HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-21, Page 5THE RIGNAL : GODMICH, ONT., THURSDAY NOV. 21 106.
'1,', .; early as you coli W.• aim W treat all our customers fairly
---to give each the tame uppwrtunity an every other -but
there are a iluutle•r of extra good items in this ,special
offering which the early ones may buy out before late
euine r,have a chance. Nut beeluIsc we wi,h it, but be-
cause Supply ill limited anti we ctutnut IMO icute ut the price.
white Super Wool, I,rw,uliau I:Iankr.., lenutiful
,..,lor.*1 'writers and fast, at jl 'Jr,
\\'1lit4i Super Wool Canadian Blanket., fist.,-olor
,nisi, 1st , . . . . . ... .. . . .. . . . . . . 12.4
Lawrellete Mille, White Super Ill*Itket , Itanti4
,iiw y Lneder,i , at. *t
tiloty Flannel, half 11'oo1,.at.. . .
i; . r; Col Flannel, two thirds !fool at ... .
i, .1:,' :%11 putt Wool, limy Flanlirl, at . ... .(k:. worth ':•r
i,.. h, all 'Roo'. Urey Flannel „„ ... . 23c. worth 'ilk.
C,:-T7eT:=R"W =e�..wlZ
I'1 ' I : �......07.
worth $2.:)o.
worth $3.23.
worth ?1.10.
L•'tr. worth 1.re,
170. worth _U.r
len , Leas Union Skirt.*. of .ethers, 31it% fur the lads. kind, and 'the i ire..
icr.% v ribbed all purr stool kloii, at .Ne. sash, worth
*die.' Bieck Visite and ..1nklt' Tight., st for the finest quality.
re) \ sift. or Tight..., op;n or vitiates.
for Jacket., or Cap.., in Black, Drown, fawn, Nary %nii
Myrtle, this week and ne-at at 01. worth X1.10bend for
sample or come.
pissed, was seduced 1, er-.lady, the de
-•� ua.srd 'wing a /endow! •(4. leak. :/1
day alternate the femoral took pleas from
his :.Sl. c . rrs,dat.. c••n•h et,' o 'he Mott
land ectectet: , •i,4 % toe interment took
plate, Ker. Jae. A..toderw" helve the of-
ticettbg cherry insa.
HAT KIRA. • The pretty piece called
Haid Kirk the* will shortly be produe.d
by the 1•.elench .\wsteu•e, bre had • few
successful reaearsete and so well an the
• several parte .11ott.d that the coming per.
Wit' ''c' ‘111WITH,
I n ert•hJet Deleletseset .n chant*
of our Mr J. IL tl•elgrore. peau t4
.rel rumors' 'novena .a lamb in.
r. talk prempoa )
await ea dem •
IOsof Ka J.Morris
hel At wof & ten 11th the
LACK C()HMA('t•: in Wessels at the
r.etdet.ro rf Adam Refit et.pb IO ofJn
bride co saterday. Nov
Item. n.A. Jobe .•,•rowan Klock of ''hap
Mu. flat.. to Mise Kate A. ('orn.ark.
Il)KRI� to cotton*. to Friday Not 1 -•tb.
Join Morris. ailed lib years. 2 months and
sided h Isad Mlane. The wbjoote dl•
cussed will be pr.utta•1, and of everyday
use to the termer. A. three two speakers
have made • moon= in that diff reef 00111/
p•tieme, evesY0N. eheald ss*ke 11 • point to
attend A suitable a••grn_me will Ready Made Clothing Department
pam re Ylded ter seeveeteg session.
Mee: ugs w oo-tseaw at 1 u .lock each
alto:noon, ad et 7.30 *soh evening. All
ere cordially riveted te attend. Annual
meting to be hell at Aube:a J.a. 334d sad
:94.h, 1896.
feculence bide to be one of the hest ever
teen La Goderlch. Next wart, the date will
be suited and the case of characters gives.
P. M - 1'.,. nT. haat week • brcther
and sister appeared before the l'olice Magis-
trate, the former charging hu sister with
breaking hie windows. i be whole trouble
was caused h% • oow which had been pros"
noted by the mother to the •oo,but whether
because the led: objected to cows being at
large or thought it should here been pre•
OF THE TOWN. vented it hereelt, the evidence did not du.
clow, as the I' M. in • paternal manner
speedily caused the plaintiff sed defendant
to kw and make friends.
WRFC Hesyen,. -On I oee0ay even -
tag W. Hutson, F Pretty, Walter Shanoen
f seN and 1 i Pennington retorned frem their deer
.e sheeting expedition to the Bruce Peninsula.
The party lett Johnston • Wile nu Moos
morning for ty tartan, and the aa¢oo being
heavily laden with the produce of the chew
the deerelavere were forced to walk the
forty miles. which dishonor they covered in
one day. Eight deer were brought to town
the legal number, and for • few dic. the
hunters and • few choioe friends will be ew-
hem the Reporter's Notebook
11• •• • N.t. 1■ w try (eats.
1. lest 1/ S . ( bier. •raag
Takla' %mica, •s' talcs Nell
"real M.' name.
.v; owe ;t horse are the best. the reason is
hal iso I. me. skill or einemee is spared le do-
oto :he work properly. The beet appliances
mon•y ran buy aro ueed, sad the boot
whittle art used in taming out the work.
the teasels, eetabliehtttiint of the town :s douhtedly that of 1'. J1'n-
. dha. the 1n7io
¢ venison.
repie'• clothier. where no slop work is over Ht HMI R[• an i.n , Cal.; 110010h.,rno i out, and where misfits are u•knewn.
t yen want to he in the swim cal epos 41404. Mercury : The congregation of Koex
.04ndl frig MIGHT is• pt'foaie[etreasure. 1'hurch. Guelph. have moderated in • 0.11
sou who have ,ret it should take care of it
fon who have not got it should hove your to • pastor. Five names were proposed.
yes&tte"ded to rt once. We mase the pre' (►n • vote taken, tho Pee. J. A. .\nderson,
e n•tlas of eight • opecialt7J. sen can beet
onr ryes accurately and an est tOcallI- w'
W£111. optician and jeweller
.1 Ta.a u r. -Jas. Sullivan was charged be
ors P. M `ewer with vagrancy on Wed
iesdey,.nd remanded till Frtda% for further
Tiny %Rt Oats.. WLI.1. - 2 member 01
't. Peters has received a letter from • mem•
ter of the Burne faintly, in which it ui suit-
ed that they .re in • comfortable house and
eery happy.
41.I/ G &est. The Goderiob Gao
lob will thio (Thursday l afternoon have se
)pro match for turkey and geese. commen-
tate lot after dinner at the clue range on with heavy otter °oiler. A card accent -
:he Flan. pained it, announcing it as a gift from the
Tot l'yct.e: Wort,., • The bicycle factory ladies of the congregation to their pastor.
t lthnugh not complete nn even particular, Mr. Andersen says that the moment he saw
nay he said to be in working order, and, 11 it he felt somewhat as the Queen of Sheba
the running of the maobinery ahead) fitted felt wizen she beheld the maernifieenoe of
u iso Omen of what the Cosmos Seines will Salomon there was no mere spirit in him.
110 es%t •easoa, thee the Goderich wheal if Mr. Anaemia is as warm In the &Rection•
of ba people es he is when inside that over•
meat, he certainly is to be congratulated.
Time HAYr OR.:A*/Lsn. .1 meeting of
the (;.d.,leh Carlon. ( lab was held in the
grand iery room of the Court Renee on Fri
day evening. Noy. 1K. for reorganisation,
whoa the following °ttio.rs were elected for
the .oeuieg year Sherif Gibbons. patten :
M. Hutebisne, president ; D C. Streams.
eh* president : C. A. Humber, sere. -tier :
Tu.%�i ..n 1?•• l:u]caaT. -- Yrs. Cald-
well, the t•altin songstress, ad the talar.:
of Ilodersch will give • grand concert in the
North -alt Methodist chore!' this • • 4•re
(hit , eve•tng.00mmeacing at tt. Ar 'be . d)
from Toronto t. r•-p•.ted to be the Lot tag -
or in Camels, and the 1.4Des .ud gen - vwa
from town are all weal .killed 10 must..
should Int • yen large attendance. The Erie
Dispatch hiss the following to say of the
tal•uted Iedy The eve.L of the evening
weal the eppcarauoe of Mrs. Emma ma ieebe
Caldwell, of Toronto, an Erie Kiri, whose
ewe- t.songs linger in the memories of thou.
*soda of Erie people. --lire duttogui•hal
*Inger was received with manifests. ions of
del ,ti.t, .,,.I her Fret •eleotien ..a .. roe
Nom "The Yogic Flute, by Morart. Thaw
wit'• had hoard 1 aro were not ',repave for
the surprise which they received when ' c.eir
Oen towuswernsn actually meg (, ID 4.4.10'
•:mu. when the,. hied goo* wild last week
over Yaru's E in ultlwimo. In this con-
uecllom it may he outed that the Toronto
papers nlenuened th- Iv oompsnior. of
Celdwetl end Nara. the former had taken .t
the in alto04140 Rut t'. was to them, • dugs
from "A ;orlon of Vetere, where
• he reeponsive chord nl the audience was
tuuched. and madly •
applause. "The \,wht has a Thnuaand
Toter* end "i Love to go to Led &f Night''
were s.• awrot .. sum' that memories of muse
days carni flooding up to ' one. "The
Night has • Thousand Voices- was written
M Hebert Louie $tsveaeon,theaoveilst,tod
the music is by Nevin, of P.taburg, who ie
rapid.% coming to the tore as • compomer.
"Cern,.d of Venice' only added still more
to the enthusiasm over Mrs. (indwell sod
again ahr was encored
sDr..ani rat .yin. S1u.t.Rw. i)eath ie -r
fainly no re.pi.•tor of persons, taking .;Ike
the ,none, old and middle aged. It sal with
deep revret we have to chronicle the dea'h
of • vee esteemed citizen, in the person of
R. K. Mule., late merchant of this pleat.
Although dying ot consumption for some
tame past, the change came too suddenly at
the last, being at his •upper Moodsy even
inK, and • short time before was asking the
particulars of the funeral of the late Albert
Wood. by whom be hen been taken out for
his last dnve, Albert being well and hearty
then. Mr. Miller was brought up at York
Mills, County of 1 ork, moving later to
Goderich with his father, the late Wm.
Miller, and the rest 0t the family. and was
• brother to .1. R. Miller, late P. S. Inspec
tor, Goderieh, now • barrister in Toronto,
and W. R. Miller. late principal of I:oderieth
public school. Mr. Miller was fon•.,erly a
school teacher himself, mo%I04 from Au-
burn, where he last taught, to this place,
where he bnugut out the business of John
Gordon. Wherever be was Mr. Miller took
an active part in .11 societies which were
for the moral and religious benefit of man-
kind. He was • member of the Trade) unit-
ise church, and held the position of pre -
cooler here from the time he came, ns 1884,
until hs health failed. In honor of his
services hei was presented with an illumin-
ated address and • puree of money • short
time ago He was well known in political
R. A., of Knnz Church, Goderich, had a
m•}onty about equal to the combined roti
De the others. He was then declared the
choice of the rortregation, end the vote
w.. meds unanimous .1..1 Hobson and
.1o. Millar were appointed ,00u issio.ers
to support the call before the 1 re.bytery of
I:uelph at its meeting on the 1'71th, and the
Presbyter, of Huron, of which Mr. Ander-
ems is • member.
Tarn Ar'-Rfi 1%TR T111116 PA.T.R. -An
express parcel was delivered at the manse
this week, which,upon below npened,proved
to he • moat beautiful mink lino overcoat,
sill be • flyer.
A Re 10.1.110 n Town, -Os Tuesday even.
..K while 1) K. Stems and family were
attending divine service sotss person or par -
h one entered their grocery by breaking •
window. Fortunately Mn. Adams was
n ear at hand, and the marauders made •
hasty dep•rtare.
,T11.1 on T•I. Ioc1. The reamers el
tee Cairene' Committee are still pushing
their self impaired task of forwarding the I Rev. M. Turnbull, chaplain : A. M.D. Al-
tiolustn.l tote:wu of Galeria*. At presentlen sed Col. .1. I. Davidson, Termite, rep -
,hr. ere oerresposdisg with ataaafaaterers I resent*Ilve membsre: Sherif Gibbose, W.
W. Oglivis, Montreal, 114. l'. Cameron, ex
Y.T.. sad .1. T..arrow,Mor llolhonor•ry
members; S. Melones.,
Cart A. M McGewov and W. T. Welsh,
osmmittee d wonade•ts•t
sad others, and leaking after the pnmsssd
sew railways to this perish
A Miele- 41. Timer. -Kee' charob asa-
gnllatiee was treated *.ad•y evenina lost
te • fine solo. "The Hely City" by Mr.
Ogilvie, of Ottawa. Mr 0rllvie is pettwwd
of • feats rich bnritom., enhanced by a geed
•eteess and distinct •rtioulstno•. whish
wise for hien many admirers.
Tor New 1•.neterar. -111 Monday after -
soon a gang of nue started elearise the
Wound for the foe•d.tien of the knits*,
isatory, and on Tuesday the moons were
at work. From the well knows meth of the
dinettes we shell met be .arprlmd if the
bendiest is ia meninx order halter• da holi-
est sweet
H[ Wes Loom -A dam d fit Patrick's
wen Ian in fit. Andlaw's word en Tess -
day midniwbt, sad for the purpose of hist
sat on the trash fee helm rw.s.d a well
known barrister to Ands olivine. the Me-
rge gave the •iessmry Meantime. sad lie
lea eve *t•etad ea the besswn'd rea,twlth-
set waiting M pay the used tea
As RAIILT Cut. --Os Satn'd•y, Alm
(:.. w d Jomph Wh1My, d two. rm.
to rho oras. a esi• dt.. b.. add Piga-
Sauk .1 tad awV or .' The
f•i• el Ns iMl1, serials, N Y (�
Will be the Great Ilay
We •luotr' only a few price,, at out. spat' in Tile 'l• -N u. i.. limited.
Men's Frieze Platers.... / . . -. .. $4.0(1 worth 8;.11/0
15.7 3 worth Z:).0 )
llraetiiritr lTleter. sass 8.00, worth I_'.t)0
Mei a Frieze Platers 4.00 worth 2.00
Mau • all Wool Suitt t :,0 worth ii. 0
Men's all Wool Suits... 1OU worth i.IN)
Med, all Wool I;uits.... 8.50 worth l _' 1H)
Matt'. all Wool Suits.
Men s Black Worsted l;ottt and Vett
Men's Black Vt orated ('oat and Vest
No such talus -s were ever offered before in Go +rich.
. , , , J on worth r.lN'
II.:rU worth 10,00
20th No\elwlter, 11693. Jordan's Block, Godericb.
'1'rf trackage off
a mature of herbs, contain
inK bullockmandrake. etc. iRa+t odor . .
Briglitt•st Lustre
llaiekerst L)ryin_
•K all -tot•+'-pipe varni,hes.
' ttexoel:ed as • remedy for
rop,i-'y of blood. lithos*
,,lee, twn.upr•lun , 1. tee -
1 ton, etc.
A ]5•' I
11.161/01t o: ;.vge un6'1,11611v.,.••a PRESCRIPTION W1IiIK
An exeellet.t - .111 Ultra.tonin for the /alt. 1:ert u••trtit.ion - .
HONEY sod W. 1.1. GOO D L1 1 Our
HORUH.NIr i W. • the hest
cOUOli DHOI'* CHEMIST. smith cute
Sc. per V •'mage
no doubt it will be. The doctor paid hie i
•+coed, hut first otficial, visit to the House
on Wednesday. He fond 21 inmates, and:
one or two arrived when he was leaving.
4 Grey had sent eight, Hay four or five with '
one or two more to send. I ldrierich town and
township several, while McKillop had none
t., eev'l. The applicants will be admitted
ell week, so that he thinks there will be
about forty or fort % -five to begin with. He
w&. a•toolehed et the good order in which
he found everything, the whole machinery
workiov smoothly and the inmates beim,
well satisfied with their condition. The
doctor thinks Mr. and Mrs. French deserve
gnat credit indeed for the line "text they
have made. Roth, he believes, will de their
duty well and the% bid fair to be vert pop-
ular with those ander their charge. Mn
Notice of changes must be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
r't. tt be left not later than Mon
day noon. (.•anal Advertisements
accepted up to noon Wednesday of
each week.
Situations Vacant.
ll ligent boy. from Vito 11. Tears of e/a, le
wanted at THE 9,1::2A4. oilier. 10 learn the
printing trade. Apoty at ono..
Public Notioss.
The l:ounoil of the Corporation of the
Count yy of Huron will wirer 'n the Town Hall
French commends the full confidence of the in the l'own of Climes on Thursday. Dec. 1th
next, at IO o'clock *.
female inmates Success to them, u, W. I. INK.
]late! Nov. 1811. 1100. Co. Clerk.
Stookey • R. Reid has been engaged for 1\j(F.F:I'ING. - RF. !HF G0I)F,RJCH
8. S. No. 3, for 1896. at $310 Age Carlin meeting of the g A k Fol t on Ltd.
Godench township ' We understand that I A goosed Association
of the stork holder, of the
said Association twill be held i0 the Grand
the (sen, of Joo. Churchill, lot 34. on the Jury Room In the ('ours Roue in the Town of
loth conoessioo, has been sold to Thomas Godench. ms'1'uesdav the 2nd day of Ite.wm
Churchill for the sum of (3,660. It u • pore A.D 400 et . drink- r m., for the p'tr
pre if . o,•. •1•.ing and e4eptin,t a by law
good fast,,, authorizing the Direct/ifsof the said Atrr•e
:steinle The (nit- of 100 acres on the t. "r7.0,0""..i's 11,e rya' e.te1eat hereof for f41. *•,-il
7 mit f.r the purpatca the eend dew is."
8th con., balonffing to the estate of the late 4;4.44
Alex. McIver. was sold by auction on U.red a' God•rich chi• ttfth de rf Novr.sher
Wednesday. by David Dickinson. Mr. um. C. A.Hl'MHh:k, I. l�1 T1 HLs('N
chell hel•g the pardoner at 13.220: this i. No share -holds of in arrear Ii re.00ct
oonoided • very fur price. of am can shall be entitled to vete at santy
Eisen_ sg of th. Compane.- - Nft
�'Olf PI•EX iON �F.At'T1 F I Eltl$
We lower some Iodise are iodised to be
backward to p..robeei.g these. I;ut
why should they • 11'e epegoger a
lady • toilet u u..x,n4plSte with
ou a boa of mood Face
".Powder --}tall as Inaw-
&Ma ie amentsal
Le • ewatlena. after
11 ayiy,)--and In wllta,
'hem or anything tree Ir. our
Our*, perfect 'screwy te matst•w«t
as we entailer it oal> )wt to aur 4.441•
turners. We carry a otos nee f Fede F'ow-
dere. etc., sad deem it • pleasure jo show
thea at an: tie.
('ILLS. 1). WI I,leI, MS
R. 'doLean s hook. 1rRl h �?UIiIC,
Qed*rteh rr5ee..
O0D00ten, Nov, 20. ifi18.
made by the ',nelph Juno•lon Railway
Company to the Parliament of Coad• at its
next Session for an Act extending the time for
the oe--encetse•t and completion of the
circles too, ;ea be was township clerk ,.0 Whwt, loewl .taalmied... .. 081 to 081 exteadon or Its rnUw•y from Guelnh to a
Fall W heat midi. 000 to 0 Oo p.int ..n bate dneon at or orae the 'corers of
of West Wwanoeh, and in virtue of his none. family. Mr cwt ! 00 w ! 10 Goieri,h• ser ro tach mhrr re.int ase dire.••awl in
ofioe was municipal roturning officer tor now.. ram, pe•owt ! 10 to 4 f0 the Aa :0,.1 Vic. Cap. 59 entitled ' Az Act n
,l.ar, Tent per cwt ! to to i I 110002211101111. Guelph inaction Railway Com
Bemis. . ,............... _- 11 00 toil 00 �y : mid for other purposes,
several years. Ming an advanced Reformer.
Although • great sufferer from time to tilts
wits his disease, which beg•• with asthma,
he bore it with great n.tieeoe end ChristianSher*IP .
too 6°00
0 roll;
ol t °°011
0 _
s...1ewe: bum 1 T2s OO12 Y NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT
i0 to 050 NOTICE
will 'be me. et the next
Pe•e bttsh 00 tol0 001 ro eon of the Perli meetDuroof C� aOt% forms
P• 1f
00 toll 00 way Company, with power to ones•-ste• a • t I-
IS W 0 It, way to be operated by electricity from. at .w
n eer Pon ferry. In the County of Ontario. to.
at or near Kincardine in the County of Bruce.
pawing through the 0000'4 a of Ontario. Ynrk
9itnooe, C.rdwril, tarry ane Arm,. , trenching
at M near Newn.aeket. lintel ford.
tRielharnr. Prierville, Durham sod Walker-
ton ten with • branch from a. nr sear, 1•ricevil`...
through Morford and /)w.0 Sneed to south
unpton In the County of Brace . theatre
theme' inverharoo and Kincardine •n 0ewie
rich in the (-minty rat Huron :.'.o a branch
from between Wilkerton sad Kin„ard•a. to
Teeeawt.•r and Goderlch, with all the powers
contained In the Rallw•y Act.
Dated at Tomato. Sth Nos...mbar Iles.
it -St 1ioUclfees for ADplkaot
New Hay. • too
resignation, and when able to speak had • Old Hay. i' ton .. -
kind and cheery work for all, to the last : paPo, ' •.bash 005
was quite prepared and willing to obey the
Master • summon. whenever he would .a11
him to himself, the ooly sorrow beim, in
baying to leave his wife red family, which
is composed of five boys and two girls, the
youngest bet • child • few months old. sail
none old enough to render the mother meek
assistance yet, but, as the Psalmist said,
" His God will be their God forever sad
ever.'" Mn. Miller and family sed their
friends have the deepest .yrnp.thy •t •
large circle of friends in their mid bereave-
ment. St. Helens corr. of (Baton New
(.'.,Ya1TT&Il TO (:ODs. 14t it JAIL. -Bras-
eels Poet - Isis week May Gibson arrived
hems from Sandwich, Hales County. •ed
Seaday moraine was found on Turnberry
street in an intoxicated oendition and was
planed under arrest. Mooday she was
sent by the Reeve and A. Hunter to Gods-
rieh sail far • month. As she was out es
enseeaded sentence from • previous charge
kid before Judge Doyle, it is exposed that
he will sentence her to • lengthy t.rm in
La* Mercer Reformatnr%, Tomato
in the hope of reclaiming her from the
downward path. as she i• beyond the sea"
tool of relatives mai friends. There are •
few igen amid boy[ in Bra0ek who should
be bro4tbt be hook for rldimg to her fall.
A Vary ro TEs Rover or Reeve:, -
$.&forth Bets : On Tuesday 7th ism., Wm.
V. W•t•es. is eemp.y with the how
pbyiei.e, Dr. Campbell. paid • flying visit
to the Hoagie of Iadmietry. They found the
painters at work ••d Mr. and Mn. French
buoy gattiag the farnitan smite the rooms.
They were kindly show. the bandits frets
top to bottom. Mr. Waimea exs.tising the
heating apparatus pop•r•tery to *eerie*
the building and the fleeter' looking into
the method of ventil.tisg, as he was look-
ing atter fresh air for the Minato. He
toned that there • ere mo f••lighta over the
doers fee the perpoe of vestitatles, bees
the deem meet be left epee ee the Letse
This driest the arohttset siesta bee. pre,-
v.stsd. Or mores it .meta b. anemia yet.
Be wit not VIM that Wore was lay mieaes•
of ventibitisu ter the weber sleets either.
At emy rens he sesta disever nese. The
bolls mer Ie • it see tad hldrd to as honer
te the IS..I . T. sem teem the Lama..
.Ilei tit! le Ile home shook M ree.rsi so
Tony "Ren" rr It% city%eras. The
follnwts( extracts 11111111 the Napanes Pie•ver
adds to the lase list of Go.lerioh boys who
are prospering is their pvofeudon : Robert
Tait, the popular 100.1 manlier of the Bell
telephone steno% in town.han been promoted
to a similar positive in ()wen Spend, and
will Lave early ant week.
has node
traitors traitors i• Nooses, /4e.
e1..y friends, who will be plsaasd •. Iris
o f his preseteMea, hat sorry 20 lose hire se a
einem rad friend. H. will be ssesee1.d
N John Leved•v. of Chasham,whe is se
e reipmbd by hie wife amid tow giddies
Tb• ,.I.phaes staff pre.mtsd Mr. Tort
with • enmplete seeker's s.tft,piKpesh.
obese° sod 4tase Gilled with elvers, ea Ms
departure for I Ower. Sewed.
Wry Hotwtx TAaesma' 114144rre.*.
The ref Tell -.-Nmig el the satiety vitt
be mkt is 11•1•••• 111.. se Thursday, Nee.
KM, sod at 0edsWI h, en h'id•y. Nee.
ppv, Dr. Mae, Prelims d the OatsiM
A , I. I &l O tem. tied J. W. li-I.ss, d
Ms -ossa,' wS eikees Ilia ---*..►
Rens, fresh nnpaebi. • des. -
Wood ............
ea..Wood............ .......
Sheep Skim .................. _..
Drsmsd Hors
Atom time 11.,........
14 to 017
00 to 300
80 to 100
00 to 250
00 to 1 .s0
10 to 01101
10 to t 17
10 t•011
Tisssillt Oulds
10.30 a.m
Mail and 0.,.. 1.41 p.m.
Mixed 7.40 p.m.
Mall sad lexpr'e n ass p.m.
Mall •ad Expr. • 0.38 a.m.
Mall dad Expiaa[ Mend le! p.[•
^ ill we have is say afoot
thew geed. Y : "Look at
the Ihemplees� sed Prime
1s ear wledoer
ishereby given that from this date i
w111 aot be responsible for say delve contract
w1Wtkeeala be wrlritwennm•der.r.mime
8. E. )4ANDaR91013.
Dated. Dedgasaon Nov. Ito. 1PR%. /^,-it,
For MGM or TO Rout.
1. 1.•t that 'old established more and mot
Mee, situated In the village of Dealoptors•
miles from the tows of Roderlch• on the cora-
- of two leading [ravel road.. A good pay -
t R - - ' Ise business' beeal
has . dose a the premiere
CIGARS ARS for the past .fift.es years : the ex nsea are
We have the beet Se Cigar In tows I low and a liberal t wi11 be made
MINERVA. with a reliable tenantnarttcalsot ap-
LAFAYF:TI'F, IP1O7..10 the proprietor. A. ALLKN.�h�alap
PS's$• sad Pr . tmt.
.re said at the drug stern where yen get your
mese, back If set satlefsd.
w ILHON'S Cash
ription Drug :More
of doing buetume 11, ia.ptrate
where at has been :htrud'.ued.
proving the mute eatfet•otnty
method. al.:,e to ct:ttomer sad
pnrchserr. •
•'ooseo.nentl, after Dec let
1898, we shell do uuaivaa• oa
a strictly
belie'•Ieg the change to b' fn
the beet mcerests of our .w.-
torrters, its well as oar•elme.
'• is oeceeear. :;at a;l olt•
•tandwg accounts be paid he -