HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-5, Page 4t• THE SIGNAL : GODERION, ONT., THURSDAY. DEC. S, 189x. CA .rt.. M. 111..4 ..stn. Sick Headache CURED PERMANENTLY NT TAKING Ayer's Pills '1 was troubled a Inn' time with 'Mk headache. It was+ n.ualfy ac.•ompnoied With serene pain+ in II. tent!,:... A olio. of Ldb.►ss Wrist I.i tietneiii in Due eye. a had taste in no month. terror c. acrd. head.% and fort roId. awl Iekness at the stomach 1 tr4.s1 a good tean, remedies recomn.eno .t fur This c..mpiaiot , but it wain,' until 1 Began Taking Ayer's Pills that 1 ye-ei ' t sr! tinor :Ike penia. hent i.r.retlt. A %IIsuI•• box .4 tlw+. Silit dui the cools 1..r one. and 1 as m/w• leve from. liesdarlito :,1111 A w rt: tam " — / 11 IIP t. ui ... E... %.bun M. AYER'S PILLS Awarded Medal at World's Fair .:4.'r :.errsup.tri/lin is the /Shit. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. tosses Jacket.. short tac:.ets that reach only to the waist linea, as well es the longer 000t effects, are mode to upas in front over fancy vests of eaten covered wal. fulls of Iso. or chiffon, and a very useful little garment of this sort as mode of black cloth, fitting closely to the bock lr.e a want, with nose/ohs, rod finished at the bottom with a narrow twist of block stein ribbon. the front h.. the effect of an Eton ••cket, with wide pointed revers covered with cream embroidery, and the coliar to of black setas nbbon Seethed with • how at the bock. The vest front may be of any transparent metria: oyer white or colored satin, anti the full mutton leg sleeves are of black sleeves are of the black cloth. This can 1.e worn with any dark skirt for the street or house with very st vitsb edtct. meet .. •1wie.ntl.11Ms straw saudsl. are .til in .es to China and .l•pan. I:gypttan shoes were made of pain, and pap, rut interlaced. the ancient Persians wore cloee-titting bouts reaching to the knees. The '•bro4sut of today gem it. Dame from the rawhide "brog of the ancient Briton.. Egyptian hierottlyphios show the cobbler to hey" been known to the time of 1'tioemy.. i:emovtng the oboes is still a mark ot respect in the East, .. at has been for thousands ot .ears. .1 he Roman women were honest dippers with cork soles, and mcreseed their b.,ght by building up thew soles to great thick. Assess. I he t.reeka tot two thousand years ago wore slippery corresponding olo.ely to those of the present. Thor of the women were frequently green in calor, while the "dudes' wore what*. The turned up toes fashionable in Eng - lead during the three hundred years of the I'l.otgenet dynast% were sometimes two feet an length, and were fastened to the koeos by gold or silver chains. Mess more •rhlte.a.b,. • I noticed," said • well known down- town druggist to his assistant the other day "that it only took you three minutes t-'. get up • prescription fofthat woman who lust went out. What do you mean by that "It was only • little earholic acid tad some water. repeated the assistant. "I simply had to pour a few drashen"' of acid into the botti and then till at up with wa- ter "Never mind it you only had to do tb.t,' the druggist. declared, "don't you know that every prescription must take at least twenty minutes to dispense or the tnatea.ar will think he ism t getting •sythisg for his motley • Whea • preeori.tte0 a hooded you ever for salt and water or psssrmint, you matt take it, look at it doubtfnll, as if it were very hard to make up. Then you mist briny it to me, sod we will both reed it sod .hake sur beads. After that you will go to the customer sod ask h. or she if waste it today If he d..., you will an ewer that you wall sake a sp.eiat Alert.. A patient appreciates • pre.oription that tome has been se week trouble ever, eon when he takes It be derives some bene! from at. But doo t you de say more cf that three minute b since., my any, if you w.at to become • hat slam druggist It wool de Yee've get to clad % human mature.. KEEP ENEMIES OUT. All disease that Hager and finally- Lill are the stems of had blood The blend mast be k . pa psrleel 1 y pan. That M what the ktdeey• are for They have everything to de i. Altering eat the pelmet 1bIs preoees of Slowing may be interfered with by a oeld. l'suslly if th.r. h .ay Iaek et geed kid- n ey week it ie a o.1d, or perhaps .vr .seta( .ad overdetakiag, Nearly ever] .este mimeo. 'saess with a .old. Re de tits dues•se- •hot deal y hill The this( is ta arrest the entd. This briars us nista grew! ins • w' h. t is the had treatment fey • weld Is •&ruse tmdee Irma the aseve.eal ..e.- m el Th dd'. Lidaay Pills in e'1 IM farms u whish d. r-igamesim e1 the k. ►_coy. shout tihasimslw haat Man s ne Westai.ui kseem te silt l 0Fwwa equal te D661•6 Kidney PAIL M Desalt WM a ..set. This story s told is " The Humor of the o 1," uI the late Ili. Kidd, ul Akerdeee aa:d hs beadle. Thu ►u k otfiwr, at wool appear. taw • rictus .t the vita of drunkest aero. He had ohne been severely osneure.', 1 as oft*:. torglas•, and yet &eats would he tall into " tewptatiea sad a mare. Oise day the worth% doctor was eushwted by Jesse so "foe that all his customary tau POO sad .lick husd.ty had Mose, sad to defieat, rot kl s., sot vsl.ost good, he coal Isaged is. burly old doctor to some sad drink with his. Reoue•iung, with hie i unto ready wit, the utter futility o1 trout to tempus won a outs in such • state, and desirous et .youthsg a scone, which a re fusel maht have precipitated, Ili. Kidd with prsutiwl good sense, at oats humored the drugkea man so tar as to say, . Oh, ay J•ea• : I'll come tai' ye, aa' I'U drink Gke e beast to plates s• '• Hooray hacco uvb d the befuddled beadle. "Come moat So they *soared the In. the etr_ngsl► ss• sorted couple t6• centre of okssrvaiioa to moot • keen and curious pair of eyes .Iemn.i. htocuutfhed out oat urdre for • " motchkio, sad, when the 1 iuor was pro ducted, he,:with• very shaky- head, poured oat a portio_ for himself andreedily gulped at down. The reverend old doctor carefully filled • ylaes of cold water as kis *here. and .I weed that " Hoots, espore tula•ed the itacchrnaliau beadle, '• y• w►ad >. wu.i drink like • beast, doctor ' " Ay, ,1een:a an w I have, wee the dignified to ply ; " for ye too • beset never drinks matr than is guid for t • Jluotresl Star. d • It i Atte reaaua why women are so gease- al:. troabled with some derangement o1 the distinctly feminine organism is tkat as girls they learn nothing about their own physical make up. Parents are waking up to the importance of education of tba• k end, and young women err becoming more and more able to take cue of their health Carelessnew in girlhood cameo the great- est suffering and unhappiness in after life. Little irregularities and weaknesses is furls should he looked after promptly and treat- ment given at once. iir. Pierce a Favorite Prescription promotes regularity of all fem- inine functions makes strength and builds ap a sturdy health with which to meet the trusts to come. The "Favorite Prescrip- tion " is not a universal panacea It is good for but one thing. It is directed solely at one set of organa I-1 have been a sufferer from • frtnale weak- ness" Scor pia %tar.. 1 geew worm had .eters tatting rams in left over- alto .n left side and stomach The pain in len side was cuaamet. 1 wuul.t have Tight spasms previous to monthly peri„4 and when the .pastm would leave 1 would au:. r !root +e.err .orenre. all Derr and eowhl hear nothing to t, oc!. me. I also suffered from enrr. hesda.hev- Morning pressure on brain whit': slmaet camed me to he insane I could iea rk sure b, Illm•elf. so many people were after Eugene Field, the ('hicaeo newspaper met and poet, who died the other dry, for particulars of his e•reer, habits, lakes and dislikes, and other information watch curious people lake to power of mem of the moment, the: he had printed a little exposition of baouelf sal Int characteristics which is unique frank nets. Ah that I mid has sero of Named! s true, •e those who know him beet de:l.re, and he has men, other admirable and lov- able yueluies which he was altogether too modest to ..y say thing about. Some ex tracts from this analysis et hut tastes wall give ins reader •o idea of his teeny sided and lovable character. He wrote . • 1 believe to ghosts, watches and fairies. I should lake to own a bug astronomical tel a3ope and • tweety-four tune music box I adore dolls. My favorite hyn.o i. Bounling Billows, My heroes in history •r. Martin Luther, Madame lambelle, Abraham Lam- mls. t•vonte poems are Korner.' Boni* Prayer, Wordsworth'_ We Are Heves, Newman a Lead, Kindly Light, lat- her h i mo, Schiller. The I hver,and Burns' tatter a Saturday Na,t t. 1 dislike Dante and Raron. I should like to have known Jeremiah, the prophet : old Mee P ao, Horace, Walter Scott, Booeporte, H•w• thorns, 11&d•mte Sontag, Sir John H.rsobel, Yana Aude.reei. lit favorite actor is Henry Irving : actress, 1C -dislike. I dislike poli- tics, so cs:lei!.. 1 sh,uld laks to have the privalege tit voting extended to wom.n. I pan uualtersblt opposed to capital punish ment. I favor • system of pensions for Debbi services on literature, art, science, eta. 1 approve of cumpulsory education. I be- lieve in churches and echoob. i hate wars, armies, withers, guns and fireworks. It 1 oould have my way I would make the abuse of horse., dogs and tattle • pausal offence. 1 should abolish •11 dog laws stud dog wtoh ere, anti I would punish severely everybody - who osught and caged birds. My favorite color is red I .m • poor dotter, and I drink no wane or spins of any kind. i do not smoke ohero., I dislike cowards and I sbumw•t. funcliot', It is only when 1 look and see how young and fair and sweet wife as that 1 have • good opinion of myself. I •m fond of the companiowbtp of • woman, and I have no unconquerable preyudaoe against feminine beauty. 1 recall with Pride that in twenty-two year" of active journalism 1 have always written in rester - mama pewee of womstkind. I favor early carriage. A L- colostral IoM. First scientist—Ekrks ! What a find ' Here as a.oclusive proot of all our theories. See this rook ' Itis se round se • barrel, sod just about the same shape arid size. It must have rolled for ages at the bed of some swift stream. Nolo how smooth it is. Second Scientist It to unlike any rock in this vicinity. It must have been brought from a great distance, probably by some mighty iueburg in the awes that aria gone. Thud .caemtist -Thew are mountain' near here. It may hue. come down in • glacier. Fourth Scientist It is unlike any of the rock on thaw mountains. In fact at is as like any rock tat be found on earth. It must have dropped from the moon. Here opines a farm band... 1 will ask Atm tf there are say traditions oo.oernag at Seri bore, my rood rasa, do yon know anything about the strsa,. rock Farm Hand -Tont aster be • barrel of ceseat. Ninon WOO Lightsrsg• Nearly describes the panties 01 • hard or soft corn when Putasm'. Palsies" (`ors Ex erwator is applied. It dose its work so quickly end without pais that at aeons magical in actin.. Try it R000llect the some Putnam • Painless torn Extrsoeor. Sold ►i all druggists and dearss ever%. where. Their Thirst IM .iu.wted.e. "Mamma, what day i. this !' "This 1. Friday, user.'. "Where's Sunday "yuoAay is still a the fut arm ' "Hew did at net there "1 ansa at ham 1 mum yet "1 hasn't • What's keeping it "Why, dear, it ees•t Doan until it's time for It "How does it know whoa its time for it to ones "Don't bother Om, Kate, ' "Mamma, what's Yanday doing, any • how "To i1v Wes and." old' age brings many ache.e and pains which must he looked after if health is to be manitaind. This depends mon than anything else on the kidneys. "1 am Sti years old,- writes A. boffin, fritter, Asher:Ile, tint . "and have had kidney trouble five years My eon advised (!has.. Kidney -Laver Pills, and I obtain d immediate relief. I shall one them to my life'. end " Yoe will find Chase's Palls equally .4 etive Inc that Ming hack A ram R.pe_Iil.w " 1 wish,.. elgbd Jag", to his wile, that 1 .sold got a restos fee heDpiossa. ' •' Well, perhaps sees tisa if yes will give cos • Iaele iappi.sm ru give ya • ne- 04p* fee ft,' reislied Mus ,Nsrp r'• Naenr. de as eepey Peeimal talo the lead .4 04* ether reme- dies For the relied sad sere e1 snoop, hoop*" emenb, sere khrahl, and dm dew woublgo is wish the yew( are se WMs, N is iDyal.ahM► hells elle. ke MM. soot lay my bead down wilhowt •mutiarring. ily fat+ was poor: r-rs l.w,ked .tt..d, wa.Ird in $ h I was -.w+Hpetr.l and snlrrtcel we err Lain when b..eml. w.rtld act 1 mule. not rat fir,- the funs nee iu regio, .1 stumacli 1 hast tried three ot lh 'e.1 dnctorw herr 1.01 ther..nh• rave me ler. pre -aro relief 1 ha.: Kir en up all hoops of ever wrong well train. At l*st 1 a+n,l.. I, l to (4.e IDi l'am's Favorite prescription. t0at I have taken two bottles. oat o1 the Golsen ]fedi&:: Discovery • sod one of Pellets ' 1 hate .ot frit any signs of my old .li+ts.t headache .11 gone men., uvular with An a: he .at pain Indeed 1 ft.' Gk. a new pers..n ` Yours ten!, Aoki, tu 014.4:0 Deaton Co- Atk, Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLATT'S W000YARD, where he will keep on hand the Best Qualities of Leliigh ValleY Co! which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Pncea. D. C. STRACHAN. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU we guarantee Dodd's Kidneyy P11b to ewe any case of Bright's Disease. Diabetes. Lumbago. Drops? Rheumatism. Heart Disease. Female Troubles. Impure Blood or moony refunded. Sold by all dealers in medicine• or by mail on receipt d cruces toe. per boa. or Sia boar Pisa DP L. A. SMITH ♦ CO.. Toronto. GO R4 - CONSTIPATION. DYSPEPSIA,';) ICK HEADACHE, E6 U LATE THE UVEB. ONC tutu. P. CATItie INSURtP 8000 012E3T10h PRICE 2$ CTS.TM1 OD's EO CAQ Heliol Tie Old Reliaile Shill of Deck. THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL the M•spset (tial ewer mid i. 1•V market. All Girl weighed se the Market Nesl_ti est that you're sure me Ares rim weight Orders Info at PARPZR • LRE'S wemPOY &Waded °a WEIL Lei 1111111 R fl 111111111110, The Shoe that's envied ! A good shoe is a good =4.frend—to the man who wears it— to the dealer who sells it. But a good shoe is a bad enemy to the dealer who mut get the right to sell it, and dares not tell his customers so. We are sole local agents for The Slater Shoe, which is the best shoe for men that we know of. We are the only firm in this city which can buy these shoes wholesale, and with the knowledge and consent of the makers. Other shoemen want them so badly that they get their friends to purchase from us, "on the quiet," a few individual pairs, at full re- tail price in order to put them in their windows for show. But these firms can't buy the Genuine Slater Shoes to sell again— they buy them to keep them and talk against them. We buy ours wholesale from the manufacturers, so we can afford to sell them retail. We keep every size, width and shape in stock, so that we can fit any man, no matter what kind of feet he is addicted to. Ours are The Genuine "SLATER SHOES," stamped on the sale $3, $4, $5 per pair. Now don't you think it must be a pretty good shoe that's envied like this ? Perhaps you should see these shoes that shoemen want so badly. We are the only people who have the Right to show them to you. WM. SHARMAN Jr. Cor. East-st and Square, Goderich. • IF YOU WANT A WINTER SUIT • � of First-class Make' Good Material and Latest Styles, -(-A1.1. UPON - HUGH DURLOP. The west -u. amble Next N fah sae /attest PLANING MILL. EfTA0t11ME0 MU. Bucliajiaiis & Rliyiias sAIII eaarcrosms SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1n all kl_d..f LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And basldtw'. tntateel.l pf every d•sortptio. School Furniture a Specialty. Patronise True Competition. step lust agtvs -: s.rvls•..14118'.. mil Dsw en hal.m�sgyi..ip.. w rr drenee:ar b •e .weep flaws. soh. yli-ii�tekrgai�. Lir INV ss..t1 >rr..gas► MAIM !CHANGE '`F BUSINESS Having bought the enure busanese of Mr. JOHN H11.1.110t, Kiitgehanik O•dsei*k, we will be prepsr.d en and after Saturday, Nov. 23rd, 18%, to guye Immense Bargains in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. FLOUR and FEED, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, ETC- ET( We bare also decided to adopt the CASH SVSTKM, believing it to be to the heat Intervista .like of buyer and ..1:er. We cordially solicit the p.trosags of .11 the old osstotsern, and .s many new seas es possible. Como and sect the substantial reductions we make o0 oar gods. A large stock of good dry o.rdweed,d.liv.rd at my pare of town for 53 26 per cord We seeable to sell asap, bemuse we have bought Mr. Hillier's well -assorted stout. st • good disoount, and likewise by managing the business out a cash basis. Goods delivered promptly sad *mein lly. Produce takes se assn. Remember the date, Saturday, Nov 23rd. R_ I3_ CZTTT. POTMAHOFF TEA. This new blend of tea for family use is now put sale at our store. . We have also the finest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetable:;. STURDY BROS. The arooer.4 oo the Square. TIIOROLD CEIENT or WATER LILE. *1.25 PER BBL. AND SCOTII FIRE BRICK k PEA 100- R. W. IcKENZIB'S OHLP 1HAADWANi $TOaa III= Hn NIM NMI OT outs. i s e h • • • l of h IIo 11 81 rto ni en Heat1 e6 Iso lea set •ni lel U B0 _sal 0 AH a tib .1 1 0 Ij1 ♦n t.r J' AI. WWI Mar tit 5' meet at , hes few the yen 1:.o Ree Y.e thug ems yes, tura Dae Mob Wt