HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-12-5, Page 1le se 1 goods. rices. n regular price, WDS Y -FIVE CENTS. rice. ry 00 cut and fitted lantle Making up. ros. rtain Wel re- ONE1 ine of Syrups. 1 line in two gallon FRUITS PPP)' lit) CANDY he best astiort,nenta of the city. g in fine French 'or Christmas pre - 'its are looked after ide appreciated JERY [amilton Street nery RTES. Is N Tr - Rubbers or Over - k that we Pan suit id Rubbers is coin- ip. Lady's Misses, Dxed, Button, Con - ,her goods, from the we have them a/ iidersd. Remember lkrupt stocks. IARMAN JR. but if you k, we will rything in t is nae i' Your bead dren. WY )eat "gurl.• Isiness 00. y depanMaent WW loIesale firms. Par- t said at the closest e liberal patronage Lure enatomerw• W" r department will b. at low prima rm the Wainer `^u seindebted M11g NELL a 00 THE EMT1 u1 THE CHEAPEST TILE SIGNAL. . . . . 18 THE BEST. TI -11:111 L & DI N -c N1EiWBPAPI3R Off' HURON COUNTY_ FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -2516 ONE DOLLAR W 1LL lay FWR THE SIGNAL Caro. JAW. 1, 1887. GOODLRICH, ONTARIO. CANADA. THURSDAY, DEC. 5. 1895. D. NI cG ILLICUDDY, E1)1r1OP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -QW. 4. OUR BICYCLE FACTORY Slater Shoes -Wm. Shaman papb - Walking tato Troeble---F J. Pridh•m4 WW sem be in rum maim Liter Deo. let -J. r Date 5 New Grocery - W. T. Fellow 4 krueertee--l'. Reck t Co b • fgopei .r Takes • L..R tkresgb see new g Merits- The t'emene■ mime ,int 8 he the "them .1 es Tee ew- g ters of tae •.mp..,. 8 H J. Herten Fns Ceekts. Lessees --C. L Naps Friday 8.r ia.--J. T. Acheson Xeres Gr.Nisg-C A. Humbert Son Whea You Think -J. A. Reid . Dense Mediciges-Jas, A Sease of Stunner -E. 8 Eddy & C Thar Noltd•y Samos The Fair ladies' Coate -Colborne Bros Royal Wrg.ir - R. B Smith & Co.. / 6 5 OCR correspondent took • walk 8 through the new (worry of the Company g 'with 1). S. Henderson, the mocheuical sup- erioteodent and (sorrel comager, sod it is 4 . matter of surprise to everyone bow quiuk- ly the mit ling. mud machiueiy hate o..s got ready for oper.tsoo. The Co•mpaoy purch•er d the nod and bual.aags be limiting to the Kuoconen Foust dry Cu , ouo,',rutug one sad one sigh acne of lend, with the large store founds and machine .hops and the aore•boueee, dwelling., etc. To this tht% have •ddd • new butldiug of veneer brlck,37z81 feet,two .to, tee htab. "'he outaiog ie well lighted Cad .■ test •4 throughout by • large fan cid bast,og u iia .Eich they have purchaser from 1'1.. Rug& o Force Cu. Harper & Lee are •ttacbtag the g•Ivaaized pipes to the Jheater to oouvey beat to the varies. depart meat.. The offices of the C'ompsny are situated on the northeast corder of the now building and oompried oSce and show rooms,lIght,d by • large window on the street. From the otk:u a door leads into the ma- chine room, and hen, in orderly array, are the numerous cambium used in the con- struction of the Common Sense htcyele, es Mr. Henderson milts has wheel, The ('ump•oy intend making all the v•ri• vim perm of the wheel, sad have purchased the latest and most ,mpreved machinery for this purpose, so that buyers of the "Common Same' may be assured that every part will be durable and properly constructed Some of the machines on th.. floor are very IOgeLI0m to their construe two, all desigoed for bicycle work. dlere we see turret lathes, automatic screw cut- ting and woe making meobines, milkov in• chioes,sh•pers.pl.oeretube cuttersaoddella of the latest type. Oa each side are the vies benches where each workman has but part to perform. and Mr. Headersoa has taken the preoeution to provide plenty ot light so that each part may be accurately made and fitted, as so much depeods.00 strength an:1 lsghtoeer,00mb,oed with the durability of the wheel. to the southeast owner of this room is the stock room, where • full stork of parte is kept, all numbered and lathed, ready fur um. 1'.r. log through into the moos bu.ldtng we find another large room devoted to m•obwe and bench work. Here the heavier wore( the wheel will be «oostructed, and hen, as in the former room, every nimhlne and •ppli- asta is up to date. 11 • bare noticed • gaso- line bratiug mach's* and a new saw for saw - mg steel and other metal.. Passing up. stirs we found in the sea building a ►arae room used as erecting room, where all ma - atones are put torether and em•nemed crit- ically by Mr. Henderson, who eves that every part is perfect before going out. Oa the floor are the huffing, polishing and *Immo piecing room fitted up with un- proved machtoery in the venom lines, •Iso • room devoted to experimental purposes, where each part is tested before being •p plied to the uhe.-I. thus insuring perfect workmanship. On the second floor cf the stow building n • room devoted to the manufacture of meddle. sad tool bag., both of which will be manufactured on the prem Mee. Io this room, too, the rubber tires will be fitted and applied, aid the room on the floor is fitted op wit* a number of large japsasing ovens, ev wheel well he costed with hard baked japan, either black or blue. The atone budding immediately m the rear of the machine room is fitted up with lathes, drill., drop hammen,.sd every appliance for forging and stamping out the various parts of the wheel, The ( ompsay are also prepared to undertake all kinds of maria* and engine work and gen- eral repairing, sad these branches will be developed as occasion requires it. They aim have • moulding shop in the rear, under the .up noteodenos of Marry Reid, • moulder of large experience, and ere pre- pared to do .11 kind. of .paced and custom work lir. Henderson is • mechanic of skill and experience, •ed knows • wheel from the hub out Me ie thoroughly aoqusiitei with every make of wheel and has profited large- ly by the experience of others, sad has in The COMBOS Seem, • wheel that will equal say wb.el is the world. it will be .tr1otfy high grade. He hoe several p•teaued im- provement& which will appear of their 1896 wheel. i think, remarked Mr. H.Nereea, I repaired the first wheel that mune to C•f•• d•, one of the old high .tyle, which was brought from the Sates by Squire Ca. - well, of logeroii, the well ksow. cheese me. They were quite • novelty in those days, bet alongside of the wheel of today are quite oat of dere. i bare bees in the business in • enell way ever Sem From the orders whiob sea awning in and the territory beteg applied for, I look for • hire sal. of the Corneae Seem this SS*.n.. Tee msanf•etaren rude • big mistake i. mak Eng their wheel. es bola, reducing the rigidity sad strength. Ws propose to make our wheels frees 48 to 26 pofsd., mid ire the■k these weights will be ..ed ,east dur- able for gest.IsJ tiding. W. will keep • fell .leek of repairs ofd still be able te wpDppl Seedery parts far say make of ...hkan at • • ,e core. " The Akers el the sempaey are George Adores. /east ; Epi. Dowsing. rim pros ; Jamas. L M•lete.1, tense. ; R. Molter fogies, .sey ;D Y. Hesderene emenger and nsa--imirml ....runt,, dest. 11 b. board el dlsesters w : (lee. A.h.ees, Kph. Dow. - led, J... (Cart, Jim. Wf A•yla., Joe T. (Darrow and D. 8. H A large staff el Mel makers are sow meat- ier thew and bei and i• • few tMvs the M,tary will be • hire el Wise - try. to • wish Ass [nery ,sweet .d Me be me tfissh*,r el with masell .,'.nine mieddiehwiste bare below the End el 1886. TOWN COUNCIL Mhos.. ei the ten Rmosier flwtlaig. The regular meeting of the town coastal was held in the «woos' chamber on the evonrag of Friday, Noy. 21f.h. Pretest - the mayor la the °hair, reeve, depot y reeve, .ad oouuoulon Murray, Thouip.00, Sahel, ('•ntelo., Dunlop, Niokolsoa .red Johusten. The mloutes of last meeting were read d sa• o n.mie.tio0 was read from the shareholders of the (.od.rich Knitting Com pons asking privileges similar to those re mealy groes to other industries, vis , ex- empttoo hem taxes oo their improvei,sate and free use of water for dnuking puroo.es end tire protection. Moved by .;ohnsroo sod Nicholson, that the request of the kuitriig factory, for ex- emption, be referred to merited committee to report. Carried. On motion of Holt rind Nicholson, the re- ,ouest ot Mrs. Mary Martin, for remission of dog tax was treated. A number of &.count, were referred to the Mame oommttr.e. An application for • ballierd license was real from 1 hos. Cochrane. Moved by Johnston and Nicholson, that • billiard Rosso., be granted to Thos. Coohrone upon usual term.. Parried. Moved by Holt and Nicholson, that the amount of 86.80 for carrying parties to the House of Refuge ire paid. REI•ORT Vr vr.rl it. .Uw1111TxC Your imamate. have had bet, re them the letter 0l E N. Lewis re the rumour at Lorre of bosses sod cattle, and roman - mend that • pound be established, Cad that • quarter of an acre of 'round in the old cemetery he fenced off for that purpose and that we advertise for • pound keeper. We . leo recommend that on the establishment of such pound the pound by low be strictly enforced. Report adopted. Moved by Nicholson and .lohmton, that at the next ,0.0(014 municipal election * ba1 lot be prepared and • vote by ballot taken of the voters of the town for and against the running at large of cows in the public places of the logo Lost. Yea-Nsltef, Dunlop, ercbol.rin, Johnston -4 Nay - McLean, Marney, Thompeo., Coatelin, Wilson, Holt -6. Tho Hi -adenine bicycle bylaw was on mo• teen read a third time sad passed. Mored by Holt mid Johnston, that the finance committee be instructed to have the statement for .ut.mesion to the electors pre- pared and ready for the at•tutary meeting on the 16 h of December, and that for such purpose said committee be empowered to get whatever assistance they might require. 1 'anted. Moved r.) Johnston and Nicholson, that the mayor'. communication with reference to mow plows he referred to the public works sommittee to report. Corned. Moved by Thompson and Marney, that the obairersa of the relief committee call a meeting to comelier to what extent the sm. roil relief officers may give relief. Car nod. Moved by Johnston and Nicholson, th.t the water sad light oommittee report • echo me to trier -tam the .apply of water for fire purpose*. '1 ea Thompson, Neftel, l:aotelon, Wilms, Dunlop, Neohol.00,.lobn- sten, Holt -8 Nov -- Mclean, Mum., 2. Moved by ('anteloo and Nicholson, that a eydrsat be placed near Mw Andrews rest deuce, St. Andrew's ward, and that the w& ter and Tight committee arrange twine for applicants for water. Carried Moved by Holt and Nieholarn, that this reamed do adjourn until Deo 16 next at 8 u , and that rich meeting be • general meet tug. Carried_ DUNLOP% Tcaioar, leo. 3. A TRrixelutT ?Mar. -0.r former head - lord of the E.ot...ge, A. McAlister, .till ie the hotel at Relfest, was dews the other day by alsge,eeeing several of bre footer (tideds about here tar s friendly chat oyer days of %d10 is Dunlop. Monday of this week Robs Flatted, of I:oferrch will bacon* ..r.tere•kepdr and postmaster ts place of Ys. Beek who, we mdat1o.ed several weeks ego, had shut .p shop and was going to Ooderio1 to go i0te basses there. Mr Telford, thoet1 cwt is ebe past • resides of D..loo, is sots RD - tire .'reviver to our oemm.sity or the sister burg o1 Limbers, sad we extend him • hearty weloowee, with the haps thea be will !loomed lo hie e.ddnekiie.gg sad give the "rime mtiefasl tree as his predecessors here. AT TRIM Pts( 5 - -Ones again &mL male con dusk from a Mewing stream afar nearly • six nWratha' .i,erfesee of beimg antes to water, sad new they go to it as often as they like, the thaw of Moeday dight of last week osefemsr the o•teld bldmmer. Tie wiedeterm that someep•.idd it was mot 1* tend, as it beached down the rail (weds and shrieked the barn reefs hate and there A telegraph post was blows over, sad daring "..Edey • staff of nes fres, tows repaired it, getting our local nem - Maine be climb it and fie the wire via the ache spot. The Ceteris Deprtmsas of Arreeltmn met 'reed • b.11etls entitled "Statio- n( (tisane.' ft .,.talo, 9e paps d .nap 1 d from the various .0.051 Is of the Benne d I.dw,MW.. .d t* 4055 and Imes is rod m grays, . dairying, less ummp.mise, .heasel rm. as-r,mege, pepiti.m. [sees amileAlle ,Mems is • dmmp.m and 8T GEORGE'S CHURCH 8. S. •astral Teacher& r tsg - Mase Roil Mr A 000eting of the teachers of St. George's Sunday school was held at the Rectory era Wedaeed•v, 27th ult., at which reports were submitted fur the yameudtog Advent, • 1896, .bowing what preemie had been made and giving the names of thew pupils wbo have bee auooeesful in ubtatmine a place os the Heuer Roll. The treasurer's report and the general states of the school were 000.ioered vii y satisfactory. The rector haying .•.t year offered • prize to the .choler who should •ttecd the servioes of the church moat regul.rly, it wee found that seven hart obtained full marks, mid were thes equally entitled to the prise„ which will be •wardd at the Christmas Festival, to he held on January 3rd Seamy divwioo, nem -. of scholars on the OVER THE HURON TRACT. The GA'l.t from the Local Mill Weekly Names of insanity Rewe Served up as Nle grew; body - rye* and Hvpurhey : The James property m Har• parhey was sold b) •uctioa lost week, said Mat t//typed and t'esdessed was purobeed b) Was Dynes for 8.530. The seem avers *sellas. property ounwts of mo aures of laud, us which u • bowie, stable, orchard sad well. Alma : Julio Dimmest, of Alma, oo the TARTS SCORES FOSTER. Harm road, died vie Friday morning at the liege of 77 years, and was bused to Serer - day. 1)eoe•seu was • basket maker by trade, but of late yeas had hese eo (trip I And He Drs pled by rheumatism that be hied bees usable to work. Paralyse was the ultlmet• mese of death. GItEY . It oust over $100 to tit out end mover/ the Grey tamales to the House of fiefsge, Morn. 1 (Mo. Bielby has bees re-engaged se Leather to (. osm•u. school fur 1896. Grey : 8. Welsh has •gars leased the old Tiodeil farm Crum Thew Mooned Bru.wls. Home R•.11 •rrawed in order of merit. Exeter : George Graham hos leered the Wes Dame talar. --Wiliam 11.11, Lem 1101.1 Nur.h betel, •tad u busy ieuovtiaig Walton, Nina Lee, Gros Lae at M w (:raw lee's elms- Char los Bel ' Arthur Carne, Harry Koeesb.w, John ('a Ili, Percy Tye, Mr. Cameron s clues -Alexander Koos shale, Walter Neftel, Lionel Parsons, Pau Tura bu l 1. Mw Kuteou • ole-t:eoffry Holt, Lynn W-tahm a Thus ( Iota Eisele Wad. spume YmatYs le Wee 1 Exeter : Geo. Brooks had • tumor takes 1 from his person teas week, and te dorms well. K. Wewomb : Prisap•l W) an has been re-eugaged as teacher 1st the public school or nest year. Loodeeboro ; Mrs. Mount -ma, sr , hos mored taw the house she purchased from Juhu 8hotrbrock lately. 1 11 iugbaum As we go to press the morn- log orn-tog w• levo that Wiliam, the eldest eon of , Raohard Raukto, te dean. W1lli•me. Mum Persona clave --Ids Glover, Coo sauce Holt, Ruby Sheppard and KUM A .ILaw., Slow Wetber•ld a clan --Play Newton Abu). IL chard., Marion Glover, Emil Sheppard, Edna I;rahem. Mrs Armstrong's clew -May Dowding Armee Wtl,, EI•saheth Richard.. Miss Shea • class -Alice Wells, l;ert rule Graben). )lona 11 etherald, Elms Tye Franco. firm May. Junior divinou, names of the scholars o0 the honor roll arranged sem-relies to merit, requisite mark,, 267 \Pia■ Wt. clave --Jennie We11.. Clara W. Leh, Mew Burnt s cis.. -1 horn.. Sheptl*rd Utes ll Wells w cla-Hogia.1d Smyth. Mia. 11. Neftel', plass-Harry Hunt,('lar enc" Knyroos. Mir Smith• clam -Kele Smith, Annie 1)owdmt H.w,.rable meerioo, eenier division, re- quasite mai k., 255- 8ledaur lack wood, N) dr. Ru .on, Joseph I:errick, Charles Ht•ek.toe, Kathleen I.a:kwood. Juotor a,vtewn, trip 'elle marks, 242 - W shred W 141 ions, Frederick Sturdy, Ernest Jordan, Ernest Keanbaw. Itecwr's Wiz." for church atteudeoce- Winnee Ball, Alice Weis, I.1. Globar. May Dowding, Play Newton, Ales Kneeehaw, Annie Richert,.. Y ieelurth : Miss McGregor, of this tow has revived um appointment of teacher the 'levistaeek public sobuola. Grey : The trustees of 8 S. No. 1,bave re- engaged W. H. Stewart fur next year at an advance oo East veer.' salary. Constance : Wm. Lindsay and Mies Mary Staples were married oa 1.1 odued•y airw- omen at the p&rsouege at Loadesboro. Clinton : F. Hartley, at present attead- int the Model, has been engaged to tame at Taylor's Cordes at • eatery of $300 Brume -1y . Th. Holiesd, Mao , Observer - say. (het Will, eon of R T. Htogstoo,towm, .hot • deer that weigbed 810 pounds. Clinton : W. J. Gallagher, formerly o Lowe, is now publishing the Conrmerclsl Journal and Maritime Report at 14.00lulu. Exeter : C. H. Ingram, L. D. 8„ who has beeo praotuug dentistry .t Exeter, for the past number of years, has gone to S George, Mr. Dynes got • good hareem. He was of- fered en idiomos of $275 shortly after the sale was over. 4:edertob Tp.: Jobs Ellaou,',who resided cm the Harrow farm, take ,bore road fur • member of years, died lost week, from para lyssa, at the dtte of 74 years 6 months. De ceasedwas uoit•rned, • member of the Church of Eortlasd, and a burbly respected resideet. The remain were interred to the Hayfield cemetery. Holmesyille : Doe day last week as Mr. and Mrs. J W. Yeo were driving near home, the horse took fright and shied, up setting the buggy to the ditch and effruwiu the oocupaote vaoleotly to the ground. Mrs Yeo revived • bad ,hel.iog up, bees dragged tor acme distance under the bogey but will he around coon .tram. Se•forth A quiet wedding took place un Tuesday morning, at St. Jame* oburcb, to this town, when Mule Ague* McConnell daughter of the late Patrick McConnell, o Tutkenmttb, was united in uterr:age to u, Jobs Enright, of Marquette, Michigan, sod in formerlyr.4 McKillop Tile ceremony was perloomed by Rev Father Kennedy. Winghem : J -.ho D. 8141*, after an ,Phis,e e xtending over • year or more, passed •way oa Tues fay eyenmg last, in his forty-6ftn year. The deceased was • maw of sterling worth and was beloved by .I1 with whom he Came In contact. He leaves • wife, two SODS and one daughter to mourn the lose of • loving husband and an indulgent father. (lloton : John ('bolwell decided that be would but .toy at the House of Refuge, and accordingly be walked *way on Wednes- day ; he this is mutrar% le by law, 11r. f French Lod information eg.tnst him, before the Ma)or, wbo, an order to make an ex- ample *f but am, imposed the full penalty of 820 and costa, or 20 dare ta jail with hard labor. He took the latter alternative. Clinton : Some time mire John Rumford 1. 1 Int about 20 head of choice poultry by the s BLUEVALE. 1 rR+uAt, Der. 3 Rob. Kieg has returned Irum hu vet to ()wen Sound Mies Linda Tvudale, of Varna, was visit. leg friends Irieod. 1n the village lost week - Ile and Mn l'tiartw E.ws, of Alm•• were visiting fneoda in the villave last week. Mr. and Mr.. S. A. Maclean, of Luck - sow, woes viettiog at Joho Mul'rackea's last Sunday. John 1)imsot had • wand bee last Fri - doe, and in the eveclug he gave the young fo.k a dance. 11'at ('la«bero and Jim I'attersoo returned from M.nstoba last 8•turd•y night. They look ee if Manitoba agreed with them. The windstorm which passed over the onaotry loot week blew the chimneys off the Frothy torten church and the roof off Mr. ('orn.11'e OWE, UUNOANNON. Nancy_ --The meal agency in Dungannon for Tun dau'iat is at the elle. of J. 0. Ward J.P..°conveyancer, to., wbo will receive or den for eatroript.ma, adrerl!eing sad Job work. and is authorised to glye reoelpts tar amounts paid for the sante Tcysniy, Dec. 3. Vtittyo*a -Mrs. William ilegley, former- ly of l)uogaro°o, and now of Blyth, was on • menthe tour last week to relatives and friends here sad at other pointe. TAKEN ITS Et1T -sloe, Our Iast,Nuyem- ber, Laving mala several attempt to tarso• duce Winter, has taken its brit. sed is Dow below numbered with it predecessor* of old Father Time. Yuen,( CL1RrryMAN During last week Rev. Simon Pentland was made happy by by being presented with sa heir,and ta ooa- 1erineeos he is wearing many •miles, Ws, along with hu host of tneo is, ceogstul*to the rev. teitlemsa and me wife oa the joy- ful sweet. Mvwtctr•). Novae, -Messrs. A. 4tuert, James Gibson, respeotively reeve sod depu ty-rosy of West Wawasneh, and Messrs. Giryim and Koskl)+, rawest/ally reeve sad deftly of AsbSew, leave home 1hie week for .ss zoo of oo0nty teamed to be held a (,lint., to represent their different muesli polities, and also te respect the House of ata . Seefontlso,-h oenseg.esoo of anew ba.. i0g made ser appearance afar the reoset thaw we have good slettheng K Phillips sr., who hes resided and carried on business of blackemithieg for nearly tersely years at Fordyce, East W•waaosh, r.oentJ, renewed with he Dimly into l:oderieb to wide theses. We along with their miss M.sd., wish them good health and b.ppi man in their teew Pasties. Renovaaw --(hwing to the decease of their dsatiter-in-law, the late Mrs Brow., Mr said Mrs. Curves have removed from the village to the farm . Our popu- lar eordwetner. Time little, It.., with he family, removed from Crawford -et to as other how es Hoethemwpt..-,t, which was messily seamed by Mr. Westbrook sad family, they bevies mewed Ism 'the d well - h$ h eemm:Eiieo with riser balsas est•b- t. E►revm or tiros. - D.rieg the seven ,mem whets prevailed in MS .ed s1.,Temed- dletrleb es Memmii* y might of not week, the ref el A. M.D.maid'. enable, .ear RnWI, wess Mews of • N•1`le; bel0Sgieg to Thames Murphy, s4 Kingebred,e, was semplet.l dtelishsd t see nide of the reef d a been bsleng est be O. 8elll..e was blew* et, sad several l.... in that dieteiet were ..atter- d hither aid thither. As ere have net herd of say d.mago remelting frees the Seem M the village or .10.(ty, we pre .mets It had apes. It. foo before It reached ea The latter part el Inst week was es &optionally lair w.&* , sod dark./ whit* M•• kris omits* ei fall pieerMsr was I depredations of some wail soanial ; thinking to capture the thief be et • trop, but be wasi't • good trapper, ea he fowled to oap- ure the minimal. S Dom also lost several oe fowl the other night, and he got that :pert sportsman end trapper Rill Femme ort • trap, and next morning he was re- arded by ending • good -cited raccoon in the trop. F:. W&wasoah : Early last $abb&th morn- og the *pant of Elm& Ano, wife of Thomas 'duds, 9:h tot., E. W•waorrk, took its ght. Deceased had been 111 for three eats from typhoid fever and her case was ore serious than meal from the fest that heir only son, Albert, had • month'• sick- ness of the same oaten, which resulted is is death on Nov. 9th. Mrs. Woods was ro in this ooaot,, sad was married to bor no bereft partner 26 years ago. She wee years of age sad held in high esteem byl 1 who knew her, Exeter : What might have proven • very moue accident oocarred the other seining. lo•, daughter of T. B. Carling, with lamp hand, wait to the pump for • cup of o ar. Returning to the room she tripped d f.11 over the dog lying on the floor, breaking the lamp and igniting the oil The axe caught the carpet and not tan Al a ge bole had been hurmt through • mat sod carpet was it exriu&uished. Mrs Col • with great preemie,' of mind smothered e flames which had already reache.l the fling. Smear. to say the tittle ger I held to the cup and did sot even spill the water, WESTERN DAIRYMEN'S ASSN. Rhee by elle Secretary The nineteenth annual oosysnt,00 ot the Aesociettoo well be held at Wood.tock,Oor on Jesuitry 7, 8 and a. Among those who are booked to address the so0ventIoo are the Hos. Joho Dryden, Minister of Agrioul tan, Toronto, Theodore Louis, Wi•oons10 Joh. Gould, Ohio ; Prof. Robenso., Dom. Diary Committeeman, Otaw* ; Prof. Dean, 0 A.C., Guelph, and a number of other pe*otIcal men. As Woodstock u the centre of the oldest and most important dairy d:etrict in Gana do, and has wood rail w.y oo0oereeme, • large ateodsooe of repr•eenmtive destines from ail parte of Western Ontario u expect ed. The of8ot•1 program will be issued shoat i ec 15 Comider•ble interest is shown in the Daishow to oonneoti00 with the Provis- os! Fit Show at Guelph on Dec. 10, 11 sad 12. A large Dumber of .peoi*l sad cash prizes will be gives for dairy cows. O. the Ne0in. of Dos. 10 • Point reesu.g of dairy, sheep arid swine breeders will be held *t the City Hell, Guelph, when addressee will be delivered by the Hon John Dryden, Prof. Rnheri•o. sad other The eeoretsry of the Aeseoistio. sttefded • meeting of ohean-factory repr.ssstetlres at Embto to devise sous means if promos - tag more oo-opgrsuns &meow faatartes. Af- ar considerable du°msson several spies d. Footing the interests of the factories rear,. sented,the meeting adjourned to meat orals sa L)eo 13. Men 00 op*stioe is needed *snout ohms, fmotori.s, and if 0be,., foolery representa- tives is the various ,dations would .feet to disease sad. if possible, adjust sone *t the existing d1Mie01tles, each se the overl*ppieg of milk routes and omitting bolo .soh other'e tem a,ry for milk, &.d •ler, m prostate soars on operators le the sillier of 0heaa.,the pay, Ing for milk by wt and the remora! mteeire meat of the baa.ee the fna*.factar/ng of shams meld be tarried on mere eenmomteal- Iv wed • bettor quality of geode pwod.o.d. Qs.lsy is the emessel *leg le mwintale- lsg ear pestles ie the world's ahem* trade, .aid to improve epee and hasp •p the qual- ity. Gs heartiest es -u55.01 is he weeded -m limns : Mr. and Mrs, W'm. iueddea 1 and daughter have moved le the place they bought from Adem Sant, where they tin- I t tend to reside to future. fi Grey : it m. Reid, bah con.,has leaned tau • farm to Wm Lowe, and Cul remove with t his family to Grey count), where he will go w ist for earn 000tractlne. Morrie : James Duncan was away to Scar boro last week where he disposed of • 50 1 acre farm on the 4th *uncommon of that 1 township, belonging to member. of hie fans- 8 Ely. „ Goderich Tp.: Mr. Turnbull, who has en beau teaching 1a S No 10, and giving t satufection, leaves at the end of the year, for the purposes of •tteoding the h Normal. bo Wroxeter : The news of the death, in n Brooklyn. N 1'., ot Miss Mimeos :Undersea 4r re.ohed her friends bere era Mooday even •1 tng. The 'smile have the eympatby of the community. ea Morns : Wm. Hopper,$rd line,hat bought the old Bethel church. one mile mud • quar- ter east of tielerave. He has pulled it clown and intends moving 1t home to build a dwtlltag house for tau so., Seaforth : Early Saturday evening, • lamp 1n 1'evoe'e clothing more exploded, and the fire brigade was sled out, but the blase was esttovasbed without Weir assist- ance sod before any damage was done - Brussels : R... R. Peel tied the matri- monial knot at Victoria Collate, Brussels, on Wednesday, between D. C. Hamilton, of Elam, &0.1 Mme Amanda J , daughter of Abel Tindall, of Wallace, formerly of Grey-. Colborne : Henry Young has sold pert of hie hum uo the Maitland to W. and E Grigg 1t u the old Baer homestead, end be dispose* of 80 Acres, with the house rod other buildings. The price u said to be 82, 000 oeeh Cistoa 1t is not everyone wbo ono sit u his two bone, more eapeoi•Ily in the metre of the tows, and eapture • mink, but Onslow Crich did Leis last week, the mime] finding its way into hie sellar by way of him drain. Clinton The Collegiate board of trustees has engaged Miss Ethel Topping. of Wood stock, to summed Miss McCutcheon Miss Topping u ae Hever Graduate of Toronto University, and a sow aktnt a course in Woodstock Raciness College. W •Itei : The members sad heeds of the Methodist oheroh at the Bethel .ed Welles pIwtottrtwte remembered their pastor, Rev. W. M. Pomeroy, oo Thsak•nvimg Itay,sa4 presented him with about forty bushels of oats and other •temptable gifts Blyth : Mae, of the farmers armed Blyth have bees beats ladies of sheep late. by dogs Messrs. M. ready John I Brown, Wen *aodersoo, Robert Senderens, LI. Lear and Robert Brown, the letter loudest 10, are &most th. losers. (ledenob Tp What u knewe as the Rues farm, het let 18 onn 16. has bees sold to t4. Cole for shout $2.500 It wan bought nbjeot a • lease expiring met Oo- teber. The term oostaas 80 aero., has good dwell•tig bow amid Pur owtb.tidin.s. Grey : 0. Wednesday *fterneee Thos. Learns.., cos 14, • ere11-kmw, yeses mesa, lied Mus Fiore Deme•soom were unit- ed u mtmrrt&ge at the reneleaea of the bride'. other. Rev 1), 8 McBee tied the star nage kelt is the presence of • large oom Nay• Blyth : 0. Monday drams.s est teem. teas, Wm. Odds, west under the pai.tel operettas at M e rendes*, et banshees" .f hie legs amputated, whish bas bei. • rr..t tremble to him fer dmetan were 10 &tt4•mueems W e Tear used the partes, steel the~. operation wall. Wisr4•.0 : While working et • sambas maAins m i Ke Wnat'. plasmins m(H, es Tsesdy, er i.et week, et Watt get the .Pews of • I rets je.-k.t 11. wea weaning e•mdt M the as•e41*s. Me erne was hremeght k• ,•.tees wish the !styes sed the Oath Md off fresh the wits b the the part of the let theses -maker, and everyone t,b MlI& the isdrtry. Joie flawed,% se el Ramey a Vas Norms., has asillahas sh.asf ermoere. Teres[., •t.rd.Jtail el bent Were em mama [ma day stere;.., .idle em she way M bis week, We has Metes se Mas • Wile, vier •.lekl.a Tb.t Maie..ed Solite lelgkber rem Myp.rrIlleai remiss& o1 lee tar roll, mew■ Sp. J. ISRAEL. TARTE in able to take owe of bowel' 14 the f -.Plowing open letter to Moe. Geo. E Foster, published in Th. Colin -lemur is • fur sample : The busman of the booster reyuiw no talent. The first coward wbo stripe himself of all soruple m• promos it with euoesm. 1t appears that you were •ppleaded when you spoke thew words : " Mr. Mercier hes been thrown from power, but, strange thing, the immaculate llr. Laurier, after the death of his friend, has had oa either side of hue Mr 1'.rte and Mr. Pamud, and at hu coat trill the I -angel Sirs and others of the bead who fattened o0 Mercier s thefts.' Thank God, I have taken from my neigh bor neither lite wife nor any thing that was biro, and when Mr. Laurier has me at his side he knows that I have not to t lush fir my act of my private life or public career. . 1 separated from the Cuowrv•tty• party m 1891 - not before. You forget that date purpooely, to serve your oelumaous ends. Far from having beea a partisan of Mr. Mercier, I was om of the 000.t•0t adver- saries of hu policy. Whether 1 was wrong or rivbt, this is the truth. Those who pro- fited by the Mercier regime ere the Bean bieas, the Pelletier., the Amy ots, your favorites of today, your colleseuee of to morrow, perhaps. It us calculated in polit- ical circles here that, for hu pert, Mr. Pel- letier bandied *t the least :50 000, from 1887 to 1891. H• was, e,en •t th• latter date, tee poliuml associate, and most in- tonate friend of the Mr. Pmc*ud, whose name you .model re b strongly, the can- didate of Mr. Mc. else in 1886 at lamas - cassia, the candidate of Mr Mercier an 1887, at Toros Rivers against Sir H L. Ian - given, nominated Iv Mr. Mercer in 1887 to • seat 1. the Lerealative Council, the candi- date of Mr. Mercier at Dorchester i0 1890, bo abandoned him only when he saw hu Government defeated. He h.a been offered • portfolio 10 the Calmat of which you are oue of the mem- ber You have in truth good grana to speak of the Mercier regmte,eben the whole country knows that you are ready to em• brace me of the leaden of that regime. '.-ou lack acquaintance with the laws of truth when you premat tee as one of those who fattened oo what you c.lumuu,ualy call the "thefts of Mercier For you know my political enteode.ts,.. I k•.,.w yours You know that even lo the v-ar 1891 I was one of the directing ,pints of the (,on- eervahye party to the provtaoe of Quebec, sad I enioy.,d the sheolute, complete confi- dence of the chiefs of 'het party to the Fed- eral arena and te the `iaebec Legislature. Dare you deny it Who among your followers will give me the lie' What legitimate reason have you to de- fame me ' I left your ranks in • public trainer, at a time wham you were etroog end powerful. I fight you to oueo shape. 1 owed you nothing, neither you nor my of your collegues. I b&ve never asked and re centred favors and patronage from Cooeerv•- Live (abinea. The public amounts for fif teen vers me open to you ; find ow name t here. In leaving the Tory party after the death of Sir John Macdonald i obeyed the oah of duty and the voice of my com0teuce. My personal interests would have been to re- main with you. 1 braved everythine- - la - jury, oslumny, fioascral ruin to be faithful Le my 0omvwrione The Liberal Opposition,-deleated, offered me nothing, except • prolonged strife against • party armed with all the resources of power. While waiting till I o•n give myself the ple•eure of alkiag again with you, believe me, yours, J Ie RAFl TARTS. CANADIAN CURRENCY. C. W. Andersen for twenty years em pinyed to Provost's tailor shop, Kingston, is deed, at the age of 48. Three little (Morel children, the eldest four years old, were burned to death sear (:Iadsto.e, while their mother was out milking. Freckle Joyce, the 7 -year old moo of Patriok Joyoe, of •in oevi.I', sl.pp•d into • well on the farm 0a Friday evening and was fireweed W. Colwell, Tate editor and proprietor of The Pane Review, w negohatng for the parttime of • plias with which to start up • newspaper in Wlleceburg. John W. Patterson was seetg.o.d to 30 soeterb* in Kingston Penitentiary by Police Maoist/ea Noble for stealing $4,000 from the Traders' Beak at :Irrathroy. Sarnia Observer : It M reported that the lfetaiashber Hotel well shortly oh&ngs heads, Mr. Buckley didpn.tet of the prem res to Mems. W (;. Dillon and ('hale Anderson, of Totes[. The family of Albert (oubille0, sear Warden, were poisoned by ratan hologwa manage made with diseased meet. (fo. .11*1d an dead, sod tire others were saved with got difficulty. Dr. ()esti*, of St. Thomas, *twee that Joseph Hwbetry,wbo hod his mask brakes 01 Payne', es i•..det night lest, is pro- graming favorably, sad that hie recovery is eery probable. Tb. .ffeam of the oamens idea are all rose. W. A Holten, email remedy • newspap erm•i d (bstham, new timelier at T,11.r7. WINS vim his stare trip from Holk&.d ohms three seesthe aye pet ems of hr card. r • battle, wrings • sere no Dm book of the card o8 rest a reward M whose*, found it, reeked the mettle ticket'', and drooped it to the meddled the Attoot.e via... Tee meday he remits • letter, wheat he hes _ frets _ eameatam the inns yet but whish ,yids. eit with tw terag at • the boot still pk4.ly