HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-7, Page 5TY. to ifs par- t 81.2,0 OD -S Blankets, sat', ur. na OA to it. ansa- prompt cls of sounce )'•u muds( wtl r.h. coaYdent tett with in the fell as letter , they ill ceereial hat we've very large pen suit buaiams ity, cum e, linens, ruled nireed. plan was deodand Id net he some men nem the* will ever nil it to, k is cola Our alar, Hitt. e dollars ey twine and are d after a b. They round - to get and to d fee stock as about a k, and 75c. to Idle coal rltrsively, h$ y mum is above. ar4ODD that to an take pied by et Tea edging ages ake ft ng is Id gee ittn` the °t Mier oat, res* Fora at 8V- Ibe TIE BIOLAL : OUDIPJO1. ONT.,MU/MAI NOV. 7 1$N. W s ACHESON fir, SON. ('l()MK early asi you can. We aim to trust all our cuetowers fairly • -b give each the same opportunity as every other -bast there aro a nuuilvr of extra good itewa in this special offering which th,• early ones may huy out before late comers have a chance. Not l,ecauee the wish it, but be- tsuwe supply is Iiutite,,il and we cannot dupiicatet'at the price. 6 lb. White Super Wool, Canadian I:laaketm, beautiful .•)lured bonder.. and best, et . 61h. White Super Wool Canadian Blankets, fast color 11.96 worth =. ,v. loonier, at B2.46 worth $3.15. St. Lawrence Mills, Whit.. Surer tSlanklifrr' . ,.imely bordered, &t.. • ✓.1._"► worth 14 Iii. ir,rb Grey iI'lunnol, half f1',K,I, at Diel fora.* resident of the tows, lett for 15 in• h Gray i+'lans i, two thjnla N' .. • ..•...''...'!11c• worth t'hrc psol et........ I I. is ling sago Younger chit, roam mod hv his ;,ia,•h, all tiPM Niasis I:n•y Planutl, at .,•• •••••.1`•'wOri'h 'O_' . wife •ad roan children ran Mr. Rens s °; inch, all Wool:Grey-. re)' Flemiel .. Mort! ass 1 •dyaead 1a years, and •► the call of 10r. hie older childres, acme of whom reside is Thies***, and others in Denver, sad all of - whom .re timing well, he decided to ge over whey• the latter years of his lite could be spent more quietly and easily th.o his , ember dens. Then are many here who will he glad to beer .t old .lobe Burns bet- terment of eoadttien in his future 1erne. Uod.r'ioh &adieus.. Tho agi.srt will he held is Noete.e4, wehedlw.btrok, bade Adr4.j-e BS mate. items epee at 7:31) ; oaaoart to osauseee ea 8 o'otoak r. r. Tote KINI.'ei DAOUi*raa. K.'TaaTAI, nom.- The high tee, wader the wispier of the Kier'• D.ughters will ha held is the lemurs room of Kao" church the Mara - day) evenieg. Tb. fraud• who hay. kind. Iy oontrlhuted r•elre.hpeeq toward the es tertarnmeut .re re" meted to leave the same la the lecture room ail early in cite ettwr000a w puwtble so aa to Madame the work .t 'reiteration. I:o'► Warr -John Mures, a leant work vnit LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN 1'sro. Shirts or drawers, Stk. for the Vie. kind, and the large. heavy ribbed all pure wool kind, at 'Isar, sock, worth Ladies. Mack Vesta and Ankle Tights at $I.25 for the finest quality. troy t eats or Tighe, opea or closed. HEAVY ENGLISH BEAVER CLOTH for Jaek.ta or Capes, in i11ack, Po own, Fawn. Navy and Myrtle, this week and next at 11, wort!, f; t., ynd for sample or . owe. W. ACHESON & SON. WILMER SMITH. UNDERTAKER, GODBRICFI, ONT_ o •rtakiw4 Steparreett ir. , mane era sf ea. Mr J. C. elero... tweet, a: P ,tort! Mesmer and Fttsbella et tells peronm lly sites/eel1•, mem N dap. N. BOR POI ou[Krt• At shoppaydta• on the lad est., Ifs ..ire of Maim nough,r15 of • shier O IEO. 71'.7 la. Oaler,ch. a 8u.day. Nor. ard.. i mums dHIS mittemrt and It, aged It yen THE T41,1i OF THE TOWN. Frogs the Reil•.rt.r'a Natab..k Y yea's. a Wel* ,a a ler ream, 1 ea* y. teat 11: • Atot'• illueusig Ts Takla' some. tan tams fits'° `rest It." -Sats*. ,al oe, photos are the bee The nail sand apemen:e that they unmet be surnamed in ate sty si die., sad exports hear that °Pinion out is every Particular.. 14idfmm, the clothier be now forking • ssecalty of ready made defame. and ie ante to t!;;he NU in every lits m that best as, ferr,00 na) be elves w all his-uetonrrra. vie knows how to de it sad be doss It. noon EYiC HIGHT- is • priestess treasure. Toa who have get it ehenld take can of it Tea woo here set sot it skonld have peer 7*.thead.d to at ones. Ws memo the, pre- srvetiee a/ *see • speclelt). and can toot Tet* eyes accurately and eci•4rlacall7- W. r T. t►Itl.tta .aticiee and Jeweller \.r Bt T.H47 tie., we sad.r.taad o0 tut \ A. 1 ox 'air sada opening •p • I for tetcher shop sett week is the stead .t preterit mourned by .1 H. Worsen & Co., es Mankato° at. 1 ibuice%twe,r.--Lie these Factory is putting 111 • *\stem of specking tubes sad electric bells, Ce444C1 ag the differs' d. '*temente with the mama! olio•. This taw will prove • groat snug is the shape of manus ar.osd. Tat Kr s• r.1 74.71,1'1. Work will probably *scones** is the sow ineyele fav ton e.,n,e rime next week. The front sad Dees part ot sae side as bruited op/ Two 1q sod "voles, one a .mole and the other • modem, Nn are os exhibition I* the show window.fog t.. T k Tetsuo*. Periled bum work 1 trigs about Vs, o•rletd• •f merchandise won trim skipped trete to G. T. R. .tastes, end tote sixty sarlos*s reosiyed freen •.std pate, the week's work wee not 111x., sad tit fig*rw *bow a geed r"."11 4.r the town Hosaa/171e *as Areae(-1Armn. As the +nesting 01 lbs querl.rly heard of North et Sle'nodlet e6nnh, held ?**sudsy •rests[, the hoard by am ■asat.ous woks, invited their paotter, Hey. Joseph £41,, to.estialse len tooa•ctiea with the char.' ler the third year are. Leaflet of that ebvob will bold mesas, every evening at 7.30 • c have its regular asestug on Sued ne a at 1 l'cdeck Rey. •doee preashed on \Ionia! evening. cordially tainted to &timid these I Remo%rt, rue Tow -7. P. Ne 1 *amity, who hsve been residents of Ifor sane 'oars back, left ter Naadwt dei lest. where Mr. Nevin has the la es ooectuoa with the improvemen i Essex County buildings under way. their re it:Made in (:,.dertch the! •u ie guatag tae-geodwili of •:1 with they tame to e.ataot, sod the beet re +atony friends fellow theto the home. HAI.t-owta. 1'Ati- . 1r. Hallow pupils tress the Model 'drool spent a venial leek. •ed ay after - ph kdg. .111 are meetings. vin sad the town oh Tues coetrsct t. of the Damm oceeded whom wishes of it new ens the • very pies..,* Hum at the lame of Ons slumber. Miss 1_ Rot,.rt.Os, East et. tbtrtt-five of them wen protein, bee few outside (needs. The time passed or tad g was R►:ALTII 1, Sal 'Leo_ The NSW Yale Hoard of Reaftk, at ita meets, messily adopted rule* frees the preemie los of the spread of o',atagi. a diseases must public *shoot ebll-Ires, t1'b.y deer•* that slates sad slate past* shall ba abolished, sad peas and panel& substituted, the latter to be kept is a box by cash pupil. An the soloed pre party of a child 111 with a *movies,' disease Mall be tamed over to the Health Heard. Books that are takes hems shall lee reamer - ed with brews paper aim a neat!. Lash scan* to hats it. owe moored pitcher, for drinktsg water, and Bash pupil • separate ens. is sum of cosmoses dummies, ii a family the children are at once to be •x. eluded, sad teachers are to report weekly t. the Board the minae std coeditiots •f the papils who ars ill. All Naoh.r, sad prl.otp►ls shall be forbidden to mini say pupil to the house of snoth•r pupil for say neaten. Ciresl•rs •f instruction to tie }beard of tdseaties os thous matters and also to prio.ipals are to he prepared. A SrteNnn, P4.ro.va,. e-Peterbro Thais, Oct. 12th : Standing roost only was to be *biased at the opera home at 8 o clock last night, when the Popular (;uy Rrs., minstrels held down the board.. The aggregator* the year is hotter thee ever, of their lead the performance was undoubtedly L1. About beet over given In l'eterberough. Th. jokes *dee • and the wags were new. Ike specialties were cell fine, while the solo, quartette sod chorus slagrae was much better than ever before. The oreheatrl ....__ particular elleelatly with eaDV.rnatroe, slags .abet amesments. The 'wherto pasted by the lady members of the aid was carried oat 1n • muter t !lass credit es *hams !'r 1, 144 P4,1'sgi.a. -A beating c sirens( of W. Rases, W. `(k... Prete tad 11 Pesctngteo, lea* last misstep" Harbor They went to W by nil, sad from *hones by embeds N dwtiution We sear expect to hear the bears sad other wild desires. • spaniel.. sett oil tract *Me raprdlt e"iested Ir those noted Nimrod*. Per tee, they will piaw themselves sed .bliessice to the reudess by bagging "wild man' no than. wbuei, I it the dlsonptrve overture, " A ha at to hat re- ('arcus, ailed forth a great appreciation of teres* char • J ARE YOU LOOKINC_____ FOR BA8G1INS • 11V FALL UNDER WEA R ,9 4 A special line of toadies' Hygeian Vests, all wool, fur 60 c. ; worth 75e. [Inion (cotton and wool) Vests, from 1'c. to 30c. Another special line of Ladies' All -Woof Vents for stk. ; word, 31.00. Children's All- V'ool Vents, from 20e. up. Men's AII•Wool 'Kin Underwear, 433., worth 45c.. 50c., worth 7',c. ; 65c , worth t45c. ; !t ->c., worth $1.00. Remetnber the New J)epartnient recently addend -Men's and Boys' Ready -Made Clothing, With Our IOW prices 'every Juan awl boy can now be dressed In fashion and good taste, at little exl►en.e. ',tit 1 ►ctotier, 1N95. JAS. A. REID, Jordan's Block, Godericlt. W. C. GOODE. DRUGGIST, 11esires to thank those citizens who so ably *misted in saving a considerable portion of his stock at the recent tire, and also liege to announce to' the gen- eral public that he has reopened in the stand formerly occupied by S. M. IIALLII)AY, where he awaits their commands. The stork is bein;; rapidly replenished with the best and purest drugs sod chemicals, and we guarantee a first class service in every respect, Your patr•nnage solicited. Prescription work a specialty. W. C. GOODE. CHEMIST. - Try our Bsatesall Stovd'-pipe Varnish. Least odor, brightest lustre, yuicktitst drying. COMING AND GOING. John lieu wed family moved be Guelph on Wednesday. Fred. Stokes, of Soaforth, visited role - civet bre last week. 7., F. Blair, Barriat.r, ot Brussels, was is tows during the week, Miss Bollinger left for tier home in 11•a• over Tuesday afternoon. 1'I*rca.. t'enniegtaa, •t reterberougb, ie wuuis4 uad.r the pommel roof. A. S. Chrystal was in ('liatos,end Waterloo °aunty se busispee last week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thome** of Sea - forth, wort viewer is (:Odenoh titin week. Mrs. B. MacCorsuc asd sou George re- turned last week free" a visit to Bay City. Wm. M.Creath, sr., was in Clinton last The company gave evidenceI 'sdsmdsy in connection with the heating arty eked great dm evenest, g of the House of Refuge. lar sad the al oo d R•v Jae l<41ge s mother, tfn. E. Fd4., es, F. !sat sight woo kept i■ 000tinual good from 1►urh•e, asd hit brother is Lw, fro* week for humor. Evpeeul mention is deserved by W&email*, were emote at the parsonage iarton Hugh McVey,whose club Nat week. wad trick moa their ipdatmos were wonderful, mod aloe the o1 all clever work of the female y New Est Whoa the north, Monday ( tat Lyons mid .1. J. pen^gators, Bill tris got hon tree" the YoOdsy Herbert. It is safe to say signing, tt looked as it tt had psseej ester that (:ay fires. minstrels will Oo.tiso• to through a Wt.tor's norm, boisr (ovred Imps, len the overs house every time they play with icicles • foot long, std heavy snow. or •a heTho •eaeellest com'any will often He explained the 1.4 .appears.** of the train by that is the Acadest stating that they had • solid feet of asses at y here on Tuesday next, Wier beat S. 114001_ BOAR,/ llenv v,:.-_ The regular meathty sweeties .f the potato school beard was held os Moselle l evenin4,Mr. Kuskanan presiding, sad the fenewtag m.mb.'. pres- ent : 1 'bryet•1, Rail, Ni.heleo4, Adieus, R.id wad Colborne. Th. report .f the principal, wbieh showed : Number of pupils os roll -lays, 332, ride, 301, total, b2.1 ; average astonelaae• ter Oot.b.r boys, 266, girls, 2.52, totes), 521, wen, oft moues .f Nicholson sad 1'olboro., adopted, The ac- count .( Tn1 114.'41, was reeomeeaded to be paid. A. •e/ dimities from Mise Wat- son re ea i5oresse of wage* was read, sad the I0creterl was unstnieted le write her that .o raise could he made this yeas. Miss Craigia asked to be allowed to resign her position as mutter is tee minor division of St. favid s ward *chisel at t1e end of the year, sad the request was granted. Mir Skelton was •ppoisled to an the junior di• viaioo ot f►. Patrick's ward school. It w.. a moved by Nicholson, aoudad by ('kryetel, that Mime Wiggins be appointed to 111 vac- uity io 04.75*' divisio. of St. Patrick a Purl tithes) ; it was moved is •m.n/mest that Miss Freaks sad Miss Wiggins be appoint- ed to Me 511 diyisi.a in the Control *.heel and the leo division in St David's ward wheal, rte principal to pima them : the am.sdmest was serried. A11 tie not of the t.aeb.n were re -*(aged a* the Met* salary for next year. It was decided to miss .1. 1. Bat.1', the S reltakee, ales $25. sae teem« to lake seem treat the let of Foorrar.t.. - On Saturday aftera000 a eked team from the ('ellegiate institute et • emitter sae trona the Model ichoot Me Agricultural I.rounds, and engaged os hour is football Several of the best player" of the Collegiate . team were vs - stile to be present, and the Model Soho"! team cense out ahead with • sure of 3 te 0. Another mate) ,.ay be played on the Mme 4r•utds en Saturday if the weather persrh's The lays aro prsetuing hard m as to be ready to rive the 3eaforth players in the re• turn match a thorough drubbing. "Toe tit. - .. `t[ut\.. El 144.5. t r,ri.-M. Willes lentos' and ;seder, Mae Wilt* and tries Ansi. Needle, who pesos "The 7 ftners, ore ooming 15 *rich for a MP, commencing Sunday, v. lOth,t• hold tome of their magic meet of picture, meg wed story, The meet - conme e( short speeches, solos sad promote*, t:omel temperance is paw form. A powerful ether oxygen light c , will be used for it lastestien Oaring rho meetings. The eotertaismcote aro intend- ed te educate, organics and reform. A hearty welcome is extended to all. Silver oollsetioo at the door. Don't forget place •ed date, Temperuee Hall, t;oderich, for .aa week, oo.mesein4 Sunday, Nov. 10th, Sunday section oommsuee at 4.15 sad 8:15 week evenings, doors open at 7:30 and the meetisge will ooem.nee at 8 i Beak Headeraoa, of Saraia, will temente for the Maria North et Methodist .buroh 1'eh. enemies' is the ;Adios Mimiewary B•ei«y that h Rev. (:. W. A' 1)** preach eermots folio Vaiversery i1 ae Salads No roe, l.• r. The Mara.* .f she wive will he taken me n 11111T Waft* Iteklga. -.-The El's telt, of Mends 1 , ( bet. 31st, has the wing, u whisk a fernier well knows dean of (:oderteb igare• oosepiaio-mly eseial •ivtl esgtn..r, W. C. Breech, has Marge of the work of the new wa- orks teak* pipe, ressntly took • brief ties., and ter • purpose of which a driver was informed, but seder prom - iso to print nothing about it, end tie prem- ise wen kept. However, th•ra is no further seed of assreey, Mr. Brough loft here to •Iain Id bride, Mime Nies Tevietdal•, of Breoehridge, oils*., end the result of the trip was the woadta4,whi.b was sal.e"aired is Twraato, end Mr. sad Mrs. W.C. Omagh aro trees osetfortak►ly 40.1.iled here, at 431 Pse.h et These who have formed the n.. gabiatesm of Mr Brough ave *.end him • uniformly pleasant 0,rt.ose gentiestas and • *gnats in his profession, .nil will heartily wish hist aid b4,lang ht. .a hap. *sem Tor A44entvtun 1 04(404. ---The s TOiese .f W. (atidttell, of Tarwntw, " ( :.day Fayerite Singer," a.. hese soured by aha ILL of C. X. of North et Methodist Marsh fee Thanday, y, Ney.eiber 81st, 141116. Mrs Caldwell will be •embed by Mrs. .1. C. Orals. of Seaterhb, elwwtlimdme : MM. Agee- kreee, *sifts ; Mt. Liar' Ashore* viol. : Marta tel y. Whine. s, sahy Esker sad Ar/awee Cif. quartet* par `Yr, the aeet► of K rt1w M.abdlee ahaal Tide esinolval t will nn erre' toot d M Mir day, 1•r w Iho.wo.4 10k BAuta. A. d. (.Itryst•1 +vow warn dew. is Radmta, Waterloo meaty, ls sell wW' aEd made arramm..ste for supplying taws Iresweek for as oil eeaetril is that Wet He has mode an offer es • boiler for the aaadwieb *misty bsiidi gn, bit has do•tehel not to apply the m•kar irsawerk. 4t tars.t.y Ma.y,*ti 9avrcee.-- 1'M 4141 of to Lord'. taper was observed Is Orth et mod ViNario et Methodist here'•* at the Noes of the presehieg 407..n5s is ties surdas A pe.paratory a•rytoe wee held 1a Knox Marsh o. Friday 'sauna. eked Me w.aa.sat wen disputed by the MR* a 8el•dar .orui.R, g' 1*1.ar FBA- on. -Vie eyeipa4Yy et their tosa1►tis77 Die els 4s eraeedd to R. I. aetg. Ocaleglate, h Moir of the s$ .Bl la hi1e family um • ''"ea Mayor, which bee atu.ked their .tE P'M rsa Mr. Batson ham n..e ed Iyer the hues for Ilea proms sod will .ses. Nekis ds14.s w lb* aelhgaaea W. win ... t`Mnwries .` Take weer, 1'hss VV * wswam .theM'g a el ref .4sNt►w abaeeh. Dano' t1e rt(ga el/ are •airs the %0W6 DEATH or MRS. Wm. Dickson-On Tues- day, Nev. 5, Margaret Hill, fourth daughter, of the late William McDonald, contracter. of lnverness. Scotland, and wife of our townsman, Gaoler Dickson, passed away after an illness of about five weeks. She came to Canada with her father and ether numbers .f the family is 1832, and resided is Lanark County until 1857, when ehe was married is the town of Perth, and about thirty years ago came to Gode- rich, where she resided moil her death. She was a woman. of strong idividuality, but of a most kindly sad sypathetic disposi- tion, • seellsteet Christian & lied a member -A Knox Churh. .She was stricken with her last illness iE• BuffaIo N.Y., sheet five weeks ago, avis ems thither sane week. - • previously tee visit as elder *dots, who s a resides° of that elty. Tb. ..aging before hot raker' she exprieso.d a slight stroke of paralysis, tae am era. attributed the A Combination Plug h*.oe•ee came/ by the stroke to a .praised Of aside. k e. The lameness, however, eseteewed lamsasse, said was •vesteally diag.cad es a pin.lyliw'Meek, and .he woe at ease removed la her buss., where she Mreke de- veloped .M1 she was i many earned .iIL She leaves a family of four children. MRs. W. Proudfoot. GOderich ; Mrs. Crassweller, wife of Principal Crassweller, of Essex High school ; Agnes, who resides at home. and Alexander. D, barrister. of Qu ' Appelle. N. W. T. and N bas'. e.,tua1irMopimerniNg Moir Wilke* THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. ih/.r*.i Priexe, Hoila30*. Nev, 6. tote, tall Wheat, tint standard... .. 0 4t to 0 8t 4.11 w► 0 a to 4 on 2 00 to 1 10 10 to 210 2 4* t0 1 40 11Mtall M 12Mto11M 12 00 t.12 N 42310013 450 to II 50 13Mtoll 00 14 M toll 40 0 15 to 0 3t •ttto0l, 0lSt0016 3M1o3SO 300 to 4 03 OAttoOM 3Mte31e 4S•a540 0 Socio Dr Ib., ......., _ .. • 10 s0 ts ilii enema alalh.......... 0 i4 is :11 ear uldi. Flour. taaotlp. per cwt /lour, tau, Per .wtneer. outset. .. Oras, r a.. Par oast te Shorts, B toe Pcr.asisme a ton.. New Oats, It hash P w~ NHay, f1 tea . 01d Ray. • tea PPo 7.15.1 tow Lau fresh **pocked,Weed Rides, Sheep Skins Live a TO ADTZ1tTIlIZRS, Netioe of cheat« aunt be left at this Osco net later than Saturday noes. Tbs Copy ter dumps east be left not labor than Mon day neon. 0 -areal Advertisement& accepted up to noes Wednesday of snob weak. T7nlawelilsif °middle. S><.IIfD TIIIIIft RAILWAY. Yes .... Mixed...==WSa Mallard Hewer Mall sod Yxpr.ee ~aim. IlaSeised Express ile,s ....... ..... us air. Mea Ria 4w►Nas p Jet, fend am. ifwi' situations Vacant. B0Y WANTED. ; $M.\I.T, INTEL - 1.1 bar. ham 15 to Di years of age. is wastes ed Tis 84411141. omex. to learn too eremite trod* Aims, at m.o. wanted. (`IORDWOOD WANTED--AQCANTI- J tr of oset reed wantud at the Bkcycle may. Kest -et, eladerich. 1 Loot. DOG LOST -ON THURSDAY LAST A colic deg. with Iona tall. back. brown and white. Information leading to its retrov- pry *Al be:5ward.d. Leave information at G. s'rODISART'S bakery sad s every, Ham Ilton et. Ooderioh It Teaches Wasted TXACHRR WA`TED. -A MALE i• requirednteacher l8 11. No. second. olborne4Ma tfeeM whoop. Retere'cee to aa4O.Nhc •pplieat- rione. stat. salary expected. ROHYRT EL 1.1s. suatlord P.O. 42-3t Publle Notices, NOTICE To iini PUBLIC. -NOTICE. .Lill are hhere* given 'hat from this date I ad It tap Bible for any dews matron- at the authority of m whatever unlet Dated, Dungannon Nor. 8'ttp. MS.4 A1. TOWNaitlP OF COLBORNE. 1Take mottos 11bt a tse.tisw .f tie council of the wiper*tion of the Twweehlp of Colborne will he held on leotards'. Nev. ah. 114113 at 2 oclock. ,. N. iter Parocee of apPotating a sal meter ter the ourreat year Applt.at+one fir the Position will be rateived up to the above data. t. W. Mt i)ANA0H, Carlow.Oct, INth Ita.S Township Clerk. fl -1t ' TOTRRS LlisT COUB OWT T NSH11' V OOLHORx X. Settee Is hereby 'rice, that a court will held. pursttast to to Votes' lists Act, by Honor. the County Judge et the County Coa of the county of Huron. at swans's Hose Saltford. on Saturday. November lath, at 10 •. tt.. to hear and determ se 11e several came et arrows and who -ions in the vowel, IDA in the .sntelpalit; ot Co:burros Township for HRH required o attend ac the said time and place IcDated at t••rlow, this ah day or November Wr'lert of said township. and McI10v104 c •f said court. 41.7t constituted clerk NOTICE:.-- AL PERSONS EPI RSON FOUND ND J.. trespasel14 ea my lando * showier n4, camping. Oohing or otherwise will he isreseeUbe ort d accrm ording 011*. !tech lead. see arty known se the palls orne Tp.. and the prop obi er 004 Reserve to the town- ships and Colherne 1. CAMteem (tK, Q.C, X. BII;CHLYR, Soliolter prom 5 FACE WDZR$ t1 COMPLEX ION Bis It'TI PJ FIRS W. kaaw some ladies are iaoliasd to be bask ward in pureba ia, *bees. Rat why shodd taoy tt • ..aside, a lady's toilet is incomplete with ou. • box of 4004 F'hes Powder fast •a star - eau tit •ssestral to • issue..' .alter *bovine, i end a Whim these or saythug elm u our stare, perfeai *weer le akeistatad as we ooa id.r it mal. Jost to (4* t.w- timers, We sorry • noes Ilse of Feu Pow - dm, etc., sad demo it • pieesure to stew them at say time. " THE CHAS. D. WILL1AALS ., R. llcLw • Sleek. [Mt t. stoftf.', THE (;ASH SYSTEM of doing bus:nese is, to places where it has been introduced, proems the more satislactery method, al•k. to cuatoiser end purchaser. Coa.,yue*tly, after 1)ec. let 1895,0w shell d• bestrew en i CASH BASIS. believing the change to be ca the hest interests of our rue tomer', es well as (uras:vee, ft is noo•saark that all out- •taadiag accounts he paid 1. - fore the above dote, :f pos- sible. J. E. DAVIS, Phw. B. Druggist di Opticiey. UNDERTAKING Calls promptly attended to, night or clay, by our Mr. J. E. Snel;rrove, practical funeral dirctor and embalmer. ``Jv I1.MEK StiITH. l'ed.rtak.r, upholsterer. and general turn, cure dealer. McLean '• Block, l:od.ricb. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL - Uro - SASH, DOOR AND RLIND FACTORY. I take this opportunity to Inters) the pMkllo that I am still In the business nee w:cketandiaa la all rumors to the contra*';. and am erepar•d to fit do .Very clime of work in ray hue from staking ei • window frame to erecting a 3.story handbag 1, with neaseard root. Rothmeier' furaia4od end Teertition fw-s*. furnishing et' building material. ouch as lath, shingle. sad Weimer a e*eoialt7. ' Bala OP To Acme. .TORE TO RUNT AT DUNLOP - TO ^L a -that toldsetabliehed were aatYpew nisi is the village of h to tows of oodeele , 0. the t ire er et two fesd %revel oe the pea 2 Mg business ha*ss Milan d os the 0 premises tar the a n ryteears ;the es with a relish* tenant. t t stein re to pewitn 1 he made P, 30, oaR preprieter, A £1.LF.Y 1 jjeej09 t?tf s TO RENT OR OR - g 1 honer FOR BALK. - THE •ef . • sweet Sew kV O( WelltagtaE Mt and >tl it M e'ua ( s'* fon a lath Of , evembberH' st To J. WILLIAMS. FIRa't' CLANS FARM FOR SALE OR TO RRNT._erhe subscriber, *ears for sale or rent, 'h farm Lee V. t''.a. 5. West Wa- ta4es tarsal .1» agree atearmere or ed sad Is seed eta. te o :•tion, mil hawed sad Cumulate it P.O..okarehse soieela au geed market Teeaae easy.ler P.O. particulars . apply to 1* A. RAH- RMS.7) M tpreetorr. or t 1 Id. HOUR FOR BAf.1c I HAVE very destrabie 1 story nonose awn A some Melegem. ide*ieo. seed seller, •veto. gid 3 Mss fir Nate ata i. CAMERON. Homes s ywr, 111-4 BRicx HOUSE TOR SALR. SITU- eted a ><+•st St E COMFORTS OFA HOME -TN wets -Imams ed /eptlar private beard bones el Quebec et. which use carried has kern y ter so bran ears h Mn, Soak raatw book whsecured by Mrs. Ynrv, tete el nes fee a limited anous.berit of bee t Via- Iso! seed. within two 0t4*tea walk of to collegiate Itat(t'te. Poet OMMee sad Harbor Park Rogow sissy. DIODE sad oo4hrla11. dram MRP. 11. BURe. R, loE invited. ♦d' 1'.0. 113.1* To HWei meet the "Mhos .roily ( aetoMgs its. Ilse, R. Vat O Me M. lad.. Sasso ow he..\are '*laws/ opus y "T $I0=10 TOBA00 0, This eeppliee a long felt fit, giv- ing ora east P>.°e or oor ono20 tont plug, tent of t►* &moss " T & B " bra of pun Virginia Tolosa**. .ii,brit& 1"MItway Pim Ube Pres bytetrion (lure', oestaw3.i less seams. Tao above property is Is a geed post sed wi11 net 1. RNalreelR,'RARMANN. UV L'IOR SALXL---A GOOD 1 `' Ruse* dwelling home 11 * with1(. 4 sad shed. Nevatetlee Let M. Otoyee ter .0ederre1- Lyle elat PHILIP HOLY. FOR MALE. - CHEAP, ON EASY TERMS«:: eoe halaW4rWen taiveodu , f sled omen sw well hseenionLammved Im wort,• pd eg th enbilivielms of *host, --41MS MM Wady eee.pled be . o li& JO1 KWr011,ter*wr eoderiob, July tri 1slt• F. SM EF•TH. LOMA SUM Saving$ tiocie Ir 19 NOT WHAT 1'OU EARN. BUT WHAT f0U SAYE, MAria Y0U Ricia. THY HURON AND BRUCE IRAN AND INYICHTMENT COMPANY. 9ot.icnvete.- • .,.. Holt and Holmes. meta■t r ball lateral: it pound every me true sae dollar upwards, IH.oeiter a syr it to their *d08.1.ge to tense aimed seine cm 11 sad d•My N t 4ay ho a eured at say time without 1t:peewes moderato. A desirablewest= 1; 1144i Manager. anager .r solieit„tipt[oaa D .est Co- md7 s MMus ourt nare boosted w North Rasa* Stanek oMes. 84s•n_o0Pomlte HORACE HO N. i. . dlasaks0 ODL erre• jqt. ed Animals CISME NJ theist AY ON OR ADOPT pp esoyooroe tad mbar, a'wse cow •boat alae >tu K 1.Iti P8 ; j 4ta..nd t. This limier is keewatet to prove « e, ton. 1. W,D.!MA-00.14 township. ------.-._ 42 1t (`EAM• RpTR♦ V. -CAME ON 'J isseof sehecriber. lot tt. 13 THE horse, •boat the month of Ju • and white steer, rising two tars Nd, • The s ._o U requested to prem ropers Ch swear o45Ntetoed take it RDwARIt Hltl>!141.47 CLINK PATNA ABOUT TRF, Mi1)DI.E N_..1 of Jane. a stray stem rod. Asia* three rears m14l whits weer ea stem. .rho swear is rete t .,t 5*4 48 o it away. oTl7Wt(, ' per our * . Hares lOtleg ms itilR ANNA L. SRAM. MONIER IL _nude out tamer Mal stag wnet' 40 •4 tt IIAVI WIC FAITH IX THE 000DB WE SILL 1 -- -SD RS -- ma me will yeti when hum shoe arc mods gild by oe are hooked by • weerammo - Ask 7'OOTtoH our RIWARNS saws Mire Tea are is ear Haire J. WILSON'S cash p sidism .4.... _.