HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-7, Page 8K THs S1Cl1AL : GODIRICM, ONT., TRUISDAY. NOV. 7, i$U. S15=r=Az SA= Fancy Goods and China. Great reductions in price, as we are making room for holiday effects. THE LATEST LITERATURE Always on band. Be sure and buy S. R. Crocket's new book, "A Galloway Herd," in paper, 50 cents. 1:r Every line of Sokool Requisite., always /: ept in stock. • PORTER'S COLONIAL BOOK STORE. (enlral teleprane warbrrle. i_ NEWS OF THE I►N'fflI('f. From our ownCorraspoaden tS. Tarr. 1. luf.rmallea Were Ilial 4arsa bo .read b.rwbere 4.1.c \rw.ef she t .sat, MJFeelallr Retorted Fee The Menai. LEEBUI'N T. ►-,••a, Noe. 5. ,due I l.laklater, formerly of tits plass, but new residing near *method, is visiting relatives here A plowing bee on Thur.da% lest tis Jltchael 1 enmity's elo.sd is the evening with • social damming party, the musaciaa. being Wm. Pbdaps, of I►unlep. end .1. C s, of htagelartd(e. All present had • geed time. Co.a. u N,.rr. The weather et last Tuesday beta( so ■ntavorable nes mYv from hen went te she induction services et tie Rev lawns Hamilton as pester of I.es. burn wad tits ('noun t'reto% tartan sharches. On Wednesday at 'be woolly prayer ... - us& tee sew master with Mn. Hamiltao were presses to meet a number of the sox grsgatiem, sad om Saatiey • good turnout fytened to an earnest mid impressive sermon from :d Cor 4th amid ash epvtna ea outlies of • pastor • work so ata people, as • Inrvent set .ed, •d for all to u, to sae ever presoak at tee time of service which was but • little whale a the day. A bible claims will Mor. gain ed on sudsy at 1.) an the monde& beton, church. Mr. and Mrs. Hamelkm wall short I% rake up their resideoee is t.ode- ricb weaoh wti be ntaiway betwees the two mmigreoetaene, the we hop his work aa • pester wa:i be succerfel a gain muy am sheaves for ht. Ramer s earner. Mn. Mn. Hamilton as set a stranger to t •ede- nch, as see was Mies t slaver mod taught en the Hagh gesso( stet et teachers au tale• rich gimme veers are. The memory of leo. s had bo. did sot tut ea Hallewesa mod a posse of them, as s general company, hal 1 hue tame an spite ef the w.t night in doing • little mischief .must the lot of big gator. The tall *info peederous pts was tai.eu, breaking the Loc• and .arrraag at to the ehurch sheds, and hoisting at up aloft along with the table hoards used at tea meetup. The laird says t: nen .tey there, pre tent. The Gana pate at the church was thrown into a Geld soar by, *bile tw attempt mike to tele or! the bag gate at the'Larlvard was a failure. 1:. Folk/rd. sr , wath one of hu sons, had some Lttle Aifi. ult • ai rasing hu gate nut of ae old well or pond. The last tremsgres1on was breaking a.to the wood shed of • bachelor and taking off his gate from where he put at awed safely, as be Opening of VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE NOV. 12. CUY BROS. MINSTRELS O. I, and N. It.Ou, .Proprietors (i. ft. Ou• ... ........ \Lnegsr THE GOLDEN COUNT CIRCLE. thought, from them. and leaving iI modes the culvert at I'. Tell,'. Boys, as • rale, must be boys, but presets of has ktsd don t pay any the at the expense of others, and if legal lights were sought the bays alight Wave a full ,tow el the inside iron gates of the jail at l:oderacb, and might net thea Ise as eager to lift Moo off after the lights are blown oat for the night as as the praotiet to thus senile* mem a'enr. DUNLOP. Tt.anAT, N.v. A new culvert wall be put an as the north and et the burg to replace the former outs west* timbers have bees shaky for some time The reeve of the tswa.hap snd o..s eillor Potter let the Jul: last Setard•y te 71. M•cn.anu., of Limbers. Ree. M. Turnbull, M.A., rector of St. George's ehurcb, 1.odarfch, wit • tranateat visitor here last week. H ' •wets annual eastern' were but ANOTHER BARGAIN DAY' A year ago we introduced the first Bargain Day sale in Goderich, and since that time we have been often asked, When are you going to have another bargain day ' The fact that we did the largest day's business in the history of this store, and that our patrons appreciated the genuine bargains we offered, has decided us to Make FRIDAY, NOVEMBER THE 8th our first bargain day sale for this Beason. The goods advertised below will bo found on the centre tables, and found exactly as adverti.'►ell, 1st Table. DRESS GOODS. piece* 1leery Serge Dregs Goods, in Black, Navy, Barnet and Myrtle, worth ":ac., for 18c. on Friday. 10 pieces All -Wool Sergei and Hen- rietta*, all shades, worth 35c., 40c. and 50e. All one price on Friday, 25c. 1 piece Black Henrietta, regular price 35c., reduced to 25t•. on Friday. 1 piece Black Hearietta, 46 inches wide, our 90c. quality, fir 72c. oar Friday. Our very treat Henrietta., the regular $1.00 quality, for 82c. on Friday• I piece Satin Stripe Crepoa effect, beautiful goods, work $1.10, for ,lust half prise, 55c. 2nd Table. FLANNELETTIM, BLANKETS and pJNDER- WEAR. 6 pieces Fancy Stripe Flaauelette, 32 incise,. wide, worth 10c., on Fri- day we sell be.. at Sc. 15 pain +taerican Flannelette Blank - eta, in grey or white, 75e. a pair on Friday. pairs Wool Blankets, 6 Ib.. Bath, with beautiful border. worth $3 a pair, for $2.25 on Friday. 6 pairs of the Extra Heavy 7 lb. Blankets, at $2.60 a pair. dol. Shirts and Drawer*, shirts of one kind and drawers of another, all tires -class goods, your choice on Friday 37 1c. each. t; 3rd Table. JACKETS and FUR CAPES. Blank Heaver Coats, fur tnwined, regular $6.50 for $3.00. Nap Serge (oats, our regular $5.00 cost for $3.00. _' Black Nap Costa, braid trimming, full skirts, large lapels, regular price $$.50, for $4.00. 1 each Brown, Navy and Myrtle Che- viot Coate, regular price $9.7", for $5.00. Black Serge ('oats, with braid trim- ming, worth $10.00, for 87.00. •' Brown Beaver Coats, the very lat- est design, redusetl front 810.00 to B44.00 for Friday. 3 Extra -long ['leek Beaver (Sat., is large sires -34, 3$ aad 40, our 811.75, for $8.7N en ['friday. 3 25 -inch Fur Capes, aew goads, at 810.00 each far Friday only. 3 30 inch Capes, reduced to $12.73. 4th Table. 1 piece Black Beaver ('loth, our rel;u. lar 11.25 liar, tor 9'c. on Friday. I piece Fancy 1►iagonal Mantle Cloth, regular /1.75 a yanl, for r:sc. on Friday. 12 Ladies' Rubber Circulars, all sizes, in black and tweed etlft t►. regu- lar price 83. 50, for 11.7 5 oa Friday. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. 1st Tt i 2 E_ 3 doz. Sailors and Walking Hats. larly sold at $1.50. They Friday, 50c. each. We'll have bargains all over the Come early and avoid the rush. Our price is $1, regu- all go at one price on Hats and Bonnets, some $3, some $4, and some $5. at the same price on Friday, $2 each. store that we cannot mention here. \\ t• intimi tis tike Fridays a shopping el ks'• a Clay for 2n.d TALI TRIMMED MILLINERY J. T. ACHESON. All bargain,. slightly observed here. Only the school gate was lifted end hidden somewhere, and TAKE STOCK OF OUR WINDOW !- the anvil at the smithy wee corned away a (abort dotage., A. its weight was too great and loosened the energy of the lads to give trouble aid aoonvenasuoe to others for no- thing. The pranks ended a no one grum bliog a Femoral. (trend ()pen too Company W e 1,s(. a J. use -A. R. • ur My I tads The F.s(lneer ...... . Albert Guy Case Twir'tug Exorcise.... Hitbey McVey Dees Papa love t.'' !nether Kane Our Good ship Sails to night . floss. Guy Arthur 11cy. the wonder 'crbet Soloist. wbe for lotad plsytnar has nepus . will execute his favorite t'oon1 en Parsee . ..Artbar Guy The hip 1 Love. . std. Keating Duck and Wleg Ito•c as Kaneead Coal) Metes aad :l Stint £lens* erect. smith t onetudang with the `Meg written by G. R. Guy. esiltlerl. THE OLD ruin. sad T•bleanl. awentpeeve *venters . .1. . embosses *DAT WITH THE CIRCUS t'AFt't' FIRST The Parade. Th. Euro. T hr land. brow (•ores. Hairpin.. Rano I lantatlon Maven. Oreheetrene. t olored Freed. Chosen* end. l'AItT 41d1)NH. O. the SNw Gnueda Rush for :whets. Through the Meoageri.. Rusl. ter (teats bread Itntree. Elephant Dane. Iadlen War Inane. Itenback 164er Yina LAWN TENNIS KINGS. kse aid Coal, PROF ED KEATING. Artietie Sas ietad Menden, ✓winks. Vow trrt ins( Let. THE MARBLE STATUES Cherie*, AIMrs and Wefts Os,. Silly Lyons and J. J Harbert Ph tl.fr$451'E SCEs'[ %I.T\'. Intredeci.g • sat Imam sad Salle( Ins Knook-about Specialty. Kane aid ('only. HUGHEY MoVEY Ws derful flub Mas enterer. The whole Im.mnelade with the New Origi al Mete estltted UNCLE PISTE'S I:IRTHDAV er the DANCE FOR THE CAKE. ENTIRE OOMPAN Y. Admisismi, 110, M, a6. Hervdd pias M Ponies Beek Pare. At a' a CASH STORE 1 er. kleaire& et and ware. 1 ear can bar almost everything ie GROCERIES ANO PROVISIONS Minute Confectionery. .'rockery. Glassware kc.. at the lames, otiose mmsotble for cash. F'LO)I'R. FIERI) AND MLA[. of all kinds kept emaetaatlr en hand. A well assorted stook of STAPLE DRY GOODS tient' rurisbinee. Hosiery. Ribbon.. loess ha. kept in stock. !'armee produce taken at ►ugliest market prices tussah. Geode deliver; .d to all pans of t►e tows. Yemr trade eels - cited. ■..I. HO►RTON. T►. ('ash Grocery Coe. Moatreal.t a *Mars 11. Z. All atcosats net settled by this 1111 et Nevmmber, will be headed is tmr.Nleetioa. Great Removal Sale.... ORSELL & CO will remove in two weeks to the store on the Square form- erly occupied by Pollock, the Shoe Man. I n the meantime, in ort ier to t leer out as much a. possible of our pres- ent Stock, we will offer Bargain s in Stoves, Tinware, Lamp Goods, Etc. Call and See. J. H. WORSILL & Com Tee st.v. and Ynrn•ee Hawtt.tre-8r.. treater Geonsui:a, C.R.SHANE&CO MCLEAN'S 3LOCL Full Line of Seasonable Goods. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty. 0. E. ILEX a 00. 1 Agemes air S. rankness ae.Mrl. Specialties -.- - Nat* Sterling Silver Goody Sterling Silver Tooth Brushes Sterling Silver Curling Tongs Sterling Silver Button Hooks Sterling Silver Book Marks Sterling Silver Scissors Sterling Silver Trilby Pins Sterling Silver Braceleta Al.o Gents' Congo Oak Silver Mounted Canes and Ladies' Gun Metal \\'atelae.. C. A. HUMBER & SON, jEWELERS. A FEW L.EADERS WITH U$. e EMI Dry Goods. LADIES' CLOTH COATS MEN'S FUR COATS At 30 PER CENT. less than regular price, Come and see our LADIES' GREENLAND SEAL CAPES. 40 -INCH ALL -WOOL SERGE DRESS GOODS AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. OF DRESS GOODS At Half Price. CLOTHS IN GREAT VARIETY All Mantle Cloths above $1.00 cut and fitted free of charge. Dress ant' Mantle Making up- stairs New Wall Papers and Window Shades, prices low. School Sup- A FEW PIECES plies, extra quality. Alpha Inks, beat and largest 5c bottle sold. H.B. Leat( Pencils and others, 2 for 5c. Big value package -24 MANTLE sheets good Note Paper and 25 Square Envelopes for 12c. No. 6 and 7 good Business Envelopes for 85c. and $1 per 1000. Extra fine note papers, per quire 10c. Blank Books, from 25c per 100 pages. New Tissue papers, crepe and plain.' New goods in purses, Fancy Goods, Dolls, Games, Toys, Pipes, at quick selling prices, Silverware at cost price, to clear. Stamping to order. N B. -Stock all new. Near Cer . Wit direst, done A. Z_ WEIR_ Holiday Fruits . • A fine assortment of new Fruits for the holiday season has just been received. Everything New and Fresh and of beat brand. Family Groceries a Specialty. ST. GEORGE PRICE, e1('e WSW TO 1. PRICE t Wt. Cast. WRATST A\1 NT Ala, POTMAHOFF TEA. This new blend of fine tea for family use is now on sale at our store... . We have also thtfinest in FRUITFOR HOLIDAY USE and keep on hand full lines of best Family Groceries, and the most reliable in Dairy Produce, Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. STURDY BROeS. The (Irocary w allfyaare. Se of Goad a bear. amply te be faithful ho their eefoim ey 11 was .rid alto st..rm ad doriiwww IM The battle is me and aroma ea,sew as ever. ✓ between troth sad falsehood, rigbmoue sew sad seright..wmae s, Christ uei [skits. E y reams of our .nbeli.f.ad servereseme sail .ola.►sess, she way map M kieg and thresgb the wtlderes s, vet ire leadeth es. It is few es te odd be ear faith overage, mime - ship imam to Meese. whale was earrviae Taal • primmer to Rost•, teat the /read, hereto mm bade all se beard le be of geed Miser. He gives • resew fee hie quiet ome.gm : " %bees .seed by me this sight se easel el Gad, wbaee i ea and when ala Hem, /fie. Mu we sohy Miura be as I verve, esyielg, fes met, Paul : tam nems and Oaf reigns, sad if be be Mt se we ire sued Were Cesar. Whirs/ere, am M id foregoer lbws all tW w skiers us. The geed obese, Imp 1 believe nes, aid is .hall era** el wndaked's= a slaw* iM of seed be sem ea, es M baa bees speaks' mese we. romp, saW eat O.4. 11e mashy whet may sem se there wit mem tiley Ned ass Iver. Is is ter Neu Subsur Ste for Tar Egsat. p e yon, At Reduced Prices. Colborne Bros. Thee Greatest Carpet and Lace Curtain Ware- house of the County. CREAT SALE OF GENEI?14L HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, CUTLER!, ETC., FOR 60 DAYS_ Having decided upon adopting the Cash System, I will, for the next 60 days, offer my entire stock of Hardware, etc., at greatly re- duced prices for cash, part of which will be sold at cost, and many articles for less, to make room for new goods coming in this Fall. At the expiration of tke 60 days, I intend to adopt the Cash System, and my customers may then depend upon getting any Goods in my line of business at the lowest cash prices for which they can be sold. Thanking my customers and the public generally for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same, I remain, JAMES Y ATES. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY We have already made several additions to our stock of well as- sorted goods, so that now we think we have everything that could he desired in the line of FINI+1 MIT1T1RY. 1.CI9EMEIE YAZ"ZIEL P.8.-ire bare six awmltlag nems above Ger seers whir ws will wet kr •w7 sweo_Me won. .( Ft Ides Two Lew ti 1„ f' • 1 ikon units hes (bf4 M' 5s0 ped Lela) Weal L+rf 1 k isnei fes Wee 0" reu"ln 1 prat Thr L \ i dr.... Ulcxd street Amit[ 14. swat etas Nei r Yr 4 sen omit nye 1'eG n tree4 r1:ra SAO rpt) ,,..t MY" Tarn F•e a I 1 Ise boot, tiro tart n -sat ems Oath hese ,sett air' 1 et tact tart. taut: lista hese n or Iscy mrd rM.1 Tk rtes ,.ken onm Wet teed •1, Att t1A4 A We Neu . W hal art ecu SG t gt ,b. N t 1:1 t04 401 041 r1 ah "Mt tb. 0 b. It.