HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-28, Page 6Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctors piled to Help, CURED BY TAKING AYER'S-Cher Pectoral. '1 '•oatrseted a eeSere eold, wbleh settled on w) lut,g., and 1 did what 1. often dense au such esaee, nestle. ted 11. thinking` 1t would I swat' ataw: 11 ta; tut 1 l,.un,l. alter a idol.• whale, that the shghtc,t exertiva prune! nor. 1 then Consulted a Doctor kyr ha f,mad, on elan...niiig my lluunde., that the P/er Wirt alter ted. He gave rumtmine medicine/1 edicinehe let OD, w tach 1 took as due.•led, toot it dt1 t•4 seem to t'•1 ahs good. F.rtuuaIel) 1 bappencd to Mad lu Almenie. of the taleet that AyeA Cherry 1' tort' had mt Mhei +, end I determined to .e it a trial After takioz a few dm,. my tr .ebbe eras relieved. alnl before 1 had to- d•Iled tor' bottle 1 wee cured -A. LgrLAlt, watehwakar, elrangc,I$p, tali Aysr's Cherry Pectoral N* ..t Awards at World's Pair. /Seel Pella Care ladfessllels. TIPS Volt 'I'!i1: KITCHEN. HOW TO RUN A FURNACE FIRE Neese relsler. rower leaedllsa leer Int Rare treaerleall) 1 he turoroce are should be shaken dodo and rata.l perfectly clear su the moonier, -A lew •te.v-Iluls of cc•I should be put on, and ell tho dra:.khts npeoed. The ashes &Gould t hen be ' eken up As soon se the coal begins U. hero well and the tire look. clear at the bottom put an enough col to the top of the Islet et. Keep th- draughts open uutl, :br vas nae bu,ue:d 01; thea close toem, and Lets,. ,f the bre 1w esu ho:, epee the checks. F:aecpt to extremely mill weather this re ad the attentlua that ought to be necesasrythrou.!r•ut the day The bre ,oust les rakii1 clown and fresh coal or etnder• put on to the toenteg, but a small . mous lit cue. w.11 answer fur the less the dr•uvbu he.e bees open the greet• er part of the oat. 01a an extremely cold day It may be nee - emery to have tba draughts open • part of tb• time end hate .otic coal put tan at oars. All the the clinkers should be removed when the lire la raked down in the morolug. Tts water pan should be replenished at least ontm • day >nu.e cerelevs people leave the •.hes tor a day at a tone at the bottom cf the furuan• e, where they •b.orb the heat, r.bbmy the house of lee share. If the funnies fire he allowed to burn to • white heat it will be rimed fur that day, unless more coal be put on • little later. The odd air tores must admit enough lir to drive the hot air through the house, but not more than o an be heated, Heattsg obelus and open grates are to bob managed se far es por.lble the same as • furnace. t% a i. the glove there is no trouble, there being plenty of checks sod draughts. The -,pen grata is not so well pro's toted. Al Nee !Mesas. M the head of the house dons not come home for dinner, opporluoitt is takes to exercise rigid economy at that time. Still, e omethine palatable is u•uelly prepared. The "left over,. .re always wtilved on thet occasion, helped out, perhaps, with - dohs wreak made as follows Rich buttermilk, or !tall cresm and half sour milk will do ; halt teaspoon rat ands; pinch of salt, and a • 'd t.ble'spoonful of auger Mix to a light batter with two third. meal and one third flour. Rake in buttered tan in moderate oyes. An apple pudding 11 offer prepared as follow • :1 hew, greet sired apples, peeled. and ,lu.rted and put into a pint basin; half oup of sugar; a little water and spice to taste. r.mr over it a batter made of two thirds sup rat sweet milk,and butter the size of • bIckeryset; half Dream would be bet •r Mix in floor until batter is middling cuff titesm one hour. Ilerve with Dream and eater 01 butter and sugar. It is de 'winos t old potatoes ars sloe, chapped tine. sod warmed np in milk, slightly seasoned with popper and salt. A palatable soup eon be ,rade or 1 Site of roast heel or steak, the "left oven' Irum former nimbi l'ut tea little of each ..f s variety of vegetables potatoes, tomatoes. e$fnne, (»levo, etc. Seams to taste. ('old Dorm 115 Bios. prepared as follows shave the Dern from three or fear good ears add es.. cup of •t milk: pooh of salt, mdInerveriest •noneh to make • geed hat ter; flake some as pancakes. 111 s well bet tred.*Mer: servo with a little beater while bot espeeamee goatee. Growth and waste and repair g• en is a nearly e•ifsrtn wet the Miele year throagh, but the amount of fend Bees•ssery for • hes opentane* or pnrpn.ss is surprM- irly .ma11. The ge•nr.Une el bodily heat wagatres • men variable g0antlty of food. 1. Wester, with the tenlpar.swre of the q. tsrwal air N sore, the i•s•psraeere .f the limey ia baahbr penises is 111 3 ,a•d whop the heat •1 oho Reresr drives the atereery el Ike tbssss.wt.t seater M r above teas mash. the bleed 'US psreme tla 3-. The w mared$s m eheeesm be whit& ebb use tests Mood tse.ssene r ma/aWed at THE SiGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY. NOV. 24. 189s. W 1 whole body ta needy 100 se Mtge le Se lo.s,per 1,,0.101 to Summer .uu u ,1 "t thud Deeded fur re - log growth orad for haa.M✓, physiology ate' .5 u • as two. h 11..1 'hen generally il• .411.41.1, alit' a impresses as with the t/ith r,( the great surgeon. Abstietny I that "11110 !eerie of emit M out turps w, and the • her t r. ,: , aartap M beep at the peril of "•,r I.e 1...31-.:.l. f ei• b"rn up 10.' surp:u. for 1 with o 11mt1•d .m..up'. of (airs ease.oa. lo wrnmer we get rid of 1t literally at 111me1'rn risk ru h.altb,and. of course, o life. tt'e esu.ot bora it. , our vest turns.,..s ate tatekrd, wird we worry lbw most ,n, ..rtaat nr_ou. with the extra . 00rt..t1 et rr mewing wiled would better n ever have breu take,. tnto the •t•enecb, A GAME OF DRAW This would .• hardly uwre thaw . game of draw It takes A rict, '1..c to draw a check. A prrrty girl to draw attesUnn. A horse to draw a cart A piaster to draw a blower. A toper to draw a oork. A dog tight to draw a oruwd. A 1.velt paps tike mire to draw sub- scribers. The re•ia a•1 all Mead let. F.een a blind man r.en •m Chet more cleatOise da)I:✓rat, or ebe «h, should w mw) cuuuuue w use 1,1 srnelltnv, u/ly, and utter useless preparationn, for the r.i,ef of pain, whet. w prsperatluu lust se cheap, els gait, mere powerful, laud penetratiug a. Nerv,l.uv u c..0 b purebwed from any dealer to medicine : Sweatt's auras le &tautly •cher and pious Nervtl.ne when .periled externs.ly *undone the 111061 inter:up pale slu.uet $t Mate. rise N•) killed bis aeeser. Coot , 1'es• , Nes. 12. - A 10 year old ion or Former I.eurgt Dau a (I.Iltwrattly shot bee V, year u.d ester Leiuugb the beau. k,l.togher. Keceotic,'bale tis buy wr• &._k in sekod has sate. to else btu, .0010 thluv to slat, but she rttu.e.1, hailing Iu- •truuUuns from the .1100.1,0 • ph)soder sot to sire h,n food rl.:ept as .11, 0.:10!. TWO buy grew angry red Lola her thus it .be did but teed hint he would 1111 bier alien lie gut well. 'Tire Rtatlroad Kidney. Railroad employes, bacvclut., team - stare min .other moo who ,ate out)ectru to touch jolting err ottet, troubled with porn across the smell of the hack. Thu Ludt costes the "Lulr...d k.tauey. at, nutdlous precursor of serious illness. lou the • ligbte.t .'u,ptonu of backacke take ot,• l'ha e'• kititicy Laver t',II -one is a dose -and thus obt.un u,a.1,t rel,rf. For all kidney troubles the) bate cu e•oui. :5c. per f..,i. MT ANS LITERATURE IN CANADA. There are cynics who soy that there is no public opinion in Canada, no literature. Ata dinner given rt•: ently by the puhli.her. of Toronto to Mr. Ilan- Cain.', the great uovrli.t, this que.tion was di.ru..ed, and a leading publisher remarked that litera- ture world never make rapid adtance in this country because it is difficult to induce Canadians to read the works of a Carta: •I.an author. This %tat,•mcnt, Iwwe'rr, i• not true with regard to lon,,N„ .\'olun/ar .Gehl, which has a. large a circulation as -,y newspaper of its clan in America. Its Christmas Number, which will be issued. Dec. t, .s the eighth in a ernes of art num- Iter.. It will be accompanied this year by .pica!:d colored supplements ; the ..srg.•.t, a rcprodu.-tion of a painting by a t a. lad ianartist , done specially for tnmilsy -t'Agit , is _; x33 inch's in aims. Its title is Champlain the Explorer," and depict. :um and a flotilla of war canoes entering the mouth of a river on lake Huron. The , .•11,111 ha. been prai.rd by the ifi.toncal \..00iation ae the most interesting. and ,st.c attempt ever nude to carry us b...•k to the old day. when Canada was little more 11t:.n a geographical term. The other tour pictures are done in sixteen ..skier. and the book itself, consisting of over /tar'ty pager, contains the four prize .tori,'a in the A'g/r,nIuv .Vigh/ competition. f' l ..wing 1" :1 hat of contents t ,at lino' " A Re,,•nna .lance at Fort Ellice.by N:.a. J,ar ,.n 11 Ge. lar.arasio,.. to J. nes tear. " Nath Shane,'. Rab)." by W. A. Frew. 1 - rw't.tar frim•t.•gra(p h.e,• , : pose, '• t Natter oil `wre..4ty "))ohm Mo Iflu.er.ti.•ns by F M. ter .'h .wire, '• tt'a►.w hlolon)." by J. C. lases. Illus. • ..get M the a,.th,•r •.J ion Lan es. Paw.' by E. E. Sheppard. IUuw. • From the Sublime:' by Warns A. Worse 1. ,•.ural.•,. M' t:, A. Rr6l. R.C.A. •. ant.v.'. lister." M- -1.. r .t.hw,wtf I!;.,.t.at.s1. "IIeeriotshot M Strath.:an:arne h) Joe tier Illu.trana.m ley Carl Ahern. 1. R.I.A . ■n.l Hauer' 'i.dhwn. bola• ass.' ae et. ting I•• " IA.n. '•Haakw. 1): ram. •i,..: ,,. h. AktanJer Me. tai pan The 1.osc of the W..rt.! f4.. ted.- (las•wnk by W.tfc,.w Ctier r. Dino rats,. 1•. 7. W. Weer, ett 1 de se 1.bmmj.lam. by Wow: Stalwart. A.. t 1.. • .1a a Little Chikt" itiveml, by F'.elvn Durand. •' Song.- 1p..•.n,. by Gertrude Harnett. 1 be price atilt. number, postpaid to any tr.'.., in a pasteboaed tube to protect it • • n J:unage in the maul., is So cont., and • '.'int of literary excellence and the plated! and quality of the supplements it lar exceeds arvthing off •rod by foreign holiday publications. Mr. Janes L. Iinghe., In.p.•ctor of S.910.d4 for Torot,to. has raid that Ih,Clu.mplain pi11 .r,'.0..uld he framed anti hung in''eV,'ry •41.1{4}11111104.1 inl'anode," and schoolteachers everywhere should Like 0n interest in bringing it before the public . Teachers and .young people can do a good work by ...ending for a l'hri.tmas N.un,be of Sllurdsv .eche h/, and a better work by acting a. agent for it and inelu.ing their ne,ghhors lo mend for it ■s well. A liberal commission is allowed. Address the Sheppard Publishing Company, limited, Adelaide Street went, Toronto. The rice of the regular edition of Saturday Ayr,&i. which undoubtedly stands alone as Cana- da a most interesting and thoroughly high- class illumtrated weekly, is =s per year. T1s -Chicago baa moms of the most beautiful cafes to toe found In the 000stry. Abe -Wow i understand what yntt meant when you wrote they you were "sinking In the brunt lois of r'hl- cago."-Tonkers Rtat..man MI.. ko.tique-TM you know when T see you Inok:ng en happy It reminds rile of what a great poet one. maid Cholly ftaphead--ind.•ed' Pway. that was It? Mlle 11 -- Where Ignoranry le bilge-Phlladelphle io"tied. think you would better telt rather that we are ontag.d. dearest. His -Why Ahs- Hie Inose rum not on the 85011 of the month and he w•nta to knew whether fo take • larger hones ear sot - Harper'. Pamir. ler. Hogglna, entering parlor with Mien Klemm nn hit sem- -1 have last teats of Paradise; rye been its peer r r+w..r,wers. Major- • The OM1?N are sus tie only 111105 wbu ate *soothe st..nt their ago. A .wan doesn't 1i1e to be told that he as getting old e A mandoesn't like to get old at 111. But worse than getting oldis the septets, "ice of .gr Iiealtb 4. ep. a nun young it .lu. sn t nuke any Alden -nee of be has n..' eighty yrarr ': they have been healthy yt ars, he wit: br hale and /scatty end won't look within twenty years as old .v he is Good duration and rich, led blood make people look youthful. lh Pierer', Goldin Medical Discovery makes rich, red blond. It makes health in the right way. It works according to the right theory. and in re years ..f practice, it has proved that the theory is absolutely cent -it :t tw gins at the beginning begin. Ly putting the stom- ach liver and la.wt'- into perfect order, but it begin. it. god 0'.•:..n t)1.• Llan before h bnasbes with the digestive system. 1t searches out disease germs wherever they may be and force. them out of the body It promote.' the copious welt tion of the digctuve fluids, and 1.01+15 in throwing oil refuse matter It make. the appetite good and the digestion strong It isn't a violent medicine It isn't strong n.-dicioe It dors nothing but good to ever7 portion of the truly It d.w•.n't do harm In our platy whsle 1t it helping another plate It to meant to help the whole body and it dues help it Whenever a man feels himself fail- ing an health, when he feels that he is get- ting old to.. foot. that hie vitality is low, and that he is losing Raab, he should waste no time in getting the "Golden Medical Pia eovery it will build up quicker than anything else in the world it will give him rich 1l.4 and .olid leeh It w111 We Iona feel 11.17 a. old .and twice as WOW I'tugboats .ell it. 1)r. Pierce's toff page book, the " Pe,. de's Common Sons.' Medical Adviser.-' In Plain language. t,11. all about Ob. ' .:olden M.'licJI 7)ia•..ccry " and is a comp'rte family doctor book, profusely ille•erated 1t w',11 he sent free on :recipe o: thirty one . (1 one -cent stamps to cove: -.•.t of customs and mailing ova,. Address, Wowt.b's ni.rt".,.v M. tai, t,. As.oct• Ttos, No tar. Main Street, Fudalo, N. V HOT CORN. Magistrate -Now. tell me why you stole that watch. Prisoner -lib, just to while away the time. Adolphus --Why, Etbe1, are cou looking at m• sae intently K'hel(drsamlly)-1 wee gating atvecsa cy, D)ol.% The first tnemUon of money in th• Sorip tut • was Abraham's pureha.e .f $sepulchre for 40 shekels of ..Iver, B 1'. 181.0 'NE 410' 0.fr f!IG &Wak .ANEUNATi3M AIMS INBACK MLsFutAU 0 ANY ti Ii s IN USING AE1VTHOt. •• PLASTER DON'T DESPAIR Aram '. i:. Joey Piste cure any ase et bright's [aware. Diabetes. Lumbago Dropsy. Rheumatism. Heart Disease, Freak I'rwables Impure Nto.e1 a roomy refunded. .old by all deal re in medicate or by moles coOpt d ..rice. yo,. per boa. or medicate, boxes iz.ya DP L. A. SMITH da CO.- Toronto. r l'A.140ND .j1NER PILLS l•,') R F : 6- B I LI O US NTESS, DYSPEPSIA,- Sick I''EADACHE, 'RED ULen THE L!V7..2 ONE PILI. AFTEru LArIItcl INSURtl rn.,o p:apr.3T•ON. iPR1rr 95 MC T7 klE 34 c#I4.. Hello! The Old Mali 1111 Deck. THE BEST 00 ONLY SCRANTON COAL the .tee sal Osal ever self la this samba. All Uenl waisted se oho Mark* &Ws% ss ch•' poo're sere vee Aw weer weMk Orders Wt at HA1(PZB • LI1's IF YOU WANT A WINTER SUIT of First-class Make, • Good Material and Latest Styles, -t'ALL UPON- HUGH :PON- HUGH DIIRLOP. Ike Ness-d..iNhlee Mie M r& •i teeatseal. WORSELL & CO. have removed to POLLOCK'S OLD STAND on the Square, where he will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones as may be pleased to favor them with their patronage. NEWER BRIC HTEI-t. and BETTER than ever J. H. WORSELL & CO. Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and hes opened out In J. S. PLATT'S WOODYARO, where he will keep on hand the Best Qualities of Lehigh ValleY Coal ! which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D. C. STRACHAN. PLANING MILL. ESTAS&IINEO Ilk& llllcha1iai1 & Rhyiills n*Nora0Tvaane BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1. an Slade as LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad belldr's tss•isrl•1 el every essorlpItss School Furniture a Specialty. Patronise True rCompetition. tagksesa• t•e1sA wkb blur =per I r t ilhulnan ~piss ss •alt 1e rho btatwr •1 Its patsea tho a, sl evert/ pees a'Easel fine alb wtr CHANGE F BUSINESS Having bought tb• entire bgaooess of Mr, JOHN If ILL! KR, K 0getien •t.Coderico, we will lee prepared u• and .Iter Saturday, Nur 23 of, 1395, o. give Immense Bargains in DRY GOODS, GRUC FLOUR an.l FEED, CROCKERY .w,1 GLASSWARE, I:TI • . irft'. We have &Mo decided W .dope the CASH Sl $TKld, 0.1ies tog 1t to tie to the hest 10tereets sbk• of buyer and .elver. W• medially solicit the patronage r1 all the old customers, and as many new oriel.. possible, Gems and see the substantial reductions wa wake d.q "lie gouda A large stock of good dry c'r•tw,.od,delivered.1 any part of taxa f ,. 33 22.'u per W• are able LO Dell otiose, between we heat. bought NI, 11 I . r t acyl -arta, est stock at • good discount, and likewise by managing the 1,11e,'.,.1„n . cot, Oasis Goods delivered presently and earrfelw. Produce taken as male Kememt.er the date, Ssie•,ias N .v '4irA POTMAHOFF TEA. This new blond of tow for family use is now on sale at our store. . We have also the finest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE and keep on hltrid full lines of best Family Groceries. and the mast "eliable in 1)airy Produce, &•a.orlable I''r.'j'a anal "e;. etahlw, STURDY BROS. The Grocers, on the Square. AS CLEAR AS A BELL. 11"'. PUPIL OI'THl1 Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, oat does not army a subject readily. we repeat aria repeal ...I', & Kelt We drill soar schools don't. W got oar reeura'lon that war. We o.. end .o eWta►n at by g,rang • therei& grind u: all sulnecta taught, We teal Heokai eptng .rad •twine.• Paper Ly • new wtM& Maguire about it Your money back I not satisfied. lata Done free, Mr, K. ♦. C•oa baa scoepted the pastime of assistant bookkeeper tel h R f). famph. Witless, Ontario, Soignee J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. TROROLD CEMENP or ATER LIME. ANL) $1.25 PER BBL. SCOTII FIRE BRICK $4 PER '100 R. W. McKENZ!E'S CHEAP HARDWARE STORE SEE HIS NEW STOCK OF GUNS. Sporting Goods We are headquarters for these goods. Having purchased in 1 very low market, we are enabled to supply you with POWDER, SHOT AND SHELL and all other Sportsmen's Goods at Very Low Figures. A full hill of General Hardware always on hand. We hold the fort for Good Goods at Reasonable Prices. DAVISON & C Winter Goods. Hats and Caps, Sealettes and Furs Direct from the Manufacturers. All goods sold at prices that bring them within the rams at everyone. Oall early and have the widest selection. T . Com; A -R.12