HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-5, Page 31., - e- d- Tao SJGK4 : ,S O. �1 •� ,FfpirwAT Dal.) A 1890, • 5 tauter IY Black Scotch Andalusian.. .. 7c. a mein iltlat k 4 ply Super, Sooteh worth lOc. o& tic. an oz. 'Mick Indnetnial Yarn.... 111xa skew er 411 the Ieafjlitg high colors 12*.. at lOc yAkilpfettlielehafra oi Tablet y or Miaow Cloth in all width& fneh' bea'ry, all Linea, IN b!eischtdiT)i*., TabrettliViltiMftf9c Damask 55 inch Half Bleached Linen Table Dnnas 56 inch Extra Heavy. l•nbleacheol 62 inch a:1 Linen Loom Damask, Fringed Napkins, Colored Borders and all inen size 16x15 iucbes wale*, r '- a Linen Doylies, Fringed add' • .ewe 8x8 inches, worth 60c. a�(ozen, at 25c. worth 35c 30c. worth 499. 3043. peciat (prices all through the store.: I�l paejiion invited. 111111111111111Wialle sestiase ; eelletn less Ileac to doer. 11.vlas pined paisoklitin ..d 1eMsit wed soldiers are armed %With Yes Medi ; ►a.dre& of oat little mob ham bees di.tribeted throughout& the °MO WY. ergo felly is Oatattto. By all them mets►fide the .army expecte to rale Iles Same of war. The public mould 0116111. Mad Mai the Army hoe opened tee seers teed mad shelter depose for poor ares derimg the p.m Melva sawtthWse, mod other Ilke ta- etftuu..m will be erased. Doaataose eas he given to the legal Nihon or oolleotete, or met to t)snisaad .s Booth. Yalpatieo Temple. Tomato. A linea -Lias Ptcsvaz. -.L Tow ibis. art-A.B.A..dims of series Ms. Sole, is his lnoa.aleat, ithnsdraas a -sad pWOsrs Our Caseates roads. will .leo reoogaw 1. Eller like • $2 sky rocket es • dork eight, red vent oa • oortt4ld aeon. J met Mw he is publishing sa A.P.A. paper Ila►& makes lite an unbaaruble buries to jhs Pepe,wd ch• .. the entire C beroh of Kite into the ob•pperral fifty two floes a ymr. When Brown begins to erupt the w.lf< .1 doz.the Y•tic•a sway and totter Isk• them tilt • Mattoon mad during an earthquake- �'yit��'� be Ihsader. the College of Cardinale tOlo to the bomb proofs sad enrage in Abetprayer. When he rises up William airy and unoorks the silvan rule of the rt. - instant apocalypse, every Catholic,priub. i. Christendom takes to the tall timber.,1111e will tackle asythisg, from a Kenos endear to an inoffensive Carmelite nun ; but 1(E in whoa hs grate the English language by -the ft tied and beeps to swish at about it *risking shoulders of the "Scarlet Wo - Mw" that Brown shows he best. His 'Gay mak rsgataes about 1600 degrees in the Roth. KT T Mode, Simmer and Winter. Brown leas 30c. a dozen W. ACHESON & SON WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, C3ODIDRIC H, ONT_ CI, snaking e_ meat is df sur Mr fa; tMefirm mal Funeral Director sal lbe et. t �deomNU atMMtr Pr ardent s Wrote ; paps. will be by Dr. Berger, et Listobet ; Dr. Carr, i Ue'• Haritetoa : DP, TQM ( Si. Mat"iai 1)r. C lark, SAM OrWe•lt/tt Ameeting of Y} hold knee fe.pehow •beerltod the idea that the Pup";of Ido '� i 671 a.. h Irving/to enslave him,and s shriek- ! bvestag ter purposes of organize- Ing tor liberty or death in • moaner to mmk. Ii' "....• mo011000101941OA,•04 O& i►Psrstwhile P. Holy ashamed of himself. Proliminiery Das• transacted. The club .lust whet Meows "bruin the Holy Father hold, like M kee^f rofh any amide wails N hos wa.tniaso im•gi14e. Per te..to. mad •ammuaicatioos shouldbe ad� be smepidti tb•t the Pope desires to ndd!(m `11 f1�ARRIFD.` • ; { 1 jo the Yaliol o'm pQJjeoitoo of entomologfil r inIPPlt7!►. A. blonder. se,* Tie 0114 butirt v • • - • • i - • •, .• 1 [BAl the geDedertoh. ! 100/000 le soar* the LW of the new 10140$1 josses. (lnugaubl IL,v'. s, , ,-r:�.--• SS shell yr. Gov. ias�rvj A ]o A. i Jobil of a• * !•t • peiiietl:ai!Isr the . tan•L 0vtiiftlQ tail. sad hr eloyer..f wwiestty, •kattag. Godertob plenty of peed The following items were and red from at, ('owq+r ,fpaw fia '.-j • p� I toteH�r y it' aa¢.CMomo paean, and refer to its. we hope it may make • table show*.drib P.Ifleldttifri, dt whom reference woe effiL1t ` iF ¶'RE •TOWl'�: "fit ' y in m oeleanim • 000ple of week. D. G. C. feral&.. -;Sia P•taNtwii•6 has aro. His nastiest and friends in this ..q.--, e, 4 Baas- dung eitelli eittOtpt ea" M - jmjep adsh Tim b ,pl.e.ed to beer of t 'Erb donne the poet seams in the matter PI0$T i. *0 Mso.r. canes Frogggslipillapoptageole Not.bool . mf,drivtsg tt1Toaors,p,1 w taasallsit . ^' At { 1tleg of do ottici►1 board deco= iol: from Amber.tbsrg, ,hobs ba• made Ser tri teffib bliurch it sees decided D' 4 tif;hsd 1 p•1 _to v. Andrew P. Ili. s I>i�ifP�Urmt • ems; hB i * motor of • Mud* 11e.•v* a Mete b i ler rues•, 1 trent wily 4 Owe. Soa.dt oboe Sha Sys up for at Evansville, ed. Much atiafectioo int It ie awn tit • 1141•11•. Anima . 1110 he decision, / t to iN d 1 t.LMoo taembere of the cburc 11+aktaLeek' K -- � 7:' _ faith Belt i ,a . ton, aid that the call will be rr 'treat It.' -Siete. tired is _.&(Meme Joel like thel r »� '.dyrsLr t-Idelsr.d. Those who halo mom�►.. imh Jaok Tar. Several of them dupe.oea know 1N. fletdrem are strong in tab -- wit prates ot hie gr, abtltues, .ad pronou$00 wi4 dre,sed „ ogee ;t1. er t ship& fest I15tm a 1mr7-)at*le and eta{neat speak., etched- taws po ueo of their their clothing u Pridb•m a 11 you want arm/ as ro$' worker in church marten, dod1raNt Iti the Northupon securing tgat bIIb oe''pBator. Nev. Mr. Meldrom it,* comparatively young moo of Soottish err. We. toad A graduate ot the i oresto tihep level seminary Daring hie Elisio I hie be bhr'had ties charge• --at Yon Fran. oiwn, Rock Island Sad the ose at Braoew . which he now omit ,lea" Chicago Record : The Rey. A. B. 1 - drum announced this morning from It pulpit of Gree Prost, &orlon (thumb, Eve. mooted he had • Dail to the (4- trsl Pr.eby Apnea church of St. Paul, Mi.a. The Rev. Mr. Meldrum has been psstorlt Grace church juat six years, and is o be in the swim give him a call. Take a I necks and bromate to she oold wind. ' at his ad onpage4. R M¢DIC IN[8 PrnoggI&n�VogrThroatWON I :nuns Gr000tis.-In spookier of - tilveeset a JeTI~ (old C?Mm Iowa s 3 far ��R n Drtet; rolt HM at 1t' 11aDN a • tthweiregost bld'.hiSe$feso'Ss'liMki�11tr Day The Expositor pays the fo'lowing oar atasptt 4 to • tigteer (Width lady : TIH Vint°. le so this over the epee' was virtually Mrs first appearance agof the Horse of but Mellows virtuallyn t: ogrgbic display still the fort se the before • Seaforth audience, and it hes woo attsbytl (livetve ogle •em'1'� frie Gal "Cyp� �f iardea opia�es h • most by Natter tem otat oe sipoaf Her voice i• D liYIK BIGHT Iso peNalsUtttmsavw pa'' tainIsrfy eyes thane and musical. and who ye got it WouldLim ere and 1t wish bate not got H &Mole owns Mbar attended in at one,. We mace the pre - of eight • specialty. sea can teat +•/ta,4tityUad ]wMtRYMmlb. tY �Ilm/ratet(.•recitetiooe a depth of feel - 1.g which u attained by few elocutionist% Rat lare� Rbc cHdi. t1 4 x • Revival. Sosvicn.-The revival meet- �• s • t eympst y lags ars stirs going on in Yietoris..t cberch, •411 "prs0 S.ry woe tufty - sod much good i. resulting. The pebble sole by bet r oderies ot it.i. t radially invited to attend throe masa.1 -- +•twe..i-y.•i O, Yy"va""'a'wi grew 1 lake Hurst bee moped Tory lbrtmately THIS WORK is Pxa:fa,tttxo.-The work tklu Yee* r tegard1 droin:deg •eoidests sad on the sew knitting factory out East -t, is I abipwrecks.'; tTbdalakoamia itnae.i sa cow being rapidly perm.* terverd os Slang* ' TY t(pt>A •prNel ,bait, eip.petanoes-the floc, the'.eoond story being unit.r sett] it 1 fuser bettor wat'arl*rd - and the latter the present lime.. , l ' i ' s'', ,'t 4ithlin viii ebb dffyilttpugh stress of K.L. of C.E. --The meettag of tie B. L. atii. -blit t �ryi, ol 00 ..tt!spp nuc- ('. E. of North -et church on Friday *venni• bs (pl> ,lye li iiin "w -i,A{ . up seri win be Ob* rsgslr tlteotby ...seer,- B' 1 i' . Th• seenb WIlkpgWorrwhioh two and *tram msetbig. All are Invited I irr the dee" el Neo ar lS 145 40000sd to Noted tbw sestibgs. whiob oomstwe* .UJJI.Ii 1 been t-s.1.d ef'iw .t ire esti, 9 year, , -f7 be 1<t,rxrt.+ i Rrtorsv,;.-1). K. btraahan, bs Ped that 1 wfll t"" i ,Pinch who ono ,pare rn etteeefee neenufnsturor et I c oo zed w(lgbi a\ ib i*m.Al.1 W it Ica brit, lion tocktvir tati,peet ovity 144 z, for then rt is no desire on our panto pub - h obira•ry notice•. yearll._bee shipped 4v* of bin plows .t -12"1TaT 671111Rr=-1h p 1141...aeeu, o • to Rat Portage, twoo tut40 "of %►%ming I Celliagwnod sad two to Toronto. Tose Er/memo --The 60 deye for wbi.� Jason Yetis offered his entire ecce ware at greatly redeeedp�a. quh, It expired : but h. elites& ' Weir 3'1e. let, when the caeb eyebolt • lR be Stippled. Come early sad get hargaiss. Clirielmie ROM., slab me bes�ag leaps. silverware. $ a.a O ev vitalas aM l NMm aIa�M,AN� �(deep 1111. The fal9eii llivilei me Grin•'•#, mist will lima be toady for the .kaeers. The herd• catleers* j� V t l 9 QaA Jnxa.- weir 11 Y YYY�sji�MilaM.ifM athiftictitffft hew sea, ebea Y ensereka• ilii the God. - .A Irabhnmest efiilWae•s woe tressaoted, dl she i llswieg megram rendered : Read- ing, Mien W. Jobwtoo : solo, Mite O. Bp: cause ft WINK . (s1eb1 (ash emu l6ip MJ� reading, F. plan sad Gar.el Mo, J. McKay : gaieties drawer, 8'.''f' , oboes, Glee Cloth: O.C.i,a.d $1108.'' •I, cart Zed, Mr. McDoald: Nialitlet k.them. Owing to the brie lireItI to be gone through, am- t m - to be struck off the pro - ohs Pouca ('more. -last week J. MoMat1 A (:twin Lasso►, -018 page 7 will be feared a . , Nary ender the title of "Jerre... tedilt4l gh1 �. iu of arab II h Id world. I I go about the work of molag the The story wet told with great and nods a marked to t M eosgeymtlw, Mmetne•ay Snow= - Vert Sabbath niaeleeary seetveewry in Next► -et Mothoiht 11r Wfllimme, peeidee moo win or s.14. A pwfbrm mattes will he held in the %reuse, to. he tura Dr. minima oar A:d11eMe' Aaktae.11te C51Moliss sad - will be takes up at both tette.. w M the Msemtwo h oetitri.ary f1.olte& le t sad 11th As bele es the waslawfofIke1 N "eel*rtbYtlfllth du - ?hs 40Ihes sg will MIM order el beshmea ei • thf it tiro ttC be • • 11 i '1 1 • . fa , i lei 1I • g 1 0 411 111 me OM Rai 43 tied mete, or, ill day* is gaol for braking wisdom is • vse..t beam is 8 of .,a,4• R. 11 1 luta 1) ,o 1111'1►. .00j •t. ,'f i. et county's wood the menthe • lee fire the firgem the Pelee oe Magistrate took the essioa to give settee to make use el the tali penalties provided by law to $44 No per fag wisdom aid white hippos M se nw re pees evteted of It bufess his weld be eget down 4 gaol of a W. This 4 tis.ly h belied d the wren*will ws be .t - de • 4 t 1 pll.) Saar D.wiAI. WM.-W. Wive bees M p11$1 et t A she 1, w et its • 1, ♦ , i t^Is • is Whom big sheat $ dssielee Thtsry s 1r s Ilesse- W remake sew eswrersed. TL this trap et the lset Inst the Deetriw Week. mrftbitrirribin to teasing • de on ishe arch -Me so ..aw1soas.itoaitlslasd, III., having gone to that place from San EroticismMowry. , wig 404 fog the Mowry. Zola nation has t • t among his paru6lonsn, but among the anti tape fwer4ly. Ihtitoo brsbvPrn111'he following clip- pings !fer to the of Bee. Or. :thaw, • broefwet•-ot Mtg. Aida%.. -{1hic�, &!dram .fmf fl'16M1f* or ttW 8h•w, Tor onto, Aesutpot .General Secretory of the Methodist* AMA, wQl -Ws. orry 40 lawn that all hopes of his recovery have now been given up. It will be rNae114.0.d 114$1 the egeggpk •trolleyeilhie bicycle • Itif• MINSlegek.dtgo. He was token in t6h• ambulance to the house of hie tion-ta-law Alex. Mille. 4111t"*.Nlln70 stens,- vr}Mre los has'_-kaa Jt.ibo..o._ hyo we eatert•ined for hie recovery, but Lie coedi- t' -- about 61 yeuntidia*N'.i'' kill ye R.v. - JewirlkseigeoOtoilers is Three Stitt; AIiP eil rem t' 0:i y Ail! �tl7�R�dw Silit;t� time: f ily lb on • ard, w t of About � • t Vimted& entlege&s melded to at - 1004 iy after en thorl- aa Method Mia he wee BA the married Wm riedf• v, while --The (leers greed sed we11 be missal of Inge lag inns -. and en - by as e takes Its the different =it 11 wstained, and 4to}� $ Stele imam a Milo hate hg.s tiMws is me we ee • whole, the play with et r •vi '• -r�riessaustatom� ..._.t_ii.• ri 4 Kfr t. 111.; 1' • 111147-1 ! NEN YOU THINK of buying a Suit, Overcoat or Ulster, don't forget that we have the largest stock of new clothing to show, and that our profits are less than one half what regular clothing houses charge ;1 ,L Remember too that we sell piles of Dry RIO pr:: {Ri;, Goods. We couldn't sell clothing so tri: At cheap if we didn't. 164 nal,.v di,.. -•- e 4th Desemb.r, 1695. JAS. A. REID, Jordan's Block, Ooderittb. 117 a Mcksa..4 TUR MEDICAL 11E" TEA, • mixture of kerbs oontaia ism burdock. mandrake. rte. C nesoered ail • remedy for impurity of blood. Witmer aem, eosativeLion , bid :my tion. etc. A ail. pack a-' mae k "Lanett or cedilla& An excellent Nab fro tie Felt• li(�teeAOUND BEATEMALL •. STO VEP1 PE. VARNISH t•- .. s. . us : 'e`4a rw erimoes, v,trt-t ... , seer v ^t'a' ct' Least odor ... Brightest Lustre 4,1ltickont Drying Of alt stove -pipe t•srnishes. pfE8oRIPTIOIq WORK Best eatteation - All hours. per pee 'In.AMARY the beet , south own . while Aliso 11(ocb Mita14ab, sut the fit:lflr'e wife, doubted. the loyal wi1(i ieitpeviutring mother, with • good deist ot feeling. Mr. Davis made • very Isaodeome English lord, •od •.ted hie part tett!) well. Miss l.m- patens; .. "Dear, delfebttol Didly Hutton," woo her eudieoie by her piquant, coquettish ways, while Mr. Andrew. at Nates almost oonvohiad,hila hussars by hiedrolbries, both in words Sod actions. Mr. Belcher looked and apt dtimpgissed Sgpirel to whom tate 5ltibd in wobbled OM of tbo hood of Haul Kirk. The part of Barmy dFlistk; l.koia by Mr. Logan, was mesa oomicel, sod oke Nap were alio much ap- preciated. Mies Flo Bailey made a charm- logmai4.w th.ay pathicoftthenodi. ootiil/bt� wi pea [s ice, id tb isnon of lir. Hosni b4 r bye. Themllldes sifid1 sir dress ofd i the Mid: ed ooloriag to a rather bare back -trotted. Megan. E. Robinson ..nd W. McCarthy. taking the parte. Mn. R W. Logan acted the part of plosive most creditably. Just before the bet act Mseager Harry Hart oame forward and thanked the audience for their kindness, but the •udieoos might easily have toothed the sate and thanked his ler f• Mit weioyable %&eine. THi• WEEKLY MARKET REPORT t/ersash Mese. doogatca, Dec. 1. I806. ran Wheat. toms msendsrd 0 fit to 0 M Fall Wheat fey►. 000 to 000 for. loudly. pee cwt $ 00 to 2 10 roar Ply cwt .. r 10 to 2 10 . >~•e1 per Msec- ... i 40 to 2 Elh . . 11 00 toIM ll 11 le toll 09 00 Now ......,... -.,11 0$ tome.oar --••-.v-••• _, 0 III M $1 N ..... ,•..t..,,•-,01100 re 1,tat 00 01 014, Itrd .....4 , u a tel a iia _ i��wow 0 11 to f6 as�esut. w va....•• W ttoo 17 071 flhossi *Ns _........ -`. 0 09 to , 50 Drssda 4 00 to 50 Daws. •••�•• �• 1 0" to t 11SO� Has. Ib.. ... .•.r... 0 10 to 5 to • i1 Ib.2 j1.e. 0 11 to 1 1t Y___ D1av1iMRAI.wAs. •' m wilt r0Ma.m. Net MI1 _.r.4111,11114101 hotRm. • t. ',....• too tit ..• OT VALDAsta illi Of the 6' .y� Me wart thumb will be sold iyTi�� k t e vIllat*s 6 Oaof Mama. oar t TUZIMS,Y,•t1ieBIM day et 1)11X'pdtltsft. A.D.. t 1 o leek. 4 tbp t eies.dtitthe Weeny entoi to 'v1i*0e jfow'fff, Mn,eiT. lot nembee flee, end the East &lair DWI num- ber wives. t4syd'. •one& la tie .vWettb of L1.tall. T1=1111 fitadt 111 NW,eloose «efttttrlth a kr 1/t ,s4c a frame barn IBM an the tie v ser• of jam,f* welt-feweed sad smears: TERMS - Two per cent. down on the day of wand the oe wit Far fart her t51. Med_No tioneer • MrRON, 1101.?t'term elk 412s Peados, TO AIMER'TjslgFUL Notice of changes cart be heft at this Olboe not later than 8atutdy noon. The Copy for chants moat be left 40 latter khan Mon day noon. email Advertisements accepted op is none Wednesday of •each *eek. _ *Iii a 1.)OT : i r lest 1(bs. • is lb 15501 9? bee. le bapeir tet TTHa kt•ernee. to moth' the pious" trade. .A Ir $$ once. Messui . {ISS Alsii� L. 1-,SHHAA W,, �aTEACgHKt �eru. Rl 's111 i1od•- �.IbRi.fl. • TENDERS FfiR Bt'PPLiP!I• 1896. The oadetelrivel will receive %sodern ter en pp, ie. no to .Oen qn ..10.;111A t, D}:CI".lticlta 9, 1415. 1'1» the suet Is' but. Nen meet. h,,,'.•0. parr •ad entlht'tirr• Detre to. eaob floor ani( &wet. Iotareee, oor4 end, etc,. feta thetegrim lag in.tltulietta dims,. the year 181111, vis. At the ay um for ;1e Io..m yet Toetiate. landau. JCvngstam n iron. Aflmloe l WO, and (Milts: the (*rrel Primal .yd Mer- cer Retnrmator). Toronto: the B reemelbe,• for Roy.. Peoetaey,t(•hene: the isetittiilnn• for the Deaf- tel cosh, - 541 all. and the B:hal .t 'trsntford. Two-.nfeetn.t awwfte will he required for dm due htieloieanfgeot comes%&. yeeefinee thins sr nget• can OM/ be had ser mpntt.•,,t nut to 41.-..4n NlttsMn+ �s of the t'aeipea i lti is olv 11.11.- 'Me dotPriamPriam- . -- fafym . of sat t o s hi II.mlfl Ce.t Pra WIC - elite low's* or any teals%• Not neose..T i ty en. ax geed. :• A111d�'1 CAA r.LA1J. JAOIRB. N1XON. - prw�wsms et Prim". and Public (•harfttee. .8tpldtoas• Taranto. goy. Usti •h hai C The Otelleiiiti' 1W7.. ni+rt'ofst of Rall ))b* county of Huron will meet •h flit ,-,„ 10 tiff Tea of 4!lli.ten es Tbttrnyyy Wee tali next. at 10 o'rinck A... W. Dated Nov. Balk, IOM. (•o. Clerk. XTOTICIt-ir- airM "ILL BN 'k4de tWalled/ a01Nar he tbn..PayiMaw nut ea* as eta Vtl Pores Ant ettaidleig the tts/or t�e{ � D1 H dsoal al or 151rtr 1J tool •••afatf�lPe`'HB:�w is filamL. Tt:(14" Mas " :mad for etkmr Irty NOTiOIPIy'MICEIth IrTerniiiiirT44T • sit arse. -alt Sao set s eetoe of the igntw,,&of liras forego,o1- to Ineerenrate t►e ifosen f Itail- w•y t.. 14..a,. wit popev eel f, , way to he neeger.a dlmltt4t11 f t.•ISM1Of sear Fort Perri. In tseasstr seem Yo. $t or near Yltaret.:.._ 1_ .►_ . pawing t1 Viswop. (� Tosser OCT. er . tsi. lOetasttrt a .tn' M•sMatA • n.,,, Prhwyllle•. Irh•m $1441 C.a74i, i 46ft mot tie solo o„ 1n th. ro„nt of Bruce throtnrh iaverhnr I1ia'ae,Otee s9 Lye -••brda eT• a.a. Twew.ye7sea w.. Mototeemot he J Oombiin ir O T T 11 R�a With all the roti ., n1!fi• 'i';; .Nwt Tlfi`H UIti i�f. 1 o� hailRLoin Olt an roa�il A sin tfirasal=piep .net ..... J Of eed ,etiw mil o, ,limbi' IlW" b• -M • rte w .lv. Impart: ,e1 Meet r-14.14 left, 1 t. MiMrd it Wets q �n. •vly LAIATRiPrt, t.ewtmr.l .it tette ...od0:,.C11ti 1M"7tw.r. .A We Whew Oats WM aro isoUsed to be kookmed * them KM lady's miss le isooin with Powder- bee as wa&s, wadi I. elesetfal to a ristlesise tater store. peloct eitermer to maintained tetemes, We worry a ales Hue of Tem Pow. dem Nit. WI dem it • plemost N Now K. thgtoto s Meek. MAS. Ik4V 1 LII4A,M s " aello 40111. and Id haunt Wetness 1011 be done hese BA There aro Mill a nunt oft utast be mottled et once. In a few days we will be *bowleg our fah ,ntie which we would be plamild to show you. K•erytkinit op -to dato and of the hest. • Do you That migilthektotore all our ears Airier Seise. Frey Choir.. Lose:sem ate.. end by this ins awe you 25 per seek MI year yew. We carry an immense FURNITURE that inesse you get large choioli trot= all the Meet destigns. We know hew t o when to buy, sod what to boy. Our de- signs are always the latest and moot stylish, sod our prices are the loweitt..,..„ Try us. .6111441411 SMITH'S Furniture arn1441 Undertaking Emporium. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL SA31f. DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. I ashe this shy to intone the public •I1 rumors to contrary. and am Rowed to do evert clam work In my line from a window frame to erecting • 3-etory *stow wiled. Toe re hoot building notarial. snob Id Godes-Joh. July Rh 11101. boas am osmium soetety. 1. 11111A 1011: YOU RICH. Irs SOT U BUT 111111 Ifflt_11.0! 111111VpIllna.N AND Zi ilitelar"tiri; tAmmomaeel me4100101Htithtions: NotdretRaCW.-22$1112, aid Waal A.,+, 4esisirtasobsokomp ,.e .eeaeea .trio% b i,teedei stlIwww