HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-21, Page 3New Fall Millinery. 1 SUSSl'AMIEKUN, the Hamilton -Street Milliner, having vimiited Canada, wholesale millinery centres of Caa, site has been successful it procuring a complete stock of new shapes and trimmings for the fall trade, including all the new Cht 4.4.111. -deet-, etc. In returning thank. for past patronage, she invites inspection of her stock. 4 --THE SIGNAL: UODICRICH, vr.• THURSDAY NOV. 21, 18AK, FRIENDLY ADVICE. 11• 110HpypU LD.11.-DENTAL IIOHASIISUl1, L D. 6., • Gee awl vtiedied air setltwettag s4. et , .weirweir58sairambommii sw i etalse's not•►. f Id. TURNBULL. DtU.O.. LD,B. - t i elledd metat.d» w woe. seesiel attcao rn gives 1. 4.M r+! • the aster& lee& 1111-ifOgee 1a fey... 'ow M.uk. _ >rwi..1l• DK HUNTER. IosaaIItui,1ghost d e(, Night sal a tress British £Z.Ml•e HMO Dlt. J. HAMILTON, VRTERINARY graduate of Ostarb Veniality uosot)r.gmoa•4.e. t eggtaared s.u.ber .1 Ua e1 e. eter aar MI hours, Aeso.attsa. Ott.. =•te eeea al all hours, day of Wt`s Kneels street (typos/ It u 7l bsrl.e Nee'. . a>• 1I - l.. CAMERON, RAP SISTER, SOLI tiles.. varmwer• 111m. Udo► -cur. .M sea w•- Wrew ale.. one tellers. iST HI ,TON - HAMSTER, k wt New Public Albw ri's ffiw-ly Et CAM PION-BARttItlTER. fiULh'I• tor. Notary. i•e. s Dales ever Medical Bail. Nem, Uedsncb. u JOHNSTON, NAKKIMTF:K, so- , sitar. cme mlistener, rt... Moue; to W t*es cer. Hamilton ..ad at. A u Ma y,y.tled5riob, Ua1--------- OFTUB L DANCEY. BARRISTER, see esissiterat •at SMs Hartos. !neck, op &a. eite. Money » . sit 5.1.1. GsdedOk. 00*. 111111-tI VterLE$m4 Marts EA ZTH., PRvO- la Maritime Marts of Ontnals ata Colborne baba. e O. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT R. Olt. etc. uses Nerthat.. Mixt door rin. a L trees. l'ri . am :feuds to lead t at Iowa c rues of later me `iAKROW A PROUDfOOT BAR- lT rimers. Anerw•Mss. SsUdt.re. to.. Dodo sea. J. T. U•rrew. %C.. W. Proodtoot. IAMERJPt, HOLT11a CCh .o. M1. Imc. •rrison% 0N/ases {i3O. ; P. Hoa . (bench. M, O.. Osm r'es. Dottie, Holmes -_ G. WARD, CONVEYhN0ER, J . tc.. •.d esmmrs1Mer to aktnj ••d re - envie r"c.eildwoMro of bail. smdavta e sae o1100a, dspsttiess or .cissa dor•rw- e ms is or essosesha arty action, milt or pro- seeding ro- Court o 4.m .1 for Onana oro to Jany in le D. of Appeal e D., awn Coml. AU er.p.•CtiOas oersteds a.A promptly executed. Kealde asdP.U. Wren, Uwn11•onoa Oat- 0110- tf TIbe Warne Weed giver. The British fleet In the Mediterre.- _ - sewn Is to be augmented. King Carlon of Portugal la the reign- ing lion at present In London circle.. A serious financial panic Is reported at Paris. and many failures hate oc- curred. The steamship Canada which went lino aground at Metla. is expected to be Seated. Tho strike of engineers and others In the Clyde ship -building yards is spreading. Affairs In the Orient are growing worse. An arnted Intervention uf Eu- rope In Armenia Is possible. Th. tilitlsh steamer !':t:titn..• w'u.. sunk nff Lowestoft by an unknown tee,I lb v crew were saved The Mayoralty elections were h.•LI in F..ngland and Wales on Haturtie y. Eleven peers were elected Mayors THF: UKANY OF KF:VKWED hF:ALTIii TO A *.IUrI'F:KPI(. 0.11-1.1•111‘ rIM• IIL I •t'. •'►•b w r. •aa I(t.eTef RAID 1A1I.RO run Minn 79.41,0 ---T.L sreelliallrt ON OF 700111Mnaa LAai. a iia 0*97 aN.wN map. From the 'freebie Advocate. Mr .I..hn F n.. • • -.e. n It ,,w,. r. mei rhdci •,4.e. *1 ,. ooe of too 6661 ksu, u (r•1 dents is the amu % of Mort:ostel",r:and,l.e a retired 164 4,1 1nu-• a,uple bte.m, loud laving beam:oil dealings with huodre.• throughout it a towu.hips. Wu have know o him tatln.a,e!% 14 4,4 .i ten t 4461from hos we glossies the Io.luwtug touts is Fd,.. teary l•.1 "1 was b ,111 in Esglsad, 4..d at twelve tears of age arrive) It. ( lead. wltil 14.) Pali 444.44, 14110 WlLle.t 14. 1'n1,4e ked word ceuuty .ud fru..wed there for three years. We 1h• -n ul..ee•.l to I:o..!„u wen shy in the .ti,th'•onng ..,.unty of Hastings For thirty ye.rs 1 woe • resotent of Kau don, three year• 1 resided to 4oymou. toworhip mei 1 an, ■v present, and bat•. been tui ,he prat lee )ewe, a ....,dent u: LaO*1 f &na 1111111114111141110. Mt►A BY TO W egoist -4 . - $bo,000.tw Rohm Feeds to lord .1149.100.1-011- ..mly. M. U. t'AMgRUN, derma's Pooch. w elts (inhere Hoe'. t)oderiek. st1-U 1)1111: ATE VI: M)i► I'AKTIKS ml's• *trowel obtainline es moue` oon lea •p class farsr unit' cam dulls; .o at Si p4. IWms ;e J. A. MCL1iNAUN Koala M. Free sted-Hutlaaas, Terser. I t >KA(:ER, OONVEYANCINO AND • . la&unap.•iss oppoettreklarttLY Hotel tiedench. _ -_ `OlIXT TO Dr LEN, ON MORTGAGE • AUE1tModom •g/site Martin • HHota Uode rich. rlJ. T. NAITHL, MISE, LIFE AND • .. •.l tsr•r•ao• silent' at lowest sobla,pian-Cor. NortJ.est. and mans s, 6od- MIL it - ,000 TO ILOAll. APPLY TO V cAX111M011f HOLT s 1101.1130. rO a.• 5150. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R a / amount of Private reads ter lavesemest . Homan mass on Itr.tolsss Msrtgege&. Apply •GAHIWw & PROUD/00T u RADCLIFFE, MINERAL 114• Ile. ,asses. Heat leas sad Money Lomat as A1.st. Only lrlieiam ooepa=]. represented. Money to hod e• stsaig e loss, at th• lowest ram .f lntsr'MI ge t say way to suit tat peewee .-5a sad door trona 8esare. West itr•. had. Motitanlithir 1l_dIYta. i v ODIiI4IOH MBOHANIOB' INeTI- '-J TOTE AND ItILADINU- moM, Sato •f lid suss[ mid ae•am fell ambo. Op.s tram t to t r.r.. and from Tie le rots. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Weakly stud illustrated Papers M etc., On lead. MEMHEAaH TWEET. ONLY sI.N Mstleg free 4.w d Chert and Hemrl.lt- AlNisauom. for E wttsevhle meshed by Ubnr4•a. In room J 11. OOLHORNE. H, HAMILTON. Godertea Marob luta IIIA. Librarian. I:.C,ay ,Mn ..y ng .onus 44'/0141.: 1511. Murry tewush p. For tautly years l have hem • martyr to rhrumatWn During that tube I have been treated by scores uI dew tors and found partial relief iron. but one. I have during the same perrn.l tried muum.-r able remedies, but all failed to cure me. Scarcely • mouth p.m.s that t .m nut laid up, .iid frequently 1 am cobtiued to bel six os eight weeka,uuahle w'noire hand or foot and .ullertu,i untold ageutes. Teo v,1, known doctors to: late .sot tithe that I would haya to b.ve .o arm token otT to save my my Lir. 1 tell you I have Leen • great sof ferer to my time and I;vould (lye at%tlIIt to find rehei. M v business 0011... nee • rest deal ot driving and getting 10 end eut of my ryt. Knowing his •tory to he true end anxloae that IIr %'inion. Plitt !'.11e should have • severe met, we prevailed 4.b Mr F'rcet.much against bas all! to give then. • trial. He Ret m4. !soca and .:.•mmeno d to use then.. At the start he, .mated .t our confidence to the pills. Ws sew him after he had used the brut box mud he •dn•itted some reliel and mei he believed there was .oi elhtbr m tba remedy. Hr coutwued their use rod by the tin.. be had finished the six boxes he was as sound acid proud • mon as could be toned to fi v C e,euit les. A couple of months helm pommel ecce tits cure was effected &Dd we deferred visite • history of the case In order rhes we could a fur • ..riotous that the cure was per.neoeot. W• see him sec. oral times a week actively attending to his Wetness and at all times 1 lei on the prates of Pink ''ill.. All wbo know Mr. Frost know that his word .s as good as his Loud. Yesterday we said to him. "New,Mr,Frost, do you roan% feel that yeti .re cured of rheumatism' Ito )oa feel any twinges of the old trouble at •d He replied, "I am oared. lee link !'illa have thorouvhly routed the thermic out of my system and 1 feel • new mist. The use ot the pills has Riva me a new life and 1 am tellm• syery- .o. 1 meet about the euro. Snch is the caw, and baying k nowo Sir. Frost tor years the sufferer he wee. and seeing him now active sod almost youthful agate, the rapid change trom .uHeneg to health owns al most a mire le However, we are Dot .t .11 .urprtsel, for 4.o all sides we hear of euros effected by the use of Link Pills. The druggiste remark their rapid sale and the eatufwuoe that Kw glue tier one-, tomers. AustlonMrmit. THOMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER .ad laser.... Agast, eleder*oh. O■1. Meat Leaden and Lancashire How las. Oo.. sad Ogre Dlseeist Mutual ias. Co. Sales at leaded to 1a say hart of the musts. 0-111 The Pope hie very perceptibly bre en down: -mid Is suffering. He him, if says that his vital powers are wanit,* The British War tilts has arranged an expedition to Ashan•• in cunae- quene.• of the King's dbttcgard of the ultimatum. Their Is great excitement In Vienna over the Emperor's refusal to sanction the election of Dr. Lueger as Brlreo- master. France. It Is said, will shortly reopen the Panama ('anal scandal In the pro - ptosed prosecution of a prominent member of the Chamber of Deputies. Sir Charles Rivers -Wilson. president of the (lr'an.1 Trunk. *as married in Trinity Church. Chelsea, to Hon. Bea- trice Mostyn. A supplementary treaty between China and Japan regarding the evacu- ation by the latter of the Liao Tung peninsula has been signed. Lord Salisbury's installation as War- den of the Cinque Ports will be made the oc. ar,lun of a unique revival of the old style of procession and other his- torical practiced. The Prince of Wales' birthday was celebrated on Saturday In Condos, 'Windsor and Sandringbim with the customary royal honors. and st night the west -end of London was Illumin- ated. A St. John's. Nfld.. despatch says , that a conspiracy has existed there foe several years to scuttle vessels and de- fraud the insurance .ompaniea. A number of prominent business men of the city are involved. HOW TO WRITE AN AD ]lost, have soatetamr to IS .o0tetbtae .bout, thea say it. 'talk of use thing at wally worts 4.a. 1'wu w..ucles may be et' y out you cab 1 0401*• .ttonU.D fur bola at caws. 0.. •rude w.0 sdvertiosd a herr 4.b.ut two artwle, ball .choroid. TN Dos t repeat ideas. Be .hurt -direct - pomtet. Smooth !1.t .d. .re as obey te WI tweet and as hard to pay •tteutsoa te as dry ..riotue on a •Leap? moonier :laaiay. and I IS* ponds --.harp ones is your este. An .rua:le f4., sale be but three petits of 11 interest for the pubho bow Rood it is, the ytoaw. sod to get it; pointe oold load ours•, out 1611 01 euaUOM•. I'101,0441 LAG IA 006..664. the thing you aal1 ,(n.• 'caeca,. ally the WI.. le • lair one, mud 41 y e•4. do 1t right the•halleat kind of typefor %.'411 name 4.:d .ddroas wdl not lode ttwm lions eh interest ed reader. l'ut a goal handier on 71)09 ad ; stake it Mild and .wouue. It should idways have mime a.sae411,.0 with the articlea4iverttsed. 1)uu t have tun much reading matter; short and w the point. Cut out all words that are not eseenwl to caned 111164001141. Ad verbs and adjectives are locelul, but only where.kolitult: hand;ed. Shuttcri.p sea moues .re the toad that ,1041181. Aiou1 geoor•Itis. Particularize. Give special mwttoo of • special art.ele with special prime and •ttiibutr• moot likely to sell 1t. Arrange facts in logic.' order, loo that wheat the reader has tiuubed be is 004 started that he needs the article mid bad better buy it off you. Your sure sod ad- dress need ooeupy but little ep.ce,for 4.t will but be lost. There is no .thele from abscise to bremdcwth t►at cannot be effectually ad• vertosed In ibis space raving style. The (Irwt Instance of English Govern- ment intervention In a labor dispute la the appointment of Mr. Gerald Balfour. the Chief Secretary for Ireland. to use his influence between the Belfast and Clyde ship -builders and their employes. Th.- British Court will move from Balmoral to Windsor Castle on the 15th Lust.. when Prises• Karl of Denmark will vb It the Queen. anti her 111m - Matte will give consent to his betrothal to Princess Maud of Wales. It la nun admitted U: Spanish offi- cial circles that the Cuban ,nsurt;ents have recently made such progress that affair, Are reaching a tibia. The headquarters of Gen. de Campos. is Santa Clara, are being slowly but sure- ' nve: ted b the insurgent fora s. lY y A despatch to The London Time* from Home. referring to the gravity 01 Turkish affairs, says tb.tt Italy Is Ia perfect ser-trd with England, and that Owe Italian fleet le ready to co-operate with the English fleet whenever the Interests of European peace may de- HEATHEN GOBS MADE. A reelerr et 0 4rw1I. a.. Loan. Which wa.alarleree *heat. There has been duoovered in R:rmiog ham, the very cootie of Christian England, • factors where Idols am made for heathen sauoos ' Many attempts to obtain admin_ sloe m the factory h.ve been made, but • strict watch to kept upon outsiders anxious to pry into the *eerie chambers where the heathen gods aro made, and reporters, eepecielly, are prevented from entering the works, Idols of .11 kinds are turned out, repre seating the gods of all heathen Dawosa teem Tokio to Timbuctoo. Tbe export trade to !teethes ()pantries a • fairly large ole, el though more gods an east out to foreign dealers in ounos in the b,..ars is Cairo, Da- mascus, ('olosboorto , for sale to u•ewpect- lag traveller. anxious to take home ,Dine momenta of their say abroad. J♦r0- The price •1 gods vanes greatly. You timber and Led Tomo,. aedeAeh, G.• l)11N HNOZ, OomRAL et a Ritmo ham-m.de one, in s Los - Mr. g «h118a Manta est l'er■s Like tight boom. Corns ore very small .f fat.. but apply to them • pair of tight boots sad ./l other concerti& of life stet on w iohi4Uil••ance. Tight boots e.d l'ut- nan'. t urn Extractor (the great and only sure cure for oor0) stay go together, and uomfat will be their partner ; but dont fall to use t'uttrt•a's Corn Extractor. Frauds, cheap, po:euu005, and dangerous substitut e are w the market. Beware of them. Put man's Painless ('ora Extr.ct.•r. l'ol.o. & Co.. proprietors, Ktagsteoo. Mr. Casket- 1 e4lmtre the helpful spirit the Wilberforos buys display. They are always deoug sum they ata fur each other. Mr, Cumso- Whet have they done late- ly '. Mr. taw Ler-Jobs has become • dentist, while Jamas hes e.tabLahed • candy frier 1011. 3 L0D's SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS BLOOD. Regulates the Action of the Liver and Kidneys, and be found Indispensable In uses of Female Irregularities Urinary Diseases. • M 5t wM er•M •e we. ems. I.Mao 1UOD'S \J1.ORATORY. Ne41111MBM. sMtw 1 MISS' CAMERON. CHEAP CHOPPING AT THE GOLERICH WOOLEN MILL. I beg to say that I have opened a store corner of Colborne -at andSquare, in Mr. Lewitt's Knitting Factory, and have made arrangements withgoods.Mr. Lewitt to attend to the rellieg of our popular Woolen goods. You will Lind our stock first class, and wade of pure wool, well selected, consisting of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ETC. Now is the time to buy your woolen goods as wool is fast advancing in price. Buy before the goods go up. .1 have put a new Grain Chopper in the Woolen Mill, and will be prepared to do chopping every day. Grain ground file or coarse, and have put the price down to 4c. per hundred pounds, hoping by doing good work and fair dealing to receive a liberal share of your patronage. G.M. COLLINS. iWAS St'RJE('r to frequent attacks of nervous -noes [bat seemed to sap all my vitality and left me in a state of weakness find misery. I could not relish food and such a thing as a good night's rest was unknown. Io - BUILDS UP wand it. •, The Lord Mayor's show, on the oc- • citation 4.t the inauguration of the new Lord Mayor, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Walter Wilkins. took place on Satur- day afternoon. The procession was over a mile lung and traversed the principal streets of the city. Lord Salisbury spoke at the banquet In the evening and discussed questions or foreign policy at considerable length. Sa Ow. Raving had eslder•Wle earl»M le doe curiosity shop for half • Drown, or you a.snetioasertogles& 10 Is In • maim to may run up the pretty bill of $100 for aa Us.kartn with Ihseeep est1&t••ase all ear se illy 4.74.!7 oar, .101.0. ' •aserlinr to slrtoa. M kits. ..dors lett •a 4.M deice, •• by • sailer denim the Cblaeas Mettle's E /IT..e by mall to W •d the 11140( Cense Weeded m 7*1 : « of aIs firsrstt clime god e lairs of this kt ' may rte up from $100 to anything. A traveller ♦ ••M..rasot{ *i .s. says there ie little ddtioeity in detecting • rod of Dative make from one o1 Birmiagh•m lnasuf nine. The first generally displays memo slight irregularity or ohmage o1 dere, dos to the native working by band, while the Rtrmtagham god was memos is form. The trade is idol. is kept sash • oleos w ere[ that it is dsSoult to estimate the est - put.. bot there is no doubt that the trade is • very large one, and Meese eseerprieittg Hires ham arta do very well in the buss ass, _ibmtos Traveller. A somewhat eoostitrie diener 041 once rives in Sew York by • lady who was wwag very dump mo•raisg for her hu.- b•od. The table was decreed in black. parte and white, the napery of coarse was white, hat embroidered with taw darkest Perls genies -with the monogram is black. Saver vas.•, 611•d with the .saes dark lower, were .t the sermon 5I the table, sod the kiss sed small 5..MetiewetY errs •11 is Moist and white. To maks *be whole Wag e.ssbtoat, the beam esquss - sd all her hire& M wear Meek. sad • teem trim presided at she fent at the table mid afterward, by Me way, married the ►east- gpwwi with • mead mad nt most in despair. and assuredly without .rave armed his ares. -sem Iirtsmsisso Arne- any faith, i tried Chaos's Catarrh Cora sant It is all that it is r•oomm5ndod, which is sayieg a good deal in • few words" Joel Rogers, sleek, Divi•io. Court, Mee- tn.. Improved blower is seek 25e. box. Jlok. -Tatty i visited • greatly wesmo "Have ye. »ythi.e to say before mu by WWII bar Mol ...real. "Aimed. boos is pr..e.seed egoism your asked the ■A*11 4•• ■swaELV. A Farms Labors & sear shawa WOWwas Tired of Safe swallowed Arsesi0. Oshawa. Ont.. Nov. 10. -Albert Cox. 22 years of age. employed as a faros laborer with Mr. Jackson on the lake shore, committed suicide yesterday by hanging. capable of any exertion and with an sees preoent tired and despondent feeling life seemed hardly worth the living. Medicines that I look did not do any good: it was • case of gradually becoming weaker and weaker. Hearing of Scott's Sarsaparilla and its success WEAK WOMEN te Light r (05 amble. Intelligent dairy farmers know that it is yewposit le to have a stable light and well ye tasted. and at the same time so warm that water will not freeze to it during the cold- est old-est weather. 1'leott of windows are need- ed, and it 4.t well to whitewash the whole interior at least once • year To kabmplah this at the (east expeoee of time, make a whole barrel of whitewash. and •poly it very thick with • broom. Begin by sweep- ing the edea. partitions mid ceiling. Where the surface Is uneven a force pump with • .pray nrrzle a exwllent for •pplyiap Lbe whitewash The whitewash most first be rubbed through a sieve to •.mot's the lumps. or they will clog the valves of the pump. Keep the windows from being splashed by blowiest.a tacking begs or blowiest. over them. Li is purifvtnv and deodorizing. and make. itos seer to keep the stable Olean and in order. Another reason for providing •buwdent light is to promote the health and vitality I of animals. A cow in the winter dairy is sedentary • person engaged in • sedenry ent- ploymest. She cannot receive the ttiaol nus to her vitality that • horse, for imagine, get. from labor la the sunshine. A cow coo not de her best notes she is triade comfort- able is • light and cheerful sable. need seal to a Pew weeds.or "1 paid • Tonto specialist oe est•rrh • large sem of money hat i got no benefit. I tried them •11, bat finally, el- MM emsbe - essaa7 limes s erbee M BIM pains d greatest se pew Ursa D1l_mir. Ropp .ad ('lion 504. m !b 0..Pi had Table ..seem have las'ttbatr wise isms. 1st ss help yen to v. mi- * semi* we.ldesemi* se 4.l 750 lifbtd **sew diem bow. 14. M Iscad. loo • atlas said a Bled leek imam f'.rker'• Dr Aks► rTeeela thm..ret Were. Agway se similar milar cases to mine. i used it. and from b the first few doses egan to get better. eppetit* sh returned. got natural and refreing sleep. I grew stronger. in fad ed life seemed to be fanned into activity. LOTTIE GRAHAM. 174 Crawford Street TORONTO » m OdoSKIM SOAP sews must we FOR SALE Ili JAS. WILSON, Gate. Were &reseed neves seven Tears. John [;iron, mason. A*.lteville, Ont , bad Salt Rheum so severe that for seven write:years he wore greased gloves, Hs writ: I used a quarter of a hex of Chase's Ointment. it cored ins Nu trees of Salt Rheum now," Chase's Ointment cores every irritant disease of the skin, allays itching instantly, and is a sterling remedy for piles. Avoid Imitations. 60e. per box LANDLORD Min Tt*ANT. -Aa emphasisesays : By •a act el the 1 neat Legislature, pared at its last mission, it is the opinion o1 mast lawyers that henceforth • landlord's right to restrain .ed a tenant's right to his fixtures .re taken away. EWA' there has been • judgment is the reverts epos the question it wield be safer for all leasee me- i".hereafter drawn up and essout•d, to me - i". • p•r•gryh rowdiest evillest those oessi eseeem, red the feWwiee is suggest ed it is further armed between the pot- ties benne, the lesser .Isd lessee, sae\ fee h imsalfW , his executers. .dmsI,.be, sad • wet ises. that the oesttempem whirl\ the Matisse betimes them is Mended by those p»i/M wat is the relation with all its r., Maidens .ad Maidt •wishes betimes itt▪ ndlsd anwest m.t is the Provisos of On - bans betere the peedap. el 60 Vie. (01 ap, • see. e. 4,• • w►seesd. bald \.add "aerial Welted NO. ''Tk...ly 1i*g r5. UAW ....a," ..a wink. tJM est ! weed tke 001AMaj b ore far. to 111.1.' neha--Tbs rd -6»d, 0054.004, k.Y- I Nstrll/•d by a r lhM ke0k Ms wad em bsadd smattai ens bar M leakcast she cashe bed •k•Ibm tea *Mia dim 'lb Te wawa heath oleo* - afCII'' p1/401111:10 Who HAVE USED pALIAO TARSOAP Kaoml Two rr le THE BEET SAWS SOAP for 11t.1i ,1-I enol ties • beer was tembled who sena as bed and Sega lute "esiete er la • very short time ter soles diesesses& tits betimes smooth and .fits••d m err ela lila aiss. Cseiti s. Oily ate. tltg Ostia D. CANTELON, West street BAKER, STILL LEADS THE TRADE. GRAND JEWEL. A BUN ON STOVES, WE ARE HAVING ITS TLi• Grant! .1.•w.•: W1'uod look tn%r w'tL Steel 1 ken i, the ONE NOTE THE FOLU)W1Nt: POINTS -1. The (:rand %)ewe' has • genuine steel oven. which makes it bake with about half the fuel required by other large wood stoves_ 2. The (:rand Jewel oven piste are made of Steel. The% cannot crack. Ilse • patent double fine in trout • 1 oven, which makes the oven bake evenly all over. A number of eec.,nd hand Ward and Coal Stye' cheap. His bread is made from pure Manitoba flour -made from the eream of the Manitoba wheat -and therefore is the best in the world. This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying this bread at the same as made from inferior Hour at the price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered to any part of the town. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. gar Wedding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. D. CANTELON. FALL 1895 "_MUNRO'S_ full lines in UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY and YARNS. No better value to be had in Goderieh. As usual, extra value in storm and hard finish BERG -ES in BLACK, OXFORD-GRET NAVY and Ai)MlRtAL 13L1 -E. A. MUNRO, Drayer and Haberdasher TOILET SOAPS MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Ina SIM OUR DISPLAY. IT WILL INTEREST YOU. CHAS. A. NAIRN. Boot and Shoe - Sale - We have some lines that we are determined to clear out at prices that will do it. Ladies' Dongola Button, hand -turned, 24 to 5, $3 to $3.75, for $2.00 Gents' Calf Balmorals, Goodyear welts, 6 and 61, 3.00, for 2.00 1.25, for 1.00 1.25, for 1.00 2.00, for 1.50 $8.00 and 2.25, for 1.50 1.85, for 1.00 $1.00 and 1 25, for .75 .25, for .17 .35, for .25 $1.00 and $1.85, for .50 from $1.80 to $4 00. Misses' Do l% Button, Misses' Polished Calf Button, Gents' Tan Congress, 6, 8 and 9, Gents' Tan Balmoral., 6, 8 and 9, Gents' Tan Oxford Ties, 8 and 9, Ladies' Tan Oxford Ties, 44 to 7. Ladies' Cloth Slippers, Ladies' Cloth Slippers, elastic front, Misses Toe Slippers, Gents' fine Balmoral% and Congress, We have extra value in MEN'S and BOYS' LONG BOOTS, that will be sold at prices that they cannot be bought for from the manufacturers to day. Agent for Slater Men's Shoes. WM. SHARMAN, JR. Oor. East Street and Square. FEATHERBONE SKIRT BONE For giving STYLE and SHAPE to LADIES' DRESSES A Bahl. Mable. el•sRle bone made hewn q it r Sett and y4e1IRg ee•15rm*aa idi, reedit. to (mret Ovine! mops* shape as skirt o Deets. The only akin Nome that may he we wittiest injury !b. CskMe ed ro f TgMN.a rstlRllIfra low sasdad swift MN. sea. /'firls•lo h landfall Der Bowls Dealer&