HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-12, Page 1>ats
'or $5.7;,
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'or 6.00
'or 3.00
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Iis le of ap-
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Minces yin
. . .. II THE 11121T. '1
UNTIL JAN. 1. 18/I.
Mobd•y Goode A. L Weir 8
• hack- .f. H. Worsen t Co
lame Telt -Gee. Porter ... 8
Friday Hermosa -J. T. Ashes= 8
I No...11d'r Harypias-W. Aoheesa A tlea 5
It You Need --R. B. Pelisse 8
X uses 1'teswu-- .1. K. Davie 5
Weeded-- Chas Payee. 6
Esse U1fte--Chas. D. Williams 5
Notice --(heroes t Proodfo/t 5
Coes ter Sale- - W . t: Perris 5
Lewis --H 8, Pollock 6
I.ossl, -Jen Robeson b
Cleristmr- %V. C. anode 5
Jest the T sere- Witmer Smite 6
smith'. Resat -Mies A. Ihcksea, masa-
♦ roister- The Farr
t •0I Is1.e Tewaship - N . F. MoDes-
•gb..leek b
Deletes Ns4a-Dietbsa S Ce .... 8
8uT1c... 'rhe local nava.: 1. 1)aasoenes
ter lids mimeo is at the onto. of J. U. Ward-
J.P., ew,t ia1.mr, fen. wbo wilt receive or
dere for .utwtriptlOaa sdvefib40g and job
work, and . embattled to give receipt. for
•moor..• paid for the sauna
TcsaD•v, Dec. 10.
Johu Neves, ot Betwr•ve, took • trip
here um :+undey l0 ,alt relatives end as•
Ambito., e•
SucIAL I:ATa1111240.-Oa Thursday oval-
ly 0l l..1. week • pleasant mud pioUtable
les Wee spent in Pouched a Auditorium.
the memo o beteg m I.1. bonne.
Homs A.Aln,-Mw Frankie Cr•wforr•,
who 1.... room mentos friends red •to:mis-
ti mes. In toe count v town, hie re, weed
hou.e, quite p1'...d with ler veto
Wgtw, .v Bat... The 1..o le bird whu-
ptnn teat .+..Wing bells ere beginning to
Miss nuptial notes, red to a.weuueooe
male mnm,&l bands trill take effect In tem
afar taLOre.
S. A. Marrow -The metals and Len•
te.awt .d 11w Salvation Army outpost l:ode-
n..s h -I t f 4th to the Auditorium bail her.
es Mou...y erector, the 9th. 1.t • have not
bests ler outlet. up to this note of wnnog.
athimei..: -During the latter pert of
last sea., ea oleo at present, eleleh.og le
“on of which tulle • turner of
farmers are making good um, la drained
wood ..d grant to mart•,, as atm sew loge
to mw nolo.. and others of our cet,as.e •re
t.kieg } 1• mut. drives.
l'u)Urti"T ) &. I or SNOW. -c. N'ednes-
da) ..a.• w. k wad we heaviest std twat
t•.uwte,.t 111 4 mow as vet this ee.*o0.
John F.os- to welting his presence felt to no
e mail drone. He 1. klug at pommel, reg.
What la Ootngon at the Capital
.* 10•Nrt1.1 rr.•ea/aUea el the Rawl
Sobs wittiest Muer The Ile.rreme.S
near neve hal-ed the 11...(I.. Se
tower ora laelr Seam* Accord.
OTTAWA, Dec. 9th. -1n a Iitt
ever Litres wet los Iro.m .11 parte of the Do
taiga, the people's represeset•ves will mos
here to •tte.d to their p•rh.tnsatar
deem. Tome duties the sese•oo ..11 be
an szoept &•tel obar.cter, for puliameot will
he asked to nu:ifv a pronouowd act that by
the J n lime! commutes of the Imperial Privy
Co.ec,l. the highest judicial encomia' l• the
real n. 8..l been drel.ret "etre vires, or per
hotly within the ouosu•utton.
To. pato um a this - Tb. Of mutant Lees -
Imam a 1890 petr,d •o .1.•t abolishing
sepnrste or It..m•n Catholic schools •o faros
Govor.ment ..r municipal aid towards those
imbonle wee concerned.
The l.utwr,.l Privy Council rendered
judgmest dect•rine the act p•a.ed hy the
Manttehs Legislature to be uon.tlt.tienal.
A su•weguent reference of the oar was to
the Imps aa1 Privy Council for as opinion
se to whether the robe of the Rom.
Cmholio minority had lima interfered with
.m t a. to whether is its opinion the Domia
inn l:e.erom.•nt had power to restore thou
riglie if 18.', b..1 been infringed upon.
Not se & J 14vmeta. b.. se an opinion 1.h
Imperial Privy Council replied In the at
8, mal eye.
TM Dorntotou l.overoment on the
. tre.gth of this opinion at once issued •
pr.-s:+ptery order o•Ilu.a ut.en the Masi
Lobs Leguuture Le restore t.. 1.h• Roman
Catholic m amity clog'. *operate euhool.
l• to) retool this pre empt..ry order the
M ..i..b. l.evermm-et laminated that wit'.
• little seen knowledge of the facie and the
subject with which they were deal..g o. tar
part of the G'.erumeul at 0 tows, • . tie-
faotery sat lenient of the school cad' might
.e reached.
Hare a where the Ibowmen Govern...so
appears to have corm,tr.d one of its greyest
errors in oenn,c'iou with this case. for in -
steel of •oNrtoa.ag Premier I:reenw.y's
e ul(gHtt00 f..r • tor• her investigation tato
rhe f•cte of the oa,•, that • fear Iwo of
legidetioo might 1,. agreed upon, ih•), re-
peated their order demanding noontime
ergots o0 the part of the M•wtobs Gower.
Motor, the exceed .oder was t..ued it. be-
came apparent that the punt had been
owned where coatA.:oiy ierur.. u,w' '1.e
WelItutel for the coercive stand the Fed
oral au, horlties had adopted.
When 4.1r Loaner reed 1M reply from
Premier l:reeuw., he at ooee said that the
lely course 00w open Woe to meet Nan
iron half w.y by ecoepting Premier Grem-
ora) • •ngi(Mrtw, for an iDyeeugetion of
fact. Hs caw tbat the •twm.t of the
Federal Gov. rnm.ot 1.f bully the Moulton
;menu -mat ooul 1 only aggravate the crop
o af m lee. fair en,1 just settlement further
w.y...•i1 11 Wes ID flew 0e the that he
+god 1 bre appniettmeot of • oommeaou to
..1 wnh the matter.
Tn. d..psit lno the world over to hese
.ye as to settle ..tero.tiooal deputes by or-
str•ti.,n, by the lareetogatosol on importi
1 and du.ntertsted tribes' or oommiesioo
Two mesons going to war must ID the earl
result in the ',gbet having to •urr.ader
te firma to the more powerful oppose." •I -
hough th air rights n.y be Ned. 11 oa
he u. Mr hand • 000ctli.tory coarse is fol
lowed and the matter left in the hands of
sa uaprejud.e.d arbitration to adjust •
more equ.oie radnrd of J•soce is sure to
be reached toms if the dispute had be..
imolai at the point of the bayonet.
The tendency ref the age is to settle m•
ternetton.l diff noons is this m.nDef and
why should o..t the sans prl.otple apply to
Mt.nn.l disputes ! For • moment we will
assume that. with their maj'•nmerle
ro rle
Maul the •.vernm•et is aIle to catty ILO
remedial 8111 ordering the if.aitolsa lyu•
latero to realms mowers, eohoole ea that
province. The emit hep is the mloroeme.t
of the law the e.foro.m.ot of the law in •
province whom me., alter beteg declared
legs; by the highest tribunal .. the Kin,-
tlwn.•re to be nullified by the new •,orate,
whereas, had the suggestion thrown out by
Pr•m.er Oreeway, 1 whim to • oono.latory
.noree, being sot.d ape mach extraneous
Mid oneroty Oen might have been avoided
W. os oely • yopulatior of live millrace
of people, and es between Roman (,•t hoses
sol Pierer/tants that population is pretty
veal, divided The grovanoe M as be -
men Roman (Alleles and Protestants,
red for the loran welfare of the ce.otry,
✓ tit. oontie.•nm of pesos and
.rmaey hetweeo thane two .*.1010ta of our
potation, epee which hoes the en.uUy
as for the time nen divided. is it not bet -
✓ 'h.t the mnder.te and ooao.hatory
merge should he f II .wed, if •ooh a Deere•
open. rather 'h• . • resort t esteems sod
...rel.. wMa•nree
It does not filmes that the mum the
•m10lon Goveremeat has seen ht to adopt
is wet etrtetly with.n thoo.uat.tl.n. yet
are wee nor melee" to ask whether they
ha.. .8 ... the wiser eve- It is is the
position tMt the Manikebe seheol ace
.mese-s Refer. P.rli.me.t .ext moat's.
it .hold wet be as to what politico' sd-
sstag.s .tither ,stat is to gain, although
bee become *poorest that then. are two
.beset.• ,'alitee Meg edvoowted from
wither sole of the fines. 1mkis( to • se•ti.-
sPPot of OM 1la.itnh• seem' ease. What
ver times Pelisses., may take 1.w the MIA -
• it sae b. list • few inet a before the
gew•ter tr4Mwal, the whale .jeerer..e of the
D.ma.m, will he gives se 'speciosity el
e meoeiae ib yewolid
The hour is meddle am eaahtM whoa
yea w 11 at i. j.drwt .fret the rapes
w l.tiv.e of the toe polities' parse yea
. rat to (ktewa 8.m years me to snare year
i...r.ete You mill b. ..bed to.8ae s be-
tween the two --is some saes 11 wdl be the
tiers --m.., who ask veer .I4...s
What will yam M embed to dserole t The
lmepertame of the mollies yew will 8. .sbN
te reader ..or -read.. every tether .pps.j
thee 1a the battery a the e...Qy M. base
e M Tom, ter lilt 1M appsenblar slow
pale will be istrudtseed Mass that. if
hitherto hafi., so ex.teaoe, only 5,t.tsd
as a silent factor u the *abeam.
Now theme Ousel moues lava become Im
portent footers they have developed .0
mimeos which promisee to nim,te t..
obo.r'ty them woad issues upon which the
Humeral, oommerual and social develop
meat sod welfare of the mutiny u eat rely
It is to be an appeal to races l •sd creed
prejudices ea the one bead .l le on the
other, not wnMtandtog 1.M I:ovrramrn.'.
effort to obscure them, the ware I1 he .aged
le on the Or.aot.r truss with wbtob the .,.1
ethos sod prosperity of our oouo.ry is se
1f1- closely iadeotttie.l It is Doesibly fortunate'
1 for the ('oossryeeivs par• y that they have
y 4tecovered or created a pretext er idol •
of by which outdo) attention 1.•r the &foment
may be diverted from their m'ssrable comfit
.f crime and corruption ; ex. neatened' Mid
fraud, fur tbrre Is no denying the fact 1b.1
• religion. war . mon easily waged thee
Mie whom Ju.t.6oanoo •loud' lir a the
pu..hment of an enemy for • viola, merit
the Grimioal code Thor. luso ory that will
so est k1y &rune@ «01.80110110 as s lehul..u.
cry. Fmn.l1O•.m .5 the greatest 100.0(..
D scaring to life our impulses. Work upon
• made re'igloue sentiments by atlaok.aq '
hie creel and you haye fired hum with . new !
life where to nth r •tt•.'k, he would he ,o•
different. Attack hu.&tioa•rty or religion
and you bate wnrke.l him icor. a 00010D
that is Ealy' quieted hy figh•iog For 1.h. ,
reams 1 say the Foetid Government to
doaltog with the N1.nitohe echo. 1 oa.e have
no wire, .d the weer course It w 11 how.
s ever. serve their purpose 1.D for • time ob-
eounug their sine.
r M.0 lead Lodge No. 33,1'81 bold • mmok-
tog ouuuert t h,. j 1 uureday) terming.
tenug r low r oro on Sntuy ungel and la
Monde) m..r.a.s, the 9th.
tlxa,rIso CoNVALgIea.T -N e, &long
wttl. , 1.0..1•.0. (11000• •sod •.gna..rancr. of
J.•hn 18..u,peuo, eon. 6. 1%set W.wwucen,
o• pl ....1 to hear the, he . nicely roe -.ver -
lug from a eirlons attack of toll ...metros,
Ltotiont ..0 Ly hewing contracted • cold,
which se. 1-d on the hues.
.`INIrSt?T or Sneer AND 1d.t.N -Dor
ant I*.l -• ark gait• • mimeo . t .beep .0 I
Iambs welt; '.taught here We, bowleg berm
purotimed 1. our popular caul- sod sheep u
'oyes*, H l; rvin am C. Mesa) tor .hip- `
nom v1.. (...dorich and Luokoow for former. d
ewka.. 11'e wash both geotltmm a• owe h
in the • mane
boors or PkpAconra -- W. ore credibly
l.f.wu.ed tbo1 the .teff of t where for "h•
your tet ea me 1896 in Duug.suuo pro Ito
school is Imo. Allot, ea pnocip•I, and Mas.
Hattie Youoe, amutaat 1he former r 1
well Impala es ea excellent teacher, and the
latter has oleo highly reaomo ..Jed for Mr
pontoon se .mutant.
RaDo,AT.D,--Tbe sell known millinery
Mop •.,1.Lglag to Mrs. 11 thou, hes recaat-
ly 1.o.0 iruovted, •ad, em ounsqum e, the
geode, •kith .re of the latest roves laud
best 90.11 y, .re very •ttras1,.. rhe se-
tablu..noew. Is second to sone In *plowmen
•tTsag.m.ofand neatness on this sewers
Metro., and reflects great or.,t on Mrs.
W rtes*.
YIe:ruh,t -Mimi M. ('.cell., of B. Item,
as Viso .1.g orioles. and •oquasntence• h re.
1hey•.uogItoy memo to eojoy herd* u
ourp,e.t. moors, as all our viper@ do.
R ll-•oden.ing, at present r• 'dug
in the corrode tows, took a trio to our ell -
lege dur.ag last week to retie', homer m-
e n•In.eouP►. Hit seemed to feet as appy
and .pry as ewer.
Sereiten or CocNcn. On Mosd•y, Lb.
]lith, the Municipal Coursed of West N•
wasesh, in oomplesom with the Municipal a
Act, will most to the eowishlp hall, ••0•11.1 e
to ootnn.eace •1 10 o'clock A a. anop, All t
umoserned will govern tbemelvee&osordine •
•t All plasma against the mcnionarity are 1.
to be presented to the s000enl on or before h
1.h* above dote of meting tor p.) met.t p0
ANNlvxa*..y Sort•t_ The Woman's v
foreign YIselo0ary Society branch in ere
motion with Krs►ros °berth here held •
metal re the chareh Friday evening of last l"
week. is response to an invitation dose
to the Si, lidless breath a goodly number 1 D.
of that browb were present, and • very es
rialto Usk was spent, As we nave been
tnfnra,ed,tbere was • logo attendance The
affair, a pout of pleasure and interest, was
• great •scenes, all present wishing fora re-
turn of the maw as they deported to their
r•epmtive beams
Ie•sanavv.-Oa /gabbed' last the n it
masse of Mrs. Elisabeth Maisie, relict of the d
late was Mans.. were isterrd i. Demme
as. eemeiery. They were eseetted from
hat late modems« is Aabll.ld to the ..a •
tory ►y • very lenge eearoures of •.writer ►
misto..e, frisbee had aegesiatofess. TM
enemies mime ..mdess.d ny Re. Edmonde
basso assisted by Reg. S. Poetised. at *8•
elms ef whab the hyena "Mall we plae
as lbe rimae," was swag with great sidese.n.y
by • ..rge member of these pruse.t. The
pall hovers waw : Mama (.'h•rI. Rohm -
am, Thee Disbar, Jambi thea er, Vans K.1
petrhek, David 1.rdiaa,T Asilersem Ar. 60
las The bereaved leanly trod relatives
bare the .inhere sympathy of the sem
us.mity Is the bereavement. The lumen*
swum will be prowled law ierememm tar -
Vim la tem Metkmfisherd ea sherem rttrada; Ira
t.. "colored people" at the West cad
had • ho.-due0 last seek.
Deuemoer 30th will 1.e oomi01010D day •11`
over the provluce, K.eeuuu. ..;l be held
we weak later.
1) Swdeart announces Christmas I:ro-
mrtm, ooul.otomery, Giese, etc , at his
•1015, Ham ilium .t,
Choles Hsker, of Mitchell, was fined
e•ms ought d. Ilse ear •tending twelve stooks
1 Beds
/armt.» 166 28
Crockery, dishes, eN 67 06
The O1rUt from the LoOal 1E11L.
The Clinton December Mooting Hardware. stoves, ate . • • •
Mattresses ... ..
7M Sm.r4 es l8. me..s• N the .1aa1 ■eel. W 'admit
lag f., ISM 0..11. la Cenneeelea
minn I.am el Meuse M8a1@s Bar.
@e. a•rbllas Seed aye. Pay list, special Oemmittes, ad-
vert ease, ie 674 41
K.ttm•tes, imwentals. !0 326 00
Total.. . 617,610 70
This te tae total 00et up to date, with•
out taoludlog the provisions, an4 w the
council or,Q ,, uo,ally counted on en .epsede•
tun of$15.000, it show 'het the work has
been kept pretty near the estimate.
Shortly before the omuoal adjourned Fri
day evening, Reeve Rog, of Stephen, tett
mated Ohm ee bad decided to retire Iron,
municipal life, and in • few sompl+menta, y
words thanked the ()outlet
fraternal repletion' duru.g the •,zteen year.
&e had berm a member. Rome Cook, of
}frwloh, .esu tottm.ted his motnuuo of re
BEng after • anul.r term of service : he
had coo.cI.uuuu.ly opposed the House o1
Reye, bet he wuu1J frankly admit that be
was now • convert, red wuul 1 heauelurth
do all be meld in 1.. belted Ines. two re-
tiring addresses brought Mr. Kit kin, t., hi.
feet with the remark that "Where the R..:
east leaving • ship,lt was a sign of • storm,
but when the look was Ieavtt. also, 11. was
tome tor then. all to leave." Several other
member• jocularly slated that they were
n et sure whether they would retire or not
of they got enough rote... J.nu.ty, tbev
would Dome to Lite next muting of the onus-
• ; d they dolts), get enough, "Tony
wouldn't Dome bmf
Moved by W. H. Kerr, ..00eded by air.
W•taon, that tha council ozone.* ire regrets
ID parting with stalwart county- o•.ur,ct 1 .r
an the person. of Reeves Raiz of 'It..phw.
and Cook, of Howl, k, In their incision to
retire from moolcopat life. and dome to
place on reword our high esteem for them
geotl.•men, es we have proved then, to be
faithful servants to their reepectnve noel-
nipehtres, and the county .t large. -
Mimed by air. MoKwea, •eoonded hy Mr.
Geiger, that the •uprnprlation to rhe
cnonty wards trmlo.te on the 16th of Nut.
1895 -Owned.
Nloved by V. Rat:, aeonnde.i by T. K.y,
that the omitted most highly approve of . he
management and labors of she Hese of Re-
fuge committee, and we b -lief• the mem-
bers of the said (summit tee deserve the high-
est prates for the w.y they have deployed
their able mao.gem. of io armee:ion with
the erection of the Hour. of Refuge. -
Moved by W. H. Kerr, monocled be B S.
Cook, that the o••unc.i present Mr K Iver
with the sum ot 625 as • snail return for the
arduous sermons reydered during the pres-
ent year as 08.irm.n of the House of
Refuge committee -Curled
Moved by I Wither, and seconded by
Mr Holt, that the tnepemtor of the House
of Refuge be empow. r d to nest a lomat o.
into the House who are in • moo ion to pay
for mai0tenanee, or bars friends or nodet
mp•htiee willing to pay for oh m. •1 such
weekly payment• as the in.peutor miry
deem a.dy 1&eble, not less than :2 per we. k
Pooh persons, oeverth•I-....h.l only he so.
anted and kept in the house so lung as i
there a.mp''e room on the bulldins ; the In-
spector t0 use proper safe/garde In •11 Male
of this nature -Coned.
limed by Mr. Walroo, seoond.d by Mr
MoLeaw, that the hoary tbmk• of the
....lyre of this oreunoa 0. tender. d to .he
Mayor, council and 011.2.. of the Town tel
Clinton, for their •xuseIlug.y kind and
courteous treatment of this council during
the present sesame, ,D providing them •
'movement piece tor Lran.mung their burn-
oose, and eotertoniog Mem to a compl.-
m 01.ry 00005.1 and Mogvet, the cle.8 to
send • *coy of their resolution to the
of av or. -Carried.
The concluded the labors of the council.
-New Era
261 70
500 50
84 30
96 00
90 86
28 00
916 00
T N E council met in the Town Hall,
1.na•w,, 0o Deu 5, .J the memhpn provost
except Nr Seceders, of Wroz.ter, and Mr.
Gru.,. , of Bee/forth.
A letter was received from the Count
!i•dtut.or in reference to the Morris and
Huron bridge •rbtretion, and referred to
the • al u.mmotie •bleb rsoonsmd'od.4
9 -
peel to 11.., moral Court. from the judgment
of Chef Jw•lee Meredith, be proceed with
o uch appeal, •..d °town the judgment ot the
Div../oal Court A motion was introduced
by dr. Kerr, eecood•d by Mr Kirkby, that
the eppe.I be not proo.eled with, but that
the •I•Ierenoe between the offer ot the
o•.un,. oouuu.l, and the .mount asked by
alotrts ouuuml, its eve.ly divided as •
sel element. This was I.,.1. tea • vote, by •
en.' arty re 1
A o mmu••ncottoo was reoetred from Perth
coo. el, ark mg the au operation of this
a.u••c,l 11. mooring •niandmette 10 the
D. u ,.•• and 1V.ier C..ur.n act, but 00 an
tion +•. taken
l:•.mmuot.,auow wets received from Nor-
fo k t asset* to rent -ewe to the protection of
mn0 o.pr11use
in the omen of soot
deals ort the public highways, and also with
rel. -rem* to bound.ry line bridges, bat
0.uu rel decided 10 tike Do ammo
Tire moo co y ,*• aut of 625 esu ni•d. to
Kest Huron. 1'e+cnen' A-..wtatl.•o The
Huron Low assrt:serton wet granted the
u.e .d • room in the Cur Home for •
hn.ry, but the .ppl,coteoe for . grant to
*wile t tie purcha.. .1 :tor.•y- wee not outer
tan,rd H•.... 11 am) 11.ecbe•ter were
reefed P..l,c. Valor. • for tin protectors*
purpose*. A ..umber of rc,uots were or
deka, to be pool : C'...ceru'nv the v+rnunt
el Nr. Nestle. Soifer? h, of e86 87, the sum
of 650 was "united 0 he p..1, n,lance to
e t•..d over ; two a,00un•• were sutm,tted
y 11.. $t.nbury, .•n• of 62 for medical •t-
eudence o.o D. K II o.i,no, red rine of 619,
attendance u.. if .lin Keno-+min, but the
Boa. • a•mmutt.r declined to recommend
heir payment ; R -eve Warne introduced •
..0'atloo, &eking the. they be pool, which
eras debated. e@1 coD.mu.to•tIoo was re
mired from She. ff Gibbous to reformo, to
he appointment ..f Mrs. Lige as matron
or the county j• I. to the p'.oe of Mrs.
1) ck•on, d mood, om ordered to be filed.
A c .1.m of R do. R- I. for damages to •
team engine, wig referred to the reeve of
'u: keremtth.
Tree road and bridge oommittee ream
erled that tender. be asked for ceder
bridges over Maitland river, between the
.wnehies ret H •wick and Minto, and have
he same bunt as *0.n as possible next
pang, providing We l,ogtoo oounctl is
ti.fled to fav half ea met. Also that
pollen be •-ke.l for cedar bridge and •Iwt-
ente for Turner's ridge, over the R•yti• ld
Iver, end a bridge over • creek on Seattle
n• .n Hey, and have some built early
ext Spring.
Tele property commit... reported eerta:o
pain made to jail red oourt house, and re
mm.nded that the order for jail eluting'',
ppro.al of by tMauer.ff, be granted, sod
hat hie report respecting the j•,Ibe&ocept-
(, the sommlttee Dot having an oppur
u nity of inspecting the jail at the preemie
The House of Refuge special comm;tt.e
sported that donut( October • storm had
jur•ed the smd ml 1, but the same was ret-
ired by party oho h.d erected it, .1th•
01 ocet to the county. 1 he cu,nmlttee has
rntuhed the bu,ldtng, u per instructions
tamed lest June. Arrangement+ have
ave Men made with the Bell Telephoto
, for 000ueeuo* with the Hones of Re.
foe, for a term of three years .t • coat of
660 The' committee considered the .d-
* bhty of t.y.og down some rule as to
hat olot brag the inmates should be is pee.
session of ohm received by the keeper oto
be home, and therefore IO•truoted the
keeper to r•»eve no inmates unless to Dos-
eeminn of two suite of underclothes, one
pair of good boot• or shoes. and that
mutate should have the privilege of bnnr-
twg one trunk, ose burg•*, am oh.,, sad
n ot ham el.e, .1180.1 the r000mmeadeeion
of the reeve et the muoioip.11ty which .gads
the Inmato, and •II such goods will be sub
)cot to approval of the keeper er in•ppotor.
Tswler t Fowler, ooblt.otr of the House
of Befog. having reported to the cons
motto. that Y. d. Cooper, ooutr.otor, had
e•uspleted the Homes of Refer. mooed•s/
to the 050traot, sod farther reported as to
18e .mens, of extra work dew by this ssso
tractor as well as the Bret thereof. the Dem
mates reo•e t...led the following settle
meat with the oontrmtnr : The mistreat
pries as per feeder beteg 69874 ; unease of
•tiro, $196.27. Amount heretofore paid
68,700; memo still doe eomtraeter,61.969
l he oommittm rsuomms*ded that the above
sem he paid to the onetrmv . and the week
i.► -•et as oomplet.d The sommt•tee ale.
reported that it had made Drraaesmsats
with the Clinton R eotno Light Co., to hgbt
the hui611ng for • torus el 5 years, sad •
aitrail was drawn .p by the e...ty solo
o tter, and duly exeswted the Ce. and
the wanes of this maty. The ems mittee
reenmensaded 1.8.1 tee imposter •.d sore
Other Genet • Amid around on the Indus
trial Farm The eamm.ttes ...ld further
r.enmeeend that the taspset.r bema•r,werewl
to fern,.* the following oomph's ; 1 light
sleigh, 1 lose 8... lovas., 2 large tables for
day teem.. and r.hhsr hose ..•weary ter
Ire preteettes, sad farther that the ttsep.e-
tee to granted power to hire emit help as
se lie a.p edea as nes•seary.
Moved by Mr. Kay, emended by Mr.
1ln•aev, that the semaehl would be pleural
to leave • ot•tawe.t frees the treasurer, of
Lb. meal amnwnt el imam *cyanided he mar
neo•tea with the Reuss 41 Rohe,. Carried.
Tie WI swim is the lahrm•tl.e embed fee :
Oast ef lead . 12600 00
0...1 et he•14Mg IP'M 00
Arshireft's belle sad pas.. 441 30
Haan* allowed 7M 17
the; •s the at bettor tied given notice of •
of wood bothRobert Jackson.c
The rev teal set Moe' an at ill in progress
Is V,utorl.., Methodist church, with good
.tuodanoe and helpful servluea
Thr New• Record of last week, had the
Brussel. Past of the woo& lief .re end eery b
cre•rttably llltutr.ted numbers.
Mimes Grab.m sod Ferro., have charge f
of the 8 L of C E meeting ID North -s1
Ilei Mono cbur.b Fri.tsy ev.0lag. t
rh. 0011 lump has brriusht warm footwear r
into big deu..mt. Beet goods and lowest
prime at }'o,lrk'•, next Sturdy Bros.
Ib. Septi a went to Buffalo from Wiartoa 1
with • load of lumber. ,he will h&rdly lay f
up here this year as the harbor le filled wltb
Coal oil, retail and wholesale. A oar •
nod of 11 y rebate o.l just arrived at Wor- 1
sell'.. You o 0 have my amount from a
pint to ten b.r»la.
R.. A.K. Burke, Tidewater, preaches io ti
North et Metho.ti.t church next S.bbetb
while Rev Joe Edge preaches mwlo0&ry S
...ramie ID Teesw.ter.
e a
A man who gem Le see a girl twice a week ,
and tales hei to an uooaslon.l sot.rt...• o,
tient, a leg.ily 'swaged to her, according r
to • reoeu• oourt dect.iei.
Thiuge have been tooth lively at the
market the p..1 week or two -thanks to the
good neighing. 'rhe Lumen my the roads re
were Dever to better 000dieriso. 00
Robert Campbell, our proficient light- •
hoes keeper and representative of the To- t
route weather bureau, has bison informed or
that 0o more storm eternises will be emoted t
this year. la
The bulldiog on the l.k• shore, for many
years need by W. Morleton as • boat build r
I.1. est.blt.hmeot, is being torn down and 1h
chopped up for brwood. It was original- P•
ly • sawmill. 1.
Re.. H Irvine has r.oeiyed an iovit•tioo fn
to beoome pastor of Ktoo.rdioe Mathodut r
church for the next tors, and has accepted, it
' object to the mum of the euttoacsg nom- lis
mitres. The salary is 61,000.
E 11 Lamprey, son of Mayor Lamprey, r
of Guelph, who has been employed at the w
Beek of Commerce i here for the past f our
or in years, bas gone to Mobile, Alabama. 1
when he has secured • position with • logs
lumber firm.
Two fall moon will oom. in D.osmber.
The 8.00nd Adventists say this has sot oo-
swrred 11oos the comae of Christ, 1896
years oro, red from the ooinotd•ooe they
argue hie .cooed sowing during the ap-
proaching holidays.
F.Ralway, of London, has takes • eito-
sties with 1.b. H.odereoo B1eyol.. Co.,
tows. Rudw.y is • or.ck biayol. rider •sol
holds the Canadian pace* record from 25 to
100 miles. Hie 100 mile record is 5 bre. 1
Mamie ted 10 4-5 sm.
The Department of Weidner' •.d Meas-
ures has doodled that hereafter the stand-
ard of measures for liquids shall be one .f
bulk instead of weight. Thee axed for the
gallon is the equev.lent of 10 lbs. distilled
water at. 62.1.•irem Fahrenheit, with the
barometer at 30 detrital.
Two more denominates. of letter sarde
.1 the value of 1 Dad 2 omits respectively
ars mow supplied to the publics. These
mrd. servo on the f.11esr sem.. "be purpose
of letters, 2 emit earl. bear Ix oily otr
mesiad.., while the 1 oast reeds ere for tor-
eul.ttoe whirs "here is so leer mimic's
Dr. Bryn has received • litter from the
medical health .ffte. at Pommes, Meths
that two ones had b... from •lumber seam
40 sties detente, is the Towssbtp el Reedy,
e 8sri.g from diphtheria, sod fear is em -
preens -el that whore is the owl sad ia the
n.ighhs►keed have been teemed, A cep
ply el anti -tense was immediately for-
The pereti•st window is Geder(.8 .. Sat-
urday eight was a1 The F.ir,and se waterier
hem the ammoniums .f the. .ow meek they
M.. bac gmst.5, e0.pl.d with the tease
.em.l'y displayed at theo wtde•sw•ke maty.
Cies of Dot sttr..U..s was • Modem* lamp
Made. whit* we. *.rrh4 sway by • par -
shame Wove it bail hem la tem wimdew an
bear. The shade wee made mss right .her..
554 le scaly seeebm s'Yeees o the b...
fel Perk w be bad se orb pupYr Now.
00paa1Ce TUWI.Hlr.
Dac.r.&a 2od, 1895
Beard of Health .1.1 today. Members
•11 present, Minuted of last meetler read
and pooped. Moved by Jae. Connolly. seed
by Chas. Will,.t. that the report of the
chairman of the Board of Health be moor-
ed and passed. Minutes of last meeting of
muted were read and parsed. Mowed by
Jas. Johnston, seo'd by rhes.Cburebtll that
Chit. Joh.slon be deputy returning ..ho.r,
la pleas . 1 J•muel Johoetoo for No. 1 1' rt,
D. Mowed by ( has. Will.ama, nsu'd by
Jas. Johnsen that the amount of W,n.
Robinson for damages to but o&rt be 1.id
over to next mee1IOg, council to Investigate
h. claim. Moved by Chas. Willem*. sec'
Jas. Johnston that the fol.ewing &O-
conee be paid : S R,tbwall, grovel. 64 ;
W. H. Lobh, 63 : D. Johnston, 610 80 . K
C.mpwa, 1118 42 : Mrs J. H K1,.utt, :4 68;
W m, Colenrouab, 61 98 ; J.. Connolly $10 -
38 ; J Joh.atn., 64 50 G T,bbwrt, 63 24;
J. Meir, 68.95 ; Wen. Elliott, 68 '6 ; D.
Cox, 16 ; J. Trewartha, 116 fr.: J. Mcdon-
ald, $8 60; T. Cronyn., In 72 ; F McCart-
ney, 613 50: H. Baker, 64 50 ; Wm .1 RI
Boit, 517.64 ; Woo M Drob, 623 46 ; Wm,
Origin, 60 et.. ; Mammies' World Elections
Suppler, 13 27 ; Board of Health, 610 ;
clerk for soheol oessies, 65 ; 1.1' Grier, 00e -
tient o. Colborne Hid, 147 50 ; Wm.
(lige. dram, 67 ; Joseph Til., $3 67 ;
enoaallon' salary, $120 ; .ler►'s galas y,
6106 ; tr.asorer'. gelato, 1146 67 ; reeve, at-
tendance at tOWne4tp dr•.., 63; clerk.
'awash,eervi.ee a'awash,dress, 62 50 ; 'lige
Churchill, overseeing 00.trmot ea Colliers*
0111, 66. Ad' read to meet .. 16, It Dee.
Nixon tltia.T. Clerk.
Clinton Jobs f..xes, of the Baro.
Red, west, MDs to the frost with • seat
that beam the record se far. It is ea Rag-
Ihe8 broadcloth, and has b0m i. use every
Bm.dsy for the last thirty yearn It r met
"just Is good as sew," bus it is good few
several year.' serviee yet.
Brssmel• : A. I MsC•11, of the firm of
Dmdaa. A McColl, returned ea Hat rdy
*maim frown Chiang*, where he has been
.tbmdlag gestures at ilia Chimps Ophrh.l.
ffffd.Usillege and Reepieol. Mr. M.Call was
smeserefel .t hi ex.misas*.us .ad i. mow be
p.e-eseita of the OWl.g. Diploma mad de-
gree d M.O. ( Menem et Optima )
• Weekly OWN et /•ewaty sew. served
■ei 1e MU eveeybery - rub hat
rasa( 4 Itp..d sad 1'e.de..ed
/swan Ewen fen ll...
CLINTON : Mrs. Taylor, who resided
ua 1.h. L odium Itee.l,sssr tee House of R♦
tugs, died W week
8,0..1s : Color Shaw has taken • lite..
111 • I)• v G.rod• stick• a Coat haat
(:••y : R 6. MuD.n&.l. L .cher .n 8. 8.
N... 4 h.. bees r.-e••g.ged for 1896.
W W....08 : Ctts. Wes.n..l oos do-
does.' ups,. ole of 150 I.mb. to 11 .iso& it
K.n',h, of Klvtb.
H 1 ueevlll.: 6.orre Hu -ler has bees re
eager -41 as .toret.8.r of the Methodize
uhurch tor the turd year.
S..f•.rth : Mre. 11..0-.•h, of this towo,left
..n rue.d•y for Dorou,weere she will hen
eller reads &lib her mother
S..forth ; G.or,e Dua,,n, j , is 1.1.1 up
with • mrver• ••Ince of'ypbo,J fever at. the
residence of his father, 6 eienoh-at.
%%mottom : H R II Brown shipped •
oar 1 .ad of themes, the mete of the Bel -noes
foo ory, to Montreal, on Tuesday, per G. T.
CI swo : Henry R.nsford, oro of Jetta
Rao ford, left vmuerd.y for W'teepee
+here he has t.keu • position on the Mol
coo. Bork
Crat.bror k : Peter Blew, of 1) -.kola, u
pat log • volt to 1110 mother ad ho m.1.r el
Cr.nhro. k. He arrived Burt• uuexpeot•dly
us Tuesday afternoon
Cnoti.° ; Mrs. A, R'.es tweet to Toronto
loot week with her d.ughter, Nl,w Maggie,
who hes been suffering ...•rely .vial. In6.m•
mato,) rheum•. em.
Al we g0 to press we lease
thee (A m Kerr, bottler, ear louud lying
deed .n his bed with hu clutum un, •t his
re..deoor• 00 5LoOte-.t,
Exeter : Meas McN•l., of 11 or .Ser, well
kno+o u, mous in Exeter, being • ester of
Mr■ 1) Spicier, was marmot lam week to
(hares Boot win, of B't Ih.
Wtng.ean.: Vaster Wolter Be 1, son of
Mrs. 8 li, ..1 8 -laird street, fell or, the toe
0u ,boturday u.ght *bele-It storm mart broke
nus u* hie wrist. very badly.
Wiu,gh•m : The b.eyear old .mo of Robe.
Soon, of the G.T.R , diet on S.turdav last,
mot rho remains were tisk.* to P.hoerst•oo
for lolrmeut on :Monday- I•st.
Clinton : W.1ter Maw .mg ono pnssss**s
• 1.t,of over 700 volume., which is se
extensive liner) 1... • young matt not is
prufnestuo.l life to pose. 5.,
Brumela : Ronne 1hok.oc and wife, of
Detroit, f armed, of the pl.ce, h... r.tur.-
ed to the city of the Btr..r. .jeer • pleasant
visit with rel.tive. to 1).k/reseed M'chigee.
Woogh•m : (-o L,,.d, who loft tor San
Fr.uo eu., C.1., ou Thured.y morOu,g, was
prime ted with • g..id ring sod loudly
worded adder+ by the members of the
vVlsgham : The treasurer of the Public
School Reed ham re eivr.l 650 for th., Pub-
l.o Sch.. 1 L-'.v..g Exasmuau.me, being 56
for each pupil that pawed that ez.miY•
H••1mresville : W. S ani. v butch, -ed •
heifer Iasi ors. k, and 1••u1i.1 I.. her stomach
• w ole crochet •'ee•.4,. 1 he male was
pro. rtoting through the u..ticv of the
Aoeforth : Dr Campbell, of iref..rth, en.
of the of leer practitioners to thea•Dney,timd
mollo.l .upenotendeut of the House of
Refuge, has sold hie premien to Dr. Dewar,
of Chippewa.
!1e•/ 1-y : While Hugh A k -m .&d was
wu.kieg with 18, threel.I0g Romaine, sr-
rai.ing the concave, cue of the teeth of the
cyl oder minden' I. tore hie band, severely,
lay ung him off work for • few .(aye
Exeter : Tho.. H•..per, of R.' Portage,
Man , and Alu,rt H .uper,nl 0•I Coy, Pea,,
who has been bore or. moonset to a•oo*Ottos
with their late (chef'e estate, relurmed M
their respeotive horn. a on No ..I.y
Brussels : A oumter of young mon formed
• oloh, known as the Young Mena Christen
Clwh, the membership to he irrespective of
church Ito object. ere to fight sin in all
1."e forms and do all the good .hey con.
Morrie . Wm. You •g, whose wife was
sent to Kovl.nd bythe township council last
Summer, aloe left for the ol,f lend with
George Parker's bores He will not return
to Canada as all their rel.tives are in £ng
Auburn : The home A lire. Sonic. at
Auburn was burned to the ground early
Wednesday morning. Mrs Steer.. bet
everything, including olothn•g •ud hnu..
hol I furniture. Toe family Moly escaped
with their lives.
Rru•rb : A letter from .1 S Smith, now
of Basotho., @aye he has hese very .ick and
that Mn Smith has been to the l'ity Hes-
peel for the past rex week. but a now im-
proving in health and wt.1 soon be able is
get home .o.1..
K,ppee : Rebt. Moldered'. will mnve into
bac now home in • day or tw., It is •
headroom. heel, met nor •brim • 63 000, and
was botl.. by S. S Cooper, of ('.onion Mr
MsMord.e expresses himself as well pleased
with tit. premises.
Seethe M» (Re. ► Hoot was a Brus-
sels define the put week Jenne to the se-
vere .Ilse.s of her mother, Mrs O'Gmeter,
who is Mi/.nog from the . Mete of • largo
1000,. 88. returned hope Mnsd•y, mad
reverts her °audition no better.
Hallett Miss R.oh•rolena, who has boon
two8i.g in S 9 No. 4 (nr three years, w111
quit at the sed of the present veer She hus
gives expellent o•ttefeetnon, and leaves M
the general ropey 81 M. 0001.1011TeraMlas
salary b.l 1. of Ge. , will ..eee•d her, at •
Ledbary : Reba Rrnthwrsee and family
left Mew em Wednesday for their sew lea
1. Dakota. Thus restle.wa. lee lived
smoaret us for soar 10 years, daring whit&
bin mane., find eatimis always steaplLied
the dtc.seer.1$ geed, .prlghe 1.w. Se-
ises Maytag the.mphm. j....d together lea
pens mbeg him with semis vary 4Ddc.ye
evades. a Wren el their esteem find