %bone
K writing and In arming yen of her
51.4,tlee I am morel imerog at5I•d
*Mb say .f h.,►s4 I Wiser year
Mrs Y nearly ratite. An I haw been ti•
was the simultaneous
au aztr• eeriest to take *ode of the MMeldroa
at home, isore•eed Juba•.:peon.. to as al-
armlee ez Mat.
Lou knew •11 tht.. ma .he w•.old •-aa let
him know bow mash elm we.lsd hat.. The
n oble gut kept up • brave heart sod shrer-
ful eml1., and carefully kept her aaatos,
thoughts from all but thiarlie Dawes..
• • We oasoot be married i. J ase,lb•rIie."
d e said, her bpi trembhsg a little.
•' ()h, Los, you w111 not treat nm se er.el-
ljr. ' l'nsrhe awwerd, bin gee eye full of
toed the Om brave little heart tailed, ed
dropping her head on ('heelers shoulder.
Lou *ebbed forth her sorrow.
And Charlie, brave lellow ' waisted to
take bis dear 1•.v• all the mon, sad right
away routed to shoulder the burden him -
Earnestly he pleaded, but Lou grew firm
ere Sh. would not add an extra oars to w
true a heart. 1'et gently she put him off,
w ring
But thee Aunt Eliza grew •. 111 then was
0o chance fur thoughts of the happy tie.
One day she called I.ou, and said
='• My dsrltag, goad, little Lou, I wish I
could leave yea something, to prove how
much 1 love you. I've only the little thleg.
1 fetched hen. You must have all, all I've
got; but he poor, blue hp., so thio sad
tightly drawn, quivered "but Williispio-
ture I want to take that with ma Put it
with me, doer Ws mimed each other here
-maybe well find each other in heaven. I
door jus know what sent him off. i used
to think he loved me. Some one told him
false, 1 think. Hut never mind that now -
All is yours but that. Is Charlie down
" Yen, aunty do you wish to see him !''
Aunty assented, and Lou stejSli.d quickly
out. A few momenta more, and Charles
1i -swoon stood with Lou Aside the lid.
" I want you to write my will, Aunt
Ki-zs whimpered, feebly " i ain't got mach,
hut I want Lou to have what then is, and
0o trouble about it. Can von do it !'-
•' That r my profession, Auatv," Charles
" The write -you know what to my, He
euro -all l've got, and -and all I milky ever
have Put that word in -ever have. Who
knows' who koows'' she whieperert.
Willing to humor her. Charles did her
bidding, and in a few mnmea i told her it
eau .1l right. Aunt F.bire • mise wee clear-
learer than they thought. She insisted that the
landlady and her eosi be sent for to tsar the
will read, and witness it. That dee.,
Charlie .oppsrt•.l her while she wrote her
name. Frequently murmuring, " Who
knows" she ane fell into a quiet/Marv.
A few days atter came the day which was
to have been Lou'. wedding day. Aunt
Eliza seemed peeving gently sway. The low,
soothing tones of the assn of God had just
ceased, when a slight knock was heard at
the dome.
Charlie Dawson opened it to admit a
stranger to .11. A tear harried word. of
explanation, and the stranger approached
b.d.ide. r
•Amity, this gentlemen wishes to speak
to von ' Are you able to listen Charlie
The half elm s4 eves opeepe, with mon
intelligence in them than 1nr hours.
The stranger, who was a lawyer. Aron
nearer. and told her he hrnurht her tid-
ings from one who had but lately pawed
are away,"
von, In •, maid Jahn
Dr. M. A lis.. m.
Results Astonish
AYERS_ saiela
Statement of a Well Keown Doctor
Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1s without an espial
as • blood -purifier and Bering tsedlcioe, tad
cannot have praise enough- I have wateh.d
its elects In chronic eases. when other
treatment was of 00 avail, and have been
astonished at the nsutta. No other bloo4
medicine that I have ever used, and I bave`'
tried them all, 1s so thorough la rte action.
and effects so many permanent cures as
Ayer's Sanapsrt la." -Dr. H. r. MJdatn.te
Augusta, Me.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's lair.
Apar's Pena for Neter sued Aeoastle.
Beery hent knew, ate owe haters.. T h
(Jnr real baubles are often • •aures ; oar
deepest •hilts loos gamest Ise told PI/560p
111 r • deep iseltag o1 this hied that makes
drop grist seek mlded., liotaat• 1 me bind
ir Dever deep, seldom maltase.
The .**r....• of humor is aremMGty, were.
tse•ler 1esI•ng with al. horns of .zinc...;
mid utiles. «wowed end periled by humor,
wild, l e.a.,lahlt r •pi to rum .. 1 result%
worupt tato drew, falsehood, or 1n rue
word, sentlmemtslny
soiled, 55 it they heel been worn on y moor
or twice. "Where did you Kist those "• ask
d the pawn broker. ''1;.., •em at home,'
replied the man, .no ha.( an Intelligent low
sod the manner of • gentleman de•ptte bre
tad condition. •My .111. bought them for
our baby. Give me rya cent. for 'ism ---I
must a dunk ' 'Yon h hotter take the
shoes back to your wife ; the baby will ped
them,' said the pars broker 'No, aim
won't, tec•uee she's dead She's lytug at
home now -died last n•ybt.• As be said
this, the poor fellow broke doss, howed hr
head on the show cam sod cried likes child.
"Boys,' mid the drummer, "you m.y lough
if ytu please ; knit i- 1 have a baby .t home
and I swear f'll never drink •onther drop •
• warmly sndihle tote.
"Yes, tram Will," the lawyer told : seed
thea producing ! encnment,he red it,while
the 'wondering friends invnlhntary drew
.•erne to wateh the effect of the streams
w ow* •.w the eying woman.
Willem Garnei s will it was. All of his
nemeses fortune he bad left to hie note
Imre In the dvent of her death to those
disarm* to her
"1 always thought Willie Inveel ma. I'm
an vl•rl to know he did --he tinea," Aunt
Mb,* whip menti a soft, sweet emit" settled
over her ...l boa. Eagerly her eysr *ought
lien's, that Charlie's.
They drew near. With feeble effort she
tried to join the bane of melt, and whisper-
er' the minister's name
All present understand 'he tingly-4mi
wish With elasped hand* Les and Charlie
stand before th. olerreman.
A little while more "and Charlie led his
bride einem to the heti, plume' her hand
stain in Aunt Eliz. e, and is a tow, .•nest
voice. said :
"Thank you. mmHg"
••ltlw*tn-;•nil-ehlldren-' f:ld,fmr-vsur
make '" Aunt Mize mid, her voice nowise
•,mart ton faint to 1.w nnderedeed.
ftlnwty the eyelid* ernnpd wain.
ittet -loud--sea " inn heard •gain.
A .mile, a retitle sigh, and Aunt Eliza'■
spirit was with Willie.
"Who would have thought it'"saki .Iohn
pal toe's wife.
"if i tussle nal, have knows," said Mrs.
Preetdomt Warily. "lis.. ' ewer ' ,met to
think what mirht here hewn. Stat bow
ensile nee think of sum a thing r'
"It is jam what yea miorhl and aught to
have knows.' said Jaw Fulton. "Hearts
likes Lean will ..rely meet reward here, es
well as kosssller."
Why asef1Asase else 4S.. Tbfret M
-"Ifo. 1 wee's drink with yen today,
boys," said • drummer to several sempaa-
Mae es they settled down in • emoklag ear,
sad hewed the bottle. "T►. feet r, bees,
i Mre quit driskieg. I've sworn ell"
**What's the matter with yes, old hey r
mea eat .me I 9f you've quit driekiag
m.metbia1'e op. Whet a it t
"WA, hsty% i will tell ye.. Yesterday
I wis Chies. Dows is Heath Clothh
as l•
serest • s..arwer .t mise keeps a p.
ti .-sordes with hie ether b.sse .
s•ied en him, and while I was there e
pew men et test more than tweety -fig
wesing threadbare dailies sad Weida, es
bard se it 11s hadn't sera • .ober day ler a
.sonde, tame lei with a little 'ethane is his
host lie enwrapped le end headed the
metals te the pawnbroker, Gaylag. "rive
see ten seats" Aad,It west •�boys. whet de yrs
let& thigs with the Mltwa Deal, a raj
Harp 3r's Magazine.
I 1890
M1.e1. • new nowt 1 be William Black, writ
tea with ell tbeh►ut"or'a well knows charm of
memo.% sell: h stn In the 11euembe masher.
11116.•ud o .n into. until Mat. a new &mei be
1n514,un►)1145w ney, M.r,1.0 atst•o wvel hY . -•tied rheevertil.......
will ales twain doting the emir. I. r moi telt
•wnt+ed wi.h .•,••h gr•'•t rzte• satin as the
.ts„vrn-to 1-5111.. ten Prtr•ease eoeell88
trees al Je..s of are wall seat tame, and will
n''.re on. story Of the failure anal martyr
• of the Maid of t trl.'ane. Oth•,r join..rtsnt
Mteles of the roar will e • noreiettr by *OM
Twate. ..dor,ee tit Iv, ,ear saws -r. 015.. -
Hee , a hu••m• t b ••r wars •o'* oohed t ons
w e5wss town tetNdtecy. hr L.ne11s..
11LWTv Mu'.'ii U.: •• to -noes an51e. It, lir
TANG Ti. OM. Hi.•HAtss 54.11114 a. 11•ysa,
ear K. W115155, J1:1.110 Ral.r11. 1151,1,111.1.
▪ T.1.5/11 1•w."' W,MSaa, ,.5,4 ut her writ
Hansen Denten
Prue Wo.'o new W 'LOWS will contribute az cal Uewmt W e-Nw;'.m 4-.41 Inds 11.11....
wit) Mawr -seisms by H..w• u PYLA P'.t•tT
Yat 111,81 ,.'.. h1.•urt of yen .stremma
'Mrwltgee e• -e Liberty, 11115- 'mod hy B; I.atots
• *.ouvits.g, will 11 ,,thenen •brouth th+
winter. Two papers os tl . Ulalr'..irfr.t .n,1
Mod .t sehday r*• se's THntup Its
Rouykv. LT, with graph c 111 I.trsti,.. will be
.ns& t,et(d•wwthy url.g theres'aryear.
A t•a of the Y.11AZ(NR
during ('r7.&, Ilan wt'I IN seer es of anted.•
b# ' •*.nese W. N'ti Ty►Y deisenb,. g his trip
of fab mitre no e a d with dog
sleigh train into the usezuhwed Herren
miscued. of Rent -h Nor'h %'..eti.• in put,
✓ olt of wood Anson and mu.k zea. or.
Whitney'. aerie, Dei l Arose the. sd•1ed Intors'
of beim iliumr•ted front pho'u raphe taken
by himself.
The V olumow of the Magazine t.rgin won
the Numbers for June and Ilwwmts•r of ....wit
year. When norne is to. ntioaalsuAneroid ions
• It tryrin Dent) the Number current at the
time of receipt if order.
f4mittaaer should be nide by 1'a.t-MMne
MoDey (ruler or craft. to avoid cleaner of
Newspapers adv not to copy this aderrtlat-
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The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Rowley Newspaper
in the world
Pities Sas (copy. By snail, S! a year
drarens es yin, sew 1we.
Harper's Bazar.
IN 1890
The twenty ninth year of H.RPEWB
RAZ AR. beginning in January. Ilam, gads it
msi.ta;ninlr Ire deserved repu •tics both as •
'fashion Jemmied and s weekly periodical for
home reading
Every week the BAZ tR preempts beautiful
toilette. for varioaso, c .tone, N Yoot Bating
• id CMiurui. (Ilutrste and engrave the tow
Set designs from the fines, models is Perinea
Berlin flew lora sensesa epitomises cur-
test style. In 1••w York A fortnightly pat-
t5raebeet •upplemost with diagrams and
directions mashies wets -n to cut and maks
their own gowns, sad is of .rem va's' to the
peotetrional modiste as well .e M the amateur
dressmaker. Charities • Clot hins tewires cew-
Iani amention. lesehi'. for Yea are de&
critical In ran detail lir a men -about 'owe.
.r reels Wer. by Katacwes 115 mems
is is epeigbtly weekly recital of faebloe. oo-mp
ad social &Anse in Penes gives by • tlsver
wai0au In au entertaining nal.
Roth the serials for Ila, are the work of
Amerman Dewe.&. Nrs Gerehe. by MAm1•
IA.I.'iag POo4 lea eirikIne eget) of '4.5, Stag
land -i1e. Mawr R W Liles.
Peer Nae. Mammies the a1wa7• interesting
problems of the relations between labor and
capital Bhort stories will be written by the
best authors.
mereial meratrtmesle MM.-. The Outdoor
Woman. Prreonate. What We Are Dicing.
Women and Men, report .ed discuss themes
of imm.d,ste interest.
*wooers se t'orresMNeeta. Questions re-
ceive the personal outset toe of the editor. sad
are answered et the earliest posible date af-
ter their receipt.
The Volumes of the Kazan begin with the
first Number for January of/acb year. Whom
no time is mentioned. aubscriplioi• will betels
with the Number current at the time of receipt
of order.
Remittances should be made by t'ost of toe
Money Order or i1raft. to avoid chance of las.
h'etropropers are woe b ropy this advertise-
dvert4►menta sni(Aost the .spree• order of Huvent t
Bmora gtta.
Per Tram t
Pedlaor Pree to d1 a.Antriben /stile (7.880/
Slates. .wade. awed Mssiv.
P. O. Kos Nps N. Y. City.
Harper's Weekly.
e Signal
aeon more calla a&Natiti• to its
Jeb Printing_ Irrii1ities, which are thea -
pawed ostrih the anise for the prompt
and peUI ez.entien of •11 ulaw of
Miausig A perusal u( thea slaouaoa.
meat sea!!
5554(5.1 susttstlux4l yutm ts•y
he is aid of, sad u oath rues we sub.
sit your Lastranega, teeliag mealiest
that our eaores to pious will meet wit►
the approval of oar patruas
.110 t odlk
Thu��awfeul ■rte in kept in t1. fall
nu5Ke of quaitire time as leWee
heads. Whig
Immo. �itU.k51
age not Ito generally ured, they
an important place in oomssgela
oorrespondieuue. tine what we've
got under the above head.
bent. irXttwt\s
In this line we have a very lame
stocn of tine writing papers gait
able for every class of bushman
represented in this locality, goes
prising laid and wove, liner;
quadrille and other papers, rejig
or unruled, as may be required.
Wt\\ iXettt\s
If the " pay-ae-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are sows men
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is 0088
pieta in this line with four sizes.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollare
anti conte columns. They conte
cheaper than bill hems, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
IN 1866.
HARPER'S WEEKLY is • Journal her the
whole country. it devil. with the emotes of
the world that are Import/let tit Am.rban..
In carry 1^gout IAh• paltry. 10 leek JI•tiil
RALPH vlelteA Chlea.Sd Japan, and joereey
ed throntfWest t the We : RM•u*sn pM
i Awe
Davi• took • trip through the ('•rribe.n nee:
the?vedetteusof the sew Novy were. de.nnb
�.4g sod illustret d by Otto. r. Z
rsaneiur Ri .rear of pd .ids
Almy and rrslttl r life; Pootywsr Rslt.tow
a4wwd.d the easanig of the Yon /7•n•1.
1n UM line attesting' will be given to ewer,
eetablw happem/at. The chief events Is tri.
Iners'ure. and mane sad the drama will be
artheleally pncewted. w. D. Rnwsua, &
the see de.artmest. Lare and Lemma, will
dimes In bis 1.leremi.R way tine, sod the
medal Qa.ettemsofill* 11,.. iL R. Mawe'tw'e
t 4.4t1s puede of the easy worth wilt he
osmtlan.d. The progress of the Tranaperta-
tim Utrmmisedow aro end oho weld will b•
Mewed, end Carman W. Warmer will cgs
Mom the departtaset of Ammer, Sport.
1■ 1541 will .neer • Pn.ldeuttsl eileouea.
le Its editorial•ared threat& Its .outlast car -
Wo.. the W R R R 1. Y w111 conn n ue to he an Ion -
depsedent advocate of geed sovsrsmeet •.d
. owed melee,.
to Solids the willtLY will to ..p.eiaflt
.ee•.l It w111 .oblth the • sly moved of the
year by W. D. (lowlww 504 • .sten.15 reel&
eta leotoi Peed. M N. rt. ''yrtacury. 71e
Meet Mertes orientela, ef mwsr.d.Tuttle
WQRLLY w$ll m etwt•u Ks loadhMelee u � ee is
the W.mnted learnaIMm .1 the world.
Tk. TNmmw d ti•
W•11111.• %Ws 1.1111 th.
lent Number lar Januarryy e1 each year. Whoa
se 4 s18 portioned. usbwsiptloa. Dell begin
with the
eNumber ..wt .t t1.• time d w
RrwM4a m ebo 1) he mad* be
fans ONr w haft. to avoid armeettf
uveae tv1 t44, erpreeel ee eras,orn def H i wharfage
tier few. i
I,P,Pa i ai ewi
AltPIRI isoA PEOPLE. ......... e~i
mean/ ss M / ate iM O•ad
AM/rem: ll&lerlf a 111101111111Mk
P. O. Dan= M. Y. tile►.
FA )Ane\Otk1te
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 18c. M
92.00 per M. We handle cos
mercial and legal sixes exclusively.
O1 ria.trt10\ ' isle\<vt1c�
has already been partially emus
orated in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast aurora
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupies, by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tae
X NW:Ao�\Otl\s
to an "At Home' or a wedding
require considerable Late in setae
tion sometimes, but we, make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and fee
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
We aim to excel in all the differ
ent kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy paper
suitable for all requirements.
Cards OS1 I, T'ttke<s
This head oovera a large range of
work, from a brced or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from as or-
dinary admission ticket to a tarty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
4 os'tees
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great bulk of it Is
done by un. Thu line also is
which our three fast-runirng job
prawns are able to turn out b
surprisingly abort tine.
'eto\e Bt\\s
belong to the poster d�t
also, and we make a specialty
them -promptness being our she
in this respect. A notiee at wig
will appear in Tau ffievAL fres of
(sharp when bills for saes snort
ic\e‘kelli of `N or11t
in the typographical
can be in this es10
in an .xpeditiooa and
manner •ed
Oar 'P t rtes be Soa)iti
eery rtosotN ab\t..
We =deed ear thanks for pert lo-
om and solicit a ooetaaasnoe sf the