HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-12, Page 8THE 'SIGNAL: OODERICH, !ONT.. '1'H4TRSDAY. DEC. 17, 1$$. Christmas Talk. Now is the time to do your Christmas shopping, before the great rush that will come the few days before Christmas. We have made arrangements to handle the crowd that will surely be on hand for our large line of Christmas Novelties But why not buy early and get the beat attention and also the best prices, Porter's Color.ial Book Store NEWS OF THE UiSTRICT. From our ownCorresponden is Clinton : Mn. 1N. batt, « the bass i. serio.ely i11, and finis it oeosss•ry tel undergo a cniwal operation, which will be performed the week Mrs Bon (;ole will oleo undergo • sim lor operation. As the ewes .r. ID .killed medical heode,no .mous result are eettoip•ted. There is tar re.at.0 leery tact gasser be (;ray Mrs. Henry, of Loudon, • former "Nd May where at.e -sews.! the 1 reetutnt of (.re., died on Monday night of this week atter • short 111..... Her body t'Nab Specially aetray"r was brought to Ethel on the noon trato o0 few The Meant. Wedoe•dsy sod the tuner.! tool place 00 Thursday from her sons residence to Elm• assesteer. ASHFIELD. Moses'''. i►ec 'a. /.too tea meeting will be held os. New Year. eight We are glad to hear that Edward Me - Liman is DOW coovle.cent. The members of Maple Grove 1. 0 1044 had • private motel on Monday eight, god inst. The ) cuing men who went to M.sitobe last harvest have returned greatly improved in health. The public examination of school N • 5 will take plan. on Friday afternoon, 20.1. lits, st which the parson are cordt.lty in- vited to b. present. DUNLOP. Tres net, lkc. 10 Mini Susan Wallace of the Revlitld Road enioyd • pigment tout this week to friend. here. Oil roa A Hut.ut t v. --Saturday morning of lost week our popular residents, Mr mod Mn. A. ('. Macdonald lett on a visit to Windsor and Detroit to see their d.ugbtsr, Mrs. ('has. Hawkins, and their .iso and d.ugbter in the latter place. We supe both will have • pleasant time daring their aims Driving Nails A dance was held .t the opera house on • deesdav evening of lost wink. uoder the management of nine host of the h.ych.nge. The wether was rather unfavorable and o0 that account stteod.nee was Dot on large as .t previous parties. Wm. Msoohee, of Carlow, wee the violinist and all present had • good time. _---- CARLOW. IIt'IA1, Ike 3. .1. i.. Tom, 1 P S., paid he h..1'esus vert to No. 1 on Thursday of lest we. k Wears pleased to Is.ro t hat Jessie green who lately received such • nasty aocid.ot u rapidly r.00vsrieg. Ws are sorry W hear of the illness of Mir (lana Koberteo0. We with het easy friends wish her a speedy recovery. - Mrs. H A I.u6.rd sod ohildren sod Mi.. Maude Sallow., of Hamilton. ars m•ku.y e prolonged vout at the parental roof, Maple wood Form. A number of young people attended • surprise party at the residence of John Young The party was got up by the young people of Auburn. The merry sleigh bells are caw mar. heard io this vtotmtt, and the young ladies and gentlemen of Carlow seem to be cul..v ing it to the fullest extent. The farmerswives in the vicinity of Pop- lar How will miss their raspberries next Summer, s. the fire is rapidiy demoliani.g the bushes in spit of the rata, hail, and snow. LANES. TrIJIAT, Dec. 3. �'t.iri.•• M. Courtesy left last Wed na.d.y to visit bis brother who lives in Jamestown, Pa, ins - lin. ;...110., ('ampbell, who has hese seriously ill for the t week, ie still is • y.ry low coedates. Herrin.. —Mrs. Jeo. Jamieson, who ser bed s severe attack of inflammation is now again able to be oronod. .los. 0 isugbla' left here on Thursday last for Ishpeming. Mich , where he in tends to remain for same thee. ieimas The Mess Angie and Annie Keefe, of Nino/abridge. are the guests .f Mrs Nellie Howard this weak. A waw Wsi.i. Pete Scott has the °en- treat tor sinking a well at the school banes here as the old one has gives out. Rami Malec. Mrs..). D. Scott. who has had a severe attack of inflammatory rhen- matum. is wears pleased to .tate, on • fair wax to roeovart. A New Kimono. s The sew house .1 Robt. Howard • is now nearly 6.s.bd, and we expect diet in s few weeks tbev will os- copy it Ry the way, there h.ve lou q■its • number of the tair sat calling mooed Lite - W• expect that they aro laying their plass for leap year i. AT Iv Au s l c W• fes by the Net flexile of The /.stinal that "Kistail- hes .gats bass iedelgi.a is some Isere .t Me mythical tlleetraties. at our expense, tine we rather pity tam skids him node" the eirees.tsosss. Of osares, it he had sea- ted to bring abet • e..oe with " C.rrie's Lerner." ere ieeppsee thews weld have been different. bet oleos the .vent .1 tae sheeting maize supper. all haps has 1•4e4 in that quarter. Theo tare is abs the die. esaeia.e1 emeisly visite usember wile the e.hawshb lay Ism bed around i eshabh, sin sew i1 all whish is sat ;tree sad 18. }� wheat Owsresbr Parrish wore Galls/ Irws W weak budget. it WO' them be w eelde e/ a 4.4 Ibtrrl red of tog i..rgains are • good deal like, one wants to know when W strike. IN SILVERWARt 00 FINE CUTLER! Fos ('HRISTiIAS TRADE We are giving great bargains. In CRoss-CLT SAWS, ACES FILES and GENERAI. HARDWARE. Our prises are awns down. DAVISON & CO. 1feeed for geed newts. Groceries The undersigned beg to an nounce to the public that they have opened out ageneral store of Groceries, Dry Goods, Flour and Feed on Hamilton Street, next door to S. Sloane', Warehouse, where they will endeavor to sell at the very lowest price possible. Terms Cash. C. Beck & Co. C.R..SHANE&CO Full Line of Seasonable Goods. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. 0.L MAIM 00. ihwasrw. tae Perieline -aerie. Friday Bargains The Crowds that visited our store last Friday were at times more than we could attend to, but next Friday will be as bad and the next one worse Just now customers are looking for goods suit- able for the holiday season, and our whole aim is in that direction. Friday, December 13th WE WILL HAVE SLAUGHTER STALE of Ladies'Coats The balance of our stock at the following prices. 1 Oast worth $10.70, for $7.00 1 Coat worth $ 7.75, for $5.76 2 Costa worth 6.00, for 4.50 2 Beate worth 8.50, for 6.00 3 Coate worth 4.86, for 3.60 1 Oast worth 1100, for 6.00 3 Costs worth 6.00, for 3.90 1 Oast worth 7.50, for 4.7/ 1 Cost worth 6.00, for 3.75 1 Coat worth 7.00, for 3.00 Bargains in Capes, Bargains in Handkerchiefs, Bargains in Fancy Linens, Bargains in Muffs and Collars.! Bargains in Chinelle 'fable Covers, The Bargains in Chinelle Curtains, Bargains in Table Napkins, Bargains in Kid Gloves, See small bills tor price list. J. T. ACHESON. X -MAS GREETIN G --1_ TO TN PVBLIC In a few more days it will b-41395 years since Christmas first dawned upon the earth, bringing joy, cheer, comfart and goal will to millions who have lived, are living and will live upon its surface. Christmas Presents are a great source of pleasure both to the giver and to the receiver. We are showing a magniticent stock of goods suitable for these purposes C. A. HUMBER & SON. HOLIDAY GOODS Santa C1aug advised u„ some time 'Ai to be ready for him. We have had a good many tussels with the old chap, and are ready fur hint again with a big stuck of Books, Stationary, Papetries, Fine Leather Goods, Bibles, Hymu Books, X-mas Cards, Dress- ing Cases, Fancy Boxes Fine China Goods, Dolls, Toys, Novelties in great variety. All goods marked low. I have made a large purchase of New Halide 5r Goos.s at 65e on 6. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN THESE Come and see. Extra inducements to early buyers. A._ Z WEIR Kat door to JAS. ROBINSON'S Dry Goals Store. If you want a Ladies' Goat, b. sure and see the above before you purchase. 36 inch all wool Serge Dress Goods at 20 cents. 40 inti all Wool Drew Goods at 25 sante. A few pieces of Dress Goat at half price. A full assortment of Black and Colored Mantle cloths at very low figures. All Mantle Cloths ve $1 cut and fitted free et charge. Drees and Mantle making up stairs. Our Carpet as usual is the largest and best in the County. We can fit you out in anything from a ten sent Hemp to the best Brus- sels. We have introduced a new Azwinater Carpet that is taking the lead where good Carpets are wanted. Be sure and see it if you want a Carpet. Late Curtains a specialty. Over 300 sets to select from. Chenille gouts, hugs and Mats in great variety. Colborne Bros. Greatest Carpet and Lace Curtain Ware- house of the County. If You Need Felt Slippers Felt Boots Rubbers ', Overshoes Overstockings Overgaiters Heavy Rubbers and Sox Get Pollock's Prices and YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. A large assortment of X-mas Slippers IN Felt, Repp and Embroidered. Newest Style. Lowest price at H. B. FOLLOCK'S NEXT STURDY BROS Holiday Fruits . .1 • A line assortment of new Fr'tits for the holiday season has just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of best brand. Family Groceries a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, seccaseea TO IL num a SSU. tees Walfir ma. MOM - Subscriee for The Signal for W. Only $1 Wales Into TroBbe Don't Whistle "Sweet Marie" and .calk into the cl•.tcheeof those who are advertising to "sell goods below cost." If y .n get a first class Suit or ( lvercoat it is only a matter of good sense to know that it must e it a reasonable sum. It's the ser- vice you get of anything that de- termines whether or not it is a bar- gain. There is no question about, the service at I'ridham's. We can suit yon in quality and the price is always right. PRIDHAM, T....0111. OM: Mea JAI. bows snivel Mir taw hilae from a visit of Maw swathe M Nepa.u, Mame We. Rebs 7'1.4.11. Ilia lswa'e ..s8Nr, amseneasied her ea bee b.....r4sad wilt sale bar be.s wide bee b/guar ea the *0.8 sea, Here's a Pointer For You 4 The approach of the holiday messes naturally suggests the purchase of appropriate presents- We want to make a suggestion shout goods in our Line. Jud received a consignment of packet books. They are superb. Our China is all new and really beautiful, and at pries tbs0 are low. We have a line of Books never before sold in this store, such as Adventure@ for Boys, and all tate lesdny Annuals. Handsome and useful Celluloid Naveltier is Toilet Cases, Celenders, etc. We make up all kinds of Fancy articles. Have you seen our Shaving Paper 0.@.m in lova/ decigram? Our old stock is practically gone. What there le left we are placing on a table and you may have it at rear own price. We don't want it, as we require ream to di.p>•Y oar splendid New Holiday "took. Watch oar window, it will pay roar. Dea't stand outside and look, but game in sad los convinced that what we advertise, we mean. THE FAIR. anta2Claus' Headquarters.