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The Signal, 1895-12-5, Page 6
1• 4 • ?MC $IIIA L >{ Arany tT'1'At ' nWT•J 17NRRIM A Y• 1)Helk 11► I ICK. Ro*14,= at, l!RY TJ $DA1 MMI'fl lf.. •V �. fae•ioweirriowir. �• .r 1•ebl��ati�ssa•i Biedl t0. NufiN.r rel. (loderlcb. ilbtarte. Terme e1Ntrertptte. t MrIn ad • ld Bi•nwea�ie.... .• an.? it he tells of the 4011 rave of Iitutection in the Old 14renk ari.1 teatp. lest- Ott). (t!'1, the Connolly Mc(Ir ,vy sews. IP ij like pity the hall at Car low is so well . the Uoeeseoes of the Adurnnistration will net _tat halt a ('..thew to titr.tw himself on the era - - � live elle way, ti1N(e x great cre- tins seer, '• 1 M I stank that The k incer.l►un Itociew watt lcoe label he • •ew..Ain.t r•••••••••.1 Mane 4•.• ie howling against the editor of Tile BoBowedyou are paid up. Atm teat $1.i. set wed 1• tell Into arrow. • W h.n a ellasrn• of !Actress Is desired. both w old and the new address should be giver. Overstates Mateo Lal yA other oa.wl a4ver%lseme.t., I . lBre yjr Brnt les•trtloq aaA a Dont. per Itfte II w• as too, r..re•. rs itheittlithelemeat tnaeruoa. Yaaaured notsparail seals. B••insse arda of six Ilaee.and under. $5 per Advertisements et low. Poosd, !Strayed Mentions Veneta. Situations Wanted sad s ChancreR.riChancreWanted. sot etoe.dtag r Mem nonpareil. al per month. Hmliwe nn teal. MA raring on !tale, not to sznw.A w /tree. 11 tnr flrai month. Seer. per sob sentient mo . nth, Lancer aA... to p,tptrt.a, ttj'Perla/ notice. the ohiert of whtrh Iota p�tao,te ir0 peroaiary Meese err •sy utal- 'rt�nal or ron.!rnf, co he r .ldrrm) an •A Mgt nesse and ehaewe.f aa•nretnely. Loral pot G -w in nonpareil type one we ptf 'tenet) nee an than Mo. Ip•a notion In "ordinary rea..ng type two w MOM Mr weed. VIS setter for k&baa sea. wet lore for ehrir.hee and other religious and elwteilelent Lost tutiess hall rata /Meat ••TM Masala' Iltawlvwr. sid►,errt.er who rail to receive Tres B'a*A( rerie1at•1y, either by teener er he mall. .111 oU&.w a farer by •eq*..aunt ea of the f a at ail lowly •'arca. possible. b/ IMrrvl nranne.•rtrt• tennis he returned. pointer° set be written on one tads Vrnr only. _. r.blteaer'.. *suss, a-te Yews:, of f,lo.ter1eIi. ties boss ap need (oral Travrllin.t trent for the town ofOodenoh. Colborne. A•bgeld.td W Loral 000Irna+t-n neer !he dietrl-t aiO tte0 empowered to rree.ive suteerlptions to Teti SIGNAL. All owa.pnleet wee rtar•t te addremed h D Nr'fa I1.I,l('1'nTT, Toss Roam at. Telephone Caller, ()nrorlrh. Oat. 000KH1rH. THU'RSDAY. Ukt-. S. Imo. SNAP SHOTS. -The pnlitirians in West Huron are Setting on their skates. -The 2 (th is w goiel day for hold ing the bye electiou in Cardwell, as on (itriStnia. the Ottawa Government will know whether they will dine on turkey or .•row. •iOn anotftw" o .-440nder print the re- gards of on.- J. 'IMAM. TAWS to the lion.. (Mena* litttrrne Fnrrratte, of t hat telt, and the Israelite is smiting the Amorite, hip and thigh Hy this time nett week them nidi lie niu-n: from the political choir in West Adam. •feta pro'mabUitean iodi- este a w indstorin at Smith's Hill on Tu telae. with heavy weather over tbe riding litter oe. -1f the Hon. CLUNKS WeLCAee isn't careful he will do the Kanison net in North (lntarin, nr something hke it. If he doesn't puU down the pillars of the temple, he will bring the walla atf Peru reliant his ears, in that ( orange stronghold. Op fact that au upped has been refused in the taw of H. 11. flel.RE:h, of Philadelphia, recently .•onvicted of the Pierlell . 1 *Ui1rr, will be received a }� with setiefec IA►i everywhere. I10Le1En' tills *undone sphere aYttll . inWeeninsrfly+tdelayed. -The Major RAM Ht'uniirt who is MNsi Ialdroeatinlf rehur1is11Mgialwtjon in %rib OWNttio in the sauna Major AAM lief:nem who 11' W couch howling ageinat the, Separate Schools in 1890. H.• ix brother of that able-bodied itigot JAMos L. llt'.fline, of Toronto. .• 0,44 ler: ttissao't 1 Itaper'iaf lljibu, d Wind li.Mr•rsl*1s WALL t 'ii g. ire Jacques f'k"rther, and tate part in the election that i* pending in that county. ( nut t ing rl 1114'114pep just. tka _ thing to ArA11u up the Mena of the French Tory et ronghold. The fuzzy- • ttli�d the Lih. ('on. Smith's Hill rrlea�llsw�Meek' sii''.``•e.r and. of that high aan '111. t'Ja1(ryv tl RH ,wt e clef wheel horses of the party 11A dein shod for t)he�Q(.cwaiexi. 1114 *on.ril(t, 0ftict0111 I not . UTIIPPART) writer 111 in y Galeric8 on evening she the Tni�'tMIFt ''MtARTtifl West Rmmn AP as err onQ(t �w. ti • hand at "fixing" collet nd citio S1o1AL. t'p to date hr• ie bwcktael by a little paper in M'iarton, The Ad- vance, of Winghaln, and the discredit ed Fartner'a #fun.. Swot 4Airs FAL terser led his Mimed army or the/throe tailor. of Tooley-st. issued their math Mato these lispoesti been such a sight for gods or men. Pull down the blind on yourself, rmyf ruin; pull down the Min.l. WEST HURON ELECTION. 'j'H E bye election is on in Wert H uron. The election. to our readers art aware, has been brought shout by tits aptsrjutoient of the present ni...1ter, Hon. J. t;. PATTswoe to the Lieut. Governcrship ei ifyljtatlr•. 1 In the Ilth of February last Tilt Swett. published the statement thea Hon J. C. Parr►atsov would r'sig0 his seat ee ahember for West Hurop and take the Manitols& Lieut -Glove* nor ltip, tend the statement was hue ieedietely defiled by our know nothing cpetemporwries. Nevertheless the rophery cattle true. Today Oar ft;ieudr..tile LiteLore. are 9n the eve_91,0 tolgvdrttOn,.yutl, ,e Timidity next will seloct a can.l4dabs. Tun SIat9AL4ill do,a, little knew ppo- ptiesyim; ' If a local man be selected tit ria die rterti*n*t►1 Put lTpry iried114 4f atudltlItte will be Jolts 13V Asir .rctetrn Bar -K. Tf the convention were left to itself, without the skilful hand of %i%BERT BIRMINGHAM regulate ing the Laird, Mr. Birt[ would un- doubtedly receive tbe call. Hut Mr. lilattiNuuAt1•s hand will manipulate the buaintes and, ,Iitg. Beck will be turner) down. . The strongeet span arxoong.tht.$sat Huron Tories is Dr. Gess, of Dungan - pow, rout he 1*ia hot the "pull" at the present time, anti in will not be in the rtyu' ting ou this oc.:trioa r i ►r. LLtW alt, would make s .present- able candidate tent it not that ho hawed hie Nowt on the :separate Seitool question in 1890, and would net Ile in gond revert with a number of the etre. tors whow he antagonized on that oc- casion. Mr. He i - Lan, in 1890, although es strongly iu favor of the Meredith platform as any of his fellows, didn't air his views publicly and as a rettult holds the f -rt amongst tele' to t men. BOOKH ANO PERIO91OALS. Sy see i►tmeicsr.ta --The Chnstma n umber of the "J are Delineator to • cover 10 of e oe and ever d here w Shoat rated, now 1 00 to s, rte F'o b4y'VIr F:• ord,th• well known authority no ject, sod • !ergo amount of interesting fiction gives • boliday air b 1 !slob seek her. It i. • renuin* treat to ire able to procure iv inter. Ietlog 1 megartoe few the swell waw et tis estate. see every "weer* yew widtee ee be up •o the now wall And mai help in the venae dep•rtat•ste. UAe.MA. bt.ra.Ar.-Tkas ions 44 lh• ty ninth of the 'envoi, the first ( :ailed • 4an'Mmanacc heartier the date 1847. The PIE by Or. Moonset on "Forme of t.ov• d1JYaWSL titNb4Iteet tit W0414,'-. em be found interesting and valuable, showing ot t evert prov.n.e. state an world is governed, sed qts'. 1st t and area. E. if harrietsr,Acns�i.. e remotion Fla/, A New York " : also a C hri a tans paper ea- 1 titled ••A ltpaedd Punk* W Rev- W- Harrteoa, bad other readable annum i. ``even The enaoneesseeel for IR1b is ow- Mest rly tend, embrtctng toyer.' itrengly. written serial .•odes. graphic obairetet- stadia. and copiously illustrated papers me tires& Britain, Howe L.fe is Palletise. Propeller Moises*, &M Ramapo* .f MWie.s, sad ,social Topics, we Now Ws seed tins to subscribe. Prase $2 • year ; A toe six month.: 20 este per amebae. Theses wrlitam Krim. COMING ANO OOING. Rev. Jun Ede. ratur•ed on Friday from Toronto. Mies Belle Johnson is visiting lira N. H. Kerr, Brae•ela Lwow investor Pule► was to tow., during the week. Expositor Mise Eva Aobaaon, or lied. rack. 1a writing M tetra this week. Expositor: Hruand Mies 1►Iiver,of I:ode rich, are wisher at Mu reudeno. 4 V •1 "!°et :. vs. its iii for some new, is •i.itieg hi• puree* tjp .set etrtitt. John Stewart. .f Beeapiller 141: atthe Sow of Tem anc eouveq oo at Til- teethe" &iia week Wiogham Time. Mr awl %ftra J. E. Swann and chitdeee drove t.. 1:odes•1ob 00 Sunday, returtfse el I/di(l•y Wlneham 19t1r faf •nr 1ttM Mrs. fe- nce�,�spoo f s Lir, 11/0"4. eadestag ?se Kea wee • Mild Altana •rorty A ty for K. itis rift tS& wltrersty for • wi orer rofhers arid eri • r, M re, ldteker. AL • 13x'. ,'No•. Riohrr .on al Moon' 1, pitermerbui pep mit-geed ,t De .E. Jti. tb ct:h. eta. tbeb•�ar,el;• Rt, Londoe vertiekr SM_r. type Un' \, - Leen. or (iodeallib'tel law spending • few day *j}h► , toed 41.•4l1 uio, l'atkhtl4 They aro* fiht/ibeaALg tour, ab41Mui kd�owte i •��..a14 y k.ilnllf 4%MdMw�ty ltd. e M etre ape .r,II, Aleltl►p Mr.l�.ren. i�.ft dlasu A. Lamm. ad ducted e r tie•. . � ducted bt Rev. r. o 'wan lest week. She wee the gush of Fri. Richt. Render - t00. " .y . a .' 3 Mrs. V eorte` lid l+l'ivfah, of V ini dun. 'meet Thanksgiving holiday in town 'with bey sou Robert, who is here •tteedieg the Collegiate institute. She was accompanied by her lit* daeginaw and was the guesyofVINO.lid* -m-l.w, . R Header - 410n. i'••it 1 ` :ti.iwsi BRIEF. --l�'_4p Jtav ened their new, ,Iiisit seri et. ' eta peril Stewed to that Mr. Porter was Able to?o put dee• his week, Min. M. Itailer, heel removed to the house comer :out! •ltgeft and 1lb'tteenis rad. ' _i T brteb r is pmll f eco • ire!oov of ▪ ,� ,(---- , Harvey ow ew residence oa Son -et. I - refry coma fortable home. Windsor Record : Hubert Wigle, Malden WangledbWangled Wal (iodine!, *Wire he ire area eqyini cattle Mrs. lank has removed to towa,Rebt. Fultord of the lig Mill has take poa•ee- • 00 of tier stare. 1).Mltp.. t The editor of a Mtaeouri paper offers a youra eMbacripteee to the loos* te•taen wbp will write hem t ire il.s peopowa of rear - n age. W. T. Petiole of Port Albert. has opaoed out • grocery store in the stand formerly occupied by the late Thos. Sooyd, on Ham• ilton it. Today the formal opening of the Hommel Renee. Chows, takes place. A 1etoquet and soauers will be goo. to oelebrat. t►. 000110190. Part of the roofs of several of the build. tars tet the nil International salt waits were blown eH by the gale os Moeda)/ of last week. 1 A gear of men are hard at work cleeeios away the debris at the Albion blo.-k, end building opentaoes well oommwce as •odn sa viewable. Mr. and Mn. Lee celebrated thew salver wedding on Saturday late. %V. trait 1h.y may b, spared to see not only their gnldea but tbeir diamond anniversary. /hiring last week'. storm • quantity .1 lumber wee blown off the pates and .salter - ed over the yards, hut the large gang of men that were put, oomoon had iLatcatght e. ed up Jas. Elliott shipped a card load of no to Loads, Bog , n satwedi ' to the closed n••viottcapieSpi 1,iglIf were shipped via Roston. The Conservatives of %Vest Huron.=idd meet at Smiths Hill on Dec. 10th, to &elect a candidatefor West Huron . it is expected lltltdt esawtsl'd l%. Vibleat Minitttllitreelf hh present. It ., ;111 4 t,,. . ' The Ontario Agricultural College hes is Oiled its Previ cul b I ten fn ;bp Wi !series of the inin t fan M h -- 'The fnlletwinrr are the (Jet., led far the county of Huron Kre iel1, J... 3th ,• p�� � dltelesi J•d R : Lr11i11M;Lf net. ill ?J/! 'rfFttN: edRi'1ad lebl�rr Nib' �Mn1M eb apPt ilk _-.w Kat este- cit nilied ebe Fkai _.oii BAR -GAIN DAY ,111 EVERY DAY l 1 IS A BARGAIN DAY WITH US . • • COMB Monday, (01111 Tuesday, or cept Sunday. Come in and look at our Goods . . . And then look at the Prices AND THEN COMPARE PRICES, Great Sale of Taclrets_ All Jackets must be solei out in the nest kw weeks. Don't alias this Opportunity of getting a Jacket away down in price. Also Cbii4rw's Jacked et !tali price. 'r have on baud a large stock of Ladies' and Children's Oyer He.., cat heels. Also Another lot of those Itl...krte *le we have had such a run un. Tbie is the last lot we will have this season. Another lot of Flannel- ette B:aukete ;rte. per pair Take a look at our Tweed at 2:5v per yd. Heat Brain flag in town for E2.^_fl per dozen. 32 in. Shaker Flatwel, tc. Ask to net' our Towels at 2(k. a p..ir. Sae our milk HHands/tr.-Rhein, Linen ilstt.tkerehiefs• .tc. We have • line of hewer Hues for Heys, a1 _'5c. per pair. EXTRA VALUE IN DRI8B GOODS. People don't. rush pelt -owl! into a ,tore Hutt habu't waked up to the fact that people went more for their money esery day. That's what we try to do every day. Werieweday---a ray day es - C erne JAMES ROBINSON. r of S•ouare and Woo Suer'. - -0 --.----- --^+---- - - On. Onetime tw attraeti..u'M.a a ba.4.e.e lamp I W. W mins, tonwet -y al.aager el the shade, whisk was carried away by L par ibmtu4iat t' * I a t_'..mo.a) • busmen* .tweet cafe* it bad Nose la see window se 1st Kingston, diol in England. hour. This shade w.a mode up right Owes t S.turJay Nicht Three Litt!. tuts were Yid w only soother evidence of the besefi- ( ehatttns. '•I yah a Mai /pallor, ' said una eutwork to rte had at this pepsine 5100.. 1'•1 am a Harter." voiun eered the 'ecrud A special measling of the Presbytery d i The third studied for a momma. , 1 am a 'Buren will be held at Ctioto& on Tuaod•r, !Cathedral," she •nnouooed. Evidently Doe the 17th inst., at 10.30 A.M. to dlap•es of poi the 1'..00 • li•tck. the call addroseed to Rev. Jas. .A .%n4e,' -vow. B A.. of Kent church, from the con re gotioe of Knot cherch, flneldh. Rev. Jen Hamiltoo, K A., will exohao epulpits with Mr. Aodereen nett Wndev' %' instruc'.oae d the Presbytery, sad cite th. osoglege tweet Kees awn* so appear for shoe in- terests at the aseethig of the Preebyt.rl' oa the 17th. AUCTION SALES. All parties getting tbeir soft bill* printed at • Otis o� will hare a five notice tneertea . . le this list iso to Me time of salve. Trean..* , Dee. loth.--Auetio• sale of village propene at Mc [Iowa's Hotel. Kin - tali, on Dec. tdth, at 10 o'doak, e. M. •1. keel, meet. A Nlah$ arias. DMsMtt the Fre sIt revolution of 1830. ___ l7.eIi•aeN. iso.-1rhe. arwlr lie•esIgN AI.... rain 1e ib. A1A.. rte. 1 mmt'•: • Kala -•-1 .r. 1 .r.•1 1 r The "D.&L." Menthol. Plaster . *. stns 55.1 i r A L •M -.w44 rear ...y• r,.. i� M k raA 1•48•40q. cure ac r• •lrr�•lhmr..r O ••Walwati.Yt/ ✓ oan -a L.wn.n. aY.arpr.rw► era "OM lea. LAV A LAWRASCR CO.. LTD. re, Mosr•am.. when the fighting was tpiagtorward,Tallev- n^ciff road w•. ping the lobbies of the uhamtter jjVU of poses is ittepreeait Ir agit•tioo. At each dtaewae�e of the ammo. he weld exclaim : I anti • *het The day is sure !" A tried yea- . tasted bo pelt. Whew, *'rawer ' tie r CHOCHRY STORE ,i.. ,�le>r aye truth r .h.a ire •saw•red, oil HAMILTON ST.. •• I willtell Tee Mer while" -Argonaut. �e�ap�•q u the .toad t y N b the late terns 'Moo, c( NYU. a owe �1OR The undersigned begs to announce to the people of (:oderich and vicinity that he has opened out a choice stock of GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS ('ROCK SHY, (3LAHSWARF.., KTC., in the shove stand, and purposes do- ing boenuins on the strictly clash aya- There an mem who will agree twat boys who rape to work for • firing should be ow couraged, a Mea coa.*te•ratod. Their chances of 1kl ta, real snows are at levet equal to if n 1. treater than those of bovi who siert life with riches. R J Kurdette pays trethtefly that rile working lad, Ming f1M1 of grit, teaches out and takes ail the chances without w• tine to have one gives him, Kut ver tae pow than the world would tend thus enabling him to give the have art anchor six thousand years ago, 1.444.14 0nvered with mo. mit boob, yaps. public goods at prices that cannot bo like • United States man -of war. George Olotaintd otherwise I hope to be Peabody wee a bey in a *wall grocery ; Benjamin Franklin. the printer, the eon of • tallow chandler : John Adam , Cho son of • pool harmer : (iddere. the drat .t'itor of of the '•Qssrterly Reyeew, ' • oomson Goods delivered to all parte of the sailer : Joh" Milton, the son of • seriveoer; town. Andrews Juliana. tbe ora of • peer in.h- man : Andrew Johnson, a tailor i t:arfi•ad,a Famine's produce taken as cash. boy of all work, too pont seer to- have • : kennel with a share of your patron- egr, feeling confident that 1 can give entire satisfaction. trade: and Lincoln, • keelhs•ya •114 • W. T. PELLOW common farmhand, and'(Iradl; • tattier. The late T. SNICI'U- old *land, Hamilton -el. 1f there • a pewit eat goer truest and yeur vooattet seer Mev slots pear boy hes no W3Jflh1 g IIlt0 TrOUIIIO He reeteshssi all the (burse there ars.&"• •lel' elbows are gide. , 1h L eine flops for 03 MlliiWiOiK Iw 4 L..me. .L . 1 a, ..: samosa ChL mi..sait aaNpt Z41 aO s•-Jptlaaaa d1 }• � • • 1i d. r, .• : • trca niiweoa•0t 1 e� •Isuastn!st is to nosey frisad• rracietedy, p•rteeul•rly' t w.. J a r . ,4� •,• - hon.*. is .o. eO hewm aj oordi • tta he ntliin *Golf 1 �s on� elf and t.rm&Tly to the friend who has ailed. ' Wtklkwee to meet bar : rise her your hand and say pleasantly that you are very glad to 1st aaeior iµif, :eddy se* formal ' weer of greeting .cvlusietaoses 'erudite t p ilir 'hit a WI • M. it 'tis father's hoses A daughter's part is to ;u„ 1w nrqeee�her�� ��rre�yR�..--s�.ttw0tial ecstasies gel p(ia Ostia ►AA mother's draw �tiro inn room whoa (needs drop in at el r' • •.d1 0' lock timta o1S•s, w e el d 1141w aft rA• la me -1 MIR ►l an• Ft7. 1 • ' f I , •' : i 11 i • • r head the ebbs weigh ewe isiwslit M11 The Ontario Rareso of Industries has is o elook iigv ey41 �f, M Serie tilt 01 e lwd a 'tullette containing a tools which takes thotn'irom the guests who won e a w hat rs 1 5 - to be relievwl Prove*, �m � ����Thi• is than her meaner to s 1 heip le or_cstal tie ! on hut •r( (j+ blit• Qlllllf .aV Ili ticlo is illustrated with on m i �ri &hill •' gtMdikf[AbAt� wu iMA'ta .Nu(is.niy see( $M(mipsl4ttro&Arv.snd the lefer!n•tion Rives will be fooled (tfll,tepd_}et donees. 't'tt ilnYane iAw'tjdt half 4Ato ►Mer, rehilly revised The regular Wart td of the Almanac, such ea Curtest iTara7f; Vinery Lank .Pock 10111ra Whet, with railway on which located, or nearest rail, way station, Directory rat Goventetest Cit., Aoels, 9nmttrs, School. and Colleges, Mena Wows, Metenrningisl in, Ye�, have all been corrected stud treser- a n n t • of Tierb tT etcher • ie At+�y awl a IM1 fh s. _ sot Tbs eomMr ie see! r H• $ err. Iniiealii 'T7ii olGoriTdl' aHTol• 016IT1I16 th.,roek hews iambs •s4 wandseMt of Pet ""'s""- int 44 .- r 1: • ...ie Cao �•. '. tis( 111. Jeer* .14111lileeellet hi. to *gat hall va U the Apart from and more important ev f r ii y. lilt( •.�pCl oiliross 100.1. who happens t fllgtl© , ie elm teNSMI 7t tabcalk to some. tether retar to hie •f m'eTatrio W a there. ti ties i, eid aM : be sold to a butcher for 01 50 and afterwards tremor •t the thought of the door oras hes retailed to the chutes.. e01 Wrda"ak, hemming; Idol tIh114•et after hoar, of sheens Hi. c'no it u afraid that.omw hue mnrmnr,old horses a•.Rhutr, in a pretty ynwn, with nth: Iib.. that can he bought for a dnil.r • head will knees 0011 girlhood wean, his on sale in the butchers stalls., �. d that mn.t M arras agnoaltursl for years dugbter 10 her faller and mother. vliThaal t�M 410. w veriititt.0 Iw! "'t1H4f •7 The Guelph Merron hes the Kt. Andrew 0s00.1* lhT' f.i The 11sses McLaren, of (inderick are tel Highland dancers land Fling, Mwnrd I vert enrraotly and Pedro say that their clawing wanes geed ea Gt�fph _The= were aloe her �h the �hlis 711'4!: ,#1.4 41 iltaronair .a. on •,rfinei I iselewir lin tlbNwtli1C hili 11 110 va ,yoal.ent,.d anyeatag.•tbNr da- 4tkftilltltNP aillitnatrar Af gift 'fie+ig*AMP 11 see how mush he is house) at home. Med ills• tv ap/t>ito•t deal for their families-th.ie{ �j the oa .sPbot• r the Olid 'M.IMfX Mr•tilt}ffli},at''_, miaow 4l41h I11>liliWl M "111161 fide HOt(fq '. L (lam agate the at told stand, Smith'. , M' f t . RA1 • y sae. sett SA•rnian'. awed Masks. O Tl ep.eing, r•atorday, Dec 7. ea I..ens• A•pwd•1 Tnwn.hip, basted himself to 1 htrvwtN.ie(IeA stook n4 everything seitable eras'Woods thiol f fel' •p (Jepeil hes tiAwd es a�� 000 Jlj� yea some ran la ee•eii� t� d �l�� �II���iRtrtllritw this! !fasts (lees sea leads MMrPaMy b.iM of Santa in lite'. experie•cea-- ;try' ' K' speed everything freely for their besee'. 401.n n1W an sake pad the Pews shall('M pay its 4.is 'oc"at a magiiseeped strength, the kenohie Iwo -Marrow. Maw .d ledge drlilii.A SiM ` s fb4 ��� f e a ess•ok A. so . el tWwnt>t llllroll's Bi'eatost S1em R. B. SMITH'S Great Clean Sweep Sale of $1o,000y- worth of General .1 . Dry Goods Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery Mantles and Fancy Dry Goods Continues during the Gree t Business Month of DECEMBER. Just Arrived • 0 ,. , . rat• • 10 , -t 1 . yt i�'i11 n d silo 'etc trimmed • r• ...esti a ea a rasa% .y .,ere T !• Sailors; , Walking Hats, 50 other Sties, .Wnl•to.not.OuA all far , •SAMOHri` 85,c. eachI .1... e.,#4 Vogel raw v -.•,11 . ,: ; • • ,,.e h•. get' 41Slicvadrogiir Sanaa W chief .11.44 dd e. w. •;: £ •O1. t fila.•.. A.t. . .. .• ✓resA 0100.0 bona .4,.., . . •..,tried /1 .alba ad n '��� *i.. o .Mt Oman ttte- int wd r t• a fw w A halm to + le •I .K II. ►a epos -u leao*0t. *' - o•e�l inelA Ilenpri will pleaoe 1 ow de net forget ,�� 'til voila Smith's /tosser kis headnn/w ee. the las;t �sit et Me (:ow G1 Raaday. oleo ��$ .rk�f root. Nett Swat , • had -s.s nM vet tiers it• Sit/ '1 w prottiset w I M• ate•et . • Arlo .AT g trateday •Md1 is al neon O. I paNMl] tar the eureka e/ il.hare O. ag�l• He seed. tier alalias "awl's, phaeisaha! .tad ens •mete 11 twee Vet esti es. ret •6' A vats agouti list *voila a. • tvlaet ,A•• 1,w,..' out .aM'few• .ns w. 1.c lY••( I wA , uw.Y ..l.i •tiiq a et n. • 4 Na+" . ben liy _ t • ,P .w.. ligan a 0..i tMa� sic dsAsnatjilibm4iLide, .eiA • If .!er4 .ntai SO &161610 entre tea.la •rales ed' WIMP /Abet taws