HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-7, Page 3TSB SIGNAL: OODRRTC TI. ONT.. THITRBDAT NOW 7. NIS. mesh loth--- that easy imbiber I POTATOES AN UNHEALTHY F000. DGaIItBire. • 010HUwoo S S L. D. S, -DENTAL ts Test Mee, wastes. MI • rad least en �± tree. :77-4 seelb. 81OHARI)SOII, L D. S., polLosor.sioupoit destbt.Stas •al tlWleed atr'tar MVS UU as of Neck. __cc,a a.. eras to the presby ►aria• rjse osral dosis. 011111010 -Omer William's pow sato Ood.rwa. MIAs J $ I tQutL, t l). . wSurgeon. ed se► le lbsea. of Mouton 1 sed wry s baa oohed teeth mow ea gold or slue, bora, special attendee given to the i� tats•' of the lateral teeth 7*MMtet Ia ot sew ble.'k - -. llsdtosl. 'nIt. HINTER, L HYSICIAN, SUR ea pas. ac: sal •.-e t hint. HMS. new roes Sight ..► • from I1rltish Olt heal _-------- _ _ - -- R J. HAMILTON, VYTBRINARY s'ee'm'+of Ored ottamMro nor Tenets.Wil t e et= al all .mus, der .i ■Stymie p(sst/hob curet Upvostt i.lhaa.. ft.ew - -- IIwR'aI. Mtl. CAMERON, BARRISTER. SOLI . bleb. \tesysr.aoer. tee OA.. -wee. 1gv,v11�t se sad St. An4rew eta., O. sONy bs bs� E KNIIST HEA IUN - BARRISTER, El Solicitor. Notary Petrie AcaaN.'e w 11 l'.' . N N-HIARR(l 111109 over SO Medical tar. Henn, �• v JOHNSTON. g,ARi ITER. w - wirer, cemnatsisemw. eta-. Swim to yea' °Woes oar. Hamensi •ad M. Aa drew'. ear. Oeieriea. Oat. a LOFTS t DANCEY, BARRISTER, parcuor. tJsevev.eosr. tee. sen. Mona whom at le r e.r. Meetee s block, ill . raise ColMese Il■MI• &whirlsb• Ont. IMI-tt i,RW1$, BARRISTER, PRiiO- ter t0 Maritime Courts 5 Ontario South Cdb.r.s Must. SURE SIGNS THAT FORETELL M T A T ear frost is • sign of rota. :old asuman a short wooer. roes grow dart haler* a Mum, 1 ram aid mute he runless, res. Atter • war., artuat • bug wtahar. L will surely tato 1t mei.-.east u► hills clear autumn lit • windy winter. he ow, wow the healthier tote ors..•. Ilasrde4 brit u the loreruu..r of mow. :span lair seethe' trait use sight 1 tam. A grass Chrontna. stakes • whit• Keeter. Huffai* u oke hose N large aid aotod ro lot 15 ►hotulor* uosua4sb sod ,alwtrts *1 v I est and therefor* th Ile•cs Ltosrsn. MOS bb.1. Tt►• limber M•es•orI Ir* flew. Whoa the ivory -billed wesdpeo►oe Mr I Mlw.u.' lied t Wieser Perot I te work as the bottom eta tree and goes to , Ih. l' ren Kti*as t.5- J*h5 lnlmar 6pea 'J the top, r„muvias all the outer bark es bM way. it 15 s ears oda-sited that there will he deep meow. 11 a net dim • hole tee end • half for deep • very severe wooer is at hoed, If the hole a. two feet he winbele er . e.l)I mot be ono fest unite N Ny.f*, deep. the winter will be • mill eco. A':rest t.5tt.sties. Yrwde■t •1 the New \"ark Beard Health) sod Mr.. Y. T. Rorer Iearoedl, do- mes "The Potato as a Dud) D..i. u hey ember Lades Nome Jeuroal, sal pretty oanehueivsly [rove that ►M humble. but popular tater is not • healthful article 51 foul. Mr 'speed aessrtit that like pet•to as • Iced Is set nearly as valuable as we hay ver) generally esteemed its he ala q uite deeewut in •itreReo. A lot. la. It u bard to w Fetus& iodinates trust to ylay arwtie doom, g , Deli M partake• of KM. 15 Imtsientl •sB••red by bearded .utu t•sM . truce. Actual' the foremost of theme 1• the y«t r .priori) by all love than who live act t. Ilse out •I -dime. 'tan. cups aid d•ddtaas clam lip motors m !mends' fuel sari mud maisad preluded e.e a potato provokes our [rest oatmeal elImrot, By Dr. IL arium, tuunded ad prwid ever dyspepsia, aid the ewer the wa.uu,D'ion wdl by Ur. R. \ . seri c•. .f the mealy tufete bogies the •ewer Hen 15 t►e rastous of • finding a i io oke the dread Sonne of ti dwpepeu appear• camspractise of ►s tuI e l h hn..0 hu morn lir Matson in • raj •,nder to Mr Speed cues N 5ucuesetul that he teeef M Moo *Mee . 1 must 4.,i..ear will. Mr. .peed tow, used beyond t►. Iota .f • manly 15 hie e•04•ai.•I,on .f tae p,atsto. 1 em 1parrge tau prwu s. it 5 test however merry w have 10 m.5 a v. hitt Kama tb• tarp that nicht M, it was yet • marrow but bsrble tuber, lint the truth, repentallt w remu s. to cu51b the w a vlwrd. when its went ilio and more .epxtally remedies. With this ides bs siverneed. ndtou s,•ientl4e• moon to told. !t is win aid their memo became know/ until they tote 0o use man . .11 ••t the , mer .'tamed • wade spread eels. ne received with the se ar•nw I tutees at wilt tdoh him ad numerous a,a.uled be by Mall from those barna . • • The practice of tooling pet• who hal brined ►ether freer hu 91.41 toes to dente a.d veru[ children cahoot cines, aid Hopper farther mmo.' to o be toe severatr condemned. A patine diet b► w. I'bs sou sal o.l1s. d w [row nay met kill them oulrtghtet ono', but it or by reams et ssxp ries [Sulu, caul be now o.rais to inputs their digestive organs per has eighties e5psrs5e*h end skilled pb m•se&Uy .&d .5.birel�, ee os w rake stomas asaantstd ort► ham, arming wog- their litsl s burden be tbrmridves sad those are ame alis is .r every chronic, sr long- who are brought is oeslact with them lir *teatime a obi Elson '1") •""•1411 that the "1",",18 Y.tg Thes the call Ser otro b t .. oo t rrom 1.iai.ut in num, rot qualities. rias orai all path art the ce moot beato a sot [beet, value u as laetrile of food thea most ether vast art ores loses 5.1.11r1 to under et v reel ve[eubls 'ad oere•M.i melds . fes d )erystwit eniar we rest Mrs Rorer writes I am stet • potato might be fused every the and luun .t prohibrtlwnt, het 1 grisly bels,. that life for owe [user, who is the *apacttv et ea potato.. should he eervsd Wilt with strongly ooaesstra'- 4 nitrogenous feed, sues as roasted beef. or fee the vegetation. with beans, peas or lentils, A• 1 ,row ell. mere dreee 111.5 gold Appears Se He's .11oy And hoekwbest cakes doe's .sen as good As when i was • bob. --New \ ort .lmensal . The only .erm•o.ot cure ler obroatc estarrh is t• ther•ughly expel the petiole tram the /t stem .v the tathful and persist- ent et Aver • S•rrp•rih• This wo5derful remedy proves .u^ceseful when .11 ether treatment has tailed is rsrieye the sufferer. Potatoes ars eelliag as -tr.tterd sad M t- obell as 20 mots • hag. There is as enor- mous orop thio year Th. Stratford Beacon saws that • Dewar' harmer dug trona on* hill 130 fair sized t.uhers, .od nether farmer is the ems* towwa.p bas mem scree which yield.•i 1,800 huge. free T IAMB. The sea. d • rased task• u • eve nips of tire. If it rotas after 12 at soon it will rats beat day. If it ruse before sunrise utmost • fair of taraoo■. A stets Christmas will make r full ebateh%et 1. foams white frosts will bring • steam wry 11me it 1t re:u. before Devoe 11 well cease M fors slaws. 11 gnat. sr. plantaful m Apnea, •tpect a (sae outmw.s, If ll•tobe, 15 warm the fella/masa Fsbruarr will Would. Irlett rieg late mod A. ag bee'. lea foremast ALA weat:,er. %% hem rain comes from the west it will net embalm* 1•111 Rain l.r.g foretold, long last : "Mort .o- tue, eon pies. A raub- w is the meralsi/ is tie sharp. COK, kc iellor iNes `.t..wt Sear gam at (lion P1• .z. Foals So Mod •t I lowest mise of TeteMP r•". ► (T ARHOW & PRUUDFOO'r, BAR- rt5•. _ -_ OAMSR.1N, HOLT & Ili ILNSS. 1. Har •stere. Delimitate la Chaaoerr to &den, c. Y, C, OameiS5. q.C.: P. Melt i I,•dler Holmes. _ _ G. WARD, OON VICIAN(;kR, �r "nu we✓h'r J. be., and oommtod5er for t*kus1 re- Theodor is udieatsd b , arta& falling starts. reopen. macre of trtl. .idavits te Mars en • fine night. e arieethiee. depadtws5 or whose dsolsn- The earl arrival et kat vdtds ae.•ns Ows is or ooaceran4 say mottos, or pro- lamine• weather. is oto Ruch Court of Juane, the G Sit of -tppeal for Outorto, ..r I. eel oassuiy 1f birds in •u,um. grow tame. the winter M nit twee Cowl. All trsnsaotioas will be too coed t.x gem.. sal tronaptp .:..ata. Resider...• sad t'. . eddn.a (reinra&nss OaL 1l,-ai When wild dols Ay to the &oath it 15 • ago teat winter 'i coming. bird • warsrog. When wrens are .sen in water, expose isyalid would rear• treatment from epee plenty of a ,w 1.1151. of Use highest medical Mail, aea.tied Darr. sed wiudow. ars herd i she, u by frvquona eoasultaton with l)r. hues, dam w.. nem. Pi .idant .f 111* taoalty, That w tue1rtu i uta like this, greet in oeoeeptrw and per It •art crows mor iiia■ wee' and ser- feet in detail, of large 4tm*51oss oontalnlag o* •1 peck ram patients from til motions, that • physicists Mach rate is t hooter iudieates mach pracuciag modicum should have, w N Wad in Ir.semsor .peek,.atended Lis preens over the world, If oats barn the r halos and wash noir by f.uudu * on taeut■tton like thu, .15.15 farm., expo. t rain remarkable, and %et that is met what Dr Early frosts are usually followed by a 1'teroe has dose. Spero will not permit us h d u describe t►15 great invalids' Hotel, but u 11 Aster.. Atteene aollNtors. Rio., (rod. J T Oarnw. �. W. l•roudt;rot. MK. er winter 11 it (5158 when the 5110 shines it will 15 enol•e a evuydet6d. K*copuw moats reel ..h...t private rooms, a bate .spam supplied with Tartish sad other bathe, Medical, surgical, eleetrical doper eaten, etc- 11 passim, we will allude to its Luisa of Mena al l'orrsspondeaoe, where fre it tea l [wen. physicians, with their etessgla mph 51* tore Co, vtaatly OM; 11TM 15 stt.sdta,t es Vela r.r vt rM7en15.05...c t.•,•1 tr..i rota ids residing u . 11 parte of the lasted It.'.. sad Cassia roeRyer, important re re- course the core'. I 000nderstioo er + nn'.I composed rt Ire... three ',five tw of the-. er part opt " luta, 1. -fore florally towed arra •n1 pro ribed for, In the rear e( the Lvsli.. • i lu• el as the World a 1.pensert Thor 0uiI4ii g a one hundred feet rgaare u e six must es stub. It ,.IS the next say Neu of herssts hung seat the ground yeam oold weather. Heavy white frost is • sign that warmer weather s Blast frost is a for ■er of a spell .f Loans area 1asuranse. ON KY TO LOAN. -- 00,000.00 Primo*ars Pusds to lood at 11 per Beat. en- •■•dl- . $. ti. l' A at k KOH. Horses'. Moo* aopo..15 Colbert* Mood. tNMetsb. d041 L)MVATE FUNDS -- PARTIES DF. 11 boobs of obiolaue rear) lin Ora' ,.1•pe taro, scorn, osa du os at 51 oer .sant by sip P17 mg Iv J. A. Mt Iw nes AUH Won, 11*1. ,Free letd Huallaga Tomato. wntMa 1 IMAGER, CUIV=YANCINU AND kinuseesiellee. eppaYslllarttt.`111111 l MONEY St yyTtrrr LEND ON MORTOAOS gBAoANI &,I. torus I i ils'e1MositslisiL MOM.Swam riot. Leel out for cold weather if the wood- pecker diaappoer* 10 the tell. 11 the November c.o.. hose be tusk, so will the sister weather be. k:xpoci c -,Id and herd untie if ra■irrole ay pr greet enpphes 01 Bata feet in ate appotasmsnte for mediation.• f'artngew drum only a the fail when • ewer *tail sl personal .sperviaioo over ON TiiC LIVOR, t:1DNCYS mold sed 'yea winter follows. over) ketol of 115 mut ayst•o. Ile u Bot �D PORES orTUE SKIN Sesrclty of ntsIrrels in autumn iadiaetss dot sixty %oars old. te a trnag-locking Bias rt J. T. 111.111111‘, nM k LU$ VeitilitrilitiMiNarlistr q ooh o0U Tsneak. 1- O LOAN. APPLY TO W CSYSRON HOLT & HOLM=BOuds• NN. 'MONEY TO LIIND.-A LARGE wisest of Privets reads tar taveMment 11111 g ratty on 0rrtalss• Mortgagee. Apply erAlHhOw & PROUD/OJT RADOLIFTI, GENERAL 'lig• • samosa R.ag ..a Mower L.s.t .. s. Only amiss oempatt* .. s*. Messy to lied oa ■tgw 1 WMttt .a•e, at the lows.' rase tin( 15arrsatim"�arstsl: say way to suit 11. Dor/ewer. sad door from Squirm.. Wort Blre.-oode- lp 1S 41 , parlors, h►rarv, r mg room, meg Ask your Druggist for A WonderfulT is a on11116" red Remedy for sy IC LEOliS Weak and Impure Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles. 3 J M. MacLLOO. semiotics. ONT- .S..INreeam •y i eontaias I ba . vb0r$1 t % ''"••r• lir. Pestis S A BLOOD PURIFiER and spring medicine ..l.brated remains a 1* pnp■rwd, end froom, A it surpasses all other compounds. It u a whenax they a:, shipis.l all over the world. new medicine lad contains newly discovered Dr. K % . hoes who fornid.4 this u.litu ingredients unknown to any other preparation nos that had &s model sad ammo two per IT ACTS WITH ENERGY ■tai■ the approach of c.dd grosser for his age. and ,roe •t the foremost oi'tzone Aching corset rsgaeg I....t hat hiu end 4I .1 Buffalo. He was elected t. the State Vows, seerslgie protege ram. Sen•sc, e.1 enbw,iuently N Ca.graee, bet Blast birds flocking together in the fall felt shed epee to resign that high and hon- tcbwtes • cold spell of wetherI *rod position to devote his entire tune to The first three days i5 January indicate his blames* aid the .rvis.1 his patient*. that of the coming three months. and this reveals the racra of hie wowdertrl No (allies scan on. bra hr es ening moss • eortura5am of bright weather. 11 ice will bear a mas before Christmas at 11 wt beer • mouse afterwards. Sept. 20. 21 aid 22 rule the weather for October. November and December. Ran from the south prevents the drouth but rain from the west s always beet, Chipmunks tb.t dtwppsr earl% are sere MVO of old asd extremely rely weather. When the loves of the trees avl, with the wood from th. *oath, at Indicates rain. A. 00150511v clear •Ionosphere when die coat •b)euts as be wily sees mesas ruin Turkeys parching on tress and refsiag to descend irdicl* that:snow will shortly fall. tagea bolts• 114stltutt0• /1001C1410111 M306ANIOS' INSTI- kX TCTZ MKT ANU MISHINu- ROtiM, ser. Or test Guest aid Smears Itip w .*. Op.r urea t be 1 r.r., sad from T to l0 ren. ABOUT 9000 VOL'il iN LIBRARY. boding /►milt', Weekly wed illustrated Papers Magaz'w•a, do. • os Ands. MEMBERSHIP Tieing?, ONLY BIS!. t rsatta° tree ass of Library and it5.dllse RosesaPplleatiose toe a mMr.lrtp received by pe J IL COLBORNE. H. HAMILTON. �mt•r� Librarian. o..1.5 Mbesh lith MIL THOMAS GUNDRY. AooT1ON1 R sad fsitin sea Agset. 0odeileb. Oat. *met Leaden lrs Piro Oe.. nod Ogre Merles Mut�las. Oa Ban at "64" lit la eny Pan of the entutr. sly JOHN KNOX, GINIiRAL AIIO- ttoss*� n4 Lead O5l•stc5. G*•et•h. Oat. gf iteg lbaese toritit anew .sp«7N0s d wwoks a with aer espi lis ti ma 4rto.. mamma m him. O deco loft at Y brie i Hotel. or best by Emil M hisJ•d4 IMuele5 P. O., emret■W •••••414lgJJtt ENO[ OseasvA.efsaser HE HAD MAD ENOUGH - when the bards aid badgers are fat in (bteber • verb .old water msv be looked for If the taros fires south sold wether will foUow ; if 'torch, s warm spell may he ex- 11 ((hwber bungs hsvy frosts mi winds the foll.wu* January end February will be mjld. When rheumatic people anmpl•lm of pars* and •chs then lank mat for rase and Moms. If 51115 Wave off feeding and oho oath echos around the Geld you may wifely ex pest foie. 11 All Saint w Day will being est the wise ter. St. Martro'. Day will bring out t11e Indian .manor. It golden rod blossoms early Yon will sad heavy sloshes. for bitter .o14 wstbor will prevail. Ween the birds .1 passage arrive early in their southern pawpaw. soon wish& may be looked for. If spiders spin the IlartgtliiW *Srwebs long the wether will be IMO Illt tea or twelve day. Th. witnesses of Mc brIS lboso of • goese i5liest5 the someone of snow that will fall dant the water. A read hydrometer is • pies of hemp. Roll i1 into • loop, sad wb.• it is damp it pregn*atjesta run. Goats Byte' is o.mpwt bodies is the bean. of • oet.tag sum amen that 15. weather will he ism Osiris skins very thin, Mild waster caw tag u : oases skins thick and tough, amnia' water cold and roach. If birds press their Seal.& sad amid wash t5atclva■, afterwards fi!int to their sones, inlay weather lo ist1is•tsd- The twelve days between Den 96 and Jen 5 are the keys te the weather far the e555iag swathe ef that year. Frost that soave 1s oho dark .f the msss kills fruit, bad wad blossoms bat frost 1• tae light .f the mass will sot kOL When howl hoes ore bias, hirer is • eupp17 .f 10144 yon east depend ea it that the 'Astor will be • "oarkt5e" mid m... eras. Fat esse eta' tarty and leek ,et151•agn bash, bre55 odd wether i, ahead sad bash,mt..t very far send at tint tin the mans it rd or bas m.n* red epees * • evil sod ■teen, waster bet If Wile. dew -.re tfelaM the sister will beWbw remkesta befN their 11.e.o. twoad,hewaThewplri.mre•Amidemmd fedtbhb aid eagle5511•sem&upend.m.. .radp.4-pari•ettw�w•rhaes te th0 the whir wit be • lens..g'hem the Sammie" Imp.mW'bred hem Eighty sold ere the tele a iftmsea Attitav-Sar• a u. firm sail pate tb.t •owlet .reed a .: ('�msh Q.r as zoom Meed, silt taw sem ems egad esti age gives Meeh eaL success, bt .bowi.r the eara5tness anti de- votion with which he applies bimself to his cloned proi•.sion, always eeeliot sew and improved methods w extend his usefulness. Alienage a very boar mon, Dr. nor.. 11as fossil time in which to write • groat book of over • thousand pages entitled, The Pimple's 'cosmos Sew Medical Adviser, is Plain F.bglish, sr Mediain* Stmpli6e4 Few beets printed in the English language have reached es great • sale as has %bis popular work, ever 680,070 Dopes having b... sola as 81.50 *sob. The profits on this wsormoa5 G als hris, repaid 110 anther for the great •Es.Mt of Taber wd nosey expended em its prod■otio•. he has sew deeded to give . way, absolutely free, 500.000 eopiee of this valuable hook. the rampant only being re- quired to mail to the World's Dieps■sary Medical Aseoa•uo.. of Ruffolo, N.\'., .f when oo.p ev he is president, 31 .sea -cont * tamps, to cover the wet of .mlisg only. and the hank will be sent pest -paid. I, u s veritable twodtsl library. complete in 015 volume it 5ostai5s 1008 large pages, Gad over 300 ill5tratioae, sone et these u colors. The Fran Ldition 11 715011 ly the Mme se that meld at $1 50 .1*apt only that the hooks aro Mud is strong nulla paper *avers. instead of cloth. It u sot oftes that our readers have an opportunity to oh tarn • valuable book os shah generous terms, end we predict that few will sties •• ►dial tb.Meelves et the uam■el and liberal offer te w11ieh we have celled their attention. ' .rlee. Lester .I • t.•bsed Wti• Wes TMrt1 d Mrr1d LIe. W m. W oedyatt, • Fullers street ear flare trimmer, was charged at the Lead's Pnliae (:..rt meetly was moo en e1 kis wife. H. had bee ••i7 • fear The •..pl• i• April threw up their S ttuttes• (w wife was • .iaannekr). sad wast t* Mlles, Mteh*I•a, where Mrs. Woadtette deer Ured Ws•lyM seamed only • week, when M 'Marna to l..4•. His wife wasted te eras Yea, too, cut b. husband east bar the t✓ "Mart, -The bast ilei yen MO deb lie star where yea as. if Yoe k••w when 1•• e rr on Weis. Ter it's 1.ke this , 1 bats jssM has■m M Gad mit say wie•k• r retain rimed. i wet on.egb tete e1 tie-dev.s life lees whose to eslMy me- Aad 1 .11 •et be Mad a..s be the b mime. Wit ewer lived. h yen seam bask Imes 1 M s.s•wbsee des 1 bee. meds 5s' m-1 mad that 1 wee'* he tied dime te seh•d1 I . d,takis i slat 1 make. and est dmi.g te hemp .. s.ig We red el m7 MI"- 1 b r4le't gat a ease bed .bre 1 ber- reuu 4--� seats--ee M • staple •/ Maks lad pelt ale later. I ems% tied deem lip weans" bays�s g. MM Mesh* M flMwedr Weed?* Well 1ta1 tip leg n*aL expelling. by means of these organs. disease germs of scrofulous. inherited. or contagloes humours which float in the blood, perspira- tion and urine. THE NEW MEDICINE New Fall Millinery. MISS CAMERON, the H,uniltion-Stsset Milliner, having visited the wholesale rnillin••r�' et -titles of Canada, she has been successful in procuring *complete stock of new shapes and trimmings for the fail trade, inch.ding all the new chenille effect', ete. In returning thanks for past patronage, she invites inspection of her stock. MISS CAMERON. CHEAP CHOPPING AT THE GOLERIOH WOOLEN MILL. 1 beg to say that 1 have opened g ,,tore corner of Colborne -Pt std Square, in Mr. Lewitt's Knitting Factor-, and have made arrangements with Mr. Lewitt to attend to the selling of our popular N ooleu gtxr.s. You will Lind oar stock Strut class, and made of pure wool, well selected, consisting of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, ETC. Now ie the time to buy your woolen goods at, wool is fast advancing in price. Buy before the goods go up. Woolen Mill and will be I have put a new Grain Chopper in the , prepared to do chopping every .Say. Grain ground fine or coarse, and have put the price down to 4e. per hundred pounds, hoping toy doing good rk and fair dealing to receive a liberal share of your patronage,. G. M. COLLINS. Its most pronounced feature bits remartabk efficacy in eradicating poison and impurities from the blood. and building op the worn end debilitated parts of the systems. Thus, to stubborn cases of scrofula and other dis eases depeeding upon impure blood, asick melts are obtained from its purifying tad tissue-baffdiag properties. *THE KIND THAT CURES." SCOTT'S SIN SOAP Seaatlshs the CempirAMO. FOR SALE B1 JAS- N ll.z1uh. Oetlelrieb Postal I*t'miti s. Dorothy, Ked 5, leaked with awe sail pity .t the long. needle -pointed oboe* .f • Young ledy visite", mil then oohed of her oompa.siea•uly, "Mims Ethel. ain't Yee got only one tee Waving nems. Are d1 right when they are Moss. *eft nal billowy. If your ostrich planes leek sick wed G.ggy, s.glid said orwsbed, we men make Maas Irma sod alive, jest like they were wbMo sew hy oondis( thorn t Parker'* Dye Work., Tetmabo, when work is dote troll Leave year order. at Mia•... Tates' etillia.ry *tore. leer or worn Cesium.. Almost the only nsrelty which eau be se- s.eneed le the short skirt .hie11 Parisian easterners have premised for winter street gew.e. If it aces boeor• fashionable, w• - mon will have wine Ones for whir% to he thankful. Not only will thaw sables be treed, but their bends Mee, ohs the fatter are aegene•r1l7 employed M hold lip • long skirt went is gen, their street win will messiah fresh , me they will ass easier the dirt ed .1 the side- walk. Left. @Mets will remain in segue for beim, sorriest, 554 eE---i-1 wear. Trisha *fall ase V. le vele ie the sed sae r eight of may bird. and Is rain M emerepelem dealers ear a high pries kW with • pest wh• Weida the bila 11e Hese•.[ Aar.' 0.., w w s .erse4 elms* • label. 1b het. pat Were die peaks o /Geereaa. eld, reheat wise et . prim whk. heaed`abmiswy par aired w high wised p.sp*5. ilven thea w� bk. wen t,a.ugti M get visa sS ball arise vM .ease bees .maid *. Whew the SUPERIOR JEWEL FURNACES Are the most Powerful Heaters in the World. For Economy, Durability,and an ea-- ily regulated Furnace, it ha'+ no equal 0. CANTELON, h FOR SALE RT HARPER Ss LEE. P. S. -For (bbl or wood. BURROW STEWART BtMIL beet Ala ,r -HAMILTON. West street BASER, STILL LEADS TRE TRADE, AT - FALL 1895 - ft MUN RO'S_ full lines in UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY and YARNS. No better value to be had in Galerieli As usual, extra value in storm and hard finish SERC+ES in BLACK, OXFORDGREYNAVY and ADMIRAL BLUE. A. MUNRO, Draper and Haberdasher. His bread is made from pure Manitoba flour -made from the cream of the Manitoba wheat -and therefore is the best in the world This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying this bread at the saline ss made from inferior flour at the price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered to any part of the town. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. E3' Wedding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. D. CANTELON. 3064' TOILET_SOAPS ■ANUFICTUREK$' PRICES. Boot and Shoe Sale SEE OUR DISPLAY. IT WILL INTERRST YOU. CHAS. A. NAIRN. We have some lines that we are determined to clear out at prices that will do it. Ladies' I)ongola Button, hand -turned, 21 to 5, 1:1 to 13 75. for Gents' Calf Balmoral., Goodyear welts, 6 anti ti}, 390, for 1 25, for 1.25, for 200, for 12.00 and 2 25, for 1 25, for 11.00 and 1 25, for .25. for .35, for 11.00 and 11.25, for Misses Do 1♦ Button, Misses' Polished Calf Button, Gents' Tan Congress, 6, 8 and 9, Gents' Tan Balmoral., 6, K and 9, Gents' Tan Oxford Ties, ,l and 9, Ladies' Tan Oxford Ties, 4} to 7, Ladies' Cloth Slippers, Ladies' Cloth Slippers, elastic front, Misses Toe Slippers, Gents' fine Balmorals and Congress, from 11.20 to 14 00 We have extra value in MEN'S and BOYS' LONG BOOTS, that will be sold at prices that they cannot be bought for from the manufacturers to day Agent for Slater Men's Shoes. WM. SHARMAN, JR. dor. East Street and Square. - 12.00 2.00 1.00 :- 1.00 1.50 - 1.50 1.00 .75 17 .25 .50 FEATHERBONE SKIRT BONE A item, plletd.. el•rh bon. Eads For giving sew a ms. gt is .an ed )$S14 . STYLE and SHAPE to LADIES' DRESSES .eadlly to Nide e' eines peps, to befit s< Dross. 15. Wily Skeet Bebe that mar he wet without I.jsry. eell=elerete meds Its retllgtel= M .eased wtef thea abs. ..Ares. P Asst• iII l•a&ey Dry Geese Deakin.