HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-28, Page 44
T�r t $iqnal, priatrrl the t)hI Flaq, Mo1tAu:A,rptur+iihr Nap t•ire!for bloomer hoops 1,• in 1AHMI041, •nerow
1* PV14lawMW
the Caton 111t(tu,r Tories want to own
Hie. jtuli i arv. ft 111• v r NII• waist a
SW D. ■ONILu4YNe. - --r -
'mhos let them take .I u.ige ELI 1oTr,
Moe Of Publication . ar i0, North rowel -- -^
(1*d.r: •t• Ontario. of L01Mdnn ti.-- a I . w h.
Term. et $•l. ilp(1 S t
0.. •.• nth. ts..Nw.v .
These .Nw.4t._.,
tan fuel\
Meek .(
terse lows ;. e • .,f .1.•r
Wed W h:..•,tu.rr.ru.
II *Ohio, • of wet•' -,•w • drabs.'. both
• h. o d end rise also a4••r... +honld b. 111v611.
,...r•l.tag tar.
Loral •w44 oat er 00.,+,1 *direr lawman... 1110.
lin• for Arm Igwrrtiaa, and cont. per line
• es. A sur.44'.1, ! et Ingestion. a:etaured h)
sespered a•sl&
Husiene et ria liner 'lied under 15 per
Advertise -nests tees. "nand, rlrayeel
V*wMt. tete"••.'n- Waned as,'
Plush ..•-s ('A.mM W.rted. not est ...ting "
Item nonpsr.ir. $1 Ladd *WWI.
4l 'Mows ea :Nle and lenrnu on !telesot to
• t; •vd lit 4•r gr t nion'1 , V►', p r Nab
$euu.nt month. r ad•'- 'o pr,00rtion.
Any special nota•., theohle•t of + 4,, t .4 10
promote the pecuniary letail1 .f any tad••
std nal or remnant, to M c. •• lend an ad
vrtl.rment 144 Asetted e..•octinely.
LO'•al 414141 •.v i1. a esparwll typo sae oust gin
worts. no net ire. I0w then Ise. • .
Loral notices ie oe Is•.-^ '.,44$"5 tree two
c.o. per soaks ter lees thaw tar
N01N'.r far of iirches r pod .other rationwr and
benevolent Institution. half rare,
A".et **The *laaal•' Dell vee,.
Thr esteemed \cu. Bo,ord, ,f
i (Minton, is taki'., quite an intere.r in
'.ileiwnt, argil t ,.kr•r+, at the
prep ret nate'. :. •i Io'- •c eek copies an
:4rt►cle hearing .,u th ,lue.tion tion*
T . Cauda <•at'anrr . Sum. it i+ evi-
dently intereste•d from the fact that a
idle or two back its editor received a
.0*tonts *pteiintment its Clinton, which
w. este Omen(' to note, slid that
more recently it, preee.*t rthtor was
tururd Clown in hie ani licatiou for the
Iswtm0st.•raul' of t tlItOn, which we
regretted very much. as he wan the
4,44/-4.I, iO,%Mg mai of K11 the. appli
nubs. r.b•r ahu fan to ee,eit, Tits 'Loyal.
r.guiarly, either by carrier or b, matt. will
confer a favor t'1 aogoalnliam us of the Mel e•
es ee'') •dale... wool ble.
eiorie44 manasr•lprs cannot be returned.
1'aerrsr),eh-o..' mutt b -written on one dA(
of piper ol.ir.
Pwalt•b.r s Vetter.
1*. Le Tomcod of liodrrtrh, 4..s been ap
poln'ed Iwe• .) 1Assii* r Agrot for the town
ships of God. -rich. Colborne, Aahrni44 •ad Wa-
Loral pnetnt.-Mr. user Ile d:rtrict are e'er
ssapow. rod to ilei -e su'ncriptlons to Tar
SIGN 4 1,
AUcomm'tm'catons mutt be addressed to
D Mc0ll.l.lCl'DDv.
Tits flsem•L.
relsehoae CaUM. (I,derlch. (►a,.
0044 tKIeH. THURSDAY. 1101'. ik MM.
SNAP 3/4013.
- -We are looking for • Ja•sary
thaw of the Tory ayorityrin West
There, another registrarship va
cant in Ontario This may take some
of the eyes off the West Huron office.
We haws not had to throw any
Beautiful Snow poetry into the waste
basket up to date, and don't want to
lie forced to elo it.
- It is stated that five Patron
ledges have collapsed in West Huron,
and that three which remain have
leen attacked with inanition.
Toro will i,s fen in West Huron
when the Tory *raters undertake to
tell the intelligent voter, that the
National Policy lies made them rleh.
-Nett week a number of our resi-
dents intend to go "4 ►ver the Hills to
the Poorhouse,' to attend the formal
opening of the House of Refuge at
Premier SastseDRT doesn't ap
pear to take kindly to protection.
This ought to go hard with the fellows
who wave the Old Flag and howl for
a tariff against Britain at the same
The Tory convention to choose a
candidate to contest Rest [Loon will
be held on Dee. 10th. There is a nice
.drop of aspirants, but Jouw BUTLsk,
of this tows, is BIaa11 RIl11Am's man,
and the convention is only called to-
gether to register the decree.
The political fight in North On
tario promisee to be a hot one, and
FRANK OILLES/IR, the Liberal candi
date, gives evidence of being a first
class man. Should North Ontario go
against the Government, this country
will witness a slide in politics such as
has not been seen since the Tory party
slipped on the Pacific Scandal banana
peel in 1873.
The Hamilton Times recently
published a biographical sketch of
Menet". JOYCE, alias "Sligo ll(IKa,"
one of the candidates for the mayor-
alty of the Ambitious Oity, and decor-
ated the article with a eut of Hon.
W ALTIR Hl1.PHkIZa Mo,rr*aus. Aa
$ result Mien is madder than a wet
hen, and promises to bring an action
tor damages , and Moirr*ot's has yet
to 1* heard from.
Two or three of oar entwined
contemporaries in the Huron Tract
are busily seemed in discussing the
proposal merits of the editor of Tyne
SIGNAL, and giving re•ann. why he is
not a fit and proper person, the. As
not one of the young .will drivers has
any p.r.onal knowledge of the "we"
of TRs SIOWAL, their opinion is not
very weighty. Mull, the young men
are probably doing their best, and
may get sense one of thew days.
The iabors' (;oaservativee at the
Oanalagtoa dewoa.taattow, used a
Imp picture 411 lipid Justice Maas
prim to decorate the meeting place_
The gall of same of theme tamps is
h Imes
The Brotherhood! Bra, • st)'tali>,t
*liner to the Canada f'4rIu rs' Sun is
the latest prop that the populist organ
Ions i.t.t to leen against in its
weaknewa. the Monetary support which
it has heretofore received from the
other aria of the line having
been eiw•ontinued. The boast -
:1.4.004) :1.1.1)14) rireulatinn of The Sun ha..
...hulloed to the freevin;; point . the
means for procuring supplies have
ceased to yield returns the ferniero
have in thousands refused to further
support the tottennl; organ. There
isn't $100 worth of newspaper plant
in connection with the nffi •e, and the
type and presses on which it is printed
are nwne.d exclusively by another
tire.. The management is Idis
credited, and little or nothing remains
of the old aggregation save Wattage's
4.hiak.-rs, the old helmet, the scissors,
the paste pot, and the editor's gall.
THE nominal editor of The Canada
Farmers' stun its (:socia Wkh.Lsy,
.tome years aeo a school teacher in
North 1►uniflie,, whore he Iwe•amrl
possessed of a history - but that is
another .,tory, and at present we will
not enter upon it. All that is neer
sary to state is that he never was,and
is not now, notes) for his truthfulness
of statement or plumb demeanor
Since The Sun became the official or
gan of the Patrons in Ontario, Mr.
WRIGLtr hes developed into a free
lance, and from having been a toiling
and moiling timeserver in • London
newspaper of&e, has taken on the air
of a dictator to political parties', and
assumed the functions of guide and
philosopher to newspaper men in par-
ticular. if Mr. WKIOLRY merely in
dulled in these little exhibitions of
big-headledneas the politicians and
newspaper men of this country could
easily afford to laugh at his monkey-
shines, ho when he undertakes to
bolster up :lis statements with false
hoods made out of whole cloth, and
conceived only in the depths of an er
ratite and irresponsible mind, then it
is time to cry a halt. In his last ig-
nite he published the following
And in reformed, to this, (the vacant re
si•trarshlp in West Huron), too, The Nun
ban • word to say. Bemuse the editor of
TNR SIGNAL was named in thegeoolomge as
an applicant for that p'»ition, The San is
referred to as "aping the airs of an author-
ity in Wein Huron politics.- Very well
why should it sot, more it was to The Sun
that the editor came two months ago urging
his claisss as an indepeoelent o•ndid.t• to
euooesd Mr. Cohens, M PP., if the plum
should i.e Rives to him • instead of to Mr.
Mdi.11icuddy. The editor wanted the
office, bat .f the member got the nf11oe be
wasted to become ..amber.
Now, we tell The Sun to its teeth
that the above statement is •bsolotely
and deliberately fate, and the man
who wrote it know* it to Ile false, and
published it with the full knowledge
of the facta. What are the facts? On
Wednesday of the second week of the
industrial Pair, at Toronto, in Sep-
tember last, the editor of Tien SUM at.
and a friend from Godderieh attended,
and having occasion to separate,
agreed to meet it, front of the Patron's
tent, as there wore tome 10,000 or 80,-
00[) persona on the eroond and some
specific point where the emwd wasn't
leerre would prove the haat place of
meeting. At the specified time, '210
P.m., the friend referred to and his
wife met the editor of TH1 BI.irAL
therm, and The Sun, as Mr. WIIOL*y
delights to tall himself, was asked if
the lady could 1» accommodated with
a chair in the shade of the tent while
the Galerieh teen went to attend to
a matter of business The Sue was
please'/1 to he of service, and smiled
upon all most benignly. He intro
doodad the editor of Ta■ Rioi*it. to
Y /smri. H A y1NK7t, M Atoms*, and am
weal other agrieulturists of eseineeee
in the Patron order, hat aa the editor
and his friend from (iederieh weir.
ler lima, - ant the inter
view Short and went about their bust
DOW 4 ht their return The Nun Wes
stiff shining is front of the Patron
tent, and intimated that he a Ahl be
pleased w hem a brief utter. we per -
v. ith
with the editor of lire ?tie.\ 11.,
which was granted. The following is
the result of the interview
Jlr. 11'nv.Lr.y, in the interest of the
Petrous wanted to know, t•onti,lrntiel
ly, if East Huron was likely 4.. be
opened I1,. heti 1leen toll by l'ouo's
Presi/Irtlt (:all ee. da'K that very .ley
that the riding would noon be vacant,
as the mender, THos. I:monk. was ,ie-
sirou'i of taking the ptb4ition of regi,
tri,. Mir. I1t'Itetae K hal iseen to
him 1 WKu:l.ey) to pal I wires for the
nomination, Lot The Sun 111•l l'.I.sY $
other name) told the editor of .Tile
:iwNAL that the County Pre•w.lent
w:•sn't '•knee high,- although he had
endeavored to tickle (:alt RNLes•t•s van-
ity ley ere -eking highly of his abilities
before hi. fair, as he was a good
enough fellow, after his fashion, anti
could Ile got to work well for the
Patron ore/ululate if he was judicious-
ly handled on that line. Continuing,
stated that they wanted a ...atoll
date lustily in East Huron as they
were short of timber, Lied asked if the
editor of Tug Sl. NAI. could not be in
diesel to rut as an independent Lib-
eral, opposed to the present (Govern
relent on one plank only theapuoint-
ment of members to otbccs whit h be-
came vacant while they still sat in the
House. He said that there were
thousands of the best Liberals in the
country who opposed the practice of
appointing members tt, other, and that
in East Huron, a popular man, who
could take care of himself on the plat-
form, running as an independent Lib-
eral and supporting the Government
on every plank of (their policv, except
the one named, would sweep the rid
ing, if hacked by the Patr3n vote,
which The Sun could secure to him,
as, remarked that ori of light, " what
we at this and say, goes, so far as the
Patrons are concerned." In the event
of being elected, the Govern-
ment could be given • strong
support at the start and on every is-
sue until the question of appointments
came ap, and then there was tc be a
cleavage. The Patrons would bring the
matter up, as they were short of griev-
ances against the Government, and as
they would be supported by the Tor-
ies to a man, there would be a solid
phalanx against the Administration,
which could be stampeded if one of
its acknowledged supporters bolted at
a critical moment. The fact is, said
M r' W RIeiLiT, we are short of men.
Mr HAvcor'K is a great man himself,
but he haft a lot of poor stuff behind
him . there are one or two ordinarily
fair men with him, but the remain
der don't amount to shucks, and have
net yet got over the surprise they ex
perienced when they found themselves
elected to the Legislature. Well,
said he, we want to get some men of
brains and education to take the strain
off poor I;AYWr'K, for he is worked to
death, and we would like to see you in
the House, for 1 know you would act
independently in the matter. We would
prefer to have you join the Order, but
even if you didn't, and ssw fit to run
as an Independent, you could depend
on our support. One of our candi-
dates in your *aunty is a manufac.
turer, and you could join just as he
On is'iog informed that the tempt-
ing offer eould not be entertained un-
der any consideration, The Sun, which
is Mr. Wtiotsy'a other name,exprew-
ed his deep regret, but stated that if
the constituency were opened he would
get the Patrons to put T. 0. Cutting,
of Middlesex, in the field for candi-
date, for, ..aid he, HATCOC[ is a noble
fellow and must have assistance from
men of brains sueh as Tom undoubted-
ly i., instead of having at his back a
rayl -tag -anal ob ail following which at
present, unfortunately for the cause,
lines up behind) him.
That is the whole story upon which
The Nun builds its little Action about
the editor of Tas Seoul. and the
Haat Huron candidature. The canard
has been published to bolster up the
status of A. W. WRIGHT, a socialist
writer on The Sun, who was recently
appointed to the ofFioe of commission
er to enquire into the sw.atsng system
by the Dominion Government, and
whose exaltation was commented on
in the columns of Tat SIGNAL.
0. a future ayssioe we may be
constrained to refer to the "loyalty" of
The Hun (Mr Water -may) and the ex•
eentive of the Patron oresideetion,and
show to the country at large the pro
pas/soda whir& they ars prepared to
put behrw the people. TIM Ste1tAL
knows the whole dairy, and if mew
eery, is prepared to samask it to tie
{piddle. Ara yes ready for it, fru.
w s6eLay
Ramal DI.r.r.rfra and Lr.a111..N- In abs
Arta and 14.4....,..
At one of the sittings of the .tmerl-
tar. Asa)latlun for the Advatteenlel 1
( . tia'Irncr at Springfield the oilier de e
the geologists met with the antl,rupoM,-
g4e4s lu 4111614.41141 saline important "wiser:
and especially the much entic14 .4,.• I
cho it uaplrnlent from Ih•• alio goat .1
g, .,el.
Tills new evidence Of glacial ball
1',Settled te) Prof. e;. F' Wright me-
a:> t, ,1 ,.1 a chert uuPLsnrat our au 1
tt:•. quarter lnchcs Ionic and to: -
quarters of an Inch 44.uad, ah1.eh 11. 8•1
1 !cleat') Iron ,'lupe•cd 1.• ah
8 1 Ivarnd. This its 1.04441(4 16j ...n
Itustou of )tteubelovIUe t):11o, at 1•:-4-
I0: ret, right u114*4 tickler his rrsttt.•tice.
Mt. Melon 18 a graduate ..1 the ..•irn-
hflc de•partmt nt alt \1sahington and
.1.''rwn Cul'*Re, gal for IS yeses 1 la
to n the l .vont) Pur\ rytrr Of .i.
Ci a:aty. thou, a...1 Is twat Mr/.•. •.,
ce•nYerJurt with .11 /i4e• ngtui-I fea-
'tarsi'.. the regMr. Nott er;,,s•tel:; alto
the 'ravel gMDesW which are tette*.
revel-' meals 1a road u e d:..; N.- .'
Cody' r d fur de e:.:et 11 .ic. 'er ee
ter the fo:011 Imrcts In t: • .slat etra•e,
of Oblu, and so is well know* to aw-
entUic men.
The implement In queetlis* War Pisa
114 2Ir. 17o. non pe•J Its*;; fltoi ' be
1rt•aluy marked tae - •s te:•raer
al,.ut right feet be. •.'. ;he surra.'
about 15 feet above the' I Mtn Ht. ..
ants was tastes Out with hie own Haute..
Thr "ravel was fins. nn.' the h allies;
end corona bedding ret".,.- area below,
lr was p.t'detly .11sunct pored •non.-
tul 1410111. ata that the Moot -mew o e" •.411
as the detweitbun of the gravel
Prof. N right bas v 14,1..1 the tela.-.•
with air. Huato* anal say* chat u" o'...
will question that it Is ..f the store is,
get the gravels at Trenton. Vii. J ate'
hi the esUry of the a..n, all 1'ran„c.
Where dasi1ar diacovel ors hay, beeit
nude. These terraces corrt:st on(4 close-
ly IA age to the t••arae.•. mine the . .. -
neetk'ut, .d w-hich that whole the :u-
mury In $iringfleld stands is a Keel
example. They mark the .,.-'.tiled
Chame.ain epoch of Lana. 1444,4 sscro•
forlred near the close of th. _t • 1
period. At thio stage of Inquiry there
should be nothing strange. Prot.
Wright said. in finding such yidrn,l,
for It is abut dant In France and South-
ern England: wh 1r lir .tl.bott'e nu-
e•.rrous lies -overt... at Trenton. N J.
are of the same age. Tits 1N eppr•lally
et nitleant ..t the present tante because
e1 rationed dlpeoverlei. it ha. thus
rr.•at cumulative force. This Is now
the third locality In tibio where similar
discoveries have been made and w••it
attested by competent observers. 444
.Cher two being at Madisonville by Dr.
Meta; at Nevicorcerstnwn by M. 1'
11'.11e. Thus more and more abasia,
el( es It become evident that the study
of the glneIal period in an (-potential
•..-.linsinary to the study ret human
The first comment upon the find was
the permanent secretary. Mr. Putnam.
•ho came on the platform gingerly
tearing the precious relic In a hat. and
it may he that there war a shade of
admonition in the little lecture which
he Rove ae to the neeeseity of keeping
hands off ati h treasure.. llooever
that may be, Prof. Wright took the op -
p' rtto ezplahad tt.wn
brought unity ln ear•efully arson.that it! in .issue
paper. Many were surprised by Mr.
1'utnam's statement that after it had
Men partied from hand to hand by th.'
people M the room Ito arehaenle,lcat
value would be gone. At present there
was a 1•rrull . r polish which spoke of
great antiquity. and It ought never to
touched. except when It Is to be. ex-
arrined with a m)eroacop• or on w.me
such trent ocealMn. The swlftneee
with which he formal an expert npin-
I..n seemed miraculous to the listeners.
Further comments were made by Ur.
Sient'er, who thought the gravel wh.•r.•
this chert was found older than the
Trt-nton glacial gravels: by hr. Ila11-
tt:rton, who dlatruated all finds in the
..elft; and Prof. Coos. who Illustrated
comparison with Patine Coast dis-
At the roncluslon of this dlncuesion
the regular programme for the after -
neon was taken up, the fleet paper be-
ing a study In folk lore. "The spider
e .,ddese and the demon mare.- by F.
H. Cushing, the greater part of which
was filled with a ningular poetic In -
('Ian legend, which 1t to quite Minor. -
..4,1e to reprodne. In small compass.-
Fhlladelphla Telegraph.
e.hi.v.w,-'os sr Sel.nee.
The whaleback steamer recently
launched on the Pacifle Coast Is the
b.rgest ever built. It will run between
Nan Francisco and Panama.
Andrew Keiser, train dtapatcher on a
Pittsburg nhliroad, ha. Invented an ap-
pliance by which any engineer upon a
locomotive can elope an open switch
at once should he by any chance run
into one. This la done by A ,lmple do -
vice on the locomotive, and a special
t•on,truction of the switch Itself, nn.
er,Raging with the other at the will of
the engineer.
in New Zealand water power Is umel
tot generating an electric current,
which la employed in dredging for gold
Ir. the Inver Shotovrr, about 26 miler'
from t,lueenwtown. The coat of the
p:ant *Au $36,045. the oast per week of
the entire plant is 417:. The result le
'-' cubic fret of material dredged per
h"ur from a depth of 20 feet. 1t has
now been running Succeestully for
three year.
it la now .iaImed that smoke nays
ler um' from vnleanoea, nor are there
Nam.a from the .am. inorer. The red
I:a:ht seen .M.vis the volcano la the
glow of molten lava reflected on tn.
under aide of the clouds of dust. The
clnudw of dust err never mixed with
smoke Ther. are, It is true. burette of
.team t.nmettoten but rocks do not
herr ap 4.141 or wood and give off the
finely 41vld.d carbon which we know
.s amok.
The Fr•.neh Government has a
w hom.. under eon.ld.ratbn for utilis-
ing tate water power of the Seine for
the production of electricity at the eex-
h4t Mon of 1500, and for commercial
di,tributinn of the eurrrnt permanent..
ty There are upward of 30 weirs tram
which power rmllel h. derived At
hi:mimeo there 1a an available fall de
19 feet Nurser'. 1a hot a trifle oyer
O s miles from tot (`*amp d. Mart
Tor. ..tlmated power avenset. 1. 1515
hers. -pow.., whteh should moult In an
meatie t r. n.rn halon ret 1155 horse.
pewee to the .eilh4tIon alt. it 1. atm
geed that the employment .4 the water
power wna1 sot impede navigating•
wadi. the .wet .a1 the utilisation wall
l_ 1' I - I 1
Wi'rUS '
Come Muh.l.ay, 404, ' Tuesday, or Wednesday ---any
cent i1uutlay.
Come in and look at our C.hotts • . .
Atld then look at the Prices .
Ci -react aa.1e of J'ar:.::tri ..
.‘11 .l At ked s 11.11,4 1 . 641414 out in (111• hp\t 1, w week,•. 1)4Th t rear.,,,
the. 41110rtunuy .It getting a Jacket away down in prier :kw)
C t.•1(eu..Jacket- at Lilt price.
11's: La..• un 1.an.1 a tats;;. ,luck 'a 4.44hieb' tints (Ii&hIlen's
Hese, , alt bwela. Also
.l a, .tier lot of those 141 oLets whi. h we have had such a run qe
This is the host lot we will Lave this et aeon. Another tot of I'lannel-
ett.. Week on, ;rtes. per 1.tit. Take a hook at O,.r 1w1ree1 Al ort 44.
lle.4 dual., Bar too. toe.. f .t _'il lar dozen. :l in. Shaker t''Iani,,l,
r'r•• Ask to see our Towels et YIk•. it 1441r. Sees our Silk lint ls...n ne-2s,
Linen H onoke.el.iefs, •t'•' We have a line all heavy Ho.e for leas
at 25e per pair.
P,•upl tlutl•t rush pell-mell .nu/ .1 -.ore that haat,l waked up to the
fleet Hiatt petiple•emst 'now for their Moiry every day. That's what
ee to to do rtery •lav
'-•rn•'r of `,1,r. .•.•' {t .yt
the !Sr. 1I....ry 4.o/wird ..0 Ilse Itwr-
n.'.1e 4 :/4• 1. ♦..a Irl-p...(•J.
101 l.urn• tar, a New fork ehysi-
:tan, died of tanner jest 441
ago, 4114 11 'aa teiegrepued alt aver
the ...unity that 11,• was Min•..I:toed
aid' the disease through contact
Nits. Natal,. who also became ,:"e or
toted with 1t by luting a apeaaln, UAW'
to a house w here t here• was a case of
Jerla•ei. if titin had ba -ea soften; test••,
it would bate oauorti sou.rtbueg llae
Unit.''/aate'11 111 II,1 UItal elln•a 114841
would have necessitated a revision alt
the mrthuda of handling the .Inees•ee,
L td. tn.wlbly, it intent have led 4o UM'
JIseutrr)' of a sure means of erte.ih•at-
u1g the disease. .1 malady 'Amer. 1 ,
. preed by germs, is is:areal) a 1. . b'..
ane in these day's of marvelous re
r.1 ..,.•1 viae. ..1 -. 11. • they/Y
among nt,4ical Hien has bean almost
.1411,,11•al 1.111.4t .'ar,-e, ,anh..4 In• , "...-
munit•attd by inoculation. and the .•1454,
a 1'r. 1;urn.•tte canis liar a .lad. •.1
rounder out of a clear sky.
nut rube -quest Investigation has
• 1.1"411, Orris 1.1e dutud all. .n lh"
4111). Ur. Ilurnette melte l" lirvtrl
that he .'aught the cancer by tuuehing
Ebbe woman s tongue with lois 11nK. r.
and subsequently rubbing a cut PM'
ple on his face with the same nutter.
And his physician appears to have Iran -
:d to that impression, tiwwgh ht tie-
11..1 ,rt 44.- t>. 1a.- 14114•66 411 .417,1461
stab men* of the case. Ito, airs. Hatch
who is still alive, and whoo is the pet -
-•.0 :1.1t.uph wham lar doctor thought
he became inoculated. says ent;•hato -
ally that she never used a speaking
tube, and could not have teen in.n•u-
lav••d in that way, and that lir. But -
nette nrvrr tuucbed her tongue alai,
his linger, and, therefor,, he could not
have been Inoculated In trust way. She
-days. further. that cancer is hereditary
In her family, and that she hes had
tor many y••:.r•5 the premunitory 1) nip -
toms of the disease. lire lurinery Is
prot.sldy as good as that of the physf-
it 1s. more-uver, improbable, In spit'•
of t)r Kurnette's Impressions. says the
Baltimore- .\mrn,an, that he examiwal
Mrs. Hatch's tongue w,til his flu
and applied a remedy and fait•• 1 n•
wash his hand. It Is unlike the asst of
s physician In good practice. Nor 18 It
more likely that the finger. ws.a,a-H of
unwashed, would have rrtaInr.i the
virus in sufficient strength to communl-
^ate the disease to him pal:oe time .4ft4.1"
he had treated his patient, The hands
are in such constant uw that the or-
dinary friction would In s short time
destroy the power of the strongest
virus. The case is not sufficiently au-
thenticated to unsettle the almost tint -
venial Impression that cancer rannnt
be communicated by Inoculation. It
may be that It can, but this very un-
satisfactory case will prnbahIy have no
effect, one way or the other.
1'ori..o. Mane..
One of the most curlouo natural
phenomena, and one which has never
as yet been explained by the philoso-
phers, is that In reference to the ex-
pansion of freezing water. The case
If water is a singular exception to an
natural laws of expansion by heat
and contraction by cold which apply in
Van., of W other known liquids. When
water Is freezing it"eontraets In bulk
Clown to the point where the mercury
reaches the reading o1 25 1-2 degrees,
or 7 1-2 degrees above freezing, from
which point It slowly expands, accord-
ing to the Intensity of cold. No other
Squid Y known to posses (his remark-
able property. exeept that certain met-
als expand slightly in pawrng from •
solid to a liquid state. But If heat he
applied to water after It hag ronl.d
down to a temperature of 15 1-2 degrees
she point where It Is ready to begin
.xpanding. should a greater degr•r of
mid he applied) It .011 Immediately
expand by the universal law Rut
should we lower the temperature to 33
*egree,l it wUl expand by Ite own spe-
cial law. Another curious point to be
noticed here Is this: That the amount
tf expansion 1s as great in water low-
-red henna 25 1-2 degrees Mown to 32
legtee. as It V 1n water that has besot
heated no that the te'mp'erature rune
up from 39 1-2 to 47 degrees 'Pleas
points are certalnly odd and meriting
and worthy of attention and expert•
ment At lotus Republics
Tt►. (`..a1 reogo deo.
Tim fact apeman la alae report et the
United States ueologiesi that
the production of /anal In this etMtre I
R/4eg the pant 16 years yet re* k 4
ale aggregate at 1.7113,174.151 grass tile.
Pad etre el the Selene et thew yeet
t a reareaties shown*Tib. the •athsadte restos la eassoma
white eove•re as ems et
aft MI Beare mask ekdadlINIJIN.11111
or nearly 15 per cont at tib ►
SA sad the NO *quare masa at tlt0�
IDOUS 0054 area in rennsytvania pro
duced 470.667.7.8 gross tons. Of 1..•lh
bituminous and anthracite coal, Penn-
cyhnnla produced during the I wet
fifteen )...Ira more than fifty -141 .•
ter cent of the total aloin.,, .r
the country, and yet the coal golds
than w per cent. of the *Hal output
of the country. and yet the coal 11.:.1x•
of that state, producing such a large
proportion tit the whole amount. . r,-
rttlute but little more than 4 per • -. n•.
of the known area of cowl in the l nit•4
States. Again, the c.ticulalions nl.d.
by the melt reliable .. h .rot) show
that there Is no of any
exhaustion of the depo..:. on the
contrary It apepam drum the Penuwyl.
'-ahla Geolog'''al 1aryey that the un-
touched reserve of b:tuminoua e..al !n
that state may be estimated at
ICA00O gross tons. -New York Sun
Th. *111.111. *saws.
A Georgia editor talks about "taking
In the Midway. • but every time we
tackled It the Midway always took us
We learn that during our absence
from home we were nominated foe the
Legislature This. In the event of oat
-lection. will give us an opportunity
to make 54 a day and a reputatl.r
We marched with the exposition mi-
llers yesterdayand it made us think
4 the time when we say the boy.
wing to the war and heard the stir-
ring notes of "Dime" from under the
fodder in the barn loft.
The head of our family will (Miter
her lecture on "R'oman's Bights" at a■
-arty day before the exposition Le ,seer.
We will not b(• presentas we have
tletard the IecturC'betore.-Atlanta con-
Winnipeg merchants are moving to have
the earl) alustatt by law qu•sb.d.
The estimated gold output in the Alesi.a
territory der the year 1895 to 53.000,000.
There wee a Cabinet omitted oe Satardey
owl Premier Howell afterwards lett for
Ckio•.e troop were 44.fe•ted by rebels,
who now domi.ate belt the payees of
Themes Keyes, treasurer of L seals
*aunty, diad at. the lonely raudesee, St.
r*th.rin s.
1. 1' Starers sad Mr Haycock. M
addressed • email ineettog of Patron. of
Industry at Aylmer. .
The eomplimee.•ry banquet to Mr.
Re*rwat will take plane at the Wi.dsor
hotel, Montreal, on i)eo. 17.
The sitars of rhe Nova scone b*.• 10(
firs of F,"iuher, Forest & Co. Itayes missy
well dap ettor. penniless.
Judve Jetts bee made an order Is the
Temwconata Reilwer owe, te. effect of
whelk will ht to dieelose the tames of allose
wise reeeiv.d paymwn oat of the reuetpts
from the tale of beads
Earpor's Weekly.
RAHI'RR'S WEEKLY 4e •Journal ler lbs
whole country. it .hal. with lbs erten of
the wrrld that ars imports•' a Amenities. •
Ie rar•ryl-sem, able p•y. in 1Rt. Jlis
"Morn .414.4 Chin• *r nlid Japta, and ,ieurr',tey
*d through the West: Rlcttasn Nratel+d.
Darts teak a trip through the Carribesn ten
the vol otiose of the sew Play, wero Mow
.d •wd Ii`o6rued by RovvI ". 7011111171114'415O
.stew w .
"xsnsatr Rsuiwn.nx presspted Mdlw el
Away and /ron't• r iib: PVWiT*$T gleat.w
attoud.rl tk. sopet,wg of tie ENl Lasa i.
4. 1'P6 lib •'sashes *114 M RIv to.
none-h•ppe•allaus o Tsod M chief tT.ats *5•A
tltee•'.r., 0044 mtl4tot dress„
ars la'io&l paveOntiM. W. 0 RnwaU5. 4*
1►e waw �epanerent, LM/ sad Leese:*. w/
d4teata 1. kit Is way ks.k. add 41re
meets' e9piestlo.a of the ..tae . A. Illawoura
sools'1 r ,•0.01 ti. 111..•
ose,l*k*0'i. 14*.
1,p's51M• 01 t1N
.los t mnmbakw are ,ad the Weald 1 te
folbwed. end Crsret W. W.n'mty ala Nn
deet die deportment eaf Atnase it Meer*
I. 1351 *111 mesas • Ptwdle.at101 015.04.5
la 41* .dlt.rlsl. end tbrewgh tit polilMai ears
xs the W /KRLY al math.** be lege is
degoad wt adrenals 0f mad Reraranwa4 ed
wreeo It will
la Mellon tie WEEKLY well be 1tp"e w
p..bll.b the only.ovd A
soar bf W. D. Howes. sod • Merles arta
e1 • denote► bad. Ory t. at 'MOctetrr lw
short .tnr10..rl•s,nd ,rw .f 4utsa 100
••d nuerett. Iia ovary rospeet b
W tx!Lel, w1R cons ile 0110 5
t44. Il art rot*d )ar0•Ilsm Ia of tot4,
Ti.Navmnlhww4s0efar .1 J* WtstLT hegts silt► the
wed, se 115 5 ye0r� �b
n0.01410 tp.0tlsaad, w
w$ttpk.. 1M Rebar oerrant tie Nr at r•
es'14e4alttaso.a .►*uN M md. b 5~
I5.wey d)rd*r er Draft, n • ek•a„'a' 01
1vwmpa/ws nr'a set M IAds a4*'{te►
sura! ,.6f 111..,pn,0e t.r lar
sof nurse s
M new l
A/ePt1 RRJ'rrASss d6 l]IIe..,.......•..,... I M
.1RP1dtn r•9r/i••••• IM
A erica `IteMwa ezwoome'bmr-+/ry iM. - rasa
1 St : MASa s/ 10
IP. O. Des N S. T. Ossa