HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-28, Page 7TRI RTOWATJ: GOT)P:RiCH, ONT., THURSDAY NOV 28 1896.
jg itL.Lketttng. You taunt. at.
fel (1 to 1.111 below your healthy
1; a it:ht. If you will take Scott's
nut:Lion of Cod-liver Oil with
11. I)•.pho sphitcs of Line and
4• r1.s when your friends lirst
t('1 v ,u you are getting thin,
u will quickly restore your
b••;t'tLy_weight and may thereby
Trrevent serious illness.
Persons have been known to
j;:tin a pound a day by tak ing
;t4) (.Ince a day of Scotts Eulul-
sitrn. This seems cxtraordin'try;
but it is absolutely true.
Lee's W persuaded tor/coon a avestihdsf
Scant ([seas, Bekaa 50c. and =E
Wailes Iwo . , beat
With wenh.r rtlriet• 'Waste
Arose t Ser t'ay aril ;
She lie. se Sill '/ •ed **INV.
She Iota: ata of .,eta mad hew,
Site eel! • : , nerd a lily
Had a tdse to the ewe.
A weary Gtt.. eellfmal
Has gone a elambeel ed t
r: 1'.x.e. a. •1.« petal
.lave moon •i. r by she head
:ha drea.,.e h.r ,.rnkrw 4u41 -
11',.i • t $$ W e.e.ait•1 best,
rho' l.0. Its se in Isntetteir
Upas tae reektegoNtstr.
I k es voor wsywwl treses,
my •kuwsy boils s1r1. :
I koow you L. oarsmen
From dowse. senile telasses :
0, sorts, tet tae keep her
To ktes mete my mesa,
This daring 1 'Me el.sple,
lti ho v my W.* anal pI0 era.
Among the o.u'n o-• Is ender. for • Lag
tins •iter their aolwintwee with Kato -
pout. Waite. an v. u .• ••-ire exp. weed 1•
A Rasa. mote Ku !Mets ryve hnsd►edtbe
of • too:: a farthlnl: Mee ens,c--tgl:t best
dredtbs: a peony. 1 i 7.i:: I. t4 • po_sd,
$13 75.
Is l.wrmany whe41 tie v•.te of the tory is
stands 6 W.eest 6 •he proem 1a aapesterd.
A vote of 7 .tai Is a loaves the deo..ioo to
the as art and Ina vote of 1 to 4 the prison•
er IS 0unvtc reit
The pen c.us•d by the bite a a moiloito
w caused by a devil pnttoa 'Joscteo by the
meson into. the •ou .d in order to make
soaks the hi sal thin enough to flow through
the oIoequat*.. throat.
A cup 01 mud it c tree is nut wholesome,
n either is . bottle 4f muddy medtu.u. ().ws
was to know • rshablo and • rl,h., v pay
pared blood-punteru by its freedom from
bed nee. A ar. •-st, rill• is al 4'6)4
bright and spsrkltag, Seisms tt is .s .v-
tr of and not • demo, ins
If the eye of • await ever winks at a
pretty seatretree•
It tae apple of tea eye u sweet or sour!
It the fork ••f .. Iyer ever route '
If • man grim smoked to kill time was
guilty- of murder
How mossy teeth has the mouth of •
river •
If an iron to asset; to car: the now I0
1f the toot of • bed is eyer troubles with
If the turnkey ash•) "shot the boli'" was
If the boss of a••.steaWon was ever frac-
How many were injured when the lady
tont oto tear. !
How mossy potted. will onto. Steles
If the man wb , saw the iuoteetfy was
.oared '
If the ekphset ernes his clothing to his
11 the reef of the mouth ever leeks
t /.reser se.tdeal rN.ght tw k tyke of
Bright*. OS.ease -t'er'ra by head • kid-
ney Ails.
LIaTOwet, (ipeoi.11 Nov. 25.-A dee
mush reached here. relating to the recovery
o \eep•wa, %Ian., of Mrs. T. H McKee,
'ormerly Livia. Mos was • surprise to her
n ewts and •oqu.intances It was toot by
Inubt, however, Seal oonfrmed M a reply
rom Nesps.,a, Her us.s was well known
.ere as this 1 •dy was treated by several of
M looal doctors for Rrigbt'e disease, and g
ter Mewls thought. es .ltd her phywloiao.,
hat her case oat hopeless, .ad it was as • c
est resort that alio left here t... tri a change
d climate. That Mn. M.:K.e was cured
1v dada's Kidney P.11, is • few weeks,
tombs volume is their favor.
I....al Fur reality sad cattle -eke (til 1.
t wful sad May Ng Leal by 1'sieserr
Lear, Sad Wo Arseag the n\ 1'10-
.144. 1.
.10-.44..1. ut ,he .mon..sa1 11:.: teur.tom
1 rimer. tt y,hl 1.ton,ably 4.uw 1141
' pope of it... Piot..
The plaint ls is • illly MOM .list
s assay 1ts Stasi- sere omit to br mate
\.,delft .ites''n to (nwlr•:. las, grly tet-
ctta►e•! cu111Ivet104. lu 1 hires told Jitte-
r,* 'h.' sUn.lo•,y1'r M tto'.,:I*.. t•tl a t al-
t.alde '.dont. anal it Id rete. J tar Its
e.,•da at the rant of .warty half a ntI-
li•n p•.unds aasu:tll) Tee poor far-
' , t e of Italy mad l,tdia,Jlr,ewte4• et -
great dente.. lea.'e to tow y,1a4t1.
mei the rt'. =s ore itatv.•.,t.•a' fur enteral
1 'id and Y,t T».:ltry, 'r h.. raulk..%44
, s king bees raia.d in this cut.ntty tor;
Litivi a;tal 1'1,iryw: rue, but is ith tor rt -
„float tin a fee.' pouttt-y i -..tees who
tli.ir fowls oh the s.r..e Il'• a,se
new the tru0Ufe au Wan. either sll14tis
o: i4e,0$4 Ca•6ert,.,tk•w 'tber.,are few
f!.at y it (O :* ,r•. weevil articles
l aa,mmt re.e than the .unflowlrra. Timor
"Out. 11. alrtady being al.preclat••d by
�,.lentista, and a more limnerxl culth•a-
t•,n of the plants is ree,a,r*(1,•1.:.). In
tin Ir wil'f .tate the aut.Cuwera are
smatter rh:.a when prop► rhos v01(1v1104,
but vrty t1itlr ottentlt•r(1 le required to
vise .thein a ypl*ndld l:towth. Roil that
produce any oche,- farm crop will
yield a heavy supply of sunllp.vera.
One of the most Intyortenet uses for
the sunflower needs le se food for
poultry and cattle. !t hes (coag been
valued by p.,tgrtsalve farmers as an ex-
relknI aril chest. total for toe is. No-
thing makes them fatten quicker, and
trier will frequently .leave all other
f.xa1 for them. '!'11e re-cc:it make the
hen, lay !better. and steady Increase
their weight. They can be raiow•d
Cheaper than eorn. and lave better re
sults. A. a fond for cattle experiments
are now in progress at several ut the
extant..lent stations, and the results NO
far obtained ate very Palterer -tory. in
Canada sunflower seeds have been fed
more generally to tootle than Ant the
United plate,. and prove to he cheap-
er and Just as eff.etise as more . xpen-
slve grain. In footmark te••u::rkable
•ue(le,'r has been obtained in mixing
ounflow•er ece•ls st It htn-1••i ,rel. oats
for cattle Nearly all farm a.ilmais
enjne the seelit and eat them freely.
• specially when mixed with strains.
The fleet haw n.. deleterious effect upon
the flaw%' ..r 'tttrlity of the Milk. brit,
rather Inetra,e. It. Aew•, Sunflower oil
made from the seeds to In great de-
mand In this country. In Russia, mil-
lions of pounds of the seedso are raised
annually for the oil. and large quan-
tities of this of are exported from that -
.unto). In the crude stair It is mini
b)" pairit••rs for instal.- worst but It dove
not quite equal lima -..I all for tarnish
p'rrp.•w. It le mixed with most of
'ur cheap 'taints; and aleo with many
pr. -pared stains. In nossta It Is used
to some extent for burning. but not
w her.- there Is any market for It it
takes alstut one bushel cf seed to make
a gallon of oil. and about nrt)' bushels
of need are pnnluce•d on one acre of
land. When the oil le welling at ill per
gallon. the profit. are largo.
of late years .-Torte have b. -.-n made
to r.One the 011 Po aa to sell to k•ompe-
tltian with olive oil. In. fait, purified
suniow.-r .dl Is uw•d quite extensliely
to adulterate salad Dile. Many ennwln-
••r It .equal to the ordinary grades of
Uyir an.t almond oil for table uorw. 1t
I. of a hale yellow cofor, nay..rlese an.1
paintwlle In Maryland eon shier* hie'
4' 'him oil Is made b. "mistily the 11.1t! -
mor.• trade. and at a reeenT experiment
with it the hotel men of th..t tit\• said
They Pref. -or. d it to all ..there for soh
palm. France. Germany anal italy are
-nlarglnr thl•Ir plant. for making aft
kind,. of peed olds. end among the•..
•unflower steed oil Is conspicuous. The
pre•went outl.s.k weem. to indicate a
time• when the sunflower will became
en Important factor In the production
of the• best seed oil
After the oil Ie extracted from the
•••.•de the rewidue b. mad.. into take.
f..r rattle foaal. and while n..t no nutri-
tious UP the fo.w1 made from the fresh
'eerie It IP ..r .onflderablo %aloe. The
fw,torlen that expreee the nil sell the
.-.•d cakes at a mi•r.-t)• nominal sum.
In the poorer dIetrlet. of fndln and
Europe a talr kind of bread 1w ri,wde
from punftuwer weed, and the natives
depend upon it for a steady artiele of
.flet. Their tattle are fe4 n Itis the
tame diet. only the motile and heads
are chopped up together, and ey.•n the
leaves are trot t.. the animals. . The
.'talks, when 'tripped of their leases
and hestdti, owedried and used for fuel.
tont acre ..f sunflowers win Yield •
r. -at many cords of goad fuel. The
talke are largo. tough. brittle and
o'wl burners. A few acres ..f much fu.I
Could not get Insured.
Rejected by Straight Lith Mild
Mutual Companies.
But now Insured In both.
" Should I die while 1 am in a positive
le pay my insurance premiums, ay
Wally will owe their support to Scott s
iarsapartlla. 1 wo years ago I smelled
le two eompaniea fir insurance, $1000
n My each. face was a mans of pimply
'leaches and my urine did not stand the
IWt One doctor in examining mo said
eatld sot pass, but that my trouble
mag enable. He advised an alterative
t edieise, and 1 commenced taking
kites Sarsaparilla. Roth companies
I10ected me, but bar months later, after
bed taken eve bottles of your remedy
i am thankful to Say both accepted me
t• a rillit-(we• Doting a Nock company,
h. Mbar a mutual Tia examiner w
Movies* examined ms, remarked " i
lever saw each a change in any man."
him le Indorsed by Mr. .1. Todd, tN
IWMlar amnia. comer Q..se and *wheel Streets. Toronto. t
alma.ennthntlensp arilla Impart. bonds =bit
I •t
'Weir mid vitality, Mbar sed purifies
t I ft
fent u .ria
hod laone all winter.
The %talk,' find other tient than that
forlifueL in China the fibre Iso treated
like flax. mut woven to a great ex -
tet t in silk fabrics. The ',talk. have
14) be gathered at the right time for this
use. and then ',hredded either by hand
or machinery. The Ohre to Ane and
talky, very 'trona- and endurable. TheChinese use It to Rive strength to their
silk fabrics. hut their method,' of ob-
taining and curing It are very crude
and Plow. With improved modern ma-
chinery the fibre of the sunflower f alk,'
could be made of great value In this
Several minor articles are made from
the wunflowers. From the Aright yel-
low hlo..fomw a yellow dye la made
that stands use very well. Moreover,
the flower produces very fine honey
and wax when properly treated. In
England the hone) and wax are made
more suece wfuly than elsewhere, and
aw a wide Isovue the mannf•cture of
theee two prrwluete Is very profitable.
F'Inall)•• Potash can be made from the
.talk.. This proves that the plant
pnsweees a good pereentnge of one of
the moat Important of wool elements.
and that the crop would prove value
14e as a fertiliser. If it could be re-
duced to an ■vallable form rattle fed
upon the heads of the sunflowers oat•
Abate potash to the wail. With III of
heave commercial ewes. the sunowers
,told payee • pr.:AMMO* crap In a
country where they naturally grew
11.1 fn the fleida and gardens. AI-
ough a native of trotpMel Ameelea
ftd$, be lgaNietdY..ltlls, Std all estm► 'h^ plant hag • wto>. limit of growth.
Iia11N@ bent peer M paieaasd II -winding Roseate India. China. North
dMO, a all Si par
t root ies and all mf Europe When the
-ds are tows in cultivated fields for
s commercial env from 1La,'1 to -•'.t1y
Stalks are aslant to the acre. toms
four to live ptour,da o, rt•,,t ul MWr,
Is the a.•re, rul.rr Jr.11ul its as wheal.
or sown In rows nearly the same Pa
Iloathc.ni corn. When lite heeds ripen
the) are removed to the atonic *IA
laid mole to dry In a. wenn place.
The st,llka can then 1 ,-cut Aeparatety
a4-eor•dlnK to the 1..e -t methods. It West
for fuel It melte-i1 inti•; how n,u0i,
the) ate cut, but ash• a suth,•t,.1 1111
then- f,d•r.• a rt*ulal syetar,t roust (r•
Gdb.st•.1. The plants nawd p1.t,ty of
sun. and •1h.u1.1 be glte-u the mow
open arid on the .arm. In *leen, four
months Om Pe. ,Is w-I(l be ready for
$tcthc"inr. Tie. pin rots :• Ito%tate
droughts better that: n.- st of oar (Mi-
litated crora. and Isom. re might tan
well to plant roott of them 'end klet
corn. They est .Id be stave then 40
have NstV4• '''w.d for wintetr, for It
is ran•ly that t. ultb4wr•r citp falls.
he randy that a sunflower crop tuna -
New % ork foss..
ft tote. Not Cwt.! EMU the QyM Dare
or MM1;thorese see.
Many pertain.., If they were 'asked
eel peat it. 1r...,1•1 say without heath*
Pon that the last days 64 i'etober ar
Uro reisil Indian 4upu..er. The term 1
Vaguely employed, and at one time o
Grath*r has to -en airet, hed to In.ludr
almost all the attractive w,.ath. r with
which we are t.l. awed 1. w,•ea the elope
Of August and the let of iWo,•mber.
Thain.* to the * t,**'wq we have got-
ten the Idea very thoroughly Into our
heads that summer ends on the
O.' August, and schen w,• find the skies
S ttU warm and grateful after th .t .tate.
and th • wood. and fields still calling
t1 us with lerwuani%e voir' 4 we are
a litt1e perplexed as to what we ought
to think about It, and whether It is
really autumn or summer come again.
Thur we fall back upon the farltl.r
to rm -Indian summer," whlrh seem.
a sof clentb appropriate compromise.
r ithough there Is no -•pedal poodlca-
tic•o for our selection of this t)noer•taln
It would be much more aatfsfactory
If we should dieabuee ourselves at
one* 0f e notion that rummer grop-
e. ends thwith the month of August
There Is nothing In the atrnoeph.-re o
hi the appearance of the natural world
to indicate any radical change in the
season at or about that date, and the
increasing custom of Iengther,inc th.
✓ acation outing at the seashore or In
the mountains 1s proof sufiicient that
wt are gradually (-outing to appreciate
the fact that summer really extejlds
through September. to say the leant.
Let us ray, fur example. that summer
cads only when the frosts of . setolwr
have put a change upon the fact• of
ttfngs, and thtw w111 not only be near -
c: the truth than the e.tabllehed eon-
ception of the .earon. but w111 enable
us also to g. t a fairer conception of
when Indian summer makes its ap-
p. arance. The lexicographer Worces-
ter quotes tor. Freeman of saying that
the term Indian summer IP used In
North America t'. define a season of
Neawent weather In the late autumn.
and thiw notion of its date Is brought
out in varicella ways by most of
the poets and versif*rs who have die -
coursed upon thl. subject. And a very
p*oliflc ,ouree of vors,• It has been.
Here Is one rhymer. for instance.
who tells us that Indian summer comes
In "the autumn's dotage. mid \ovem-
tor. when skies weduetive woo the
earth." and another who places It with-
in the period when "the woodland fol -
lege le gathered by the wild November
blast," when "even the thick leaves up-
on the oaken bough are fallen, to the
11.',A" Samuel I...ngfellow says: "Sum-
mer is gone: but summer days return;
the wind. and frog., have stripped
the woodlands bare," and a fourth
poet tells um that the weapon comes
"after ' ctober's kiting frnste." From
ad of these yuotatinns and many more
like them. It IP apparent that the pleas-
ant (lrtobvr days are not the Indian
summer after all. We shall hate to
y'alt until November before the real
n ilmen's summer warms the atmos-
phere and the pont of the reminiscent
M ntamentalist.-Providence Journal.
KKV. J. C. FREEMAN $i'LrAKP to! His
LIFE: %Ni) W0FK.
Hs W.V. wtuTtI' A.h rttkl. H•1• ov .111n1
%INS- 111 rut .ITI t,T4• Par INTIM TUI:
TIN 1.1 4 1'1., 1 2140 41/11.1'1es 4)44)4
w"Mh N tar. *146 akl.Hh,an to a Ntl..eL-
Irma the 'Lawton liar►:d.
\.t. 107 Elutes.. ?if Satoh iketua, is the
present home a.t Ke.. .l 1' Fla•eutan. 1:.1..
Ph. It , the retest r. ••a.r of tit. Merl, •
Eptsc0pel1''•.;;eh•4 44)+a;.ndar11....t 1,.11
tat tier 1. him movement K t+•:.: has mut p'
oval lie -Lou, Ur. Footstep toe naso tr.•
1lwestl% hoard (taws thronel, the ver...acs
ueeepap era, and •I.hnug'i • realdrt.t of •
coa.p•r.r.rely recast date. he has exerted
woo lo t u' I c u.d•.eut-e, wl.:ut. !,.n IPA 11 u,
Pr/14110(i by the fact that be was tea years
ay., 00 a rna.mtrtow •ppniatoti so England
to investigate the trnubfeeaa,e' quooloo or
the vote of great eats*
iI, n•. p:.wh.d loefore cultured •udi
envoi in line o.4 world, u well as to the
rough pomeers of the anumg • •.woe of tb.
.11..,nttatne, and his utteranoee se
s well as tote wu•n age h.v. beta ,u.'hs hoe a1
r progr/w and iu orality, eel:......not with
prowl law I c..u.a.ol....u... 11, erect/ mu ba•
written this •paper •letter which will be
read with :Suers.., He ...v
• dome Gee year. ewe 1 1..uo•( tFet deep
study sad exocasive literary work, in tui•
.1.t... to toy orits.ry .snsriai dao..,
were uw4wrmtning say health. I detected
that 1 was tumble to uoderstead quoit, to.
clearly ae I '.,.illy did : th.t Ater b4)•
hafie thou. et as i lopty 1 .us(er.., from a
d•.:1 pair • ..ewt,l staid whish ween teas. •wd
ell thewe:i- suet • adv' heuao e a t,oa.•,:e to
me I los..r•>etitr, ,h•, no. relish •.r•lu..r'
teas., •'f(,, raring. tutl fir it metre p.,... m
lb.. a •0! beck. Ther.-'. . lwreote* of
the ren path, •ai the n 0.4 of rev trod
satinet; ,o ruts to neer ter, wi'n tr. w•
.Haig and riti tatting t.. l mg m 'mnnitsg ul'
auob s.ur wager. r
That 1. tea resins,* eN the Unitarian
I botch.
"The p.m tion of the Unitarian
Church In regard to Jesus Christ and
111. doctrines may now t.e considered
as definitely fettled." said Judge John
H. Terry last night. The Judge had
P.m returned from Washington, where
he sat as a delegate In the National
l nitarian Conference.
"A1 the last yearly meeting of the
rnnferenee. held •t Saratoga, a for-
mal declaration was made on the sub-
ject. inuring the year which has el-
apsed, Unitarian divines and the mem-
t.rs of congregations have had time to
reflect upon the new dogma. and at
the meeting which Just closed, the
doctrine was amrmed.
"(Mir position of the subject," con-
tinued Judge Terry, "wow forcibly ret
forth In a paper read before the con-
f.t•ence by the Rev. Mr. Savage of
IA -soon. in brief. It beglne with a re-
iteration of the old doctrine Implied
by the very name of Unitarian that
Chrlpt was a man. born an other men
are born without divine Intervention
and without the miracle usually affirm-
ed by l'hrl.tlanr He lived and taught
r.•i other men have lived and taught.
and. at bud, he died as other men die.
"Then follows a declaration that the
teachings of Christ are good and that
they constitute a perfect code of mor-
ale; and that the religion of Christ, an
indicated In His jibs and teachings. Ie
pure and noble.
"Th. iUnitarians, while denying the
divinity of Christ, accept and adopt hie
*caching, and his rrligion."-
J udge Terry thinks that the Unitar-
lan faith is the only one whlrh is
fronded upon pure re /toning and that
It Is the only religion which IP not
hoped upon an appeal to the emotions
or to the fears of mankind.
"Wo affirm that there In • creator."
he weld. "but we stop there. We do
not concern ourselves with the0rlew
is Medi cannot be explained nor with
at.ything which mon cannot under-
stand. We have ao plan of salvation
and do not foil cosnpelle4 to sentient
for the exlatenee of win upon the earth
"Tt is our belief that If a mans COO-
achene, b slaw h. will have a heaven
on earth. while, U k r tainted. his' Ifs
hose will he a hell. As to the future
1!fe ere henry* that the spirt" Itv.e
atter deathse.at do et pretend to •av
to what /• net
KE%. J . I KEE:NAN, 1 A., 1.11. 1,.
At this time 1 consulted several physiei
ans. 0.. said 1 was rue down, another
said i bad throne indigestion : boa this 1 do
know, that with ail the prescriptions which
they (elle me I was sot improving : for .■
addition, I had pane in the regions of the
kidneys, • very sluggish liver, se much so
that l' was ver, much 1t►e a yellow man.
was depressed in spirits, imagined all sort,
of tbsngs .,d was daily heocming worse and
telt that 1 snould soon become a coo6rnsed
invalid if I did not soon understood my
oompleista. I followed the advice of phpr-
siei•os n ort eseerely, but with all 1 was us•
able to do my ministerial duty, and all 1
could possibly de was rest and try to be
thankful. After eighteen months' treat-
ment i found I was the victim of severe pal
pit•tion of the heart, and was almost afraid
to walk across my room. Amid all this 1
was obliged to take absolute rest from all
mental work. to feet, I was already usahl,
to take any duty for this reams that the
feeling of complete prostrwtins after the
least exertios, precluded me from any duty
whatever. and it appeared to my mind that
-rites. very sear being • perfect wreck. its
for taking shooters rest, I could not take
more thio 1 did unless it was so absolute •p
to rest in the grave. Then it would have
tees absolute enough.
•• it is now quire three years, since, is
addition to all the petits and peneltie- whiob
i endured, I found creeping upon me a
peculiar numbness of the left limbs, and in
fact i could sot walk about. 111 tried to
walk I had to drag the left foot along the
?round. The power of l000motios seemed
to be gone, sod I was ono.oled with the in-
formation that it was p•rtiel ;walrus.
Whether it was or sot i do sot know, bot
this i do know, I could not walk •eoet and
i began to think my second childhood had
commenced at the age el 41 years.
" .lust about two wean aim or • little
more, • ministerial friend oast. to Sas ma
I was sick in heft awl meld warmly move,
and M was something like old Job'. cam -
teeter, although not quite. He had very
moth regret *ad oommia•ration wbnoh was
very Door halm for • sick man. But the
best thing he did say was this : ' Did you
ever see Pink Pills? I said ' Wbo in the
world i. b.!' He said, ' Why de you Mot
try Phk Pills? Re said good bye very af-
feotiosrtely, so mach ee that doubtless he
thought it was the out farewell. Never-
theless, after thinking • little, I jams mate
to the conclusion that 1 would make an ia-
soratioa and see what Pink Pills would do.
I looked at them, and 1 said, eau any good
possibly poste ost of those little pink
tiling. • Anyway. I would see. 1 was gss-
p'ato. of Pink Pills, as 1 remembered lbs
old proverb " Sepetto Iieooti• fade."
"ampiciee le the passport of faith. Flo
1'iak Pills i obtained. and Pink Pills i
swallowed. Rat nue box of them did not
ogre nee, ser did i feel Say diRi '.oco, Ret
after l lad token else or tea boxes I was
decidedly hotter. tree, i wee certainly Im-
proving, aad after eight menthe of Ptak
Pill. 1 emir" get sheet, The .ambnesl of
the left limb was nearly goes, and the pain•
is the bead had entirely o.oaed. the apps
tate was batter, i weld enjoy feed awl had
beg, quiet *sties of the heart without pal-
pitation. is feet, in twelve menthe 1 was
• now ereatera. sad today 1 ma stead tied
peek over tee hnara wet. • r..I ass
perform .f w•v peh,ie deities which devolve
epee see, without fatigue. sad de all the
w.lki.e i have 10 de, sad est %basktal for
it I seal safely say that 1 wee sever in •
homer elate el health them T See today, sad
thea I attribat it to • patient, P.1 -s.1.1.1
M el Dr. Williams' Ptah Pf1M.
" i hilly, eeedi•, .ad 'treacly resent.
maid i e WMm
.ailliam"' Plash P111. tell or •ey
who mew ist a simile wesad feel ones
aim as
thee aim who edema Pills i ill. wile
•epeseMeae uares'isd ee Mair ream --able
hems Masted. ilium be will Sad that Moss -
leg whisk Y the ewer at I.11 treat be a
true and reliaMe remedy. 1 shall always
wish and d•s1/11 the greetwt au.cese (4)) 1)r.
1\'111,... Pleb Puieetsd .!ways . hteuh a I
deep Imolai, 0t aft ar(tapir to 1h• tr . ..r
tlnt said to aw ' hew Pink 1'111.. 1 have
tried them ....l haw thole truss velvet, sod
am truly .tied 1 .lit, for I hart found th.n,
ft. es • vas -1 a vp. , ,..•... if..4 now. then . •
a tots!', themed tett torn:
1'try f.ithfa 1. yours.
' J Fatawslt. It A. Ph 4).
r ,itis d 1•1 Ida. k'., Ator.taae.
tt ,flues' 141104 till, .x*u'aw. in • oats -
di oar t f ru.....4 the rl.s.eoteitc••.'rt. t..
give a oew 140 and nrlinses to tbe'►d'.•41 estd
1• e•14• •liaLtptrtl INrye• 1 Uro nee .0 nen
fsnl fey .p..;*401,.r awe •'. . •apt '.,.•4)..r
ataxia, uar.ul ;nada •.r C . da.•a•y.
•.:1.114•., true 11s•,1 a, it • • •.. .. rvo4s
herd•rka. the after effret.. t 1» , . ,•«, pet
p•l.t.nn of the heart, pal. .,m1 . 1•.1a. otter
Omit.•ne, all forms of w••.kh a• . liter it1
male .K /sinal•, Ptak 1',l:- to. 1 t ret all
4a alar., or w.11 he meet frost paid ou reuetet
..t Once. (50 oasts a h. x. or via Lotto fair
alt 50-ti,ey era.Meyer .• I•1 4)e bulk or to, ';
100) bas eAdreentin Ili. 1*, I nisi, Ate Lame
•'• pat y, Ilresayula, •101., ul �•...,e4b',t.n �'.
air !Made. 0Mwwip.l
Few re As bow little all aeatab. Nue
1tf to *be water. (toe busper sa a camp
char or email is s Of I ,.ar•l » *1 eaatlt keep
(he bred aMo r water, w h Ie thr tett and
,he otter ita,ct ate p..••Jltrg toga, la .pi ors.
Vel: teed not- know how r„ 10'1111 tN keep
from'1.04"log, Faith to .ha hoes art •t of
siert u all span ..W •.1, and ch:l ir.0 .end all
other.hnu:d have preeti'v. r., rosin ,t: ,n
w,ll .sive better in most ernera-notes that
o 4 • u ex tar as • to tntp.er. When pear
ure boat• captor-, evrrylr.ds wows to get
on 'op of the overruns«1 or half h led hoe(:
but it is v-ur.a.ly uo: lames exotica. 1 . p
ill eu,
it, ,, sta,se wirer sod uruii.t11 an•
•11••1411.14 If (hey ..,.old trn•t the .retie t..
Maar Y:f 100'h. e1 shier weight sod the
w'rok.d boa. (he tither 1 130th, they InIght
-oil he wave., .44) apes. boat will keep the
heed aboae, 1i.. Wei f as m.o% people as
can get their bash nn 'he gnnwwle, though
.t smolt carte very few. S..m. da) these
'Imps twos 1114.11, rate sour Itte.
•'I acsped 1010(' • confirmed is .peptic
by taking Aver'. I' llt in time. This 4.
ins expet ..-.,ae of many. Ayers Pills,
whether a. on-after'lrnner pal or as a re
dv' for 1'..'r compl.mt. 'u.l gestioo,
fl •tucney, water brash, and nausea, aro ha-
"'Hy a rhurourrt. knowledge of the natural
taw. which moven the opersr'nrs of digestion
•..d not rition, en's h y a roomful application of
the (Inc oropertiea of wall-.e•leete4 ('urea. kir.
Kpp. haw pro* tried for our breakfast ono sup
per adeli. et, lavonrwl hrrrreer whish may
mare us many her y doctors' bill.. it is by the
judielous tow of ate h articles of din that aeon
wtltut.00 may he gr.n..all) boil, upunt!1 wrong
emote' to resist P4ar) u-rde•e) 10 diwaaee
Hundreds of *Woks maladies are floating
around as ready to attack wherever there is a
weak point. We ma) moats manf s fatal
shah by keeping our*eleea well fort:tled with
pun Wood and a properly nourished frame. --
Viet/ Sort -ire Gazette.
Made wimp') with bstling water or milk.
Sold only in eacketaby (ilno-er. Iahellyd thus :
JAlleos Erre t to.. Ltd.. Ilme.r.patblr
(keealsl.. I..4.*. asetene
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The Commercial pages of the
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■auItrev ('Al,
N Lire
A M[01.11.CTf a COLO
Seises aere,.ese
Roar We tilt..•: tariiMtl,
9 E . !P ft JIM UN
Yr .M•.•
Pyny• Pectoral
Trig Q*J..:.(,.GURS
11041601 ei**. tin.
,,r ,.
1 have .doled to 4)•y iia;.-ry l;aaia.w a
full hoe of tin' class g4), tones w):.:h w.0 be
soli cheap un o l'aati ,`4.len,.
1 intend .t l:,ng tartan!) Gtr 1'• h, with •
small profit, and tore, to have 'ho cheapest
store to town.
•r..1 will give eottre re-
.il*t.oa to the ,•.'',tic.
'The u.,,&4 sc, '1 of tir..t loss
will .til be kept on hand
'totter. Kim and Farmer.' l'rodu..e
taken are ('Seto
Remember the stared oett'aTcor to 11 m.
A':heeoo's harness depot, Han.iltot -st.,
Ths Hamllto, et. Baker arid Grew.
next .1. It. ('4 )RNELL•.`i
The under•signetl respectfully an-
nounces to the residents of
(ioderia;h and aeljaeent town-
ships, that he has opened out
as above with a new stork of
choice groceries, which for .ow-
ners of price and- excellent
quality, e.annot be ext,elleii.
('all and see me.
Tenn. calth.
('or. Mortrea: et and en re.
1 o,, ran buy •Imo't everything to
FruivP Confectioner), ('ro. kery. Olti scare.
fie•.. at the I•t ave ort.ata po•..ilde for cosh
FLnI It. 11Cii' t AND MEA L
of all kind. kept nnnetaa.ly ••n ..and.
A well assorted stock of
Gents Yurau•+tnets. Rosner). Ribbons loom
Ices.. kept la stock. Farmers produce taken at
highest market prices as cash. Goals deliver-
ed Mali parts of the town. Your trade mlt-
04444. H. J. HORTON•
The ('ash Grocer)'. Cor.'.toutrealst t Swim.
N.B. - All accounts not settled by the 15th of
November, will be handed In for oolleotba.
Stumraeerte Carp.tel' Rtactk.l
.stanufactn-pr of all kind. of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Aad Dealer 1n-"
Koginem, Machinery Comtism, fee.
A11 sires of Pipes tad lips Fittiegs.
Steam and Water Gauges. (;.lobe Valens.
Fleck Yahoos, loseir•tora, Ejectors and Ia-
j•otare Constantly on Head at Low.et
Adal bee of Steel Water and HimTeem for use of farmer. and others.
appalplap promptly attended tae
111111, t'. 0. Ben S1. oodertch, Oat
-O coins 0. T. R. atatloa. Oodwrlea
business and all b.ee I
o.R)Deo atlsaded to at AMIMS
Orn edam N epyo.tse the C. R Patent oe-
ilse, sed et sea •OcalaPatent. la tine
baa the emote heat iFARNI NiD
S Seed .1110D111.01 DRAWING. ats e
rT► raver fe as"vairas VJlrlim�rWi 81
e we et Qr.tstv,~write y
OAteMla+wtt►� Y