HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-12, Page 2TAR SIONA IJ : flOflP RT( TT, ONT., TIT fTRADAY. DEC. 12, 18116.
Tis (luxury
or good tlealtl
epends upon
cure blood. made b'
Scott's sarsaparilla.
g= t
aervuas,weery. deprumod,
headaches. p -W R Mee
ups, energy all gera►-fes.
wasting away.
by betiding up wore tat
tissue* -pun bkeid does It.
makes pun blood, aura
nervous and tweeting dime
FOR SALE Bl JAB. WILSON, t:oderich
ISS Jo,ecphinc Bannister, daughter
of the well-known mute teller at Keachff,
was • btghly attractive, if • rather pert
young la1y, whose rood looks were the
tumor of much rale custom ro her father's
shop You should have seen her is her
o ast, tailor -mails costume rolling up music
with her white, bejewelled hands, aid dirt
iag viatoroutilY with her ve.0tlemem custom-
er She efts • sight tor the gods not for
the god.-s.es. though. Nn female. human
or divine, caul 1 aver nave been toned to uv
• gad word for Mies .1.'eeph.0e. L•dtee in
Seacliffe had even leen heard to allude to
her s. . "min and to deplore the iu'•tuar
tion whu:h let you•me men to desert charm
'ng finial of their own station for the vulgar
se'rgeringe of that Mop girl on the Parade.
Nits camases, however, was not without
prejudice. for the Islae who made the.. re
marks I k!• 0 ninon themselves, and had
it. too-- when they could get It - which was
n ot, bo.rver, always, for in Seacliff the
l•dies outnumbered the geotlemen•by near-
ly two to cue.
But, although Mies low -Thine flirted in-
di..r minutely with Byer. man she met,
simply because "it was her nature to, ' and
she couldn't help it, she had • .m•II coterie
of admirers, whom she treated with par-
ticular favor. This coterie onosisted of five
young mea. and some war. with more wit
than was usually to be found io the tie•di(
himonsts, hal evolved for ber the pupping
and appropriate nickname of the "Ffv.-
stnuged Banjo
Oh, that silver string ' How truly divine
was its muaie. Many other ladies beside
Mia Josephine had come under its bewitch-
ing toluene.. The tint time it intoned the
prayers in •excel if. Parish church • gross
and • half of feminine devoteee bowed the
head aid worshipped. Itefore the sermon
was half nnished that Sunday, 200 tender
hearta were fluttering inside an equal num-
ber of small summer I.looea. 'Twee merely
the new curate's voice -not merely his look.
--.ot merely the graceful hang of his sur
plias, nor the sublime set ot his stole not
merely the,.right.eou fervor of hi. roaming
eye- theme indeed had their fascination to
the man himself, which no male mind could
appreciar.,and no female heart resist.
When it became noted --and you may be
etre that thus didn't take long in a pias like
Se•cliff that the Reverend Brabazon A. B.
C. Flitch was oonstantly buying music in
Um shop on the parade, the ladies of the
place grow very angry.
Now, if there was a girl in the plaice (.z.
eluding, for the moment, the lye stringed
banjo) to whom the curate oould he mid to
pay attention, that girl was Ti.hv Bullock.
Err bill Dame was Letitia, and she was the
daughter ot • wealthy widow. who lived in
a large hoose Inst outside the town. Toby
was • pretty girl, ooniderably prattler than
ber name, either in its long or its shortened
form She was an only ehild -the future
heiress, under settlement of her mother.
mosey. The curate began by being polite
to her He was there is Do doubt about
11, though it occurred to the modest satiety
of Ile•clitt to fact, encouraged to be more
than polite. You ..e, Tiehy didn t want
mosey. She did want birth, refinement, •
sympathetic) helpmate And what man bet-
ter fulfilled these regtmr.mente than Rr••
baton Flitch • To one Bullock's banking
aeoou0t add the Flit(h'e Flood and birth.
What was the answer • 'Fishy totted ap
the sum and found it came to social .maws.
Mrs Bullock cherk.d her figures and pro -
menaced them eorrect.. The result was that
Rnb•son Flitch became conspicuously per,
soca grata at. Wsetcomte House.
This, of course, excited remark in Sea
eliff. People soon had still more interesting
sews to gossip about. Brabant* Flitch had
boss soma Doming out of the five stringed
b•ejo's father's private door, and the five.
stringed hanjo s father had followed him on
te the step, with a red foe and a choleric
demeanor. The mferenoe was obvious.
Rr•b•son Flitoh hal bean celled to account
Family Medicine of the Age.
Taken Internally, It Cures
Northam, Certmp. and Pain in the
Stomach. Bore throat, sudden Colds.
Coughs, etc., etc.
Used Externally, It Cures
Oris, Intim, Borne, Scalds, SproJ
Toothache, Pain /n the Face, NelusigI
'Mountaintop. frosted Feet,
Po arose. saw •M.`l i. es4 sN -,A.1 mufti.
Me _Ar:.. (Jim,
w...w ossa to be y M 11.e rYMP.
Ow w. Mr. r. is •war wale le et I
wale1e rya.►
ewt p'+ W kr. n t. 1.. ewe arwNa-
"'wm.w.t. sir wb s.
�••.f•vseee a prowl= qa.i w ►'i.y pw.i'
- end e..yeks...f....mr.. alis -.m..
by Banister senior for tnfl.og wit► ht.
daughters affections, and whatever ex-
planattoo he .night hero mesa of has oo•-
duct had clearly not *misled the indignant
father. In church next Sunday Rrab.zon
was unserved to be nervous and depressed.
Oa the left of the mold!. •tele, where the
ladies sat many eyes shone with watery
svenpathy, Tiehy was observed to turn
pale ; Mr. Bullock g t her smelling salts
ready in cue she should taint away.
At promo' other people only surmised
and gummed the feet* Tab.- and her
mother knew them -from Rratwon'e own
lits. The precious day h. had culled at
Westeonine House, and, di.cerd10g .11 re -
ser.. and 1.loe modesty, had poured the
whole atm. of his trouble into firs. Bob
lock a sympathetic ear He had been a lit-
tle fon'.ish --he owned to have gone so fro -
quietly to Kavinieter's shop. He had -yes,
ne had been attracted, jest at first, by Mies
Kaaetster'e euperlci•1 beauty, and. no
d .ubt, he ha i talked to her more than was
prudent Theo he had • hint from • kind
friend that his vert• were being mimed
•bout. He at once discontinued there
rout. Aod what had heeo hia reward' He
had been summoned by her father to an in
terrier', in which he (.he father) had adopt-
dopted a highhanded, bullying tone ; had de-
manded whether he intended to marry his
daughter -whom he would as soon bays
thought of marrying as of lying over the
He (Krab•son was quite at his wits' and
to know what to do. The girl's fattier had
given him a week to decide to and the week
expired next Moaday. Coleco by that day
he received from Kr•h•ron • written under
taking to marry. Josephine, he should not
only mks the first opportunity of assaulting
the curate in the street, but proeeedtnea
would immediately be instituted to recover
damages from him by law.
" Either of three steps would be fatal to
me,' said the unhappy curate, "sad both
together would simply crush me. If you,
dear frier', oomld advise me what to de for
the best, you would lay me under an eternal
" It tr• sh•meful,.oaodalousconspiracy, '
exclaimed Tuhy'e mother, with indignation
" I should be disposed to -to -simply defy
the wretch.'
" But think what that would mean, dear
friesd. A laymen might take t4s court,
no doubt. Rut w minister of God -bow is
be to face it ! The mere fact of beviag
such accoeettone publicly brought against
him is sufficient to ruin him, even though
they be not substantiated. And these peo
pie, having gone so far already, will not, I
believe, hesitate to perjure themselves in
support of their wicked claim."
" Yet whet else can be done!" answered
Mrs. Bullock with • perplexed look " If
you do not defy him, you must give in to
him and m ry that homey, his daughter,
which wool :te still more deplorable,-
" Mas ' 1 am afraid, dearest lady, that
1 am bet weep the der -hem --on the borne
of a dilemma," the curate hastened to our-
rect himself " Rat I could not--oouler not
marry that girl, if far no other rearot, be.
He broke off suddenly, loeki.s,o.sfosed
and embarrassed.
" Pray do not hesitate to sesilles a ale,"
said Ttshy'. mother 'wieldy.
" My dearest friend," said Rrabvo., mud -
speaking with determination and re•
save. like • man who has made up his mind
to • bold course, " i feel i have no right to
oesoeal this thing from you, 1 never meant
to have told it to anybody. it was to be •
secret locked up in this bosom, bees.,•-be-
tnsrg-" The aerate dropped bis eyes mad
lowered his voice humbly. " i knew that I
was unworthy to emotion it to -to -her
whom it chicly concerns. Rat you have
spoken so kindly to me in my trouble, that
-i cannot nue confide the truth to you_
Spentme, ridicule me, if you will. It will
only he what 1 deserve. I -i -(Pod help
me to bear my crone and reoogaize the fu-
tility of my suit. i 1 --love your daugh-
"Oh, Mr. Flitch," pried out tho lady, ex-
tending both her hands to hint, and smiling
joyfully tato his facie, " iyoa't .peak of ■0-
worthisw--- of -of --fatality. Yoe have
trade me the happiest woman but floe in tb.
world. For 1 am convinced that dear
Tiehy aloes will be happier about this than
1 am.-
m.-" Ret, alas, dear lady," said the carate, a
cloud overspreadleg the radi•wt felonry
which had, tor the moment, .hone ie his
face. " Remember how 1 am placed. i- 1
could not .uhjeet that sage' to the shame of
marrying • publicly disgraced man."
" Pray do not talk like that, my dear
Mr -may 1 say Kreb.z u ! You have done
not hie. wrens. Therefore you have in
marred so tel diagram
" Ret the shame of • • ---p blit) trial -.1
a • erne) exposers murmured the sa- i
beppy minister, with • mt.sr•ble look.
" Perhaps that may he avoided," sae
. veered Mrs. Rulloek, alter • hired rmeee-
ttos " Of mane them wrweebes are aver-
ommvy They must he, t)1se they weeld
sever threaten. us we yes fori
here .. doubt thee we as My steel .2
den's yes eppem se!
" iI 1 meld afar them a large este of
mosey they might assert N es easldnaaes."
summered Rrabaass, tattier debhsely. 'he.
M added t " ltta i used get Wish skeet
fiat ; ter 1 have feet the nseaey he oder
•• ikalesee, ' said Mrs- Ba'Ioek, wise,
with .11 her teu1M, was • genera+• women
at heart, awl had mere delteacy of feeding
them might have Moes expected. " De scot
he o%nded, my -my boy, at what 1 •m
setae to say. I look upon you at) ay say
, on aow, you know. And it would he hard,
indeed, if a muther might set help her son
est of •.crape Yon must --must -let me
find the mosey for this pawners)."
" Oh, 1 *mild not could sot I.' exclaim
ed Krabasua, evidently overcome by het
✓ esetroue offer-
" But you must, ' insisted Tiehy's comber.
with gentle &meow.
" People would--would--think -
ae-ere oontemptabls for that) opo spoor
Ing os you, said the curate. " Beside., if
- t1 those these people knew they were
treating with • • rich p.rs.'o they would
make the most extort-too•t• demand..'
" There is no reason why they or any one
els,whould know of my noaoeotion with the
%flair, ' replied Mrs. Bullock. " You
shall oo.duct •II the negopations, and the
mosey shall be paid through you.'
Still Brabazon', scruples were not over
conte He resisted the generous proposal •
littlelllonger. Mr.. Bullock, however, de
Permitted woman that she was, e O ild have
he+r easy Aod the the curate- -ball re
limed, hall ashamed, and wholly_ emir
reseed by herkiodnew - t last consented to
accept het help for Tiehs•. sake.
Resister senior would not slop lees
than C1,000 Neither argument noel -en -
Lenity on Krahsaoa. pert could 'videos him
to abate those terms. The curate went to
Mrs. Bullock with tears 10 his eye., and
told her of the extortionate demand. Sim
was not daunted, but at once drew him •
check for the •m root. Next dry carate
a.d oash--quit Seachff. -Landon 1rutb.
The Iraeinie• of a separated Faintly Were
Only Five Sleeks •peri,
!sac Berger sent hie family to New York
from Mootreal a few days ago, and followed
them two d•va later. He exsected that his
wife would meet bim at the Grand Central
Motion. but she wee not there, sad he knew
not where .he and the children were bla-
ins He hired a room n0 Cheyetie mime.
sad search -d all day, but could Dot God the
family, So, nearly distracted, he appealed
ro the polios, Berger found • nous in the
Poet Otboe from hu brother. stating that
Mrs Berger was at No ZB Stenton street,
where he quickly joined her. All the afro
he had been seeking his family they had
been living within five blocks of his own
• Member ef rases Reported I. 1111141 .t.
Jeb.'. Wired, __ alsS'iij►
i)phtheria is now raging in the heart of
what was opo. St. John's Ward. Cages are
reported on Chastest, Centre and Elm -
streets, and •I.n on tierrard-.tree$ weer
The Medical Health Department is also of
the opinion that there are many crass in
the Noble Ward enattended by physicians
and unreported list Friday in Elizabeth.
street School • ohild who had lees in at-
teadanr tor some days in an ailing enndi-
tion, became prostrated during clam hours,
and on investigation was forted to be suffer-
ing front diphtberia. Several ass devel-
oped among the little noe'e clam mates, and
ea • precautionary measure it was decided
to clow the school. The epidemic seems to
have its centro in the neitbberhnod; as the
residents are chiefly very poor, proper
medical attendance does not exist.
Distills' at.
"Aren't you almne.t through with the
morning paper, dear!" said the ha.hand of
the Emancipated Woman, at the breakfast
"In a seared," replied the latter, who
Wan deep in the snorting news.
The patient little man waited for lie or
Mx minutes, and than said again :
"My y dear '"
"Couldn't you tear off the Man's Page
and let ms have it
• key'. Resort
Onos,when one or Farragut's gunboats on
the Mississippi was just going into action,
one of the powder monkeys was nntire•l by
an nlriowt kneeline by nue of the truer. Inv
IBM his prayers The officer mnasrinr asked
him what he was doing, and if he were
"Nn, i was praying," said he
"Well, what wenn vow praying for +"
"Prav:ne," said the lad, "that the en-
emy's bullet. may be diatrihuted the same
way as the prig. money ie, pri.oip.11y
among the officers "
RerrIM. Jawbreakers.
'the Rev Solemn' Peter Hale, of ioger-
moll. looking ',pick and span, a in the oit•
today. The colored gentleman has ea usual
• large assortment of jawbreakers with him
A Times rennrter asked him if he intended
to deliver a lecture i0 the city, and be re-
plied as follows : The prnantihran.onet s-
tiat,oni.tirol of the weather has caused •
serious• traetsM'satneis on me, and 0 COO
m philnprogeei'iss.... issues, and inootnpreheem GG
hility will h• nnri6cihtlitndinity any attempt
at not a ehonnstitwtionali.t and aithropo
phagenieri•n that it will he utterly not of
my dteprnpertion•blese e. The reporter
[trade his sneak -Si Thomas Timm.
Je..r N. x/Menn...
Passes Belief
Kr. Jas. Z- Nicholason, Il torenoevWHor
1!, a-, Struggles for Seven Long
Year, with
Mr. Nicholson says: "I consulted doe -
tors who pres.idwd for me, but to
so purpuee ; the cancer began to
Eat into the Flesh,
spread to my chin, ant 1 suffered In
agony for seven long years. Finally, f
began 1 takuttgAyer'. tiarsatarlila. 1a
a week or two 1 noticed a
Decided Improvement.
Encouraged by thls result. I perse-
vered, uutil In a month or so the sore
ender my chin began to teal. In three
months my lip t.eg<an W Leal. and, atter
Ming the narsaparills for six months,
the last trace of the cancer disappeared."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's !lair, _
LIEW's PILLS XeguiaSet -Use aweigh
mew le Make ■ Med.
The art ot bednielou t u not any too well
understood. lu the m..rntog eve,y bleaker
and sheat should be taken se parately from
the bed and hung over a chair to air fur an
hour or e' Tne msttree.ee should be
turned before the bed i. n.•ds. Put on the
under .suet, tucking it to well at the head:
Fame the hands over it carefully to take out
eery wrinkle and then tuck in at both
sides and foot. Next place the bolster in
posituo. Put on the upper ahem, tucking
it well under the mat, row at the foot. Neat
put os the blanket.. tis. king than, in ai fhr
foot and melts Next turn the sheet hack
on the bisuksta and then turn blankets and
sheets both down in oue smooth fold Next
put o0 the spread, leasing it come over the
bolster. Then over the bolster p'soe the
endows that ae used dunuv the day All
through the w'.rk bear in mind that it u
important to have the mattress letei and to
put os the sheets .bud blook--ta and spread
them without • wnukl.•.
To neatly Nell a. 1 nobrella.
The proper w.y to roll an umbrella u to
take bold of the ends of the rite and the
stuck with the same hand, and h"11 them
tightly ..real., o p'event their being twat
ed while the covering la being twisted
mound with the other bead.-Uaeember
Ladies' Home Journal.
Ask your Druggist fe
Murray &
Fee IllastIkerchial. Toilet mad Oath.
She (sweetly) Let me see. how long -
eight veers, isn't it. darling, .ince we wore
married ! H. (proudly onadee.edese/-
Yes, deer, the (still sweeter)--And,de you
knew that i lova you ante and more every
year, it pn.eihle! He (aaapioio..ly)--Uh.
eh ! Um m ! Yee ! Where ie the .leak
opening at
Mlowbey-i didn't knew niy arm w
so Iasi until elm ta'1•r measuredas
wee today.
Mia Rapp:dde-How long is it !
Slnwhov--Twenty-.I,ht incites.
Mise Repiddw_( think that's about the
eireamferenes of my waist,
l.Utile ,leek prove every night for
the 4'R• vent members of his family. Hie
gather had Iwo away at one time ler • short
jeera.y, sub* that night Jeek was praying
for bite, ea ewe) "Hamm papa. mad take
airs e1 him." he was beginning as esual,
wheirredtlealy he mead hie hood aid IMP
eyed, "Never mind attest it weer, Lord."
ended the little fel1.w, "i hear him dewe in
the hall
it M ohne s ay `tory how a eeld hes hems
'eaegat " The 'aur, bew.,er, that whew
the Meed to peer sad the emotes, d.p►�maA
nee becomes pwhaely stable te dleo•woe.'
Whew the gfptlt..r the strewth isah,
Ayer's flMmpftra shasld be takes wittiest
Chas. A. Nairn's
Morning and Afternoon
Delicious Cakes, Pie Crust,
Doughnuts, Fritters, Sara-
toga Chips,etc., prepares] and
cooked with COT7OI.ENE,
will be
Come, bring your friends
and be corivinord of the super-
iority of (X>ITOI.EN S se a
Booking material.
Remember the dates.
1115 -Yes say you love m.e, kat yes as
bet he ay wifele it beuaees 1 as nese !
Thee are better tateir w this world this
mosey Mae --Quite true, bat it takes mom
ey to get Mem.
A New York judge has d..ided that Bo-
los(. eauatgs nay 10 ...l 4 es Sundt'y. be-
cause I. ••prepares fund." It to to be re -
'vetted that that he neglected to same the
tagt.d1se.t., a.d thus settle • controversy
of long standing
Harp 3r's Magazine.
IN 1810
ae1•. 1., s new nor. 1 bt 1t ilb•m Muck ,t writ
We with allthe}uthur's well Moment rhirm of
Misuser. will Niton In the 1►aueett'ter Number,
IMa.anA con'Inu. until Met 4 sew navel by
Guow... 1.1 M•Up.its, en:ttled The Sarrtaa
will Wee neo in Au• tag the year. 11 a not too
moot to eat tl... un novel ha* ever hers
•welted with ...ten •.-Piss ea o..Katloo a. the
rum sew es.
lo Trim,. lbs re,.a.at Reeel tee
steal. .t Jewe .1 Are will ¢onini., and will
relate • At) ."tr) d the failure and warty r -
dun. of the Meld of i srieana Other i uw-mat
tietloaof the tear WI •.e • uovelettr by MAwt
Twaur, under the title, test 5.wvrr arm... • huao.rtine t► -'•e tort tale oohed Iwo
M.rlliMe evens Osddirty• by LA Muwt,
Maw'Te Mrn'u. u.: •• A snort worms by tb•
Tatty Ti. .MMT, RICH tvit. 14 isiw •.. 11., 1.,
Misty K, W,uiis., JI'i-IPV Itat.1•11, HaaMUr..
MutTaew, Owai NIsTMa, mid u.hcr wril-
known writers.
Piot. Woopssw M'Iuu,m will contribute .ls
es Ueo"we Wyras it
•hithas and her..,
u•truleas by Huw aen Pn-t. 1' 't•r.T
M. r "tumor. history or TM Ceram
$irw4fe ler Liberty. dim, rated by It; . 'c row
Wue'uvii.t.a. will b. •ootlaemd •brough the
winter. 'iwo papers • ti h . 111.1 's ,tefeet and
Mal Anthony 1ars,gee vinery, by Tniiln •at
RIM„ty. r.T• with grayh a tll'rtratio•. will M
printed dorlon the year.
A noteworthy tea'nra of the MAGA7,(NI
luring the year laps will be a ser., of amides
b, ''Aet'Wt W. WHIT%at, or -my -Rogow him trip
of MCP mile. stn sn'.w .hum, sod with dog
sleI.th Truitt auto the tine:plornd lissom
(grounds 01 Nritt.h North America in pun
n1' of wood biro% and mak oleL i,r.
M'hi•ney..erta.Gl have the added interest
of wise illustrated from photogr.ph. taken
by himself,
The Volumes of the )lagaslne begin wig:
the ]umber. for June and Itecemb.-r of etch
year. When notimeiviurotionod,.ub.cr.ptsou
'. 11 begin with the Number current at the
time of receipt it order.
Remittances should he mad, by Pust-once
Money Order or (haft, to mord chance of
,\r.'apeop/,errro are net to ropy feta advertise.
meat 'eitbout the express order of Harper t
Bret hers.
11.4 !WICKS MAQAZiNR ..Per Year ...r.
I'o.tayr ittoe foal! subscribers in tet Vastest
States, Canada mad Merle..
- - - - P. O. Hoz Mi, 5, Y. City,
Earper's Bazar.
IN 1896
The tweaty•niath year of HARPER'S
RAZAR. Weenies la January. IPM. gads it
maintaiil.r its deserved repu altos both as a
ramhlom Journal and • weekly periodical for
home reading.
Every week the BAZAR presents beautiful
tot/mt... ter orlon. ovcYuoaa, M , t I.Oi.. Baron
mad Coarct, illustrate and engrave the row•
net designs from the inset models in Peruse'
Rerlie New Tort /a.bte.■ epitomises cur-
rent styles in New fork. A fortnightly pet-
tero-sheet supplement with diagrams sed
directions enables women to cut and mate
their own gowns, and is of great value to the
prohsatonai modiste as well as to the amateur
dr.eemaker. ('blIttnet'.Clot klieg receives eee
meant atteatlon. iaseluw. for Men are de,-
.'riMd in fall detail by • m•n-oheuidowa.
tier tart. 1.41.x, by KaTrtetlrt i)t roissaT
is • sprightly weekly recital of fashion, gossip
and 'oche, doings la Paria, given by • clever
woman in an .OtertalnI.g way,
Both the serials for ISM are the work of
Amenoa. women. Ilea SerMd, by ]tams
l.ocleg toot, is • striking story ot New 140g -
lead life. Minty it W•utiwanu Jerome- a
roes teao, dlecussse the always interest•
problems of the relarions between labor and
capital tbort stories will be written by the
lest authors.
aneetal Serartme.t.. Music, The Outdoor
Woman, Peestnals. What We Are feting,
Women and Men, report and discuss themes
of immediate interest.
Answers le t errr.pe.d.e1.. Questions ree
oeiye the personal attention of the editor, and
aro answered at the earliest possible date at -
ter their rootlet.
The Volumes of the BAvat begin wills the
first Number for January of each year. When
no time Is mentioned. subscriptions will begin
with the Number current at the time of receipt
.t order.
Remittances should be made by Post comes
Mone, Order or Urate, to avoid ebancv of loan.
Newspapers ars not to ropy feu adeMiam
we./ without the erpresm order of Hayman t
His, ro iSi..
Per Year I
. t 00
Poefnge Pree to all nab Briber. in tee United
4t01e1, Commis. avid Meri-o,
P. U. Bos 51, N. Y. City,
Harper's Weekly.
IN 1866.
HARPERS W KKKLY le • yournal for tag
whole country, It Beale with the ereets of
the world that are important to Americana•
in earryieg out tilts patey, in INC JULIAN
RALPH visited China and Japan. avid oorney.
ed he through tWest; RlcnA.D HARDIir.
Davla took a trip threogh the ('arrlbsen see;
the evolutions of the new Navy were describ-
ed and Illustrated by Byers F. 7wwaeap.'
�mxu.viu' Ren.txevos ise,.nt.d .,unite et
Army and !with r life; Pot', T.rgy Rtacl,ow
attended the opeeng nt the Kiel Canal,
In 1*1 lite attention will be gives to every
notable happening. The chief events 1n art,
literature, aid mnsieaed the drama w111 be
artlialeally permeated. W. D. Howet.tt, la
the new department. LMa and 1....,. w111
Merino In his In te.eetlag way books and tri
sadaI questions of this (dere. K. N. M ourne's
.psi``btly gnwllp sr the Asa merle will as
ooetfd. The oRre.p efythe Transporta-
tion Colnmiseles eaves* the World will be
followed, and ('Aarsw W. Worriers will own
dart the departiteat of emotes. Itpert,
In 151 wilt wear • Presidential elerttoa
In Its editorialised ttroagh Its political oar
Ulnae the WRINKLY '.111 ooIlnn. 10(0*. In
dependent advocate of good gov.ran.eet and
f.on.d money.
Ir. Reties the WEEKLY will be ly
strong. 1t will p.Mlsa the e.ly no of tat
year by W. D. Bawd tw, sad a slrrleg eartal
of • Scotch fend. by S. it. "norewir. The
sheet Merles 5.1.0..1 aro of ea tweet micelles")
s.0 im1Net. is every respect HARPER'S
WKKILY will mslstale its leedwitireee 1.
the Wn5ssted Jgar.aliem of the
The T'viluss of rte Wesvty begin with the
gest is.m(r tgr lasnary of each year. Wbsa
no lase 1. msstdesM, ,wheeripio.s will beefs
with the Number current at the time et err
eelpptt of order.
Eesltt..o.s.tuestd be casae khyy PestrOo
Mersey Order er Draft. to •veld chases 0
Nesesiesp.rs ere sae eepp fhb toe 141
land RIMOVIIM10. the ordw t
PIMP Ter a
Adana: MARPER a: 11I0TfIatl.
P. O. Ilea IN g. T. Qim
ise, mere ells su nibl PIi* siva .tie
`s ttM.., wbtob ars .rasa
raised Itis situs for ti essay
obi e:e.atli es of ell estate et
!�_!! S 1�w1 of Mie .a.ss.ss
a tat aced SCI, 5d ...b .as,.y• l
snit year pm�v�e ( mats
Ib.a our.torte to`' wltk
the approval of cur pergolas t �t
•Mue Js
This1�usetaful alasis kept in the hal
range of qunities same as
howls. Whi a letter
14 tram. \\taJs
are not iso generally used, they
an important place in cowmen -1r
correspondence. Bee what we've
got under the above heath.
IAttter %%Mils
In this line we have a very large
atom of tine writing papers suit
able for every clans of business
represented in this locality, coin
prising laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unrule d, w may be required.
BAt ��tcaJs
1 f the " pay -aa -you go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
iso great ; but there are srnnr men
who get so twiny dormers that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is cos
plete in this line with four sizes.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single anti double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after as
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, an,
the prices will range from Thc. to
$2.00 per M. We handle cow
mercial and legal sixes exclusively.
Commer6.6.‘ 4r�r,��tnQ
has already been partially etnam
anted in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast amoun
of work under this 'head that is
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tu.
Z tut o c i.
to an "At House" or a wedding
require considerable tante in melee
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping is
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and els
rot" rams
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
ei.WrA t\ars
We aim to excel in all the differ
tot kinds of work we turn cut,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
C ar Js ano. T'vekets
This head covers a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
' osiers
Our facilities for turning out this
clam of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
done by us. This line also in
which our three fast -running job
presses are able to turn out in
surprisingly short time
,tt t B\\\f
belong to the poster tievartmelst
also, and we make a specialty et
them --promptness being our sits
in this respect. A notice of gals
will appear in TER SIGNAL fres et
charge when bills for sale eve gift
.K.tvuts o3 W oak
is the t ioal printing Wes
can be in this establia meat
in an expeditious anti artists
manner and
°t►r t -\stun VIOSU tic SOUlhii
eery rltosohab\e.
We ectad our %banks for pad fay
ore, mad sank a ooatinnanoe et Use
'e%IL %A Q/111.1..,
t,ltrrrsos. U1y.