HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-7, Page 7TEX SIGNAL :
GUNROOM. O11T.y 111111118DAT Nov
7 1896.
god-li er Oil is useful
beyond lny praise it has
eYer won, and yet few are.
Milling or can take it in
natural state. Scott's
Emulsion Of Cod-liver Oil
is not offensive; it -is al-
most palatable.
Children like it. It is
gots-liver Oil made more
effectual, and combined
ivit,h the Hypophosphites
its strengthening and
flesh -forming powers are
largely increased.
I,>c•'1 tN Mre'•4ad b mood a insbatthdr
gals & •eom. ft11I. t 50c ad $l.
ye.,. • moan a. .pa orthodox tooled (roes
ps..ses Ile regard* It ea tn. ea. est wet
sit of b.4.tfic•Ly. --
By:-tr••a \'..a will bo i.ou,.d over so
ham the rater wee:de ail Her Wiwi*. s
rehfr a for six n..sths. Holl ' t. .e Wt 11,
:wm sip the fast furr000r ... 1 Comm
aerwa L1tk M* l'p.
Housekeeper -Half the thinea u. ton to
K.•uterwomas \ t%, mum : but when •
tome t. tors Is two or toy'. Ir" •e •, mum.
I nous" them m sU& sae piece. moo..
.t ',ugh wk'el! * day •f , r MY,
.k..td nays be $steered any leaver. It
ores.• eeuetbtus mors thea • sere ler%
ttntsues. tied the maser a ea relayed the
hatter Tal. \ya'r'd l'tsarry Pectoral. It
u yr•." I't .t •c1 and ten w .ore.
.\• •ccdeutiel hitting of the '.event, •t a
familiar phrase esueei • Id .1. tat to mat*
this funny Meek Her member 'b hearted 'misfortune isfortune to ,:rumble at our tat• u te
her prayer•. told het to oak Me Lord a lova* • repetition of touts frown : te live
sake her • pN"'d gal. to the •h•aow et adversity u to droop •$d
"Dear 1'd, sen! the little thus, "pleoth dwinite and die. t lur owls hope lies is a
try sad male for a good ctrl and if .t link Gerona toward the subdue
Teo deo t snc'•ord, try, try &gala, she ,s•- T. emu v maw-rw of • household te •
avevtodly died bright outlook spots life eepseuL'Y valuable.
Net only dor it cheer hereelf,but is •Ise the
, .I... at4 Mr. Wh•kiae, "whet • the wore• of taspretlon to all within Mr mile
between • wham and as uw
ems.11 'thou hard that rocks the "wadi*
moves the world, surely of u desua►te Met
belle'r. that gang should( pules with lbw energy of
"TM & ,,tau ora who answered . s..m a courageous, *e1! Marisa, hart ' 'Forward
•.w that •man test afraid a tyle •• am- ea the welsh word of yesths but oho' youth
Breda will kith wherever he goes, and that u tempid 10 1.11 ti ck, then u thou mother a
M dean t try to cosiest the .wit that at a opportunity : she menu her *Isidro a the
Mani his a lies slam real wswrgeacy arrives.
lhr.wiag Oat /tete
%Theo a • •.w(I• loser towed Gel tat
lata sots John was sparking •eor►•sm tensor's
dsaghtor for • year or men witheul Nstl•
lag as. question, he ailed 4m out Mined
•L. stack and ..id to bis
".1sht, de you Ism Sumo TiaLsr'
" 1 guess 1 de, dad •
" Aad dem eh. I.,• you''
•' Thai.. what 1 dean, .ed I'm 'trod to
.e► her
" Well, ye.4 hitter threw out • few
huts tonight •ad gad out. It's as we
wearing wt bout leather ea1sss roe •r• go
tag to marry her.
Tiro west, .t tea 0 stool, Jelin cams
bus. • wrv.a. His fain was .11 .er•tehwd
up, his tier ea* bi,.di.g, bus hitt ea*, end
L.• h.. I. was covered with uisd.
.:aha: ,feba' Wh.t to earth is the
wittier ' wt.:aisr,l the old &$ Is. lot
dew• hie paper
" Bin over to Tusk*. e,
" And afoul
" And I tate* est • 1aw loots to tions.
•' What lien • mete''
•' Why. told her 1 d begs Mediae n tore
muter feet eight. out of • week ter the legit
year to met up with her white she dump,
MAW and sung through her nose, and sew I
nickelled it was ties for her to Gruel her
teeth and dors ■p her roukuge, cure • bile
ea her chin awl toll the old bulks that we re
e meged.
" And her father Leum ed you"-
ou "-
•• No, dad, rye • that a where 1 s t•aeselad.
1t took tit..kelt misted family, 'melodies
is..s, two hued mea sad three dogs, wad
thea I waw t wore ■ Wf Itched. I row
we saved ea 'em too sou, dad I seem It
was.'' quite tiro be threw eat hist.,
The $•labs Male.
1. the moments of despondency that
come to every lite wren cherished plass
mem likely to t..1, when disappointment in -
maid of sonata rope aur hast endeavor*,
wawa'averythuu tam arras ,ted all the
world lecke blue t• a• how eaasperataua
tM 'Myna, ' Look at tae bright •Id* . all
will 7.1 be we.! The advise we mart
take, however It u the peodo who cul')
vote the good habit of laking at the linght
.4. that intimately are eseceeetul. Fir, to
cope over not.:-. : '.e a to be asyuered by
was the •spit.
Se 1. smile ■r f� I.asr.. sad was ease
as ►s•ee.
Maes Alt.. Holbrook, sister ta late of
Kerney hermits. ''tbe K lag of the k.drs,"
to mow iuN•w \ ark. MIN Holtreek segs
i• *mute opera. th. u very pr•tty,.ad W
• sweet. but light we're** TOMO The
Herald een'.1as •• Interview will her :
••11f course, she said, "1 meld toll you •
great many thugs shout Kersey that I de
not feel et liberty to spook about. He to
entirely • sell mode man. He bees with
ah elutely sothtur, way d"w• •1 the Irot
tenni of the metal sale \Yhy, de veu Lwow
that eves after he taro to get rich I had to
wilt.. hos (enters ter him Fir weld• t
spill the word., "u know. K.1 le the last
two or three tear. h-. has improved wader
fulls. and nos y"" could hard'. suspect
that he 0.d est 'wen property eduo.ted.
•Ie at true, sake.' the uI IsI•Iewvr, "that
h..tarted Is goeth Attic. is • very easel'
est with aArmN''
11.11, no: at was' t meetly • einem,
ase Ills. Holbrenk, and the* she changed
the eoeyer•Stion wino rennet -Labia r.pidlt'.
She did ant espial') that ut was • trick
donkey that the •'Ksttir funk was exhibit
tog In South Afnea when he ran aortae the
eh*nec to truster di.smds ten L'sgland,and
so get an oppugns in the Seance! world. She
preferred to talk of bettor, only sure he he-
gs. t" make mossy.
Mr? Han •.r U •.lip.
That a tee pretstp.l LMw•ts:e, Hour. bright side, ape ergot them to persevere is
well doing. she keeps them true to their s.
The diPocmltles of holies with ivam
pleat' mi. 'o with the good man of the.
eeeed ads is illustrated by that. wet how' Warted, dteenaragei. dugtutod
par: often, with the stades', defeau sad trick•
dist. related by a New 1 oil paper eras •f business I be, be u half -minded a
'•There • no .sal, mem, ted Rrtdret, stye sp the struggle He has been hos.r
"and the ares are swag mut_ ' able sad hoar down t e .s te want : be
\• .-..I ' Why tide t you tell me be -
has able,
homer and honesty ' doe t pay.
fore Well for bus tf n this crisis hie wife can be
"1 •".ldn't t.I1 you there wbe• rye cal, hie good angel, holding Ms heck from des
sun,, when thus was mal waewer•4 put Mahe( his wounded mains wish the
•ride.t. balm ot hopeful words, sad restoring his
-- tuth lo the right, so that he is 'gabled a
He was twine' the dosses et his youth. • try tgw.'
"led what hee•m.of tat pmaf.rous hale That there is • bright side to the d•ritest
Mast. Wella H•yoe.d' bo "k*d ef th. ot our affairs. lot us never deu►t. The
brawny farmer with whom he wee 15111•►• vary whams that mos moat appalltn
That psuferoas little bast Plana Hay bring a us, if we will have it se. the atep-
seed, s.•d .bee farmer, .sa.huag the •1515 ping -stone. te imams ()Sy let us set
•r s tut ,town over hu eyes, and aett:or bat yield to deemedesct. u• fres evnv trial
black .potted carriage 4og rpos bum, "ter w• shall gather areagtb : from every dental.
k, )tr. Max What shrimp eyed little "times experience' Them three e* un
pi.tin head wee yeti 'heat day's' • Vuaeupls helpers to life a best guerdoss, and
they ..se tl.dly to the aid of them stout-
'. a My ureoNi a Professor A. horsed fol► olio persist is walking es
Ile you ka.w 1 haat i duthcolt a remember mutiny side of the dally path. - M. i).
na ages et m' obilds•a' hag.
Professor H - 1 bare oro such trouble, I 7e. _____say tees.
was bora 2.300 years atter Socrates, m` ,•IieLey* a it tali • ccrau0 wuntry
wife 1.800 tears otter the death of Tihwias inset Nrt11iountry
, woe ; our moa .%ohs 2,000 years after t1. woman the other day,
salaam lora Roo.* et Thus S.mprouum hi. many another d•aiple, I find it easier
Grecs:Me for tee n-eoactmeet of the loges to .demo a uta creed Nan to pittance the
"\o, she said, in answer to an rs.Inlr1'.
"my real same is net Holbrook. 1 1150 t
tell Ynu
what it is. It would be better not.
My family es &acceded from etre et the old
Hugu••ot families that settled in South
Aerica long apo. I was born is 4isenine
Ka, , in Cape Colony, sod was brought up
"5 a liear farm. %Chew 1 was • little nbild
I need to play over those wonderful gold
golds with not the slightest i.e. of the vast
wealth under my Imo. The Zola War i%..r
5:,14 to me, espwislly the ode i had on the
watt., horse of the Prisee Imperial. •
'•And a Ksrn•t• your brother :n law
rival some
"No, 1t • net, and there's no secret about
that. Hie nal same a Kerward Imam.
some .1 hue inum•a friends still can hum
Isaias B•reato a only hie .tare name He
u an Ksglish dew, and one .f the hest fel
lows as s comrade yea ever met. la Johan
oesherg they look up to hos as a king.
Whenever he gra there the inhabitance
giv. him a grand reeeptioe He us mat with
a band and a prem eente. and they take
the "ora set of the menage and dreg it
Will ;IA ni• wu.try
••flee ef Sarney', queer Mints ie to lie for
hours sed leek at oatkusg. All the time,
1 'appose, he w keeping up • wooderfal
this.in.. Ho has • great Whim. It's •
Luaus • , eod our Armada 1,500 years attar tele. 1 know ut •II -are rood larded
the aZlnstag of 'he Folk-w.ad.nsg diecouraes on the oeooesitt of rest for the
that it te partway simple, you ase. human machine and the moat improved
.methods 01 taking It. Have hewed my
A 'tourist was being drives over • part of head in meek assent aha some seesaw's
the eouatry is IrsI.ad where kat lofern•1 soul has poured his vial et wrath os the
stie•ty sppesred to have gtees hu name mistakes ideas of rest hdd 1st the leisured
to all the .b este of interest is the I0c.Lr • : ideas, and their efforts to att.'s' it --•their
for then was the IJ.vp'• Kemp, the lairds labor and harry, emolument and worry.'
laoldreo, the lied', (i'on, etc �atd t►. I have lest my .Ystslhetue ear to the rapt•
traveller moos outburst et soul, as he suer ot blue
"T1s devil .sea te be the greatest land
eraser to these para r
"Ah,- sore, year Meer," was the reply,
"Mat use : but Ito lives is Keil .od. nes
what they ..11 an ab.eaywe landlord in Ire
MAD naa•'n•n A .T...r M Mf'r 41 N Ae t !1
.ASIA TO TURN 10 wan wtTSOt'T
'reeve-- 1lM\u,1.ZIr. for IMu.LAlw braiT
IN TIDO %ISR 14 105 aal.igr--Ima. wI1.-
1.1.1w% 1'106 I'11J.0 ...A1% 'move T111110.
.t,1%106101'1. 11561.111 A.m•.�,. Wm•, CM.
Ero.n The tent. Ir. ♦ • •�ron.rlr.
Mr. David U. C.rLum, .,f Aentt s Say
Rud. a i h. os, u', • 1 „t^ . 1 o we trot tarns
in K'er. 1 u.. N r., and u one of oke het
Laos •.:.rases. • W.I.'. molten of tbso"uetF.
11• to ss'ur►Ily a hard worklag man, sod
when stream u ...tete to be lousy" busy "5
1.st plain. Lee: t% �uA.-r he 'prat eke seh 1r
taa.on In the lue,e.er .,r"de, Ws strong and
ne.ltby and stoked •► bud .s ssyne. But
it has out sirs>• hien ■• I^ fact, it N the
weeder of the neigh►..rhuod ILet be b •kir
to wet L •t a11. Refer. mo. .ng to Scott •
Bre. K. -ad, Mr. Collets lived at Chester.
I.uuenhurg Co , N." , won �s�tto then
was s groat sufferer flow RhMm•tieo
which atfecred his In wen r wet
that he ass rn..tl" re do m•uu51 laltrr u.
any loud. Amet this weeut be he to.ed
to itu prese0t hems,
not get • aiorfNt's respite from the effects
et hu dames. Feelusg that 0e mart get
we'; •r •u. root he had 1 . sold doctor
brought from Cheater to kis relief, Mt he
oas una1•l" to do anything for bum. H.
'nod many hlode of medicioe hoping l0 re•
move tieavtit hut to no .veil. Bs:ur deter-
mimed sot to die without • drnrflw he had
d•.eun summoned froa Halifax, but stab
renttused t.• tet wan•. About *Ln. year.
1100 toe took to his bed end hie case de-
veloped 1510 l.rn. and muscle rhousuatteer
of the wort type. It .pried through all
his bene .rep into bus neck ro.l iota hie arm,
aestog porno! paralysis ty that hint, ren
dertag It utterly useless since he could sot
lift It above h;. ...cot All the strength
left his mu.lee, ...1 he wee unable to tiers
in bed without std. He was able to stand
upnu hie feet, hitt could not walk Stoll
the doeters waited uses him sod still he
touL their medteasee, but with a leevaYelal
malt. Daring this time Mr. ('oakum paid
oat several hundred dollen is hard sash fee
dwtor's bills wad medicine, sU of which did
hits not en. particle of gored After lying
is bed for ti'teen months his case was pro-
.ousesel hopeless .n4 h• woe gives up
by ell. About this time he heard .f I)r.
%%'tIL•m's pink Pills, and u • last re-
source' be resolved to rise them • tree'.
The lest tour Mime produced so noticeable
•flet, but at the fifth he began to sotics a
change. Fesliag eseoursged be kept on
and from that time be rapidly improved sad
after usisg the Pink I ill, for • period of
wane twelve weeks he wee restored to per
feet health. Such was the wonderful story
told a reprotaotstuvs of the Westsa
Chronicle by 14r t'orknw a short tiny. age.
Mr. Cork on le sew 59 years of are and per-
fectly healthy and feels younger and better
'Man he has for years sod attributes his re
*every eoleiy to she use of Ur. William
Pill+, •d he is willing to Prove Me truth .f
these statements to anyo.e wbe mac Dill
upon him.
These pills ere • positive wire ter all
trembles arising from • vitiated cosdities cf
the blood or • shattered nervous ..stem.
5eid by all dealers or by mail frees the 1)r.
Willi•na Medicioe Company, Rreekvill.,
slot., er icbeneetdv. N Y , .t So tents .
box. er six laza for 1. 50. There are
s•merous imitation sad substitutes against
whish the public is es*tie..d.
"I lee thing that the public deet .new
hems Herne. is hes ability as an war He
is reslly • good one. 1 have am his play
Meshes is "The Bella, and play it very
well. If it eras not for his good lock, I.4
think mye•lt that he was . letter tater
than • Melia.'
Mies Holbrook showed some beautifully
*Herod Meters* of tb. Barn•to tomtit whish
ski had jest received His sister Tannin
was the eldest ot the t•taile. She es • very
handsome woman, tall and dark. The Kw -
mane now have three childreg: ase was bore
only • month sae. •
"His rood fortune all crones at onee, said
Most Nolhrook. "For years the• had no
The successful horsedealeris never at •
Wm W intoes taw fellow's► isoudeet, frees
as exc"ang•
A •.ming Englishman was negtoatitg
with a dealer ler • bores. The bnrtawl•$
sxpsnstd ea the many gooil potato of the
ureal soder discussion.
"It seems to me, Mr. Noggins, ' resuL-
'Id the young nett, "that the bores has
rather • lag head "
The retort came at mos: "Big sad, big
'sad. d• you salt it! Why. leek N GW
alae : what • 'std 'e i get r
til.n Peeling Off. skis wally ��• Coda
sad soot by Sass's.
Tar great Pre4ur+ef Ch.•.-• idaiimacal -al-
mt.e In.ls■uy tt Re..h•• heal•& Mrs-
4ag.00105.ng. alas. relNytl•$ the Mao
t• • aims a .embere ernes. rhtldrea tsM
•ag,ren There M setting surmises
laoul I4 N t1M wary Of epesaesa &lams• 181
sty .dr noir-niddaughter. Bells, was
•tttkted with ease,,e for it months. the eyn*11
skies •a4 Reset clouds. of the gurgling
wawa and roomeanddiog un N* •wset how an ardor or pest horses alone to. roast, and
sir; andwben ,,,,g,„(1 the .1e..r-•eased peIlp.'lherd for st
liners, I had restful v'stees of extra hands post station. Wb.. I got the post -master
to Bonk ter. more sews to leek after, gar- had horses but me vehicle. Now. if 1 had
dogma ,to. fruit to sap, and & thons•nd 'merely sent • ..urier, this obstacle would
and one other delightful pictures Hui now have .nfioed eI.et.slly to stop bus. Rat
the tune is *hanged, and Yet wumser vient it was apparent to me being my own
or ham* a doleful sir as N porta up hie tt»wafer, that. •Itbnarh I *held not drive,
grip, bewailing the fact that be must ex- i might ride. Tru., the earvtin pest nate
*hangs the 'glorious freedom of the soon- woes sot waddle Lomas : but sham *pan
try tar the dingy wall of • city sillies- sad the b•dliog of an old dragoon might
mat Miss for sight of the chairing leaves, be relied os a make them treys' somehow.
Forma Crust Male 1■ the Turks -
Scrimps t'satMlg•.
That prtnss of war eorrespe.deaa•Archi
We lead that est *sly was he ` Mot
theugb'fal sad pleasist in his spaN
,Mat he al.. peto.eses4 • elesr,reet•ast vele.
lo Iotas isqhui aide •%regitons. *lever pro
.m15uon of the polttteal tepee of the day.
w.• a 4ol.ght, indeed. Beautiful language
Rowod from him as tweeted water in •
Mmelr•I by the Tight o1 the
rN► • .1 tit Fre•eh
mid dry sup. 'Jr I. be
rn.,..et. whoa" dusoppsera ahead entirely
"hew 1. bas been .leakiBl Noe St min fort '
• reify tomtit. .. I V odd. • p s,I.Esitc V 5114
skaala a Yin wor 1. and manner. i,• r rite.
•rtctan he ethale ue•urea-sod .\• .n 0r5-
tw,t Mealy etteellooiF thyi l.miit er-
oar of •15SStis, Hes. .l A Irleau
Speau.rweed 1.lv.tas,00mtiwuity n1 tho•tght
twee, puwer -he passimmes td..'s. .11 t.. •u
animas degree He is pert ',olio' Lappv
is the ohoioe of hue .xprewuoe5, and apt to
hie treetmet•t of his aul lots.
Yee. l.as•her is one if the beer. all -routed.
mater 1 ever hoard, .11, Y^u •til .a7 tau
•no, after a dispeNloaat• coeNd.r&WN of
his matey risme to he "silver tongued."
Gederke Tp. %t'• stn /lad to loses miss
the propset. hums.' a. F:1." -.s, slew
W 1`e pr'M►.e Ile., as it 111 .41,11, t• tette
ho Y Isree, ••t t.oth " wwwi.lp, age
am the p..rto
* to owned h7 'kat most egesta.
Mr rad Mn. llu•ldl,'..e sere le -1h -• the
West .Len the flier n-u..rof, rel rhe t.le•
grant in the tu:r►. 0*tn• 1ty .waned some
an. ate to the family hare.
bald Farkas, lo his "Memoirs and Studies
of War and Pease,- jut issued, hu pro-
vided the world with as thrilling • hit of
literature as hs. found the light for many •
• lose day. I)ering his years •f esti•*
campaigning Mr. Forbes has done so.. of
the most taring things on retard in order
to be the first a all te I:ritai■ the tidiags
of tame great vietery er of sem* dea•trou•
reverse. limy •f thews fats of physlsusi
.odun•ce are retarded ti whim charming
volume. fat as ,tuna os* Anyhow, the
gams was up, and !Loren' lay at the mercy
of the Turks. 1 was the only correspondent
os the spot, and it behooved me te make
the most of this mewl .dyantage At five
**lock, is the .f teepees, whets 1 rode away
front the bl•xisg hate of Deligrd, men
than 1211 miles Isy between me and my mist,
the telegraph eftiee •I `imlis, the Ran -
prim taws n• the ether aide of the aver
Says teem Belgrade telegraphing was vat
permitted from the Sedition capital 1 had
"Sy a thorough krowlet'.ttn of the natural
laws which aovrre the, ourrettone of digestion
and nutrition. Roil by a rareful applientuon 0(
1. firer nrupertie. td *ell ..'pasted Costa. Mr.
Krim has pr.rvidrd for cur breakfast and sup-
per • delicately narrowed beverage Si Mel mar
ursy s• of such h article• of diet that • doom.' bilk. It is y:one
wit etas may be gr.dualtr built up until atroat
Hundreds of subtle maladies o reshot every mare Mame. g
*round its ready rn attaerk wherever there is •
week point tt'r may escape
nista s fatal
fied olds
prWood and properinourishedrsne.-
ti.r rice (hurtle.
Made .imply with 1.alt.ng water nr milk.
sold only in oa.•k•.ta.hy Grocer.. labelled thus:
1ss..adasi. Rls t\Ir
Brit to me mhoa
hat, of the whole u• All sight lent 1 rode that weary looney.
oa. m . ehmeing homes .vwv ilfteen miles, awl
marred by the feet that the I lame Naturefemme N. vile brutes •1 at the top of
may dna her feral robes •t lemur* 1 snitm °y
appear to ambits, limb all the year •rooms their speed. At siva mit sorbing. sere
.inert far ea se•sle5al drive to store or trim head to feet, i was el•tteri.g over the
church. Rest' 1es, mime will Dome whoa steges of the Belgrade maim street. The
nay boy briar, hese his wife, and she mail Meld tel.gr.ph win had oevepod bat •
.4 oasi•ally .t the toddler b' her toro a esrt,ft'•gbtwary intimation of the diameter •
Meetly' prospect and all Belgrade, feverish fey further
"De .es sever ge away, eves ter • 4•y'a mw.. rushed awl iota the .teat as I
visit •.'i asked. proeeeded alesg. Flat 1 had galloped 611
"Visit ' ■sadly ever. Most of my bight, sat a g•Mp i• Belgrade, but apt
mightier' ere like myself Mee mouth le to the Bombe tolegr•ph wire, ad i sever
eeee►y over minas 5. t agord to wast. drew rel. till I mashed the ferryboat. At
the time. ' Santis. sea leas dri.k .1 bear, sad thee at
"Wasted time is it • De you want fresh *moa to the task
.f welling. he tidings 1 r of 1
ideas in your work ' Perhaps you mrbt boor luesioA
oaten ..Mggestico fres • Mead Mrs. lie was the bearer from the hairier. Afar i
sed en We're rot iseisswti.g. yea kaiser, Mad written my Mort and set it en the
that she is • mare .see.ashl bostak•epar. wires, 1 1•y down in my .I.ibss and slope
• better wife and mother lean 7e5, Mt me twangy Mona withal .asked., moots. i
tyro psrat s eve emaetl. 10. mew emy of had 51e5ne to Mart bank a b5Ngrad en the
wwkimg, sad who koowe hot you might do bftarmemef tMMy Mum a rfeallf Relerde,
bet sheer Warne bed sialMd gee le less a day
h MINA fl mewed
te me, however, w►
I r.ysmewed red from my aargt% at age dela.,
that garbage. sifter all, 1 was fairly satiated
to • mad long sleep : for 1 bad stew • battle
that lasted Mix hears, ridden • Modred •m4
twenty mile'. and written to the Dolly
News s hellegralphfill maimare fear rebuses
beg --all la the spins sof thirty boors.
"WOW Mae W. any •s the Oratory
uberat Lrader.
Many persons lo Galt heard Hoa. Mr.
Laurier, the Liberal leader, speak ter the
Iry time ea Tuesday terming, and some, if
n et • somber, went away • little disap-
pointed st the Moquette. and oratory of the
l;aaadien I/smootheaes, as he has beam fit
tingly styled. 1• the best place it must he
remembered that the Liberal leader is net
• speaker of the bemhastie and •ltilogeehs
type, that many so-called gni class stomp -
mu are. He displays no oratori.l pyrotseb-
• in mor employe any fantastic phrases. He
dor not peso as • Laos disel•ineer,s master
et i.vectivs. or • stinger of satin: maker is
he of the heaves -bora typo of .meeker,
whose matter •.d moaner are tee lofty ter
t his mand•ne sphere. But tamer it es-
sentially eloquent : pr.lrtle sot atter the
Cieerenuan style, in that Rowan's isfl•med
*retinas against the •reh conspirator, Luc'
us Forging' t'•tiliee, but eloquent in the
fullest sod broadest Norse of the arm. True
eloqueme I. the daptatiea to express
strong emoti•0s, or to present taste and er-
imamate with fluency, power and imprees-
tveoess. leerier m., ant be impassioned
...agh,perk•pe,te suit those who teen hick
ideal,: but oar conception of Ne .rater,
what he should bo. and whet he should say, farmer and dairyman.
and how he should 5.v it, probably differs The FARM n it Mimic contains each
ea widish as the m•udeas beau ideal of the ,v.erk able ar'lio•Ies on Agiienitural
perfect lover. The later may be hard ..b'e•cts and Lite Stock. The farmer
to mid, and for all that is k•.rrm• 1167 M and cattle and horse breeder will Lind
in iia pages abundant topics of special
int.• .t.
A Serial .Tale of absorbing intrrr' I
will he en Olivia -ding feature of 11 r .
WEEKLY FREE I'ttt'•+..
I1101A papers Combined for old from
Now Until D.oember Mat, 5806.
Agents wanted everywhere. Addre- -
alt communications to the
.r the
amilton St
wishes to announce that he has pur-
chaseci the Hamilton Street Bakery
from John A Green, and intend') car-
rying on the Business in all it.
branches in such a manner ax will
give entire satisfaction to the people
of (:oderich.
A Full Supply of
Confectionery, hc.,
►^ rat of linty tun being I.be•d he ea�rncsd, work therm earNlt
Almost leery rein••dy i law .d••rtiwd. • little missi.s•ry 5
ho ht ewer•R' intheta and -ase• amd JM6 Wim,. of "ere . WW *salsas fon
toss for �o'hild 110 medical •pselaltsM In ails algiee,- sees tie •t vistaed. Apes geol. lege.
h I4 of ••d •n smoked N 1•s*
la -
ea"... bot wet mt r+•. it. yeas.. • '00°-
m the eab' ' Hew its seas
1 e Sort
• Mm rf 11r. ed t ' tstme Who web
the fled metl.y.tlon ...hewed the cooly l.o *dart •e5 im . if o e pfaded
w the remedy. N • have mad poll e•o+txth aiek a esti. if one trvarl•wtiag widow about
at u,* het but the de wls ".treytts�d� M ' Ass. afar a11. this world would
ern OUM. Ata an At•.appeared and
"0117 ay sy ahtl.. w. -.red. flognerli
MAX WBLL 300081011,
IIs Ates Serest. Tc.m.(i .
s etre Read was • sash dress t ..-
he T;tf7 warm if every woman• world Wire
besotted by bee ewe g•rdem-wall"
Tore Wei pons a Amoy.
"I was trembled with blind Itehing
pi90 weer. ; was enable to work
mouse eared la N data- les for
(le On Walt 1,1 she «T adyg u sem .sad tors my flesh in agony. United
R.ww grN* e.p Sae.m 6d Canadian dealers failed a e.-
the hoed ('I a.,• Iointrment wheel foe (!es$e's Oiwt11est teem 5 god.
"4414 aid er ter •%meld week 1•1••• t•Igga Reye.
45114 et ter.. B.wwerie t! Stew etc e_ TTa1n ilt �4 • 1 ate •beta• Wan tram in 'x)
don 5( 8.. Lila sr••. awfmur • 4'
beatthe fare Hlsr.tllr mev+•►t. mad 611 04.M week .very dye"
tiros Iwweind to talea•d l• slant Md tae. • �'killip Wallace, 14.41.141411'
Uhl •sat fsrew.ea massa.
The ewer sleviug fersesr's wife,
delicate sister in t0.n su*ar more
thins they sire to tel. a dark rinp
resod the eves, geode•*, duties.•, pal-
pitation or rrwtaetie Whose, betaken a
ram -dawn mimeses. The blood is poor.
mad is • lav to uwioygeest of Ida MoN's
Rare.p•vilts owriles the blend. dt►..pltb-
will be kept constantly on hand.
A quick
I Cure
for 4n
obsf'i nuts
Cough .COICI
1 , HoerSenfSS
p� c'r
Sizteen Pages, 96 Columns, of
Attractive Family Read-
ing Every Week.
1HAY1•, YOU SEEN THE \ i.\\-
I'VOA: SJ:1 I_' S
(ivaranteeil not to (;rack, Wart.' or
WE lied titer largest and finest assort
resent of Stove* ever exhibited at the
(; N. W. Exhibition in Gotleri -h,
anti we are gelling thew very cheap.
Small profits and quick return.
is our motto.
The Wi:RKLT FRFs PRFs and
FARM AND Howe. combined in one
issue, uniform in size a9d appear-
ance, is uRelwd tco sub.cramerc from
now until the :31st December, lt'tl$. for
The FRss 1'Rst+t+ is the Zriading
I.1he ral-(.'ons ervat1ve Journal of West-
ern Ontario. 1t contains each "week
4 complete summary of the news
and cu 'retof the times.
The ('onlnimrs•ial pages of the
%%-Kitet.v FRKP: PRP:14 t are up to date.
and ample for the country merchant.
The Yore and Furnsor Ha'tut-,. 0- 1 n.
as mare' as the forepaw. The orator ie. mad
should be •Iw•vs ready; he is sewer at •die.
dvsaare, and is always perfectly at home.
The Liberal leader uses the purest and
eheiesst English. •Itbmugh a Frenchman by
birth. The 4tffermse. bslweea Mr.laa.rier'M
use of the mother tongue and ear ewe, is
this : We pr.b.bly have learnt ear E.glish
from thew who surround o. •e heme,and ib
ter daily walk and .el5vereattea, and 55.5
of t1 May hews Mon paha' upfront carless.
.f the spertime area., N treat darg wkiek
ma always be hard ea the sttwa: Tamar
leant kis F..glisb from hooks, carefully per-
mease the best anthers of the day. With
Mr. L&.rier we 6d Me selloquial exams -
biome. 5151 -worn seatim.es, sad phrases or
so'-siswe. An an ill.stratiaa, one hears
every day, each anadeleviia .whisstiem•
ae '•h smwptuese repast." e.8N it to say,"
"the pree..t. were •m11K5Y sd easkly,'a
"tri ev.s5are e1 all *yea," "me iaarw•tu.a
sad iestreetive sorsa.," •'a few well Moses
naserks," .to
Probably saw -swiss say he permitted
hero. The repaatIis of norms Nlebrot.4
epsaker, soterieetsnr er premolar prewsds
him. We may Sad it ear pleasure ef Ma-
im the .pp.rMmity N 5eang er hearing
lam; ear Is are termed, sad they are
gemerally tse "ilk; we inmost altogether bee
mvah, mid afar .smug er hoarier, we 15
away sad say. • 00, be is eery geed, but i
an greatly diisapreeste4. 1 ad hems led te
sips* mesa. JM rename Molasses that
hays name udder peer ewe abesrwlis., mad
hew atm is tide the sem I
Yr. Laurin, Inters speaking/ le she hews
hall es ?mode, Mitre, W delivered ssee ins
Item her Nie salesman, a my t1tMeM
el W hal' travelled ewer them
i wi/hG the ,_1kteM s
g k, -ism
W items 1i a 104 la the Libelist Mudge •
w�a .gem et. owe ./bard- s'o. g -I•s Oew'm Oiwtmset elle" mss End Vitalises mew rystw11, mad
�1 +sFwro mem than tat warm a M Ont - Allowok j yt 4 amen& All mite ra fr. Worm of bleak 50 the
Obeanneree �5L , es T� tenth glow pre- per bot. ehend It mama when an ethers fail.
S, reNerto Chrptlnl 4t Mock.,
manufacturer of all kind% of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Trot
Works, etc., etc..
And Dealer In --
Wednesday and Saturday
Engines, Machinery Castings. Ac.
All sires of Pipes and ripe Fatima*,
Steam and Water Gauges, (;lobe Valves,
Check Valves. Itapirston. F:jeotsrs mad Im-
itators t;ogstantly on Fiend •t Lowes*
A special line of Steel Water and Hog
Troughs for um of lumen and others.
ifs PURLi9HED.
To most Post (Nruoes this is nearly
as good 6s a Daily Paper, while the
price is only $1 per year. if you sub
scribe NOW for 1'496 we will send the
balance of this year FREE OF
The earlier you subscribe the more
you Rett for your $1.
Sample copies free on application.
Sp*ctatar Patting Co.,
t•*ruLTes. r*s.
Rwpme:tag promptly attended to.
MlN-ley P. 0. Box 37, Oodericb.Out.
Werke -0 emits O. T. It Hatton. Osderlea
*PIN tar
StAVISAT stpoA�1OI�%x
t TIstCNTt..te.
M Itfoe 5 ('4) 10 hw Itttsdbwlt *rN* M
ItV.\' a e• mR swwuwwT• ST Y.00
pl lett Mirage for .r.•wrnw nrt.nt* In As•, -:ea
Ry'•r7 Ment torten rad h,• e. M broach* Wogs
the pehne uy a anti.. even tree ^r remote to tan
cirltifUU Amcncau
Tey 0ARNI.n 05550 u, M
• .I,i l•lwrr.lt•"7 .ae.i Moat. Nn /ntelharM
m.,1' .1,.1. 1 '.-. �5•�.16 �wet It. W..5i XV AIL
�.w. WIs *. F wdelwi,* x w..
pbtaimed. sad all Melees. la MeV, jilt..
OOIse attended to .t MOIIRR4 T P1
Our "Meer sweat. the U. R. Palmist Ol
Ms. sad yet ma obtain Patents In baa U.
as Mem -emote' from WAHKJNA
prt� we ma-
ras ine
• N li 4 NOR L/St 1Wl� 1,
st enne. iirre
vi�wl�/�1Orm� le... 4 .ti lein`ee
O. ti11ws 5.1. I. mese es aMltsal alma h rout
q ts 51at..r Comte. welaa
areisat 4 Sem.Wttetea.:D 0