HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-24, Page 44
s $TOItAL : OODSRICH a ONT.. Thi i1RINDA Yt OCT. 24, I $ I5.
The $qnal,
nu woo 8Te w5\ t ow Meanest Gaieties Sir Dhow Mous'
le ri 811*anti.
RV ERY TIIUlt$t1:\1' 11t,K\INo %•eatlsa«ll•••1 M• strati isserymermoo hi"
had melee.. d .Wte I vied es s..ei lard who
•V D. NNt$LeJt7S T. rare IL r Jd year. old The halos .1 .sot
Omo. of PuWIcaIlor. • .c 1e. Morin street, smog whom the 1. • I 1'rolu er hs.JwrSi.y
IhNlrrleil 11.10Z
• 1 In h•• tr.lua 'et 1.ie se •n.IM1 ly • ire,' et
the Howes too ay.
Teeme of a.trrrlpe/•s
(r•e n.un•b. t. .1v.q..
Three ....tithe, ..
One ear.
G Mi
M I t. Lt. 11,114.• p1 rigs sit 1 a
1 eg 1:1.18 • . Halbert 1',1pp.i a pro'...ttoms
• • •
roartisig M r*!ome of Come Ile and Me-
4. r• -I tonet.
I:reery woe flow .1 the pw..nle that tree re
!moo 11 A•I.w' that. uu v qS8 t..n as 'rhumb
Limo 4.wwmood. ham net Mks. two wool'.•
dialer! paitiaaa
Teo r tithe: . e at»ra.od Iw e.t4 of *Ow $818
'towed to I*.l 14.1. .•
When a ohmage of .44rur ►a desired. Mth
h• OM and dm new address should be gives.
Ad•errl.l.g here
legal and otner usual adveriesm•.ts Pte.
foe Ha* for int meet too, sod 3 awaits per line
for mob eutae.utr.t insertion. \immured bi
aesppa•raall lwata.
Haalna•a card, of ti 1 1me• and under. $3 per
A.( wertheemeats of lost. leoai.d. Pirated
Slterrless Vacant. Si l,iatlou• Wanted and
Humin.. Chance; N'an••d. sot exceeding t
(lame nonpareil. (/1 per In.mth,
flotsae. en Sale And baron• Oka Male. sot 40
•a..•.d / I•nea. $1 for Ar•t month. SM. p •r sub
8881 newt men, h. isomer •,rv'•. 1111 pn.yonfon.
Any etweelei notice. rhe nbleet of which is to
promote the p..•nntery beoedt or any out..
vtdual or company. 10 be eon.hterad .n 811
rsrtu.meut and shamed sec •rdi•srly.
Lanai net arm in nonpareil type oats Dont per
word, as not ices 1w•.+ than re.
!.oral mottoes in rowboat, reading type two
mous per word. No notice for lose them Sae.
Noti4aen for churches and other religions and
bssevol'st Isadrot.00. 1...1f rats.
*nowt "Tim Memel" sellvery.
oho f 'i lis rerel.e TNs lt'eN•L
retalarly, etch. r hy *err,..• n. tow mail, will
°outer a favor he a. •;'tainting us of M. tact at
as early • date n5 worth...
Redacted m•nu..•ripte .-annot be returned.
4brr. ponder. • law' •e written onone s:de
of paper only.
ru3l.ber's Vette*,
J. r. tae Tours!, of Ooderich, ha• hems ap
pointed Loral Travelling Ar••ut for the town
ships of Ooderich, Colborne. Aahfleld and Wo.
hood p•erma8terw over the dl.trirt are also
empowered to twelve sobooriptiom. u T.a
PI°N Al..
A'1 con.niumloatioaa mold be addressed le
1) idcOlL1.It'I'1►i)T,
telephone Call M. 90.lerlrh. Out.
th. inatAn• a of the leader of the
i.Ilrral party of Can•/la, the Hou.
WILPRKn LtrRIgit, a convention of
the Reformer* of West Huron will he
held in Dung%unon, o. Friday, Oct.
the 25th.
A hill delegation is requested from
'leery polling 4(1h -division. and Re
former who are not delegates will be
accorded the privilege of listening to
addresses from M C. CAl Rhos, ex
N P. .I.T. t1Al4nnw, JI.PP., and other
prominent Lilwrel&s.
There ought to be an old time Re-
form rally on the occasion.
I►inn• ve hear the slogan!
1.v1'k18R is quill within the lines
of Torres %Odras, but heathy west.
The " March of lulls Cameron
Mee. Ism be beard from) inah.lo& to Ray-
field, - _
The Reformers of West Huron
will Mut en 11..1 1 e•n.p groud at Dun
(Mali en Friday. Om. 25
If the HS&C•A•ug Ti'PPIR
dseen't um hie esssidarisg slip a little more
he will be kilos% IS polities! hitter! as
'Freres the loos.
The handwriting on the wall is
be•eatug •n plate that the gen,lem5• at
Ottawa etk.sdir.g the polities! liolehessar s
feast are @baking an 'heir official .hems.
The hurried retirement from poli
ties el PaTTaaa.1 et-KRA' , (:11u/5•sd and
.then of that ilk, is an indication the the
.14 Coeporvtive .hip is gown( leak.. The
rat., von kali., deport a slaking ship.
Today the (seder of Her blajee
t y• loyal opp.mhla%-ir gems" to ondeavor
cosr•rt roar X. from M. error of hs
ways, bat ►he mistrust is • Mg 'se. as
Peter • mooed name should have ham [re
The Chatham Banner now makes
th• statement ti. CLAN FY meet sod nine oat
•t ten of the P P A vete se Kent at Om last
local eleobon If that s rhe ease, the P f .
A chaps of Kort am net euh • higoud lot
Muer ell, or a 'bother 1'18.5• me of the
* *parotid brethren
We haws ra•.trrol from the Fed
oral Department of Agricola unthe Tear Reek
for 1R94 It se e ponderenu tos., replete
with ieformaiim of various kids, ..d h.
twee .5w and onetime day w. hops M be
able to wrestle with It satisfactorily. Dee
thing is sure. the l'omler. •tauetl*tan, Mr
Johnston, has not ►..n sparing of his labor
In compiling the volume.
The Mail and Empire isn't sweet
's T•RTU 15e110 day., and the rdse►te►Is
IIOASI, doesn't fail to got hack at the Mail
and Rnpiro en ovary oppertusity His re-
forms* at Markham to Kinser 1158Ttru •
5oa5e.ti0e with " the brawling bred of
bribers was 8 @ho• between wind and
wooer for the hydra heeded Imraalimio
h.rmophr.dite of We Teresa* pSlptnwor.
Word has mews term lorni. that •.5 el
the snkn•we do k bands drowsed m rbe
•friss .as Rioh.rd Hrsaw•S, .hs sailed ea
the i11 limed beat ms 'womb "r
Yhrpa «0 • Ratio Wriest" Tu. goers
Item is'early all whits mks year, and No
mrwlt will he that snow .ill 1w m the
framed from eerily in Ih,...ber .aril 1aM Is
Aped. A Wag, mt4 winter, 411.4 with
Mrmsrkat mumso is ahead There are ether
segue %bat .velrs tide. (:ern heaths are es
small! Wei 5•d skipsusta .ed weed
•hooks we already fol eaeug► M kill. Opal
.d.ssdag ned weed ..hu,. are Ihrp.L
m w to miles their tea
, •
6••11y Asewersd.
In • village soithy In the north ot Aber
d•onsb:r• • few worthies had for gathered,
..d the daseuesloa on " A nem loving hue
mood wife wits t•u.ieed upon. '• Now,
Ny.d 'Smith, said Hilbes, ,. you sud be
Orval able to ons an °piston w that s.bjeet.
o ve hood tour wives. Which • Omen •'
d1.1 y• bks Met e" '• Wool, Hallos, 1 h•'•
.•e qualms o seneolesoe a answers° that
gustation 1 eve likes the Into a.' hest
1►unde• News.
w 168 rHaaa ..n 1 +aaeluP •
.1 artiste Telegram II tho elevation of .1.
J ('urr*s, G C , to the •, aeb•c ladidrry
apses Malarial ('entre, people will begin i•
weeder whether then u'to he another .is
Moe of this Psrli•ment.
J ace •es (smear has hem opened by toe
8ppolfrmeet of Mr. 4.irouard to the
Supreme Court beech. The trwl•tloa of
Hee. 1. r' Paperer) to Mawipng has
waisted 'West Heron. Now, if Mr. l urraa
u ramped to the Mash. Muotreal ('entre will
Se vacant.
It should be no very l isult matter for
that l'oaesrvsttvu. t.0 \old Joeyaes Cartier.
P. will be s Ory manor tor them to held
West Huron. The transfer of Mr. Patter.
son to %Wt.nipog was perhaps uoovotd.bl•,
but when rho (; meet raked the lees of
5•o ooartatseney by that change, It took
^hUCse 'sough. There Doom, 'to be iso
rood reason why it should risk the loss of
Montreal Cann" Is order to gratify Mr
Corr•n'e •la►ition for an early appointment.
The l:ovornment Ont meet Parlum.at
without bll.og the vastest mete, and if it
means to meet Parliament again before rho
gametal sLcti's, It is strong* that it should
he so willing to empty Wirt Hurn and
Montreal 4'esrn, ►w• meta whish 4'emeerys-
44.e medid.tee 5re by no I . oertaia M
Mrs. Marsden is visiting is Toronto.
Harri Stowe left last week for i)etroit,
1►r. Roes, of London, was visions' In tows
Mat week.
('has. 11 ahepp•rd, was .i.iteig at *s-
lough, l..t week.
Frock Johnston returned on Tuesday
from • visit to Detroit.
Miss Jesse Shane's has refereed trona a
five week • .wt to friends to Detroit.
Mrs. Robt. Johnston .ad daughter left
o. the 4 r. w train yesterday for Clinton.
The many friends of Mrs Was. ilicluse
will lite pleased to hear that oho is remover
I)eight ■army, of Essen county, hes re
tn'OSd to town to attired the (:ollogist.e i.
Dr. Rase, of Leedom. was the vueet of
tie relatives, Dr and Mrs..). R Shannon
oat week.
Norman (irahas, who, was sailing ee the
Sir Flak daring the Mustiness, arrived borne
bast Friday.
Mrs. L. H. Welsh poe Fargo, N. D. , is
visiting her parents,! Mr. and Mrs. sam.
Cox• St' Patrick's-st.
.I • .eor. .f Sperm, has bees
.i e . t .,,• .. reek a tows, a tweet at the
re ..neo ut A. M. Pelle,
J. 'Melee ►as gone to Chl.sge. He was
an •1d resident of I soderwk and T.s SID' •u,
wishes him every success in kis new sober,.
C.prai,. Jas (:rem and family have re•
moved to I'ort Mures. They tarry with
em the boot wishes et m.00 triads in
this section.
I'unit• • number •f Iodises lint arrow
555.15 were on •xhihute. is Hesher'e
window last week. They were fouod ea
the taros .f Mrs.Ch,sholm. writes the niter.
A fine f wail is up in the Mechans(.
Iseta um It s5 something Ilk• the tole of
• moke,mly shout three ditches in diameter
at one end, and tapering in length Mamma
I '. aad 2 feet, to .boat about half a. toele.
1t was found op the river near the woolen
A Pen Pratt To Neo. N•x» •oesrdl.g
to Mil peeto`ee regulations samples by
mail may run •p to • pound and a half in
weight, provided they an not of oats eon'
m•rmol valise. ad t►.t the ma Mous
waght is reassembly required for sampling
P urposes. Vanden .f too have hs.o ut11n
fog the sample soot for mailing their mem-
modiy to their rogul.r oaeiemsra, net as
samples, but as artesian of domestic re
quir.moa. • pound ea4 • halt of tee hes
moms e•smsr.i 1 value and 81 the trans -
motion of ewh a quantity tnromeh the
mails is a Wrasegressten of the spirt of the
regalas'sa it has have deeided to Or • ops
esG• lima for the gwtlty of tee which may
M tkr.wgh the mails by sample post
Pxtumour* are therefore misieed 5014 to
traneasiaim., se samples. Peek
age containing more thou ens half
pound t weight
F1 61111 R5waM.o,T514l 'tomeeharke
. re &thing for sunken among the farmer,
and ledging by reports' they alr.•d* have •
Mos •rainy The bait Mos tial. Is Morass;
and the goons worked something after
this fashion. A mettle of goat@ from • To
roots, sine Gnu will go or a farmer and try
to .511 him a kitehen nage for 11160. The
farmer deem t want it Rat the agent has
a mighty floe thing ; Me w111 mks the
farmer's •Id stove •d allow his 112 for It
and the .gents will hoard at hie plass fr
two week* and allow him 410 a 'rook few
thenieet es and hors. : sow /hat's 1122 of
thm pram of the stove. The fernier thinks
►•'look. it Tom the wily agentspsr•a•de
him to sign a sere for the fall prised t.5.
ramp, 150 This is all they want and they
mover the the stove or wait to board at 1110
• week (Meadesally Ihet vary tide pre
gram by going to a farmer of (teed 'Median
.ad allertag teem him • rands ie steam,*
Ir his swiss§ te e.maid is *imply driving
.heat the .na.try with the, taking neem
M hest sem M deal with. Sat they get his
sea*. set M seed M heads a.rtre,d mares,
het jest te held as severity ter the seem.
The soh gees is aad .her • Yee be Gads
thee he same, ems males* wawa ler the
time Mons mats/. se the emote w s
The Turks ass• f urlous OvS
the Arrangement Concluded
1ee'R Tura. *aid 60 be afaraelna 1. GIl
Mint *lIi.d 0.11.8. *aid t. 1..-
ietaplete Laadtaa Smog* N
fork/ids l•rett.ry
a Sorra hews/wpm
Constantinople. Oct. $fl. --Bir Ph11
Currie. the ltrltlsh Ambassador. bee re.
tx•lted (rum an Armenian amerces e
warning that the Young Turkey Party
will probably Induce emir Arnienion
miscreant to attempt his lite. In order
to disgrace the Armenian pruplr.
The reforms granted are no., 'wiper-
ly speaking, the granting of (rash pri-
vileges 110 much as recapitulating and
providing fur the regular a.lmiristra-
oon of already existing c..dre1. alTect-
li' the wall -Going ot Moslem's as well
a* t'hriptlans. The Armenians coa-
st rr that the conversions are Illusory.
klsh'" officials admit that the
gra tine of teforms were wrung front
th. 'orte under violent presure. The
T rks are furious and many compe-
te observers do not hesltate to credit
a Isla leading to revolt and blood-
sh.•.t. compared withwhich the Armen-
ian troubles would two Insignificant.
The :sultan would employ hie troops
to repress any Moslem. movement with
the inmost ..'verity.
l.alad w•a Lad Tempa
London. Oet. 3e. -Thr Rome ear-
apun.tent of The t'hronieie reSaye that he
has been assured in omMal circles that
F:nGland Intends to land tray'• in some
part of the Turkish territory. it the
Armenian reforms are not hosorably
At a meeting held on Wednesday
night of the six ambassadors of the
Powers at t'onstantinople. relative to
the recent rioting. it was detidel to
send n collective address to the Armen-
ian Patriarch arising him :o use his
influ.•ne.• to atop the agitation that is
t.einr carried un among the Armenians.
\m Mtetr
N. wie5 ret•••d.
New ' u: k. • let 's(r -Harold F'reelert•
eabkc- from l.Ns.l••n . <.
it I. re..11y playing with word, to
call the dipLVnath arrangement h
has bw•n 4tmved at in Conet•nt1 It::
a /••ukm►.•nt N. thing ha. b est set -
tied. England ha_{ been torr. -.1 to
rhnerw• betwmen ,.pen rupture with her
,IMepslhh► o+.11.agues or. ai'reptintt
their plan for letting the Sultan dnwn
trstli , land very reluctantly hes taken
th.' latter r•wree. Accordingly. the
Sultan ham signed it .ioeum.•nt wbi h
emu -des ahont a tenth part of whet
Firatebery •nigln.411y clalmi*•1. n 1 'Rt -
sorest altogether Salisbuiy'e Niter •Ind
and nu gnlfted demands. Thera• la to
be a. retort= an paper of the 1.e•v1
lloerninent is six eastern village*
Id' MIs Mltwrr, a portion of the of"'-*
are t0 be held by Chri141am, anal the
Moslem tiov ern'rl are to have Chris-
tian secretaries. Pledge., on pt: ere
also. an. Riven &tr,.ut ami• -sty for the
Armenians rover under sr•mit and ab' -•t
reform In pi -Imam and mon*gement of
tea- 1•r.lirw •I'hl+ ,*•wails to 1r• all that.
after theve five months o' eexo'Ia-
1km, hacked by imposing mu -'era of
war 11.,•tt% hits Leen exacted from the
* 4'overt Terme trrwa► Reset.
Rt. Petor.bttrg, Oet. 2e. -Thr 0Rl.•inl
7ollemeng••r says : "The untied a tea'
of (ir.wt Britain, ltua.:.l:a area Fra•:^'
on the Armenian qtoostigin ham tech! •-
vat Ito. pulp . -e. The Armen Ana w. 1
now Obta1i. .-hat w•ae prov'Wed for
'heli benefit In tit • Berlin Tr. tv mt
Everything aperient to Indicate
that the gravity of the• situation
brr7attht about by th.• dilatoriness; .1
the• 1`tttkish (tovernm••nt to u.at' re4+gr.
nixed in is adlrg ottoman ehtel s.
Should the fa •tr justify the• chert -•e
li-v,Ind 14ruinst the old Turtlith par-
ty, of off••nng .. .ystematic oppositto*a
to the dormunda of (:resat Britain. !:us -
ata and F'ratsr, by folh.wing citron.. la
reparutely t••nder d by tither fol, r 1.
influential Adherents of that party
will Ineur format r.•sl.one lbl'.Ity for any
oonvuiebotw to which Turkey may 1111
be expecte .1 "
Tomas. =artier.
P'lnnr-HusIne*. 1, in..•Sive, and prices
nominally our hanged. Ni might roller+ ore
quoted at 33.10 to fc: I:.. 'rotund. freight.
Hou -Market I• .)Diet bras 18 qu.,tr•d
at 311:.41, Toronto freight.. Shorts. 314
to flim.:&s►.
Vi heel Tate demand le rnodersI.. end
prlc.'s atrody. Saler of evil and white are
reported lin ri. T. weal at One. No 1 Man-
itoba hag .old et tatt4e to 70c. 'Porno,.. and
Montreal freight.. Mo. 1 Northern is
quoted at *Mr.
Peas -Trade 1e .low and prise. unchang-
ed. sale. at IM'r, north mud wed
trete The market is &steady. with a falt
demand !late. at " 1'xtr outside for massed
sod at ' 3.- for wldu. •
barley - Kualn.se quiet, with prices
ready -sew:- 1 mkt at -Cr weer ._-ri''r4 -mi,
y add ontelde at Av. and No. 2 Jt :t'e•.
Rurkwbat The mark., le bea.y• with
et -.1 a1 :K.. end seat at Mir.
Rye The demand is fair. with sale§ unt-
o ld. at 458.
(raiment I'm in...a poet. with pewee
unrheoaed at 3:I 10 on trek.
eausW8.si0u prices. Sutter. eleoma tale Ins
to lie halm'. tee. to 12c ; pseud rum,
IMG to 10e , large roils, 13e to the ; er...ts-
ery tub at 19r a 30c. and robe at 21.- to
Itggs are arm at 15e to IGc r slue.
tor fresh. Cheese dead) at ac to Mi.
Jobbing prises 1'hlckene. fr..5, 35. t•
Pk per paler. .lurk. netr to .ago geese et 4e
to de. and t.irkey• i'4.• to Nr
Foaled huge to fair supply et 15 1010 Im 27s
ed Issue. I/Ny.• to 11e. 12.1.185 I1y to
e • Pine to tor. ro::. 7 4•c woe
to 14 56. abort cut 315 to it : 'y
Lear ares 311 to 1123/,. Long
•tar to 71yr. Idol :crces. arc:
Ile. Ile. k
pork f 3
tear eh
clear haver
tube 1'.4. fit
(1,-.1 um headed. torequnrterw 3.• 1.. icy
■ nd Abide ,Ilse,. inNity . i,.u'too. l',. t., .
..•a 1. e4• to .r• tenet, S.• 10 7..
Ilolra ...Minn. dull aad orb .•a ewer No.
1 bulebers' 7.', and \e •• Ito. 4 'elf.k+ii• '1e
10 tae for cnre4 sad 7e fuer No 1 btucho ra'.
&deep :Ind Ie8Mkla• i4•
Wool Trade gent and priev. Arno Cleo.*
.-r.sbls4 2M40. to J4'. clothing lessee 2 c 'O
2De• supers. 201..e t.. 2114. ; ettra•.::r to
Liverpool (tri 19 WM.t. w *tort: red.
ad to far 4.1 ; Vu 1 lyliforih 4.1 to
S. Sd . .ares. 3e 35.I . pees. 4a 111•.01 pork.
1'1. rid IaM. 29a 4541 bees? he., n
Itght .Lir 114 . t•Ibw. n.. s rock • he .,-
4.335 for new awl :tea M f..r 01.1: d.• e,.11.
aced 'C4.
Hendon. tart. fit Chime Whet •.g '•01st
ahs. no peonage leas & by \Is r* of
.not quiet sad steady
tiierpoot Clear -Wheat Niters at a'r
at no fee =w sed 50 •'.d for U c.
■els ers se at i1W toe Det and Nov. se 1
5.44 forDes_ P1.ur. 10a /td.
Paris whsnt. jiff flee for Nov.: Geer gntet
MIta' fee Roe. Weather le Pram*
Art•.p.a/mas Wenn egeaat
=loan papa 01.1 1/.-1'he semi et •M
8.v 'i• Industries to sme 01.gsre'l ytesreta._
the O.rbramess Weete--wee form 1/
marled at sena Saturday Tb, eur.st trot
the Meagre Pewee hear N e5mve aI f the
teusefeesy . Nims at the oerbormudaattt
Week& nod Owe tae prewar* 1• redone!
sae is Hone., true M rbe .!
OsAeswadtfi'w in the bar/res snb.t'we
ksowr. with (he eaegtter wt rho /'.oen4,
toed Stet ter Ms seamen Ns wise els ea
rmedw 11 peel.
TM Orlin from Lhe Legal x111.
A Weekly Slow .f Coma, news Served
■p to MM •reryb.dy - P300 ad
Fetal •lipped .ad Coweea.ed
real &very per/lee.
EXETKIt Potatnes are ealling (or
to r 1 • d. • mots • beg.
Morris Won. H811. Sib line, has 1,800
h» • 5 of sbt.age this year.
Grey : Jo.rph Skew bre leased the 100
arm let 11, u.I* 5, fres hie father far
. urs of yews.
%' roaster : T. 1; Hemphill hoe • tins
talv k oluirrel la • tautens has .tore wuud.w.
It t• • besot!.
Ki or J. W. Harriaoa left last SiturAsy
for I' o'olt, otters he will resume bla.t other
et the reediest sol:•g•.
W seater : W• regret to report the
e.• .4 demise K. Ras end leu eldest we
Day d. walk 'toehold tearer.
Ont : Walter Peaui.gtem h.s wirehair'
50 .o nn of land hos ex lbur.:.11or Kooks,
14h .:00., paying 1 1100 ter It.
/:air : The Angulo sake of °home, foam
Kta earle factory, woo soli to Mr Fothorntag
eon., 1.1 lugersull 51 7j mato per p.uud
Hersall Mr. Petty seri Mr. Hsllsatyoe
116,1.1.11W week shipped • [ergs iussl*olre.t
of sheep sad esttls to the 1)14 Country.
Blob John Woodman. of Londsiore,
or. 1un over on the fart grounds are
Wdnodsy and had on of hu arms broken.
Tsekrsmith W. M 1/.1g, of 'fu. ker.
.moth, hoe beea re engaged aa principal et
• n. Nettleton militia school for the ensuing
F:zver Mrs. H. 13. ('arr, who ►.e hero
• n* tier meter, Mn. Carley, returned to
h.. how•
at Kot►ford, 111., os W•dseeday
n4nnl nt.
floc h : Early on Saturday morning the
is 1 R dept was broken into by burglars.
1'M sato was blown open and 454 tette. from
N. claw.
W %t&+s - Friday o1 last week My, the
he,nved dau_5151 of .11111118111 'I no, art manes,
nems a 1) 4 t• her renal home at the oorly
..s .1 20 years
trey : Maes Reheeco McNair, teacher in
li. t S No. 10, Huwivk Ord Wol:aoe, hes
tees re-epg.ged for the comma year at an
,16m0006•1 salary.
N iaelas : Mtge Sicily Pogo left lost
week Dor Shakespeare, when sus will take
shares as bed m,lli.er with Mowat k
R •esI'r, gauers, m.re&ante.
Kiel -r: (to Thursday night last Robt.
Steam, wh.is standing to front of J. A.
.41sewart's eters, . eid•ot.. fell and put has
5rmi through ms of the large panes of glass.
R vtb .I.rvs 11. Hoary, • Myth h0y,
Whit ia •ttendlne the Normal othoel at t)t-
faw•, wen the ..leer med.I in that city re
steady ter *neural • ohiteetural Has g Fiat.
'Foghorn : R-.hett Ifel las has loess laid
up for upwards of three weeks, oa amount
.,f having hem severely pteeeed 'rob poison
ivy while werku7 en the rail era sear Hen
Walton :.Ins McCallum has a grim,
snap of Geld o5rrota. They averts a wages
lead to each 40 rod drill, or 350 bushels f .r
12 drilla. Hs turnips will outdo that
R used' : Mrs. A (.sod hoe •xoneagod
'mer pr•portr at Alma with Job's )Tien,
Rouse s, for a house sad lot me John street
and she will take pososimiton to the moor
Brussels Councillor McCracken raised h
mange) warty/11a thee year that plumped
•1..wn the swiss at 120 pude T. 13.11..
yes : row mate that were not m•Oi pounds
behind them.
Rzoa*r : D. Johns, p storseler, who was
.41$ sport mg trip to M nitebe 11.04 Dakota,
.osespani.d by K Senders. retuned loons
•s Tnsreday. Mr. S.alcre is expected te
follow shortly.
Wingham: Old Mrs. Walby, who led
her leg lookout scorns soar he IW, 504 who
has t.eeo oared for hs the town, lett last
.eek far Walkertos,wbere she will reside
w1.4 a daughter.
Kressel.: We are sorry to hear of the
Ilene of Leu Jokiest tl• is dee. with
ypheid Fever .t the Chatham helmitel
rye hops he will ems be restored to his sc
cu.t..n.d Read health.
Mortis : Geo. Hedereoa has bonged the
50 acres Edit of lite farm, known as the
Temple faro, for the .um r.f 11.500 Mr.
1eu•lerru has now ail fine • 150 acre farm
.s can '•* fiord in the awoehlp
Sunshine Mr. Riohordee., •f S.sehise,
'+.a seat A ear loads of horses M the 014
t ..un ry this Memos. ad inteels.hipMg
■n hoe .or I NI.' from Mori tread, before
..v g•tim clow ue the St l.awrenee.
SIM, a boy starts
Wit -la life with the
Gra determination
« conquering the
world He means
to achi-are entrees
and wealth and
lame. His inten-
tion. are good, and
his will is strong
be bar the bodily
strength to carry
him through, bin
efforts will be
crowned with
achievement. Bod-
ily strength and
health an. hia great
est capital Without
them he roan hope
for nothing. How
many young mei
and young women
are cat off just whee
the future seem•
brightest and fullest of primate ' They on
taken away by the disease which Gausses
nyrr one - sixth of 411 the deaths in the
w,•'d---the Mtwara which doctors call eow
eienption Consumption has bees conaid
Bred incurable, and the medical pmfee.inn
ha. never made •y er mistake then this
Th. re is absolute no rearm in the world
edit cnn.umptinn should be fatal - why it
should he even rations. it is a chemise of
the blood, .rd can he cured absolutely and
alwxya by d purifying anenricbing the
blood he only exception to this is the
re.- where the Aiwa., las been neglected
anal improp; rly treated until it ie stronger
then the body -until the hod bee becvnwe
N. *cab as to beet lost the a
Glit) to Tem-
perate. Ili Pierce's olds. Medical Dis-
to.-ry will cure t1A pet rent of all cases of
roars:lion 1/ reed at'cordlag to dirme-
firar,' t .m cares all lingering coughs,
Eton and throat affections Then
is no rearm why the child of manamp-
ti.e parent* need ever have ro5'ssp
Non if it. blood and lenge are tdteagtb
owed by the proper arse of the Duce.
fry." All who hove any realms to feat
corehrsptintm, .50.14 mod the chapters c
th,t dream is Dr. Pierre's Commtm Stns
Mt dll51 Adviser Mitt great sedieal wort
o/ mmolproAre
marked s It el mem Woes eeriie& It
will be Beet Ree of charge ea receipt of
rieea.08 stamps Is tamer met et eneemme
sod .mikes en/)) Weetde
'1-4,ml A4eneldiam, DsG&M, M T.
James Robinson,
Cash Store,
Latest Productions
Every aril le ctrey ing within itself the cottvintinl• proof that in it, F,,,r
chair you err• 1, lug Moossy. You lair.. wit! t.,uu quickly •Then you glue
upon the splendid Ireruasna In our new ,hall sad Winter stork of
ST .1 I'L l: and .FANG Y 'DIY GOODS
Compare our Hinter .Iaoketa in Quality and Priers.
Compare our Fur ('alias to Qua i1.v .nil ince.
Coutp.r• u , r ('loth I'epee in (Quality and Pri, e.
All ,styli.., .. i good, all useful, all low in price.
We aoul.i invite you to inape.'t our Fla uelette iilaukete, t'uion Illat,L• td,
all Wool Iilankett, an opportunity that a t:1 Ire counted as :3 fortunate soma air
ten.. in your life.
Ut.i ue 41141 vee Our good,.. --they %, ill 4.rifv our atatemeutm.
(freer of 1S..sre rad Weal Street. °adsorb
They will Ir@ Mat ey way of 13oetuw. 1 dig
le owe I,dwtry Swishier le 'toted tor.
Il.osall I)u.a.. M.Ew8r, of the Las -
doe 1.8.84, woe the put•h...t. at the s.1as si.
✓ r5ror'o pull . ruction sale oo t/ede•stmy
1..t, of the ;00 mere term of the Marr 5.iste.
p.y:n4 thetef..re the nut of 12.600.
Faster Mss Ida Mitchell, d.ugltor of
L,hm Muuhel, 11 suffering, trims& atria
of typhoid fever Tbs. is the f.ueth ...e of
the i.mly that has been stncl.se .toes
sit', toe dreaded dowses this .•lamer.
M Kt lop : .14.amo. Cowan. of M. Kt 1 p.
has very geoersu.Iv 4eau.d a load et waste
4• •• •o the ladies. of the Women • ('len. •an
Temporises ('atom, •f this town, tw be ue
tr.butod by then among the deserving poor.
Grey .1. J. Vincent, the Wel' known
s•rthwst and postmaster at Ismeet.wwn,hwe
disposed of ins store and .tock to R •►t. A.
J0hn1"oe, of Newbrs4g., • termer resident
of Morrie, who take porwios as Netting
her 15
Grey : Tuood.c, (►et. let, the spirit of
Mn. ''oared K•Irl, of Hartford, Michigan,
took ate Awls. i'xa.od was a sister to
•stoat Wes , of Brussels. and with hew but
mod moved from the 12th ues. of Orey
tewrship to Michigan about 113 years ago.
Marra • W.n Klrtmg of Loring, Perry
Se.aod, •ceomp.ioed nv hs sitter, Roll.
K'rton. of Turnherry was visiting .t W6.
Michas •teat week it is about 13 years
G iese Mr. Kirton first tattled an that North
ere clime bet it stems to agree with him.
Rrwmmels Leet Friday cheques for the
42.000 payable hy the • 0 C. W order to
the heirs of the late Peter Thompson, .h.
was a charter member of the Brussels Lodge.
were received by the Recorder and for,h
with handed ever to the tautened parties.
Settforth A citi..s of this town, who re
fused to pay hie deg tax, after repeated
waning* to do s, was brought before the
megistrate the ether day, and had to M7
hu tat, with 43 50 added as rate. This
. hould be a warms, to others similarly dia.
Itlneyle The August maks of ethosse
was Mid last week ea Mr I'took, Ingersoll,
for 74 mote per pound. At s meeting of
the Directors the pretest .-heeae.maker,
apo. Mciton.ld, who h*, Ir'vis mush good
e atlafnetiee, was r. engaged ter next year at
the mine salary
Reunion : Last Friday .1 A. Creightm
r.rdered the new 1200 pound %feawly bell
for the town. It will soot. 1354 50 laid dewo
Mery terry gree. were unable to till the
bill .t 4357. Th• present bell will he r.
mated t• the new school hoer as soon as
the n •w porches. arrives
Morris - ('has. Kosi.Il has leased .lobo
Curries 100 acre term, 4th hoe, for a term
of veer., rd will take Soeeesies nett
Morel. Mr. Ror•11 reamed to Michigan
this week where is will upend tits winter
We .i11 he pleased te weleame the Rosell
family hack to this looalits.
Seaforth The ehampiOSS►ip cup, riven
hy Jamie. McMichael r. the Seaforth Reed
lag ('Iib, to be played off ter i5 pair. and M
be the property of the lm7e.t liver. for one
.ear. km bees wee by John War The me
nems te him was W. O Keid, and is 'kyle,
eft the'leet pair him War Deme off victors
ear, than smokier bio.b%mpioa bowler int
this t* r- --
M • • K i1lo, : Os Friday last Thom*. Ow -
*stook feu*/ a pertndge lying dead beside
• wire teem,uite clam Be hie residents" le
M.Killect bird had •tapereetly uses
tlyies with considerable velocity, close te
the (mord, and owning in motets with the
fame had broken tt• Sock Mr. (:ovenloek
say@ it ie tee years rano he has moo • par-
tridge se elmms to het hems.
.rosea • ne celam• neer reetdmee of
George Creek', Quem street. was • *Dene of
wt'vsty last Wednesday evsnieg. when his
fourth daughter, Miss Jessie F., was united
sn matrimony to A. M. M.Keesio. of Tees
water. is rbe oreaese• of 20 or 30 invited
nest.. at 5 r s. Rey. Jae. Mees, R A , of
Rromol., .m.i.ted by Re. Mr Reid, of
TSssw•fer. performed tea ssrern'sv.
Seafettb : Mr. Pope, vibe was for Nim.
Yee seisms mama is the S.atorth Col
lepiatnt lastit.u, sed who lately 000.pi•d
• siteder preitioe i. the Stratford t eblegiats
iuetdtaM, was the ether day presented with
• Roo headed name ee the event Orf his les.
IN Stratford fess Kioi.tm, where be i.
Iroise to randy at the tome • University,
after which he will eater one of the german
Weighers Mesta. John and reheard
SSd'er. whet have hems livieg is • home ea
Water *beet, net far fres the waterworks
wheel►ones, have bete moved isbn the
smell hoeme bel.etieg is the tows, seer the.
weigh wales. ,iehs is quite ill with asthma
and dropsy, sad it is doubtful if he .1I1 re
ewer. Some ladies have bees 10.4.1 g after
the eomtert of them two su1.rtunetes ler
i5A tea past wash .,. wood Mayor Smokes
shire has s5ererd laarially is gettis"
them ewsfe.Mbly settled.
Weights, Walter Taylor, .t towel, for
aeons Tears has bens an .xbsUvm exhibitor
of vegetables, Aewire and fowl et the fall
fair. in Wisghas Sed vidsity, sad he
Ins always Item .warded • fair
share of the prima This Tear he ►4seded
eat • HMIs Sad s1►i5tted M store lain, .ed
rook the tel4.he prises .t rho plasm
e ased Al Whgb . 10 ; de_ad.. 46 ;
Teamster. II; *8.ipr.,.. 16 ; 1.amkse.,
lei sad My* 117, r total of 111, oA the oh
o beys► or an stlsn gar of 11+ se mrak. !lib
is • g ••,d record, *epeeist's whoa it a Goa
ei.ir4etf 1..1 Rea Ml. and teesw*t•e o.ows
Wong held the .a al.. days.
Nearly all the b..t teatime OU the n..r
have loom never te htvher site.
The level of I.*k• Huino `tit two inrnea
loser than it was two years ago.
The pest week the hauls made by 'he
.I:ug .lues were Don paying 0055.
Ab.rst 400 boasts of the Merritt • *fort
°argn were wet, and were wW to rut
''lar k
4l5.ttthsrge Tilly loaded o ears of ea.. our
Fat William, .ad left with tree tow es
,lease berg. lake Melitism is is pert
Tenth 6%10.71;71o! w...1 ter tee Big Mill from
Swint barge *8.45 and c.awrt, h•a.forti,
are un port with 73,000 baehele of
whgat for the Rig Mil..
Sahr, *phi* arrived oo Wednesday from
the North dors with $ .rrge of limber
for Wilbourne ad Dynast.
sheeting at wild desks and sea gul:e Wes
s favorite P+1tietre last week at tee harbor
A 55'wser st Use gulls wore moot lent duets
were eh.
Sehr. Kolf.ge arrived es Tueeds. *tea
57,000 test of h.rdw..d lumber from berets
for the t►-gan Factory. Te. freight up was
11 per M.
The Cambria ss op the lake, aad this .,11
M her lee try this memo It as doubtful
whether she cm do.lg. eaough eters to get
donea u s.le..
Ihnee+ of ...nulla ere boiag .het is 8145
harbor, •ud are lyl.g .r..aod t.• 5551 es41 .t
the harbor sad o5 the island -tbe human
sol doom., It worth while to tarry thea
The arc►r gephie has a sum bar of carrw
Ifor this ....o., sltkeate it is late. "he
brings lumber here, loads salt ter Pert
Arthur, loads Iron there for Ce1Grgwoed
ad brings lumber down .R•ia.
Ki.. eth01115, Oat. 21. Pb. behind tug
Petrel, Capt. .1. W Neooet t and a ere. of
N ivea men,.tter .faiths, about ter ire days
tssehd this pert at .5 r is Miley, •!1 well
&oil thankful t• reach land.
61 order of the Mannite Court the
steamer Ca(, of Win.leor was ye.terdsr 5'
feted for sal• hy ousting,. The boat s
valued at 114,010, the clan artier her 1.
15 000, .ed Me biyhest bid waived .me
1 41,800.
•uy one Gadi.g bottles ea the lake more
with eossanlossio s from the t'u:,ell
Stares I:ovenaeat ce•oerai5R rbe tidoo r4
the great lakes woo pl.... ill 1. Me tram.
ear forward them M Capt deb►, tows. or
to Washrngme.
Tito harbor presented a lively 5pp••raaes
on Wdoead•y whoa the fsllawlee bats
were moored ea the moth side 4 the bar
her Tow Danforth, .teamlarg. Loretta,
* br. Keifer*, steamb•r,e. lake Michulas
sad Erin sad the achy. Sophia.
The tugs and tie►s.g Mete will Isiah this
11101111100 5 work this week. On the whole.the
each has bees fair, although some of the
beats did sot make any money. Th.. did
hewer than thew at Mosito.lia Dime, me, the
•nosing te h.m forsakes thaw watery.
The crew of the Merritt left Mar's Tees
day, but the mate and • sailer red three
mess from l:od ries shipped .. her. The
boys will imagine they have get bid of •
saw lag when they task. hold .f tae hawser
.fear handling * buoy Zine during the '551
The steam barge Lrwo, eI Wad 11•.
('.ty, Mead fres •st•bela Se Iliseardi.i
with a clarets •t mai, made port en Felder
monism for shelter. The Brew o.neidr it
teary they were here instead .14 5t Kis•ar
dime duriar the last blow, as the piers Mere
extend right mit sate the 1•k•iry se
beeskwstor. Owing to root \ weather she
IM M lladdottil d Omni 50 Mos in. liana
stems barge Till with 41,000 aN
of wheat fres Tort Wbohe
Uli.s for tis Bet
Mill, arrived on Thursday w'th heres.snrt.
Obit T. R. Merritt, carrying 20,000 he.►.le.
Tbe sumer anl..Jd as Friday, but owlet
to the rough state of the weather the
eohnesar en.M sot he a.l..ded until Moo
day The Tilly ►sd en as
mush as alto could .any on the proem(
depth of water at Sailors' F.sean•p.e.t and
the Roo. _ - rimed Ore Ae Teb.tee 553831.1.
le the Divides Court, Ottawa, is Tues
day, an htoressisg judgment was gives
wire& will eery es • eraruisg b Owens w
Show lobsters and eTpeshrObo rbe icor
.reaud preeniammesly be the asury8505 et
other poopla. On Joan 1S, wheat the ' •►'
We red S5asrmoke sea 1s their Arm match
there, (:. D Re.hedar, a railway mail shirk
•1m..dd with lin wit. Whom ton '.f<
the mood Mr. R.ehneur hand that tai,
1r.5 of his .ihe dress wee armed 10%6
Mbenne and rel.od as teras further weer
was eea.rsd. He mod the sm. Mark*
Durkin sad Wit Darns..d1v*4g6M nes
played et (handler.. hr the r-5.very of
daises tor hjmry M No drew. The OOP
sewed dmMd the ebr"s, bee Jdoe 11610 -
grove Maned N proved sad u'Mrsd the
let W IS damson hthe e drone end