HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-5, Page 21
Is • c. • r • •
MAI?...1 . r
* hot.. Into.- • •
. %wit 1 a.
PAIN -h11.1. t r ,
IriA.ta .., ♦J�. ,iia.
PAIN -Kit i_
M 111.•„
dress for the •ell of their eaaet iMd.. I
wore se* inn , ,. : • he • It hennas
••!,140 that, hes °our h.. a •eats'. amt 1 bad
♦ re 1N NawpMr MeV to tna'.'h ,N'•••1 of para
rotes M.'j it Fvµehar•ea • big, r ' her vul
gar • nation of .r.'Itsd.
T•,,r. arra- Do• t<, a pende orbs were to
voar,r et W.1 Trwesttet'.. Rot Ihe• hall
. •w rh.nwll„v well d..ne...0 .loop Mai te
V q•s\•r.•.0 • •• •• •hurar.wl to he et all
•w•, • fe .4 ,i, t .: TU .v. eras a list who
(Ilia) y re,. t.•-• h.ee a tttfee to the ooadtry :
e t aro, t .to ,t'r WIM, 60' orate, 1 keno.
rift, owl was Not very 1 u•..er, though *he
- .• a t. to. rete ?wine. S. tall• 1.001
farta.ro. 0011 1 u.110.i•1. o V,c4,r tferyu•
•y,•w p•sse'd her intl. • smiling Mw she
' •ked ff eepoise«t. Vow age that girl
M !• . 1 had what people a tliiMpMiutmeat.
She had loved twit.... ray w!•o did sot Irv.
I hoc. Pore's!). she wee ell the in .re pained
A t••rt marked eve' -at of an old frond. 1
-tor a 1 etch of etvMaea I. her r). a, end it
•,.l m• r• y! • .hsrply tb.t the Ottentire
...•,,•..r eh•, waw asks.. 00 hutbl) what
1 wool i give hint h..) n.i th.1 good us -
women would es .deter •s.sgb to pat en
„oot4er eraser, soother eaters, with a bog
hat anti • pink gown
1 Somehow I e •• 'roared 1.1 b'• re,. •wooer -
• int tie,wttx. I:w.es1'. a 4. sr
land had rem • Irorbdol astouat Y•0 that
*docent .nmol n y they k..ew hot to obits
!I drowsy he thoagbt tb.t if he wormed
i.eesebedy um nothing a year .h. tomtit west
troche and bate of that pat •ore :111 the
Mnemplleriy w Mies, aln•bards sad foal.
Ni'. `:u.a Nov. 11 Whoa (leer les
$.sheer, 3b years ottom was •rralgood Is
the Ire avenue lepra, Breuklys, the mbar
day teflon Jurists Goats ins on • charge . 1
t000rl!log his wife Mary, • strange .tarty
The quarrel loathes to the alleged taste •
,n which the prisoner waw hrl.l 1.4 teal to
tens ilia 4010ae11 were 10 Irmo of ret, aid ow 1..11, was nyer • ann oho a.. .i4,.014
I that tone kept 11u1si0g ,uto flak... *V len cl..t:ong 1 he yu.aUeu 4')
the uu,nlor of arildr.,. ,o t he f ..tilt came
up. e,,,1 whom the pre.. no.:/' .rd uuu.yluu.wt
ere asked Mrs Nashro etol :
• .lodge, duo' oak nu• . t . all • seised up
afar pito brei wife ha..t four hu.bu.ti.
'The ..•y in wh ob Moe lieltdel l vomits His ..coed rote ha.) too hu.h,a.Js 1m
her fr:end. ass neater loathing to me. '
his f.•urth wife.rd 1 don't know how stir ,y
110 era hat,fnl...1 yet 0146,. innate 1 hoehande hie third wife had. '
''I did towput on wnotber nature --1 magi
steel! . t .f ( tried. I think von are ai
.furl. I . ippoee .oar think LAY1 .bane.
rty r,i"o,t• w• easily am i .10 my .t••Lh„s,
• ludo*, Your 61.uo,
telt 1 ...run Irl him g4.. Quotesuddetly , son.) •her proems'.
1 knew that 1 Inved him;that 11"11"stt 1" the wile. I'm her at01 i11 Mobapti and iter first
sorb! matters', became I kiwi. that M basin! bed Ave wives •"
• ,. yon • .. *swim het'•• .14,i 'O.
• k..1 Sic'& N,uLeu.
'•ter••. 1 4.w.% kat w brew t4...., rime, !
dos'. k •0 ho/ tnanv boat •o.,• her vowel'
orb ea hod before they spaniel hien, or how
w ant ch time 'h r h• 4. T• 011„ 1t••r.
. i.,. w 1 knew by *ism 'hut he Meant to he . n vo.,a n •.
., .,*Kra'ul.' a,wl sed Md y sesight. Omit Ash..* .. nti•••rt lac h.! other • i• •e
rh.t 0100010014113at
oua•there is 11.) lawfal'wedde
1 ova uw. 11 .w did I know • Ott, 1 cant
expl.iu, but 1 4t.1 1 grow tu.l ler.
•''i oar .ere.t voce about Anew my frieed.
or at any rate von .ai3 ea
W .e• • ;e• \ilio Ifellh.•1 1, 1 think 10aeht to offer
■ r. ua. r hen its Ho was w I anal , That idiot..• hate dance is over. esti?hot . try,.
r. ,.. , ,,,,,.e e0tprew' '• i hers some than • U:tines ITU 4.114
s.0 ,....".t :,tri.et:; .,.me test some''me. t bruit Md I.•.teo •'l'novratul.tim.e' • 1 salt it wish •whole
Bourses; out ten teen'• of rhe '•'cation." re
.Inttr list when be h made loos te me. strlug of not.s 0f interrogation. marked ,iWtI.e Leo :Lope on .e held the
AT A IL It \ I ►.% Mil+.
1 MADE up 411y «•inti to .los molly
awful thing when I went to ib.• Hoy -Tb' '
ger'. ball 1 .ru the only daughter of one of
the nch'..t commoners in 1•:msl•ttd. I cane
out two years ego, ma.) 1 hart not Roost out
very loin before I began to hays offers. I
once rood • ba•k . o.ltsl " How \iso Pre-
emie Seme day i shall write • veinal to
at. 1 am rnngw•'est to do so. What's
more, 1 could add • elution' to say how aro
men do it, IOU. '..1010 they aro driven to
dsperattno, though that part is a greet se
1 am not exactly • besot), but 1 do kuow
how to dyer. A wine who hos that
knowledge soil th��''eO• In tee it used. no
mon. 1 think 1 tTAn sac wt:bnat Yeasty
that my eym are good. Vitt ere grey runt
sparkling. and long, with very curly lashes
Yet there or. Mew y of jealous people r'h•.
sat that it is •ioI " los be.nr yeua de me
.nowise ' that msk .a r-•• popular. 1 do not
care any more. 1 aro tdtoticel'y heppy be-
cause 1 know p'rleetly well ?het io the
o• re of 060 0106 1 164..6111 be tu.'t u •:harm
i.g if this " 13-11)6.161 potent " had sat " re
yolutioauedthe cycling world.
1 quote an sdvertto.men4, but thoagb we
advertise we aro not vulgar. Iudeed,grand
pa was • younger son and (hi not work for
his Irvine. preform, to drag up his (emdy
t a • small •Ilow•neo. Popo'. tastes were
different, luckily for me. He beim. merely
a younger 101'1 i •ironer nom, the family
!,unity bad dwindled and buddy seemed
worth while supporting at such polos
So Santana ilrl!fietd ie • catch and might
have marmot --• lord two lord. and •
knight • eldest sus, though that is beside
the smite- My admirers said 1 was cynical,
for som.timee I toughed at them. 1 cnuldo't
ludo it. 1 decided at 19 that 1 had no
heart, .ad that 1 would accept the first
really eligible par'y that came •len.. It
encoded easy. 1' was easy, until 1 went fo-
to the country to stay with • gnat friend
of mane, married to • clergymen, who woe
an honorable as well as merely reverend,
I was sick of heu,g the Mtss llellfield. I
persueded my friend to let me be • first
oousl0 of here down at ('hernnrtno on Tors.
She is e good, may soul. Hie reverenew had
gone 000y to • ooeference, 1 over pereued
ed her, lied -well, 1 had • lovely time as
sliss Kitty Hoot.
It was ooh ea innocent sort of name. l
took mo mad mod dressed the pert to per
Notion in pink gingham. and muslin.. •aIle you were playing in a little comedy
Cheri -moos on Taro is a Yen quiet spot ; down et ('herrington, and the Miss Beat I
the Ammons then otiose of two school treats knew was • purely imaginary person.
and a flower show. At all three 1 mit the Surely it must be pleasanter to be Miss
•inn man. Re116.Md, and to hove all London competing
He woe the dootor's son at home on 0 or your favor."
holid•y,aod he fell in love with me directly, Major Farquharson had passed the open
1 tbourht He is tremendou.l'. clever . door and given 0 ourpr .el Mare of me, es
they thisk all the world of him in the ha he said this, and i felt 1 hated him for such
pits'. He is good looking, 1 think. He rudeness.
did not propose to me, though then were "I was sick of being myself,tbat was why w011e are • v.ry .Id family. •sal eisasm*;
opportunities ,'eerie. wan aheorl.ed with a i did it People preteoded to like me, and who 0.410 from se f.milv,•t all. so to mask,
baby, and she h.4 no idea how often Mir made so much of 16e, mid 1 knew it wee u very particular es that point. Hush's
mother had • pedigree shot would, bear the
most .0a10bleg ceratiny.
To Bios the parents 'wee • minor .fair, lo-
dged, atter the awful ordeal 1 hod none
sheen li. My partaker was very gloomy.
Re did not mooed to my iiveliams, mid
wee ee Miff as • piker is the doses. No
tick tee into the eoa..rw•tory is the iiler-
va1 sad 1 let obs my his say. (Re said it
meet oosd°somedisily. Lord Mondellion
bad been otrefol to lot me realism what an
Meow he was doisg ins, bat we he was
ankle, to Major Farqubre s.) I lietimed
with • sort of mti.fsetls., sad ties i re -
Need him point bleak.
1 had no wast of *naso is this ear, but
I hove sever ems my .ranted Mist look es
amazed se he did. i am 0.talp hunter,
yet I •beelately reveled is the prospect of
Militia Hugh this oewtrraseo,
1 glassed up •t biro seed added easily :
•• The beet is, i •m seated already."
•' That being ten ao.e, there ie nothing
more to M sold. steep% that ye. Moes be -
bowed he•rtl.mly t0 me He tried to pat
as • dissemelete air, bet it was • had tail-
ors. i smiled
" You soiree cored for res, se T need sot
say I am .eery : you mem have • wife who
will sdmkre yea, sod 1 sever did." Hs
was yews tummy. bat far tee 41..ided le
.h.w it.
Ad 1 west leek to Raab
W. were mt0rvisd .e dos end of the me -
sots„ and I ms the happiest memos in Rog.
kind. 1 *004114 1 would write this is ems
say ether paw girl H biles.! with • ler-
NM. 0e i spas, 1 road • dory tram oboist
proposals item ladies One girl is It field
bee Mrd that ' ft -imply w. 'l dens.' She
was 0mag, yes w»
Ile wee standing betide we with the devot "I mean upon your rt, %agement to tl.jor pe,•••eee for tate) i. ) tool,
.,r h• can pw 41 so wr1l,when 1 sudden 1'oile•Fer1uhar.on." He roes as he mist anlil t vie n to nor s k' s ,"Ma oris an
'h:• 1
:, saw Ito Mrydwrll He looked older and silo mid was turning jharlt.c away, when 1 oafl 'r of • teeeaeet hone' with her I•tist
~tank jaded t neat remark, but tank *topped him He told as ofterwerd• 1 mu. .sera .std e ► •htWret., tee ei timid bur
not taehtuirhl" at ail. Hr was very grave spoke quite Iwruw•tely. own, two of them b.n aid her husbaO•t'e
when he *ow me I . appose the young per- "1 vin 6101 .ov.g•'t to Me or Feryuh.rsoo and ewe ui tl..u, 1.01..*4at,R sae art u.e
..n is r.dt0ot gold broc.de wee Dot quite or anyone else People hove no right to way woos of her buttoa.L They au g.. by ,oe
same a. Kitty in her Idherty bat. He just such things. Down at Cherring'oo-' nem.. •'1 N-s,•,u. airs. N..1 -•u does act ear.
•oily %saw how many step )aldrin eh, i.•s
glanmsd at ilial •r Fargtiharaon, and wee oil• •'it,wa at Chernsgton the village grip. io t4.' nrwhbothc.od, F.ut e..unte on tr ,on
vo.wiy going to pests on without even ask mi„ut have famced that • peuu,.rw doctor esve0tieu to sarong. She frequently meets
mg rex for . dance ' Then it fleshed across 1..: been :oluoreet enough to ask • peari• . Few ictluieirion to hen eaten Ind relut:eur
me lint he had found&tttw, and that he was i'•' girl to marry ntm for an IndettuueDem- Only loot Summer she Jiecn''•er,4 Host the
angry. He looked quite *tern. 1 deam her of years: they were suer w for from ° wife'•I a we.lthy taker of For BnckAwsy
-r F,rt uh•rson onmietak•bly ; "Ten truth, prni..bly much turther- area the Mimi/Met of the husband of Om
• Mai I third wile of her first holland who had been
anal eleven, it 1 .m here " SII my serenity vanished. 1 felt wretch- married h►tore he mire„! hs third wife.
I dad not care for his annoy 4000. He had ed so wretehed that my ryes were fall of tate. X..hei .•I1 Olaf her m•.dea 114m•
made gibe. We4 :erburn unhapp., end he teen:Doe even Sell on the ma's in my hand. wa. Mary Striae!. and sieves years 'to •he
mil showing Mrs. Theaiaier how eielunve He saw that test, but he was jest as obdur- was m'.mist to J0ooh Walton sed lived
with him ..n Meitner street, .ea Hu.hwick
maid superior he was, by being thorough{. ate. NV.as aoi:ry: epporontI, not even re- ayrnue. Tarn children erero ►vera Siw
useless. Just to make me • Nile Feign Levied to hear the, 1 was free, whet 1 sraa tno with woatai to whom Whiter, bmd
harem sty morriage w,. it 1 he • supreme might have been lady Saudellwa hat tut linen Rurriei. `(peaking of them. she said .
n ham. HA was •good mw : M was like •child
honor, he evidently imagined My ^er
0910100 was rather different 1 was not go 1 dtdo t care what 1 did or what be do Re cnot!thot know
tie, names
ofMerthe oother
tog to p.0 fair ane hunters 4d other amuse! thought,
i dont know what flee. 1111, mo : lie wee
mentis m exchange for that dubious pun- She would have waited all her Idea', not a merman. He „hi a wb,te 1600
lege How 1 trot out those +even words 1 won- Yah, 1 know some of their children. They
Theo I held out my hand to 1)r. Mayd- der still More tear* tell se I said tiles. .re all around I)o 1 know .sty of the owl
well. "Have you forgotten me altogether ' and there was an awful silence. Then he alias of any ol the wive of my int hos-
hand ' Oh, yes, 1 found one las enmmer
He rid look stern, but it rather became began in such a different vetoe- jiving in her style in Far Rockaway. She
btm. "Yoa c4aot meso what .4.a aro saying. .s the wide of • nob baker 1 do not know
"I expecte" to meet • lady who is not He was .t adiO4 and looking down ioteitly• her sense, but 1 oouid find her. 1 don t
here, Mu. 110116.161, ' he began very coldly. He hoe the best eyes 1 ever saw, they are so know bow I eteod, ezoept that 1 am Mn.
"Thai, sort of thing is not mush in my way. hooest, but 1 could not face them after the Neshes.'
. std I Umiak I hal better say good night. I deed of daoing. A FORTUNATE FLIRTATION.
could not reals • chane of mea4og Mies " 1 wean it with all my heart.
Kitty- Rent again. hot as. that is impossible •• Von mike it hard for me, he coo- Il 0aved a married teas a [Ire 1■ a Rall
way wnekk,
the sooner 1 get book to my work the bet- tooted. " When I let Kitty gotten 1 cared
It s not often shot wok •'mall 'thism as
ter. It eras &b.tird of me to oall at all " for her 1 thought perhaps a time might v kir eaves s ves • hamlits, lett if F. sL
They were just beginning the tare dame coos when I could claim the nght to mit Bhew, the b•Rtaeonlan on the reoastly-
with that irritating persisting tow. I fixed Mr to be • poor man's wide, you are • greet wrecked Missouri Pacific train utas Nesters
my eyes 011 the swaying figures, some of heiress, end i1 1 am poor l 0m proud. Yon had r.m•ime . int It seat • moment longer
them -o awkward. There was a lump is force me to tell you that 1 love you, not to hs lits woad! *aye Ivan sloshed oat of him
-v threat, .std 1 really could* t .peak. put the foolish question 11
that •s bet one ie abet occident. A few hundred yard. from
The remembranl of thea riyerwt Chemet- possible answer.' where the wreak occurred live" • well to-do
ton, and the sunshine o0 it, came arrow me. Theo 1 revolted once for all against the farmer. Several mouth' ago h• daughter
He hid looked w brown and en ekeerfol trsditicn of what is maidenly .ad right is the kitchen doorway ase day as the
in his oasoe : he was so pale .std se evident- •' Hugh, can't you' usd.estand, meet I
train went pees the farmstead. Raker .food
Iv iodago•er now, that 1 cosid hardly get tell you that all my mosey >o nothing to me in the open doorway o ( his oar, sod, seeing
the words out, 1 had never been amid of • sad that 1 only want you!' the girt, carelessly waved kir land to her.
man before. 1 was sew. He evidently He told me later that it wee too paths/tie,, slightly Ie04yreterabll the signal. and from
quite meant what he said. that he had always dreaded to see • woman shit incident apessg spa passing Btrtstioi,es
"It 1 ask you to stab and sit Out the bar' arv. itat he kissed me, sod somehow it the tesln� nail it.
dance you will, sorely. i -1 -wast to tell wen perfectly right and aotor•L
On the day of the accident to the train,
you something.'' Half se hoar later, jest as we were on Brkrr oras ensile in his chair, and when
He &pluipced so icily that 1 telt all III) happy, that horrid Major F.rquhsrsos am* ten wgie.ss.o whistled far the crossing
oourag* vaoishisg.'. W. found • little fee hie two deems. "Take are of one M sear the farm house, Riker quickly arose
mom that 01 empty sod sat dove. I my mess till No. 12, 1)r. M.ydwsll," 1 to give hen .00a.tomed salutation,whieb bed
caught him •ikime at my roma, but he pts- .aid, ".std eels, hews b fiid ma." Too �ashs rD intopertof throthwi
e or •kiss to the ell Jost
erestiog woo perforsled.
tended he ware doing nothing of the sort. 11 see, I wee reckless, and I wamtewl the major and before she him tine to return it, the
Wee he who heves, after all, to the in•ppre- to know how Wags were, Heigh took the crash amp, and Bakers oar was • mass orf
priate accompesifreet of the barn d•ooe Hower. obediently .sal went off. Positively raise in an instant. Hue stealing in the
mask they had put to another bars d.soe Major strong door frame saved his life. As it wan
1•'ergnbaroon weave* to art tt out, but I heeo► war pissed ander • m..n of rubbish, but
knew better. He seen have bees obma
te of with s few hrui.ss and gLoh
succeeded in extricatingtint16g him
not to have gnome**. I felt so utterly coo- among the int. end when M was relemol
tent i thought everybody would sones my sad stood opom his feet, the Bret nr.etiog
tone. We dimmed. There te menethisn owl brass the farm I*.Oie, who ie tered to
hep*bssly.astimeaeal 4bomt •Iran 416.1".. know tf M was bort assured asd her that
m wee not, and with a smile she blushingly
1 we. in mad spirits now. M.msa seraw book to tin hoose. Theo Raker reali7-
pap. •re d*.n .od quire trs•s°4.0bls : ed • .ear donee1. An nommen passing
then wools' be Raines, but I should hove my flirtation was of no ommieq hsoe0, but hen
way in the sod. Pre7West4•I1y til. Maid- was . mrotty, bright young perms wddasly
11.eomei.n deeply iatereetmd is his w.11fere,
and te satisfy a wife with two little child-
rw .1 Iii. McPherson home ►hat it war .1)
ylmlt wan the ..:loss problem in bio mind.
The fir' and her father were .round the
wrath duns/ the time they r0m•ised there,
bat Roller felted himself too homily rwcuped
s iib other matters le give her more that •
passisg thosgit.
When Baker arrived .t home he told kis
wife all about is and Condoner Patt.r*em
simmered her of the manner to whit* her Me -
hand's life had Mee paved, *ben the wife
frankly said that her husbaed owl! dirt
with every farm lassie alma the astir* rue
tf it mould ally save his life. All time
f.011 Mr° bees serried to the girl. sad be-
tween her and Mess Raker there has muss.
tip • htesddir eisenper gad mem wederieg
than seases melte of • paving eirt.ries.
-Ream. ally filar.
K itty fleet met Hugh M•ydwell.
At lint 1 did at for fun, but when i got
hook to London and Mater Pelle Farquhar-
son began no he attentive, then 1 know Mw
much boopter Kitty Boot was than lateen•
11.111.11. I did wt give way to my feel.
Ingo 1 rather hated to realise that 1 had
any Heves earge0se of big hospitals dog t
go io society. 1 dare say, they girt with
the nurses, horrid things : hut that ie a11.
Time Major Farnuhareon care. en my
bonitos, very young to be • major at .l),•ad
very boadoome. Luckily 1 found bow ut-
terly Gollob he was otherwise, oa 1)r. Meyd-
well had apparently entirely forgotten Miss
Rees. • • • Mamma is a dear,
kind hearted thing, •ad when 1 saiie reed
that 1 Intended to go to Mrs Hay -Thew
ger'1 with that horrid lathe Mn Ewer*
Vase, she let no do it. 1 told Major For
gs►annn to be there, 4d thee i told sssm-
O M that he wee goring It wee meglity, baa
m. day I got Mn. Hay -Manger M give me
• limit used ler • friesd of oars, and *041 it
to 164' M•ydwell 1 wasted lis to vee mo
is my glory .0d 1 wanted mare Man be see
it i should like him in • hell room as mach
as at Ch.rriogtes-os Tera. i went wanly
to week. I wrote • short 0010 with the is-
,*,. en. said 1 would be there, egged it II.
newel. mosey, stoney.
"And were you .s.seeful in Gliding out
if you wen charming enough to eaptiv0te
without it '' Hie manner wan chilly ear.
caste itself A memory of .11 he had mid
and looked overcame m..
"YOU ought to heow," 1 whispered. It
was dreadful. bet you see i saw sow that if
he onoe went there would be misery for
He did dot eyes .mile. "Yon 0.mgkt be
brash • oonntry boort ter pastime ere vent
wast to tows," was toe only rejeboder.
quotation& ace sot is good sa04ss made
like that. He kart one : he mi.nrderstoed
woe 1 k... my 14)1.. but i ern not 11.•et••
lens. I hove only dem as other p.e$s 4. --
is foot, less than see.t of there. I plashed
up souses and tri.! .4.6..
"1 thisk, Dr. Wardwell, yes are mas-
querading as mach as I was, or ohm you
really bare become quite Isdifl.5. 1 ; you
sever talked like that whoa you were heat
ea the Tara."
"No; 1 mode a fool of myself by talki.g
•em.es.e : min people do whoa it domes
eels is Asga.t.•'
It1•w, ootid anythisd bo .rapider • Hire
was Hugh Maydwell -• man who ►.A got
reed•le is pey.ielap. el petbolnwy,er..6me.
Nest, sad mute ea Plea piper with no ad- shisg 00edsetise • e.ev.rla:ti05 its 1f be
drew ' bed .et ewe ideas is hi. lead.
Vary bold .std uswoasonly, bat what was "A► my rate you are very mash mere
Ito do • I knew he liked Kitty; if Kitty, aim) to Rimy hese Mhos you am to Mr
why sot Morass* Catherine ! it was hi. shwa Ssri1*, yet Ow ars ase and the
•ofel pride .teal ►sdq.sdesee that 1 dread- gum.
ed. Re had %old we very imasiagly the* 'ebb d, *aP sus nwthg of IM sere,”
he would sever ask • imams te merry him be tfmb. is Mill'. "The use ars sen Maple
metal he men giy. 11.1 . e.mterhkM hew. .vestry del full of page though*s sod high
R. sower elpaemetly osstp*PMsd the pa- ideas Rao wee se peer es 1 am : w men ea
.i64Nty Moat she might loam means es eats ten semi level. With NM IM1Mdd, with
ply Mem. (eta lashimaide wl.wsMe. with ler (pest
There arsa a lively ems M (amr(mrtrm r i11bgww i Reye .etbirlg,erm have *Chime te
the 11_..04 papaw. 11evu 1•-e, 1 wed s. 1st Tear lei* was an midair w : y..
war, the bib la (N while gems. IgM
teat silvans. of my irons/mem Olaly a
ri• co ow .66 e
A Common
woo Cured by Takla'
AVERS :aarr:
••1 ern+ aMt.•trd for elrl,t 0' 1 t'. with Nati
Rheum. 1 Oh 1,10 this user I mrd a greet
mei rr.-•i••lue• •Inru wet.- highly roe.
eminet le.l• but 'note Kate ser tenet. 1
was 01 1..t ad, tar.' to try Ayer's ttar•ta-
pari.ki. by o listed alt" told ser that 1
roue p.uchase -11 1...tiles sod tsar them
aeehi .i r4 to du., 4.•,i.'. l )te16e11 to ht.
I..roi .o •11. bought too ail f.otflrs• and
took ter content.. o1 lhiee of It,,*e hot.
ties withu'it noticing any dr,ert hence..
potpie 1 had 4l ,,h.46 the fourth bustle,
my paints were ea
Free from Eruptions
Oa 000r they were ►1t toivIrtr.s, wile*
1st that arts eat -driver re.p'irea ter to
bo OUT to told and sit weather, ufteu
without groves, seat the trouble has
Dryer returned."- Thomas A. Jmass.
Aysr's. : Sarsaparilla
,wed at the World's Pair.
Apar'. Pill. Chromes the BwOgef!aw
Pe.... Who Mat. Mbaab.s.
Paw1e wise quarry before their child....
1 Thom arks Wt about their torabk. L.
etraagera. Those who thus. that ifemgta
('1*.. *ill mak-. thou, happy Psoase who
prow t►.4, tied tris to grow op 'o idleness,
who Have that &lottuy woolwo.
bort him. The 7!00000 s...,.. oho
!else's make • o.s$dest of hie .*•.t1•of The
1 debit wile poll hew m o ms to t. ..a. way
IMAM he wars alma 1.50. Tbme wl.0 ower
' try W k. religious .t"rpt when they Mirk
1 they sr. being wer.-br.I.
I 1:Catrper's Magazine.
The men).. d Dewier' L. Mede hi.MA
Whig et 4thel el IIs bre tom tp.'
soma pmd.l.e .ad agOM..w Rea►
gaud alllirtmlllira►
It's a.l the rage
I u now eu4oge
1■ many rl 1 researches
For whir Is told
In records old
In o•f.ty vaults •ad churches.
We aim to know
It, loaf age,
Our forbears Maori Carped.
And 11 they am•
to time to fa*se,
Asd whom ten Dards they monied.
W• search to es
If we may bo
From longs or knaves des.'endd,
And Imre, forsooth,
The simple truth
That both in ire are blended.
We dad, it • true,
There'. blood trate blue
Tb.t in our veins is flowing,
And teen w. find
Some other kind.
O'.r which we do aro orowhill.
Its ver. sad.
Rut tbro,u•th this fed
It mom *.. w • axe fated
To learn of k.....
W no re 1n t her graves
To whom we are felted.
Twoald be m•,r. fan
For every one
If blood could be «leotard,
Aid forbears hal
We may b.ve bed
Could calmly bo rejected.
1N 1806
5Nlneh. a wear 4.0, I by William 141tu'k, w,
los with • tl rh.'oe. *er • weif.y tows . Aare, M
S�yrsitip wit to 1e 1s the 1hoosber N tether,
i1M.sisd 00 • '•t« spit Ma• t mew ',rivet ire
tlteshalltlf5�t W .outdid 11► ras/ha
wire ttiNU*mo•i 1464. )'*.e. It la trot 4.e
ills Nova '.•• a e. 101,,,
The Irrroeit Reeow M.
e/ d1... o1 Are wilt cn'annr, god wilt
�ytr se 1 ,.rte of the fr4aee and ;warty,'
'sitar of , b 11044 of I sig• • 'ober to ygyta•t
aetioset the year wi.1 14e • ne.arta, b) Nyntt
Tw ail, seder top 11' Ie. 1ess a.wiw. Mier.
Mee . • bu.nor .r *brit. 4...r. tea plied Sue
*issues sea', wwdMsy. b, L4esnew
Vilify'. Mit,-It,1.4 : a• u -her, 15'1.'. by tk•
rare TY 1040, Rtritsau if .1014". hemilain
lain W'ILkIae, Jt71✓AY : 41.111 b '. ..w
aermae. taw.. WisTRM. aro/pother will
tatars 0041,1..
Prmtr Wouuuew W * i, o, win cow -..•, ,.'.
rspeea se smears,* W a.Mn.c(us was 1.,. • -,. ,
ori, b tltaitr.tt.ns b, Hou 0 to PYLL 1' l i r
Nov I4nivi0.w0 Almon' or TM Iterrme•
alrmagtc tar Wbrely. Nonrated h>�ii: 1 awe,
WIWI.,aI10, wilt b ....diesel r rough ills
wlatrr. 1'.0 04)1010 no et. ('lours detect en
Mod tubi y a,we'av,otor), to TN0000fes
l4.• ,At.. i Iwith it.aph:c ill IetzstIpso wail te
prince.) dunng the )nor.
A rmewnrlhy f.'',re •f the M4(UA/.1\K
during i r e i rat Vela a i d to • Orrice Of ar,,. 14
by Coevals W. Vi' tiresa.. de•enbiug ha ir.•
tf INN miter. on .now ,hoed toot *oh dow
sleigh traria into the uueau'srrd Marna
Orouods of 1►raia.h North .t••..•rha ie pnr-
•.ui' of wood Pito : did mark "tee or.
Whitney w s.rms 0i 1 Mae Me added iO10rrit
of mime Ihu.rrated from lttoror'ayes ,tarn
b) himself.
the Volumes of the V1.gwrine hell.", w;'h
the Numbers for ionic and 1►w'rmber .o reel.
year. When notions, is 0h atteaed.subw-npttoes
0,1,1 bwtgt'n with the Welber current s' the
time or rvoriv* ]f order.
Remittaoe, should he wade by Post otaee
moral 1 ler or lash, to avoid chanty of
Afire/owe-ea ore not tom g t4,. ,Wr,rfi.e.
leets( withe.et the erperaa order of Harper k
fictional' Apnea -.ane did not Inspire tN
•',ser Wats • ..ideate.
On one of bee ram l.'. is, Lle country
Queen V Ictori 4 w.s caught i. • shower, and
she este:', 1 an OI.1 wo16aa 1 0 .' cage, the in-
mate of wa.iob did sot r*oogaits her %over
toga "Will yea Iseillme 0o amlxell.''
salted the royal lady The woman looked
at her visitor au A 501)"010110 mouser, 4d
replied : "1 kw ' w. ambrelies, ase is goat
and ear N ver• ol ,. Ye ray tats the old
4105, ! geese I ell never lee it ague." and
she offered the queen • tattered article,
which was quietly accepted
Marla' sip.
Recently when • stylishly -deemed Seoisl-
iM was holding forth es the (')14.w Orate
that •11 property le robbery, that the peer
ass sally Moms happy by didsboeiti*R the
risk, 4d that all property should he di.tri-
11sted swoon the "people," • ragged and
dangcreaelooking isdi.i4..) stepped esA of
the armed and relieved the smote,. .t lib
weigh. Misim sad .carr pis, end dwribse.4
them •m°•ml W friend. *.ding by. The
settee was deem se vary quietly sad 1Melly
that the a0.sklhed ember W se time be
eller the least redeems" te the wanton ser
plie ti.a .f hie *Meas. T. me levee wee
Wyse/ hie power, sail to .s11 • 0!X5.00
would have bass most Mli acci.IMM iM
• mentees he -looms epellhesnd, es he sew
ben silvery trecearee dimpps.r late the
greeny peekate of the listeners. A bread,
estimative wile gifted *seemo the laces el
the ieMeeseed tear*!. New M gas 0rm1INy
em et she 14f1e.11y was snag ee be a
fies4hmea." be said, "i will
lake yea Ins my ..ngd0wea Tbs amel-pin
is eel of math ealso-you can keep N t N
me made is Owmmy : bas the *11* end
eerie I men �1es iyee to ream so N --kW-
Wow M • fbi.ed e1 Was" :i4. �tp
was healed beak, Ilei .seer . gRjng
I.elws le malsiathei H. miler leer wR.
d id the war I.m'Mred Heir ebb." to
tar*.. Midi
NARP1CKti MAGA XIt'I..,.l1R Yisr 44 w'
HAItPX1(0e KAZAR. .. 4 M
NditPl3Jfa YU►•N!J PK6)PLK.... ! se
Postage free to nit trrbeeribrro in the Vomit
Mous. r'made ead Mertes.
Address BARMEN t BH(YrHgRf,
P. O. Bret fen. ST. V.Om.
The ml11Ms temp toe 5.sdrad.
It os for the M Ihou. It is for the table
of the working man. It r within the reach
of all. And it is who rooms. it is health
fol. 1t nukes blood. It makes hope. It
stimulates. And this s what the Sondem:
Claret Co , has leen dntsg with ite cheap
winos. The whole 000wtry u buying clarets
sherries sad bareundues sow at $i •i1 l4
per deaes. And then is nor as mho is •
hogshead. The light wines of Frame, pure
sad .apple. A boos to the whole people.
0.e our treat • friend now *boa 11. Domes
to the home. Om ms hays a bottle of wise
es the teble wttk dieser, and that promote
b,oltb. Add►... - Bordeaux ('loret Co., 30
Hoseital !Street, Mestre•1.
l ore Biliousness, Sick Head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggggish Liver
and all Stomach Tmublcs.
Are Purely Vegetable, -
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
Act gently but promptly and
thoroughly►. "The safest family
medicine. All Druggists keep
Earper'S Bazar.
IN 1806
Tn. ,w"artJJ Math year or HAIt1'ILK'tl
BAZAR. beriontog to Jeasery, 1110. Melt it
mai.Ia . ty Its deserted rewritten both as •
Sashimi Journal and a weekly periodical 4sr
home reading.
livery week the BAZ410 ors -cents beeutifsl
tone, leo ter veno0a0efaei004.S •.11,17.. Hat ha
.std t'/1*P1-I- itlu.t:are and emtrevo ibe
eet designs from the nee-. model. in Part•eod
Bends hew Toot /reissue. rpiu.wimr , ot•
rest styles ie Now 'lurk. A fertej 1411,
tern•eheet swpplement *Pk diagrams sad
directions enables wom-n to cut and make
their own aowoa, and is of great ratite to ten
professional modiste no well as to the amateur
dressmaker. Childress Clothing 10001%s case
Mewl otteotios. Plsbi.n. for Me. ere des
earthed to fall detail by • teen -shout tows.
Oar Parte tosser. by Ka1N*5I,ta i►t remain
is. sprightly week'y reciter of faehlee. gossip
and wend doings In farts. gives by • clever
women in an e0ter'tatnine 001.
Roth the serials for 1111 ore the work .t
Amman women. Nee ourshl. by Mamma
Loring root.. M • tanking star, of New Iter
lend tite. Many E W Latae. 1n Johns e. a
peer Was. Macrons ten taws,' InterMtog
prwbrews of the relations bstwos. labor and
capital Short Porte. will be wrttNs by the
std authors.
a*retal Mpareeaemte. Meade. The Ouufosr
Woman. Personale. What We Are Dem.
Women mot Men, report •sd diocese thane
of immediate interest_
Asswrn so /irrespeadlrnst Quest loesr0
Detre the per0000l assent ton sr the editor, and
ars aatwered at the earliest possible data d,
ten their receipt.
Tee Volumes of the Haze■ begin with the
gni Number for Januar, of mach year. When
no time 1* mentlosed. whe:rlptloee will bath
with the Number current at the tltneof meets
of order.
Remittances ebould br made by PoNa*os
Money Order or Draft. to avoid cbasor or lost
Newspapers orae nor to ropy this adrerrio-
weat rtZAort the ea -press order of Horten t
Pee Ersel
HAftPKRB MAGAZINE.. _ ..• • 1 OP
Postage free to all aa4srriber. M the U*.fted
4tat.s. Con.eda, pod Med*.
Address : HARPER & BROTH
P. O. Ilsz 1111. N. T. city.
'�arper'8 Weekly.
IN 1180d -
HARPER rs WKEKLY is a mutual for the
whole country. it deal• with the serous M
the world that are impoelaet se Arserieewo.
1e conoleg out then poliny. in IMA Ji tram
Aat.r� vidted CMy seal JsTss. sad jet Miami
rid through the were ; Rlrmettp B.em•tei
Dave took • trip thrmell the t(ownle.e See ;
the Neintes..3 the vow Wavy ewers dMmgite
al sad illa.trste4 M Worm P. ioa.avu'
Pspu ensc Rsrttwww ptf.oenid .(adder of
Army end Pyerltl• r Me: PoUTTlr47 Rill"
meets(.u.nded the eets( inten EMI Qkss1.ef
la tale lip *sueden we ho ems t. .+Mary
*WON' trppesisa. Tie Mid events la art.
literature, sad mmdesad the dream will he
artistica/1 presorted. W. 4). Howiue. is
the sew 4.01tsea1. hala s4.• i t *0'
Mosses Is ►t• IsNeooting way books
eed the
▪ nlal gormless of the me.
Ito , y gess(p of the RP weg1M• �►yw•wjR4*
mat TM pyv
a.-••• "etaMea oromA beweirs=
bwred, sad Cams W. Warmer
dr eWon. Ilse a'eehlisaal
admen* etN
gemerweitai sod
mein mosey.
e1 la a S. 14 *i ten w) T win M alpe l7
ycer lir r1 D. .44 $ ill mei& the Mys•4 II54iel sfawl&
. Iw*.-ftp 4 at 'aged'►'
et 1M
sheMerles ssN...a rite el a.y
sod Kemet laicery ry 6.w.4 -• re to
T wain mdrtra to NaaYms _
the Ulmtltr.s.d hisnistlsm ef the well•
Tier Te4n-M eM W-usst.T basis with m"
Ant N..14ler
e s Mash i/MeSU1dwith tene NsmMrcorg.M ei tint Mr et *0-
big reawsses
limey Order er Draft a me *1
.. t/ esofeertice
salt unbent *4. sedern9.
mom, warm t1 areeitair.
P. to. Dna I. T. stair.
Pew Taw I
• ... •
Qirllwfs«M~:gii /ir11n �
f 1ij,M ....... a•