HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-21, Page 6• 6 TIM SIGNAL: GODERICR, ONT., TH1tRfil t 1. NOV. 2t, I89I. AYER'S Hair VIGOR Restores nst oral color to the bits. and also prevents it falling out. ire. H. W lenwtck, of Digby, S. 8 , say*: " A little more th:111 two years ago my hair began to turn gra anti fall out. Af- ter the use of one twit . .if lver'a Ilair Vigor my Lair yv.r•t restored to its original Color aunty ceased falling out. An Oeca.4i' •nal SIN; .{ieati',n ha:!ihice kt•pt RP hair in goodcooditiou."—Digs. . F. Feasvneg, Digby, IS. S. G rovh of Hair. " Fi>'ht vet.% ago, I had the vario- Inid, .t net Post my hair. which previ- ously as quite abundant. 1 tried a vat -10.y of preparaUouet, hut with- out beneficial result. till 1 began to fear I should he permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's hair Vizor, and I heggan at once to the it. 1n a short time, new hair began to appear. and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth of hair as before my illness."- ,3tr4..l. Wave, Pulytllnia 1t., New Orlralt�, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR rnr.raicrt, nv D0.1C. AYER i CO., LOSEU, MASS.. U .S. A, giver's Pitts cure .iei Ileadaehe. Ieeereemae the wound repugarome be them.. Home it le that .ccude•tol p.uisedme se unroll occurs. ln_t6e wee of (duds we sous tue ot • those se • regular duet. an d the Mete •:raves a chassis Here the wbole system i..Ud$ retest the nit aotoeof diet,b*uau•e au cue tuu.l a Itkeiy w uuamiu all the e.. meal of outriuou remind by the body fur the exercise of ata hoodoos, sod snot the elemeute eh.. n ate le excess cloy up,u the t•ete.becau.e .110 •)11t4110 u 011.0•0% supplied with chow. *tole we ut•ve the Mode con taraing sabst.'t.xe which the senoras lacks. A ubauge Is then dem•oded b. Nature. and wade manifest u) the goose of 1 •ate. 1f the change t;anout 1.e mads Notary shows her desappr, it .ft; ••ruuug a IoM of appetite or • r.pugaaoce to die ris.detlmpd 'roile of dist. - --� Tame Saar Miss. A M•tue lady to an article on this subject in • local grange paper, writes very peruse ently as lolbw.. 1 was reading &a article riot long once upon •• Farmers shou.(' provide *operate urn: halve for their hired men. ' which, I think deserves more them • paving thought. Ti. writer win "1)o men hante geosnlly board their clerks . I w monul•ccturers usually Impose upoo Meir elves end death - ten the ueuerity tit turoishing meals and oafs loaf door begrimed and sw..ty laborers from forge Med loom, of serving then, at table with their rood and .haring cher company .t Preside' Why should tkei wive* and daughters of fumes be expected to do this ' And so Mug as such • blades is laid upoo them. to 1t strange that farmer st sues trail agsiost heir lot and seek the ratty, and farmers daughters set their caps tor clerks, merchant", tailors, speculators - anybod' but their scbo Iorates ' The Intro- ductiou of hired moo into toe household de • troy• the family relation. The farmhouse becomes • boarding house, in which the husband is steward, the w.te (took arid the workmen boarder.. la employed beuume■ the served. Med the erupt nen seryants. No well bred woman t:•a tolerate such • condition of things utiles' her ambition is crushed. There is many • woman in the land who has cooked tui* of 'loud for the hind man who, while her husband h•a grown well -to do and been elected duster. of the 1'eaoe and gone to the Legislature, has become thin and furrowed with drudgery. bent to • furious and never -ced- ing rotation ot scnibbuig, baking, son mg for the hired men. /'bar wrewbed com- munity system hes prevailed Tong enough ;■ mertc• to the au.utlmt.mt of foreigners ma the disgust ofour own people. It is high tame that every farmer with a particle of persons sensibility or indepemdwae or with any respect for the rights of his oomapanuou, should adopt • better way. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. New Nwees tire.ria wise.. I •.e Lighten. Toil. '!ueeu l ictus use. • little more 0•111•How easy It te to work when Mer are hip more), but presua.r mtder&don. Accord py Muw delightful, when we ars hap) y, tog to L ado.. 'fru' b : " the Ijdeen takes • ter week tor those we tote. ,. life of cuustant toil, merely for sub- suteoce, is veto hard and Med. No heart light breakfast, • hearty Iuourieos, • sub- ,trut..I tea: but eta piercer to' ',w hen din- ner t. servc.i, Her Majesty este yet y spar ung„ u.d duly ut the tightest and moot lila truto,ae t Med At nodway b.tweru break fart and luoct.a.o when the e: ueel t. tiros .uting;hu.iurr .11 he heavy weak of the day beteg over evil more viol' at Mut prat 1), Her J/•.leeuy tt.kes a refresher uu the shape of e..ne. ft .:,p of beef Mea, o* earwig as it •:*L b..• made, or an rose meteor up with • little milk "1 . ,. rry. 1 ue 4tueen ower takes arty .put. ui.dnute.l Hrr Nyest.y oc'tammal., t.L,•. a email glees of tine old whuke_y, Ii..' -.I .itch • tumbler of mineral water. I'euplr roust have • queer Wes ides •bout ear. tui diet w ho Include raw spirits in they. regimes. - New l risk l'rees. `Selly artsetlmes es ►.7 if the ..,.old we.. wrng 1K r• (, 1. ;. )� •'R: FO— Ful all 1� as it all the three. L �� d we like d e.agrrrwtre as, and .11 the terns. agree awe don't like, agree !T with us t)yspepel• lurks in 'most u( the athings we col, 1� anndd indigene'', fol lows lh.• g•atibce• tion of appetite Of course, It Iau't Na• tare's fault. Nature does the hest she can. and if a mac will only brlp her a little bit at the right bene, be may wt what he like. and a, much as hs likes. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are fes people who are troubled wttb indigestion. Particularlyfor thaws in whow it manifests it,rlf in tform of constipation The "Pellets" are quick and easy in their action They are in perfect harmony with Nature They effect a palslrly onlyanvot u seed take them regi After that, use them occt.sonally when you need them when you have eaten some thing th..t dissevers with you They are not violent in their effect, do not derange the system at all, and may be taken just as freely as you would take water or any other necessity of life. Once nerd they are always in favor. Tout can get the " Pellets" at any drug store II you are careless enough to let an unscrupulous druggist sell you something on which he makes more money. it is your owe faun if you do ma get well can bear it. The strain will break the pour age end sour the temper of anybody ['here must 1e bel.re the worker souse better reward than the supply of ilia mere ph}u oat want., ur he will become • dutwntehwd being. He must work for lore more than for menet , ur he a nneenble. '1 be thought of loving hour at house nerves tee wrung arm of the man at bar toil, and semis the warm blood singing tbrouuu his heart. The wife, in her household labors is happy, tntnkuyt of the evening hour, when she mu sit down with her busiand e•,1 be rewarded by tits let Ws companionship tor .11 that, during during the day , she accomplishes ur endures for him and her little une•. she knows not bow hard she works, so toog as she a happy to him. she would, d nee . were, kilt herself with bard ,labor for bar sake. Med not dream that she wear dy Ing. And hs, if a true man, would do the inure for her. Fur what do warm, fond heart know of what they eodiire ter one an- other "Wey,' they say, "the more the better. It is for love for love. What kitcnen under ground, or bark .t - Dia, sey.0 stories high, is dreary enough to darken the t.oe of Me manna, working to make ready fur her luyer s vtet. Nu one ever Mew • piece that would du It. Under the elcitemelt of love, especially of love n grated. wooden of work. otherwise umpca- sable, h.vs been .c. omplahed: and so it will be again. and the worker barely knows that he baa been tasted. Yid, or "Nsdas.r. A $correspondent unto* to The 1:ceton Trsascript : The street tear conductor trays, "Lady, here is • seat tor you she clerk in the store says. "l.dy here is your pack- age, or "l o0 have forgotten yuur pocket- book, lady.'. 1'he ticket agent •_ oke rel Way stetson my., "load), you hive not taken your .hang.. How would it sound to hear thaw pe' 400o, uud.r like circum stances, say, "Lea lenses, here u a seat tor you, or "hentl•-nr•o, allow me to .rat you it putting on your overcoat The courteous person 'eye, "der, here is vour umbrella, to "here is • seat tor you sir. Would it not alio be o.urte0us always to address an adult lady wh.M MM u not known as Madame.' 0 AGREAT 8001 -ambit vrg1A'- OIvEN AWAY! Pee l.u••k- pr.ntr,1 in the Hnc'.eh la* gunge have reached so great a title as ba. [N t'ierce's Common Sense Medical sox, so auk e.1 N..trrat. Atfs,.rr It is a book of ring 1amRe pages IF YOU WANT 8 tow . A WINTER SUIT of First-class Make, Good Material and Latest Styles, -t'ALL UPON - HUGH DURLOP. The yl rsl-st tisebi,r and contain. over you Illustrations - some of them in color% it is it complete family donTlleor hnok. It is written simply and eon low IS TOE rimy, and is indexed so that reference to it is made easily and quickly. Over 6eo,tor copies have been sold at the regular prier of til. Y•. The profits.00 chi+ enormous rale enable the publishers to distribute yyoogqa. eopiee •hsolute}y.rate A copy butted he aro. strong paper covert• will. there ►alta to any one who will send p one -tent stamps to cover cost of customs and mail- ing •'aur. Address, Woatu's DISP*N$•.• 01A.L. AL ASN.N_IATION. Buffalo. N. T. of the red papers contained • silver sad a gold coin together. Thus was celebrated 'the completion of the Moon,' 0r In other words, the •ttaintng to the age of oris month, of the first Chinese baby horn in %lontreel lin. Swag Kee wart dressed in dark green Elk, and she and her son wore a.prih of cedar The demand tor Ayer'. Heir Vigor in such widely-.eperated regions as South America, Spino, Au•trali• and India hes kept pace with the home con►umptitw, which goes to show that thew people know • good thing when they try it. A aural e1 8...r. An E ngh•h actor was • member of • coma pan•, wowbuund in the .sierras when en route Iront t'aliforua to the East. Refer. their tram was pulled our of the drilla they had been reduced to eating the coarse fare of the railroad loiterer►, and got little enough, even of thet,eo they .11 had • serf• ' unrest hunger on when the train reached a . mall station at which there was • restaur ant. .nd the Ksgliehman was the tint to hod • seat at • table "Hrtog me or • hurry, he Med to the landlord, • built t%..tran mon, " • port r hoose steak, some devilled kidneys, • brace of chops. pigsty of vegetable, and two bottles of Hass bitter bier The landlord stuck his hoed out of the dosing -room door sod yelled to eomebeely in the rear &partment : "`fay, Hill ' tell the hand taplay, "hole. Ilritaon , The Pinkie si N ales hes sou e. COMPLETION OF THE MOON MMR her • Baby • Mead shaved me ■•. Al saaaimg the Aar et Yee Nsmlh. Montreal Star : That the Chinese are deeply ettooked to the peculiar custom• of their country is demonstrated by the man- ner In which `Paag Kee, • resident of GLOW da for mai), years .nd • naturalized British subject, observes the pertormanoe of the ceremonies with which his earliest reoollec nous are sasoctated. It Is how • mouth •tote the birth of h is Men and the time for the "shaving of the hear has Dome. The rhavtog of the head is one of the customs which is supported to relate to the tature well being of the child, and If neglected. the Chinese say, that m's fortune will overtake the family. Sang Kee o eon was shaved at sieves 0 clock yesterday montag, the barber be- ing `fan` Kee nisnsell. The hair was all shaved off except a small tuft in the middle of the bead, which reaming as the embryo of the 11000 of the future,. The babe, who bon the operation yery oompl&ceutl, was attired • 1. 1'Memos, to • padded gown sad o leo won two jackets, ilia upper one benne made of bright quilted pink Elk with • larg pocket to ten frost. Over all this he wore .n embroidered white silk bah, • .resent from Sang Kee s former Sunday School testifier to Toronto. A bright hued silk Choose cap decorated in frost with • little gold god another present from • wealthy Chinamen of the otty and • sprig of Byer green, gave the distinguished young per- son • very imposing appearance, &ad amu lets of miller 0m Mg wrists and ankles la e ared, to the Chinese miad,hie future hap pesese. At four o'elock • sumptuous fated was served in the dt.Im room of the hotel, to which Seag Kee'o Chisese friends amid Mrs. Seag Keeentertsuesd elan in her upstairs •partmeet. A00mget the many canoes dishes were sharks' Bas, stewed bamboo shoot& and • rsgoa of duck and mushrooms Keep of various colon and molded ginger seemed to be 1resl% indulged ea. The feasting was 'nutmeat need after mrd- .egbt l'oyntuI&uese i. the Memo of risk sloth, silks, jewelry amid sweetmeats were evident f• •headaaoe .mid nuiadentatiase km the .hmpe of "joyous IINNy" gold, dlvur sod sapper Mame tirra up le red paper es wheel' ped leek ambition wre iherib.d literally peered Is apoe the ehtld. ieased. Ste peke. se beg in hem. .1 hr robe wag red emiptld ewe tams hall • reedllbo —i-- Ir Spi[ I t5 f3ACKACME feela bore ache wrttt muscular ralfla, arld nab jubt pur on slat Bari& her of Baclnche�, ME011el. PVl. J. )1cWcutss. Paint au Chen*. .rites' Noth- ing baler for lame hack and Lumbago than ib U. & L Menthol Planer. Windsor: '"Ilse D. A. 1. 14*.1.aas ernes from t 1. Menthol Plaster M turnns Sore Becks and Rheumatism et a great rue .n this vicinity. sah in air -tight Un bow 10. woo* a5' Table. Th. tonnse a n• t the malt- organ used in the enjoyment of this settee, and alone it u.o*reely capable of •purecating delicate davora. The ,difference between salt and surer when placed on the Weise a hardly per- ospuhle, provided the *enta*i. not allowed to 1011011 the roof of the mouth and the bps Indeed, the act of getting the full enjoy- ment of • flavor, ooi nmooly called amackump the lips, on.eaista in brugrse the tongue in to oentect with the roof of the mouth red the hp.. Hy des sot the substance to be Meted is spread over the sorfaxes of these parte, parttoolar•v of the long**. and mixed with the saliva. Hew this set produces raid* is net et .Qtly known. but Mer do k.ew that the wage.' is mirrored din h two I. Uses et skin, and the upper nae t * n sad pereee The nerves in the lower .k.• are nerves of testa, sod probably set n,•., ',iteration by Om sib steene Met..t, v•• y a.s,•h as the *.gauntly Iy eeaar;y. moon .•1 toe Wins ars affected hp the light, se 1 hc ....yes of the ear by .seed At all e.e• ts, • he mam Is onovet .J to the train, where e. tavelustartly ds ttageah h*, wipes ple.e•..t and disagreeable taste. The aeries, m.••r.•.,er, of the W.eme are net ail alike lm 'h. ''p et the *nags•• flee ars elsstred more 1 ly tee/ether time al the honk, .•d 1c.•.* • • it, loose • d.ffer- em* nnmeausm. 1' - ..... * heele pow tiered she plum i nook of the tee. a fewer sweet. .n-,... es the lip IS DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU G}A lair Parcheesi 25c. Halms 25c. A lot more at 5c and 10c. STALL FAPER._ New patterns just in at the lowest prices. TIN'VT ARE_ Nice assortment at cheap figures. cI NAWAK E_ Beautiful goods. Can please you with them. STAMPING+_ We are doing a large amount of this work. Get yours done now so you may have your Xmas work in hand early. Come and see us. We want to show you our nice new goods. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY We have already Maude several atblition.'+ to our stock of well as_ sorted goods, so that now we think we have everything that could he desired in the line of FINE MILLINERY. MISSES YATES_ P.8. -We have an dwelling rooms above our store while N Will NII 4 fly rewash., crania - POTMAHOFF TEAP THE FAIR. Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, anti has opened out in J. S. PUTT'S W000YARD, where he will keep on hand the Best Qualities of We guarantee i)odd't K:dneq FLIM to rare any I case .a Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Lumbago, limps.. Rheumatism. Hearst Disease. Female Troubles. Impure Hlood--"r money refunded. s, tit by all dealt rs in mrdlrine, or by mail on receipt of trice. sec. per boa. or Six boxes fla.sn DP t.. A. SMITH A CO.. Toronto. itINER GURe P[ SLS CONSTIPATION. eIuSPEPSIousNESS, DYA, SICK Ii ADACHE. ;REG ULATE THE UVER. I ONE PILL AFTER EAT*N0 INSUR!D 6006 DIGESTION. 'i RICEts cis.T„E jODo's 1E0 co aa lieliot The Old Reliable Sh110l Deck. TIE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL Lehigh YalleY Coal ! the C'-uisi ()aid ever sold in We machete All Os•l weighed es the Martel 0ealea, r conA mole .tare tee Rest veer IraMt. Orders lett at HARPER dg LIMB which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. We D. C. STRACHAN. • This new blend of tent for family utre it now on sale at our .:torr. . have also the tinest in FRUITS FOR HOLIDAY USE and keep on hand full lines of hest Family Groct'ries, and the most reliable in Dairl- Produce. Seasonable Fruits and Vegetahlc*c, STURDY BROS. Thoss., ori the $quare. AS PLANING MILL. ESTA$LISNEO hili. CLEAR AS A BELL. IF A PUPIL OF THE Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, l I does not grasp a subject readily. we repeat and repeat until tt "tete it. We drill. setae 'Wheels dont. We got our reputation that way. We intent to sustain it bl gieuag • tbtiro.uk gutgrimy In all subjects taught. We tach Hookteopiag and doziness Paper by • new taeteed. gre about it. Your mosey back if not satisfied. t'uaingur hes. lir, K. A. Coon has acoepted the position of resistant !.okkie per wish S_ D. emelt. N': non., Ontario. W e Kmos Buc1ia11lls & BGloas rawoeacTu0— SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all kids of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES had builder's ►mat.elal of every daserIptl . School Furniture a Specialty Patronise True J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. TBOROLII CEIENT or ATER LIE :1N I1 $1 2:5 PER BBL. SCOT11 FIRE BRICK $4 PER 100. AT H. W. McKENZIE'S SEE HIS NEW STOCK OF GUNS. CHEAP HARDWARE STOR 1 Sporting Goods I We are headquarters for these goods. Having purchased in.a very low market, we are enabled to supply yon with POWDER, SHOT AND SHELL and all:other Sportsmen's Goods at Very Low Figures. A full line of General Hardware always on hand. We hold the fort for Good Goods at Reasonable Prices. DAVISON & CO. Winter Goods. Hats and Caps, Sealettes and Furs Competition. Direct from the Manufacturers. b�ge been«.n.� �t!wi dve Me • <We t r .::i �n`i..t.a.. a.+m+Mea ..a r tN laftessef 1e.11��M every erste cafe [t •serves the le��wlrvsQm wa+l our +••__N'� ewe .1, All goods sold at prices that bring them within tho reach of everyone. Uall early and have the widest selection. CAR.D, a