HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-21, Page 7THE
RIGNAL : (oDRR (1 , ONT., THURSDAY NOV. 21 189b.
......----- -
C,IIId ill It cannot
�l, . C milk candigest C tuned at the Hyams Trial on
ea'' ,ver Oi1 as, it is pre- satt.r.l.ty.
in Scotts Em ul-
Careful scientific
have proven it to be
$11./re easily digested than
r 1k, butte:. or any other
gat, That is the reason
�. +-t• • puny,sickly chil-
l' ;, and thin, emaciated
-.nmmicpersons grow
f sorapidly onScott's
;;'•,••Ision of Cod-liver
t,1 and tivpopbosphites
when 11 t heir ordinary food
d.4 not nourish them.
1•, ,..,„ ••..:•f.Atoaccept a.utsdfstal
Sett 4 Seem, BellsiiHa lot as/ $t.
New tell nit the &dorems . the
thoe,Ooleas Il. , said. ,
«' „s on: t last so* bath sparrow that'
M♦ NI N Nn. I..una . tt egad ever
1►e 1r:1 1 yr ab the lied, lay at tint
►_•..•urns me.W..... Ise
Gleed wa.,a• sop 1:41••a
Toronto. Nov. 11 --The Ad of the
81'1 `week pt the ' ti> ata. acro•.
da r trait! tj1usrd Wail tar ad-
Ju•J1'1.'.1••:It bt e,.urt .01i : atuiday.
tem ine,ny of the lar: •fay a;.s c. •.
aldt,atd) mon ivnsatl'.mal than ••:1
ku) •say *afro• the gamins, lir ,.
letoiod 1., stela• the elfeteisere'of alt -
y1 a 4.11.4 dohrerUU4 *I.LU•1 'ty et the
tit fl I •.:t,itldrd by tbs. t; wn to
!tate int.,. t•.} h; •frit 1.1.14 •nee"
pt tur b, 111.• (tale young Wells h8.1
Marr: stn(• w b) the ••1.-:o.tur. wenht
Abe Uswal*4 e1 taw 11.44 ilii..
1•:vi t i body conheeled with tae treat
(lyrniti ttiel was promptly oft time al
the t•.::.•tartg of the .nun un SI.. fir
day Ilea Mote. kir. leder „tteddied 1•tt-
dr1 Lia• r itusraldirt y ..tis prove by nim
the le. ••apt of a from intim'.
ft Tains. 'gllruugh h.-' age.• y- ..t Kx-
.jw1 itry.enian Fos. Mr. J••httstan ubj.•rt-
rhos l pleat) Misrs a*a/TSWk all aver the •d p, *he Introductkori .if the evidence.
Ad hrbth his tut is the suushwe he
;rul..t 1 --
Babied no claimed blind, and the clear win -
a••••• I.aue,
We std trona the suit red the pattering
Two sp•rr,os• 'wi bu,Iled a woof lythe nest
Of straw. 'triage and cream, rod feathers
•l1C tort
T.t•s f.•e tint egg.. speckled over with
Were so retlt laid on the softer.? of down.
lnit pa' ...nth seting erste twitteriug. 1,w,
T'hev waned sad watel.ed for 'h.. bine. to
gr -.w.
Soap neepfett) follow throat. crowd•the
A•.t fret •fear tittle mother was doing het
To nod • nes worm, of est b..,,, on the
A "aunty r,o•et for her bastes all round.
'• family • .pa: -ow a aamlity to' stud,
4. be hurled a s:u..!: ts. hide over cos bead :
And the pretty brown bird. for her little
Din u.wrld.
l'lutterd sleety to !earth, sud Jay dead as
the ground
Tto wanted is vain for their rnesam• to
Aad wondered and wondered whet kept her
from home
Till, ear' tut; au.1 cold sod all trembling
with fright,
The% were d. ,vi in the nest 1 • most pitiful
The f•tb.r•bird, ton, he hal shared the
wme fate
As that wnteh had Dome to his dear toeing
mare '
So five little orphans were starved to their
Aod a1. t'eceuse one Itttle sparrow
dead '
•,0 the ground that 1^o* h.id :dead)"
testified that be had received %yob a
Message and deliver •.1 Jt to Mr. Hum-
phrey. Th.• .•curt p,etn1tttet the wtt-
b•q to say what the exiwet message as
el -livered by Piot *es. but nn .urther
objection by the ceoheel 1.o :I t« de -
rate., Mr .tiler did e••t pr.'s. the: mat-
ter. lie h.- hn.l *heady shown that the
_wttrre*x had re•ce•Ivt.l a memoir.- tr"m
Teeth... H)uma theotisfh Vox
Ila/n. 1'attain. R'eile.rot related to the
d.+Howd. f•raetieinj as a d.•nti.t •t C_3
`°tmdina•'•ovr•tue, woe the first of the
onion's' new P.'itneeees 1" lake the
.land. She had kn•.wn Willie \t ells
the de.•. -a....1, Pin.'e h.• was 17 years of
ate. lie always woe.• glesscs..b..th on
the street .40.1 Inside 11.. w t..•ty
elioH.tghted. The witness -told she
sow Welb' body at A)k°,worth'P• !SOWN.
in Mutttal•street before tb. funeral
Th. r.: was a triangular-shaped mark
• hole user the left rye. It WISP filled
,. 'h !tamer of pari., put there by the
u'ed.•rtak. r. The withers* fixed it over
•rlth pink powder to relieve the ghast-
ly mew -orate.. of the plaster. • The
t•dire of the wound were ragln•d. and
about en inch or an Inch gild a half
Io ernes-esaminetien. Wellti told
Mr. ,Lount that soh.• wayetibl„'ena.'.1 *t
the last trial. tart 44x4 0.4 cal4e4 by
the Crown. lir at that ttnx she intend -
•d to •peak .•f having filled th•• teeth
of the decease!. The witness w'ae poet -
live that when th. ;ode was in the
eofftn it lay on the tight side. She paw
no wound over the rl•:ht rye. hut add-
ed that .he dM not take partleular no-
-yew of that tilde of the free Mr. L.eunt
reminded the wltneee that the d. •tor*.
the coroner. 411e tntd. rtaker and Fns
all •ifiiagr.•.yt v•Ith her.-
" 1 rant help it." replti.1 Yeti. Welk..
" 1 am not ntl'taken.'•
„ When a woman says she will.
She will. and that's an end on't :
Hut when .be rape she
She won't. you may depend on 1t."
jokingly added Mr. Venni
Moe Well.-tllustratrd with a roll of
toper the 1•t,1Mon of the coffin of the
decease -4. as it lay in .tele.worth'e
house. The head of the coffin wise to -
wants the wept. and lir the witne'e
stood ..n the left 'tide. the fare of the
'1«'s.*.s..1 w•ae turned toward. herr.
Mimi Lydia L. veritt. 110 Queen-
'trrtt west. a num. M' prole'0l.n. wows
the next witness eal1.•4 by Mr. feeler.
on the evening •,f the killing the wit -
nee* had been • all•d to the Ay'les-
worth residence to attend Mire Martha
Well*. and remained about a week.
Was there on the following day, when
the body of Willie Nelle was brought
In from the undertaker'*. and went in
to look al the remains!. E
mark en th.• fare nt•rr the eye, though
she could not detic'rtbe it. \Vltne*s
aed Mrs.Welis put "...me pink powder on
the wound. The body war lying in Its
coMn somewhat on the Fide. the face
Pinking youth,. and the mark describ-
ed was on the uppermnxt eye. Witnees
thought the mark over the eye was
about two inches In length. it had
been cleansed and eh:r ed '
•Phe coffin was In the front room of
the house, the head pointing towards
the weft
was visible over the Taft ere.
statuses thought the wound was a
ghastly right for the friends to look
upon, rod plated woo dowers over it.
1.. hide It frau, view. In et -twee -el -
lire. Howley Laid that as
she was standing uu the north side of
the eolith. she could net .s-. the right
bid.' of the face. showing (hut the
wound must have been on the lett ride.
1\ hen Mr. Johnston suggest.a that
three.. t. ho said that thrte was a
wound only over the right eye must
hal. b-.11 no -taken, th.• witness said
that [Icy nit' have t.wn pa)'lug tow,
II you are as bright as good chtldren should
The ditlereoce you ll egret) he able to sols 1
TrU Ike Trate.
There is • hard, memos business serve,
ss well as moral sense, in Chi, •dvioe of
Heart liens. the beaker . "A boy, while
at school. should be taught rtrtdI' to tell
tee truth, ss that is • live woe and
will stand him to better stead than the deed
isoguages, for a business life. -
Tee Serb C:rsmMlsg.
An excellent though unoonsclow erica -
cum of the incoherent manner in which toe
nue. coogregatioc • perform their part of
"responsive resdinr'• was made by • small
he to his retnrs from hu tint attendants
at hutch.
"Mamma, he remarked, the people de
ant like the minister, do they "Wh}':
eersol.," was the reply. "Well, ' said
Yaro:d, sturdily, Abe read .e•nethtog, sod
this they'd all ',rumble, sod then h. read
W me more, and they d all grumble wain.
Mewls • %ew IMa.
The fiords•.). Claret Co. struck • new
stat frutt'al 1.1os •sneo tt u000siyed the no-
tion of patting • cheap wine upon the mar -
let •t pricss which would bring tt with"•
reach of all. Pot the long profit and the
d oe sale is not as good business as the
small profit and great sale, and $3 and $4
Per do, quarts appeals to the whole people,
Whereas 48 for a wine not toe whit better -
if es gno4 onuld only appeal to a seotaoa of
the people. Wine upon the poor Maid"
r•hk, gond wholesome wile which will de
de him and hie family grad at • 111110 over
rho ora. of poor beer. The famous Medoc
Wills'. Selling enormously allover Cao*d*.
Address ttordeaux Claret 1'a, 30 Hospital
otter, Montreal.
IaUc4, attention to the right aide 0 -
the face. "You may have hien peeing yhe ►alba••arl.r rr.p•rlaa ter a Hawed►
too much attention to the left side,' Wrlwra wlw./rruaeplr C.«rmleln..d
sold Dar. enough
convinos •wire«r roses 4e..ese•w•ea herd
I hold 1,. r, h - a w..u:t to es..'."
me thus then war a Wound there," re- Natisoary's "pert* Iread'
plied kir. Doe 1.' . sad Italian wawelsa
An attempt by Mr. Johnston to fl-,
molest.. 4 -der Or./....
olesle \\'
the peal:ion or ell. head
se It lay io the coffin, with a perfect London, Nov. 1_. --fair I'htllp ,Currey.
kelt that has b•. a In one grey thea- British .lmba.sador to '1'urkdy• wit►'
fl thea 'Oboe e the settle id th•• aSt'rial. has tarn Derr ua. wave pa abtwnce,
Cr through. lir the right of the ghost•
4) Orionis! taco turned towards hat'. had a conference with 'Lord Sullabuly
was more tuts Mrs. Howley could look 4.1 11*114t Id House t1• -day .old !fume
Own. I dlately thereafter came to l.und•,n t••
'111e truwa then produce -it Mr. 1'ry►A l,repare forhis
IVkK his •spcv.b r. tut it to Con1anePIkIeateCWill
tad'. Lave Mr /VSNask.
The lute sad uowpaestoo of Almighty
• (toil .re •peuaalll .11own towards 4.utteut
signers, no gnat a. r how greet {jtete sous may
have he. The prier prntt.ut may hetesn.:
wasted his ruhetae In teetotal. .ug
a • 1,woog the pi.awt, losers of tide world, hut
Lord Salisbury and Sir Philip
Currie In CiOnlhronCe
Racked with Rheumatism
Unable to Walk, owing to excruciat-
ing pain.
After ten years' terrible torture,
Cured by Scott's Sarsaparilla.
A H. Christiansen, writing from the
Wton House, Niagara Falls, says: " I
we you more than i can ever pay. For
kit years i suffered the tortures of the
damned with rheumatism. Father had
it before me, and 1 believe it is an here-
tanaty disease. My knee pints would
cot inflamed and if I was out in any
weather " i was sure to be laid up,
wkrch In a travelling man is a calamity.
Is a score of Canadian towns local doctors
treated me, some giving relief, others
•nae• i read that Sarsaparilla was a
rheumatic cure and 1 asked a druggist
let "a bottle of the best Sarsaparilla on
the market," He gave me Scott's, re-
marking that it was an improvement IS
all moors, and that ha could Aimee*
recommend it. i have taken four bottles,
and g
am at free from pain as a man eats
h ope to be. 1 was out in at -etymons awe
sat+ 1'xa40 sad sever felt a twinge. As i
mrd beforeto Scott's Sarsaparilla 1 ewe
here than I cam ever retar.
prtattra, and neeralgir pals• -♦II arisz
eentrated fit p� pt by Id oomit-
erects. Dass eau het 1n' 4tla
apeemfuj At t2 per alder Telli
715 best remedy rheumatism.
$ oL ' c es. us., r '
Wells. he boy beet) Ifc"! th Mn, etantluo/du.
le moil•
.t.a u .e
two *tam,.\\'ill' war Mr, ttielkson, the Britton Cousin at
uL.t '!l years of alfa at the time of JerUa.ikxt, has In'urnw•1 '4,. (4uveru-
nt.r d,' th. jiaw the body' at the came- meat that t 'nub has atteek. d the Inte-
l• re tlstwo/b Whitby and luihawa on Floe at Nabluu1. 3•'4 tulles north tit
''..- .:ay of the funeral. The reedy was Jerusalene. The mi.siunartes escaped.
Io mg ,un the rfltht side and a wound
was visible over the teff eye.
At the time of the killing there el -
i -ted an ttgrermenl between deceased
and myself. dated January 6. 11103. br
the ternms of which \\'elle had bought
:r small forst from %ureas. for the
ram of $24:.0, to be paid $10011 In cash
and the balane•e In five years. In con-
neetlen with the trameacttnn tit.• wit-
ness had rvrvlv,'d a number of tele-
grams, which were admitted In P\t-
rie/tee. the la.t of whlrh had been re-
relved the Saturday before the killing.
The witnete was still on the stand at
the noon recess.
Mr. J•'n!•s again took the stand at
the tontmeno•ement of the afternoon
session. The examination was ronduct-
.4 by Mr. ostler. The anoint called
tor In the agreement wae never paid
to the '.44n. re. Paw Wells alive for
last time abut a week before the kill -
Ing at i'ickering, at the time of e*e•-
(-uting the agreement. Made an .•n-
was'me•nt with Wells to meet at Whit-
by later. but Wells disappointed him.
and he never saw hie nephew again
until he was in his coffin.
The cross-examination of the wit-
ness by Mr. 1.ount brought out that
he had r.- t4' ed a telegram from Ayles-
worth on the morning of Jan. 17. 1*13.
announcing the death of Wells by ac-
oident. when %ones& craw the body,
the coffin lid had only been steed for
a few moment*. and there were pro-
bably five ..r •ix others standing
around. all anStoup to view the re-
main, for the last time. At the time
1 raw the wound over the (.1* rye It
becam.- impressed main me, "'cause
boat cite presence I.ea m the N
• Scott s ,saaaplrlf�, models
Te .Ir. Lount'thewitness ..1d her
rn.•m'rry nn the subject not
vivid. It ear the day following tbe
am -Went that the holy Was brought
to the Ayl. •worth residence. and wit -
!OSP was (h.. tire: person to enter the
loom where t
.tl•• coffin feel
eltbe been M
She wit* p •N
to the west and that lite fare WAP
looking youth. which would bring the
heft ride of the face uppermost. Could
not t he.'rlbr or reran any other inju-
ries to the head of the deceased.
Jn.eph RnWIry,jeoeler. at'adlna-ave-
nue. ale." Paw the body of Willie Wells
as 1t lav at Humphreys mortuary-. the
day of the killing. All around th. right
ey.. preened to have been cru,hel tn.
The witness, :ilea AWwolnn e°terr
the left eye, and 'scratch
right ride et this fate. The wound Im-
mediately over the
hhn ton t t eye about
en inch long. Mr
wltnes* in hand and started out to
•how that there was 1 feeling of bit-
terness' between himself and the pri-
son. re, The witness. denied that there
was any bitterness' or Ill -feeling be-
tween them. A buelnetes transaction
of an unsatlefac•tory nature gave rise
to a ml,understandln* between the
%li ens and the prisoners. but the wit -
nese refired to admit that it war. of
the nature of an unfrl• ndly feeling.
Thr prevlowt wltne*P was. succeeded
fit the M,x by, his Pon •:rnert (tea ley,
who lo ala» a jeweler. Wltne.. knew
Willie Wells. Saw MP body lying et
Humphreys between and 6 tit t•.rk
•m the evening of the "occurrence
The beery wax lying on a curling testi
In a bark room Noticed the head had
been badly rruxhed. right ey.• com-
pletely entohel In and * deep
MITIA ft Pr It
w.r 44.' left•t which appeared wound
h• about one-half the length of that
ever the right eye.
To lir Johnston Wth,raa said ritd
the wound over the 1411 .o'.' a g
to he an ordinary cut. 14.• had remain-
ed In the undertaker's e.l.bliehment
about 1S or 2e minute*, ,•.-nxtantly be -
Ode the !web- and had a particular row -
,nn for re,ecllerttng the Wound over
the left eye and mnxt *PPuredly con-
tradicted Dr King. Iltsz. Humphrey
and Davenport and any others whn
may have 'fated that : Young here was
wound over the left ey
Rowley and �mulct t notttive On the be shaken suit
plater of purls hat, mbeen It vestment -
aver the right •?
rem In It thd e
ease f theve been
left eye
remover, n
for the .ante rreserse
Mrs. Row1sg, the mother of the last
wItrwww. vatted the house of Aylee-
the body of Wets. the
but some of their servants weer- kllle .
Hon. M. H: H. rbgrt the Britten
('hylar d'AR.rittaal Conrtantlnuplase
soon as he learned •.f the ..:'girl wade
a Prr>ttit to the Perte, %filch at one.
instructed the Vail or J''r*sak,ln to
protect the misknntrl•s In every wise.
.tp•erwssl Fran 6NrMtr- -
lierlln. Nov. 1!. -Thr beefing nrwo-
paperP of Herliu 1.1/1nme1lt ulron Lord
Fall.hury'a speech at the I.ord Seayor'.
banquet as follows :
The Vo. lrcee Zeit•ing - "i..trd Salls-
bbre's *'pt' • h to f -e•• (roil-,pt.t:1'.s n, but
is eateula .-•1 to to s• the de p-.. Aitken
hope* 01 a r•oet-efill tedutlon of ttoe
confu.l,n ;h tate east."
The Nail( nal Ito t' ung ; -Without arty
cttene.t at deception in regard to the
danger. of the M•altlon. the .tWt't'Ii
still bar a luacif.'ing effect."
The K; ••us %..•*lung : "We are glad t"
h.yy��' a re}l:Jtle .rxpt-erelou of the soll-
dt1♦ty o: the powers."
e• ltatchlait : "We are sincerely re-
jtle.•d to find a sretesn.,tn ezpr'•-*I:ts
the idea of united ehristen.kom gather-
ed to pr•'.t•et clt•illrrd "lac(-.".
The Xcrnh l:et-man I:aa,•tte : "the
Ppeech prey:•o th.- uta•:^C're'el 01111 of
dipt.om.a1. tango and (looks .4 the
!inure Ii, u man' er leaving 1t open to
all po.slbllitl.p. ae a etatrantan ought
to do. not knowing v. hat eventuali-
ties may aria•."
The i'ost : "Th. speech ie an agree-
able contrast to the ..':4rtnIPt treat-
ment of Oriental affairs by the Landon
The Lokal Ans.•Iger "Thr ep..•eh de-
rrreefs decided attention. beeau,..• it re -
1 t.ellet ed It to be of some importance. duces to proper proportions the ex -
Ther. was a little plaster of parte in ees.lve fear-- which (tee disquieting
the wound, though 1 could not ray Europe."
how large the wound 44'as. Witness A drrpatch from ('one•antlnnple to
els. contradicted all the pre•viuu1 wit- The Cologne Gazette mace the excite-
ment of the populace throughout the
APiatle provinces of Turkey. is greatly
Increasing and the Porte Is eepe'fally
alarmed over sign. of Insurrection In
yarinuo parte of Syria. Another con-
ference of the amtm.sadors of the pow-.
ere wass h. id yesterday.
The Deutsche Tager. 7,ettunc says
Tytere are two tildes to Lord Sali.hury p
speech. tine slides over the East Asia
nu..tIon. while the other menaeE-. the
Sultan in a style that 1hi calculated to
eneouraee the Armenian..
The Volker. Zeltun,r Pays: The .poe.eh
eontalns a .erk.us threat Great Rel-,
try, 1693, be kept a livery at 1:11 Youge_ 'sin rnntemplates the j.'.Plbflity of
street. just south of Gould -street. the Powell eeparnting. and le deter -
From his books Mr. Chambers swore reined to brine about n bloody •1e41 -
that on the day of the occurrence. a talon If the ninon,. continue. Its policy
troupe was ordered from his stables of non -Intervention.
by Della. Hyams. It was afterwards
paid for by Dallas.
James Lavelle, thg .tprIter of the
eM11pe which conveyed Dallas from the
scene of blood. on the morning of the
tragedy. came nest. Mr. Lavelle ..aid
that he drove to the warehouse that
morning for a passenger, according to
lnutructlons from his employer. When
his parsenger, one of the prisoner.,
Was getting into the coupe. the wit-
ness noticed some spots that looked
like red paint on his pants below the
knees. H.- took his passenger to 1,1
Gould -street.
Eliza Pengally, who war, employed
as a domestic at the home Of the
Hyams brother', 11 Could-stre.'1, tee -
tilted that on the day of the killing
there were In the city the twine and
Dallas' daughter of the entire house-
hold. As a rule the Hyameee left the
house at ,k pe x.340 o'clock each morn-
ing. After they left on the morn-
ing of January 16. I*93. she next saw
Dallas between 10 and 11 o'clock. He
came home and remained constantly
for two or three days. He instre1teted
wltnea. that no one was to see'hlm,
and when Fox and Aylesworth called
they did not see him. when he cam••
home he told witness that there had
been en occident and that Wells had
been killed.
Harry did not come home until
later In the day. Some time after the
killing. Harry gave the witness a pair
of troupers to wash. They were
stained, witness thought, with
blood. She waihe41 the trousers. but
could not remove the Ptalne. The stain.
Were not many and consisted of small
*pots below the knee. Th"y were after-
wards sent to the dy'er's.
nesse. tvhe hate said that no wonn0
or other Injury exited over the left
eye. N'itn.•'o did not tell of chi' wound
over the left .•y,• when tes(ifying at the
Polk* Court and last Aesizee, hecauPe
he was not asked, Or they would not
allow him t.. lie t.memberel having
told tame one of the matter, but could
not remember w•h.•n air. Jonee made
a remarkably poor witness.. 11.• was
.low and stubborn In his replies. and
11 was .umewhat a relief when his ex-
amination had ended.
Jame' Chambers, liver) man. 106
Mutual -.greet. te*tlfled that In Janu-
the momeo1 he shows •ogre el Borrow ler 1145
Last lire and • reeeelet,oe to return his
vert • Loos., no.: m:•rt.c•t the a is. Ile
Mee lied eun•irer"...' '•1 1:.w1 gip to me. rod
toototliie hon. and mor, f.vure are sr• u.tnv-
ly lisauth..1 upon him •4.a18 upt•s 'h. ."n'
who 11ays ee,• r,u,.u'..1 .t '.on,e sad
srver.tr•ye-1 hon, the piths 1,1 ,.rein ei ,1
U11140. What an rr,c.'.'•gen'ent to 'h,
sinner, e•ptw•h11v te the broken h.*r'e 1,
d,•ubnua pv.tteett, who loony to 2.:u10, b•u'
(3.,,. r of no .etc+ ung of hl. ►Ina ' Take
ker., t, tenant soul 4;".1 1 w.'. 1.•11 •0.4 lenge
for you. roues. He it 11' .w.1. .'•« feu •.d
I.vi.h neon ►..0 ail the wealth .•f Hi. low
salt .anna.aari at and tender toercy. - Sacred
Mart Reytew.
p... s bloom* t .e 5*.,boe.
1 ut go and look •t \ our louts. el. oder
lamlw.0 1i.h414g pule, anti try 1.. fancy whet
• honer would lout. I'ke built of that sort of
lltiuv. let when • Chinaman w.sh'e to
1 odd • house 1,0 dne.u't tore an architect
and look up a c2o,nteector, lied turn grey
over plumbers and d -deters ; he neer
1y goes sod giants a few bamboo rocas. l'•4
he goes un quietly •t:.u•hug to his tusiune
and lets them grew. In a few menthe h.
hu • tine fort•.t of bamboo from forty to
°igloo feet high, and with stalk• raov.og
iron' holt so tach to eighteen in, ices in dl -
.meter. H6 digs a trench the shape and
w oe he washes his hour, and proceeds to
cut the trete he thinks the proper sue, and
.et them up ,n this trench. which he tips up.
Olt 'he .leaderer .talks he u,•kes the
rafters and eleogl.1 it with I..mbuo loves,
The vitndows are del,.o•1a lattice work of
bamboo, and the furniture is of slender batri-
boo, bent a1).1 •url«i and platted. His
water -bucket is • geed bog stalk, sawed off
Just below tee joJot, '.n4 made as deep as
he needs alcove it. For • holt le he takes a
' deed«, p,.',, aid treaty 'e u1 the same easy
If la the cot.tu+non of building he mielays
his knife. he just takes '.h« wed sharp edge
of • bamboo, and it aloe' lust as well for
everything, .xcept cutting bamboo, as if 0
were •heftield steel While he t- budding
he keep' off hunger by cutting the little
tender shoots jut 0s they peep from the
around. and c..t,kinµ 'hem tie •soarwus.
worth. .-
day after the killing took plan. Ths
hemd eau lytsig on the right side. and
a tgerd sheet two Inches 1a 'Meth
r*,Italises% es Seel Winds Telly
5. .dial 44111 1. 5Ie Wrought
Its. Molls 4. taste
Ottawa. No:, le.Some of the news-
paper* have been freely dIP.•u*aing the
political Pltuatitn, and many ab'nrd
reporte have been pet afloat. A Con-
servative who 4s In a position to know
what he Is talking about thus speaks
of the outlook:
The Governor-General will he back
at Rideau Hall within a fortnight. the
six bye -elections In Ontario and Que-
bec will be fixed as to their dates, the
vacancies In the Senate will be filled,
and i'arllaanent will In all probability
be In session within forty days.
The Government Intend coming to
Parliament with a remedial bill In re-
tard to the Manitoba schools in case
the Greenway Government do nothing
In the meantime. And It Is not likely
that that Government will do anything.
The Federal (government Intend to
redeem their pledge of last session to
introduce a bill of relief for the Cath-
olics of Manitoba. Their measure will
in all probability he a moderate one;
In many respects a compromise. It
will Moly enact that Catholic rate-
payer' will be free to have their school
taxes go t0 the support of Separate
schools, that they will he free to ow -
tact their own text -books 1n history,
and that certain prtoilge. will be eon -
ceded In the way .f rellgioua Indene
Hon. Rut outside of this any Sepa-
rate schools thus created will be sub -
feet to public school inspection; teach-
ers sent to the provis.weal .zaminetioos
for cwrtlltratea; and the test -books the
authorised ti=t -books of the province.
There will los no reconstitution of the
old Separate sehools with their admit-
ted Inefficiency. Tills, In win -Informed
clyd.a. Is aupoosed to be the est.nt of
the Government program or remedial
islWkslat48ta . •
nays -•
WWI Reassure ivenb•Ay mat lee 4.11.■
\'Ienna, Nov. 12. -The N.'ur• Prete
T're.Pe say. th Lord Salisbury'*
words will re re everybody but the
The Frr nh .eml nfnclal. Nays
that the P Is a serious mumm•on.
r•• the Suit , but it le evident that
the Power. 4f111 maintain peace.
The Neuse Reiner Tagblatt declare*
that the speech der•otee returning tran-
Reis FaysrabIv Impressed
St- Petersburg, Nov. 11 -The press
and public were favorably lmpre*Ped
by Lord Saltabury-'o speech. The No-
vortl says it ought to calm public
opinion In Europe.
11.11as Warship. Ter the Levant.
Rome. Nov. 12. -The Italian opad-
ron, v. Melt has been orderers into the
Levant waters, will con.lst of the
cr•utser, Etna and the gunboats \'ul-
terno and Retwwtlann Vete-leo. The
Etna (merles 2.4 guns of various cali-
bre. the Vulturno 11 and the Sebasti-
an() seven.
..,•• O•sof „ 2Jn .41. r o n. Ma/Ma/rt,eratsr,
t.il0+, taguiI W • ws.1 NO a❑
serts+un keoe.es,
. (frits pr..siptly.
NIS i 11N#fIUE CO.; 111.
r►•.. , r s. 1 •
"Ry a thoroowh knowledge of the baiting
laws which govern the operations of digeatios
and nut rition, and he a eaten,' application of
the tine oropertiea o/ well -sleeted Cocoa. Mr.
Epp/ hu provided for our breakfast and sup-
per a delicately flavoured beverage which may
save us many heavy doctors' bills. it is by the
judicious nee of sueh articles of diet that • ton
mention may he gradually built up until strong
♦paa�h to resist every tendency to disease.
Hundreds of subtt. maladies are floatirg
around us ready to attack wherever there u a
weak point- t1: a may escaOe many • ratd
shah hy keeping ourwelves well fort,f!«d with
pore blood and a properly nourished frame."-
Cies/ Serekv Gaseefe,
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in backetaby lir•orete, labelled thus •
Jitter% reps & Co- Ltd.. 5eusNMlbte
Chewiest+. Laad.w. Laalaad.
The 5sseally Nerds 14111 at It.
('nn*tanttnople, Nov. 1_. --The 'aw-
l...mai •ss of the Kurds in the ea,tern
province. has grown meaxureably
'Inc. the demands. for reforms were
made upon the Sultan by Great
Britain. France and itusola. The Sul-
tan's very evident inclination to refutes
to grant the demands or at leapt tn de-
fer giving ■ definite anewer to the re-
presentatives of the power'. encourag-
ed the Kurd. to believe that the Sul-
tan tacitly supported them 1n their at -
Dicke upon the Armenians.
The Kurds. have assumed such an
attitude of disregard to all authority
that It Is believed herr that the nffl-
elale are now powerless to plop them
from continuing their mamtacring and
Advlee, from the eaotern prnvtters
show- that the conditk'n of anarr-y to
push that a very .gong force will have
to he employe) 11 any 4100JTe$0 at all
Is to be made agalnet the Kurds.
TrwM Toiler Orden.
London. Nov. 12. -An nnexeprted
order was r,'retved at 14evnnlw,rt this
evening for a detachment of tr..q,o to
prepare to embark from Liverp..•1 un
Nov. 16 for the Gold Coast. Africa.
where they will join the expedlll•nl
that will be sent against the King of
Arhantee. It IP undertttood that
Medlar order has been dl'patchnl
other garrl"on,.
1 hero added to my Bakery Bogue*. a
(oh hoe of tint-cIase grooertes *bub wrath"
soli cheep on a Cash System.
1 intend .ells* straitly for Cash. with •
email profit, sod abeam to psi• the uwapest
store Io town.
slid wilt give satire e•*t-
i, .,:t iuu to the public.
The usual •to. n of tient-ohms
Sixteen Pages, 96 Columns, of
Attractive Family Read-
ing Every Week.
54405/.. Worthies 54.451,
St. Petersburg. Nov. 12. -The rrul.-
ers lturik, 10,140 ton., and 1k'mltr).
311114 tons. left Crnnst*ndt for a for
eign cruller to -day. The Kuril' carries
four s -Inch. 13 1 -2 -ton breech -sliding
Runs. 16 *lnrh breech -loading. pix
qulekflrtna guns. and 14 magazine
guns. The armament of the 14emltry
1. two Itin.'h 3 -ton guns. 14 6 -Inch 4 -
ton guns. and 16 qulok_Oring guns.
will -,ill lw ►eel on. hai,d
I:utter. Fore and Farmers l'r()duos
talon are l;uh.
Remember the stand mixt door to Was.
Acheson's harness depot, Han... en it.,
The Ham:ttuu •1. 1i/too .t•1 Grocer.
l'or Montreal .t .,tut ..,'..ere.
on. an boy a;al'at r%.•r> thing :n
Prude. Confectionary. crockery. 1.lasseare.
kc.. at the lower vetoes poe'ibl., for cash.
of all kinds kept Constantly ea bead.
A well assorted sock of
Grote ■urnurings. Hosiery. Rlbbou5. Lases
Ac.. kept In stork- earmers produce taken at
highest market trice* a. rash. Goods delivev-
e4 Mall parts of the town. emir trade soli-
cited. 11 J. 11oltTe,N,
The ('ash Oro.•ery, Coe. Montreal st
N. B.- All accounts not settled by the Cab of
November. wtll be handed in for collection.
The Wsamtt FREE Plisse and
FAA* AND Holts, combined in one
issue, uniform in size and .ppear-
anee, is offered to subscribers from
now until the 31st December. 1W8, for
The FREE Passe is the Leading
Liberal -Conservative Journal of W
ern Ontario. It contains each week
a complete summary of the news
and cotnment of the times.
The Commercial pages of the
WREHLT FREE PRESS are up to date,
and ample for the country merchant,
farmer and dairyman.
The FAR AND Holts contains each
week able article. on Agricultural
subjects and Live Stock. The farmer
and cattle and horse breeder will And
in its pages abundant topics of special
A Serial Tale of absorbing interest
will lie an interesting feature of the
WetHi.l' FRRK Palette.
Moth Papers Combined for d1 from
Now Until Deesinber 51444, ta0e.
• Agents wanted everywhere. Address
all communications to the
Worse as y_ sit tiles
Hanover, (int., Nov. 11. -At an early
hour Sunday morning flre destroyed
the north building of the Hanover
Sprtwg lied and Me Drees Factory
('nitp.ny's works, glen stock end ma-
chinery The ertgkn IP *t*ppo.nrt 10
have been spontaneous eoenhuxtlon.
Loss on factory ov.r 42400. 01440 of
wbtlnh Is orrvered by tnunrwnee, divid-
ed among the M.,0etweter, i,.nro.hlre.
Wellington a4A Waterloo inxuraor+
Cornpanles. 1%. loos Of the vitality Is
Cello meowed la Oa ORM* Amertesa.
uRacar Mu GAn•oA.
Wednesday and Saturday
_ THB;-
1w.re..orfo Cary'dal it Mode./
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.,
And Dealer In -
Engines, Machinery Castings, ko.
All sizes of Pipes gad Pip. Fittings,
Steam and Water gauges. Globo Valves,
('hock Valves, Inspirator, Ejectors and 1a-
jecters Constantly on Hand at Lowest
To moat Post Offices thin is nearly
as good as a Daily Paper. while the
price is only $1 per year. if you sub-
scribe NOW for 1896 we will send the
balance of this year FREE OF
The earlier you subscribe the more
you get for your $1.
Sample copies free on application.
Spectate? Printing Oo.,
■•111111Lral• Cal.
A mania1 line of Steel Water and Hog
Trough for use of farmers sad others,
Repairing promptly etteaded to.
I9af-ly P. 0. Box 117, (Od.11s11.(81.
Works -0 mite O. T. R. Matisse �6tMfltll
OWNS Paarliss
7 lie
t �te.00► RImiawbIC�HTS:2147
{'�tiOMrNttr.',y*0bateau ror 1 • ($ scaring patents l Amen
3. la bf gales givtakes ont en free of us is 'Mee ht in he
,ctentific American
Largest etr.•.I.tltw..*f sn W.ntl9e payer in the
sae's Ppl"ndlel► Illustrated. K e 1,yt...yrt
marl should he e4,b...aa fid. ewe a ally.
r.v: a tteiN r. lir+'/ II/1.11'.00:
1's.•n' r•erw••,
MEATS. T21111 SINN 114411 CI P44IrNT1
Weal. 1 gad all bootees* tMOD la hT1 %ate t
Q�oa attwbaa to at �IODSRI
Oar oleo le opposite the V. S. Penes Cie
Om. 4ad w 1 su obtain nitwits ja ten this
baa lees comets from VI /SRI TON.
.�aWs m-
stake NV 0ai201 (NLW 11 i Owl.
3tWi i� Olin. P4..•.ad�Nn .lslalo`ba
U S i�►teat Oiow Ter etrealy Myt•s
Inns lied redefines, M.otaal sneaks 4a TOW
ewe Siete .r Os ate, mental*
11_ A MOW00110ia. FNMA oeim si
atalasiss.. • e