The Signal, 1895-11-28, Page 1DIT
lured at
50c. a y(1
30c. a y. i
50c. a yd
50c. a y..1
3'e. a
The }tun -
All pur-
Vislt this
icy, with
a ready
5e. a dos
5c. a yd
5c. a yd
5c. a yd
5c a yd
24c. & dal
.... 18 Tilt MT.
a t
TILE CPt(;.' AI.
• Ulefi . JAIL 1. 18411. I
E R.
ft.rg*Ia Day - Jas. Kobinsoo
Harpers Periodical* Harper a Bros.
A heinous Reformer (: T. Folder./ a
Winter MillneryOpsaiog-J.T. Ad►esos
The Probe -The Kau .... .. . - ..
Ke.apeeed-H. L Smell A Ce
Hems sed Sees- W m. Shames
Spacial Valles to Yams.- W. Athens* &
Sts .
Amities 801. -tamer... (Belt & Relies,
Prises Slsapliea-J. Masa
ta«. was Y tams.. M 586,331.
quanta) of wen l prows dropped Mese
P . ( _ 300,736 to 10,031,970 pounds.
a ur
4 vv bore yo441414100a that the Notice
2 Whatta Ooingouts t.l. Capital 1'ohcy hes bwbei.d lho fsrto•r ` W
you compere the prisesrobs' to 1881 to
2 ++ term products of that year wl'h rhe rola
eats I ons of 1891, applied to the ou• put of t
farm for that veer, 1t sulks me the no
raht will be found adverse to the forme
ooe este.
By way ot compel -tem 1 have taken the
qquotaticas from the Montreal Jours•I of
Cemetery, for lout ember 1881 and Neve
her 1891, and as regards farm produce
Mod that tb. as price of pedecl;ne.l from
to 78 mote; ours fro*. 80 to 72 Dote
a The O,•tec from the LOOM 111W.----- ed aletaerMb,
TM full..wlrig from the By05e5110 Tri- A. Dead aa PiP
PISSPoona 1311111$
*.m. Owe, --Ise. Bale .
Strayed tit Beolss-J.Eery Besse[[ .. . Herald 1'uNi.hlsg Cs.
1►e Yea Lawn ter Month .. ...
LINO bane relent to • former welt•kaows resident
a - of God.rwb, • eon of Mrs. iespt•ioi Gibes•,
be A of the Hayfield who has toed* ha
t 1
w.ekl Mawr ed yams, g....."." Y The Lase tad Kinn Performed me Brame'.
re I .p u bon everybody - nab and mark o0 the other aide of tae line. Hie
Purim tllpred sag [».dewed
Prem Beery nerlles.
The hws,d Career eta /.roes ae•liss•
All p•etti pld*g MOW stirsjAsud as
this aim ID tbde Had See to the nesse memo
I x.DAy, Dec 1016. -Asada sale of
silky' property •t Moios•Id'. Hotel. Kis -
tail, on Dee. 10:11, •t 10 unlock, r w J.
Knex, met.
Bebe Answers wby'
TO the editor Of inn $1404A1.,
1t bat have we built • Bits skating rink
for • What is the matter with the 0om-
m.ttes Why are we net \•chu( .raring
this lovely frosty weather
Tbe Ootobte trade rotates Mew iseressed
imports .ac door. seed **pert&
and female u every uowsebip ta [:tail&.
to 0.550.• for Iho rroo ms weekly
.0 tb. world The Famil► Herald sn• M e•kly
r'tsr of Montreal 1 he Psmll)) Herald and
Weekly [tsar him t tea ealatped to one bun
dad Dad twee', eight onium'• per week.
tonal to one hustred Mtge '.leerl per
annum. it is improved as every department
no co0Splcrr•vW) •ri to be t0 k. abuut •1, over
the world. '1 epbndid premium picture write
Die Family Herald. A good •0oortunit) IIx
cos rawer§tefro &Mica • ;early I00ome. No
experiea • seeded. Orly t.atural 0.pecity
for know's' • gond Wag at sight. Swept.
t upies. etc . etc.. fres. Address .mmedlately
tomcat" perinea. Faintly Nereid I'unllmhag
Subscription impel -treat. Mistreat,
• &sada. 14 rt
Artlolea For 8a1(b.
fs good order Sul'■hie tar beetles
or -rehouse or deeel'mrr Second -hat : was
rerlar-ed by • larva healer of sante tend. Will
to .old cheap ler ca.h. t rear bangs ,e td
te- ween at U K ST tell A N'b ttg.okowe and
blacksmith shop. bndorirli. It
kJ term if taken at ogee : would take •
good mach cow t•pan0ay. Apply to U. M
llou. tissues,
Tess ere wanted -
1 Aabisld, hof •lag • oneemd or 16i d dem
fertiiestt. 0.0*5 m and •xp.rieaoe, If
any. Af tlfMmed 11.0emnor 1406 et
Se *r A111tei DAV11JM.JOH ;TON,
Amnion Sales
'.d*rrand by virtue of the power d sale
mamma In • certain winsome there will be
sold by public am reit, by John Raz. ono -
'maser. at Me1)uo•Id s hotel is the v/Mage of
ICIate& ea
T1'113914• Y. the Ieth day of Dat'iMBiR.
4 D. It0S. at 1 o'clock. In the 'foresees. the
ftNowing valuable yl'Iem property. namely.
tot numb* five. and the IL. -t bad orlon num
her .seven. Boyd'. survey. 1. the Village of
There is • I j @tory frame hones Ni s 30 with
o lute -hen 14x1r.•Mo • frame Ion ease:. Do the
property. The lot u well fesoed and contain*
of as mere of lad
rKRM$--Tee per r.ot down on the day of
.06..nd the balance within one month there
For further particulars &pyly to the An-
oneer or 10 16. u,.der.Hreed.
listed rind November. 11111.
JOHN KsOX. asotlooeer.
4;24 Vender i Solicitors. Ood•rteb.
1MotNS to Creditors.
Pursuant moa lodgment of the High Court of
Justice. (ooawa Pleas Menem. made la an
settee of Uaaooy v.. Wkfudy.the credtteia of
Jmeph L Whitely. late et the tows of Yd►
rick in the county of Harca, who died es or
about threat day of November. A.D. liar re.
es or before the .1' h day of December. A.9-
14116 '0
.1)-I*:.0 Seed by groat prepaid to M.O. lamer
Oa. of the said tows of Oderteh, solicitor for
the dalatitr,'be personal representative of the
deceased. their ChrW i.n and sarfaa..s, ad
dreams sad deecriptiots.the fall parttoolare
of their slain • statement of their aceeents
asd ilia eater* of the secueltte. gid say) held
by 11.50 or In default thereof they will be
Mrempt rially es/laudedfrom the batten of
sky said rudiment
Every sreditee fuddling ay avant, w to
Woollen the same MIL at my chambers
.' the Court Hour5 la the tow• of Olde tab
ea }brurd•y, tho Yth day of Deemnber. A.D.
1114 at tea &clock la the 1.ree50.. beteg the
"m^ •ppol0tad m the clam&
listed this 44th day tt November. Int.
• MALQ011s()N. >♦iilw at tiede.tok.
8mltet1r Cllr plaintiff and
M ! pwem•1 ngtaeeataave.
rllaT 1'wnb• , poM Tee
10 Kahl[ hiss Resew.. about the MI6 et
(k'tG . ere grey mare sad los bay roan.
Mie hes white eget en forehead sad sem
arm isms limp a mare kegs Sem mabin Ines
roe ter ler abs. Infer a aims Mediae to their
:•'°very sheet' fag Meet to JIGirZRY HIM
4t 1r R$ve5Mwesd. Kettle P.4at.Omt It
Names tea sheat the akar eet.pJgayy. The
ime rid wv
tate areggested tepraa•1y. ; 'Ab nal
**nth hail. IM Mosel 40 ef•
A ember of the obierlmsr, tet goo. 1,
0 amne*. Mee red stere, r$gk.e owe
tern sld. 16.owww Is rot. ntowl prevM
ttret'erty ('HAR, ti R Iv.
Merges sad sN1Jr., 1410 MU
`')e& teat tMMt► of /use. • b1..8 .sl
ttAS.rlbsr, lst M. I3 ses. lMl-
r +tM lowe years obi TU. 1.11,110,
5151.105 .0
sad t6144011.5 tA
The rMeelag of ins Farmer b, roe
al ;rdtey - Mus.. ot0•ere• . .41 tell
Use late- N by the ►armor Yw
grows Myer is le lease.
Special Ccrr..posdacs to Tun sacs AL.
( TAWA, Nur. 25.-1 wish to lay
0555 tempo' Woo gigots before y. u mks
week, averse that ar* for the 61st tined
gives to tht public. lo so totaling them I
door., bna•eyer, to preface th•!n with • few
fate 1 have already Bald before you bat
whit!. I repeat to more 1uII).11 pawble, Im-
prov opus our farming population, whose
tow I have used* • study, the ratan%• pas
moo ot Gov enamel tad tarter.
!rust, from the ammo returns, 1 bnve
sbewu sou that from 1881 to 1891, the years
law mob the maim was takes, our •greeul-
1.5.l popu.►tio0 is Oewarm decitad 6,784
m, '1,293: is Nova Scotia, 10,096 ;
is Nee 8.maw aek, 8,606; 10 P F: Betted,
1 hays also shown von from official re
turas that our rural pupelauon womb was
78,4 per wet. of total popul•uos an 1881
d.oboed to 71.3 per oast..l total in 1891.
1 [tart also ,.bonen you from coop re-
tort" that from 1888 to 1893 the rural popu
lanes ul Ontario dm:Iin•d 3b,092 whale city
sad town populauoo :*creased 65,975. Also
that while to that time the •s sated solos of
rural prupety 10 Outwit. disclosed *8,986,-
719, any and town property .uereaas 185,-
I have also an previous letters .hews you
the large shrinkage there has hies is the
average prim of lam produce smog 1878
and the .hrtakwv there has been n the
ynastitt of farm produce exported some
bat veer, reg•rdus which 1t may ' e mod
that 1n 1878, 5,134,214 pounds of beet were
exported ; is 1894. 2,277,112 pound& Mut-
ton, 1878, 411,218 1..; 1894, 82.339 Ib.
Pork, 1878, 913,770 Ito ; 1894, 755 722 Ibe.
Tuagues,1878, 122,642 I.o ; 1894, 32,008 IM.
Sb ep pelt., 1878, 89,758 ; 1894, 19,947.
Tm11ow,1878, 290,966 Ism ; 1894, 169 529 lbs,
Wool, 1878, 7117,319 Ibe ; 1894, 79,878 lbs.
Harley, 1878, 7,266,937 beau ; 1894, 597,405
burn. K)e, 1878, 416,825 bush ; 1894, 62
972 bush. M.It, 1878, b14,199 bum : 1894,
7,0112 bush.
1 have ales Mown you that while your
porobasmg powers were reetroted, not uoly
by Shrink•ge nn values but by 000trar
Mon as welt in .Ice. titles exported of
many Items of farm products, the present
Government's policy woo to increase the
oat of what you hod to purchase 6, in-
creasing the mama duties tea many fns of
gods you bad to sport, the Increase id
dist), as oui* with the duty Imposed
in 1878 beide es follows on the few items 1
wamermu On usages the duty wee In
per cent.; cordage 42 per omit.;
oh eartb.wware 71 per cent.: cottons
Mr -per neat. ; cultivators, mowing and reap-
ing [machin and ploughs 14 per cent„
threshing trachoma, clothier", btu, cotton
thread 71 per Deet.; hos, rakes, Scythes,
maths and forks 100 per oeot. ; Spades and
shovels 42 per neat ; oe c•rpe1., woolly('
Muskets, oto., then woo an increase of 42
per oast. m dditien to • large specific
%V. now souse to the fresh evidence I
have to 1•r* before )ole (for time s the first
time it has been gives to the 000ntrv),Show-
1og 0omepsrauvtl3 the product of the Case
dim farms to 1881 and 1891, tea years
later, es will appear by the census volume
tor 1891, shortly to 8. published_
In1881 the. total &eremite under wheat
Drop wee 2,342,355 acres, *0oremanv so 1891
to 2,723,883 acres. When you, however,
c resider that the increased wheat acreage
al Manitoba, British Columbia and the Ter
Heenan amounted to 960,657 sores, It be
nems evident that tore was • decrease in
the average of the older provinces.
Tbe output of barmy [morseled from 16,
844,868 in 1881 to 17,148,198 bushels to
1891, but a the output of Manitoba and tee
Northwest thar• was as increase of 1,366,
728 bushels.
The total output of oats shows an increase
of 12,022,000 tat hero again the Northwest
provisoes show an urease of 9,357,522
We next Dose to the rye trop which fell
from 2,0,180 to 1,328,312 bushels u tea
Is peat and beam the merges* was from
13,749,662 to 16,514,836 ba.heI, while the
oatpmt of bs•kwb•sl 1511 tram 4,901,147 to
4,886,122 bushels.
While there me ea monism of 1,660,744
bushels m the output of oors, then was •
drop of 2,715,086 bushels in the mustily el
potatoes rained.
Turnips sad other root Drops show an in-
crease from 48,361,414 to 49,566,912 Mabel*
but o1 the incr ase 904,477 bushel* •Amid
be credited to the sew Northwest provinces
la the enema of hay then me an in•
imam from 6,063,008 to 7,603,733 tom sad
an tors..* et 9.026,041 meads is better,
bet of thii letter maroon 6,749,633 pomade
Ms N be Sreditd he Meoitleh11 mad the
Northwest premium, 11.01•11/0 11, .f mores
British (ul.mbs&
!a the puna.* of *home then nem s
i.or.a.s from 3,148,906 M 6,967,203 pomade
the output of Qwebee &lee. having Moms
d from 619,778 to 4,260.941 pond&
The pwttty of homemade oleth turned
of spa the farm tell frees 7,040,260 te 4,-
300,abB yards, mad homemade lines from
1,103,802 to 633,794 yards.
The timidity et apples misted bill frees
13.317,666 to 7,510,913 basb•ls is tin yeses,
.11beeg6 is the gsstity et grapes rhes. wee
• kegs lea ass.
Tis somber at tallith mese ew.ed lie the
tee yens ieereSlad 261,412, mad other hers -
5d Smalls 363,317. But are mast hare take
Mee las ideratio tact of the Mmes. is
mileh sews 102,138 @must be =edited le the
Northwest .ad British Od.esw, while el
the lmereme is ether horsed tattle 609,900
swot be treated as Use in@mesee ler the
three previews west et Omsri.
TheUSmfst .4 showy fell from 3,011,670
es IMAM, while le IM number of swims
looter . Mrs. Wm. Follow' died on Sum -
potatoes from 85 0 421 coat. ; bey tnrs'1I
to 49 50 ; cheese from 12 to 11 u.ate ; 4
coolie Irons 4i to 30 wets per lu ; swims
6i te 41 o. -.r.: wool, ecus, fres. 36 to 27
oats, mud Heats from 254 to 194 Deem
wheat troa. 11 39 to 93 oeor. ; B.rl.y frees
40 to 36 0001.: rye from 96 to 92 Dots.
Butter show. an Increase trout 19 to
mots and live sheep an isorease 1100. 5
6t, °ante pot pound.
F,,ure out the result Ay applying these
two •cbedula tel prime (1881 and 1891)
the farm outputs for the-• ton years ted
although in memo *0 1tows an en
pat a shown, 1 [husk when you strike
boleros you will find that labor expended
011 t:.. farm to 1891 did not give as atufac
tory rebuke am it did ten years before -MI
Takm the item of hay in which we tied as
Wartime of 2,640.726 Loma Aipdytng the
ro11og prows of 1881 to the output el that
per you met • r..u.o of 185,961,136, wilds
applying the tame role te the output of 1894
y u only get 173,090,463 lee 14. returns for
your hay crop.
Tsklug tit older provinces, Ontario; Quo -
boo, Nov Styria, New Rruowrok sad
Prance Edward Inland, the wheat erupt of
1891 1.11 from 31.023 288 to 23.871,850
as compared with 1881. 1n November 1
Th. Jounal of (;umw.rce quuted wheat st
41 39 per bushel add ni \..veriitor, 1891, at
83 mute. If you 0111 figure 16,5 problem
on, you will nod the, white the wheat crop
of 1881 realize/ 443,122,370, 111 w. &ppiy
que.tat::rne Rive, 1, the wheat .•rop of 1891
only yielded the (ameba termer 423,172,
11 do not mesa to my the t ;ov.r.m et 1.
reolte ... for low prices p
or short cro„ al
remember you •Iremember the mmeas@ it
Das made 0.i;einet Ali rider SIsckest's is
1878. I do say, however, that the pressed
Government promised you tocre•sed markets
for the product. 0t your farina end • mimi-
slum rate of taxation oo what you had is
It is the manufacturer and political
boodler who stand het roe you and mode-
rate customs duties and an opportunity wig
soon be given you to redrew* your wrongs if
you believe you have • grievanoe.
Whet a the position of the (Comdata
farmer today • Redbual Canting population,
deureanmg value of farm property, declining
output of hs prom and falling prfor the
puettiute of he farm. *.t in face of this
we find them na vertnp under exoesave
tmeto.e taxation that the Government sa
friend. Lbs manufacturer and contrtor
may grow rich.
1s there • farmer in Canada who will
mune out squarely and BaCa/a-
y that the Ca-
dian farmer has been made rich ander the
National Policy ! i won t go so fu re that.;
1 14111 ask him to ay the oo.datioo of the
Clan farmhas improved or even held
rte own under the abortive system of high
promotion and exorbitant taxation.
I often hear men who care no more for
Sir Mackenzie Rowell trio 1bdo for Mr.
Laurier. say '•Weil, these mem hays been
rning the ship ter sixteen years and a
Maori can do no harm" The men at pre-
test in Meg have head mo eg is possession
of the treasury benchesthat they feel secure
in their holding beyond my inflames that
o•s be brought to bear to depose them.
De you think that feeling is calculated to
imam homed and economical goveromsst
and 1. it a wooder, after the repeated cool
denoteyou base shown in their administra-
tion, they should to embued with those feel-
ing* of security '
But what i am meet interested u ust
sow i• to from some god Tery •' W bed
wes me
Tory gowermnt hdefee W hewer'. !
day morels, lest, after • week . 1llnes• Crum
iheart Ish oabl•,
is rnse.le . The Misses Hall, who had been
o11a05 revival . here tor weeks
4 i kat on Mooday.
Se•tortb : Mies Elizabeth lash, cater of
• I K. Cosh, town, died at her re.ideum 10
!Stratford, recently.
20 ' Wiegman • Mr. llllfott, who has resided
to I in town for • long time, r uoo
pr health
I and purposgoing farther Heath.
W . W immesh M. O. J .'bootee, of
141 ; Gd*rich, has disposed of the Boyle farm to
. Jae. Boyle, Ir., for the cum of 12600.
Wingbam : Georg Cline, of Hamilton,
• brother of James Clam, town, hart beau en-
' wised as cheat leader In the Presby talon
Marsh.Hemel! The South Huron Agriculturalei
. est% /anoa0ose • chow of (.t stock and
poultry, to be hal at Henan, 00 the 17th
of Deo. It will likely brtag out • lot of
good stock, oto.
Losdeabore : Dr Creasman, of Toronto,
. takes ob.rrs of Dr Agnew'* prsetlog
E stillthe latter is sole to look after it 61m -
self, *Mob will not be long, ea Dr. Agoew
is improving fast.
Loudesbes ore : Robert Cole hrested to
b1. eco Thomas, for a term of years, the
1 farm 00 011100 he bas reesded since he Deme
to Hallett, end 15 going to money, to the
100 acre farm he bought • few years ago.
Morro : The residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Arostresg, of the 3rd lune, was the
. este of • most pl.mnog inept, being the
marriage of their third daughter, Mies
Sadie, to Thorne.* Warwick of the .arae
w sv friendis a the county of Hilton will
rejoice an the sower which h.. •hooded
him to fat. °boom yocauea
The reaguattos of the reversed gentle
sass from WI t charge s the result of
• tell eoteed.1 bbm the uoogregatton d
Ueetral Presby•.rtao church, St. Paul,
Mus., 0041 0t tam leading churches of the
desoaun•ttuo. Key. Meldrum ha. 8.4 the
mistier Yoder Comlder.tlos for acne tone,
the oa,l having bola reuwved about two
moons .taw, and has at length decided to
accept it. The oder is a moot fiett.rng one
sooner* se at dos from one of the most
flourishing s0ogreg•uuw to Me West, ane
Key. Meldrum is to be oongratul.ied os
this great 'pp nonny for so enlarged bold
of usefelobes.
The present [sell of Rev. Meldrum u only
out of • somber which hove time received
during hie madame hero, amo.g them hay-
ing Mau urgent layitatlons w take chugs
of churches in Psora and Grad Rapids.
His departure wail be the oe°amos 01 frost
regret, not on., among his own °
woe, bat is the enure city, as hie foroable
and el ,.loot utterance• h•vS .o often stir-
red to ..:nine as well ea adttr.tioa, .aeem-
secular as wall .s religious.
Th. severance of the pastoral relations
will be deeply regretted by both pm:or sod
people, oo the bond Patera* them hes been
of the closest obar.uter. The years of hs
Inoumbes.y base been remarkable ter the
feeling watch h.s alw•yi exulted between
h,mee;f and hes poople where he led they
gladly followed, sod murmur of dissatutw-
uuo or duos[ has beeo . thing unknown in
Grace church.
Key. Jleldrum sme to thus city from
Kock Island 1n 1890, hu first armee to
Gesoe church havng been preached hero
Just six year. ago last Sabbath --the first
Sunday to November. His pastorate has
bas teen emts.ot:► sueauesful, and hae been
cherootenzd by a degree of growth and de
%% ughsm Jas. LouIit, *bib »turning velopmeot both spiritual and temporal
- from I.uoknow en Monday evening last, ma whish is pheoomeoal.
lidnd with an ash wagon, but owing to hie Kay. lleldrum • mtmstry in the church
great:presence ot mind Baud himself severe has exteuded oomp.rauyely over a •hurt
injuries. His buggy, nevertheless, vise period, he ordt .ion taking woo. in Sas
badly damaged. Francisco in 1884. Hs theolog.nal educe
Seaforth Stephen Iamb, of the firm of Mom wee removed in (:.sada, where he came
with hie nsotber whoa quite • boy from hu
native place in Scotland. In 1883, when
oemplgtisg his course in :theology in Knox
college, Toronto, he was invited to San
Francisco as assistant to 1)r. Soot[, of St.
Jobs* church, that _toy, where he was or-
deind, suoceedtog to the pastorale of the
church in 1887, on the death of Dr. Soot'
From Ran Francisco he was called to Kook
Island, where he spent two • half
before comer to this 7it7.
Trasoav, Nev. 26.
W. .1. Duff was in Oederich last week.
Walter Haggis has returned from Mani-
1Kok Coleman and Geo, For, of the Kick -
epees, were in town last week
Miss Daisy Mer sad Wee Lirzie Jobe -
Mtn spoof Tk•sk.riving is Oederiob.
Mr. sad Mrs. R. N. DoE sed sea, Clay-
ton, were trinities, friend. it Ambers last
The young people of the church
chuh ere preparing for • grand ander*
school entertainment at Christmas.
Louie B. Duff and sad Fred Hartley, who
ars atteedlag the Model 8okoel .t Ciento,
.pest Tbe■ at their respetive
homes is the village.
Tratnar, Nev. 26.
Wm. Chisholm was is (Aimee kat week.
Miss Frames Fntkeriaghat., m
residing .t Asbers, .dot Thanksgiving
Day here, the guest of her sister, lire. A.
H. Clette..
Peer Foley go.. this week to Oed.riek to
weer Iherosetak life, as he will take • poet
tion with Mrs. Reek sad Wm. Helloed,
who ars imam hate • iy and Beer
sad fed baeimg.s en Haestlten street,
The Thanksgiving serves* saw • geed at-
tendees al 1 hapaMve memo he the
pees year I. the semen
obs Rev. J. Haesiltee spoke of At. Peal,
wisewV ell W epistles woe always ewer
freaks ler the bb.ieza ..d trials this Res.
namme. poo Vin. for .11 te seek Owlet
mese sad nem and his ersmpl5 always be -
le. Y le be wkikeive le Old'• will.
Tb. Peewees' Asmui.Mee teat lIandIsse
ars ~kiwi • A..sstrati.s te M held
en the ea Ridgeway ea June 1
ted 2 nett,
The Oleb.'s *monism ..t,.poingl,m has
been iahrw d thathaside-
r • of the wheel /Choir* in 0R..e4p0ssa
bihrese the Demhlen sed IIseitehe
e.ehrwael of the eb b so Akins
Hincoley k Lamb, liverymen of this town,
returned home on Tuesday Dight, bringing
with him the gray horse whish woo taken
away by Raker, and of which we trade
mention last week.
Kgmoodytlle . After weary moths of W-
age, and during the pain few weeks hover
Mg constantly' between life and death, the
spirit of 11ttle Jessie Alla pawed quietly
from i•u earthly t•bernale about 10 o'clock
on Monday evening,
Holmesville There died in the village
het week perhaps one of the oldest veteran'
of her kis in the neighborhood a hes, aged
19 years and 5 mouth', beloaging to Mrs. S.
Phipps. this, we think cam not be beaten.
She o surely in the stoup.
Seafortb ; William McDougall, the eldest
.on of A. G McDougall, of Vlydea, Man„
sad an old Se.fsth boy, had the misfortune
to lose w ot hut eyes through an accident,
while experimenting with dynamite. He ul
in the hospital at Brandcn,
Bruoetield : Last week Drs. Gum, Tura -
bull sad Arm.troag performed an operation
en Mrs. R. McLeod, tor the removal of •
growth on the lode of her Deck She is do -
ism nicely Moos the operation, and her many
friends hope 'he will be around again in •
short time.
Seeforth The captain of the Salvation
Army wishes to say that the man, Raker,
who took away Hinabl.y & Lamb's horse
sad bogey, is not • member of the Salvation
Army, although he wore the uotform,whiuh
be procured somehow,wben on a recent visit
to the Old Country.
S..lorth : O. Tuesday William („luarrel,
of Ttroker.mith, Mewed e' several sprigs of
KOeI.M holly, which were plucked at High
Cliff, Hampshire. by Mr. Querrel'. •our,
whit met it to him. It came through the
pest, mud seemed almost as fresh and nice
m when at win picked.
W iegb•m The naris of the late
Gtmr,. Crowe, who diad from the offsets et
Y iajary received by • falltag tree is De_
dear, Miebigas, •mrd ben oo Monday
and were interred is the Catbelie cemetery
.t Tessw.ter on Tuesday. He leaves •
yoga' wife to wears h1. lost
Seemlier : Thos. Gledhill, of lienmlller,
W bought the Gray estate, Kineardias,
being • very desirable lot en the corner of
Queen sod Hibor streets', the considers -
teen being eooewbere between 11.800 [tad
12,000. It is Mr. Gledhi11's bohemian to
build ea it for the purpose of remtimg,
Iirmygeld : K dsesda evening d kese
week, Rev. W. W. beech
Mid the .nisi
amid knot, sa•kiag W. Polliok, • gentle -
was well kissers is this vioi.ity, sad Miss
Willard, • popular yeas, lady el Nosebag
ter, bttsb.0d and wife, is the presence et
..lent mismsey of seer Weeds, .t the hese
et S. Pettish,
of the groom.
W Marisa Pepsis, of tow., 1.
Y ardent dissipls of Issas Walton, and
dariee the Ishtag leases devotes • groat
deal of tens to his favorite . ties*. be
year he moot .ver 2,700 8pLei*
esGels. mid this year
he hes batten ail bis preview',d., and
leaded 3,432. Tl. gab were priasip.11
basad Meta, amt seine trout, perk, m..
let, eta., were .Iso lair.
Mahe : While i. Vsee..yr r,sss.tly
is esesp..y with Dsn•Id Beeks..., (ea old
reddens .1 aisles) Jeb. Mel -larva vytd
the World ase•, and then famed Mr. Me -
4.t• formerly of Ciiates ;
W. MsR• bask -keeper. she as Did
Climes*, and D. Me(h.g.r, 5w of the
iate D. M0Oreger, bookbinder. and all thee
Maas about((''*.M... N wee ha the days that
ere ism
The ..
-.. eieedw
eager, et the
kirnitAsir ysent blaj w Osar7ss. • ueB .tiSm with
A Bl. Mrebea a.eaer publishes •
4i L8 to the s .siwW
thee Japan has re -
shedsM the w Genera el Owes mod Mee
B Wilkinson hs returned from •
vett to halt.
Miss M. Warner, of Clinton, .plot Sas
day n tew0.
L. K. Sbane spent )uod•y at his lather's
resideoog, 81,18.
W. Wella., of Wi.gham. woo is God*,
rich Thursday last.
Mrs Campaigne has returned from • visit
to friends n Guelph.
Mw K. Bright, of Sseforth, vested rola
fives in town last week.
Mrs, Young, of Ripley, was in town last
week, visiting relatives.
The Misses McGillicuddy have returned
from • vitt to Toronto.
Mrs. Jao. W. V•0•tter was vetting 10
Stratford during the past week.
Mr. H&ker, of Galt, sprat Thanksgiving
with hs ester, Mrs. C. A. Nairn.
fir. and Mr.. Warren Thompson, of Sea -
forth, ,pant Thanksgiving in town.
Mss S. Acheson .pest Thankti/iying day
at the been. of her parents, sear l list e.
Rev Joseph Edge a in Toronto this
week, •tt edtng the Tbeolo.ieal 000fer..ce.
Masa Anis Thomson .pent '1'bank.giv
ION week among friends in I.uoknow and
Mir Jeanie Forster, of the 1: C. 1.. was
at liar hoses, near Whitechurch, during the
prat week.
Rev. Jee. Klee was at Besnsiller Friday
eywing last, assisting Rev. Mr. Olivetti le
revival week.
Robert Stewart, of the 6.1'.1. spent
Tbok.riviag bolid ye at the bonsm of h1.
parse*, sear Lsoknew.
Past : R. h. Cott has removed to Gods -
rich, where be will embark in the vruo.ry
busia..a W. wish him .Urns e.
1) R. Homl4Sk, who a MRS'S. 1....vap
5.010, homey Sam of Toronto this .saw.,
spent Thanksgiving do) in town.
Da. Murray, who has been is the employ
e l N. Dynast, .t Themalea during the past
ssas.s, retureed home om Tuesday.
Mrs. Walter Orme, of Nis/ham. return
d hos* last wow, alter spending a few
days with her sister, Mrs. R. Heederaoo
Miss MoMordie who i. &heading as Use
Coliegiste hesitate, .pent emend days at
her home, near I( ippon during the past
Mrs Padre) Tome and dam/base
Thasksgiyiss week u (Boder*.►,
many friends were pleased te see them ..o•
Mir Packet*, of Stratford, • graduate of
Toronto College of 310.40, spent Th•.k.-
1iyi.g Day i. /;od.rioh, the geese of Mims
Rulers •ad Walking Hate in .11 the sew
est shame sad eiders at 60 costa at .1 T.'. Millinery °praise en Friday &ad
Albert flex, of Blasi, SM. Marie, Mich ,
arrived bore ins* week to reeep.rst• from
the same et a bad veld, whisk he esetreet-
.d • ..epia of aanthe ala.
.1 R .5d W R. Miller, wit" hey. 6...
ice tam for the past weak tie ten days left
fes their hams,, Wednesday.
Roth et the ,..tlesa.. w '. 11 biasses sad
have tawny warm (ri sole I. this di.trid,the
Ismer Meta, ane *.heel ler
West Hewes M may yrs, .a>N t6. latae
haseine 1.s6 d the p -01M_ .f prlmeillalthe Mabel W
- roomy rre.4de01 Jetta Levealeek
■d *5014 be Member. James
1.'555..11 4 Mel r.*raere.
11'' Patronises is an .lead in other
rd►age lee 11 is 10 K•et Hynes, 11 u very
deed ude•d, and .1 the circulation of the
(*.suede Farmers' Sun has dropped m other
oou01$es Y It has us Hurtle, More are proe-
pectA of • hard Winter before the editor of
th. agricultural lusalo.ry. The sus had
shouted merit hoarse se to what the Petrone
would do in Kest Huron, 1n t e event of •
vacancy in that n41og, sod coaled with a
mighty vase that the ouboria of Patronage
rally Dow stun and .take another blow for
-tor--well, it dome +. matter much at the
pretesoud cest tame.
w ls the call from the brilliant orb
that it was arranged that • mestiag
would be held 1n Brussels oo Fn
day, Nov. 16, to bring out • candidata
M Garry the banner of populism, socialism
ted every -other "1.m ' 111 Kest Heron
The trysting pleat be,ag rel and the date
fixed the maebiner v of *11. Order wag pot m
motion eo that • gathering would be bald
that would drive terror to the beer% of any
oppouag party that would have the
temerity to lift rte bead te take 55190 • pass
Ing glaooe at the seats in the event of a
vacancy. Slow the law LA0/1 Pe&'tr*A
started too ha famous march to Rome, S1000
the rasing mud clueing oo Uanobv Lee after
tie lost Hower of Na'therbv, sass The duo
trod to get and keep s cucmm.10n of 30,000,
there was 0e5er such a ski miming around
is try ted get • meek s the atnatio5, by
book or by *rook.
Web, the day bar with fate to 1'.trooum
in l&at Huron carne, and with it .71115
well, the 8.ggeat leen to•t ever gave the
marble heart to • grand sou glurlou• party.
County President JoH- GutWY
there, ready tor the tr.,, and eager for a
uumnaUen . and 00 060 JAI..[, l'O.w01r,
who le now being led to the polbi*cal
shamble. in South Huron. They await-
ed the tramp of the tLoue.:od.,-the coming
of the cohorts -but they warted i0vara, for
the gathering matured 0 -rt. 'fee meeting
adjourned sine die, or words to that effect.
It was Dot • ammo ot toy --1t was the death
of en alleged great puny 1n • rural coati-
The Bru'.els Peet dismisses it with the
following brief obituary
The Patrols 0o0vention was rather • iMale
last Friday. Keen Mr. C".mmos, the South
Huron Ceadldate for t1,,, Commons, was
dou8ltul whether be came to Bauaseb te
soli • load of bay, or attend the monthly
Horse Fur or the Convention. No taadi-
date was nominated tar the reason that
Mere was 00 °row 1, because there u 50
othauoom over the idea of fighting • losing
60111.10 Fast HuroO.
The Rra•eeboorrspoodent of The Exposi-
tor, et Se•tortb, weaves • laver wreath for
the defunct, s follow•
On &scoop' of the rumor that Thomas
l;ibsoo is to be the next registrar of Heron,
the Petrous determined to take time by the
forelock and get their mar .a the field, so
m to be ready for the fray. A 000votieo
0Y called in Brussels for Friday, November
15th, but it resulted 1n proving that [here
Ore mo Patrons in Feet Huron, or hardly
any, se no one appeared at the oo0veoMoo,
except the would-be M P. for Mouth Hams
and the would be M. 1'1'. for Kee[ Heron.
and another y o .og marts who kept their
company. and who, judgtog by that, stmt
have Mesa • Patron also. When them
leaders toad that so one hod reeaoodd to
the call, they went around hutting for
horse buyer and hay buyers, se they were
looking alter their owe betimes, as well m
Um bedtimes of state, and broovht aloog •
team ot horses and • load .t hay for sale.
Indeed. Mos. of 16. *Id time partisans were
ora.1 e00agh to say that the hey was
bronchi along to pay the expenses or M
serve es as excuse Ibat they were net at-
tending • 0005eotto0 10 fat, the reeve
of MoKillop was impertinent enough to ask
ems of toes, who got the nomination, and
the only &Nevem was a red fain The
Farmer • San has hem prophesying what
will happen should But Huron be op•.ed
by the appointment of Mr. (;flagon, and !set
Friday was the, and the next
will be more osolsive and will be os the
flight of election, should one he held, wheel
another sooporter of Oliver Mowat will have
been sleeted by the 'arrest majority ever
reo.rded in this tidies.
WaoTwonae, Vev, 27.
VL at.. A F.a,igh snipped tee ear. of
Iambi te Rilale on Saturday.
J0& iiodds has about completed hie Dew
hoose to the north of the village.
Aiko►ead t Shim, of Termite, ars Moy-
ne, turkeys in this district ac present.
,lobe (teems, of Steal ford. a former resi-
des% of Bly16, 1. renewing •oq.0iat.NGo
here1. eak.
.1 1'.[hRwoe. bas returned from Gee Newsws
district, Man., where be has boss harvest-
ing sd t6r.•hi.
W m Rmh.w perehassd the blsk
smith shop turmoily timed by Hegh Mo -
Querns' mid will merry an the 6-1...
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor bre re-
turned from Potteg. ls Prairie. Mr. lira
ler sale everything 1. lively flare sow
with good Neighing.
iherrn, the opals es Tuesday the
as•re. et the ears away. The to*aerth el Mine
and numerous hoose and ostbanl.liep woee
also destroyed.
Dr. MBank seistsd by Det Carder ed
Terrines, of Ray*, end Meiwnghli, al
Aabww, r t8. les of Wm,Oibbw
Mesd•y. 11.. (*488.8..).,.. 5584. is 4,
say work lee oyer . veer with the eememiga
pale lit K ills mead the spew*. area