HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-7, Page 6ti 6 • Till SIGNAL: GODEPJCI'II, OWT., THURSDAY, NOV. 7. MK W. H. Marl Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrtble Coulrh. No Yost Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors, • A LIFE SAVED BY TAXING CHERRY TO eEC�ME SENATORS. AYER'S PECTORAL •r..r• f...q lied • mesh, tg botdt.d matte ted &aaaber. .banns of wind .. doubt ,nemeses ler files M-gnler p_•r ries& H. loots t. .dant the aav•.tor'. did N fret .rued . rs wry •u.► Ilk. 5 se► atom .ha the bun area t$auuxblr rehear'. rad arm willing to take thou athd•vIt Lbw. there r aotatag lab, about their vara. ---Th. alssltoului t•ulde. %Mee. Yen she ►.lm bribed to Leh. aupor,ur lar tea years report ilium this has been lbs peer est year fur i e►1ag that they base export sated. 1 be a .bind rp 1 ale, the lest boat unreal out It tae CI.v.iaad Mhupbelldoig Co.. eclipsed .11 e..mriblp rounds by revues Chung* with 117,508 bu.Meb et owe rind u,,UUU basbn s el ears, et • was dr.ueht el '13 tri.. 0 uubss. This is elan to -1,3•1t. , teas, or about 10 trams loads ut tri errs •nen. the ['..tort* held the pre,t.us mem d mat et t Yloartu alt► 12,00.) bushel., or 1,- ' .:55 tam. The Amerman) gushers N.ebvi'le and hlrlmingtun were baacbed uu toe ib.s w.:.. at Nt.'s port, \.. rhe steamer S.urnieli, which soiled frees 'Mewed Int week, look the largest cargo et Iger stook seer shipped tram . Cuadra 'anti pot.tbld treat ear ruler port 11 eea- sisted,ut 79U nettle, 53-✓ suit tee bore,.. 1 p to 1MC tossing of the 21st ort October, 4'.: days a.11, 718 vessels pared threiuga use St. Mor, . Camel, tar rgorega. manage bong 601,8131. • a 1 -Several years ago. 1 caught a severecold, atkiided with a terrible. couch that allowed tree iso rest. either day or night. The doc- tors, after working oder me to the best et Shear ability. pr need my case bop•Ises, sod said they could do nn more for sem A friend, k..n.ahc .1 nay I,uubb•. sent - a bottle of Alet's (berry Pectoral, which!' b,gan 1.. lake rod wiry soon 1 was greatly t. 1 e• . ed. )1y the taw I had used thew hole bdtie, 1 was completely cured. 1 have never had much of a Bough sine, that tame. and 1 erm:y believe that Ayer's (Merry Pectoral sa:cd my bre "-W. If. waft), 1 triunby A. 1..welt, tla,a. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 10611EST AWARDS AT WOW S FAIR. idyer'a Pais Ma Beal Faars4y Physis. 4AkINL 5.aied rare. A .l!epatc'h term I lwrn Smrltll rays that the min than, of 'ember this Fail Is only hooted bt the buiaber ut.weoeebe which son be eve•tred for the trade. lits offer of y2 per :hvur.u.1 +.• Uet:uit sad $2 50 :o 13u1 lel.• mod luo.w•gtle was woe Fwtry seg 1* eel lbw ...0 i.• put at costar. s..•,* r mak- in( s Mr, •t l ud lros..'.htal ole twinge Oki *sett. ter ton, as c..n.l.uell with 4 last your. she m. t.. iron 1.5.r. The steam beige N 1: 11..1. owned by Jamey 1'8.0 .r, vt U 11e13U, tau uu %leg' Maur K.ef, ..urth of kis..wailu let Sunday. ire barge w... Lomat i1. 3,1.•l1.ud with 25.- 00 bueu,i• 01 whoa hoot Port Arthur to Midland. Is. cargo was insured 1e the hntiah \n.•.ritau Con,prod for '10,000, sad tine host aa•. -.t for 118 WO Its the K.lt.ate Mara lu.ur•Gesi l ou.p.ay of .lisglwd. $be was fu. ort water. The crew 1111 Meed. The Amerman battleship Idisan& on her trial trip trade 15 bl kuoi. w bust. Tb. Wetleod lanai is to tee kept opsa en snide. 1111 the close of s.viatio.. It Iris been deeded nut to `Ire the con- tract tar the outshoot t•• the IOmtroa "try dock 1 'mil psi • lb, Coati'. lithe Ire mage Milt. I Me cull court• h. Id .t "totteringhave heard the settee Int dem.ges brought by the North liernlan ';•eam.htp l'ompabv against the owners of the British aLeemer ('rat her, whirh rem into and sunk the steamship Elbe, mimosa greet 1 e,s of life A eouater• •151.•for daring.s for the ualawtul dotes use of tri. CraUu• is e► up. 'The court • anti' *aeuhoe it. lue5weut on. Wednesday, Nov bin. Toruste Telegram . With t5e ady.at of the •bill winds of autumn W cue. as •o•keelart in polities. Laurin end Tart• preen the mantel .f Liberalism le n omens )stat•, is Toronto trig L'•seere.ti•• w• eters has• begun to make plass. Nano tatters have ban deuced . Mesas Nva yet to b• settled. Of the former .loss, la. mel I.p.rla t relate SO t.• &ppsaWient et I 'starlet S.as►on. Two u/bv.tiv.. nave been decided upon. the) area muse ut Laurjat. tieudorh.ai and hart J. liaises'. Kaiak• soul weeks leave prised tient •pis lout foeesteniaas wul have Motu sna.mu.sd to ne Ked C►.ubor. 1 he potty uts1.•gore a 1111/14:41, er• s Plait as Lu tom 5avlea►lLLmy ut tits •pumhtaenta. Mr. hI.•sey is • Mete inley so was the Iris Jaho Afsedu &tS, whose emit is still yammer. Yr. (seedcaMse us as Asset.Y in relights, run • 1 eit•ervis sive, who, in days gune by, dad .eiueth's' ler his part., albeit his light skims uud•r • bushel. It is out tmpoeuuo toot email ut tb. now Senators will be t•uod wiling se ce•trlbute something to the toads which w1.I be s.Med for the next general ele.won, Certainly both et them .en wort attend se to de. Protection hes else. to see ort team nu fortune Stead t• Silo oilier augmented wealth. their gratitude Ia expected to Ink• • tsaglole film. 1., aa,l .ik, ,111111',..•411 • ;OT. 01 wutw, if either of tutee genl.•men stool be asked today or next week whether he has beats offload • iimaterehip, he wul n eater that he bee no delimit. iulortnattea on the esb;t.t, wind' will be the whole truth. The appolutwsle nave been de. anti &pee, est Limo leftmost. appointees have rut sot inane',) men errom5.ti. Miran they ere 1k u out llktI) Last therm ell! he soy heeltruuu uninitiated by taw. - A somata ori the t oL.ervtivee More he- hs.r hat at scald be wt., to devise some hew Mogan. of teudll.g campaign torts. La t5. past for Imdwiribu. Mr. Kuban Bun. isahar, ►u anted 15ese to hid m•oy duties. It u. r•pr•sesl•d [het al Mr. t;irmtagbase were relieved of this task he would w at hbert r to give more UMW le the work a the noon v. A5 present he is marl utioa to labor armee, soon *1 toga'. 15 is atl.r•tu•d that fpr. Ku.w1hetr ourself r destines of havag the bubo lis mao.getsoat of thy party a Ontario placed w other hoot.. Ike, rand doubt his Moue ani, be greeted. t,II.L nR. is 45■,U . A won kouwu member of the Conserve NIe potty, whew mariner/ dues bees to the days of the Peck• strudel, and who does het permit the use of Mie sone, says Mat Mr. Coek►urn would sot he averse to •c corm' • S..aterehlp. The member for (Amide 'forest. has welled herd for his party a the House, end d.vuted a while •umeser s5 China'. to edvauving the clause d ('cede amongst the other seuatrtw re presented. The &tomboys of ,a party a for*tri ere e1 opinion that Mr. l;eekburn • ad menace should set be ferg.ites, and w et of them would support his os Ler tor• for • Ileum epie.utrent. Alw.ye reticent, Mr. Cockburn has soiling 5o say aut.•.r.tsg the rumor salt, that he as hossred by the suppers of ('entre Toreste, end is in the bands et ins trued.. T. tht• tleotlemen, who enjoye • wilier that is given to few nom e1 his we, WWI euphSus of the more ••tier lite of the Comes*@ would he more savanna t5* the rethanese of the ses•te. But it a Mee ported •ul that a the Menaii clammier the member tor 1 entre forget., would h.,• greater and more aro yuent •ppurtuait[es 1 5141 m legislating ties 1. hyo u the Cestomme. alar. to Geis /err ).weld \ ('ea&taun, vie president of the 17heaborough Menulastur.g 1 '•mpuy, while os • trip throsgh ''aria remissly. bought a bicycle frown le & hew blepelet amt. he stoned •arose the Indy at. Namara es trig wheel. Jost ea h. was shoot N en- ter the United litotes • ouster house Moon' demanded 35 per oast. duty es aha wheel. Rather w* p.y *hos he t►oughl to be s upset examine, Mr. Common allowed Um honor to be ooetisosted. Igoe his return to Now York Mr. Can meso wrese to the' llaeret.ry of the Tram ors, protesttsg agalse% the ruling of the *ureter, sad rsoetved • latter from Aosta tent M. retary Hsmlta, saving that she let *Vele would be &amused free of del.. Thor demotes se Important, both t• hoc, cls radon and to ssoo.feturom,sisoe wheels e re shearer in 1'easda then in the ('.ntod ilinnea• w err. iaNpa. On the 19th of ()ember, 1870, Hes. .1. tt.lpb, Y.D., died et N. remdeaoo of his w Ir law, 1.. Haploid, Mitobll, asd es the ettorneee of the 2.2e1 of the sante month ►t. rebates wore interred ie Trait v share\ Nrd ing ground After Isyisg th.re for es &oily 25 years they won rifted oe Too•nsy gv ening last, at the netted .f hie daughter end daughter le law,. he were 15. gases of Dr tell. end taker to Toronto welt mere Int 11e I5t•r116en1 i• Deg of the o.In.tsr4N of that oily. The wood mathe hes and er 5.1 were as need es 1541 day they WOO plead ie the gonad, tied the r maia. weirs a • fair stow of preservstioo, oa.siderw\b d.eh ,.lag et.h sum the hdt.h•t methiag re• MG eel N saes links sed heed het baa.. 1>tr Lipa wee here se I1.,1•.d is 1796. sed ease. N t used& ae .. early ago le MO he sneered the Csedi s Oeeorwsemt, bus ew r/ le di f@,•eaen rammed ha say eater r far them weaaa Desists the e► ( k lets warship I.nvu.rs, lkt. 19. rs. new battleship 1"tet.raow lea. 1•uuuhr•, fresh the 1"hath•,. desk,•r, this •l,.1an. ,u, snail is 390 fest Iona esti hes 7n tie, ...u. snail Mao C . fest draught H..r •meant will • .nest of four br.oeh Inailinp 46 •..0 go.., tw.ly* b-tscb yritk mug gnu■, -veer. 12 inch pounders, !with saver.. , t.... y..un•i_.+ H•.. hkl.. and Blahs. Mir .16. .1....arry tour subseerk WI t.rp.40 tul.•• 50,1 .,, a above water irreyed .e else 1 wfortraates of tbe arthro 1'apt ''ear&t.t. s of tet • , acted schooner ISevern we in I'unn to to certify the in serene. romp., . .• to th. fore4r.ng e( Ithe Afncs e. ..1 .rue k of the Severn flood with hon •• r r ., .m.11 eruole• which bad ►el•reg.,l • in. ,...... (rata*. who 5d 1045 their 1 •e. ,. 'err 1le storm, sad delivered ' h. u. ' . •.o l.n„l.e. in Toronto. P.bsbly tib mann a.,., wo gml5etly resened the erete .1 • to o . rh be, t.000rd,o, to ' .pmme M,i. ►, •. . ' t.•t y, •c.' •1 vett meee- ly to tri. e' for ii. .•' fie I .our min paid him for sear • e,r. ,.d w,i sae. Ins •o •401,.1 illf)1•• ' nen N0, withetsed lag tht-, M ..1 - .,i to have sewed the mos • per...... II ••,d .•Iv.ge from the stook, .1...... .• - $5 ...co for the hem he saved awn 115' ...t foie, seektag the rare. to .11 00 .4' ..n silvers' 1e laid a sompluot I. .r'••r.t• and • weir root h........, . . • • n. serail of fired 5111t' and to . .• '•Ise.. in N.... spouts, , .. 5450 w 5. In, 1.15.4 , .504mks^ Feet A ewe re ►1. 4 M► ..'?. part. monis... water f •..r young Ines • N ..t Muff at f . y had 5.•s .h••re sod whale y •.•Snag • Ir. • u•. 1, end cpm k. Ise. •.. the w. ..ver ,.r. needn't' • hoe • • t-s•nesa N N the west. 1)r. • ' I..N areal 1.41 with . nl 1•a • oseuder• awl' •h.rliwg down ,_ s,.,, '5 lb. di. -am••k.'•1• enter lamed •a ,n thou ie - /.5 e- r.i ran •••w•slm�tfer 1t. 1.•at' • •m►. I'be swidsa VHEN they put • mel, in jail, be caaaut follow his mature' *5cbnutlowl• ifis a ytu. ort . f life is Limited He cannot eat what he wants to -he is 11m - red to a very frugal diet He is alive to be Sure, but life doesn't p04sc•se very many advantages Are nut all these things casually true of a dyspeptic'? Fur all of thea real enjoy meat he Keir out of life, he mi,ht es well be in jail He cwn- nut eat what he likes, oorarmuch 011tas be would like. If he transgresses any of the rules of ha diet, be is punished for it Ile rude:, much, arts little sympathy. Dyspepsia starts with indtgestion, and may lead to almo.i anything. ladipe-s tion means a variety of thieve -it %bows itself in many ways At Bret, perhaps a little heaviness in tht stomach. a little sourness, windy belchings anti bra/drum. Headaches begin to come pretty soon .tftrt that. and bili..usness and a foul taste in the mouth in the morning Chronic eti.Iatiyatioh is almost inevitable. au.l 11 is probably the most serious troublt- that ever lakes hold of a man. 1t. seeming situplictty is the thing that maks it moot dangerous, because it brads to neglect Constipation means that the body is hold ing poisonous. imi,urr matter that should be gotten rid cat. The poison is below re- absorbed into the hlo..t and the whole body is being filled with it. Impurity ie the blood Inas had to almost any disease There is no telling what may 'conic of it Cou,tipstiun i, the. start of it all. And yet people are rewires about it. It is the most serious thing in the world. and the easiest n cure if you go el..u1 it right 1)r. Pierce - !'Ie.avtnt Pellets cure c..ustipation. Cur.- * urr* u- ..itvely. certainly, infallibly. Cure it o at stays cured. Cute it sic you can stop .1, tug medicine. ', lid that is something that a• ogling I : c dy in the would w.1.1 do. - bells* of '37 he was forced to flee to the, United *tote. He settled in Reebeaer and practised manicure there I. r five year.. In 1643 he returned to ''onside, and oro* , .zeta the "Eolith Sohoul of Medlelee' ' i■ Toronto. 1s 1851 he rr entered Parliament, se . member of t Me Pa. t Connell sal Cum misaloner of *'row. Lends. Me was a mean of geed abilities, and • forcible debater. L Jlsenry he had reached the highest ptaas- ale of the o Ir4or, eon wee considered tom of of the meet ilustrcus mer of his day. Mit shell Ad. octi.te. IF YOU WANT a OM In ■ A WINTER SUIT of First-class Make, Good Material and Latreat Styles, • -1 ALL UPON HUGH DURLOP. Tae wrest•.. (IMller aro N sea► e/ ■oelr.al. OYIS THE TIIE --h'tIR- GAM Parcheesi 25c. Halms 25c. A lot more at 5c and 10c. WALL PAPER_ New patterns jest in at the lowest prices. TINWARE_ Nice assortment at cheap figures. CHINAWAk E_ Beautiful goods. Can -- please you with them. TlIEAItr BRING SWTiCA. JM1UNAT13Y 41041,91A • AIMS IN BAC/to •0N aNvMtxuuR 11E5IN USING I%1EISTHOL • PLASTER 1 DON I DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee t)odd's Kidney Pills to mere any case of Iir.p,tht's i)sease. Diabetes. Lumbago. Dropsy. khcumatism. Heart Disease. Female troubles. Impure Blond or mooer refunded. Sold by all deal rs an medicine. ne by mad o0 res. apt of once. Soca pen boa. or Six -boaesID. so. DP a.. A. SMITH • CO.- Toronto. IMOND. q.111,fl's caw -it CONSTIPATION. BI"_IOUSNESS, 1•• DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, REG U LATE THE I.UVE,R. ONE. PILL A%TiR cartNii INSJRCS GOOD DIGLSTION. f1RICEUS GTSPONS lettgt hello! The old Reliable Still el Dees. THE BEST AND OILY SCRANTON COAL the Cheapest Cosi over sad f• Ude alerhee. A11 (lent weighed ea the WAN Emden N tba1 sees. sere tea est Peer w.ie 5. Orders deli at HARPZR A Lars pro.pily •-' atImedwi to. WIG.LM& STAMPING _ We are doing a larger amount of this work. Get yours done now so you may have your Xmas work in hand early. Come and nee us. We want to ,how you our nice new goods. THE FAIR. Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLATT'S WOODYARD, where he will keep on hand the Rest Qualities of Lehigh VaUeY Coal ! which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D. C. STRACHAN. PLANING MILL. (STASI.ISNEO 1*Sb. Bllckaiiaiis & Rhyuas rawng5orvwsrr SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealer. to .11 Muds et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES As1 balldr'. tmeterlal et oven a sertpHee School Furniture a Specialty. Patronise True Competition. Tae Oarrastaw Peron Rari544T e femaea.re ass base MmaHrW r stra the pualle • atatdsss ervles wttb fair sad M. smalleat It le mesneed es ima.aseiser Primate's@ and r eis _•____ ibto:Egsef •vary mama was wrawe..7 5* las.., enmw "This is s011 ill the SHOW Wliel'ell'rl l' t✓/ 1t ib the heel work of The GRANBY RUBBER THEY WEAR LiKE IRON. You are invited to call and see our new store next to Sturdy Bros. NEW GOODS and NEW BARGAINS. E. B. POLLOCK. AS CLEAR AS A BE L. 1 h' A PI'PiL OF THE Forest City B118111e88 and Shorthand College, London, ant., awn wet ammo • aub)ect readily we repeat unit repeat until he trete al. N's drift .0545 school@ doe't. We got our reputation that war. We intend to en.ta.n 1, S) Metric a thorehur5 grind la all subplots taught. We teach Hookse.pia1 and .•o.1nee• Pap.r by • now alethod. a5Iry •boat tr. Tone mase, hack if not mitl.drd. ('atalootue fret. Mr. K. ♦. Coon hers accepted the position of ase tact booaketpee with K 1t. Smltb. N'loose. Ontario. 3Iw wnors J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. TBOROLD CEMENT or ¶ATEa LIQ. AN 10 $1'25 PER BBL. SCOTII FIRE BRICK $4 PER 100 R. W. McKENtiIE'S CHEAP HARDWARE Tula: SEE HIS NEW STOCK OF GUNS. Sporting Goods R'e are headquarters for these goods. Having purchased in_a very low market, we are enabled to supply you with POWDER, SHOT AND SHELL and all:other Sportatnen'.t Goods at Very Low Figures. A full line of General Hardware always on hand. We hold the fort for Good Goods at Reasonable Prices. DAVISON & CO. Winter .Goods. Hats and Caps, Sealettes and Furs Direct from the Manufacturers. All goods sold at prices that bring them within rhi Mach of everyone. • Call early and have the widest selection. L. OgRD, Team sad Ossein' Cistiilr, Hri111� MI