HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-5, Page 7• THP' STGNAr,: nonP:RteR, ONT., TRTTR>tT).AY ,DPP. 5 High, Physicians prescribe Scott's Emulsion of 'cud -liver Oil and Ilypophoa j 1:itete because thtq - find thei ratients can tolerate it for rt long time, as it dues not apse the stomach nor derange the digestion like that pLoin nil ti:ott's Etnrlaion i:i as n•uch ea. !er to tlig..`st tot. u the .1 On t'jl as milk is C.4::icr to digest t` Art butter. &:,ides, the tigh- faj'aste is taken out of the oil, and it iii:din ist puj:atable. The • way. Sickly cittlurt:nrirtntac•iated, argisiCand cunsUniptivt ail It • • Fun flesh on Scott's Emulsion ii -cry remarkable. I1iellenonnesd•/ to a.c.DS 't n.letirearl Rea k Mss, 11141110 114. SOI. and $I. r NEWSPAPER STORIES. M11Ned. Aa editor died nt ee•rvatroo..11•r D,akiu De. Tamer a•haarerf of biotech, was b+ mg escorted to (leaven b1 au angel who had hoes sent out f..r that purpose "airy 1 t k.-$ .t the other place. lettere 1 as.,...I into et.•►nsi hepp.owe' ' "F. only, said the earl. S., they went below and ei :rm:shn.l • •:..un4 taking :n Hal swats. rat, angel 1 et truck .•f Line editor, and went around Hodes to low lam. He booed him +n•ing t • tunlade fa55ou.g himself and :. soh r.pture upon • lot rel marode 'e hes. The.. war • .Ern 5555 lits furor•* w said . "It.hrgw-ut. Snl.e. ravers• add the v...rl '•w. toast le loose ••1'.,tr ro on." .std the etit.u. "I co not Baine. Tote t. (leaven ruough our nue."-- KS desk and found his wife radiant. She sees even boppy when the baby was out of her etht. \\'hat is it, Jennie ' asking her husband, gloomily, for he Rea yet unuertnaa ae to :elto blaeasang galleried by the baby. He was v a'5•spy. "Oh, Cherie." she chirruped, "1 heard front paps today. " Cherie looked gloomier thea ever. "1)'a't say wy,hnng, dear, 'she plevled. for eke knew her huul.aod's °plulou ut her fads r. "Ho has heard about our beby,md though he M. not yet de.crm,ned to forgiye ua he hes rest ne • choana for $x,000 for dear baby • sake." At kro the youee 6oab•id's hoe showed • gleam of plosion-, then it was shadowed aig•,u "Area t you slot, costlier •' eke .,asked Wilk •quiv.ritg UI• Then he smiled j .yf.lty "Yea,d•rlong," hitt wbletrered, "but we should beve had witn.' '.Wild 'Nit • 04 .4 ,u he a seat n . - di e D rens of Ke'r.i,. lento lint.. o • '* heobo (Noe:::L1 C70 d.p.wtt..ys 414 P536 (i30 en0 d• pwtr.• Oi tae te.,A O'tl pe epic se New 1 or tete, over 4 OW OU0 rwrie or r n. ct.te•. The oversew value ,i raw, a•••41 land i (Ierm•oy is 8105.ear soh ; in Frans, $1'. 1e1.2091 s nttJ,il r•.t:•ne.o of .h• motel eljr 1150 boom.t„ !•'. save wen t:74,000,7v,000, tri)). tie boob t Queer tetaa. Here is an ateaz,r:g 50.11' I •4.N metae by a wer,tbs red crcen,n, who d:ed Ir•(44 its .lustna : '• I hr•tue•th M. wit..'.• nt my , prnperty,m.rvehle sad Imauvalle, ' says lie, to toy au ucphra• Wad six i , -s, 1 ut cutler the vele uosditlon that e..•ry ono of I not nephews i. ernes • woman wooed %n- ..' r late, rad that every '••.• of my ni..aw mer- ! rte. • man named Au':.n. The twelve ere further rryuirent to sive the Dente of Anton ' or Antoine to each first hors 4.11.11, accord further • IDK u It tarn• out to l e .Lel nr girl, The merria,te of secs oepber and niedye is elan el .fay.. either Jeniery 17, May 10, or June 1- ! 13 Eaoh is further required to be married 1 before the end of July l$% Any nephew or sieve retnairug uhm•,ned to an Antooie ar an Anton after that date forfeits half of y his or her •here of the property. 1Grim Jawing. !teeth led jokes are generally not auto Isome. The celebrated owe attributed to 'lonu Hood for isstane.---that he protested • ,' against Wanting the undertaker who had -I blundered into coming before the great wit was dead, and mol that the mon had only I to uro a I,v«I. Howl a known to be • decidedly epocrspal. Nevertheless, • remark somewhat o, the same tort, which is attributed to (.ora to be celelnted on one of the Sr. Mahon len 41041614440•1 s t.i•ii••u of the teepees and weal a o: 1. e• ,:, • • eau . C) 000, 000, 1710 An •Isoms fe:her i•se 'slight all hie est! Iran to toad e,th tu.ur took* uptrde doer - r • loop', • the 1. ailed Soto.* hay over It -y.0,00.000 invented in church pre pet' •. 1'h• :,eta! dammede pard ht the United 'tate. Datt.net lana.. Ie le2 woe $60,400. 715 93. That l".r'o"n ei the won. s esters! in veined to bi,armC a eet.m&ted at V11o,y.15,- 000,000 ' • The .1,.•tro Hunvrr,au Enrpire has 4.996 000 homer., ,t au•cn 2,Vs6,000 are on Amok 1, 1.000 scoor. ••f our gold rnru . then aro 900 ooerr" o1 pun gold, lis oun.ce of silver and 9r1 of copper. 11'h.. leydrn ism relived by the Spsa• iah semi m 1571 the city government is- sued credit nnt.e can Iss,ner. Accordion to.:aook'e estimate the Konno empire io •t.• ••me of Ammeters nowiee..d 1338.300,000 gu:d •ii silver. The :dietaries from either the north dee south poo. 'o theejos'or mea.ureei Moog the ~tail srfaue is exactly 6.000 miles. A French engineer readtag in Chimp), ham invented a new aisle of ship armour that wit anew toe teetete Fy :he navy deo pertmeut. He device c.Neas•e of thin metal elate placed e.(,..,ae. A uuu.her ut r .nen h fog m the n •igh ben hood of Lveil arrow, Kn'b'.ter,-who believe in 1.1 .omen, have formed • club, which is open W ill boorle 41c.eluta in that yuart.r of the tot. wF • will ...Jopt the bloomer (vitamins. • It u said has, of the three thousand visitors to tee l.11u.stone X.tn.n.l Park daring the 1 s' thus veers, not more than 100 stem Amer-rec.. It the park was in i:crops it would probably be witted by 50,• t mericana a year If you are enemas to had the most reli- able blood purifier, reed to .lyer's Almae•c the 'testimonial. of rh..oe gibe hey. hero) dared of such terra Ie 4.....es ea caterrh, rhoumetteen and eorofula, by the use of Ater'• sores...role The. govern yourself accordingly Peter 1'rawf..,1, 22 years old, bas been NINA an Cley.l oil. with the exteptaon of s haw hoot., t r seven months. A little mon than • )ear •g•. lir. Crawford was I thrown front s mai! wagon in New York, sustaining injuries to his spine, end this, it I ,e believed, hes 1•d to this remarkable oast of catalepsy Mem m.y easily hays wntus the Pentateuch e01 the Israelites of bis day I 1 here read an 1 understood ir, Prof Sayos told the reoen• :.arch txomeeeseat Norwtob, I 1 for the eg* of the Ex•.dui we. as literar% as •ha• of the Rrn..reoos ir. Europe. Kshv. t Inures errs». ha.l Ilsxsri.e then. some of teem 6.000 y.oar, old, sed when Abraham • we bora a Cai.ldee root was ending a long p"nnd of vers. I.y wrlttns• a poem in twelve w booka t heeterh,11 in his late illness, . undoubted ly sutheotic. Chesterfield was seryfill, and NI. death was only • not, ter of a few weeks: but ht+ physician advised teat he be taken, for an ea.y dove in his carnage, and hie went out At Lhe eljuIpage was proceeding slowly alone it was met by • lady who remark pleasantly to the great individual • "Ah, my lord, 1 am glad to arae sou ar able to drays out ' ••1 am not dnviog out, me•dem. answer Elm •beelhig. ea arise. Old Readehpld--"Huh ! V rt like to .nano my dn. kirr, eh ` Whst bastions ars c••rt .slaked ia, n•ay 1 ask • 1, tog (;diode --"No huurse's, sir 1 ret aatiutt.ly ahoy* sordid trade, sir, I ane a port '1 •r, s. 1 have heard. Merely a poet.,. • Merely, ser • My poems, sir, have brnugh' me fame ' • ••1 ee, ao 1 1...e been odd. Fame, sh An 1 what amount of tuc .ie does that table represent ' W. 11, ear, I have paid Dix board i, Ill rs they come due, and I .we for only one suit of clothes, the nos I rove on "'exactly. Just whist 1 expected. Nuts, wbst good has your felon dumb you ' Ans- wer me that.' •'It made me e.iluaioted with daughter, sir, If at had not been for fem. we never would here mer, and it hadn't met she never would have prom, to merry me. Willy 'bitty, by book or crook, whether you ....tweeted or not ••1'.n •bees well, 1 ooae.st." our my vie sed ly Jerry. •• He Is the wont boy that i ever saw, (155 seems to be .aught in mischief and n«:ped in it by Satan !unwell Neither todoe,. nor threat has the least effect iso hie incarnetIon of evil. Four persons were seated at a loaded table to the doling room of • to.tly rem - (Jaime iu one of our island cities The mm at its head wen peat his threescore. Suc- cessful business had brought him fortune, and Christian work growth in mind and ed heart. Opposite him wee his wife. Young- er In years, she was the helper of ler hos s bond, and of aa missy others as her sweet words and •lin•deede could reach. Between the two sat • daughter. Heaven had tN claimed of the parents three children ; she alone was left A woman of rare beauty, education had dont much for her, and years of Christt•a service had greatly solsrged • warm, sympelhtzmg, coaseerated heart. The guest sou supenntendent of one of the arrest Sunday school. to our whole county - • man whose swoon with children was widely known. Once to two weeks for years he band sat with this husband and wife and daughter at the table to plan un the interest of religion ; seemly the voter• eats of the scboo,l with its sometimes thous- ands of scholars, of which he was the head. At this Interview the perplexing .Inestion was • •• What can be dors for •Jerry • and It. was 6tally decided that he must be de barred the Privilege of coming where all were 'anted, someth:og never before thought of, much Ire. done. After the dinner the daughter said to the superintendent '• air. --, will you farm • new naw, put tato tt two or three other boys of the age of ,levy, sad install ma as Letcher' Hie expulsion stay be the loos of a soul that Christ died to save. (la the next Sunda) morning the new class was formed, and the new teacher m• troduoed to the scholars, .1. rry •moos them. Instantly, as 11 seemed,he began to estimate his Amass of victory in the trial he re- solved to precipitate No words oan tell the story. It was mares insolence on the part of tie boy, and the most loving, Leader expostulation on the part of the teacher. Feeling at length that she was being vanqusabed, in his dos psration he spat in the teacher's face. llnt.tly the defilement was removed. The vile sot cern repeated a second time, but there was no ohmage in the teachers manner or words. Desperate in hu now 000scious defeat. Jerry said " I'll r see you stain They can't get me in here no more ; 111 leave the city. - And the teacher replied : o. Well, ,Jerry. wherever you are, remember that there are two who loye you, Christ and your teacher, and that I shall pray for you as long a. I live. Betas von are going away, please call at No. - Street Maeda. morning. Pb. servant will give you • package, and God bless von, Jerry. On the day named, Jerry called and the servant handed him • large pasteboard box. Retiring to a near alley, he opened it and Lound undergarments and an onto suit, with a note, premise upon him the gift of love, and reminding him that daily prayer would be offered in his behalf to the Saviour of men, The boy was overwhelmed. Prayer was already being answered in the spirit's soft- ening, subduing work open • most obdurate. heart. H. went tremblingly back to tbe door to Immo his thanks instead of the servant his teacher met him. H. want in. it we. • loog m time before be Sae oft : but when he do • beautiful woman kissed on the door's threshold the tear -streaked cheeks of • transformed boy. neinsewl weeks after Jerry, the newsboy, while trying to head • paper b s pussger en a movies train, tnpped, and nom !age were horribly orustbed. Decried to the hospital, mils tone porton would he see. That was kis teao►.r ; and while bolding Ms hands i• bees the earth life of Jerry slowly ended, sad the Hamm Iib bogs•. - Pilrrit Tamable. erI.l1 ••I am eimoly rehears my /wand ' e c _ _ • lilted mg ,Askew.. A party of New York men and women who were entertaining an Englishman glishman in town the other night wound up the nater• taanmeot by singing. The lady et the piano pleyed"Amertoa, and tee hostess ran to her and said •'Please don't play that, The man will duoover that we don't know our national .nog, We American. are al way" put in • radietil,us position whim the P atriotic emirs come up Every foreigner knows bis own, but Done of no know ours It was ton late. 1 he company nought the Ent bar aid fell to sogtor. Everybody got as far ae "Ott thee 1 tong, and thou the Ao"rtcao" began to replace the word" with la-ia la and Crum te•tum. The F.nglishma• meg straight ahead, and the hostess looked at him in amazement. "He is the one that %nova the word., she raid. She walked sear him and listened. Theo she whisper- e d : "Thank Heaven• it isn't so He is singisg'•,.od Els., Her Majesty -to the same tune. Preeraee e1 Iliad. A good story oomes from the Windy (Ity regarding a well known iso Franctaosn,who u now on • pilgrimage to the " center of the unlvere.." Mn. 1)r. ('ool wsot east a short time sign" as • delegate to the world. dental congress at Chicago. On arriving et her desolation she trade an early visit to the fair groundt, and as usual with sojourn ere in that twines*, place. found upon lea.. tag that she had "peat pearly all her epsr. cosh. On her way hack to her hotel, there ore, she stopped at a hank to heves check Dashed. As atnal, the clerk informed her hat she would have to he ideatifed. As Ili ('sol Rea • stamina to • strange land, he found herself in a dilemma. She pre- sented her card, blot that would not de, hen • brilliant idea struck bore Flashing • beam from the diannend set in t. frost teeth upon the clerk, she said, • Please look in my mouth " Another one rime crazy," thought the Mirk, bot hie °emptied with the request. coked ntouian.d, smiled and paid the sok, he on the erawo of the dentist's oath the clerk real the inscription, " 1.. 'Rol 1893 " Identity was thus established plod a question, and Nm. Cool went no ✓ way retoicang -Sae Francisca) News atter. &ted Weeds from the weed Seesaw Insets• h tome now On behalf of Fred Victar Misnios e (Able Clam i wish to express our gnat -11 tole to yon for the box of Phase's Haut- I oh mete which yoo supplied in aid of our i m charitable work 1• the infant child of I 1 Nn, Browning, 162 River /street. Tea ' b' days ago the ct.ild was awfully &Meted with scald heed, the face being htenlly o•n•• scab from forehead to chin, and in that brief time a c m•Dlete car. bee been .tfected. Surely y..ur ink was worth its weight in gold $Dstt•.0 Yetis•, 214 8hwlreurtw Si. , Toronto. tie will take no Risks. Shrewdness of a wellknewn Merohant- lie ANEW WHAT WAS t,000 roe His. Is, "Ostelr when Canadians spend a huge Portion of their tome indoors and tannet have the same variety of fresh land as in sum'ii.► and fall, indigestion sad dyspepsia afflict a majority. " if sal b y will tell me that dyspepsia in its ttd.•n,ed stages M ptrfectly curable,' told • reroute merchant, 1 will take kte word. Personally 1 ran no risks. As aeon es 1 feel a sense of weight is the s011iarh, after a meal, 1 know that ray Item is sluggish ae circulation. in nay as 1 cannot take much eserci sad em etepensed Andy Smith is • bright ho), and is to es way incliad to hide his light under • bush- el Some time ago he ran away Raab • retia, and when be refereed was more than ever disposed te te•oh the neiebbar• I matt especially the boys with whom he as ' oersted. One day another caroms mine to the taws, d Andy was promptly ea hand, neseeing I the airs d • proprietor se he dewed his rived. •resod. An dstthent was •mono atthetisns,asd Aoki aeteelly made him geek and raise his took, and go through her steeple psrforma•ete. Bet at last the *pliant ,.seed to grew tired of thb,for he ddeely threw his trunk around Andy's las and taws+ him high in the air Andy sans down with • tremendous tbnd no all fovea "Geed ' cried c'orted the bos•s,tbi.klne it part of the p.rform•eoe,"Do it agsuie,.lody. That was .plandid '•' Andy rens deliberately and wiped **dirt hie foss " "No, net boys.- be said, "WW1 ant is .Sr repeated. It would aped the sb- t,' wasif new ae+ Its salary nese ci °i e s ssbles with Stott'• Sara the first parilla. of it hay k neer faded tee, and has saved sk assay dmctor's bill." S` Sereeperille peesr.ees macdiciiel wpurI to all ether escaped MreNae since. Asa remedy for f► acs `net IIMI elh « J)dtyriciw cele floss r r lieu aftlama setters T ey eDasrd et, t was their firer baby. TM yam( mother is • porton raptors. t was as ugly baby, hat she did psi it. Hopey you*. tahh.,. All of rem like bor. t the hiker b.d dark missf•inpa His woe only 81b p,. womb. sad Islam .tgond.. luvur$a Hsr father was risk WS M bad hsw..d the unien,and had Mts..det sad bow 1 sadism es to sppsatla, • .1a -is -M bmdda dyed .11 me. (hen day, whom the y sem ahem, • .M the lather sass bows has his Winans emit • wee asse.w. At an .Nertaioment in Dublin • seed reader leveed Visa be waif /m1 •.ark.d pee hidden by roe of auses. The pin was bidden by a Tri•ity stud.et in ea adjoining room is the pressmen of the •omesittes, emomg whom wan a tomfedenta. The etedeet, sespeetieg the man frees hie I.eka, slyly took away the cis frees Its htlisg-pies. Oa his return to the platfores, misd-rwdsr gazed into the hider', hoe, sad pesom hie head a ids brew, was blindfolded sand (ed the student a this iM• tag -plows, but, of smarm, wield `d as pia. He roamed, n"k.owledari.g his +sht, mod looked d•igors at his esel dorsa New, gomitbmes, ' said the •tds.t, I " i'U umdersake to say Chet, if this reviser r the beams ailed will de as I teff 5510. ►.N e n asdissom,wkbo■t • sines hist, wtq nand IW,., he sbooty whirs taw aid " d'M to the Ile the ea Thins wee • 1 - rR el* the avibd•tartay Uavib' a ' town W east telt the ~Wok A GRATEFUL LETTER. I LORD wouset Ers FAVORITES. • A PRINCE EDWARD 1SLA ijt) LAI) ItPle.tKs FON Till: IIF:NfarjT UF' HER •.F:\. ail. SU tSPLTlTP, Wait tau.* A,pkArIL2 t' Outse&D-ssVP,►wT r.. .10 MKS .fele'.+ o1 161//.1N110e., t•1, uTH'a hiOrda'.ly.. .1' tl 5T1ry,. 11...'.54, 1' F: t., tory :,0th, l'3Sr& I , . M .toe of A.111401'1..40 : 1'. or. Eta. 1 .re • t y..er p.ner It'. aamta • „ata eh.. have leen h.uartted i•s ih. q'.11 saes Wu.k Pall.. 1 iso •net 1 ought to, ie. mor arse too Limep s• •,n,.ur.. ' hat tri. •`•.1.eu ui. y tee tote' ' toad air I have err.. For au•!,hry 1.1-y. t 1 have' eon .oro- •• .0 'n. I rt 1 It t i.., know the salmi*. 01 i.,, o.aa.d%, 1 had taro) halloo, mom/ .•aS•.,:a:tett exertion. !had iso epp.•'•t•• rind r -ea srry pale I ,n.turun.ca 1.1, (*load Is ,.g A.M.., 55..5 1. 1 •. n z•: cote'. woelt s,n•etames take nen, oaus/na Inc to drop whirrs 1 Mein b.•. 1)taiug thaws simile o1 d.. nr.. 1 had a 14.:: twat lI'.,eld Ior. Hot. .1!,o, roaru.g sound in phi:heed. 1 r.'.4. 1104%4:1 treatment phut f 'n d no rrl,.f Sly hu.l:an sod faro.. 5..0h .'r«w inti niteotiou 5, the neat. articles e:...1 app. ate'1 from Liver tbiue to 5 ^,,r pfp•r col.e.••,.;ns/ tae wrenvht Lt 1)r 11'ilh+m.' i',• • Pile A first I tad no Both 12..ben•, at lee, 1 :••• loot far it in ell n.vd,e:ne. e...1 sa .souse to my I •t,tbwaa'g that •ns dews were nun borers an this world. Finrlit however, cuoseuted to try 15.5 ode 1 mid not taken them lord befoo. I felt an in,pr .: emtot •u hope roil. id. I ordered .cure and out in ued taking the p•11e for three neo:orbs sod n,u•t fey tot.y 1 eon as well and wrong es, ever..mel the many Limeade which 1 bars are complete') cure.? 1 atttrihute my c plete recovery to the Dr. Williams' lit, Pill. and hope he telling you this the others may be beberittrd 1•y them. Mh 1Cil '.1151 PEItky. After reading the above we sent a report er to Inter.,«w tin. Perry and she re Deat.ad what ■ e had •lr••adr • att.ed in ha letter. H r hu.hand, Wen. Per'y, and ler father, .1.11 Lauder, J. P., ani oohed war den, corroborated her .•temente. Ed I. Impartial. 1)r. 11 ditame' Pink Pills tor Pale Peoples make. pure, rich blood, restores shatter n erves and drives out disease. Th.. cur. when other medte,nes fail and are beyond i Shaka TIM the frames. sweat. Task te see Mara As ewsrythkeg chest Lad Wolssbl is of int•w.at"just sow, we may recall • let's. *hens be addressed to a ar«rrr•p,.Jrur solo ••led sine what loin, he took .ears lues os M+ ramp•'gn. N,th how many WO 'render. and with which of our 'loot hundred e..•.ke •,l4 affection grana the .a rein, trio o' •r• nage .p.knapsack a H••re, at env r.'r, le Lark W..1M•1 •. • I'at, s t,u.t"...1 '.. 1 .t we alt the kn•pe. k'• 'et A (i. nano ('.r wt... ...- ' tic.. f .r 10411 fie et 1«n.r 1 ,..-.. , u • tm+ Msec in lie ti: 11. I)ur... '1 in., tool tho elder ' •r 1 ores 1 meat, mud two col.+•, .. • •::.a'nin..I 1.1,14 Ars' I!.r- .n•' in 'he held i ha... et,si Darr Let. K •nk of (' •'.:naw Preys., Tb.",a.. K •mpu •'epeo,1•15e on a 50'1 4,47sa.,etl 1,• •'t... r •• •ro ,or.14 ler are 1.1y stats .'-. • n.wepa1KM The M,.,jts that 1 ' ke rem • . mnn•nn'•'.s -The M 'rot u Arrlte'is ' - When I s+• •rnr on r •lea's'.• times for a 1^ngther ed r Iter 1 r;r '.1 to 115.. 1 hate men' the lw,nt tee Hte'n'y • I'rea►c'e Dhoie►ve Matti .. Piu'an:h • Ii uns. .v S I air. a ('lua'!s \ 11. C;••.•r. lv Fronde. Rum.'. IE -gland Fenno : Macaulay • History of Enghan 1 and his E...' .. rat'. theta. Ar. Iririm.n wee sure asked 1'1, • friend to go 10 a e rocert a Oh Pat cnnarnled to go. stv., afro.' ' travel ',or a r •• f. !.net year 1 as.. •Jou as 1 eo:.r. ird a. s (.lend who is /barrio 1, and were so, ',es to Ss en tnsahtne u'sr.rrr eerie torn. we went eat Peru was .all sow.. I'egola talk of the Fs•-nch pi loam*, ►•u• ?• noose n Yen ear. Ti. saes wocl•1'ee t .: •.ot of At on ovary street owner and . • . 001 • , t. aid chatter The monk..• I :i•i 1 Jids•t leaders. sod h u g rib i t bore are IN tion 1 .. ..• .1.1111h• w.. I r never , wtge: t.a Cate 1.• •p)• ..t•• . . shut, '.w 1 111 11 .r. t r., Ler, ,e 1s !bow . o Ir, lj, 1.. ern irwtr•1 totter artb..,i 1 i 1• • e. .... eat any own. r, • !Ip a C- J in Time Re ua.' ; I IY r E i O;IAL gt... 4, ,1. 1. t 54', 1,4 • ..., . l;..t (It r', 11...7. I. It ttot 6.0 itLot i.• rA^, rt, ..a ... Ston.., , . ,... 1 i.. ..oats 44 el u.• tea.4,err - Lame 1Ntle, 47 Cts. f)at'ls k LAyy R6NCE CO., Lr •4 1'"'. •..l ear hr• -:.Aon far eve the way _ i.ef••re I'.' *eked how noel. ,he eea'. were iC(..:1 His friend acid the front sewn were a shlllit,g each sod*/he lack sews w.t. rix ...nee rack I .1.11 1101 "...4 r d ears. neo " .i:1 right, said Pat : '• 1 e I! .1* to toe d erogrammee --Irtn•loo Spare ,11om••1.te, Clad *kw SAWS hi ,I .'ries ref • '' I'e, y led 1 live I. Amt n ., **II a 1 have added to n y Hsi ery Kusiueee • t pretty yitaoy woman• talking to a 1'halarlel. .5511 line pf onfira (&s so .... tn. . i.i !t well no ds Id cheap on a ('ars • s•.. in. ,phis, impairer reporter, •' bec:.o,.e 1 ant 1 'stead catling •tnooly for t'•.h, with • Cheap ,1 small prod., and Innen to have the cne&pwt store in town. GRATEFUL C'OMFORTING• EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST- SUPPER. "Ry • thorough knawi,-don n/ the t.•nral 'awe which govern the Oprr•at'oo• or diu/retio• u and nutrition. and to n 'er.ful application of 'Fe Moe Droner:e. of well•.wteat.d Cocoa. Mr. ' Epps ha. prn'.in.•,1 Inc our breakfast and ono- ; per. 'elowtel) devoured beverage which may • 'tit! •• e• -t- h••es} doctor: bolls. it laLy the indtrio.0 um.. of mob articles of diet that acon- ,•iruf .o may b• grsoiiaily built up notil strobe r ',Dough to resist • very trndenry .0 disease. Hundreds or sub'1e raeledf.st are nastier/ '.round a ready to nrua.•it whereerr there u • - "'fish "riot We nosy escape many a total -haft by keep'ngoureeitr• well :omitted with vere blood and r properly nourished frame.'- ; tial 3rrri.v (imseffe ads aim with frilling maid Only in market. ny 1►..ears, labelled thus: GOODS are NEW and FRESH and will Rate enure sat• isfact on to the public. 'rhe mos! •tock of tint clop BREAD, BUNS, CAKES, CONFECTIONERY, ETC., will .till be kept on hand !:utter, F:ges and Farmers' Produce taken are rash. Remember the stand next door too 11 .n, Aobeeno's harness .depot, Hamilton -.t., (I odenc h. D. STODDART. The Ham,lion 41. )laner awl tiro.... M sly )•..ling water or nook ed I 't": M. Lrn.d•.:'rr'' "itble' N EW GROCERY IMO ern ail yueetton Ltd.%) greatest nfe-eevang toed, woe ever discovere.1 Sold Fy all •leaden, but only ns boxes the wrant er around which bears rhe fall t rade mark, "1)r 11'ill sn.r' i I'iok fill tor Pale People " fulls offered m loosefount by the hundred or the ounce are imitetidms and should 1'e •voided, a• they are worthless and perhaps dangerous ART ANO IREIATINME IN CANADA There are cynics who say that there ie At publia e ogiven re Canada, noe literatpublishers FARM AND HOME no a dinner given in by the publishers of Toronto to Mr. Hall Caine, the great novelist, this question was discussed, and a leading pubhaher remarked that litera- ture would never make rapid advance i Si tae P TIMLONDON ,A1tiD n z n ages. 98 Columns, ea no- Attractive Family Read- ing Every Week. this country because it i' difficult to induce Canadians to read the works of a Ca dian author. Thin statement, however, not true with regard to Toronto .Sa/ued Nig/,f, which has as large a circulation any newspaper of its clan in America. It. Christmas Number, which will he issued Dec. t, is the eighth ins series of art num- ber. It will be accompanied this year b. five splendid colored supplements ; 111•• largest, a reproduction of a painting by Canadian artist, done specially for Sate Nigh/, is a4 x 3_') inches in size. Itt title Champlain the Explorer," and depic him and a flotilla of war canoes enteri the mouth of a river on Lake Huron. picture has bees praised by the Historical • Association as the most interesting an artistic attempt ever made to carry u back to the old days when Canada t.. little more than a geographical term. TI other four pictures are done in silt. colors, and the book itself, consisting over flirty pages, c•mtains the four priz stories in the Saturday .fight competni Following is a list of contents : \sy ll.am re. " A Itda-ow.naiaastuar at F.wt Elliot," lelw+,drll Cw. lAuwhanata, 1n'.. nd toles. '• 54 .55 Shore)'. R .hyo" by W, A. Fran frownph.xatrrapp\hh 1 t1 pore. •' t Salter nt . ^ ti •• I'v John Mc- Crae. Ilheeratien• 1y F M. H.IL~toss. R.CoA. ,eh prier. "Widow Moony.- by J. C. tones. Mow trati4w„ M the author. Waled L..aa•y'• Paw,- by B. E Sheppard tam Pawn the S.,kli,.. Ise Warren R. *Jame IIh,a,rat,,,,. bit 1...t. Roi., R.C.A. " Nan,..n's Si,•er•- ley Ahoy t,hworth. ltltntned I11eMr "t1 "t S.rathg.nnore.- by Joe Cls• , .tkvaehsea by Carl Ahrew. .t. R C.A., and Nowise "So-Lrap." an eiesista hr "Don.- '• Hanka.. Iereata,' (postal. by Akwaeue 'T Lachlan The (fin-• of ,'•e %%el.l Deterred,' (pnr+ee). 1iy W,Ilgm l IT',..i,aie,na h, J. W. .. 1 ifs off t mpinn. by t.swge Sisw M'« D.C.L. 4 • Little ('hill,-Ipaes,) 1he ,. Evelyn rt. ,,.a, " A Sooty.- (peens). 1'y (intro& Renter. The price of the numher, postpaid to an, addre,s, in a pasteboard tuhe to protect 1 from damage in the mail•, is So cents, and in point of literary excellence and the • et a, I HAMILTON STREET next .1. 11. ('OIiN ELLS The undersignyl respectfully an- nounces to the resi.lent+, et (iojerich anti t+l.jae cnt town- ships, that lie ha, opened out :ax al,oye with a new ,itos k of choice groceries, wfiich for :ow - new of price an.1 excellent quality, cannot lie exeelledl Call and tee me. Terme cash. GEO HALEY. To Stat FOR 1 ' D•zirFOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBEST FRIEND LA11GtsT SALE IN CANADA. eels. The W. wLT FRss Patty and ,, Fetter AND Holes, combined in one is issue, uniform in rig and appr+a:- snce, is offered to subscriber's from Thome I now until the 31st December. lfililO, fax rl , The Fan is the Leading Liberal-Conser,atiy Journal of ee& ,. sort Ontario. it ooatains each week a complete summary of the news • and comment of the times. e The Commercial pages of the on. Wsstr;LT Flom Pease are up to date• and ample for the country mercLait, farmer and dairyman. The FARM AND Hours contains sack week able articles on Agricultural subject. and Live Stock. The farmer or and cattle and horse breeder will find in its pages abundant topics of special 1ntweet. L serial Tale of absorbing Int'er'act ' will Ise an interesting feature of the Weemi.T Fes PRIMO. aseb Pavans Voaobetssd reap a1 item Nww Un111 Dissembler __ seta Agents wanted everyw. ,- ail niimniunteatione $e theme Addling PREF PRESS PRINT/Ne a0 unman, - ammutio. ONE DOLLLR I 1 Aedilesday and Saturday GODERJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, Nweere°rfie CAvpafal d• mech., manufactu.r of all kinds of BOILBRS, Smoke Stack, Salt Pang, Sheet iron Works, etc., etc., And Dealer In-- FogInes, Machinery Castings, kc. All .zee of Pipes and Pipe Fittings. Steam and Water (loaves, Mobs Valves. Check Valve*. Ia•eirstere, Kjseters sod lo- lly ea Rand at (dowser T73 R - ♦ Weoial line of Steel Wats, sad Hog 7krmi. or use of farmers and ethers. glerntity and quality of the supplements it 1 ,s B M I- W far exceeds anything offered by roman' SICKLY holiday publications. Mr. James L. 'turbos, Inspector of School, for Toronto. Inas said that t he Champlta in picture eh..uld he framed and hung in "every echDolr.tom in l.' eat -latus everywhere and schoglt take an interest m bringing it before the public. Teacher. and yoimg people tam do a good work by sending for a (' hristmas Number of Saltwater llirkt, and a better work by acting as agent for it and inducing their neighbors to wend for it as well. A Iilorral commie.i.ws is &Mowed. Address thecleS price rd Pebliahf Company,L&,,.15 d, Elie regular easiereet st d to. which • f Ni) flkl. Meads de's meet Spectator iS PIU Li$HICD. T.. most. I'.wt Offices this is nearly ! goo I ma e Daily Paper, while the rota 1- only Al per year. if you sub • n t w• \ t 1st' tor 1 896 we will send the ata .., of thin year FREE OF I I 1 Ito E. rho. .. , r'ter yo., seherrihre the more as can., • nit 54• 11.r your • l . ohs 111•abetl,d r heresolle he )Iawlplr.s.pier free on application earner.. m A swath Carolina erodes beams, her even D fa y } dts is sew the wile rossmisf ihe` h + fathom I Spectator Printing IL`j" QQ.t saasates, aA/. 11111111Rlag promptly attended to A. S. CZRYST L. Mit/ P. O. Row I!, Oedemas, Ont, Weeks () orate ti. T. R. Mallon. Oodertoa PATENTS 1 CMEATI, 'MK ISMS ANN CIPTJ IWT • OMalstd, steel all hostess. In thep ~nt Oat'bM edr teatNODtgdTN sp oyus the U. Passim M- imeos; cod Went em .Mals tp tar has thee• to haat 181 yJV' T jar vL1 Sem MDDRL OR ORA W11#147. W. ad. >re NkPA L 4eei# iT)/ yWirs7e es leetse tPer elreaine advise air•aid .t Os writs sseeif.a» h roe! e A UMW O npaa,lta, PannOssa M e . l O Y Elk