HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-12, Page 7ESTQ AY, who shoe the are for hoes kers. Is to 1 re But Lin - buy sell that c)] to. i the hat's It s0 them :rich. u st, (:oderiek, s ISu ET(., KT(' be to the beet toy new ones ss $3 a per cord I -assorted stork 23rd 7T. SE best Family le in Dairy Vegetable,. SOS. Square. 1 1 11 mss TRE SIGNAL : GOD ERICH, ONT., THURSDAY DEC. 12 1896. My Baby was a living skeleton; the doe. toff maid bo was dying of Matas - taus and Indigestion. At 13 months ho weighed only seven pounds. Nothing strengthened or fattened him. I began using Scott's Emu:sion of Cod-liver Oil with IIypophosphites, feed- ing it to him and rubbing it into his body. Ile begin to fatten and is now a beautiful dimpled boo. The Emulsion seemed to supply the one thing needful. Mrs. Kk'HYtiN WILLIAMS, May 21, 894. Cave Sprinifs, Ga. Similar letters from other mothers. Des'$ b.peneadsd So edema a mbefttels, Scott & beet' feb.ae $Oc. lad l$I. SOME DON'TS IN DRESS 1)uo t neglect quality for the sake of yummy. Doe t wear • white petticoat unless tt is welt.. U at torget that twig credit otteo beings Dont trim goud material with uonimon trim ed le Llea't Imagine that beauty wail atone for semitones. ain't. Zook ilk, • frumo boomer you o..aea look • swell. Du't expect greet b•rg•iie to turn out great eaves. Uo.'t dress to startlepeopl. s eyes but to wetly them. luu't make your own drawn utiles@ you ma do it wt. l. - Deo' . jump tow your clothes •uJ expect to look dna•.e.l. I)os'r achieve the groteeq,e while at- tempting the origiuel. Lent wear • fur or • feather toe 'nth • uottoo dress or skirt. Leat dress your heed •t the ex pones of your hands end font Doo t buy cheep Ilnit.tions it y u can of ford the geau.ue ani 1.. Doo t put oast before out. C,rded silk won't o••yer a clumps lit. •ailes. o1 nu old reasoner Big loads, little profits. Azle grease modifies the gran bill. Bel tempered driver - ind temp -red team There or. more balky drivers than belk, tomes Whip' ere Ike emet:oe, to be used very seldom Noisy drivers are like nosy wagons -both empty. CeNenes or ihr aeallves. Pooelope-Cb.rley called lad night Jett toe-Tb•t'e twice to • week• neo t It Peue here- Ye. Jamison -1 suppose he'll come three tones to the next week • Penelope -That's what brother says Justine -hod five t.mes the next • Penelope-Tb.!'1 what eater aye. Just tne-And aiz tines he neat • Pent lope -That • w hat aunty says. Jostim-And cove. times the next • Penelope -That's whet paps says. .Justice-ood thou what! Penelope - Theo we'll get married : that's what everybody .aye. .lust ne And then what' Peo.i•.pe--Then 1 won't see him any more of .o *venial/ that's what mamma says - Brooklyo Life. CHRISTMAS CHEER Fee the ■adv T•hle. A tirirtn Rocvu or Haar. --Take • round weighing 25 or 30 pomade. and place it in • loge platter. Mix we.I 4 dessert spoonfuls of pepper, 4 dessert spoonful* of allspice, 2 desert •pooaful• of s1 ves, 2 dessert spoon full of *attp.-ire sed 12 dessert spoonfuls of salt. with 4 table spoonfuls ot matinee. Rub this compound into both sides of the round, end repent the practise even more• tog for three weeks, turning the round over in the platter daily When you are ready to 000k it, wipe It off. rub it with • little butter, dredge with flour and roast it in • slow oven from five to rax hour• i'ut some nice stock to th• bottom of tie poo, and cover the ern closely 1)o not cut it until cold, and then in very thio dries, almost like paper, hnnrooally sad evenly, so that until it is almost roes it will still present • good •ppe•r.nee upr.n the sideboard. There was • young tatuster aimed Kriel Ives. brought • load of telegraph kpollya, And be searched by the hour To find • clock time, }or hs eyes were se blind •e two kmol !yes. Ayer's rills, hetw, composed of the seem - tie! virtual of the hest ve,et•hle epeneats, without any of the woody et fibrous mater lel whatever. is the rooms why they are sec much more effective sad valuable than say ether cathart'n. The hest family physic. :SHE NEVER MARRIED. " AUNTIE, will you tall ate a story 1 The story, you know, you've premised gas .o ohm - wky y sever armed. Iso yea remember, Amuse, when 1 woe little, yon .sad to say it wee become w nae had *eked you ' 1 serer believed that," sad the girl laughed "Theo you prowtsed you'd tell me when 1 was 18, sad now I •m IB, ' and Miriam gave • tug et her skirt. with all the pleased proprietorship of lose drawees. " tit. do, aunty, dear •' Very well, darling.' Mies IMoeby sighed, sod Miriam drew up her chair and std her gulden hood on the old lady'. knee. •' Now, auntie, l'm ready," wad Mies l).s.by began. " I was ju.t about your age when 1 'came wit,' end for months pa it 1 had looked tor ward to • Looduo swoon end thought my first ball would come. Rut the much looked for night Dame •t lest, and, when dread sal ready to start, I thought it the happiest moment o1 my lite, but it was no thing to whet followed. The flowers, the music, the light., the brirbt drones*, wed the gar ,._cple wandering hither and thith- er, 011 dazzled me wad put on to miod of fairyland. 1 did not lack partners, and dasosd till the small hours ot the morale,. Kvery ons said I had been • messes, but I paid little attention to any ot their remarks 1 had enj .ted myself wildly. \Vhat more could 1 wont to make me happy ! 1 was very, very young. " Soon after 1 met Mr. 5i. 1 remember it was almost m. first diener party, and, hey hag sufficiently recovered from • fit of shy- ness, I looked round at my next door neigh- bor, end there, on my left, were two blue eyes laughter et me. H. must have noticed my *hyenas, I fancied, and, with the pude of south, 1 deeply resented it. After that 1 found the blue eves nearly elway■ smiled when when they loosed at me. end I got to love that smile, end even that evening 1 re. Mitred that only foolish 18 000ld take offence •t ouch • trifle, so we laughed end made friends, All through dinner he t.lked to me a good deal, end 1 forgot my shyness end Mom. communtc.tive on many sub. )eote. " After that evening we met frequently, danced together, r..d• together -in tact, hardly • day passed without our meeting, till at lest 1 began to look for him, whether In the perk or at • hell or c000srt. At that time life was brimming over with happinees. i had no very definite idea or the future, sod the preeemt was to sweet that 1 pre (erred not to think of • Moines of any sort " The drat spot on my happiness was •t en e bell, where I had expected to find Mr. and though I wmodems not enjoying thing. • bit 1 did not wept to come away. Peewees- ty of human nature ' And only in the oar- mee did 1 fems to myself that 1 had tared on in the hope of hie turning up eta. Well, he didn't, sod it was with • somewhat heavy heart I west to deep that ight, but by next morning the *food hadass ped sway. Were we not going to meet d ride together "Could his presence mak• any difference n my enjoyment! At first i laughed et the as ea, bat soon foetid it wnot to be arched •t. Where he w, there my es y stent was co•npl.ts, het where he was seldom eared to stay Naturally people heron to talk about us, and, es is the way the world, speculated se to what would come of it, if it would be • good thisg or of Well, let them talk. Whet eared I (» ' was so rain that he loved me that I ill i when people told me that lady el_ was doing all she knew to catch him for Dallas daughter. Poor Afire .11as ! Why, Dever so mooh as looked .t her when i near ' How solo was pride to have • 11' " The summer was nearly over. and pro - e began to harry away- from London. We et again in the country and spent Ineg y* together, and again people began to oder why be did sot propose. Perhaps was the poison who wondered least, for s i not sure that sooner or later he op- ined!, would ' Then, owe Sunday evok- e, we parted, to meet again the following eek, hot somehow that meeting never me shout In the long months that Pol- ed i rememhered him es i waw him last, ving his handkerchief from the carriage Mow, ' Then, owe day, i heard he was engaged Alio* 9.11.. At first i would not ho- ve it, but when belief was en forced op my grief knew no bounds, Till that day hardly realized hew food i had grown of end the preepect of • long life wi•hoot appalled me, i oried as if my heart Id break, rind then pride mine to my ns Full of courses and firm resolve, 1 k op the thread of my daily life and • 0 en le id of sei las h he WOW f• PI d• ere w• deo in e• low w• wi • In lie ,n* G., him woe rose ton bo Laid Low by Indlgeet ion. 'til It' 1 was eo run down 1 had to elm up ear worktau ped net eels to hide my feeling, hot to 1 the doll, aching pain by plunging wild - into rockier excitement. It was all ✓ well for a hat. bet the reaches wits rad t. oome,end 1 di.a•vered that I meet e ntre other remedy. We met several times after the engesaa- t was annonneWII ---se friends- -and 1 •OStt'S Sarsaparilla the kind that au res. Indigestion or dyspepsia is the bane of thou -ands, and is one of the most de- pressing of afflictions. It arises from an ; talk impute or impoverished condition of the per blood, which weakens the digestive and thea assimilative organs, rendering them in- my tapable ofrformin their natural func- tires, and if neglect A. the sufferer loses p' flesh, complains of ezhaustine after slight Theon exertion, and becomes rapidly debilitated grat t ntfer the fail hien ageK hod deep try Men ed end I•nehed as in the old days, revs haps for • townh of Mtternees, whiek 1 had never known, and the sound of yens seemed hollow and unreal, nor - bemuse Orn were en ser the outline. nee the wedding and.heegeeet00S. . Loons, end 1 wee emneg the first to mise, end was it fasts that 1 thought bridegroom looked et one s little slat- y sad was hardly se radiant es the sera warrented ' Rut. thio, no ase thought was • leve mrteh ' Rad not Alice her - /even out that eh* did set can fee him! he' Rat, thee, why had Iso takes this r• Miss De.eby paved and in this sow fast �Nken.g d•rksome Miriam§ meld dimmers • t tear. while she herself wag rat MR - ed Awitm," said Ma girl, dip.* he, late the .14 1•dy'a, " wbea ps. k iso. thee, de they me terra i dent Mink t5y ewer quite feept,kat whew all gent sad ohms Mattes ens better for its mark. Winn I lewd a s• tamest .sold ase bed my wenad. L bur r. Wm. W. Thompson, a proutgu1nn resident of Zephyr, Ont. in a lettey'dat Aug r ith, ties soya : "It gives me ort pleasure to testify to the fact that Scot sarsaparilla has calmed a most remark. able rlunge is my condition. 1 was se touch run dose%@ 1 had to give ap week ad felt as if life were net worth 1ivie. Mr. Uafoe induced tae to try Scott's Set taptrill and after taking four bottles 1 am now feeling as I formerly did year$ age, and 1 want to say for the benefit woes suffering from indigestion and feel- Wks Mg. to use slang phrase, ' rompktely eau .kner bred out,' don't despair until yet give Scow. Sarsaparilla • fair trial.• bed Seett s Sarsaparilla is a blood food, it aamtrlates all vital *egress to healthy sib• larrnal aches, eaabhing dam to throw " of all poiseawgg 4a�sod debilitaUagbamege. Nee 41» °COAi`'The `t kia:ivt twos. Iret there way I mei em gm, ea • •11 way, se dad trees wort to Jo, eves d it were ugly helping them ewho were euflertae &round me A•d whim the te brat eny as of bleed sod utter IeneYw n had wore off 1 was able to settle to seers regular oucupatlwnMiriamMiriawas silent, then *lowly, as If sacred on au almost ored susubplots : " /Moue, is be are they alive •" ohs '• 1'e, dear. •' Anil won there some mistek. " That, dear, 1 never sow thick of. Italy Oa* keowe, but some day we, too, *bail see me fato face." --Sketch. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. USEFUL SATCHELS. /eat to Wake @[test awl Whal ■ m$. aroa 11.0 Mese Treaty sedge.. I raw • pretty satchel' • few days that was designed to hold the little ar cies w useful to • tr•eelier. It would otos to hold the wester or bit of seed work, .bo, when my lady wished to vee friend. Material, deep rd and plush, satin for listing, pale blue rsbboo, silk working it, and • bendstrap, such as chi ren use to carry their books to school. T a width ct tbe plush twenty seven Inc long Rasta • !nogth of the rihtso do the °entre, allowing it to w,me wsthso tb soches of the edge at either sod, and ether all around the plush, two Inches fro the edge. Catch down the ribbons on etth mule to the plush with fancy stitches, urs Asiatic twisted embroidery silk of en o geld solo/. The plush as lied with d rd quieted satin, one end folded over inches to form • pocket, and the de stitched together. This leaves • lop env inches wide to fold over. An old gold et send u used to bosh the edges .11 roup The handle of the .Mewl strap is fastened the top in such • way that the straps over the dap. and wben buckled holds the in place. A Ise expensive satehel, whi we hays used 'rob much setistaction, has different shape, being in the form of • ro sod does •way with the strap. The mate aid lured was heavy Imes ; it was lee . throughout wtth'dam and interlined wit buckr•w. For the en 4, cut two circul mimes e°e. , t seven inches in diameter an another pace twenty eight inches wild es Stiffen the circular piecwsth paste Sew the lone strip round the circular pI overcasting the same neatly, and finish • the edges with brown silk cord, Three 10 made of cord ere sewed to the rap, en three buttons placed on the mein part the satchel, to fasten it with. A monogr• was worked on the flip, just above tb oord, and • design done in outline wit brown R,men floes, ornamented the end end formed • border around the large pie of linen. Handlee were made of linen, fold ed twice to mak• them *tree*, ns rong, one i wide and twelve soches long, and sew upon each side of the satchel. ft is .n sr thole that wall well repay one for the ti and expense put put upon it. A music roll m• be made in the same way. le go 1l be le t • red for Id ako ties Wal rime ea en er ng id ark ten es en lk d. to Wes ch 11, d h a e board e.es 11 d of m h• • t h d mo 7 Tne ('ryt•g o1 Edts.. • baby. With the completion of the brat phono• graph at hes laboratory cisme the first baby to the Edison home. It was the delight of the great inventor to record the pretty .r• ticuletior of the youngster on the phone graph for reference in his old age when he oweld hear the baby wails of his first-born over again But the moat remarkable thiog •bout the child was its peculiar en, and this was •bout the only thing that the father bad not caught on the cylinder. So Mr. Edison de- termined ons day to catch the youngster when it was emitting it. Gement yells and lie started trom his laboratory to the house with the phonograph. He brought the baby in front of it, but the unexpected well was not forthcoming. He tumbled the youngster about and rumpled its hair, end did all sorts of thing., but .1111 the belly didn't ory ; on the 0notrary, he crowed joyously, Edison at length gave it up in di.• gust. Hut to bottle Edison is only to inflame his determination- Igoe morning, when he knew hie wife Wes in New York for the dos he went quietly home with the phonograph, end .4 le into the nursery, where the baby greeted him with caetowt•ry glee. Starting the machine, Mr. Edlsyo ordered the nurse to leave the room. Then he took the baby on hie knee, end bard its obohby little leg He took the tender flesh be- tween his thumb and firmer, clenched his teeth, shut his eyes tight, sod made reedy to pinch the baby's leg, but jest •t the fate- ful moment the nurse peeped throutrh the door sod perceiving the horrid plot, fin00c ed in end reeoued the baby in the nick of time. Mr. Edison breathed • mighty sigh of re lief as he gathered up the phonograph sod west back to the laboratory. Re thea gave up the project of ph000granbint tbe b.by'. oiling. He euooe.dd not lone afterwards, however, in accomplishing his marlines When the baby- made de first visit to the laboratory it set up • dreadful well et the whirrinl/ noise. Mr. F4i.00 instantly had the machinery stopped, the phonograph was produced, and • record ot the baby's crying takes Nen and before, ase W.saa•'s 411ses11p, A point which the "woman who dress.* well on • moderate income' emphasizes is that on no amount must the street gown be worm in the house. A walking sett, kept religiously as sooh, will have twice the life of one worn as well to the home dinner and through the evening, with perhaps diadem climbinr over it, or even simply sat in for an extra five hour.. Aside from ibis 1e000mie view, the street dress is winter Is too beery for wear in tar overheated beneea How Bowes permit seek • lioness of style wed material that it is easy to evolve thee hem wrecks of other dreamt, *eebimLe skirt of ewe with wake of another wad trieeti.ee gdrb.p., et • third. Or the amp mum crown iries, linedwithrolher heaver elute, may be used for sea k.santar wear at home Hos.sur t • re... d exposes, bet .f tomb f. w meresumeefiot. '1•h. wem.m whe engem addle se expenditure ~rim her w•tebful...min the m.*i., of wearer* b.r beleegier, 1. her Meek ke.pier mu pair of beets ter walk's. wily if .h. lm suburbs@ w.s.S. she keep. •e extra paw of ghees in her theppi.g bee, to be were se mete wed be reviewed fee metropolitan' mar by fresher eves. Tb• 11•Mber t.. mats. Thu is the tome when snide ars is the fashion everybody who ea anybody boo 0150, if not himself 15.,.'. own in the family. For no onoplaint tinder the sun are then more remedies than tor • euM in the heed, but of the thousands CA...'. Ostarrlt Oars ea the bast. "I@ twelve hoer* 1 was mired of • bad .old ie Om bald by Arm.'. 0.r.," writes Mme Gina; Alli.teli.O.t. fin of .11 ami- dst THE -. OLE. BLACK MAMMY. an Ageratum ewes, es a serosa • sr Beast Wore Tema .ht. 0Mp. Tin Ledge,' urea the withers, the utke day, of • very pretty scene in • street oar There was •o old Regan woman, • ver black o1J wunteu, whose (am, besides bets blob, was pock marked. IS a• doubt a sup oriole' observer would hat. called her re pulave. But there was • •west mad kiedl look to her ryes, and • besevulest aspect e on about her black testuree,whtch, es y looked et her, gave you • glimpse sit sees* doom beautiful. At her side, with has f toward the window, knelt a hole whi boy a Snndowm, ly dressed little chap, wl ►Laude wile and blue eyes. He *eked die old black woman questions 00th and then which rhe answered with • deep, goon,kind vows ; and she balled the little fellow " hooey." Presently) this little Cottontail loomed over toward the old woniso, put hie 11101 loves/flylovily around her veal, and put hie pak and.whst. cheek .g•tu.t her birch fano. That obliterated every bit ,.f rrpel- e lvenese the women might hove had with every pontos of sentiment so that car. io this Heals tory the old black hes was attire - h beautiful, because 11 was /I1 love. The beauty that he sew was • good deal more than skin deep. The scene brought to nand ell the roma swore of the old slave mementos and their nursling%- the old bleck women who tended end lovedtheir tiny ma.ters,•ed were loved .y then) tenderly to colon, et least ' hrough he period of childhood. Have you heard aro sing -re of pl.,tt•ttoe melodies sing that wog, " Mammy • Li'l' Boy'" It i. • true picture of the relation of love sod devotion between the nitre. and the child. The "It'1' boy" is to be punished by bps owo whirs ao- 1.01105 mother for sone. d. lisytsenov, but ' I II run to .'.y mammy," to She'll take me in her apron. and She I hide me from my m• dine mother, is e ca..e,'abdicated the throne to her chil I s h••srt, eon euderise her nettle tr,.re to rite of the humblest of h uman beings.. Snorta •trai,e th:og is moth-rhnod ; capable of such love es no other heart is capable of, and yet as often willing to relinquish in own highest joys for &epicalio tnflss.-Reno. Transcript. r • 1 a 7 w ace N th g e••••»•••••1 • 111D & �" MENTHOL PLASTER • t 1 O O • i I lee. arrrelb'e *.-046•4 0m..5.. swi••. sir..e..Jawakes .wr 5taw-c0...a .moi sten. duiYatl►o-r,l�l..uns . p M 1.1.. K. -W nit.,a,,.ta. ,.... use e 1d Y•-r.►4'1..,. ,s among eros .4 . .. War rbr.•..rl.w... 40,4 4 n .rosy •••.• t.: ra'.......s .Y,.r., •101 '---'wet ,.0. f. >r .4. K u w -r•ww. • 1.. • It t'u:e. Relative. Lu rule go.. Neu- ru'eiv, l':rle. In malt ar 51.5., or any ]tuawo/ar JPatne- i•,• Duet. • & ewrsore ('e,. IAA, 2..... .. Pr*1."a• .e-...d...e.L. • • • • • • • • i••••6all •6••sZ GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. "117 • thorough knowledge of the i.ttr.l laws which Bovero the operations of dkeestlos and nut anion. and by • careful wppliu.tioe of lite fine uruperile. of eell•plected ('coca, Mr. Rpm has provided for our breakfast and sap- per • delicately flavoured beverage which may (eve sir MAUI hrevY doctor: bills. It is by the Jodielous use of such •rticice of idler that scam imitation may he gradually built up untll strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. I Hundreds of subtle mala.liee are &militia •round rus read to attack where.er there is may * weak point. We ay asmany an a tate! 'shaft by keeping ourselves well fortlOed with pan, blood and • properly nourished frame.-- CYr..•rrreire ()nerds. Made simply with boiling water or milk. i acid ousy in oacketa,hy (brocen. labelled thus: JAletla trim dt t'•.., 144., 11aase•••••b r l'hesal•1.. Asad... RatiW.t. ASTI L. CARD TEE CLOTHIER HAMILTON -ST., GOJERICH. Ione door from the corner of the Square, and it will pay you to final that door. I've made a purchase myaapony. Iof ready made Clothing from one A little fellow was convalescing •f scarlet lever, end to very k.wstunts lwca as he said : "It'll be forever before I have any !hint. to d0 with the Lot's agai Suddenly his ette'.t.••n wet •••rooted to plroo of paper, tied to a long string, a weighed down with • 6.hing sinker, t hew to through the rp-n window of t room he was in. Eagerly, he unpinned 1 grimy note, laboriously written by • soh ample lntence. I. ran "N'e thout you mite lie Innesum. Th is en we are doing 1r. 1 have asked t other boys to do it two, So evry day ref lof the largest manufacturers in N W ; Canada, at one third Ie., than the os. !regular price. This is the time of d " 1year clothing is wanted, and the aa I privet that are marked -on these hat goads will make them fairl .df he out of the door. Herz' goes for a ;this pricer, and I want you to cut this advertrsetnent out bring it •t with you and see whether the h° ' foods are here and the prices are are ell of us agoing to send you a let threw the winder. This i. my @tote on t bottom of the paper. I memo 'fosse wee- we ea ter right. bs MOTHERS' BRING YOUR BOYS good. But yen want ban. All the oth K i I've a nice assortment of depend- able Clothing. and quality has not been hast sight of for price Boy's. 2 piece vuite, start et $1 75, bet• ter ogee at $2, 22.25, up to $3 SO tloy s 3 pesos .este, price start $3 25, better ewe-, $3,75 $4 anti $5 This is not trash. It's reliable, wearable clothing. $6 50 will buy en ell wow' Frieze U.t.r with raised seams, storm ooller, 54 Inches long, warn lining. Tht. °oat ie • choker. Heeler oue. $8. 51 25 h.:•. • gnarl h,•avy Toned Pant*, with t . a.l. trl..m .•l, • ., sing. 4'• -'1'-'t ..0 elf howl uou. I- h.,..•. ofd m in'e aui%tem. a sp i s pat por 5 1, 5.0.4 r 'r..,niatr•, t. tor, c slam ... k l.. n • •n,., .0 d it would b. ,food s clue at boys are saline to drawn th.,'s for you turn." Them letter wo. SWUM t.riefiv, "Fronk." it made no d ffereno, to Johnny that Franks sketch was very much out of drawing, or that hu spell or dad not agree with Mr. IV.ba•er e. Ry hie simple thoughtfulness, he had turned whet hid fair to he • dreary •iovalidum into o0e of the happiest periods of .1 ohne v'• whole boy boat We /aye .Ned That no remedy m the market effordi mob Prompt rrl.ef it. toothache, neuralgia, sad rheumatism es Nervii,ne, and its actions is case of cramps, colic, A,., is simply marvel- lous. Remsrktog this to • physician of e.• perience he stated that from his knowl.ge of the cvtmpnsttion of Norville. no remedy could surpass it es . family remedy, end that in every household a Ant, le of Nervi line shoal' he available 1,.r ureenr de mends Roeder, of this paper shout 1 tr Nerviline. ALIT ANO LITERATURE IN CANAOk There are cynics who say that there is so public opinion in Canada, no literature Ata dinner given recently by the publishers of Toronto to Mr. Hall Caine, the great novelist, this question was discu.•ed, and a leading publisher remarked that litera- ture would never make rapid advance m this country because it is difficult to induce Canadians to read the works of a Cana. dian author. This statement, however, is not true with regard to Tome, Salu►day Night, which has as large a circulation as any newspaper of its dam in America. its Christmas Number, which will be issued Dec. 1, is the eighth in a aeries of art num- bers- it will be accompanied this year by five splendid colored supplements ; the largest, a reproduction of a painting by a Canadian artist, done specially for Saturday Night, is s.4 x33 inches in size. its title is " ham lain the Explorer," and depicts him and a fiotilla of war canoes entering the mouth of a river on Lake Huron. The picture has been praised by the Historical Association as the most interesting and arti.tie attempt ever made to carry us back to the old days when Canada was little more than a geographical ter. The other four pictures are done in sixteen colors, and the book itself, consisting of over forty pages, contains the four prize stories in the Saturday Night competition. Following is a bat of contents : est prix. •• A Rernisnai..ance et Port Spice. - by : G W,lt.am Bleaad ll Cameron. Illustrations inns. sed prise... Boli :Storey's R hy,' by W. A. Pres. hm ifl.Mraon, frophotographs. tad girt ••A Matter of Necssity." by Joh* ilia Cras. IUu.tr.tloes by F. 11. H.ILS.iely.CR A. 4th pore. '• Widow Molo,iy.- by J. C. Lena. ifl ow tratlons by the author. sewede Leery', Pass," by F. R. . Shepp.,J, Bier From. the Sublime.- by Wanes li. wenn. Illser.tn.., by G. A. Reid. R.C.A. ''Nasion', Skew.- by Alice Ashworth. Iflusnrs.sL "Hendereb.xt of Strathgaassoel' by Joe Clark s.11hieteadevat«.as by Cal Ahrens, A.R.t,.A., and B•aerie. flanks.. `.one .. as eta on by "Don.- b • Dream posed. by Aletend1, Ns Lerma.. The Lon of the Wort! ns.t,ee.d�- fpn. by Villiant l.ewppnn. lI)oei,atiors by J. s4. �ss,ergA. "Life of Cli.mplr.," by (:.ore. Sewart 1r.A,, D.C.L. A. • Little Chi'Y," (pond. by E".ty. Desosi "'A Soria• owned. by Gertrude Bartlett_ The price of the number, postpaid to aft' address, In a pasteboard tube to protect it from damage in the mails, in so cents, and in point of literary excellence and the quantity and quality of the wpp1er s it r exceeds anything offered by foreign holidaypabficathoru. Mr. James L Hughes, inspector. of gchoole for Toronto, has said that and hhe �should i• pict ere ',ermined Ilg n every schoolroom in Canada," and srhookeachers everywhere should take an littered in briniest it before the publicc..�odTeachers and people can Number work by for • Christina* work by �isg as a t, end • better their neighbors to d for aa wepand A liberal centini.dtw, is allowed. tAoddress the r Adele . Street west" . Torods. yl'balJa'''et'. of llse repair edition ef S.ryr� which - - ahnrb alma as Camr - tg e7 boys an e11 wool Tw-eei1 suit, in.Js up double ratesate.•, •site extrahr.ry lining., nest pattern, Th.- ohuk- .ale pr,c- of 1. • ..tt' was 47 50, leg .. v .4 ...m 410 sit- in •..e... -..lir $B seal .•••y you as sniport•-d I:t ak Sere- suit, winter Weight, fiat dye►, the riot se duul.le breasted, full lr •v h, ., ith •Xtra blew 1 •.i... T.. •leo au.t tb•t in the regular v ..y .b nl:d te sold f• r i12 E t:ht dollars . my pr,, e A 1 . z • 36-42. $1 50 Le to., pr.co .t a pair of *lira Leavy. all oro .. ;aura 52 u what they ere .. or h ('.sine in w lull or t-,il .o -f• t•a,i:• to Italy of not Look frce:t laes'n all get aequninre•!, %%'III be mutu- ally benof einl. EEk1Y FREE FARM AND NOME Sixteen Panes, 96 Oolnnuna. Meeactive family Read- ing Rvery Week. ROTH PAPERS T. FOR si The WEAKLY were Peen and FAIRS* Alm Hone. combined In ma ie offered to on, uniform 1a gine and ail= now until rho 214 Diwom* herbor. h mer I� fog. ON1 DOLLAR Tor Fans Panna 1g the iibernl-Ooeeervativ. Joarnal os eg era Ontario. It oontalns etkeh weak a complete of de nava 4111100111111011l of tea The Commercial paces of the Witant.T Fans PRIan ale w to data, god ample for the country meaahanto and PARK A counting gash able articles on mn11'asio and Live Steak. Thierric &s esta', and hone Eraedgir in Ito @pager abundant torsion of would inter Stlt11'lal Tale of a mmeta n ASdT � g fbnioxg tier nurture Onealawidl M Turn QAw 1' . oe neabse trot, Aaiun a n meat ch..a ii.aap.gt(e>t and @Aar @�11� hie P I NIINTU. I saebaay a.1w par *oar. . I PICKED UP 'N PASSING '500401 1.m1 -twee ,s 1. 4: a••.I•1.•l A mem ant gar -et is sever weloo.,e. kve.. •o,(.1' tt.elf may *putt • good dub. A oh.l.s's birds and • ln.y'e wile u well used. Cooks ave not to be taught jn their owe k i t uheu. Dry broad at hoe • is better then roast meet shwad. A cola you may Intek, but as old horse you never call. A f... 1 may ■..k• money, but it registries • woe two to *peed it. Cover your heal by has as much as 1011 will, by eight s. n.nch as sou con. Creditors have I et..r icen.on. s than debt- ors. -- lined Huuseke• omit. PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS he a surprisingly short tier It s a pct •ntilie curia/in), Wee .n! c are, soutbl .10 and healhes .0 it. effects. W. C. Mc(uusss & Snr, kluue brit/ , Ltue., la • IAM 141 ryas e•.. wa1 . u.N Iso a. bn.,.....14.a Mastan. bees.. bawl tear. rei at.• . u..t w 4. aa.'wue.r .4 • l.as.0 u.• . ata. Ifs. J. IL i1. sit 1 .•mi•t, y:, l -o,, 44 . 5.awnlo• write .. A. • Fear.' ,,.'•.•a .aa ioa:.y.-.p Pmq r.. I.e.l u • u..t u.>slu. M. yry,.r.t/..0 11 Irv. taw./ 1.yed ~ "' 't ••W1.et.... to. all .au Irv. to ./ It .d I.• n:. tn. N••a.n u. tb.• i....., •,. It. ilea to OM,. imam.. Lu. bar da •r ,.:ons 0. ma M-.n•u. ba aro ter. Its ase. WO M b.. 0..s •r,.Mrf. l -l. ae.l t .a always immured '1 r • Y1. and ..&rata. rough ,n.•LLY•. . Large 111•1eM. >/ ,tie, DAVIS & I.AWKENCE CO, Liu. Sole Prnprtetsr, hl..etar•L Good Grocerie s Cheap I have added to my 'Salary Rumness e full line of tint -class grooenes whish will be sold cheap on a (ash System. I intend selling strictly for ('ash, with • small profit, and mean to bay' the °emp5 S store in tows. GOODS are NEW and FRESH and will give entire est. is/action to the public The usual stock of first -cls BREAD, BUNS, CUES, CONFECTIONERY, , ETC., wlI1 flutter. Egg and Fernier.' Produce taken are Cash Remember the stand- next door to Wm. Aobesio's harness depot, Reunites -et., t %oderich. D. STORDART. The Hamilton -et, Ba e/ and Grocer. j NEW GROCERY 011 HAMILTON STRBBT next .k. 1t. CORNELL'S The undersigned respectfully' an- nounces to the residents of Goder•ich and ailja.ent town- ships, that he has opened out am ahose with a new stock of choice groceries, which for low- ness of price anti excellent quality, cannot he excelled. Call and see me. Tensa cash. OIO. HALM?, FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTFRIEND LARa[•T 5*L5 IN CANADA. GODP RJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, 9weeworto Ckryatal d! Rtasi,9 Manufacturer 01.11 kind. of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc., And Dealer In - Engines, Machinery ('.stings, Re. All sixes of l'ipee and Pipe Fitting", `tte►m and Water Gauges, (Nobe Valves, Check Valves, Impiratore, Ejectors and In- je,ters Constantly on Head •t Lowest Prima. A spacial hue of Steed Water sod Rog Troughs for nes of fanners and ethers. Repatrtsg promptly ahead. led te.. 1.0.t P. 0. Nets •, sees= Oat. a selte-0 anise G. T. R. etatioa. aesaartea PATENrs! p�myteA OMea'+'1R TIME f/AiAf ASA ppnNwpyi Om M o p Ste t T se the U. ga s oto aim. w 1 sat obtais yawing to ono eteneyak:meets few' Ol1IIJII.r?yA dN ijl'Alnr-41 Myr. Sit x Ube wO�rem pl seedU. s 'aaa11at O•maA D KO