HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-24, Page 5THE SIGNAL : QODERTCR, ONT.. TtUMDAT OCT. 24 1896. W..4CHF_SON & SON. VUR SHOW r J Windows tell the story ; ohs look will convince 6Eli where to buy your goods. This is the week for rgains. If prices will make sales, our stock will be mi.)re than half gone by D„cember. We advertise no low grale goods. All these special quotations are bonafide r.. 1ULtlons and inaugurata season of forced sales with os. See the goods and you will buy. In the now ad lanced Incl ket for Wollens and Cotton goods we couldn't duplicate dozens of lines of goods at the prices we quote for this week : Tl 04e Timed and Kuicker effect .vool Dress girlie, 4'' inches wide, now 11`.• n van:, •eriucr4 from lSc, in a dose is patterns. Ne .in, hoe lay, Twill verges. 4 d- ii. hes wide, Navy anti Black, .(k., worth 25c • •t. 1.. ..•h •i.1 •, al' wool S argil,, Black, Navy anti Cardinal, at •.:,c. the muter 4b inch, heavy aunt, ail wool. M.wtamine Merges, 39c.. worth ri0e, 44 inch storm Serge, Black and Navy only, pure wool, 49c.. the 6(k. kind. 4:' jock, Black Cashmeres, all wool, Lehi„ reduced from 4.rc. 46 inch, Blue Black and Jet Black Ilenrietta, very fine, special riot., equal to 7 rc. quality o. last season. 10 dot. Mark Cashmere Hose, Ladies sites, only `4, :1, L;, trey spliced herls and toes, full fashioned, 19c worth 9:'c. For one week only. Ladies' extra Ikea •y, full fashioned, Cashmere How, 19c., worth :'Ot. Iwiiem' Wool li,lish vests, long sleeves, high neck, at Ieach, worth 15c. Ladies' extra heavy wool finish meets, heavy sleeves, high neck, at I9c., worth 25c. Ladies warranted all wool vests, long sleeves and full size at 'O1c. each, Sohl every where el 6 at '11ealth Brand wool rest., long sleeves, f,'h., regular Que. ('hildrrn's underwear in proportionately low price. Men's Shirts and (Drawer*, Union, ribbed and very heapy at 35c.. neitic•d from 4•'• . ►1,•u s rihtted Shirts anti Drawers, extra hoary and all All pure wool. at .ri(k. rash, or $1.00 the suit They are goad value at $1.Ju. Men. tine SVOtd. IAIIII1 8 wool shirts and drawers, the l.e.t SI two eases last we Rall at ('';Ir each. Itny s underwear in proportionate prices to *hove. Men. ii,iary 'mantle/is Bla.:k Wool Hoar, I.''c., worth [r. inspection invited. kind, while W. ACHESON & SON. Highest pew for praises. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, C3OD!CFI ICi , ONT- e rrtaki g Import meat in CYAN! of ov Mt J E. e.tlgrorr, praoth cal ►u..e-s• Three,* and Rmbeime .r na1Is promptly a•tealed he. n ight .r der. MARRIED 311.111N ROHI,t+,J'4 (in4/et it, at Vittoria snot Panus**. by R... H. Irvine. John /Ohio, Inetr.i• to Mies Megt'le Robtoeys. u.dertob township. HOLT,)$ STEEP On Oct. I:tb. by Rev. B. irvtae et t1. residence •t the bride's lather Thos. Holton. 10 21'm Moulds -less DIED. Mkt 1. Dederick os Wednesday Oct 16th •l Mary Herr beefed- • if• et John Herr aged 72 years a4 masahs. melee 'coli the latest designs, unto, all the bent mammal, sad the work done en honor. He Szpect• .sou te put his goods os she wholesale market. He will tarnish special designs and estimates of appl.eation A. every new todostry is a bonsai to the tows,: we hope t• nee this one properly eoc.uragd. Tea New (2& a. a. A large quantity of eatene has been hauled te the site •f the new ('acholic ebareh 5t the bed of North at.. and • lot more is It ing at the quarry ■p the river. The en.trmct ter the masonry was awarded to E A ('eweay, Stretford : Blonde Hr* , of spathes, for earpenterlag: Sir. Hall. of Toronto, has the detisg . .1... Hears, of Termite. has the palaver, sad Weraell A Go.. of town, has• the galvssiced iron work. floe stow aoiten •xpset sonars preparing the stone this week, and the whole bulldog to te be Bored by Dee. tat, lt%. From the piss and specifications tt will be one et the Inset ekunh edifices is town. THE TALK OF THE TOWN.! He wa. I. Tow.. Rey. J. 1' mum'. of Sarna. the az-President of the 1'. P A , was in tows Friday and Saturday last, anti Fr.n the Rel.rt.r s N.t.b..H was the nasire of attest*. to quite a eon Igor is this vicinity. Ha isn't to blood ad fire apostle, in appeara•oe, that some of his u Tali•,• a ■ole l■ a' Ter (+mala. 1 rap; prole' utterances would miles*, but a T. goat It t • AL1'. Aoaang p pleaasat-faced, happy -looking, route ma, Tali.' eves, a.' Caleb nal oompar•t.vey, and gives so 'wheaten a the outside of say terrible desire to wipe out the cherished .ouvlations of one third et the population of Commie, bolus bolas. Fri- day evening he .ddr•std a meeting out it ■ .c►.ry Hollow, 1 ederich township, where be was enthusiastieally resolved by the le.e•' aesosi•tion and a town delegation. Meter - day he returned to Sarnia. He bas .rose returned to t..d.nch for few days, being interrelated in the disposal of some property Its owns is tows. Ar Ar'. nN►I.,.R•U ARTIsT. T. tow. h as nro.ivd a addition to the artistic e1* meat 1. the parses et E. Seatos M.('ally. whet has tow eherge e( the photograpkis end art Rothe of R R. Sallowa. Mr. Me - catty mimes with •xe Bost ref.rseces, tet sly as a skilled photographer. but as • painter and sulpatr of 1.. ability. F.r two years . was a sliest in Paris and a pupil of Bougueresu and Floorit palating. and 1'.pe in sculptors. A. an 1.11.1105 of his suomes u art we ..e aly t. Moa t. (*Howie, extract (ram Satanist Night : It will be gratifying to all imteree led is Oaadia art to knew that Beery Irving, while cm his remelt Ameri.a tour pressed a nil pends/. • prdomia .t the artist, F. Seats McCully. The great •sloe pro teemed the work • m..terpo.s, sad of *soh • c►araeter that as artist mar prt.daes but eats in a lifetime. We otdenlaad pkat Irving has gives an order for a life su portrait, with other ewe - sassier en view. For • water colorist and a'to.00isseur se oesvenaat with the art of all miles. M pay lbws tri.eca,ep•ke well tor this t ..ea' palmar ad Cambodia art. Mr. MkCelly. altkemgb a yaig aie hes had large exporters is the beet studies .f New York. Teresa• and other leadise'sties a ship oeotioestt, and will .erteialy be an segaieition es the art interests of t. tows. He it the reasoner •1 maty aeries sad weeltentes. sad is well stored will re miai.aeSges aad i.eilat• of people w.as be has me* sed who are of wide repltaties is art. A flee pie...ree( Irving in "Berke..' ad- dressed be him by Ellen Terry, is team .t h • meleetis0s whist► he prises highly. Mr. Sallow, is be he .as5r.tested upon bay's, . sand Mr Msially as e aeadjutee h his • ladle. Commis esti iteenua Roes Oruro/go - Tb. got.rtaimeemt by the Ramsay ('.nesse 0...Ttiud.y evcshg. at the terms! speaks of t.Otedsrish Dentes mad Shaklee Risk woe well patraulaed- The aNeadame wee eon of the largo* eat bead V Nis ewe, sad fatly demonstrated leo *Edam et hav- er S se Sae es sadieriese r *ma. 'The "root it: surae. *silos. photos are the beet. Noe i• the lime tort year Pall and whaler MOO, at ►. J. ✓ride tot... He b.pe the largest sad beet owl. awl dues retort rt work ,n his rise. follies to port the times. '800D EYE !t1OHT"tea priceless tteaser.. You who have got it steold take care a it Ten who neve set got it should have roar •lee •trended to at once. We mase the pre .wya.ea or .1. ' • specialty. Rod can test nor cases 1 .traratsly and and jeweller teens Oealll. W. wxll4H. ertic.aa •tib..► Ra. rru.. The V. P. S. C. E of Kent church purpose holding • greed erre recti.: the woos/ week be November. her. t Iler permeates' will he leenf. Nem colonies next twat k H. R. P.IIo•k, the beet and shoe man, has mowed his business stud to the handsome sew store to the block f.rmer• ly occupied by Arm.tro.g A Co , where he will ►eaesforth carry a the prosperous trade whish he has succeeded in work jut ep A.. n.rvT. 11 was rumored about Amen yesterday that Robert Hadersoa std Wm. Clark, of Goderioh township, who were to taws dung( the day, met with am solidest st the railway crnmiat ou the bib monow sme to which the horses were killed by the 5 46 trate. lior Scrrsa lige Co,sra*T. Th• *eat esescil of The Ki..'s Daughters have sr larged Se held •.t supper •ltd °escort es Tessds,. Nev. 7th The Klee • Daughters are doing • geed work, aad their effort. preenre the wherewithal 10 prossoau their plass for bsasgtiog the peer is this ewmla H.1d be .t roeg y booked by .. w.II to de parties e( the o.mmaity. knteemenat •Neetswav,-The et' envenom of North sad V i.terle et M.1bo drt chanties were delighted with the see- amae pleaded y R.y. Dr. Potts, moret•ry ef this odeeatecal mseiety of the Methodist eh.r.h. He peenped V,1,,.. est. thane edge in the ateraiar, addressed Newest. Sabbath ..heel is the afters.... pnaeked da North.N, at night. t'anemi.m amid a► aarfptiese is bskalf of the Methodist eel - /sin were liberal. sheltie( • growls( W- ien* e• the part ed the songreeektaa b the " 1U0I Iu'ual work N t. thereb. 4 'ego New Is townie. Wilmer 'li10%h W mew eemmmw•ed, in woestiem *lie his Termites sad medertek►sg. y' maaufaetuyimi ed • esperl r nods of ephaletered week, making palls fi111. easy sham .+ache.. briars, r..k.ra, fiefs end ladga cpheles.ha, Oka i. will vetoes sheim a ed l a L18111110m.. M H.1bis.w.presided, eel wdssweed the large gash/ries to the risk. after which the re sew pfegyv nus p1 -.s1 4 with W. L, Ratms•v, as old favorite to Gederte► oaponad the steles* at the start and kelt hie bald meg the deal. Hta abstainer sheathes ware geed throughout and bas rat dittos of "Partnere sad "Ons of the Rash ad rile' sorbed the emottens strongly, while other dettseaem raised the roubles to the shouting pint. Harry `lump eau's vestrilegu.al representations caught old lied toaag. and the tical hits brought dew• the hooey emery time. The singlet' of Idles Maggie Hasty° was ezeellent through out, rad th. rept stomata' of the •h.irm•n when •►. sang " The /laid sooteb large, prayed ooaclnsively that she seul4 sing to tough the heart strings Mre. W. E Itamm% premed herself a.s,llad accom- panist, and sided the stiess of the sour tslaaot is no smell Ivy. Safer* the does of the ..tertatoment Mr. Ramsay paid • n igh tribute to the maestro properties of the auditorium, sad sated that Mr. limp see, who se so expert arohiteet• sad the de- signer of rook's church, Teroato, and ether loans public edifice., had hese very favorably impreeeed with the strength and .t.le.1 the truss reef, which he considered one of Ms Wm tor largo huddop of this kisd. Mr. Sit.peoa afterwards gave Tun tt..Ru. deta,led Amer why he oe•eidersd the reef t• be perfect in d.teil. 1'DI eka•t. Ai,. Se. awry J. J. Kelm, General .,uperioaodesd et the Proviacisl Association for the care of Nott*ted ('ntld ria, was to Iowa Thur.dst sod End•y of last welt in the interest e1 the cause Thursday evening he addressed • meeting in .vmp•thy with the objests of the tm'itutt.u. sad explained the working .1 local essoe.•tions. His address was of a highly eat►dtatory order, sad dealt with every phrase of tattle toward redeeming the criminal lass sed saving their children'. A hearty vote of thinks was unanimously O wen ham at the close. The chair was oc• eapted by Iso Hover Judge Doyle, who ex- prees.d h*rsa.lt as home l• complete record with the objects et the 5eenel v. A local asseo.5Nen was at once formed and a special committee, eomeriamg Messrs. Heaton and Ian., Mrs, M. Hays aid Alma Davis was to prepare • Man of Orgs.lratae to be sub- m.ttd at a meatier Is be bold en Tuesdet, Des. 29. at 8 P.m. Follow..g are eines' the "hie** of the .o•iet, Amy permit .e.dug chtldr•s Leiria( mat he sent to rots) ter three mouths .r freed 1100 Ne boy under twelve years amid no girl under (torten years can be emplom•d in ay (tater v. Any monisipal .*until may pass • h. law prohibiting bets ad girls lotteries is the streets after nae 1 m. Amy parson who leads a paths of virtue, is liable o0 two years nmprioeuruoot. Every child between the ages cf eight w ed fourtem years must &teed eehoot, ea- sel w ezasad ter some good reason. Any person who orimu•Ily •maul* • girl under feurt•eo viten of are. is liable to int primament for life .ed to be whipped A.y @aloes reaper who gives or eslls liquor to • boy under eighteen years of ago. is liable as sesvictia to a penalty of 820 Any person found guilty by two justices of the peace of eookmistieg ay *dement .it, msv be find 850, sad root to goal for six months. Amy municipal council may pat • by law pretesting the pattiot of indecent placards or matures me the walls, faces, streets, er in public places Amy penes who 5.11s nr gives • pistol or air -eon or sell. •nte0aitiem thereto, to a boy under.iztees year, of are, u liable a °omeieties to a penalty of 820. A.y person fennel guilty '.y • justice of the paw of giving or selliu7 tobacco to • b. under eighteen year• must be fined 110 ad the an. ay he iaer••sed to 850. The hamper of • lionised pool er billiard roma who •Ilhwe boyo coder sixteen years to frequent his premises, at be food 510 by ay jas►ice of the peso., half the fine te go so the interment. girl trona the eonvetlon to A number of employe* at the cett.o mi11 at Velleyi•Id were called by the crews is tka Shortie trial te rebut the evide..ce of in- sanity, ad most of them stained that Shortie did tall ad tat ratia•IIy. The validity of the will of the late Thomas Young, et Hamilton, is being seer tinned. Th. will was found is a *look the other day, sod the witeessee, who are uo known szespt 1y name, are urged to e.•we forward sad prose It. Teachers wanted 1TEA(HkR WANTED. -- APPLiCA *toss will he received ep'to Nor. 1st. 5.5* for • fo cher for S S. No. 'Welber*. 8.e. e nd cl.m ge•Ilflo.tiae tad an ezperieeerd teacher preferred Address,. soiree yyoalit rattails held .sd .•Ivry required, J tI THER- !MOTO%. Nile P O 311-1t Public Nodous. 1TOTICR- ALL . PERSONS FOUND treepswlt' g5 my lands by ahs.ttse hooting, ca Min` or cohered* will be pro.pe.ted to law. ROM leads are the Han term In w Tp . and the prop arty known .e the Palle iteserve is the tows R. of Dodi tch and (Whore*AMPi(tN, (1('. X. BRCHLE it Om Solicitor Prepr - 1P1Br Rale Or Ts neat. • _. HOcs AND LOTS FOR HALF. - A very &Wrihle how mad two lees es CNbersaot.. wlthta nee bisek 01 the Sear* are offered ter sow a term. 10 Mit ppavr elba..ra. Ther Rev. J 0• Madill. wf1 be *the Brit .b Ks sham* Rd1M far the t� "row yam item days. at resolve offers a HOUSE FOR BALL- i HAVE A very dsolra1e 1 Mary frame hems. with ...mo feenlatl..,•fgeed asIllsr. date,.. sad 3 lets ter sale Apply to M. 1 n CAMERON. Rona'. Met o.d.-ne► let ARE IOU LOOKING FDR BALIGAINS or IN FALL UNDERWEAR .' A special line of Lailies• Hygt'ian Vests. all wool, for ti0 c. ; worth 75c. Union (cotton and wool) Vests, from l'r. to MIc. Another special line of Ladies' All -Wool Vests, for MOc.: worth $1.00. Children's All- Wool Vests. from _Oe. up. Hens All -Wool Plain Unii,•rwear 45e.. worth (i.ic.. )Oc., worth 75c. ; ti5c , worth ` 5c.: Sc.,5worth 1L00. Remember the New Department recently ;Wiled -Men. and Boys' Ready-MadeClothing, With our low prices every man and toy can now be dressed in fashion and '„r>o•I taste, at little expense. •+th 1Ictolwr, 1695. JAS. A. REID, Jordan's Block, Go•lerich. A SPoNI;K is said to lo the skeleton of a sub -marine animal, while others class it a• a vegetatae growth. but whichever it is ' WE'VE COTF.)! in great variety extra vault. -til prises from lc. toll. Carnage Sponges, good quality, 1.'' tent, per or. ,I i9ps0ial attention to Horse rad Cattle Medi- eiea We call the attention of Ha .e and Cattle men to epr CONDITION POWDER a good strong tonic and blood - purifier. ENGLISH H EALING Oii. for cuts, sores, injuries. Every man should keep it in the stable. Quicke,t healer known. iteatemall Stove pipe Varnish. W. C. (;OODE. CHEMIST. i THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Csd.rteb ertere. auntie. Oot. a. 1O. rail Wheat. (mewl standard... .. epi M 0 M Fan W►est!old'. 00 to 000! Flour. family. par ret..... 00 to 2 IO ! 'lour. Fall, per cwt 1U to 2 10 Moor, patent. ter cwt W * r 1o Urea, a ton.. 1 00 talc 116Fl 8borts, a tat 1 00 to16 Oe li remiss. P ton 1 101.120 Now Oats, p bash .. 2.1 to U II Pias, t Mak- 46 to 060 New Flay. t1a 1 00toll 00 Old Hay.. las ... _... 1 00 telt M Potatoes. i bomb sew IS to 0 Y. nutter, is to 0 17 Lars. owed freak cape ke.1, p gee.....- 13 to 0 It y► On Hid*. .. 00 to 6 OC 8heop Skits ..... ....... ........M to 010 Rows Live 31.41. Dressed Hoa 1 le e .IMI Baton H.m, per Ib., 0 10 to 0 14 ,'besot 00r la .., ...... ... 0 11 to 0 11 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must he left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. (casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. BRICK HOUSH TOR BALK. RITU- Wed es neat Wrest, 1 lets pe me Preis aM•a t'tare*, .seta see teams. T. la tswm:.t welleeve .6ne s sf HALM. R-t*t 000131 j M 11)RY ees WM with les14 V smashed. ensue.5....• Le 01110%sasar ter • Terrains. tllelsreeh. Aped, to 31-11 PHILIP HOLT. Traveling Oa1da. memo! THU= HALLWAY. Mired aeerta 16.30a,m. Mail awl Expem 1.41 p.m. Mixed 7.10 p.m. Mail and Express ... sae p,m. pgraa.T. Mame fares' ail and ata«m Mixed 036 S. 1.30 p.m. t4f p.m Card of Thanks. CARD Olt THANKS. I TARE THIS opportunity of returnee no hest thanks to the friasde who se kimdly a•t+at.d Is melt. my property a emitha., es Saturday tight last. 4011 A.M. PULLEY. &Assists aan iaHliaaee. MONEY TO LOAN. - $60,500.00 ..vA Priivate reels to lead at 64 per mat. as - neatly. M. 0. CA b. ERON, Hermes*. Meek. ep0osat Col2er.e Hoed. Oed.Aeh. IR -12 FOR MALL -- BAT, ONBABY TE1RM s : West Mgt er let !lk west WWewose.sh, 1M aero • well weereved p�lt�e�tmgL.0. 0 se use, Ig, .etbdiv sisn of Meek B. 10 T--T�hyodhep hasty sesepled by the late Timm ill s pats is ILO. Jot1RI0111.1sertal re Lost. 08T ON TUE " AFRICA "- JAMES J law aged 26, 3 fest 101 inches high. wefgbt 210 IM.. dark oompleslon soar on left cheek. India ink &srher on left heed and -J.K on arm . blackberry birth ,nark bet we* shoul- ders . almost bald. 1f body le recovered will finder ptoses ossetsnelerte by win with Sec- retary of LOA F.. Onkel ie. Oat. Adisafnlstrators' Notice ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. IN TIM MITTKR OF AI.EX•NDEH CAMPBELL. DECEARED. Pursuant to R 8. 0. 1107. Notice is hereby given that all creditors attd others hay ing claim. against A'et•nder t'ampi.eil. late nt the Town.hlp of AslsAeld in the County of Euros. yeoman. d.tie..ed. she died on or shout the 16th day of eeptienber. A. It. li0,,are required oo or before the 14t11 DAY or NOVRMBER. A.D. to send hr mal. prepaid, or delivered to the undersigned Solicitors for Rate Campbell. Ad- minia'ratrit of the estate of the said deceased. their Christian and 8ut•oames. addresses and dowry ptions. with full part.cu,are of their claimnand theoat are of the sr unties 'Hatay) held by them. ■nd that after the mid date the earl 4dmini•tratriz will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having reward Daly to the claims of which .1t.. shall have re eelved notice. and that she will stet be liable fee the shims of soy parses or peewee et which she shall n.. thea have received .0120.. Dated at Ooderieh this turd dal of October. A.D. 1193, CAMERON. HOLT m HOLMI S. 4iodrrich. I 10-31 Solicitors for Administratrtt, Estlgsd Animals ! 1AMk ESTRAY ABOUT THE MIDDLE.. V of June. • stray miterred. ileum three years old, white oar on forehead. T. owner M rsqueeted to prove property. pay •hart* and Saks it away. r. TOWEL!, Euro. Read. Oederieb Tormakip. 40-41 Dress Making. CHEAP AND GOOD 1►RBSSMAKiN(;. -Farr the sect wealth the sabsrriber wild sake dresses at t..nlform *hoof t wts dollars bey Ansa Mantles sod other gorme.ts o.r reependlsily .heap Wtrk toed Brat claw In le and it Mt.5OVNDRY. over ('dbrae Brea. More 0.54. Artlol.s Fs! Sale. PIANO FOR SALE. -A MASON A Ree! h good order. which minim- ally mut 11111 be sal os reesoaable teras.. Apply to Ile PLETCHER. Oe.dorleh P O a1 1 To Smokers e • Te Imo* the wees of their (Yt1....rs The me.. E. swelter! & sa ro.. 1.1d., R.m- IN.s• .et., lay. ptsred apse the mart* A Combination Ping of "T IV IIwtal Sales. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PARK PR)PERTY. Under sad by rinse of the power of sale co.tai•ed ,n a certain mortg&ee bearing date the 5th day or t5ept•mb-r A U. 1110, made to th• veedon and which will he prod tired .• the time steal•, there will be sold by pubo auc- tion by Juwpb Mailoutb. auctioneer. at Md Tough's hotel_ Dungannon. en Matto day t►• 9th 4.• of November. 10115, at 12 uclock t.00n. the following .stares tarn: property. seine . The west half of lot member to- enty 'a the sec- ond eonreesium of the township of Wawan.eh. in the count) of Heron- remaining lee acres. snore or less, There •r. ahout 36 scree c:..ted,tho ta'ace is book. 1 hero t. • tering cork o. the Prem- ise.. The soil is good. The buildi■n comsat . f a Ing ten This preparty fa attested three miles from Dungannon, end twelve from Uod rr .h. TERMS -Ten per rent. down oe da• of male. sod the balance within as south there after. For farther particulars apply to the enc tioee r. or to the undersigned level vara (sootier. A.D. 1!116. CAMERON. HILT t HOLY►-. vendors' solicitors. JOSEPH MALLOI GH. l,od.nch Astetieneer. 40 31 oRT4;AtiE SALE Or VALUABLE ANA IPSTILL ANDOTHRR PROPI'RTY. Under and purewast to the tower of rale oontalned in • certain 'mortgage doted the rich day et January. A.U. IMO. whits will be pro duce at the time of sale. then w.lI be sold at *ohne auction by Thomas Clundri. Aur tie*..,. a the promises. net tdoor to Isittord Post ell r. UN TULNIU Y THE 11th DAY OF NOT. sett. at oe retook. e.H. the fol owing,rO- nort). ;namely. Lot numbs oars la the Vil- lage of Bridge End Place, In the Towe•hlp of cotbores. In the ('Dant7 of Huron, coot.ial.g hall an ace of lead. mere or less, together with • right .t way 11 tees in width erg the west .Ido thereof_ Upon said lot I. a ewe -story hams HNel re- nally *copied ly the lat. . W. l'arro.l.nd fermerly by Wm. Latham. Main .melding 1. 116140 feet with cellar 30170 fret. !itches. 1 story MRH feet larwe wood tilted and foe bort*. -orange Hall Hite fes over •pp.•mu .bed, liars and stable 1000 feet and blacksmith shop sheet 1 m30 feet. This heed it beautifully situated on the back .f the river at the 'e.t.a! of the Maitland bridge, leading to the Town of Oederl.b, sad i. rons.dered • wood stand for business. TERMS Ten per omit. of the purchase mosey at the time of sale and the believe tritium thirty days thereafter without paters*. Per further pertisslars apply t• the auc- tioneer or to. R ('. HAYS, lioderirb. M i ♦wdmr. Selfeitor. SM[OKUIG TOBACCO. This supplies a Ism fit wast% 00 -1 ing the enn.nowtr one 20 coot plug, er a 10 tont piece or a 5 omit pion of the &iota. T est B " brand o( pre Virginia Tobacco, TM Ta Y.'T I I" look mei Plea WEAK LUNO% Pomo/ 'Aimed with thle or may other thifeet or sheet trouble should wear f.as o1 est Mamma VIYTii Oa CHEST 1'I:(►TF('T(1KN. Made of F:oglrh Volt, lined with Chamois Skis. The cold winds or soy testament weather have no effect upon you when wear hog one of them. I.ADIKo and•OKNT+ 1101'I.UEH HitAt 11:8 extra strong, highly reoom.msodM tot r,t nd s►ou.d.red people. Without any dwom- lett the. will draw your •souped shoulders to their proper position. hogli.h, Yr.och and .(sprue. ; oeth Brushes so all styles of beet quality. CLIA:+. It R 2l IIAM". 4 iold Medals:, 4:e.dcriob. 1 tat. Chemist mid 1 hrugsut. T11 E CASH SYOTEM of doing business 1., in pleat where .t has been Istroduood, preylo` the mere satstactory method. 52,15 t• customer and purchaser. Consequently, after Dec. let 1896, we shall de Matinees on s etrietly CASII I::151 bu.vog the change to he 111 the heat uta esus of our sus semen, as well as ourselves. 1t is nocessar% that •lI out - pleading •ceouota be paid be ton the above date, if pa *Ible J. E. DAVIS? Phm. B. Druggist k Optician. UNDERTAKING Calls promptly attended to, night or flay, by our Nr. J. E. Snelgrove, practical funeral diretor and embalmer. rV 11.11 1•:I{ SMITH. 1'odertaker, upholsterer, mad general furniture dealer. McLean's Klock, (.oderich F. SM EETH'S PLANING MILL - Asp _ SASH, DOUR AND BLIND FACTORY. i take this opportunity to inform the publle that i am .tilt In the business notwith.taadis' ell rumors tech. contrary. and am prepared to do clam of work in m7 liae from making a window frame to erecting a Itory building with mansard roof. 6ttates furnished and competition iovttmd. The furnishing of building material. ouch M lath• shingles and inmost a aeotalty. F. Se BETH. Jt'IMCIAL SALB OK FARM i'RO- t PliRTY, IN THE HIGH COI RT OIJI r4T1CR. COM Mtn ILEA$ Diri/ION. I'm r•. Teo. Parsas.t to the order for sale made in this mew ad hearted data the _Sl► day of dee Comber. A. D. 1116. there will be sold by 4. Malooesso., Ilbgntre. Master lot the omnrt at (lodertrh. at the Collars. Hotel.* the town of Ood.ri.h. at the hour of two o'clock in the •Ater,00n. a *ATI RDA 5 TiHE Ind DAY OF NOT.. Ina. t. following *ads sad premises. In aro par. MIL namely . Lot number thirty elm. In the fourth goer eeeslon of the Township of Oodertoh, la the County of Hums. tentalning M admwa.mee• Mut. eighty. arrow of land. mere sr 1..., The property le situate tea miles from as town of uodoetcb. Nicht m11.. trees ('liaise. and throe miss from Hayfield. The ball= oamat N. frame hem* 11x10 with • kl !2,10. also a frame bare 17,30 ad a home stable HIM. The sett ton weedy loam. Tho farm is well watered. These le an orchard of three •one a t. psperty. Tim M rymr er �wUl be offered ler sale .ahje.et TERM. Or SALE : Ten ter eget N the par Will�pwa . - 105. N e.le •ad t. �I INo mart wlthta me mon: Mw�willtby. e t. w es tdlt15.. . of the sad l Hlwb Cart et Justine. Chat>.n DIMS** /ltrtbcr _•ss be W_ trent Meows. Ours* It er prem t. under HOLM t 11014•116. Deed 6 Otee. tui •lOMsmtlr •t iNM y1t, Ooderio4 July 4th 1111‘. LASH and Savings fliSs$.ty. Ir is NOT W IAT YOU RAiiN. BUT wit*i YOL'*AAV=, MARE. YOU /UMH, THE HURON AND BRUCK LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1901.1remp,-Cameron, Holt and Holmes. there( tr& interest Compound every six roost. at tour pietism, per annuma same trees ose dollar upwards. Depositors will Ind it to their advantage to came and see us. a. 14)•51* May be secured &4�g y time without delay on the security of •pi>MoTo desirable proper(. Kipp.* moder•tiApplications received by the Kammer or solicitors. The Compala oare located on North Stray •ad DIdiom art Heap S nitre--oppsste Hoops Stowat. 0120., HORACE HORT014. J. H. OOLBORNE. Masada.. Presides!. 111111110. MISS ANNA 1. SHAW, TRACHEK of Moak awl Otte Pam door am of Capesse , West -ell t iederleh IN lea Tender's Wanted. TENDICR.3 FOB WOOD Sealed laden w111 M received by the us- doestg..d up to Baturdsy. Nov, fib. ter 110 ..rd• Of green hard weed, to se delivered at tib. seal 1. (5dettab-15 Dards ►Noes 115 1st. the Wanes before the let of Man* tett, Tbs woad most be at Meet .It maple, 51 a geed wood length, split akd pilot may tester ter M verde .aa up : security curity wUl be required ter the coon P M et I. oatzset. ireaNanesa weet er y toads, not aoo.dr Se Date 001. !lata ,tilt. Net. t.airterk OlsasVy }{Ams WI FAITH IN THS (JOODfl WE HILL r -=II1t_ aad se will yss whim you knew that a t. weeds meld by es sr* booked by • guar antes ,j. µ IJ.t4ON'K 1Phona. C•se our UMW Eva own time yea .re is tom more It s 1 drugsips.