HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-11-7, Page 22 THE 8TONA L : iifD10tTQ11, ONT., TW(TMIAD A T. NOV 7. 149/1. geta with a tolicy baby or • colic* stonier!' isn't pleasant. Either can be sou' v keeping a bottle of Perry Davis' 'AIN Kfd.1.i:a on the medicine shelf. It ii invaluable insedik en ...Uncle of Cramp* Cholera Morbus, Dye/eatery and Dia/Thud. _ u 4 .inti • .lual,le for all coact -mil horns. •• p..a—11Mkaa'SSQPiI m a 1.,:r r..e„t wawa or inns,w 07, T"'ti 0 is c CERIAI N, f'AINI1t[R J '0 r d o•.aye*4a1I, m 4 1 HIS MOTHER's UI A NION U. i b... pullinit .fr.y sem: lig►► drubs around the wn.::b of the hole or ditch tato WAS lying lazily in my 1r•rnrte k, which name ie •t.....1 :.rest., buug tr.1. the giant Nome of .e.• of the great trees in the compound. 1 war meatier, w•,rwhat uaooml*,tably.'hi cow:Idiom of my leases and forcing no self t. leek the •c uat in. squarely as the loco I was slow to h.tl.tio that pleasure r. • more •earl% thing ties Libor, lid ats outdoors lar fen being se sat&l.ttery Ween 1 left England 1 two. .d my father that 600 • year rad my pas- would a:would be more than enough to mover at r.as...►I• waits .ad wishes. and &.w, Mow ninr eir ton months In Keret ly. i Was o 'trammed "lor lack o' gess that I mast either overdraw, burro• or live an macout inely nutted ►de for the nett three mnuu.s. -?ho printer., of pl.v,.g guise:. Fowl to Ashton's rose with nock better plm ere ,h.. myeslf, .t..I the w' very hea.y hook oe hall a dears sport int .vats. had ons• based toward Mu. rapid resole, as 1 mold .et help reefklly s•kn•.wledgireg. As 1 mused,l ',eons .i; idesly aware el • langbtag face tookirt down oto my ham kook. itaakeill.r, the septw of my enm- puy, had swung himself noi.eIisely ret,, the tree, and p••r-,h.d nitride • rough limb tits" swore alongside of m.u. "Well, t'ampbe11, wee his gw greeting, "v..0 are enjoying the dole tar nmento an the shade. I am Inst released front duty. "Yna •.re titistitken about the dole., 1 replied. '•1 cru toting the bitter,' nos the the sweet do ilei hong, and .hall have to taste It for tome 'me to come. •'1 have then a hat remorseful ever you 1•d, be mad, speaking more gr•yely than was het wont, and wrt ,out looking .1 me, serapi.g down grey fraytrneots of lichen from the trunk of the old tree. "1 bmye a.t forgotten th.• it -.as l who brat antro- •luoed you into Asklone rooms and to his fast set I have "rel (eolith h toy self ; but 1 bad .o right to drag you tato • like sorspe.” "Nonsense, R.aketlor,' 1 mid hostile. "1 was lost charging myself with moral •upisssees whin von wine unto me so end dimly-reeil'•i.g to pull myself together, and newt even rex penny Nap i. future'" Fl• ensiled his bright .asay smile. •'All r4ght, lad. i'll book yes up 1 am afraid I heed ■o, my what 1 imam to sae to ask rather 1 ou could int lend me a tenon for two day • I shook my head regrefinite. "I ate com- pletely gleaned on•, R•nkeuior not • rue.* loft. cod, what a worse, Ashton holds one or two 1111'h, whish he must hold tall sett pay. "Anima hold. them, 'he repeated,• queek impatient frown noising hs features. •'Then you positively have not • single coin to threw at a fellow, I'arnpbell "Not oae,Ranke.lor I •m awfully sent': hut --- '•t►h, sever mind, he interrupted, with ready kenning "1 .hall h•v• plenty is • day or two, •rid may tee able to gigs you • lift who knows •' He reeehd ap to the limb snore, te etody himself for an elastic sprtag downward. "Hello • Whet's heoome of your hag rase diamond 1.eked, locking at the empty setting of the ring he always wore e• the little Anter id hit left hand. Hs, toe, looked at the empty riog, and although h• laughed, 1 saw the! he had chested .nler, and hie 1•ugb,to my esr,whs L sew all his mood.,twre an inflection of pain or vet.tion. "1 shall have it rout is two days. at tit• 'unionist, he answered. "And 1 mean to stake the setting niers enure. " With • nod be reran dews and vanished. I wondered idly why he had shown some ;Attie .onfeeiea or &snooyanr* at my quo, tiro. The ring was a lady's ring • 'Argo, •xesedrotly beautiful row diamond, set be- tween two opals. t►f coarse he was hoarse - ed unsparingly about it by his brother oft. dere, sad squally, .f ooure, he retained hie ►right good humor, and replied with ready wit, making none of th.wn say the wiser re- garding the hinter of t1i ring. i •leae knew that it was has mocker • old engateta.nt ring, end that she bas asked him t. "make it his "milkman his charm against evil ' "11 tei time for your rope dnll,sir, and tie mea •r• turning out, ' said Farrell's mt.., breaking in on my theughw. I sprang down sot neve, emotes • regret f.l look at the hammock that 1 l.ft swing. isg i• the .eel shed. of ,r.e. heath.. 1 hated rope drill. and the men hated ,t evm more eordt•Ily than I did. It was an ar- rangement of knots and ropes whereby eight or tin men 'held he anode to rept* sent /fty or the hsedrad by diet of hard work sad madly reunite, shoot Hewev.r, the weather was .et yet bet enough t.o mak• active **throe* positively dis•gr..ahl. ; we what at is with • soil jest node the wall of the great compnaed, to the metre of widish steed the nSeer.' ha.palew After we had fia..hd sad 1 i.rl dimwits - ed the eaten. wise fretted sway thanhlwllye wiping tacit bet brows, i threw reveal down au the emend, het and potting Pot errs. ono of the •te•,had remained to gath- ap the ropes sed menta* ;them to their pl.sss. Y.ddeely be Anted away tram the repos sad dashed len e.p at seam alien with •11 hi. ferns. What le it v" i ..ked, rakes, myself m my .Thew with lastsid eeri.dav te rate\ hh m0 a ss, "it's a rabbit. mit-1 llb/E Ata rites Meet end f'11 have bar Ihr mew se.' .hick the rabbit had dwtN..r'ed• 1 lav tem ata.n heedlessly, to image away • few of the minutes that would i.tmywo be Um tee ..11 sounded fur haat•, $.iddwh_l board the matt claim,/ rite by mom "Ida 1'•mptwlt,air, wee t you please come he't lora ter a "Humin" '" 1 jumped up mod wept to the meoth of the hate, roto which math sol rabbit bad Nth disappeared. Peta,Ms was '.energise from it. feet f.ssmest, dragvwg shnsthise after him. �t�. '•Thio is a *MKae. . 4s said ; "it goes is over on far, it's • t'sgslar tuoael, rt to: and I found them thi.gs Motile ' ' Hs held up a trowel and notion s very email one both of which Loth evident* s1 havieg bees resebtlytasd for •xsavating purposes n the belt dried, freshly tuned earth adbsrt.R to them. •'1lchere do won suepn.e it leads to 1 asked, taloa, the trowel is .v hound. 'Well, sir, 1 Aider go in very far. but it rase of that way a good bit.' He de. riled a sweep with tie arm, paining the *Myers martore 1n the left "And that leafs •" only for •n insteat diel 1 .teed with hest grows ; then, as if a • liraja wave" had flouted from one t• the other, we both •:claimed at linea, "hoed gracious ' The fort the fort, with all tie mommy ' "It must be Chet,"1 said in ceot.reaties. '•Plet.ro.e, rsu ¢o in again and penetrate to the yes* end. t shall wall above. as your voice throne. Mind, von must shout well. We nust look into this." The mag obeyed at ones, and .rept bael ante the hole. As soon as he .wmpletely vanished I throw dews the trowel and prepared to fel kw shove ground, when • single dartlla¢ paint of Tight glittered like • star from amid the dia►laed earth fallen from the trowel, where 1 hod thrown it doses. With • .traage, Oakum( feelwg of genuine Luray at my heart I stooped •ad visited up--ltan- k•ilor'. di•meed ' ( had sot the time thea, however, to .pecal►to. Panorama was *1• read• shouting, his vole, mounted sad ,.- distinct, a. from • duraao.. 1 rolled the previous ethos is • Domer .f my headker- chiof, std •prang away to follies the man'. proems. 1 replied to every shout by . tamping vwlently ea the ground A. we had feared, we were led directly is the fort, where •11 the moneys of the garrison were pocked lid 'tooted from floor to eeilieg. What was worse, halide the fagot mottled votoe ceased to lord me forward I .cod within two .r three yards of the back w••11 of the fart ! Evidently the tassel was tooth near s.mpletioo ; • single eight • Yard work,• brisk or two retained from the wall, and the excavators would be richly re warded ' 1 turned and quickly retraced my steps to this mouth of the tensel. • group of men, •moor whom I disting.iab Captains a.htes sad .rdyee, stood by the antrum*. Plainly they hod bels watching ..r envoi_ meats, and must have tboa'ht them sus- picious urpicious Obeying • swift impulse I lifted my bandkerehi.f and slipped the jewel into my winch, where it lay, " rolled Irk. • sweet merest seder mygue, ' I saw that Canna Portly*, held trowel is h is land, and Captain Ashton hail last laid down she pickax.. "Campbell ! Yna,Caenpboll ' It seat be possible • ' sx.laimd Ashton, is amazed srssoendo. " Who would have thought er believed it ' 1 Anil sooner have sawed any ether man uw the garrotes bad i bow asked to pick out tie the delinquent. "Th. delinquent'" i repeated, h•aghti lv. " Hew dare you use the wend to me ' 1 have been discovering • bold and daring attempt t• rob the fort an attempt that has come dangerously .ear to success, tee Another sights work w.uld have I.iabed mho—" What did l ►011 you, Fortieth." inter. rapped Ashton, shaking ►n head. " 1 told you, when we dr.eeverd this teasel **,ter day, and resolved t• watch it, that mho -the •xsavatore would he .are to wear • bold front and proclaim themselves •zpinr.re esly " •' I will sot submit to this "' 1 oriel watt int.... auger. 1 sever was • patient mos, sad Ashton•, boll eon; aaseoe.to two drove woe w11.1. " You baste exo.aded year authority, Ashton ! As for Paterson, he was obeying orders. i am mar sew straight to t' elope' Pryor b lay the whole iafamose boomers before him i think eon will se•rehly dare say that this is the course .f boom • guilty man would fellow." I turmoil sharply read to dose i said. when the men manse upon m. Irk. am •val- anch., aniad and overpowered use is • moo men", and with either arm is • powerful er•p 1 rmltsd with .p.eehle*, anger that quietness* would *arm, my tura hoot, at least for the prse..t. Itnth A.hton and Fordyce were my npericr• i• rank i woe e mp•ra- tovly a sew .n .r, whole they were voter am is the .wviee Rves if proved a Me - babe their mistakes seal wool/ do them ►.es harm than good is the ..losers .yes le t eorie.a ea affair ea this " Iseort Mr. ('ewmpiell to hie quarters, .0n," staid 4.itoa's pilot video. " Petcer .ea ma be taken to the guardroom fer the press.. Fortin*. we had hefts, gs .t mat to Colonel Pryor " I wee "asserted" to my quarters by the o/trtM Ntomaewo es either ddle of site. Sin Wily WM my mem Obit belt We I made of my privacy wag to look away ties ksiler'e dia.oead i. • seem" drawer of w desk . and then though oiaEsg like as ine pei.o.d eaglet, I forced myself tato la • nom, 1e ord.r to 'halal oat as belt 1 eesl what relies Raakeiler hors w th,eetsago dirtnyery of the thorn tensed 1 hac1 aMsdaaoe of tine is pursue m♦ demises. for rhe little e*htar% exwpeeen she *rani who brought roe rev Iunchehs,s the thine seer use for wveral hour.. Over sad ever, round and rouadp ao,, spun *ad wlir!ed to trin y brathe eveotw of she day and me y strange limo The snelueles I came to woe steriliser : and the tete* 1 ► e d thorn foal mv.ett this¢ driven towards it, like • horse swerva.gfre e • desperate !rap, 1 bsrn- 54 .way ..d began this wmmary all ever agree. t toe or two things 1 was *lime sun of Ranked*: • dtam.ad had sparkled and m.iutillased lie his Inger evening at the !ate moss droner. A•hson sad Fordyce bad both declared test they hod watched the thane' oats vwtorder alsernnos: Raskaler must therefore bave Telt the 1...l in the tassel whrls it woo Ming watched, and at night, .r very early a the mnr•iog. What mould that possibly mesa --•x0511" • i had always stopped "hare, and began all over again 1 r.us.mbsrea with • strange feeling of disloyalty to eels* who bad bees the kind est .f friends to m. how Rakeilor bad two r three them told ow that he w.uld hay. .'plenty of moa.* witbi• • day or two at the (srIhr,st, and would even be able is bele me out of my tight place.. Ose thing i was dsaidd upon, is the slow cry.talir• !ion of r.pulove ideos tortillas in sty wain &Fust one will time was, that .o far ea 1 was N"..r&ed is the matter, l would shield my friend. name. I would preserve utter solemn es the .abject .f hu loot diamond, for the preen" at least. ot matter what tie; pesetas- might be. • quiet. footstep in the .otridor caught my ear:.. deer was throws open, and i:aak.tlor walked is• his face euf.isd with a Eery glow of Idigs*tuon. ••*►hat a thu■d.nng sham., Campbell ' was his um N !siv. salutation, holding out loth bonds to me. "1f Lsb►es and Fordyce keew you as 1 de they w.uld laseh at the thought .f hrine'ag such • charge &palest you' "As yo. do,' 1 said, tontine • smile. "I mean - as you laugh *t it Ito looked at me attentively, as if math - thing in my us fuser had .track him as air usual. "Tell me all about 11, o •mpbelI,' he said, speaking with authority and kindnoes both. "Let me hear your versos of the affair." "Mime is tor, sample. 1 was at my rem drill, as the men m*• testify. i had di.mim ed the men, all bot 1.5.nn., wham •atv It tom to dee to the repos, whoa I saw him Meg his cap at • rabbit last demist .a to kis hole, as we thought. Cap and rabbis both disappeared, and rewrites crawled us •f er,aod found what made hum forgot the rabbi W• had test tnuh.d loxplering the tunnel, 10 fact; I have cot yet beard Peter set. report. •she. mad Fordyce, with mm .r two men, wird and arrested mood miffed at my •xplasatiea. Rsakeilnr looked grave. "May I hear their amount of it' 1 asked after • mass. "Yes. It ..ens that they di.o.gdisd this them' yesterday, sad without exploring is very tboresghly,.asp.ctsd it might led is the fart, lid watched it from that time sed . 11 eight by turas. N. one approached it metal lunch hour "day, when they both -- Athletes and F.rdy.s —saw t os lid year mea near she eotrmsw. Then, as they sup peeed,with * view to di.00vering how far in the tenon you had ,.t to pesetrate before reacher the fert, the mu [rept iwide,eod yea walked towards the fort until within a few ,ard•. Then they called up their noon and arrested you both es the spot. 1. that wrrect, t'ampb.11' - Befor. 1 mold reply • knock at tbo door wee followed by the outran". of as orderly, sohi informed me that Colonel Pryer desired my premium s. the ante room. i went at e.se, followed by Rask.ilor There were only Swe men my ao.a.sr. -present is the ante room with Colonel Pryer when 1 es. tared. It was quite an 'sternal inquiry : but i saw that the old 'shier feted keenly int ward and look: 1 told the plain uovsrauhed truth with simple direet.os.,to Col. Pryer, and he listened with oosrt ey. Wheat I had ended he looked &ward Ash- lon and 'order*. "You found this tassel ybelrday atter aeon, you say, g.atlerw.0 f -- "W. did, sir. and we wstebsd ail ■ig►t lid all day; today, me or the other of as kept mor it. The .hi.4aimed for . moms", his .sero old tam masked sad tus.rutahle as that of the .p►isx. "ted you leave anyone en [mord at the tassel whee you tame to me Ent roper" • Who is there new The tw..Soon looked a little foolish. 'W. did sot pest • Marry there after die sevensg the tasseling," said •.hese sem.wlat lamely "Is will Ili pine enough in the evening. "Well, gentlemen.' said the Ooleael in • .►ort doorways manger. "i do not see why Campbell should set hays (.sad out this tunnel as well se yea, with istentleas as is ammo as Tsar este. The ol6e•rs were alert. " I t seem to ate .h*► vos failed in your duty when you did not report .sob an im permit disarray to sin last sight. •ed it dem int seem just to attaeh my .tap.* to ( a.pbell'. /ding of it, oalem yea Mare it• if Campbell and hie man hod b..s the ex- cavators, they would sot have risked draw tog atteeties te their 'work is brad day- light 1 m. greatly sarprissd as year Sad- isg m me thou during the night, for oar taisly that "wan was made is the hewn of &irksome1 1 .hall port marries th.rw to - eight I tbidk yea W bolter imam your- selves to herrs.ke fill tsmsrrew afterimage - - yea three disww•re s i wows ---tend I.t am deal lees with Ohl besselerward. " He lett lbs r.sw,ad,f seer ince darter, wrist Asn /has wars these of Asides amid lroedyes .. beerbeg the missal's ultimatum Wlt►est etpwlisg to say et "ham. i ro- amed te isy sous tease, awls t.ilswd by itaskeiler. Ms is hi Mesas* r ear, laid bac band ds my ebagYr, hep. !" eampbeil, old fellow, I dost mesa te leave yea •less till yes snake • alga& breed" of is ! I deo dearly that you eas4sst me rd dome semplisity is this Meioses, *ad 1 shall heust you until you madam tome, out with it 1 gad et him is • bewildered fashion liar .is torten". Why should 1 be eo apaioac to shield tis& mora m reputation if he was hist sell so rookies* of is • lir was this bold at feet bit. lrieadlinese ..rant merely to draw nay sod lot out lhe st•eaWl, he should s m k sou whom stoodhave t. I would he tickles., ton, although rite strong faecinati..s of hie look and essaier, of the mos altogether, had sever loses se . trnovly .r..i.t • m• rntnd as now "1 does *aspen 1 know, R•nleilor " 1 ••i.l,l•eLiag •arneetty a• him "1 fossil y air du•mend where you loss tt, is the veru mouth of the runnel, among the fresh• 1y tsr..d earth on the trowel A wiles et rapmd, startling ebonies erase .d hie teeter**, leaving %ion phi• as dye but hie eyes never flinched from their .read• W WI into mmee, only RIG hand dropped from my shoulder, "Yea Toned int dunned there • my mother's gift.' he bald stonily. "Yoe : I limed it there. 1 have it safely, and .e eye has sees it hat mise, nor shall say 500 hear of it from me, Reakeilor.'. His fame eoftiosed eosin, and he !'.placed ho.ara+ es my 'boulder wish • •mile. He bad his; •peaed his lips to meek when • hide- ous sound, or rather • I.►el .( sousda,arese !rem the opposite room '■ the rine oorridor • rata of heavy blows,megld with howls and trot protestation, aad 'roams of "Oh, •h, .ajtih' 1 not steal tt ' I not steal !mythinr ' t►► oh, sahib "' We loth walked uneer,meaiouely into fashion's rnsm, whence the soiled* praosed d . is was set quite as unheard-of thing to And .n .then twtiag his Hindu servant with has broom or anything that same handy : bus Ashton was 'i• • furious pas coo, and was kicking 'mv.gely as well Wmtheut a moment's tbe.itasisn Rukeilor . prang forward *ad wrenched the man's arm eu' of Avhtona aegrt grip. "Go ran, he said, and the poor wretch needed no .eco.d bidding Ashton turned tercel* ea R•ak•iler. "Hew dare you uterfsre• The deg bee been stealing ! I have loot— He .top- ped short, looking Meeker than • thunder "lead "I know mid Ruk.ilor, quietly. "Neu h ave lost my rem dtamnia, wbieb you leek from one last sight *t bacenrat, knowing well that it reprsasatd more than ire times the value of the amount that 1 ewed yon. Ashton, you shall send in your pap - .re tomorrow. Fordyce too. I have foils for same time that '.nmleys and 'penes' lad gone quite far ea.agh in your quarter; bet when it some@ to loan"Iliag throurb to the, fort for money to supply year table it must step ! 1 give you your theme. either seed in your papers at one, or the whole story of where tie disarmed was found— ations' the fresh earth •dbertag t• the trow- el --"ball be told openly gad freely. "Rah' Say no mere said Ashton, with Mos lid voice of et•eeding disgust. I did ■ o► meas tester liar is any owe in • serm of wade and tradesman. 1 shall "".heap Mato • horse rsrimeut. .. ' "You were glad sought to win the ism - h et the Dods and tradesmen," said Rae keilor, soldly. "However, so long as you and ferdym retire at onoe,t 9a ma go wlero nu plass". Corm .hang, Campbell. ' He took me by the arm, gad we crossed again to my room. "It is all scare wow, lad he asked, with his wiaaiag smile. "And will you re- store me my mother's dimwitted • "You ea' Von found is." "Rsmksiler, 1 sincerely begvyour 'pardiest for having suspected you! i hold out my head, and he grasped is warmly. "1t was aa'aral," be said, "but 1 could not Mar to tell you how I lied lost my mother's beautiful gift; sad, uwtil mt omit remittawea frees hems, I knew 1 should net bo able to redeem it. That tom my reason for asking if you could lewd me any woes ry " "AY, 1 could get,' i said, ruefully. "But Rsakstlnr, law sac von be sure that Ask tea .ad Fordyce are the defaulters ••' " 1'11 toll you how," ha answered, readily "And if I en set mistakan,the chief gimes, it as shrewdly as I da. Whim they report - .d the est, the eelea.l told them b. world see to it, in • half eorelw sort of Iwhiou : Ant he asked them to wait there, in his house, until he performed ea important duty. They did se with pleasure ; and the old fellow, taking/ tin along with him west str•ieht to she tassel, *ad 1 did "manly what you and your da, Petersen, it nss.* did i crawled in be walked above, and i guided him by .boati.g. He examined the pickaxe and trowel, The earth em time waw fresh, quite diferest from that at the ea tram*. i am ~tam be hellions as i do, that that earth wee teaser ewer last night. Cempbell, my dear Mi . I forgive yea with all my heart tar esepw.0 me d- -dime knows what bus I refused utterly *0d in. d:gsani1e to enemies you et the hoot ap- proach to oemplsoaty is this—Mem. faire me the fall credit i deeerr.," ii. lsagbed ie his quiet, cordial way, ; bet I saw that ►" wee • little hart, tee, "And let's .take • compact Ira mod sore' to help sash ether, end these pang Reigate in our seeps, to amps from the wares of s..\ fowler* se Ashton sad Fordyce. Shall we ••' "1 .i•:1 sever okay for mosey &gale while 1 liy.." 1 said firmly. "and 1 don't Ukiah 1 oat over 4i.srast you agate, itawheiler. it was impossible for mynas to green whether Colossi Pryer swspected aaytNK •.serol in r.•sivteg the rsdga.tiees of two *Soma no tiso ammo day. He meld keep hie ewe onsn.sl .owe better, The Mewl was safely cloaked .p .0d the fleet 'eieeely guarded. It tow in 1060 that the heti../ .m.urred, fowl R*whiner end 1 are *till tato li"s"le atter thirty years, ?les wenn of Winter are beglaasig sswlgtls ear heads, and der Mese ars les - sad and w.•tberle.tw : bus er hewn are ilteb awl firmly knit • is early sashes& Kb .ocher's dimmed .Ain ebbs' es W ewe. "twat as bit log dogs Yin !r. i. P. agemill. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYE IZRSw A MEDICINE WWITHOOUT AN E MIN Statement of a Well Known Doctor "Ayer e Sarsaparilla iv without an equal as a blood-purtaer and Spring medk'ine, and cannot have praise enough. I have watched its affects In chrome cases. where outer treatment was lit no avail, and have been a.tonlified at the results. No other blood mrdiemnr that I have ever used, and i ha,. triad them alt, is So thorough 1n Its action, and effects to many permanent rumen as Ayer'+ Sarsaparilla"—Lar. 11. F. MERRIL ., Augusta, We. Ayer's Sarsaparilla *lo"tt"ed at the World's !air, Aster's Piilie fer lives sail a.eewlat. GI 75,5*. ' LIMN Tali. 1 was lecturlsg out it. K1136s1 1..t spring. where tis•lir•• pron•brt' a 4..ntemper- •to man mime to ass dao day lid .•.a . Yee, Mr, i'.•rt.,... nos probibitiea will bring rein to the stat.. 1t will, will r Yee. It will imposer -oh u• and dee rot our busi.eos holiness. Now, I said, if • K••».s f trm»r be' ,gs • Mouthed botshelg of ooro into Topeka, he gats how most for at • Four hualred d.!lar., *s.wor. d my friend. New, if they tele hen rhnuwd 10.1. s of cern over W Peortn, how mu b we ek.y '.0 bit .s*ks Four thousand gallons. And whiskey to wroth—how much ' Oh, after they Mae paid four theu.•0d dollars revenue tax en it to the ether litotes, it will he worth about $4,600 Ad it this whiskey should cisme tack to Kansas you would have te pay about tib 000 for it. Would it be worth aaethwe to your emti• No : 1 .oppose o wou:d cense • great deal of idiotism and crime. It would hart as. I thought whiskey • positive bo••G. I - - w1'ell, hew muck would it hurt yea ' 1 asked. oh, 1 c.a't tell ' 1 %A ell, 1'11%611 yea, I said. It will buil von directly allot Ave thousand 4.11.r•' worth. Yo.s would be directly not of peck int just (4.600 And indirectly it will soot Kamm in idlaw lid •rmate- -cawed by the 4,000 galloon of whit key $20,000. It wea'd tate 16,000 men • day apses to dust it up, if they dr..k • chart • nay mon. The 1....f 16,300 days' labor to Kansas world be $20 000, wouldn't it • 1 declare, exelatmed Ray trued, 1 never heard it put that way 1 .•e it all plan ly mw. 1 1' never say anything about pooh' bltioa damaging Kansa• again. Yes, 1 said, [•auras, before she had pro. ht►muse, angel to wad about $10.000 be Peoria and Kestucky for wh•.key, and hew moth dem she sold sow ' 01, I suppose eke sends out •hoot $1,- 000,000 gt• h prnhihutioe Kanto reale eaves $90,000.000 is len years. It sarong $9 000,- 000 • year damages Kama" sad Mata.. I thick they lean stand it a good essay y -are, lid the Iouger they stead it the fleet they get. le street, stoma "aloud.... There is • possibility that the (ewer ex libited by .11 classes ter the ►rcyole carries with it sa aliment o1 danger. itterc,ee .s easeatial to vaporous health, but i• disease er is these eases where the muscular forth me greatly reduced the use •f the who I should be employed cautiously The proprietors of the veru well known remedy, Cora retractor, attribute the largesse& .1 their sales int to the use of the bicycle by the people of l'aa•da, hot to the absolute csrtarnty of Choir preparation to remove the meet panful sadobotao•te oars. is twttSty- four !oar.. Patnam's Cora tx•reator is always swteia, sats sad psalms. Try it. BRISTOL'S PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish jiver and all Stomach Troubles. ' BRISTOL'S PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, • elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. BRISTOL'S I PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family medicine: M Druggists keep 1 BRISTOL'S 1 PILLS • The Signa ease more , elle venal attest** to rte Joh Priuti (50514.,''1151 are mesa - passed oat idle the sitter ler the ptuu,pe seaproper ea«u.tien a1 au olaa•ts .eapri •t w • Purusal of this •s0,,useeif 1te it n.•..1 of gadt tart y''. ' `7 mr1n11 nage our •••al, int your l"am"as feeling .•.inulin" that our efrturt• to Pleas will m. -et with the •ppiuval of our Patrons 1 lots ��ea1s This useful sir. is kept in the fol range of qua:itie. .note " t Y -heaths. Whi;e t«t t\lb T.\11�C► . � � u u ui are not so generally used, they till an important place in ootnat:erctgl cornutp.ntletMa :iso what we've got under the above ileads. thrtttY iocu.iis iii thus line we have • very Targe Ktrh'n Of tint writing papers eult nble for every .class of hu,iliev* roprvorut•vf in this locality, .,m prising laid and wove, Iii,, quadrille and other paper., rul.•d or unrulr.l, as tuay be requiraj. Wb'1 i‘t't a% If uret. "pay -aa -you -go" plan was the oiler of the day the slemipd for account paper would nut Ito so great ; but there are some turn who get So many .Iunnert that they wonder if the stork will ever run out. We don't intend jt to, and at present our stock it cost piety iu this line with four '.mu, Good paper and neat ruling. tt\kCttitQ.t&ta Rothe mingle and double ";Miere and cents columns- They ..0110. cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once • month. They are sure to fetch him 'round— sometime. Vasm..e\ores Now, it would be bard to Ret along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on hand. We have now about • hundred thousand in stock, iM the prices will range from 75c. to 12.00 per M. We handl" cosi mercial and legal sizeaexclusively. COMM.' e.%o\ has already been partially enact orates' in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amoun of work under thio head that to enumerate would more than take ap the entire space occupied by this .dv't, but we do it all at Tit SIGNAL. wt>otot•ons to an "At. Home" or • wedding require considerable taste in selec tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and see 4vact r(tuts of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. C'weu\tar s We aim to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, and keep iu :.tock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. cards area T•.ekttt. This bead covers a large range al work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, frosi an Or- dinary adminuon ticket be a tasty business card or a handsomely printed mesibership ticket. V otters Our facilities for turning oat this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is done by os. This line also in eludes boosters which our three fastrunninr > presser are able to taro out an surprisingly short time. iiAks belong to the poster deosrtass•t also, and we make a specialty til thea•—prompt em being oar she in this respect. A notion of sale will appear in TRX Stento" fres el charge when bills for same ere go, hero. #\\AC:m.%o;Work in the typographical printing lino can be done in this .,&alidkmoN in an expeditious sad artier scanner and OWI \ %Ares AiA\ let So s ' 111rt? reeksotns►We. We extend our 51.ake far pat by ore, and sobeit a oestdnosaes et W' r.. T%Ie 1gZDir# .. awes es. Ur1t•