HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-14, Page 5TRE SIGNAL : OOD$IOR, ONT., TSUINDAT NOV 14 1$U. 5 W. ACHESON & SON. (1011early as you eau. W t• situ to treat all our customers fairly 6; -_to give each the :tame 1pportuuity as every other -but there are a uuml•cr of extra gazes( items in this( special offering which the Fatly ones may buy out before late comeryhave a chance. Not beeaure we wish it, but lc - cause .apply is limited ami we cannot duplicate:at the price. I Ib Whits Super Wool, C aawliall Illonkete, beautiful colored Iroolttro and fast, at .. $1.9++ worth $2.:10. ,. White Super Wool Canadian Blankets, feat color Linker, at *9.4" worth $3.25 Lawrence Mills, White `aper Illaukty hand- ,,,tllrly hOrsdeheel, at. $S 2.'t worth 31.40. 12Ac. worth 15c. ITc. worth 200. !(h;. worth :•`t. '5e. 'e.,rth ilk. 25 :, , h Grey i 1nn11C1. half Wool, at . : iu, h Grey )r la nel,twos hi Wool l g5 itch, all parr y 11 rat, h, •II Wool. (trey Flannel trN'?a_>W��CTi BAR Ft 'I: LADIES. MEN AND CHILDREN. Bea'. heavy Inion Shirts or drawer", 36c. for the 1Ke. kiu.1, awl the large, heavy Mimi all pure wool kind, at 'fOc. each, worth 7".e. lobes' Black Voris alvl.lnkle Tight.: et $1.25 for the finest quality. Grey Vette er Tights, o}rcn us- eloaell. HEAVY ENGLISH BEAVER CLOTH for Jacket* or Cape., ter Black, Brown, Fawn, Navy and Myrtle, thin week and next at $1, worth = 140. Send for sample or .-owe. W. ACHESON & SON. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, t30Z]]= 13) Cl1 , ertaki•it (""part sheat .0 "snag" of our Mr J. K. Meagre. •, pro ti cal F....ersl 1 reetur and Fanl,.lw ,.r tall* promptly attesde•d ter sight er day • BORN At "5 Fifth avent". Chicago en SIS+ 35 I of Oct.. the wife of "'has waters. st • eaVhttr. DIED. .uWEKltY to O..frrich. oo +'under. 1.0•1'4431•14r.w Nov Irk. Jane 1•oe<.,••t•r. ,1- el J. 1't. Sow why. aged Jti year". 5 months and .1 dao. YILLEK At yt Melees on ..uod&7. NOT. 11 Itarhard K. Miller. aged 1: years. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From eke Reporters Notebook U C.•'•• a Stele 1■ •' ler 4004.. 1 redo to test It t • ( bier* *0.001 le Takla' ki r*. as' I,Uk Yell 'Mal 41." - tars.. The sew iaittln1 factory will not be built N ett to the drug store where you got )our w ee; t. -k i1 rod• are not satisfactory. J. WILSON'" care prescription drug store. Mess photo. are the beet. The reason au tut se tome. skill or exposes 1e spared is do stile- work properly. The best •ppliaaces tui mosey can buy are seed. and the best .steads are ..sed :a tussling out the work, Biters in (:oderich. The Guy Bros. hove been here oil sero ral •.ccasaoue but never 01.4 they prevent • better ball of fare. Feely ehar.cter was aril Leben. end the Ispecialists proved themselves to be to the front rank in •6ery !toe ethiwted. Tb. - Isadore*. was • ;erre nor and i horoughIN .p prsciated the many bite nude during the ov...g. S. A Mri.I 1)gNtAL Wru.. The S.lys ties offioces 11 the town write We would like nor friends of GoderIch to remember that our week of self•denial a almost upon us. We want that everyone will be pro• pared to take part in the great effort. make up your mind that you •re going to do somethtsg and deny "ourself of some little luxury to help on this great work that the Army u engaged 1n. Romenbertng the self denial life that our Saviour lived sod He hes told us to fellow in His footsteps, Totes AR$OTneiu Lars Hitt - A love struck swam of summers got into o peck of trou►le to 11'asece, Minn„ last week, by merrvmg he sweetheart, who is 75. to his settlenteot with his children on the mar- riage he owned up to being the poiereseer of $30,000 worth of property. He bad always sworn he personal property at 3200 when the seeeseen held their semitone mod when the news of his wealth came out the grand jury indicted him for perjury, and he was arrested during his honeymoon and bound over for trial Tea f ..•R 'Ar H•,wr: --News Record - The receptioe of inmates at the 1100.4 of Ret-_ge was Inaugurated on Monday lase old man, named Hailsat t ne, aged '' . was admitted from IKeyfield, three females from iiru vis, including Sarah Lee, the latter of whom now think• she owns Huron • Poor The tailoring.ta►h•bmaot of the town is House, and Weal.. Sutton front Exeter -a udeubtedly that of F J. 1'ndham. the Moho clothier where oo slop went is ever coca of five. kir. lend Mrs. French, who tweed out. and where misfits a•* unknown have charge of the Homs,atread t glue every it you went to be in the swim. call upon has. ., '41001)1214: AIG HT" is a pricele a treasure - Ise that they will in a respect inial( Ise who have got it should take mot a it their onerous duties. The telephone and es woo pace tot got .1 should bare fuer_ electric light service is not yet complete. Soso Woes more Inmates were admitted yesterday. CAN Vora ONLY Orta, -At municipal eLeotio.s is future ell possibility of a voter 0•11i11111s ballot two or more tames for a Mayoralty. medullae will be prsetieslly abolished. For several veers the Ontario statute has provide/ that. no owe shall vete more than once for such -a chief magistrate, but the machinery- provided to enable • re - TOR M 411 t• ()N , A rig toner expecte.o turning hoer o- bis deputise to enforce that m the s. A. Barra;k's on November loth, woo thought •neo had previously voted jaw have beam Ter)' iasni officieet. It • ec- 'hsaBurnRrn 4 )gilvi. with .nese of the sem- ".dal from Stratford will visit (;odsrich mod he had no way of ascertaining eels= the held • eery •pedal meeuni io b.halilot the voter gave the information himself.The °nth *Dula be odmioistered. but there was week of Self taenial which te soon oomiog ie. They will slim bombard the town. lar : mux the come meeting, but co. a.d bring ...no friends with yen. 't 4 .4 S6113 11 a. rr IL CgORtg.- kr,. Mr Anderson, of Tiverton, Nth'r et ger .les. A. Anderson, town, occupied the rapt of Knox church at both services Ike- da, For a gentleman of ove: weary be leans_ womb/flu! vitality, and his set renes were very m000.ptable. He preached Tonal sermon Mond•% aftorm000 to the 1.••11^nsell^ tohabttts of the town. NO3 i.t.•Tv.h New Kra : Mr. Marsden, of the burned out AIbscs hotel, 1:ed./ride Ieeensly made sppliestios to be allowed to gee attended to et once. We mane the pen sensual of eight a specialty. sad 000 test ,ye.owr_�e}}ee .r.-untely and ec.o.tf/oally. W. T.WLLrIH. optician and ;swelter D,1-.% T 1401 HIM Mill T111,.... Now E:rs: Tows 1 le(► ('oar hes an Irish frieze over - test which has sees active service for 19 rtes, end it is vet "almost se good u sew The cost certanl) does not owe kion .n , t hu,, but he promisee to lar It sside it he gets the appointment of Regte- trtr eheaU .like foal proud of ps sell as Mmes as etoelleat odesaMve i..Usatin. Tho r11root. speak fret absersivee : "Since last ciao of iuperstea the budding hes bete osleieraed, etc., and is sow 10 excellent ou•detio. throughout. The time table 1e •totllsatly arranged, sod the dogmas et duties among iesohmrs and the ratio of pupils aro estulwter). The toschiag in ell deparla,eete a of • very high order, and u graded as follows : (1 good, 11 fur, Ill poor, iV had) Kagll.h 1. Cleanse I, Math, tutu*. 1, Science t Botany and ('hemt•tr. 1, Ifrmwtng 1, Commercial (BeokLeopiug sed Writing, 1, (,rill, l'alathosios sad Gym- nastics 1, Itsaj;ng 1 - 11. Note by i'rinui pal, French wad 1 iermao were not marked at the vial", but have been graded 1 ea previous visite. Staff all legally yu.ltlird discipline sxorllent ; pup:le all reg'•larly ed - mated : text hooks in souarduty with the r.•gula'tom end registers properly kept. As rewards the geceral tone of the lasts tate and its eircumatsuoes for work I be- lieve that it is is hotter condition than it boa boa hereu,fore. 1 am conscious that this te • etroug statement. but am coandnt that it as horse out by the forte. ' oothisg an at to stop him. An addaties was made to the oath •t the last session of the Legislature, to which • voter has to .wast that he "rendes is this polling subdivision in whi'b you reside : or aro not resident within the municipalttt as the wee may be," end further that " he will net vote elsewhere in this municipality at this elec- tion for Mayor. - Hutto* le CND 0..0. The Huronites r• aiding in Chigoes are forming • club for es• eial purposes to be Loewe as "The Huron its esamberehip being restricted to n atives of Harts county. Canada, only. Is order to snake the club s grand moose" and • credit to old Huron county, the oaten 'ensue Wetness in some other premiess, sO ssire ell who have friend. residinv la Chi. lsws•tor l'arloy west to Gederio 1 to see pogo that are waives of Huron, to kindly ,brat the mattor, bat wham he lairnad that , seed to the secretora the names and od- dreeses of each. Thew wbo re• aide i■ Chimer, will kindly *all on the pres- ident or send their noses and address to the secretary, who will furnish all 4forme• don regarding dam, en). The elub par poser establish'sg commodious reading rooms where the secretary may be had st all times, sad copies of •very piper nob - Robed is Hares musty will be kept ea ale Every arr.s(Sneet will be made for the ..infest .ad pleasure of visitors from Horns ....ty who call .t *1e club's headgoartwe. A alveolar, of all widest Hurn people will 1e feemd is the cleb', reser far the .e voineees of niters and n.e.bere. Th. SA1114711 SreaAL Merrimac A series .f .lab will 1, composed of soave of the meet tsnh.4, will be held 4. the Merth•at Meth preseiseet Her.sites is (linage. The ed- .* -•Wt dtarsl .ob 1-re.m ea Msuday mei ROWS are . President, Dr. J. M. Slava, 2414 yodel. the 26th ad 96th, ad.r the sae- S. H•Msd-et. • 1st vice , W. 11. Sunder.. 1((n si 11e Normal faith ste brans' of the hwttmial iia►hath-.sisal A1seelatise, oen- 45•lM by the Rev, Jaen M.Rwes, late risrstary .f the Normal Julius.: Meet/ens b cold at A :aleck 1. the afbesmeea. sN N ii i. the .'.ming. livery porous 10- 55/051ed la Sunday easel work le Melted M "Mead. (4•Ve Mnreeeaa.-Tho elligrhaesismilr £.i4i51, T...M / swab/ was w of g' h.w r+pestaaelitat el rim Irbil wet A't,TIIrk Ge1/g1lICH 11nv Ha. iii 1 ittiw. The two followtag Items are fro.0 Ashr• h..1, and Cleo lend papers, and refer to the boat commaeded by I'apt. Wre Bsxter. son of apt. Jae. Maxter, of this town, end will be ren,) by many : .1shtabula Iteacon The Menominee siesluer armed here this morning. hating made the round trip to &amoeba in 3 days 2.3 hours and 5.5 minutes, beating the previous record h) ueuly two hours. She left hen Tusedev morning st 10:20 and retched the piers at 8:15 this morning with 2.500 tons 00 hoard. ('apt. Wm. Baster is in command of the German and Wm law recce, better known as "Baldy, the man with the high forehead, is chef engineer. Both assert that but for the strong heed wind •oming down Lake line, they would have reached here three .ivarters of an hour earlier. The heat record between Ashtshu- Is and 1:*oanslw and return heretofore was made by the I'amhna i. 1891, her time bean, three daya,twenty-three hours and 45 minutes. Cleveland 1'lsindesler : Ashtabula Nor `1 - The Menominee steamer (.ermn arrived here today, having made the round trip from .Ashtabula to tiesnahs and return in T days, 21 hour, and 45 minutes, the best time on record. The Mutual steamer Cam- bria previously held the mein, having made the trip in midsummer, 1891, is 3 days, 23 hours sod 45 minutes. 'f he German brought demo 2.500 tow of ore ons draft of fifteen test. Her tame for this season of the year is remarkable. In sddiuen we might say that the boat was run 5o well that. Fall that she was not detuoed one day by the rough weather that prevailed. Talk KI...- DAt•. lir,..* 1..TI:KTAa9. ter'"'. The entertainment in Knox church lecture room Thursday "'cosine last, under the &nspioes of -the Kang s Daughters, was one 01 the social event. of the year. The high tes was well pstronired, and the man- ner In which the spread wee prepared was s credit to all whe took part in the work. Shortly after eight o'clock the fol owing program was presented, the char homy meet satisfactorily filled by E. Reston, bar Sister Selection by orchestra :s ddrese by Rev. .1. A. Anders..: long by Mies Trauoeh : address by 1te•. K Cr., 1) D. : reading h♦ 3. Malcontent' : address by Rev. M. Turnbull : pion* solo to Mies Neftel selection 4., orchestra ; address by Rev. Joa. I•'ige : duet, by Messes 1'ridham sad Campaigns ; coag by Mies Bailey : selectiee by orchestra : " (;ed lave the Onion. The address of Mr. Anderson was full of so e*uragemest to the King's Daughters : that of lir. Ire dealt with the great work that was berg done, "In His Name by the society, the world over : Mr. Tenhull widened the n•esarks of Dr. l're, and sup pleinented them M' so exhortation to 0o0 ttnue in the good work : and Mr. Edge •poke of the beseit of orvaneatios in general and the work of the King's Daughters in particular. The chairman was heart end soul with the undertaking, and looked saes it as a great pleasure to preside at • meeting under she awpioes of the society. The Ki.g • Daughters dense to express their thanks to the plate who so largely patronised the entertainment . to all who so kindly o.ntributed to the ne- oses of the affair by de.atioo ; to the Young People's Seeiety of Knox ohureh for the rtes of the piano . .ad to the members .f lar mony ()rehears and others who leaded to the program. There will he • nice sum totted from the e•tertalnmest, whieb will us well spent in furthering the bnevolest *talents of the oresairatios during the win tor mouths. lir Marsden had not any of the a.eanmo- d tie necessary to meet the regabtiw, be declined to reesnne.d the Insane. A..1, 'witty Seat. tces. --Newt Sabbath, Net 171h., uaivereary services will be toad 4. North -rat. Methodist e►preh, when Ow Rev, G. W. Henderson, ehairmas of Lrsu bhstriet,will oeampy the pulpit more 101 sod *ruing. The ladies of the 10a11s- Satiem an, that 340 be given them thio 7.01 O 0ble them te awry os their work. NA aid is a very renmsyble request, we hove se down it will be greeted. their 000.01 Thsakeitiviur sapper beteg wIthdeew. /hie „sr. ARE YOU LOOKING FON BARGAINS l �V FALL UNDER WE_ A R A special line of Ladies' Hygeian Vests, all wtiOl - for tiO c. worth 73e Union (cotton and wool) Feats.,froru l:ye. to 30c. Another nl,ecial line of Ladies' All -Wool Vests, for KOs.: worth 31.00. Children's All-' 'ool Vests, from 20c up. Men's All -Wool Plain Underwear, 4, e., worth 65e. ; 'Mc., worth 75c. ; 6 c , worth f45c.: SSc., worth 81.00. Remember the New,. Department recently atiiloil-Men', anal (toy,' Ready- Made Clothing, With our low prices every ratan and (toy can now he dre'(red In fa*hion and good taste, M little expense. JAS. A. REID, nth ( )etcher, 11$95, .I omlalt'. Black, f lotlerich. 'rry a paekage N 'PIIS MEDICAL I i EBB TEA, • mixture of herbs, contain lag burdeek, mandrake. etc. t'neiurelted as a n-medy for impurity et blood. bilious- ness 000rlon. to- it 11...m- uun, etc. .1 40c. he, 4 e,e (hese. ••aeart tot acd.elne. An rvelltnt tonic for the Tall HONE% end H.,ttI'OUNII l'O U (N1 11140112 t••»r nit'kaae BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE VARNISH Least alor , . . Brightest Lustre Quickest Drying Of all Move -pipe Tarnishes. I SRESCRIPTION \VI )RT tie„ t attte!itiOn - •- .ill hours. ,V. lam. GOODE, (A Our RRY Ii CBM I$T. email' sure cburco 4 oases, sad for apologeu.•l alai church t.u.ery the T114111441) of Roy. L. 11. Jew. den, o. - .l .mss' - luaro. Toronto, were proposed The esuveI.er of the C. 1`. com- mittee submitted a diet of yuestio0e which the Presbytery agreed to *end down to the various C E societies of the Presbytery. The next regular meeting of the Presbytery will 5e held at Seatorrh on the third Tues day. of January and an adjourned meeting will be held at "(triton On the 26th of this month PR.tevTrRY Or Ht MON . - eh. Presbytery of Huron held its regalia westing at Clin- ton on Tuesday, the 12th ins"., with the moderator, Rev. Dr. Maadosald, ie the .hoar, and Rev. Arch. McLean ea clerk. The followiav additional misnames were preempt : Maws. Mose:rove, Show, Ander we, Henderson of Maaobe ter, Headerao. of Assail, Mania, rea:her, H.m:l4 s, Stewart, Maedo.ald o1 Varna, Graben". Hamill.. of Leghorn, Acheron ; and elders Swallow, Wait, Horton, Scott, ('."nick, He/buy. Rev. R Weir front Dakota bo i., present. be was asked to sit amid oorre aped with the Presbytery. Mr. Fletcher ad Mr. Swallow were sepoistod auditors to examine the tresseree's books sad report. The treasurer pretreated his usual report, which showed • geed balmier ea hand. Rey. 1)r Madaaald sad Rev. Mr. Muir were appointed _ addrees the Woman's Foreig. Missionary Society at Muir assail saetti.r in • anuary. The remits from the Oea.rol As..nbly "ewe referred back 4. the eon mattes h, shores to report at next uietliy, Rev. Mr. Mitchell, late .f Thorold, beds/ present, was asked to eorreq.0d with the Presbytery. The Presbytery was asked by the foreign r.iseicsary scmmitW of the sherd' to seek to secure the aasamat of $1600 for foreign misaidae ler the surest year. lite home minion eemssite& asked for 1911i0 fee the bone -esiwiens for the y..,. Beth et these requests were .smatended to the ((nesters Iiboelty .f the esegrgatiese Presbytery. Tho P..,., then pretend d M .ani.._ ms foe sae nen* shrive m Ens: Ode/s. Par OM 'Rmb--i Ware Muslim sad NNW altaiM m oho teems el BMW. Jame Eallmilyen, 1A., et Lara „"tore yns-law : 9d vise., J. walker, pub- lisher ; 5 erethry. W. D. Heathrow, 13M Middies ave.; esiwesittee, W. )[lima, N. "..kin sad Dr. D. Wilma. W.av iwe Ipree es 18.v.. We have bona permitted to eke the 1011001.4 ou- trages - tteads frees the report .f Iaep+.tsr ne ignore orbs tad. W .Hemel tmepeeWO el oho Cel- isefmtl ioreeMtlm (set week. The beard and Mid tae isle law every seams to foal Egad wild the rrpetrt,aline Su tows _ S COMING AND GOING Mrs. J. C. Gregg is visiting her parent. In (;od.ricb this week. Mies Aasebreok, of (;oderich, visited k friend. um Meotorth last wee . We ore pleased to learn that Mn. J. Mitchell, who has been so all, is recovering. Expositor Mrs. Reyoolda, of (;ederich, was • guest at the residence of R. 8. Hays this week. eased to Isarn that t:eo. Porter We ere pl u improving, end hope soon to beer o 1e complete recovery. F.tpost tor C. R. Shone, of (.oderich,wee present at Mrs. P.. '. Hoye At• Home on Fridley evening last. Mies Bluett, of Loodon, is at ,"swot in Gederich, called hither by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. Sam : Mies Hays, of (;oderioh, h•. been a truest at the residence of ber brother, R. s. Hays, dune' the past several days. Mrs. Muerte!, why was Galled hers by the Meese of her ester, the LN Mrs. For gueon reunited to her home in New 1 ork sat week. Rey Jas. Hamilton, line new itteambent of L.ehurn and Goderich To. Presbyterian churches bas token up his residence on South street. f THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Pullin* Plotless. V OTICE 18 HRRKHY GIVEN THAT 1 applleatioa will be made at the sect modes of the Parliomsat of Cased* tor an not to incorporate the Heroic mad Ontario Rail- way Compaey• with power to cosmoses a rail- way to to operated by electricity from. at oe near Pen Perry. in the County of Ontario. to. at or neer Kinnard in* In the County of Brame. passing though the eoaatles of Oatano. York :'i -woe . Cardwell. Orel' and Bruce, tour hiss at or near Newma•ket. Bradford, Hisao, ahelberne. Prioevill.. Durham sod %Walker tan will a beech fum a or near, Priceville. through Meaford and toren sound to South amptos in the County et Brans : theism through Inverburoo and Kincardine t• (lode rich to the County of Huron . aim a branch from betweea Walkerton and Kincardine t* Teesawier and Ooderioh. with all the powers contained in the Railway Act. Dated at Toronto. 5th November. ISMS ROAF. Cl'RItY. I;CNTHER a OitIES. 43-41 Solioltors ser Applicant. 11,TOTICw Tit THE PUBLIC. NOTICE IN a hereby given that from this date 1 will not be responsible for any debts contract ed in my name. by any penin whatever unless 10414. the authority of my written Order. S. R. BANDMRt1ON. Dated, (Dungannon Nov. tib. 1tgt6. 1" -it. o.drdeb Patens. aon0aroO, Nov, 1:i. use. Fall Wheat. leen) standard... .. 0 64 to e M 000to000 2 0111 102lu 10 to 3 10 1Cotot 10 11 00 toll 00 _ 12 02 1041 00 1200 toll 00 Floor. family. per cwt...., Flour, Fall. per cwt Flour, poet. par ewe Bran, a ton. Shorts. V ton Screenings • 4.a, New ('jots, p b.e1 ................. 0 25 to 035 Nims. Hatoe 1bash-� 14 c1as 1 000 Old Hay. b+ ton .. _.-1400 tell N Potatoes, i.bask new. 0 15 to 0 Na Matter, I 11 to 0 17 Mew Meinch repacked.t♦ dao0; 1 00 to 0 17 50010600 3 00 000to000 3ell to350 450to % • 10 to 6131 O 10 to • 1 O 10 to 0 II Hides. Sheep Skins lAve Dressedlttg0 ors Ram. Ham. per 11. ('hews, ser Ib TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes most be left at this Office net later than Saturday noon. The Copy for charas must be left not later than day noon. (.usual Advertiseseets sooepted up to noon Wednesday of .ani week. Mixed TPSIVOUMit Ckdda INLAND TRUNK 11/1I1. W AY. AWL Mal and i :press alied.... gall and Ss preen Midland M*press Melt and Repress Mixed tfasswh ILII R 7.10 pow Lie p n, aet.n. 1.0 pin. Ade pan To Smokers: %rOTER.N LIST CY)URT-TOWNSHII' OOLBOHN K. Notioe is hereby wires that a court will be held. portrent to the 1-ot.•rs' Lints Act. by Heb Honor, the rein, y Judge or the t'oonty Court of the County of Hume. at 8wart.'s Hotel. t 01tford on Saturday. November 10th, at 10 A. 0. 10 hear and determ-sir the several ones of errors and omission* in the voter, list in the municipality of ('olbori,e Township for I,t4,. All perwons having bnaioess at the court are required to attend at the mid time and place. Dated ,at ('clow, fhb .;th day of November 1006. W. F. McI)ON %OH. l'lerk of Paid townsl.ip. and constituted clerk of said mart- 12 M To meet ins within e1 Ones ease.sson The Clew a. Yaor5IS & see r... L44.. !am. MON, Oso.. hay 4aeed neer the mama Oombination Plug of "T & B LSNOTICE:.- ALL PERSONS FOUND trespassing on my lands by shout. bunting. camping fishing or otherwise will he according aordingg to law. Such land• see the Hart hum to Colborne Tp., and the crop erty kt.own as the Rall. Reserve le the town - Mips of Onderich sad Colborne 1. CA1&PIt'N. IJ.('. X. B KCHLKR, nine Solicitor I'ropr For colo or To Rent. FACE pC►wI)ER$ sad ('l)M LI'.XION J3F:A1'TIFIEIU4 We kers, saws Lai.. are 'Deluged to be baeliward 10 purchasing these. 1441 why ebeald lbey • We ,.carder a lady's toilet Y1iootuplete wlth u.. • box e1 goad lase I'ewder.-_ just as mar nests u sassed•( to • gntlem•s (after ehovlav,) and Its selling these or soy thing tl-s 11 our store, perfect eiocreov e.h.istatued ss we consider tt sal) ju.t :o our lana tamers. Vie carry • ones lane o1 k date i'ow. dere, eta., and deem it • pleasure to show them at ss) time. '1114: 1 'I I AS. 1). R' I1.1.1A.MMS" I:. 'J_I.a., •Iaeck. I►KL(l Mfl,Rg. QTORK TO RENT AT UI1NL(►P TO K let that told setabluhed .tore and pmt ofilos, situated in the Tillage of Dtuiop, three mules from the towu of ttoderich, oa t he cora er of two leading gavel rosde. A good pay ntR business has been done .s-5 the premiere for the pa.t fifteen years • the exposures are low and a (.hent arrangwent w ill be made with a reliable tenant. For particulars ap- pqly' to the proprietor. A. ALLEN. Dayton Ons- 42 tf rPO RENT OR FOR SALE. THE 1 house corner of Wellington On. sad St. George's Crescent aim occupied by H. it. `Snell. Pousesioe n 15th of November, 42 t J. WILIj4MS. FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE OK TO RKNT.-The subscriber ethos for sale or rent, his harm. Lot 17, Con. 5. West Wa- wanoeh. 0ontaining 301) acres. more or leak of ant clam farming land 170 mem cleared and In a good state of cultivatios, well fenced and good buildings. Convenient to P.O.. churches schools and good market. Terme easy. for further particulars •pp ly to W. A, HAR- RiSON. on the pwesi•••, or to W..taeld. P.O. 41-3m 8XO11:111a TOBL000. This supplies a Meg felt want, Riv ing the consumer sue 20 cent plug, or a 10 lent piers or a 5 Gent piece of the faatowm " T a. B " brand of pia Virginia Tb►aeee. fM Tete! & 1" Is se nay (Muni .RICK HOUSE FOR SALE. SITU• 1.1 steel ea Bast Bones, 3 lots past the Pres- byteries Church. containing eine rooters. The above property is l0 • need position, sad will rent well. Require ole SH ARIA AN, 311-tf VOR MALK-A GOOD 11 STORY 11' frame dwelling hones. 30*S with to>.14 addition sad shed. eituateto. Lot 507. Gleams - ter Tereus, Ooderich . Apply to 31-tf PHILIP BOLT. FOR MALE. ('HKAP, ON RASY TKRM1: West halt of lot A oosoaesnn .1, Was" Wawnosh, 100 acres. A well Improved farm. I.ots 6 a and out 16. eubdlvb ion of Mock M, %lolborae &bout *res. TO 1.14+ ac The shop lately .coupled by the late Then 'old. Apply (0 M.0. JOHNSTON.barrfateriOaco- Md, sf 'I'II E Sl'� TEM of doing i.usiuees is, an prase where at has beta tett.,hice.t, proving the more sauttaotury method, alike to costorrer and purchaser. (no.ey, oently, after ire.. let 189a, we shall do #wars.." en • strictly ('ASH BASIS, believing the change to be in the beet aut./rests of our o0e- :omen, as well as ourselves. It is neoeaser the: ail' out- eteudiag accounts he pa:d be- fore the above date, of nee - table. J. E. DAV I S, .10 ('lam. B. 1)ruggiit 41 Optician. UNDERTAKING Calls promptly attended to, night or day, by our Mr. J. E. Snelgrov'e, practical funeral dirctor and embalmer. `%' I1.MEIt SMITH, Cadertaker, upholsterer, and general turn,• are dealer. McLean" Black, (•oderich. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -wen- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, MISS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER of Melte and Theory -experienced Ash Mean and Wellesley streess i e ANY TIME at we peenthw e0, were deN in and MN ear NEW PERFUMES i take this opportunity to inform the pubue that 1 am still in the businees notwithstasdly all rumors to the contrary. and sat oreeared to do every clams of work in my line from ankle a window frame to erecting • -story buildlat with mansard roof. 1.tieestes furnished gad competition invited. To. fnrnbbing of building "material, such so lath, shingles and lumoer a •;eclalty. F. SMEETH. 11'* lave M Plottiesof Perfume is beak at rt. Mead The Nor same. sad as Ims5.w-neek .4 bombed Ooderioh. July 4th 1a11, Loan and Savings li001Dtp. If 18 NOT WHAT YOU EARN. Bi?D WHAT YOU BAYS, MAIM YOU RI01. THS HURON AND RRUCI LOAN AND INl'iBTMiNT COMPANY. Sot.. trove,- ('ameron, Holt and Holmes. Deroei m. interest Compound every ns months at tour pertcent, per annum. os earns from nese dollar upwards. Depositors will god It to their advantage to come and see tis. Loan• - May he secured at ray time without delay on the security of approved desirable pprnose�t�� Kxpnne• moderate. Applications received by the Manager or solicitors. The Compan1's offices are located n North Street sattdd Court Houma Soothes -opposite Htrrsow Worst. Office. HORACM HOR A J. H. COLOR • L LN9L181, FRMNCH, I sed 1' 11 R Fl: Mia CANADIAN f at hese len, to MAO per bottle Tlnars age • lbw ..pis. wits Woes eesew wtedew. Is trTOW Mnep back If yen w .et satWit 4d W ILI?ION'H (Teals Drug Mars Estrayed Animals CAME ESTRAY -- ON OR ABOUT the 1st of October. • roan row about nine yyeeoar*dd.pp••T)Jhe owner b requested to)Were D. M. KINNON. Ise 4 non. It charges and WeD.'/'e,borna township. d3 31 SME ESTRAY. CAME ON THF. panlasaef nbeoriber het le. 13 ma. OMl- borae, about the mostk of Jose. • blast and white naw, rides two years old. The owner tItso •las and take wSD I) (tl 1pW Shepp.rdten. P.O. 40.1* CAM h. INTRA Y ABOUT TH I M 11)OLF. of Inns. a stray steer. red. Kiang three urea old: white star on forehead. The ewes, . requested t0 pnve property. ray ehrrwes ted take It away. ►, TOWKLI. Hums Read. Hedert4 Tetrrllp. 40-4t 'enablers Wanted !JIKACHKR WANTED. -A MALE: 1 teacher hoMtas mooed clam eelttaaale i, requited 4. R.S. 1(e, 0. Colborne 0.1ttlbiO4 11....schoot. Tarr 10.oluto tl- RO ERT 14. tithe. state 1.18, Santora P.O. that Situations Vassal. 1'OY" ISANTKD.-A SMARV. iNTE4 linen* bey. trees 10 INK seen ginr ..saw al Ties a0e*L Wien, M prtating trade. Apply at ones, Card of Thanks. IDI1k11Ric WO RETURN THANKS TO The North 14(tdsh .ad M.resntll. I sem Os. fear ter1p��e�mp1 serine" Is t►I taw seeds& we ey*m.��1..� them at •a meet Om News, (mar