HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-28, Page 21 7"."`"7 Weer • TRE SIGNAL: 001)V.HI('N, ONT., TIIt'f'KDAY, NOV IS, 1$A5. tramp and 1'boSera limbos Dierrlura. 1 o ► eater, end iwmmrr t •Dna ppMa!1ata, Pula, burns. end bruises, ni1M. Mingo, .111 Sunburn rag sit he prompt, y relieved by t,.euv I,tyIe Pain Killer. •.m -glee a.•t .• , Teti p iC CERTAIN, AtH}11L[R YO' ■ half _• ow to wart .• • not n, • .•• .r t„ertt. 110:1 11C11j1;1e I ''t.\TI'A 1. '•,IIM V.R. Copyr:ehi I:; .. ye A: the day ...tier Thanks, n The wtn.l tots hire •ire.ng .i.i k. .t down thruugh tkr narrows volley, -aand the village 6,1,44 `J L1;tkstherti,l ,t t7re hae low Mammal h5 it, alert r little paid was the sourOe of • snNil •break, end it bed followed the .treem with a votes Lou or thea tee ewe, mi. 11,.4 4.111/' rlpp-d it wt ,t race to the town. - The deed (eaves wrrr . hir iiia. now high nm air, then skipping elm g the .idewelk, t„ be et Int caught o0 wa,... per of lumber, ur under the ler et hefty., The sun was oh..•ured by dark, leaden oolored wind cloud* though now veal then he showed himself mead a patch of blue •hy thrt ugh a aft in 'tor .•land I'he village eau very quirt, end not an ,ndividtal or «ern a Attie, wee an sight. when Sarah H••le' nit• ran, or, rather. was blow'', across the Orem; thev old brown show' thrown over heed an,' shoulders. and heir .shoo dreee ehnwiug her slender form Ly the pressure of the wi, d. She entered the front door of a dare two etorjl white hoe.., and knocked at the door ole the left heed side et the hal', Fut did not wait for an ao• wer h.fore e°,enng Th'• room we. I. i and •quare. •Id was as beet ea only the room of • New b.ogl•nd woman can be. Where were while c .ttoo ,:urt.tas at the window'. The floor was painted velb,w, Tb • teams' nl th • room," W idoer Noyes as she was i.iled, sat in the rocking chair b• the window whi fated the door, mid knitted on a nig bine we. len stocking. She was tell ono angular. Her faded yollow hair was parted en, othly weir her forehead e nd her hire* grey eyes gliar»d keenly from beneath her spectacles at her visitor as she entered. "How (I've do, gars,- she said. "How d'ye do, Webby. said Sar.: "dretful windy. •int "Dr.tful," replied Nabhy. rocking vigor oust,. "Ain't much parson', is there' 'Nines@ the folks is all vetting ready for winter." "Think likely, returned tabby, and again both were shout. Nabhy knitting and Sarah eyeing everything in the room with nn enquinug',lence, seemmgl• looking for aomnethinjt new. "Heard from Lis Wnit.^ to -day ' yea tured Sarah at length, having exhausted her march. "Last I heard she was tailin slow, said Nubby. "Sod, sin t * "Yes, returntd the other, "its dretful for Jacob. He 1 have to leave his placo and go to one of the daughters, I sh d think, nut beim' any eon. n.'e or goy body heloogin to him ceptin' married daughters. "Thunk I.kcly, repented Nabb,, jerking her wordi out as though she were brook tug • piece of st.eut twine. "1 saw my mother that byes np to Nashua teet.•rdey." again ventured Sar. "I'm,.' assented Xabhy. "('ant 'he woman speak'" thought Sara to herself. when after touting vainly for fur- ther remark from Nabbv she saw her still knitting, silently and stiffly. '4he .t length not to wait longer and re commenced. "My brothers wife bad money left her.- -How much"- snapped N.tby. "Tbe.ught that would fetch her, .n,. Sera's admit thought, while she mid •loud, "Three tbousan- in the Nashua Bank. "Humph" said Nubby, "my cousin • wife down at the fairy -131d freer thous.°' left her by her father's muter Ano that she was named .*ter. "My brother's wife had some other things too,' said Sara, "a gold ring .n' • breast - pie an' some furniture an • hod quilt." "So did my roman's wife She had • pastor and • sheep barn up on Rog Halloo) some baircloth chain an' a sole "William'. had the infloen,y, murmured S.rs. after a pause, 'setae that she could sot get the.,better of Nubby oe the mosey uestlon. "Took Ma''questioned Nahby. "fretful ' didn't set up for three weeks, .n he Wok • powerful lot of (login . Tho- roughwort firer, end wormwood, an 114.1 hu chest .n took kerosene an raw onion', an had the dyepepsy no rh'ulrtstiz when begot over the infiu.ery, an. did powerful lot of grosain'. "My "hole buy's had it toe, ' returned Nobby. "Lay fiat oe his hack five weeks an' had three doctors, n. 1,e •tido t get troll all summer, had arm• an lumbago arty iR Doctors give him op owe spell "oh, said Sara, cheering her teethe, " What'd ver hay• for thankagivio' down at your sister's t" 'Turkey s' figs'' an three kende of pie. an six of preserves. inion paddm' an' fruit cake" "Nave se salary '" asked Sara. "Salary. •o." snapped Nattily : ' nobody hal salary be the Www 'optive' Demon Warner, s' he's clomp esenrh to skis • flea for its hide s' taller, s' wo1dn't give say Mdy any of Ms's. "Jobe did," said the Mbar. "Had seat. prime In a toll glass jaras that wgive 'am *sir silver waldh . , 'Ter awful fader e a' relished ho it's awful good for rhos u saua. tee They hod Mrksy, a, ea' all the axis's •a put, s' paddfOm,' as eraySS, s' nuts ai salary." "Walk" .giimm1 Bobby, "if salary le to be W is *Is Iew, all 1 ger alp in Sifts iSlirandy . .0 •,.e.6x11 have Marynrtt-T`.an•ei•1. ", if sur mother ran hap a fields.• .., 1 nuts tooth s11 his doctor'111 ball au - • .•g'•, )I„endy 'fuhhs can have o,^1/k, 4 ,i, 1 Au'. te,.. "W. Il, fou i hat, 1. co to 'llurgy .Iles it thou, p.,,eurd .. 11 high delight. "101 u e, 1! thee* for n e e. I moat go Meg g n•.w, f4 most stage lime, an 1 expect a package. Auut lir, said fee dwarf me some at • 1 .wtnd,'a weddyt 'mak.. (,.wmdt tore geen' to he named vinoenl'•y. "t1401 er'me to dream .en ^ I, n+ eh ' 1l'ell, good o f Men'•' ►sad Om deer flew suddenly to after • wt' I , list .1 . idol. •'%Vedolu, rake to dreem on ' sniffed `ahby to her., 1', "at nay age, iiiii 1n my aitnatjos, the 1. ha ijjit! 1 knew when 1 seed her eolith she'd sot ameth,n' to tell en. w:wte:l to tree the hotter nn me, some - ho. 1 I1 he even with her. 1 know Louie sa :i read me ■oma ,t her weeldln' oaks, "and as he salary, Ill ruse that If 1 have to get rhe plan's of 1). -.eon t1 •*mer, an as for *suites •o neje, an windy. I guess I sen lav up eunuch, the nest year to get them, u, 'Mirnady •o her children shall he•e. rm, ,tee, for 'ie,r Thathiamin din- gier. • gal she laid ler knitting work aside e nd cern' shout pr.p.ratinns for her frugal supper of warmed-over turkey stuffing, left - ever t•rnnherry saner and tea. N.bby Noy«. had net always lived in the e rner 'num of Lot I'.mph.11 • house in soli trry .carr She had been the daughter of • hard workinv n..unrr.. farmer, and had horn toughy t.. spot. mid knot and weave, and to make butter and cheese, candle dips and menages, and to new her own simple calico and de)n.re demises ; and when she became old enough she left her father s house to be- came the life mate and drudge of Samuel Noyee. she had been the mother of his children : she had helped to buy the farm and pay the mortgage by br•idin,; palm leaf hats end binding euapenden, and when h• died he had shown his appreciation of her helpfuloers by Isavine the farm and all his possession to hu eldest son : sod to his wife, e. • memento of his love, he left the one useless thing, lie hie seelmetioni that he had been guilty of buying, viz., the F.vs- gelical Faintly Library is twenty volumes, She bad accepted his decree, and cootie - nod to beer the yoke for her son, se she had for his father. until the son brought him home • wife after the manner of otner sow, and t he wife ha,1 promptly stepped in N.hhy s theca, anti to the head of het bus - halide table and household, which was, of course, the "proper thing.' Nabby did the drudgery however. while the daughter went to aocisbles : she tended the babies while the daughter went neighboring, she did the conning and the pickling, the washing and the ironing, and she accepted, for • time, the corrections and the ionneneloes of the younger women, but .t last fieeh and blood meld stamp it no longer and the worm tura .4. She left t'-' farm isd settled down is the north west truer room of Lot Campbells house, whil the eon, with • generosity be never perniitted her to forget, allowed her • bedstead and its furnishings, two tables, • bureau and the three ehair• with the old stove thrown in from the household stook which had been her own maiden plemuhings, hut the evangelical Family Library he con n dered ,t toot to keep for the education of hi. own children. "She had no room to keep it, and, [reside,, would eventually-, et course, leave it to there,' he said. Her living was provide," by tier ether children, am] was eked out by doing plain sewing, by knitting edging, by nursing and ht other little ways sad works. It became the rest of her solitary life to keep .bead of Sara Holosmb in all tnlior things, If Sera poreha ed the cloth tor • new sperm, Nsbby must get aoaethine dif- ferent, hut better, If tiara tonna the first dandelion armee, Nubby must some is ahead on mlkwoed end if Sara got up • new moms tor toothache, Tabby must swear by another. Se Nahby .nd Sara gossiped and bioker erect and miffed over their caps of tea mid their patchwork. enol mob would have been Ioieeome enough without the other. Nabhy- did not forget the oelery. was not allowed to forget it, for wheelers'. Mara rnads her a call sloe always found co- mmon to mention her Thanksgiving dinner mad her celery. In the spring, roeiminemtly, hating hod the subject well in her mind all winter, and having debated ways and means. Nobby donned her wooed best Monnet and harege shawl and started to make • call no Mesons Warner. After having told him sundry *web of eery roe@ip• and having tiebled Isis vaulty hy prauteg his coarse of actio in the last church squabble, and so winning him to gond homer, she asked him meek- ly if he was going to raise celery ie his garden that year " Celery '" said he. " Yrs, I.v. got as flourishing • set el avlery plant se 1 per seen. Heats all how they're vowed oleos 1 traneplant.d 'ern, anmore'• i ever had tans lore. 1 raise 'em they're se good its rhenm- •ns, s' 1',e rbenm•tir jest awful is the vomiter ' 1 knew you do, Ihesee., said Nobby, iywtptatbet4.11y. " I'rh•pe, .sin's you hays so many plants, you'll have some to spare I wait W try my head at raisin' ISM this year. I et lot• me have • HMIs greeted in him garden, an' i gteorally hate a few .aN•ges," .he added boldly. '• Humph" muttered the demes, otreniy, " es't my as i ham way to ale* li y. Omsk, eaab a may lea el alms M rain 'ism. Mobile 1 OS 10 !NM have two dome 11 yes want is pay whoa I ebbold have to ask fee " How wish •to v.'s wand !•' . tit! a ked. •' Wet!, 1 du tan. bet 1 t•' •►t q rata have 'm 1 ,r fifty Dole a doges ; to ide't f. or no I",., he said, woe Jeriug _t show •add o,,:rrut to pay that abnormal price for 'ham. o., tarty, mid sbe. with • Yankee• L1.'•stomps. 'o heat him down j "No, said he, " 1 couldn't for that, nnV• hie. Ft • dretful lot of work to raise defy.", ., Well, beacon, 1'11 aiv. you 144'y div. oen*s a do,'ta for them, but 1 woq L no more, Ala Dried, asel'ng a stand. Wall. p'r•ps I'll epi•t the di1ersnee, seen.* it y .u,' said Ilesoon W•roee say leg ,. good Ileal about hu rbennwtian, aid the hard work it we. to raise celery , h eel ^Mout Reding her the pleat So .•bby took them home sad set then in the sunniest plc. a she enn'd tied, and • i. watched 1) •acou Warner out of her west window all summer. When the deaoon K• our hie celery plants, she set not hr•• ; and when be hoed his she knee hers ; when he heeled his in I•te summer, she heeled hero, and at list, when she saw him :•k bee 1u the wheelbarrow to his open cellar, see Fathered hen in • diehpro mid keyed i: to her awn esp..ei11.1 corner of Let remit. bell a cellar In order to save the moor, for the unwonted !every of ewe dnren ce'er. plants .t forty five root • (here, and re pay for the ante -meted oranges, nuts •n.' candy for Mandy's and her children • Thaokagiving dinner, \abhy went withe,:t coffee and drank tea instead, and dented herself cheese and her euntnmary roper eehen dress in the spring, while Sans wat.•hed her front •ernes the way with her sharp Wife nose turned up high. and with sundry loud• ly expressed wishes that a drouth or a freshet or Pomo ether dreadful oosvuleiec of nature would swallow up '•Nubbv Noyes'. celery plants that she tors gettine se esu -1: up about." Kut there was no drouth or freshet, and the aut,,mnal frosts did not kill Nabhy's eelery plants, but, no the contrary, they looked very fine. Thanksgiving morning dawned clear and bright. after • ,roLl, driuhng rain that heti •t length frozen and made thin sheet. ot ice on the sidewalks and donretiwtss. tabby was gaily packing s.'me bunches of celery and her nuts and oranges in at empty flnnr sack, when Mrs. Lot Campbell stopped in t sok if she d heard the new,. " Newssaid Nubby. " What more ' Why, about Sar. Holcomb, eke wag comm' across from the poet office last nivh•, and when she got to the door stun she slipped on some ice and felt .n' hanks her hip, anthey do say shell be laid op all winter. I m agotn .crass right now to me it 1 can do something.' " Serve@ her right," said tabby, tying the string .round the neck of the bag in a vicious way. " She might have known momething would have happened to het after the way she's beim going on •11 mum mfr, wishim for drouths and freshet, and end the Lord knows •11 beside. ' " Wall, it's dretful had to have • broke. hip, ' said Mrs. Campbell, " anyhow von put it. " I'm Rein' to take some not my dinner over to her if she ca. eat it. 'Tain't likely she can after .11 that ether the doc- tor gave her. NabSy went to Mirandy Tnbh's and ate her Thanksgiving dinner, but the turkey seemed tough, and the stuffing was ton salt. The baby was teething and co -Adel sunk her chicken boos, and let them eat is peace, fled. worse than .11, the celery was e trisgy sod Nobby went home disgneted. She did not read the weekly paper that night, and she did sot tats up her knitting. Site eat and thought and leaked at the moonlight. to the morning she crossed the road to San' room with • package in her arms. Sera lay oe her bed with • pale, worn laps and expression which vanished as N.bby come to the bedside. eayimg gent- ly • " Sar.. I know Tee been bad tempered and cross : 1 know 1 ye tried to be mean lots of times : I've run down your thiees, .n' you, .n tried to get the better of you lots of times, but I'm sorry, Sera, .n' 1 won't any more : s , Sara, i brought vnu some ot my salary : it: • • leetle stringy, 1 know, but you can leave that part ; an' when that' gem, 111 brieg you sante more, .a' nightie, gar.. it 11 help keep the rhesmatir sway. Sara smiled and nodded, and holding N.bb% s worn palm, Dried, •' Nahby, you ba int been . mite meaner'n I've been. .n' you helot been . mite more envious 'Y I've been, .n Nabbv, I'm awfully serry, as' 1 e b611 jilt relish your s.lerv... And thea Sara told .11 .but her asci dent, sod what the doctor said •boot the serious character of the fracture, and what eh* said when ander the influe.os of ether. . ad N.bby told of the dre•ilul injury that her made coos sustained up at the Falb, when *tweak rs away with him, .ad bow the doctor said it was the worst fracture of it kind that be had ever mew and .l1 was peace. She nee 11 It weal Week a MIrsele. Thousands have been bsndtted ►y st it D ewe selebrated Invalids' Port. While it soothes, it strengthens ; while it makes • pleasant drink, it at the erase tone builds np the run down system. Per Wiles, fmvlid'' fort is a bee old generous wine, full bodied, which is guaranteed tat make blood, sad to add • new Melina ot strength and hope to the bypnoheadriss It is • great deal more valuable than the ordinary tomes for while it sharpens the appetite it at the same time has the power to make sew flesh sed esoasles. All over the eeuntry this wine is is demand, revisals( many of the worthless seetrnn,., which have bean im ersdeatly sailed teniae sod blond maker. A big hemeiag took. field by .11 dealers at 17.50 per ease of 12 quart bottle, half PIMP 00. r 75 eta. per bootie Address- doses flare Co.. 30 Heepilal Street, Mo. real. A B•emiaM swam.. "N•,".sbbed We peony ghl,"RwM aid 1 t.Tr meek sew. And it was •11 Shre'1gh She manhimildems of the Jes.Ietul v.Hie Sl y,"Why, whet did she d. r' "t>1• psreaded es M }els the sane Muni Moir." bee. a. s Merritt. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYER'S_ ptarlllla A MEDICINE WITHOUT ANUji . Statement of a Well Keston O •1K " Ayer's Sarsaparilla la without he awl WI 3 blood -purifier and Spring esthetes. cannot have praise enough. I have watched its effects In chronic cases. where other treatment was of no avail. and have been astod.hed at the results. No other blood medlc,ne that I have ever used, and I have tried them all• Is so thorough In its actloo, and effects so m•ay permanent CIRCA as Ayer's Sartaparllta."-Dr. H. F. MERRILL, Augusta. Me. Ayer's1 Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. Amor's Pltla for limits Med IbaMIML A FAIENO OF MAXIMILIAN 9 wail& of it IM. rasharears Lady With a *Wary. ST ('Ay,iARINgt, N.,v 12 tanto died an this .'oty ,.0 S. -era! -s Mrs 11. fieatie:d, whose life for toe lost onset's( of • mastery has bred 'peat no quietude mei c•maturt. lent whose experience at one p-• u,d of her lite was stormy and sensatire al enough to furn- ,mh material for • first clans ro,nancr. Her husband died • tee year. a,lo, . sat tet. Me. and ?Ira. lienneld rt one tinge phi!. cd r nrnmineut pert in the h,atu'y of cent Is now the repuoiic sat Mexio, Mr. Be. jai being ,me of the boern, truest• of ll.zimil- ian, st that tome Emperor of Mexico Had the Emperor followed the advtoe of Mr. 13., both be and the F•mpreae wool! hav: es.sp•d. For his toy el v to hi, friend Mr. Keotield came very near oaseiticing both hiuwll and wife, and they- n .de their es ospe from Mexico to !t 1 D the gyrates, difficulty. Mrs. KeunelJ fr quentav de scribed now she and her maids sat up .11 night, cu, tong her monogram out of her table and other l oose..nd do'ag .way with every trace of her and tier bemoand'•Tden My, fur •Ju.rst .....id • tb.'. limb have snow° short stir ft iider.s to the (needs of the kmprar. However, they tioraly sue corded in leaving the lana of Monte'uos., and, af er some wander. ie., • 'sled down its St. t'atherines. The tgeeased Isdv hsd among her dearest. ueaaurre u,a: y relic' of M.zimilitw sod ('.rl et., ,oc'u ling their Portraits The r•ima,uo were shipped thea morning to Kentn k) for hues!. GREAT MEM(. RIES Webster is mod to have been able to re- peat the most, if not all of "Paradise l,oet," Soloman, scoot-dtng to a Hebrew tragi tion, cool 1 repeat sill the Proverbs in hie collection Niebuhr, the historiou, reed with ease twenty different languages, s1.d could con verse in ten or testy.. Tbe Ribbn Lebec, „e ('omminetus was the master of twelve engUeves, all of which he spoke with the atm • ©ueucy. Alexander the (;teat knew Homer by heart,•od could rerneat bn h be "ll,•d" and the "Udvesey" from memo,'. John Runyan made home -If very popular among his people by remembering them ell. He said • face wage left Mm, ('hsrlemagoe could hold his tongue t eight different [enemies,. He made • epec- ialty of studying every language spoken in bits empire. • Maar Spent in keepeg • Wait a clothes ales. and in order will lengthen its life by one-half and look better all the time, too Weol.aa and dye men and women s wearies apparel of all kinds. Parker's Ilya Works. Toronto do the best work in cleaning Did dying. !feed your geode to them through their trent, Mires Yates' Millinery store, (nide fish, Ask your Druggist le Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY FLORAL EXTRACT per iiSodkMmMa. ?east sod !w. _a) PlEpik iZY ) Pretty 01r1 --De you ru by the M,• - ebonies' liuilding? (131lol.1 Moto, nt.ui tet Idenity tmprc:•ned) - Nu, nose. but 1'd run the cwt. no lher.- ato'e'htl fur you It 1 ouulld.-ttonzervilk Journal: Harry- I cannot offer )••u wealth. AM•.. . my tronas are all the fortune •Aa. Mettle -lib, !tarry. If yt.0 ur r badly off as that, 1 am afes:d 1• , u will never tato hie twn0e•nt.- • ihnev's She it.. hal them. 1- -1 hour.' an old lady Pei' you a great cwnp{lu►ent yee- tvrday. He -boils Ural utak. What .'a it? $br She said you must be a • 1 r:I,hl nine to gorget me as you tit1. '1'Iuth "Tear ire" Mall ?Armee ('•orate•+e.•1. "wet'. Phi* to have a ialtuU,e uuioily • tour township next 'yrot!'... "11'0.1 w.11 It lee?' "We're *1.11)' 1.0 h.y comity talr without Au) 11tlytar 1413- zs. • into it "-W•afttnrton Star. 1llobba"-Hsu IP. ril.ld,', 1' new play m'tch toed coloring and alm•'ephere? Fi .bhe Lots of tt:' bt.t )ud,rlu um Ito. opening nl►.hi, th,• colot'tn,. blue and the atm, ph.•re tit ....Ill frnt'ty. Fhi{ndr•11•hiu 1:• , ord. Mr. Spink, --Well. R !"fr. btu your - '-ter *nude up h.•, mho ' to go to the c•omeert with me" Willie Y le She's made up her mint', anti elite'« rookie' up her face now. She'll 0*' .l..een in a minute. -treat U1vkf,•., Widow-- Do you know. Mr .`ether. that you remind me erre remelt of my let,• husband' Mr. 1'511 •.' ,Itv,king at watch) -Why. It not Litt.•. t«n't It" Es - Muse inc. 1 really had ro Mout of the time --Richmond fttspateh. Rgom/1!er : ('Lr. ry I l.le Form, 1' I',• • ye, the home of Airs SVin it...'.ras the scene of a iwy wetly %wadies on Wedeeidy aft+'*,•e.'., b'h lost., when Iter y,.unitest ,an{Ater, Mesa )Itm..e, and John i'aoue. baker, a highly esteemed yoag ms of this sante toanship, were united in the bonds of •nacnmun,. Thr knit: w.. sec:nrely toed by R's. E , i ;t.ot i° the presence of .host 80 invited vuest.. Earp3r's Magazine. I N 1896 Mrlaels, • new novel by %Villiam lila, writ tae with .11 the:authr's weli-keowo rt.erm of manner, will beirtn in the' lleoemhet \ember. lerS.and eastione notit Mar. A new navel by lienee.: i., Mar, ogn. entitled The Mariam. will arse hewn during the ypar. 1t ,a not too much to my that ne novel has ever been • w.1•ed with smelt Area .-,psotation as the etwore.or to Trilby. Tar P,reseal MrrNMe Iaee. id Jaen of Are will ewtinue. and will relate the star) of the failure and martyr- dom of ,he Maid of Ltries.a. Other important fiction of the year will ne • novelette by M Ouut To Aix. ender the title. Teas aawrr. 5ernr• Orr . • hu-ooreue three part tae celled Tees $ertas.sa Fresh tewddlr4y• by Lam: inis )awi v MITI lieu. ; .• 4 arson marina by (A 11% t: Tit /MST. Ktcwsa AaaiM )Meat K. WILKIISn.JcwAN Itat.ro. UKAai. uwap; Weekes anal other well known writers. Pros Woonnew W mares will contribute els •aperyea George Waehing*oc and his times. with illustrations br lI,. got' Py;.s, 1'e, Li NMI' So:11.sn a history of Tie lsvrm.s Mragie ler Lltrrty. Mum rated by ft:. • arom W.at.vii 1.5. will he costlnotd through the winter. Tw• papery ne tar. ('latae detain and Mad Anthony Ws. easv,c.ry, by Tnrou .,ti 11.101IMot.r. with graphic illustrations will be 'whited denim the year. A ootewertby fes -ars et the MAIiA11'Pt durisg the year !TN wilt be • ser re of articles by ('Aat•kR yc. N'urr gay s deeer.b.ng his trip Id MOO nine. on •sow ahoes and with dolt .Irlttl, train into the unexplored Karroo larouod• of Rrirhh ?Iortk America in par suit of wend bleu. nod mu.k et en. 4r. Whitney • series wi 1 have the added inters.• of noise Illustrated from pantograph' taken by himself. The Volumes of the Magazine begin wife the %u.uber* for June and December of each year. When notone 1. meat ioned.su baenpfloa. will login with the Number current at the time of receipt 0 older. Remittances should he made by Post °Moe Money Order or (blah. to •veld chance of los. Neser'ppaesp�errs err got to ropy MMU adrerrw mewl trit*o rt I Ar erprrea order of Harper t Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HAKI'RR'S MAGAZINE ..Per )"ear f: v, HAi(PER'S WRR,ALY. .. '• HARI'1KK BAZAR HARPRK'S l-OCSIf PISOPI,M. r s• Postage PFn to nil subaerieers in the ('acted State., Ce sada sad Masco. Address HARPPR t BlttrtHKfta. P. 0. Hos fall. 14, Y. City, Harper's Bazar. IN 1866 The teensy ninth year of HAItI'Kien BAZAR, beginning 1. January. lift, a.d• it maista:nine its degrees/I repu sties both an a r..hloo Journal •od • weekly periodiesi for honk Treeing. Beery work the BAZAR premium besu'ifui toilettes for various or.s.uone.N at.or BAvna wed Cn*t't•is Illustrate and engrave the , e• est designs froms the IMP. modem In Pa:Used Barba flew Torek /••Masa epitomises cal - rest style. ln New York. A fetolghtty pat t ra-sbeat supplement with diagrams and Creations ambles w••m'a to cat and make their own gowns end is of great value to this rob e feeeMl modiste as well s. to the amateur dressmaker. Chlldrvs'•Clot king receives rile e ast attsn'lon. thebteee for Mea am des shed In loll detail by a neo ebsut •wn- •sr Parts tome : by Kernnu'a Ing F••Rar Is • .prigbeiy weekly maim of fasblee. Rom p and social dolmens Paris, elven by • clever womas 1a •a enteRalel.g way, Both Abe serials for 111, are the work et Amerl&sa wanes. flea. a1.raN. bya.. Louisa root. M • anklet 'toe) of Mve New lead life. ]tear It W tale.'. Jnrem.. . Peer Ms discusses the always Isteraafliwtgg pretoens of lbs rotaries' between labor sod capital. Short storke will be written by the best ambers. ,•soled aepsrtsheata. Mash. The Oatder Wonsan. Personale. What We Aro Dolor. Women and Mea. report and dismiss theme' of Immediate Interest. •mowers to (7avreep..Mn•a Questloas ro- mNre the personal atteatlee of the editor am are as.wered at the earliest persibte date at ter their receipt. The Volumes of the Rogan Mee with the S tet Nambr for January Meath year. When . o time le seentl.aed eghseriptims will kb.'ggt�a with the Number currant at the theme( rept art ceder. Remlttat.ome .Aosta be male by Pact-/.. Money Order or Draft. to amid abase of lees. Nwire a w ont t set b mpg MU deeeeytae w t t repress mar of A Amatil HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pae Tear r 119 4 .10 J/yea pn/1,/Al PlOio i• all PLA...... 0 Mdse. ihnsm/a. and Ms.itlw km dew �w Add em : IRAfltPft t fi1NOTtOI .....eve The Signal i.e.,* mono wile mijna:.1 allegation to its Joh I'rtut,es fatalities, wheel' ars- pared outside the trite fir t to, 1,.;, and proper @tountit.* ..f all .,e., tot pru.ting .+t ptrt..ld el tie meatu,ryeufrguttt something ),,,, i.a Ice in ne- .1 sat. mid 'n .a w f 031 yen, t rouasp;e, eogn that our wtlort• to pi WI '. , .t with the App. •.r al of 11.14 isaf,oas 11O\e t:ltt\M This��us.duJ nine is k.•pt fell ring** of Fagg'lties mime ,. '•tom *t V\lv .w i�ICk1l\t► we out eo Ke•tu•rully ueesl, t hey. eat important plegia in cotutnrrcie "ts ',wgli.la•mk', See what ae'gy Kot under the above hefuls. j•(ttt(cr i1V.0,d16 In thug line we have a very ,ergo *wen of line writing papers suit ahle for every claws of hu.iueyM refirrx.•nte.l in this lo.•,tli' - .,nu' prtsiuy laid and toner, quadrille and other riper., ruled or unrule,l, lee may be required. ' bI . il‘tat\t if the " pay -as -yon -go" plat, was the order of the (ley the demand for account paper would not h• SO great ; but there are some un -n who get so malty gunners they they won•terif the stock will ever run nut. We tjou't intend it tri and at present our stock is en plot.• in this line with four .irks. Good paper anti tient ruiins;. %%OAvtoe%N /. Both single and doul,le dollar) ;and Cents columns. They some cheaper than m :II heads, and ars the proper thing to send after s dt•lingti. not or: x• a month. They are sure to fetch him 'round - mom et i rule. AV.V. Deet Now, it would be hated to Fel along without envelopes,and t• keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock os hand. We hiive now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the pricer will range from;Sc. es 12.00 per M. We handle cam mercial and legal sizesexclugitrlr. C'ou'(i irC.a\-Pr\tAtta\\¢ ham already been partially enar orated in some of the heads ahem. There is, however, • vast aMneaa of work under this head that M enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this •dv't, hut we do it all at Tu aJuixAt.. 0.15.%taOtms to an "At Home" or • wetidieg require considerable taste in teles tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and hest samples to be had: Call and tele of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out., from tin plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. We aim to excel in all the differ Dot kinds of work we turn out, hut especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. Cards andi, T\.ekets rho head covers a large range of work, from a breae or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. Q Otter s Oar facils for ship clasp of work are evidenceturningdout by 901 fact that the great balk of it if done by no. This line also in eludes Dodgers which our three faint-runatng Joh premises are able to turn out is surprisingly short time. %Mkt ?;\\\s belong to the poster devartmset also, and we make a specialty of them -promptness being our she in this respect A notice of sale will appear in TAT SiePAL free el charge when hills for same see Rw here. #\\ `GAlivis oS W oak in the tYPographical printing 1.01 own be done in this estahfliebrleiet in an expeditions and tuitions manner and °WV V t+%Cft t1L1\\\ \1st SoVi" 1btVV rtatotn.ab\tt. We extend our thanks for put fay ors, and oohed! a eaaWaatso• of d1e tame. TWIL IA 'I'1' aMRMets.