HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-5, Page 5TIE SIGNAL : OODEtIOz, ONT. THT RSDAT DEC. 6. 189n. iD/1tWOMP/I. M 111O1lOLIrOS LR$�DSNTAL Yom. 01111•110118/0114. A .mos megebeeles es _ M oNmhms- ues of Leath. f lag a, a �IaIOH ole,• L D.istimed .,, Ile p v.. 1• emothog p' t tooth. preservation 11yy ��es �say.e m0/os-Over Wj1 iaree Illmrb.r� arise. 1161.1, 1M. TUN RBULLD. , D.Ds.. I- OS. • Denw emcees i Lately al.ted with lir. 1)Itteo. et Meiew trail OM and pnrou 1.11. artIAoi.l teeth meowed on sell err slur. taau trees, special stiction tiv e ▪ rva*lea of the .atur.l teet6h the c▪ lean's clew block U Ito lea6 (�R. HUNTIfit, PaYB1oia. f. 8UR- 1� �, to Oro.-rairllest- aslat BUR - aslant sal e, f>I.M Hetet •6i1g0&M/0 DR. J. HA1MILTON, VETERINARY .sa�eon graduate of Untarie veterinary O(ysll�s.�� ts, nt Registered ste►. .a Os imam v Medical Association. path Rpm et 111 hours. da or ■ittht. Holrsl, street Opposite :borne BEAM1401111 lAdess Ms. W LASE. LOWER OF MARRIAGE . 1Msnms, AMerish. pt. 1546 l • tl M. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLI alter.'Cenveyesuer. &c. t)leae-nor. lis Ua. b iea sof st. Andrew etopit (� lyur.. E!MET HEATON - BARRISTER, Ilel_}eiter. Notary Public. Acbm.nl RimeW Rest deem. lbw lag rt ('AMPION -BARRISTER, SOLA:I. ILI. ter. Notary. ic.,.Uroe ever Medical Hall, Square. tiedsrieh. M. JOHNSTON, BARKISTElt, 8U- tedtr. cemmtssionr, etc. Mussy to lama. OOlass : cur. Hampton and At. As- drele•-s1/. Ooderfeh, Oat. mal IOFTUS L DANCEY, BARRISTER, 14 gehstt r, Osuveysnaer, &a-. rte. Mosey to lean at lemma rates. Horton'. Weak, Op - poem Cellists" Hotel. Ooderloh. Oat. =Ma 14• N. LE W 18• BARRISTER, PRuO• . ten 1a Maritime llgur*s .1 Ontario Ores -S oath Oatborse hetet. all 110. HAYS, BARRISTER. SOLICIT• . OR, to. Otos Narthet.. amt deer hainat Orae. Nriv.0 nada to Mad at iereet Male of waren_ lllQ• (`( ARROW A PROUDFOOT, BAR- I.7f rMsrw Atter."m Mllehers. aa. Oxide ion. 1. T. Harrow. Q.C.. W. PraNlset. r 1AMERON, HOLT A HOLMs3, V Barristers, a.tsettore la Cesamory. to C.N. omeree. 40. ; P. dolt ; O. WARD, OONVEYANOER, tit. and sommisslomer ter tskias sad re- e ving reeattaimmes ei bail. afidarfte e rrm.tlwe. depositions or Mento dealers. use to or aemerulee any miles. suit o pro- sodiesla eke B Court of Justice, the lsert of Appeal ter Oman*. or in any Comity r PayUMs Court, All trese•0Uoa. earetultl N pees .4oatei. RaMde.oe end P.O. Yue► -Demesnes O.t. 22H--tf latOaO/ atiM Deanna. r1ONEY TO LOAN.-- 00,000.00 Private Fuad. to Med at M per meat. 00 moms C bb:rt MMaet. 0• srie& MAI )RIVATE FUNLIS - PARTIES DE stems of ebussame money en first class rm security can do se at Si per mat. by N 'tag to J. A. IdtDONKOH Room lilt free iM BundiasR Tomato, witless 8EAGER, CONVEYANCING AND • lamminee ono.. epporw.M.rties Heusi LA. at TO LEND ON MORTGAGE uoglt. sea w:wto MM..rtlets Rotel. h. J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LITZ AND Meeresos •goat • at lowest �•• . Newsman. and Illea•o Hod- es 1t- 100,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOLY & MUMS G.d.- b.Ilse IONEY TO LSND.-A L A R O 11 asseaat at Private read. ter Ismoimm/ owlet raise es grog -oleos Marlowe,. Argy IARROW & PROUD7oor RADOLIFFE, GENERAL IN. ii.eismame l a Antos& Only fi • isms e0 pasiaS 1-00001.4. Moser to Lead on straigh t as. at ate lowest rate of intermit gans, 1a way to min tlu eorrower. 0 1... 1 door treat Spears. Weis Otrsa, pede- M.Ohaala.' Ia.nt�ta. ODEIION M 0RANI08' INSTI- TUT/ L1RRART AND EEADINO- JY, ger. of Meet street sad Ipware hp re. Ms hem 1 to "rm.. ash tram r to le ra*. OUT 9000 VOLS 1N LIBRARY. • may, Weekly digit Illwelraa d Papers Mvasit ids., en Pile. lzMBEAIHIP TIOII/'r, ONLY •1. Mau tttreeee use o* Weary sod /sMtag- Illus is easem ntgbeN rlp rw.ve4 y 1. 00 RNR. H. HAMILTON.` Nmleh & Iltb ROL SOMAS OUNDRT. AUOTIONENR mad Ageae. Yt- 1. Out. •laseessithe Si. 0 Mut I.s. Ow bal.sO1- lei i fa say part et the musty. IlMy tRN KNOX., GENERAL AUO- dower and Lasa Telmtrr, 0ederwt. navies iectielthaa�d�elwld.r.bie •zeoriasss M Mllerm..�hhgmtls6.tlar see se �I 41 to Wnt. Orders Mat M 4111111 thee4• or seat W mal seretallye W add with )X ootesv Aid-Yosis r•100dOd t IWOH =saints liar Sentlh. o ver be idle. N tam bae& are mol ally employed, •pang N the cultivation vur mind. Mways speak the truth. P good e•mpay lir nese N e11. Make Dreamiest Lave up te your 00g0.*. yes b speak to • parses ah p 1. int Deed y i esteelleat sin - Ws. are the beet Wooers eft virtue, tharaseer above thaw sr hetesSe boas sr idle rM4w, had beam M pelemed is year bleed he � prlseimise Yew .har.se s own ash" fag Injured exempt by The rasadse. er • Oast est Irak. ib�ths part *hat OEM Mama and dates awes grey. Il we et gee bask the osier be ekaeiag a ••w ..ler by Ervin/ tad resters the alt II- ttiasisstty god tr 050'•er% Dye VI ert% . S w the mark ea ei year SAW 11 ea 1 themr•w► Mons Yater MARINE. Moll wawa Mere. Mr. Crawford, bee traded his tog the Ur.w+ord, ler the p• eager and trails beat Ube Jen Miller, of P..rt stwley. The boat will set likely b. brou,ht here until nest sprit& se the seaso,i mow is taw, tar wveso- ed. The Joe Miller will be out -Iowa, and will oleo w used es • tug. Mr. Crawford is well eau' Mil with hie barman. Tri. Pearlier e'41seerat d. Hon. Mr. Pottage.. her I•wked into the case of the tug Tolephoes which was seised two weeks ago ie the Cw,.d.•a waters of Lake Erie he all -.gal Weal. All tie ••3" deems to head todiwtee Chet the vessel was guilty of an 11fractien of the law mid the Moneta has, thetalure, ordered her to be amtffsoated acid sold by public suction at Amberetburq. the I'el.phuee to the K*.hm•n A Sons, of HrowebelM Ohio. • shenl 1a hake [rte. %t. J. Stewart, hydrographic survly.r tor the Marine 1 teparta.ent, has retursnd to the oily, bsvio` oompleted bis eases.'s work es lake Erie, .sol the st.sster Hay- field 1.. been laid up for the winter .t Port l'olborne. Mr. stowai 1 located roe import ant shoal sot hitherto generally known, with eaves feet of water upon is .t 1„ scoot., about 111 miles northeast of Lonr Point Tight, an.. tb.es ant .., tn.r•ie mile• from the vil!.ge o1 NSW it, L. m the oosnty of Helduwad 1 he •pot a. . .s.sll rocky ledge. shout half • 411141 lose by one quarts( wide. *1 ..ho.lest spot being to the middle. The targe whalettaek. The w halebsck steamer Christopher Co- lumbus may go to the Atlantic coast. the Marine Reoord saye (sept.io Alexander Mol)..ugail, Resor.I manger of the Amen m S eel Belie Co., e loor.og over the St. Lswnnoe mer cu.als, and obtaining data on wb..•!. t t tihn,e with New Yak sad Philadelphia oompmies, two or three of which have been making offers for the Christopher Columbus sod asking that • phos be put opo& her delivered at hew York. Nothing detiotte can be decided up 011 until (iptoe° Mclioug•II can learn iu.t what it wall cost to cut the Columbus in two was to allow her to pass through the canal.. to Mestreal. t'e111ogw.ed Sterner. t ollingwood, \ov 2t. -Plana and specifi Dations of intended improvements about to be made 11 our hrbor were received on Matadi') last from the Department of 1'ub• ho Works. Tenders aro to be advertised for, and the 0rtatraots are to be let on .lan- our> god, 1)* . Cost of improyemente en temated at about 190,000. The speot(io.taone call for • channel 20 ft. deep sad of sufficient width to suable the argent orate ea the lakes. Work wit comments immediately after the ooatrasts .re ironed and sealed. A sskot.rtne Meat. A submarine boat has lust been completed by 11. l.oubet on the Seine for • foreign Government, which, it Is declared, solve, the problem of submarine locomotion. It is cig•r.shapd, nearly twenty-six feet long. add nearly cox feet broad, of bronze, .ad weighs ten tees. It is divided into three porticoes, and everythaos is arran,d that bate) articles cid be kept in theirIao.s,so ill w1 that no r11 be run of dtaturb.sq the balance essential to stability. the craft al- ways keeping parallel to the surface. It is the immobility of the boat which constitutes one of the meet important features of the submarine Draft i , Hitherto these boats have been built only to be seat down or brought up while ii action, bat than boat, the in- ventor m.iataiw.c.a be man. uyred le One spot by the skillful work's, of pump and arranging of water ballast so as to most neoassary requirement... -- FISH P.A. nn,..--Jwe. Sewed Tunes A question which the De pertinent of Menne and fisheries might well ci..ider is the •boltuon of the close ssamoa K.t•bluhed to protect an industry M of the greatest importance Lo the through the besegte derived by who follow the calling of fiobermee, igared by this class of people to such *teat that during the close seasm the by illicit bathing is four times the W IIOLar'AI white e.antry these it M as e este& average daring the &Mimi memos. "Watch the river almost any eight aid you will w • beat mamas up filled woke gaaw•ies with Mb,' was the statesmen of • well -koowa Koren to Th. Times this weak. "From Sutton's flheel to Cape Commodore the net" are se thio* that there is not room 10 pit . akar dews,- machined the i.atlemma, who his meat • tee dare sad si/bre is the vialwity el Profiles Isle The Tare made eons begwiry into the matter .d Hada the exact location of this D. O. 8. Dolphin is always known to the 'poachers. Risley Iasp.ct.r Fdm.a.tes. rider • white hares and from tie 11Rhlsade can be picked eut at eaffrot.nt dMlaas. to disable the poachers to get everything is order before is drops on tem. It is ger orally knows that the modes epersodi of err .f the snag wise p.ddlm tM h.5 is to pat the big I01 at tato bottom of the banal and then cops than over with herring. The. M en spm- aee in the earryiag m el the pasting Ihet i. .imply eetesi.kiag. and esu of like seems en engaged is the week has made the Inset Hat two years ago he emeht over 800 W daring the ol.ied e..0o., that last year he dad bettr, white this year he bid takes from hie meta is gm. minis 160 trout He M only use .f • deem s Mesa who ars seta - .111 esgated is the illicit mark and whi.h meet is the ordinary mums .f .vest. sue She teW .:defiles ei the imdmetre. Thee 1e ae dash* bens that the astemeats naile w e tree and seism the dsysr*.eat w pre - ped te put taus m whoa. busiest@ will he Se «..1 *Me Obans night sod day time elms wears meat pew. • failure of dee west *pad 'barmier. Orman are tee premi- u ms sad the week mss wily be dame by side bodied seas wham the psalms will ►r•e...ogg air. ea Anew% it le set emengb is emir • swam el *fie lime be the was who will Warm. Nash s missal le • fared The imp. dwi. iM Wesley ea the west mol. len. Felt would pay ter the samisen .( • dews mm ter the twoath, while ewe wads be play far *b. work. -0. R. Tunas soma The feet steamer Choles.. M mein as tie River. 110 Viewry teamed 160,000 busbdt of e.rfqse e.f Delete lens weekb .eskw Me =gm gbese w Weufor ery the m• tU ingtreadless litari�hdie prememaTim win idme `ia lisle After Weser 4 *bad OMR Nis gum two ab d ale w 8s to (blltagwood, whew is will dry4ak•d. Owners of the Luis sad scow «Wil Wert seised Mr btaogw, Detroit garbage into fie tewashap of Malden, Essex coa.Iy,hay. .xprr.ead tach 1mlsetees o1 swing the Brit W (.reran tarot ler imam to Hie &mesa' .1 4100,000. Weisefa AMMON& TM Frisch made of esaidaott.g anchone v ralber minims la sales of lmportsa.e the afar u placed with • notary , who, for the time betas, becomes an auctioneer. The •octtooeer is provided with • number of small ran tapers. each °spadle of burning •Lunt bra u8Wutea. As sets s• s bid u made wo. of Mese tapers is placed in tall view of all the isterest•d versos", and li.bted. It Wore it expires. soother Lid is of fend, it is immediately extineuiebed and • fresh take pieced to lits 114411411.1111141 se 041 as. one libelers and die" out of itself. woes the last bid become irr.00versble. This simple plea prevents al,. uostwtw moose rival Padders and affords. reasonable time tor reflects** before melting • higher offer them the one preceding. By this s00•as, too,tlte auouceser u provessed from exorcisms undue tafueaw .pa She bidders or hastily meoepttag the bid et s favorite. - Tit Kite The sagtash TarOer. It a "mad t mit the Duke el Yorke hoses hold 11 the first roc .1 sutasNge m Fwgfase to speak English. The .ts es• still bolds w'l;rinaa for • stead lang••a., and eyes the Prison of Wales uombanes t:ermi•a Hagfish iettb Frisch mixed an. la pot, "label eras not more blessed with "tempi leagues" Has three bowie of the reigning family, bet 'imams the Duke and Duchene of 1 ork both detrained to be 'English you know,' and commended their household to stack to the vernacular, without any raped to precedent. The Czar of Reser, who boasts of having married an English prim - ogee, though ate is wholly Garman, has .I- so •anoanced that Euulub shall be .pokes with Roseate at his court.. Thu a. bexeass the Crenate having found the latter yery difficult to speak, her toed husband wishes to spare her all the &000 mice possible. Elusion u the tint language, anyhow. Power. tlghl &mid ties*. Great Fell, Moat., a run by electricity. Not only are the street cars propelled and lighted by electricity, but they are heated by electric raduton plead in each mar. Elevators, printing pre0w, cresol sod all kinds of m•okinery, are op.rs'd by elec- trical forms. There are auteniatoc excavators eleoma ruck -crueller, it is net unus.sl 10 sea on the street. • mud tar miler attach- ed to .n electric win loath., dews frt•m • pole. The restaurants os.k by electric- ity. the butch.r employs it to chop hie eass•ges. the gnaw to rrind W mdse. E:leotrlett r 1.sit.4 apes se • Wising la items; the housewives ran their minors madia•e sad heat their 4Lt•iree.1), teletziesty: tit is, bake their oakum la woolen electric ambit o. sea that met be set away us the shelf hke pasteboard boxes They bate •leetsie bodies, broilers sad ten -kettles. The hydraulic wen 1e sed pewee 5011..11 see erected about throe miles from the oaty on His basks of the Minoan. TM 1swyer'• Pisa. A gestlwan ease embed • lewyr what he would do provided he bad loaned . as I - __ - .. --------__ -- &end mid the mss !aft the cwuotry without R E A T A E sen.sg.ny acknowledgments. theseela.pts oust write hint to send an sakoo.I.ugu.ent of tt.e 41,OUA you hoot hint, and ha "WI doubtless reply meting it was *sly =500. That will Who* for • re- oaps. mad . on can pressed agniost him if 3 Ask your Druggist icor R A A�Wonderful Tonic SO" and BTECfir g sagRemedy tir V ECU Weak and Impure Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles. w.e•r••••see e. J M. MAcLE JO oona•7toM, ale• legleablet eart Disturbance Thine 1. mere heart datarbsaos now Man ever. Present day mei oa llyfitg, Miry. smill'emeat, worry, promote 1t. Tell mobs hove heart trouble. 1w• eases yen m bees tem bevies iL IAEMatlem tie gs.wallow et the heart,emarlber. be esaia sol masa awaking of the beet .ad ankle.. shet•w et b.. pais he the WO d es. =lWMg auris. esus ghat the bean M M mate order. DELAY Is DANGEROUS NM the prow mar c6raskdiag Lite d.mime lig ams .nit by masince of these wandsme- aea1� Wag bassi ta0me. Seett;ti 8ermaparine MOM hese* diatmviramas by egw5Hsing the air atlslla rsmlielas serve power, supplying Lura Yawl W rennin tr. Mart d M. basion. OB SCOTTS MON SOAP 1. Your Oath. TOR SALE 1I1 JA's. N ILSON, GoderIob 25. WORSELL & 00. have removed to POLLOCK'S OLD STAND on the Square, where he *11l be glad to see all his old customers and as many new .nes ars may be pleased to favor them with their patronage. NEWER BRIGHTER and BETTER than ever J,:H.‘WORSELL 1 CO. D. CANTELON, West street BAKER, STILL LEADS TIE TBADB His bread is made from pure Manitoba Hour -trade ,from the cream of the Manitoba wheat ---and therefore is the beat in the world This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying this bread at the same as made from inferior flour at the price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered to any part of the town. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. E3µ edding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. D. CANTELON. Sporting Goads We are headquarters for these goods. Having purchased in° a very low market, we are enabled to supply you with POWDER, SHOT AND SHELL and all:other Sportsmen's Goods at Very Low Figures. A full line of General Hardware always on hand. W. hold the fort for Good Goods at Reasonable Prices. DAVISON & 00. Winter Goods. Hats arkJ Caps, dealettes and Furs Direst from the Maly All goods sold at prim ilia brig tb within the reach of everyone. I1 early sad have the widest selection. �. CAiRD, a..M.l si Mee Ilii 01, OF GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, CUTLER!, ETC., FOR 60 DAYS_ Having decided upon adopting the Cash System, I will, for the next 60 days, offer my entire stock of Hardware, etc., at greatly re- duced prices for cash, part of which will Le sold at cost, and many articles for less, to make room for new goods coming in this Fall. At the expiration of the 60 days, I intend to adopt the Cash System, and my customers may then depend upon getting any Goods in my line of business at the lowest cash prices for which they can be sold. Thanking my customers and the public generally for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same, I remain, JAMES YATES. New Fall Millinery. MISS CAMERON, the Hamilton -Street Milliner, having visited the wholesale millinery centres of Canada, she has been successful in procuring a complete stock of new shapes and trimmings for the fall trade, including all the new chenille effects, etc. In returning thanks for past patronage, she invites inspection of her stock. MISS CAMERON. CHEAP CHOPPING AT THE GODERICS 'WOOLEN MILL. I beg to tidy- that 1 have opened a store corner of Colborne-st at Square, in Mr. Lewitt's Knitting Factory, and have made arrangements with Mr. Lewitt to attend to the selling of our popular Woolen goons. You will Lind our stock first class, and made of pure wool, well selected, consisting of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ETC. Now is the tune to buy your woolen goods as wool is fast advancing in price. Buy before the goods go up. I have put a new Grain Chopper in the Woolen Mill, and will be prepared to do chopping every day. Grain ground fine or coarse, and have put the price down to lc. per hundred pounds, hoping by doing good work and fair (sealing to receive a liberal share of your patronage. G. M. COLLINS. GRANO JEWEL A RUN OK STOVES, WE ARE HAVING IT. The Grand Jewel Wood Cook Stove with Steel ()vers is the ONE. NOTE THE FOLLOWING POINTS. - 1. The (;rand Jewel has a genuine .1oel oyes, which makes it bake with about half the fuel required by other large wood stoves. a Th. Greed Jewel oven plates are made of Steel. They cannot Dock. Has • patent double fine in Goat of oven, which makes the oven bake evenly all over. A number of wooed heed Wood •rod Coal stoves cheap. AT -- HtARPER & .LEE. FALL 1895 MUNRO'S full lines in UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY and YARNS. No hotter value to be had in Goderieh. As uxual, extra value in storm and hard finish SERQ.ES in BLACK, OXFORD -GREY NAVY and ADMIRAL BLI'L A. MUNRO, BIN Draper and heberdasher. AS CLEAR AS A BELL. • 1F A PUPIL OF THs Forst City him and Shorthand Collage, Landon, Ont., 4w sat fipm.p �islr.otMAW. wlswells 1asw.�r�W. wafl h' siny W. NNW awns attauleCeetarssa«�iMnse:v= a1MRt wtiasa. MOW ■- - rrR.na • f '