HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-12, Page 44 n THE SIGNAL : OODIRIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. It UK zee $qnal, s rosuisesno EVRRY THURSDAY Ml)RNiNO ST tfieYILLH'ga.OT. OSs• of PubNretloa s and 10, V ort• indust, Garbo -lett •1n'•rlo. Teets .r a inereisttew a a• month. in .Ava »- Three more he, One year. . Leet/ es 1 ..r L•MI Tan, .steellNn•Iry • "•nd.41 1 ,ng po u w..0$a of tat dale Brid 1i.. h.1 Into ♦rre..r t)T\^n a . honeM of sotArsw a 4e dims. bete Se dA and the sew address .boold he ghat. dv.rtl.Iaa Rua Legal sed ether animal Ativesetteieniosts. tis par line for nem ion, and 3 o•nIS peer 1'M ter esnb see'..equeat Insertion. Measured by nonose' l weals. Hs.4swe cards of els llor* and under. M per rear, Adver•I.emeer. of Lost, round, strayed flftw.'I.... Vsnso(, all tsarinas Wasted and Rneinree t'nr•••-••s Wan,..) sot •teee(lm( t Itnew nn" -..r•-11, iII par month. Itnnw on Awe •rtes Parma o. Sala not Is esc A A , .. - a1 r --t- first 'wino!. JON per rib .eon'•nt mond►, louver •i. •a. I■ prvroortloa. Amy .'ier•.i noel. -s, th• oMrirt nr angel) Ie re Promote r e v. -misery benefit of any dnd'• vides' or on'ntNny, to be 0nn.,deeed so ad vertleem Lnl and ch.nawl an•.,.1'nviy• ho rel notn nnne.rell type one mint vier wort, n . n nitron less r ban Ve. Lrwal nn'i•..r .n ordinary reed jai( type awn ciente per word, No notion for Ins than int Notices for churches snd other religious sore basso'^ret institutions linif rate. All nor. m imitations s unt he a i4 reared is U MoOILt.ICPTDDT, Tws Sterna Telenhr'ne (•mn b, 'hate.'' b rvmt. 1 if • I :n (34 i,v,,tr'•el TNI7RMI)AY. DOC, b. MM. THE CONSERVATIVE CONVtPITION THE ('on'.ervative convention at Smith's Hill Tuesday lied was not io,e•feaat, by any means. The intention was to have a day of good fellowship, amity, peacefulnee and enthusiasm, and the condition were prevent to have arch, but the element of discard broke out when least expected, and like a bolt from the blue the crisis came. The .'hair was occupied by Presi- dent Rkcg in her usual able and engin getic feshinn, ami mpeeches had been made by Meows. H RAToii, SHARP,, Watstn.1.rn, LITTLISH and others are fore the li•ihtning struck. Throe nattiest were rep for ballot - BurhuIt, Bar'( and WEuvsiLtEa- when E. ('311Ptott, Q C'., took t'•e floor, and in a brief hut i,npeasioneri ad- dress clairnes1 that Mayor BUTI.RR h.ul been guilty of a conspiracy against the well -herr?, coheeion and integrity of that portion of the commonwealth known es the Literal -Conservative party of West Huron. Mr. Bsee, the speaker atttel'l, waw also a party to the conspiracy, which statement was at once I,ran.lesi as an aheolute false- hood by the doughty President. After the bomb had been thrown by the eminent Q C:., Mayor BUTLER undertook to explain the position of things, but the burning words of the lawyer had Clone their deadly work, and human effort was powerless G, stem the stampede of delegates from tits Mayor •: rause. The roll call showed this in all its nake.be,v, for the cold figures re- vealed AA' eisNLLEK, :.9 . BECK, 41 Br -rhea 7 Wends thee being elected on the tint ballot. So end Oh the 6ret resoling. a ase o f TIIE BYE- ELECTIONS. Large Gathering at Brace - bridge Last Night. Ail TN: CANDIDATES CONFIDENT N-. we..n Pewter aid t.esamue tem- pies.- Libel, 1.wr Mr. beak Vieille, wake• aaala.a tea 41as.arr• habem! ileellwg al Orae gr. Ill.. Rraoebrldge, Dec. I0. -The election excitement herr is Intense and the friends of the candidates are working - to their utmost. Th.• t;oceminent can .Ild.te is figuring on his majority. the I:etrv,n may• nothing; to.. the corrup 'ion fund can defeat him, and th. Liberal representative 1. calmly 111.41.1 uifldentl)' aealting the result of the poling. There was a large audt. nce In th'' Town Nall here to -night There Ovals much enthusiasm, but a:1 phi pceeph• did not cheer at the earn.. tittle The meeting was called by the Consl•rve- llves, but many Literals were pre sent, who were quick to apprec•ia'e th. weak points In the Ministerial argu- ments and to applaud the sound doc- trines enunciated by Mr. Pedley. who rep.r.-rented Mr. Gillespie. the Liberal candidate. The chairman was Mr. Arthur Ma- haffy, harister, of Itracebrldge. t►u the platform with hhn were /Messrs A. F. Campbell, ex-M.PI'.: W. F Parkhill. ex -M.1.1' . es -Mayor Arm stn,n.. Mayor Hurd. Jarn.a Boyer Town Clerk; George E. Langford, 11 PP.; H. R. May, Huntsville; Dr. fir.,. Potts, W. J. Sheppard. Rev. Mr. AI- in:an. I'mngton; John Thompson, Rev Father Maguire. D. E. Ita.t.•d., Itee- Slr. Moore and others. The chairman Incited Mr. Frank 1'rdle3. who was present In the Inlet- .. Psis of Mr. Gillespie. to a place on the platform and intimated that 1.1. would to allowed half an hour to pr. -sent his view r. 51r. A. F. Campbell. ex-M.PP. weir the- first of the speakers. By putlnat this gentleman up for 111 minute-. Mr. Pedley was forced to speak before the Mlnlwters were called upon. lir. Campbell. In a strong spereh.prv.clalm- .d that the Government wood by the. old p"Ik•y and i-r.I.hcsied that the peo- ple- in 1a'J( would regret the verdict of 1371. N hen Mr. Campbell declared that the conservative', were the na- tional upbuildere. and that the Lib- erals were the national wreckers,there were mingled cheers and bioses. Again o•eonting prophetic, Mr. Campbell said that the opry.1n.-nes of the Government would to buried FO deep on Thursday that a;abriel's trumpet In the morning would not resurrect them. Mr. Pedkry' s op..nunity now came. and he made the iniad: of it. lie re- marked the singular reticence of the MtnfKe•rs upon the. Manitoba eche,] quentktn,and he added Mat If this audi emcee heard from the supporters of Mr Me4;1111vray on the subject It would be the !tree since the advent of the Ministers. If they did mleak It would only be that they hod come to the con- clusion that the silence which hal leen gulden should at last be brokers Mr. Foster had stated more than once and Ir. this he had been corroborated by Mr. Haggart. that they were cali- In¢ the special Mesion of Parliament (sot to matte any new tariff arrange- Ment. but to settle the Manit•.ba scl.00l question. and yet the very roan wheelie they hoped to elect he their eloqur;•re had so little faith in the promises that Mr. Foster made that he had said that he believed that the l;.,vct'nment hardly know where they stlawi upon the question. The austenee was en - til . to know where- the Minister• stool and where their candidate stood uo.rn the qupwtion. The only man who h..d had the courage of hie convictions NW. Mr. a;tll•sple. who had Bald that he would vote against the remedial Ies:Ielallon , be proposed by the Itnv- er11ment n. ' session. Mr. Pedley ex- pseri the • het Inge and turnings of the Cnnvervetive party from annexa - Gen In Dee to protection In 1k73. to reciprocity In 11012. to proteetlon In Hr showed how the primps -m of the National Polley had Is•e.t1 falsified by the ceasua returns, "Nie say." he 'teetered. "that there is nothing wrong- with Ble country. that the country has great resources." A voke--Tbanka to the Conserve - t 1•'r r 11 r. Pedley -Did the Conserve Iv.. t'arrty make the country ? The voice -Yea. Mr. Pedley- Did the Conservative puny create the water ? Did the Cnn- se•tvativ,e party do alt this ? Thee. - Mete here long before the Conserva- Uvr party existed. There Is nothing al( ng wllh the country; there Is noth- ing wring with the men of Canada K hy Is 1t that with these potent (ee- tor.+ In our favor wP are not able to retain the people that we bring here am immigrant., not to the extent even of sur natural Increase ? Mr. Pedley pre:. nted • strong argument In favor of the estenekin of the Canadian mar- ket to Great Rrllaln and the ['tilted Mtn les. Lit. Montagne, who had catechised Mr i.ockle• %Vllsnn with same auee.-Ii. at l•.av,•rton on Monday night. began la,h rruping the mteaker, hut Mr Ikdley fueed to be questioned, and. moon horrify upon the Secretary of Siete. Id him that he would not •!. low him to bullyrag him to -night. "Yew .are not like Mr. Wilson." re- ins, eked M r Foster. . -No, f am not like Mr. Wilson," re- p'i.d Mr. Pedley. The speaker, who had been slits } eter! M rnntlnuo11a Interrnptlon dur- ing his address, was complimented by Me. F,rat•-r upon hie pluck and ability, althrugh the Mtnieter Patti there was I: et muteh In Ala spew -h. Mr. Poster. proceeding, said that the Government that dare,' not put its pedis y before the people ought not to exist. and IM poliry ought not to be supported Mr. Pedley, while demonstrating the dpkve'rnm, nth ensile nouns on the trade quewtlon, had alluded to the fact that Mr McCarthy had said that If Mr. Mackenzie had adopted portectlon the Cremate ath-es would have adopted free trade. Mr Foster saki Mr. McCarthy had n.. more principle then to make the un- blushing assertion that he was such a man that if his opponents had taken one aide of a great pollth al and tariff question he would have taken the oth- er. Rte was like the- syn who founded his life on simple nppow tion if his neighbor was a thief he would he an honest man; If his neighbor was an honest man he would he a thief. Mr. Faster. lifter construing Mr Pedley'. wards Into a declaration In 1-tvar sf . free trade as ft Is In P:ngland aim from the effects of which he died ebb that The (11eba had declared In • two- I afteinfoon Mr. Leary was a highly re- I'.lumn. double -leaded editorial that averted and wealthy farmer and his none but faddist. and theort@t, held Sedd.a death bad shocked the whole such a view. pines its adnptlos in 1375 ceuntrys(da. Revers! years atti', his son there bad trees ae shadow of variable-' was killed by taping offs toed of hay, neat or terming in the rinvevnment's it altsoet the mate Moet that he ree- Iley so tar aa Its pore -mem were eon- Maid tlk fatlat 51*. M• C. CAMERON ACCEPTS. AT a meeting of the Executive cant rates of the Reform Association held in Goderich, Tuesday afternoon, M. C. CArRRor(. Q. C., accepted the nomination of the convention which was G•nderevd to him at the Dungan- non meeting. Ills acceptance of the nomination will be hailed with joy by Reformer* all over the constituency and the re- turn of the 41.1 Chief to the political arena will give plkaaure to all his old friends and supporters and to m any who have not before hall an opp)rtsn- ity of supp seting him. The fight is on, and friend* of Re- form should at once settle down to the business of organizing far the case paign. The election will be held OD Jan. 14, 1S96, and there is no time to lose. True, the Government has acted in a moat cowardly manner in ensleevor- lag, as far an they could, t0 disfran- chise West Huron at the January see - Mon, by holding the election at such a time that the member may not he able to enter the House until the eine of the rwssion, if at all, but that should not deter the Liberals from putting forth every effort to elect their candidate. Lot every i.ileral swing into lines and lealve no stone n•stirned to hurt' the Restrictionist policy in West Heron on Jan. 14. The GI(1 Chief still Imola. -The News Record, of Clinton, says it is now in order for The Perm ere' Hun to produce proof of ita charge. i against the editor of Tin HIORAL or forever hold its poems The 911 has already said, 'Let as have 'saes ! " corned. The Government had no new policy. but :hr old policy of prots-ctloa to Canadian interests. There wa • no twisting, and the Government eras still 111 favor of reciprocity If it ,..old he got on (air harms. The Mind,i,, of Fi- nance turned t.. Mr. fedi • d 'uhf him that he would Rive him the pleat $1M he had ever seen If he -.vivid rh'rw One single artlele 1n the oar f •n v. •. • h the Government discriminated tie, r' Great Britain. The tarter read twee and squarely upon every article. no matter what ouuntry It came from. The Minister defended the Govern- ment against the charges of estrava- ltane.e and corruption, after which he replied to the criticisms of the Patron campaigners. lir. Montague, beton proceeding to discuss the general Issue. pall his re- spects to the enemy, the third Warty leader. The doctor said that he w glad Mr. McCarthy was coming to llraat•chrldge, because he could just show how little there waw In what he hal to say. As to whether Mr. Mc- Carthy 5.1111,1 form a party In the Do- minion or not there was no question and the -re never was a question. H - had no more chance of forming a great party than he (the doetnrl had of pro- log to the moon via the C.P.R. to- night "He• Is a political impossibility. and he known It just as well as 1 do." cried Dr. Montague. Mr. Stav'arthy, he sa1.1. had made s number of state- ments in regard to Sir John Macdos- ald•s opinion". and convictions that consldcrinr his relations with Sir John l'ardonald he had beter have lett WI - paid. it wan beyond the power of Mr. Feeney or Mr. McCarthy to blacken the old chleftatn. Sir John, the doctor said, had been a prntectlorahst since Itl, and his speeches showed H. Mr Stce'arthy had no more show of brine eh•. -t,-4 in North Simcoe than he had of forming a great party In l' nada "fie is herr to import the Matron •-anelldate.- the doctor went on. 'I am Riad he is covrlg.for the Patron can- didate wil have a poor ,iMw of elec- tion when he comes- What brings him her•.•^ is it love of th.- Patron." %Ty delete be come ' 1i -s -aures. he hates n Ith a venenous hatred the Iron who are truing to carry on the work that Sir John Macdonald began. Hr said. '1 will 11.1.• my time.' 110 thinks this time. has enme. He thought It had come In Ilaidlmand. but he was min- tsken Ile will be mistaken In North (antaris) at w. 11. Mr. Mee'arthy Is not here 1.. cnuae he loves yosu huh became. he tt inks he has an oportunity of knifing men who did elm many kind- nesses and with whom he was also - elated elated In the days past." It was 12.10 • m. when Dr. Montagne concluded his speech. This onncludee the Ministerial tour In North (inferio. They left after the meeting for th. capital. Mr. Fnwter and Dr. Montague will be In Cardwell after Dec. le. umlaut. MIETI%G AT •RA3CRTtLLE. Be. Mears Ocelaree alt wear rlees•ly Amiss rose'.. Orangeville. Dec. 10. -Tee part of Cs/dwell which adjoins the town of urrngrvllle La a strongly Conserva- tive corner of the riding. and the 70d won who n11ed the Town Hall here to- night to listen to Mr. R. 13. Henry, Lha Liberal candidate for the consti- tute: cy, and to Lir. Landerkln, asst Mr. McMullen, M.P., was by no mei rte a Liberal audience. In point of fact. Conservatives and McCarthyltee lorgely predominated, and that made the undoubted victory which the Lib- eral speakers won all the n•ct.' significant. It was a dis- tirt flys antagonistic audience which th -y fae.•d. but Lr. Laaderkin present- ed ar. Indictment against the Conser- vative Government of cruising force. and Mr. McMullen folowed this up wilth one of his telling speeches. bring- ing the mismanagement of the country home to the individual members of the audience, and he sat down wits the, audience- won over. Mr. He-nry n ar;e a clear-cut and straightforward de !oration of his position nn the ac hi rot question. declaring himself arainwt coercion, and saying that j elected he would vote against the re- m, dial order. The hall was decorated with two or thyc•- mottoes: "Farmers of Cardwell, Are Tou as Prosperous as You Ought T . Re '" confronter' the audience. "Vett foroneet and Economical Gov- errntnt." as another. while last, but n it least. -HU the National Polley Madc You Rich ?" was to be seen. M:. R. J. Potter, the Treasurer of the, Reform Association of Cardwell. wdd the chairman and on the platform w•.te a couple of mere of ladles, who et'dently took a deep interest In the ;roe( dings. el ITl*Res • em re%Pfaap Admits That .. M ewe M the •S'h'eet wrerebes .r sae renteeT. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. I0. -harry Hayward bast confess. -d. Every shallow of doubt as to his guilt In oos- ntctaon with the murder of Katherine G.a,s; has been swept away. Ilayward admitted to County Pbysl- cian Burton that the gallows was about -t) I ceive one of the guiltiest wretches of the nineteenth century. He con- fessed that he alone was the instiga- tor of the murderous' plot, and that CLdus inlet was but his tool. Hay- ward mild he Intended to kill Blixt, belt he could not. a. Blixt was too cunning for htm. Hayward 1s making a gigantic effort to cover up his shattered nerves to- day, but with poor sue.'eam. Father Timothy vlslted the condemned man In his cell. but Hayward refused to embrace the comfort offered by the ;nest. w-st. He will die as he has lived, w Ith no profession of religion. She riff Holmbeg visited the cell and asked Hayward If there was anything h.• v Wheel . "Yea," wee the reply; "i went to give the ►..ya a big spread here to - nicht. late- "All ate""All right," answered the sheriff: "yet can have anvthing you want." Hayward at onee stet to work and prepared • bill of tare. He has Alrea�d}yr de deed 1 himself In the hlae'k mutt wh$a h-• will weer at hie eTectitIon. He has putehaa•d • white silk tie and Insists t:l.on wearing It. seawater. Lam 5.m..ats Mlnrerspnlb, Dec 11. -,At 12.51 Hay- ward ate his last meal. , onsl.ting of alt the delleaciea of the seaans. He ate heartily Inompany with several del often and the enunty physician an.l him death watch. Hayward has made his pesos with .lithe world and says he forgives Adry nod all others with the exeepttnn of three men. Thew. ars Detective Mike Quinlan, Attorney Steven snit Mike Kieree. 1.1n a.m -Father Twnhey and Rev. Mr Wilkinson have just left Hay - ward's cell. He refuses to the haat to embrace religion. S.M • in. --Phe execution has Just token place. There was no hitch In the proceedings. Ia Mke•s u Beata M •e. weer, Brampton. ride 10--Tewt.Mmy after - norm Mr. John II. Leary of Britannia was kicked la the abdomen by a h. W. H. FARMER'S INST. Two Very I n target! ng M eettneo The ama5eet. Mals le Iib by tae •peskers- To t.1.e reality ler.aiably -raw. 1s •aaaaer sow Tae Maisie' est Teems riga. A N interesting meeting of the West unrest k'ara.ete' lualllte:• sail held at Hulo.eavllle. Nov. 28,11: The aft u.l•nce wo good, coasaderinv that 51 was the that .-etwg ever held by the 1aautute la the t'wo.h.p, I)r. Mills, president of the l) A.C., and J, 1. H00.00,ot ltue.huro,were M-'M,!-adores..d the mistime, but owing i. the death of )Jr. H•,bs„n s only aro. the) were onside 10 arta,'. Professor J uvu,of the 1)..% 1'., and dr Sleightholm, of •i• sisvuihug dairy, were asst to take rh..ir please. 1'.utee.or Jarvis dealt rotlre'v •ith p'an'try ia all its I,rae,h., while Mr Kl.tghtbolm deal' w:'h d,rrt:•,g and p s. rwi.a o a•. Pio. .lova !nit spoke 011 Inulpy 00 the farm. He told of tea different varletten they wars teatire. •r the u A C. H. had four,' out that for winter laying the ,In•.., %V i audoldest and Hocks were mar pr. fi • - able. Pee Ru. -k• wets neat profltab:s, t u 1f fed like other fowl ghoul 1 he fed they 1.- trams too fat. The way be fed hu fowl woo d:eon in the morning, soft feed .t mein awl me re grain toward. evr•iug : .ran to t. .tattered in the straw et their .l.ffer.ut fertilise pees, and chauete to dsf.reut k.u•!. soli day. Ifuckwhear nap • w cid feed fur •av'ng hen.: at nor inclined to eat it at dr. , be I tt until it oeacka open, than they w 1 est it ee'adely. The .oft feed to comsat 0 br•o,:shorts end ether cttopp•d rrai.,mit d with water Mat it crumbles when pui in their (sed trough.. Water snnnld •Iran• be boob at least `n'e a day, to hot roma m.r time, twit•. • d -y would he better. nod keep the drinking trough under shale. goo 1 cure for ai•.rr •. 5 was common sal (leen in • em.,1 dos. When setting heft. try to set ...veers' at once, sod then tea' she taws on the sixth lav tosee .1 they are fend*. 1f they are fei-',u. they will present a allot in them that will [sok 1 ke • spider, which will be the embryo ohatk Those not futile aro perfectly goal to use If there were many uofertile egg., tate th. good ergs tram oma hen and fill up the other nests then rest that boo with fresh eggs. T., get the best svgs keep, shut up the roosters after the breeding see.00 is over, as an un fertile eget wall keep much better than a fertile e(p. Mr y+vightholm apok. on wiling cows in tea.aminer time. To make • profit out of dairying in the Summer time, there must be some adjunct in the shape of some green feed to supplement the pasture when It ba gips to fail. the best thing to sow first would be • piens of pease, nate sod tare. : about 1 bush. pestle, bosh. oats and 1 peck tares per acre. Then in • short time sew este end tares, and by the time they ars fed off the corn, will be ready to feed. Cows should be hottest durlog the, day time and fed this mixture twine • day ahem the flies begin to make their appear. ante. The evening program wee • good one, and F. C. Elford deserves the tbauks of the lo- .htwte for the part that he rot up. The speakers were Mr. Bailie, the President : Prot. Jarvis, J. Keraiogh,m, D A Formes res. Mr. Sleightholm and Reeve Cox. They had some practical .objecte to talk upon The musical part of the program wee good and • moot enjoyable evening was hrought to • close 4) Rev M. Andrew and the singing of the National Anthem. (iontalcp, Nov. 29. The West Huron Fernier.' loetitute held • meeting here today. Although the meeting MAI not large In numbers, it was lively and ss•teuctive to those present. Tee speakers were Prof. Jarvis of the O A. 1' sod Mr. Sleightholm of .he travelling dairy. Prof. Jerre 000tinued his shire's winch he gave at Hnlmeeville on Poultry on the Farm. He thosrht that farmers could make more money oma of their poultry if they selected o0e of their number to atop their surplus stock of poultry and septi(* mice • week to some large market By that way they could get the highest price and h•ye their regale, customers. rhe hear preventive of vermin in the poultry house was carbolic acid sod white wash and rub the roosts every week with coal oil. IM riot have the roosts over 18 inches high, and on • level. A cedar pole ripped in two mak. • go o l roost with round side tip. Clean out the poultry howasevery day w it is rs.ential to keepips nut the ver mit that infest the poultry, and sprinkle • little torte on the floor so as to keep away all foul odors, and it would help to keep away trees+ A costly house was not nec- ei.ary for poultry, as • plane that is warm and dry is suitable. IM not put in large etodawa, as isle high' .efficient for them to sea to eat is .11 they seed.' Mr. Slsightholm ap.•ae on the feeding of Tonne pigs insomnia, and winter time. One person should always be detailed to feel them tied always at • set time. iM not put over six is • Fee, sod keep the pea clean 11.Te the pens rather long than equare,with • .geare bottomed trough, 55 it Is hest with a.wingine front so that pip meld be shut oat of the trough when fading them. The h.tldi.g should be douhle sheeted, so as to mak* the interior molar in Sommer and warmer in Winter. The food should he fed mixed is the morning and mix enough to last till the nett morning. M,. the teed thinner for Sommer then ler Winter the teed to insist n( shorts, barley and eats in the feeder seined until three mom be old. then Increase the barley until two tw three week• before shipping, sad finish off with sous peeve or sworn mixed with the short.. For wrists, mere pease and amen could he used la the pima of the parley and Date. es they seed mem heatisg fe.wi in the waster than summer. A separate trough should br @applied to hold water for thews to drink A geed taste few rias omelets of sulphur, ashes and sok els Rlfn►el gave • descriptioe of the () A C., the way it wee onudereed and the ewhj.. s taught. He advised fanners to seed their spine en the (Where as it hotter fitted thew te 1.11111 the duties of estimate Meyer Sus. we Mao save awns sned advfes 1 thew Pm - sat A motion of sympathy wee ordered to to stat tS J 1. Hoboes, of Messbere, es the 4estb of his Italy ans. Th. most ..gehee ta..elag wv11 M bell at Sobers es Jul. 93 amt 91. 1801 W. I HnwttJ. Sea Wembley I The feasted of the lets W. Rawkos• ON Natard•y Mat, was loosely .t- rended. The teens' was oaken .herr. of by the Mssa.Mss, i wilted as 'toy the de- emed had bees • ...afar The passe Mee wee a very oleo els. sad the egrets* *5 'ha W awnp hau.ivs. Tb. Animism' errMd d1�0 <rwasses is the Iteembees. ohir ons to the berowad prow& BARGAIN DAY' EVERY DAY IS A BARGAIN DAY WITH US. ('owe Monday, come Tuesday, or Wedntaday-any 'lay e1 sept Sunday. Come in and look at our Goods . . , And then look at the Prices . , AND THEN COMPARE PRICES, Great Sale of Taclrets_ All Jackets must ile sold out in the Ebert few weeks. Don't Nam this opportunity of getting' a Jacket easy down in pin. Aka Cl,hldrru'a Jackets at half prion. We bete on hand a large stock of Ladies' gid Children's. Oise- Hobe, ise .Hoare, cut '.eels. Also Another lot of Geese Blankets which we have haat such a run on. This is the last lot we will 1.4.e this reason. Another lot of Flannel ease Blankets, 75e. per !mar. Take a look at our Tweed at _lit• perv,l. Best Grain flag iu town for $2.20 per dozen. 3'_ in. Shaker 1''lannel, Se. Ask to eta our Towels at 3tk. • pair. See our Silk Hand-ercllief•, Linen Handkerchiefs, &c. We have a line of heavy Hone for Bele, at 2. -hr. per pair. EXTRA VALUE IN DRESS GOODS. People don't rush poll -null into a store that haw,'t waked up 10 the tach Chet people want more for their Money every day. That's what we t ry to do ev.•ry day. JAMES ROBINSON. Comer of Stowe e sod Wort Spree' ■1%taTEta 11 ntscgituOaiG Th• Caravel terllwg .r akr %erre e.aar5 farplgm Addeo..el by Mee.n re. ler and M.aragw., Itrscrhrldge. Dec. 10 -The !argent meeting held in this town since the opening of the North (Ontario campaign greeted the Hon. George E. Foster and Hon. Ur. Montague this evening. The Ministers were escorted to the hall by the town hand and a torch -light pro- cession. Upon the platform were A. F. e'.ampbelll..ex-M.LA.: W. J. Parkhill, ex-M.L-A.: G. E. Langford. M.L.A. and many prominent men from the town and surrounding country, including many ladles The meeting was opened by A. F. Campbell. who mode a short speech In favor of the Go. et nnicnt. Mr. Frank Pedley. Toronto, ..reupled the time allotted to him In condemn- ing the Government nn the remedial order and the trade polity The Hon. G. E. Foster followed, up- holding the trade policy, and the meet- ing was closed by the Hon. Dr. Monta- gue. who spoke In hie usual vigorous style and elicited rounds of applause, The camfalgn will be closed tomor- row by Mr. D'AI'on McCarthy, M -P., whowill speak on to h:.lf of Mr. Bran- don, the Patron candidate. TeUETO 0A0l*STL LOCAL GRAIN MARKET. irlour Trade L quiet, w th prices noel♦ ally unchanged at $3 to fa 10 for .might rollers. bran -Market 1s unchanged. Bran Is rooted at $11 west. and at 011.50 In Skil, looted freights Shorts. 313 to 514. Wheat--A/uterio whet is dull and WOW. what elder. Wblte is quoted on tbe North- ern at One. and red at dec. Manitoba what Is arm, with ales at 72c west. labs and rail, and •t 73c grinding In traiasit At Midland It is held at67c. Peas-Tbe market 1. uu.•banged• wit! Odell today at Sue outside west. Oats -The market 1s dull wltb little di. irand. Whit. sold st 5tc west,.and mix- er at ^=' S3c. Sales of lulled on tq.-k at 25e. Barley -There is • .ndrra . demand for malting barley. No. 1 1a quoted at Otic, Na 2 at 40e. No. 3 extra at 33c•. and feed sold at :lie to 30c. Buckwheat The market ,e quiet and prices steady. Sales wen made to day at 33e east. Oatmeal -Business quirt. ebb prices nu - at 33 ou track, and small 101• at $3 25. earn -Trade quiet. with priers nominal at Sae to 33'5c outnIde. By.--Tbe market Is stronger. with ales outsider at 47e to 4sa commission pries : Batter, thole. to 10c to 17c; bakers'. 10'- to 13c; pouag rolls• the t0 2111c; large rolls, 14c to tae; creamery tub et iNc to IOc; sues rolls at lac to 21e Eggs •n arm at Fre to les `ser dos. for ordinary 1414c to 15c for limed, aha 21c to 24c for nea new laid. tlea sen( :Mae to 10e. ItitITISH ;IMO/PITS Liverpool. Det. 10.-- Wheat. spring. ha 31.01 to :r 41.,41, red 5e Wad to Owe, - N... 1 Cali- fornia. :es :.d to bet eel; corm. 3. 4d; pe.; 4. ayd. pork. Sear W. lard, :as at. bear baron. SM ad; do.. light. 27. (il; inflow, ate meek , chemo, white, 44. 0d , do . eel• oird, 4S.. Loudon. Dec. 10.--0pe ulag- Wheat of coast steady and 3d blgbrr on passage rather timer sod 3d hlgbrr. Mals of oast quirt. Liverpool -Spot wheat arm. futures Ore at 514 3%4 for Jaa. and 3. 444.1 for P.h. Malie steady at 3a 2144 for Jan , rebs and March. pane wheat 101 The fur Jaa and saes 411 704 for Jaa. London -Close -Wheat of coast erase. ea passage firm. dale quiet sod ataaty. Pars' Parwheat stead at 1st 75r• for Jaap flour steady et 41f 73c for Jou Liverpool -slow- -Wisest futures stases at be 304e1 for Jaa. and as 41.d for Pak. Matm quiet at 35 44id for Jan mid Py ase ss 2Sed for !larch Vlusr its SL blister : The death rel Will'.w+ liana',the alms -year ohl son of Alfred Knsi., which occurred on Fr:day Ind, •'ter • brief ill fteeg. He ran in the heat of health us'il .bout two weeks pnvtoss to h a'des'h,wh.a he was sts.d with as Illness *riven rottr.ly bellied the medical (scatty. He .uf.red.a- etett•.l, and hie esd was • relief XE� GRBCBRI and CROCKERY STORE o11 HAMILTON ST., is the stand formerly oocuppt1ed by Ike 111"TBOtk RNKYD. The uneiersignei begs to announce to the people of C;alerich and vicinity that he has opened out a choice stock of GROCERIES 00 PROVISIONS CROCKERY, (JLAS,`IWARE. ETC., in the above stand, and purposes do- ing business on the strictly cash sys- tem, thus enabling him to give the public goods at pnces that cannot be obtained otherwise 1 hope to be favored with a share of your patron• age, feeling oon6dent that i can give en tire satiafactir,o, town.od Gos delivered to all parts of the Farmer's produce taken as cash, W. T. PELLOW Tuba. T. PIN ETD eget stand, Basuto. -ate Cheap ''inter Millinery We are selling our large stock of Millinery at greatly reduced prices, manly lines at and below cost. MISSES YATES. P. S. --Store next door to let The Race is for a Pearl Range at Worsell's And "(;Y)MMON SENSE" gets it every tinlli, became they are the beet in the market, The hent and cheapest Stoves are at WORSE1.1.1;13 Passies 14 dna